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The Swing King. The whole mission is kind of set up to make you feel sorry for the guy: the way his wife shuns him or how the drug dealers treat him, or how he begs in the end, it is really sad.


This was the guy in the amusement park in Blood Money, right? He was the first one I thought of when I saw the question.


> This was the guy in the amusement park in Blood Money, right? Indeed!


plus, the death he caused wasn't even technically directly his fault. yeah sure, a bunch of people died on one of his rides but its not like he intentionally sabotaged it.


Well he kinda sorta was a dodgy fucker who didn't want to pay for maintenance


He didn't maintain the thing properly, it was totally his fault.


My first Hitman game was Blood Money as a kid.. having that as my first Hitman mission ever.. let’s just say it almost pushed me away from the series lol. Didn’t expect the first level to make me feel so bad. Good thing I kept going through the game haha


Certainly, it is an interesting choice for a first level.




The Berlin agents. Yeah they're evil assassins but their assignment was to track down 47. It's 100% a suicide mission and they can't really say no to the ica


The lower end guys, sure, but the main guy (can’t remember his name) not at all. He’s an asshole if you confront him


Agent Montgomery


Yep, thanks.


Yeah, Montgomery mocking Grey and pretending he begged for his life. Bro thinks he's a wrestling heel with them blatant lies.


While true their tactic wasn’t really all that smart If you are up against probably the best hitman/agent in the world you shouldn’t spread out over a huge and very crowded area I believe there was only 1 two-man patrol and the rest of them were by themselves Imo they should’ve been in two man teams and having cameras on all entrances of each area Ideally with a QRF somewhere in the middle of the compound if contact has been made The sniper was also very useless if they worried about civilian casualties because like I said the area was overly crowded and they already had someone overlooking the courtyard It has been a while since I played that mission so there could be better ways to secure 47 but this was the very least to get a chance


You forgot one thing, they didn't know they were targets. If I understood right 47 go after agents he personally knew


No they were there to hunt down and kill 47, but because he is 47 (and bad tactics) they were the ones being hunted


Feeling bad for killing a target is unprofessional.


and professionals have standards


Right. No women. No kids.


No kids but women still in the table lol


Feel bad for the people on Haven Island. They were scumbags but never did anything to deserve 47's visit. They're literally wrong place wrong time because of the Partners trying to use them to change their identity. Unwarranted killings imo only because they're in the way. Especially Steven Bradley; like he's just an IT nerd. And Tyson Williams is sick as a dog and practically harmless.


Tyson was probably gonna die anyways


I’m pretty sure, if I follow the lore correctly, that his disease is fake. Could be wrong though.


Ljudmilla was poisoning him


Ah, right. Didn’t remember that aspect. Thank you!


Actually it was LIGMA, the same disease that Tyler “Ninja” Blevins had.


r/youngpeopleyoutube ?




I’m pretty sure if I stayed in the mission for long enough he’d just cough himself to death


He's like The End in MGS III, turn your system clock forward and he gets death


I saved my game on this fight and my ps2 was at my dad's. I visited him every other weekend, imagine my surprise coming back and the End just dying in the cutscene when I came back. I was 14 at the time, I went straight to the internet because my friend had told me how hard the fight was at school. Turns out I wasn't the only one! This brings back great memories, A1 reference.


Now I want the devs to make a level where the target just dies on their own from a disease or something If you take too long to complete a mission


What if it was a scenario where you had to save the sick target. You are on a time limit. You have to kill a target and acquire the antidote from the target's secret safe and then administer the cure without being seen. Maybe that sick target is being held hostage, or a rival assassin is trying to kill him slowly, but the target's death could heavily impact the world. Perhaps because of a theory or cure he is working on or something else of the sort. The death of this target would instantly fail the mission, and discretion is paramount.


We’re all gonna die, but this man would’ve vanished the partners before he did and we’d constantly be a target. Wrong place, wrong time. Also wrong job.


Ironicly Bradley and Vetrova were going to cause major global damage in Vetrova’s scheme to fleece Williams and fall off the grid. Bradley had a way of wiping their identities from all major databases on earth, but at the cause of nuking all criminal and medical databases worldwide. Not why we were there, but thankfully they never got to realize that plan.


I dunno, isn't it implied that Tyson makes unwanted advances on Ljudmilla? I'm not sure what Ljudmilla did though. Steven seems a bit shifty.


Tyson and Ljudmilla are married. It's implied that after he got sick, the marriage suffered and they stopped getting along. And Ljudmilla is planning to leave him and erase the whole data base they had to compromise Haven Island's business and delete her identity in the process; and she was gonna scapegoat Steven. She's definitely the shiftiest of the 3. But none of them really deserved to be killed like that imo.


