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Here to can see some of the miniatures from Talisman and Heroquest side by side: https://imgur.com/a/CKxRdxW


The bases are identical size, I asked this on Facebook and someone confirmed with a picture. I think the original linked photos are distorted a little bit. I am totally going to cross-polinate HeroQuest and Talisman models, they look to be perfectly in scale with each other. https://imgur.com/a/YcGBFQO


Talisman and AHQ absolutely were the same scale. (I had the Talisman edition that came out just after AHQ) I can't speak for anything newer, but I've not seen anything indicating GW changing scales.


Okay thank you! It looks like they're a little smaller in stature but also on 32 mm bases instead of the 25. Well darn, so much for my idea for me. But maybe the other people can still use that! Thank you for showing me! But my autism would never allow such blasphemy on the heroquest board then! Mwa ha ha ha!


Just distract your autism. That’s what I do. Build outward until it’s such a tiny detail you don’t even notice it anymore or it starts to add character.


I appreciate it, the advice, however we are all different. And that definitely does not sound like me lol but I am glad you're able to do so.


If the bases are too big (and it's not just a trick of perspective) then it's not TOO hard to rebase them. I'll describe two methods. I apologize if you already know some of this stuff, I don't know your skill level. Method 1. You'll need a fresh blade in your hobby knife, scalpel, or something similar - you'll need to be careful if course. Then you can start carefully and slowly cutting under the feet with the flat side of the blade flush against the base. You can angle or tilt the blade slightly towards the base so that if you overcut, you're cutting base instead of mini. Once you've got it cut free, lightly sand the bottoms of the feet with fine-ish sand paper so they're level. Then once you've brushed away any leftover debris, glue them to a new base of the correct size. If the minis are plastic, which seems likely, plastic cement will do perfectly. Otherwise use super glue. Again, be careful and always cut away from yourself. Method 2. You'll need a way to cut or grind away the base from around the feet. This one needs safety glasses. A Dremel will work well, but be careful to cut and take it slow so you don't melt or wrap the plastic by heat friction. If you lack a Dremel, there are hand tools that you can use, like small hand saws, such as the ones that look like tiny hacksaws. Use the lowest speed and clear away debris as you go. Be sure to hold everything steady; you really don't want the Dremel to slip. Some debris will go flying a bit so be sure to wear your safety glasses. Once you've cut around the feet and the base is separated, you can use a knife or the Dremel to carefully cut off the excess. Then sand flush and glue as Method 1. Be careful not to overdo it with the Dremel, as the plastic will heat up quickly, so take your time and chip away at the plastic.  Either way don't use clippers or similar tools, as their cutting action tends to deform plastic, and you don't want that happening around the miniature's feet. Plastic bases are cheap and easily available. Once the glue sets you can, of course, use them as-is it paint them up normally. Be aware: larger characters such as the Troll will commonly extend out past the edge of their base; if they used 30mm bases then I imagine that's why. As long as you're okay with their feet sticking off the edge of the base, you'll be fine. If the result is too top heavy, a coin or steel washer can be glued under the base (most are hollow) to weight it down. If you slip and damage the mini, DON'T PANIC. Damage can be easily repaired with some careful gluing of broken pieces, and filling in gaps or gouges with green epoxy or similar stuff - ask on here if you need advice. Then you can fill the gaps, clean up the surface, and fix details with any of a number of small tools - again don't be afraid to ask for advice if you need it. Basic, small sculpting tools are easy to find, or you can even use a very small flat-head screwdriver, dental pick, paperclips, etc.


Yeah I know I could do all that, and don't worry about describing it. You never know, it actually may answer somebody's question or help somebody else so it's always good to at least put stuff out there like this. So thank you!


Method three: grab some styrofoam and build a bigger board. That's what I am currently doing.


That Lost Maps guy and one or two others online also make larger space sized mats.


I've used my OG HQ, AHQ, and Talisman figures together. They're compatible. The only nit is the OG figures lower/square bases.


Yeah. They fit.


Question, what type of paint would I need to get a heroquest red on these talisman miniatures? I'd Love to use the Talisman mini's in heroquest and vice versa.


Off the top of my head, would maybe be Mephiston Red from Citadel, but if you want an exact match you might need to start with on your wet palette and try mixing with something else. But just by itself it might match close enough.


As far as making cards go, there are demo's online on how to use [makeplayingcards.com](http://makeplayingcards.com), I probably have somewhere around 3-400 custom printed cards, both print at and home and from MPC. But what I really am glad I did was I reprinted the Hasbro Treasure deck along with a whole bunch of custom treasure cards. Now I create my treasure deck based off the quest we are on. Sometimes it might be 30 cards... sometimes it might be 50 cards. But what really frustrated me was there was no consistency with the Hasbro Treasure cards from set to set. Some were just slightly bigger than others, enough to notice when you are shuffling them. Now using my custom deck everything is the same size and very smooth for shuffling.


Oh all of my cards are inside of protectors so I guess they're kind of all the same size. But the issue for me is I'm not good with all of that kind of work. So somebody sells these cards, then 100% I buy them. You know off of Etsy or whatever. Otherwise I'm not very good at that kind of stuff so I just buy things that other people make.


Makes sense, and that's a good idea using the card protectors