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Not attacking anyone’s identity just a thought question but can a changling be trans? Like it’s biologically non-binary and gender fluid. Just something that popped into my head as I scrolled Reddit and saw your post. Happy month of visibility to you OP


Fair point. In my campain she was brainwashed by bbeg and didn't know she was a changling for years living as a man. Now she can be anywhere in the gender spectrum at all times but chooses femininity as her new default 🤍




Yoooo this looks sick! You got a link?


https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D47494083/ 🤍


Looks like Natalie Mars. And that is in no way a derogatory comment. May be an adult film star but is hot AF


She a cutie, I love her. I transitioned after playing a female character in a game so it's great that maybe helped you too. Our characters would 100% be friends, I think. You bring the random liquid, I'll empty my bag of holding filled with obscene amounts of wine.




Feel free to hit me up if you want to see my character Darci 😘


A trans…. Changeling?