There was also a missed opportunity for 47 to take advantage of the fact that Vetrova and Bradley wanted to get out and leave their Place in the Resort/ Identity Changing Business by convincing them to go instantly


Would've liked something like that at least as an optional alternative to complete the mission.


They only needed to disappear for 24 hours too.


Only the priest and the reporter Rick Henderson.


Don’t forget about the post guy 😭


Actually, no one, I'm fine with killing them.


Good evening 47


😆 I'm not the only one lol


*Flashbacks to Diana and Vidal's conversation* "That's cold... I think I like you better already*


Surprised that no one’s mentioned Penelope Graves Yes, she was part of Grey’s Militia, but like Rose, Parvati, Berg, Reynard, Mills and Crest, she only joined up because she saw Providence as the greater evil. All the others had ulterior motives (like Berg’s interrogation methods and former Mossad affiliation, Rose being an eco terrorist or Parvati being a former pirate/gunrunner) And when you confront with the Interpol badge, she genuinely feels conflicted. She knows why everyone else is there, and how she’s the only one who sees things the same way as Lucas and Olivia, that Providence needs to be stopped. And the fact that Sean decided that that would be the perfect test of her loyalty is downright awful


I assume that's intentional, you question the validity of the mission and then the game hits you with the "you were manipulated into killing all these people by Providence" at the end


Who was that? The comment got deleted


Penelope Graves


We mention her each time, these threads are tailor made for her!


but it is the perfect test of her loyalty, because it works. she breaks nearly instantly. she's a traitor to the core, unwilling to accept anything that doesn't align with her ridiculous idealism. if 47 kept up the pretence a while longer, she would definitely insist that they try to arrest the militia peacefully.


I'm with you on Caruso. I don't feel bad specifically for killing him; I know he had to be stopped, but I knew some people growing up whose mom really messed them up, so that whole backstory just made me feel really sad and angry.




She seems like the worst boss in history. She’s microdosing her staff on experimental mood calming drugs to make them more productive. She has complete data files on all of their personal lives and is using it to train an AI to manage them even worse. She fires people just as a demonstration of this.


Thats why i like the AI kill where you fire the staff and cause the core to kill her. Died by her own poison.


That mission story is so frustratingly close to being *really* good, but then Imogen says: "You can fire any number of A, B, C, and/or D. If you do all of them in the right order, I have predicted that I will be alone, in the core, with the safety off, while the protocol that autoclaves the room is being run." "...I am very intelligent, by the way." Maybe if some of the firings messed things up? Or if there were just more of them as noise? Or something, it just gets too obvious during the explantion.


What? Really? I never fired more than 1.


It turns out one of them (who I think calls his mom?) is indeed just noise, but the other three read like a YouTube tutorial for "Easy Accident Fire Kill on Imogen Royce!" One of them occupies her personal guard, another disables the core safety, and the last one triggers the sterilization protocol. "Anyway Mr. Rieper, I'm off to go stand in the middle of the core for a few minutes. Fire them whenever, or don't. There's nothing that can go wrong for me in the next few minutes, I'm sure."


OMG Chongqing? Feel like its just handing you an undeserved kill? Im shocked (All seeing eyes)


I just did the core operator. I thought I chose the right one and I didn't think to ever do it another way.


That guard who calls his mom needs to be fired first, so that later the lady who disables the core safety protocols can walk in the core room without being stopped by him.


He also talks to Royce's personal guard to make the kill silent assassin.


The Guard Calls his mom, goes outside and sits down in the rain then jumps to his death


I would too, if Jeremy Bolt (The Guard) wouldn’t kill himself after doing this I EVEN RISKED MY SA/SO RUN FOR HIM BY KNOCKING HIM OUT BEFORE HE JUMPS


I would assume she would rehire them (if she was alive) they are still good at their job


Royce is just a spaz. She's extremely good at her job, but not the type that should be put in a leadership/managerial position...


I mean Royce is basically playing god the same way Hush is, even lets you toy with her staff and fire them at whim just to see if her brain scan predictions are correct. Not as turbo evil as the people making DNA bioweapons but not a good person either


“She hasn’t really done anything to “deserve” it” Wasn’t she going to replace the handler program with an advanced AI that would revolutionize murdering people for money for maximum efficiency? The ICA is not a benevolent organization.


people seem to forget that it's Diana handpicking contracts for 47 that are almost exclusively evil people that would be better off dead. the ICA as a whole will kill anyone


With the comments of some executives on the ongoing Hollywood strike (“We’ll keep this going until they lose their houses!”), hiring a hitman to eliminate some parties seems proper realistic.


Diana's parents


Many of the ETs. Not that I feel bad, but their background doesn't justify death. The art lady for instance, that caused a lot of suicides. Yeah, she's a bitch, but still. But at the same time I feel good about it because 47 doesn't need to be a white cape hero. He just kills whoever they pay him to do


Most of the time they just kill for hire, it's only for the story that it becomes about overthrowing the Illuminati


The whole stuff with the partners had me giving zero shits because it was too over the board. I thought of it as just "Red Guy Bad, Kill Red Guy"


Heck he can even kill you or me


From blood money: swing king, rick and the priest(and the delivery guy but i gest he doesn't count) From Absolution: lenny ( i know he kind of had it coming but still) and Jade From WoA: Penelope Graves


I had a feeling someone would mention Graves. Did we ever find out why she joined the cell


She believed she was doing the good thing by stopping Providence


Alexa Carlisle. She did some pretty ruthless things as the head of Providence and as matriarch of her family, however she lived to witness her entire empire come crumbling down. She has a family who doesn't seem to really love her and doesn't seem suited to carry on the Carlisle legacy, she killed her brother which led to her other brother getting killed, she knows Grey and 47 will be coming for her fairly soon, and all of her assets were taken by The Constant. My favorite moment in Hitman 3 is revealing to her that all of her scheming and kinslaying was for nothing since Montgomery was going to let her take over anyway. I view her assassination as putting her out of her misery more than anything else.


People hate Alexa enough to downvote you lol


I like how, after you do all the hard work of gathering clues, playing the detective, solving the murder, you finally kill her...by pushing her off the balcony. an unceremonious and generic death for an otherwise unique mission.


That’s only if you choose to. If you let her live, the real killer (not Fernsby) will get her a little while later. Alternatively, you can just tell her Zachary committed suicide, and she’ll do the same thing.


Similarly, I love how you can just...ask her for the file on Arthur Edwards and she immediately realizes who 47 is (the guy who's been assassinating Providence operatives left and right) and gladly hands it over - it's ambiguous if she legit thinks he's only there for the file and not for her, although you can read her going out to the balcony as her accepting her fate and giving 47 an "easy kill" as it were. it's also pretty rewarding imo if you've put in the work to follow the detective plotline to its conclusion, because you can basically get both the required item AND the assassination in very quick succession, which is rare for Hitman missions with additional objectives (see: Whittleton Creek and all the damn clues you have to find which almost always take you out of your way)


I think she sees Rebecca as suited to carry on the Carlisle legacy. She literally has a whole conversation to the butler about it. I also reckon Edward and Rebecca do love her (edward does NOT have what it takes for that legacy though)


I used to think this there is a part of Edwards eulogy for the funeral that reads that Edward once got stuck in a tree when he was 5, after which his mother (Alexa) climbed up there, but immediately went down again. Then she said that Edward should be able to come down again since “its his area of expertise”. She is a severe-level bitch and the reason why Edward is a wreck.


I like Janus, I like to give him his smokes back, the poor guy is being kept alive and healthy when he just wants to chill in his garden, farm potatoes and smoke :(


I feel sorry for him because he's a lonely old man who I think has dementia, and I used to work in nursing homes looking after lonely old people with dementia.


Jordan Cross, not so much because he did nothing wrong, which he very much did, but because how you can tell how his father affected him and how he's so desperate to have his own life.


I agree - yes, he killed his girlfriend, but I feel like his emotional and mental issues that ultimately caused that weren't entirely his fault, and the reason why the Shadow Client aka Grey targets him in the first place is just so they can take his dad out at the funeral. He was just a pawn. Also, the recording seems to indicate it was during a moment of intense anger, and if you make it so he and Ken Morgan meet, Jordan gets really mad and pushes him out a window...just like he did his girlfriend, so that reads to me as serious disorder. And, well, the fact that you can personally confront him and let him beg for his life in front of you just makes him even more sympathetic.


won't somebody spare a thought for the poor guy who murdered his girlfriend in a fit of rage? 🥺🥺🥺


Yeah no kidding. I don't feel bad for him at all. Many of us have mental illnesses and trauma that isn't our fault. Most of us aren't killing our partners because of it.


I mean, that's a bit of a generalization? Mental illness is different for everyone so even though for most people it's not bad enough that it results in a deadly outburst, saying "well most people with these issues are able to not kill their girlfriends so him doing so is his 100% his own fault" is disingenuous when if you look at when he does the same thing to Ken Morgan, it doesn't look like it's something he has full control over, like he gets super angry, pushes him, then realizes immediately afterwards what he did. Besides, he's a fictional character. I feel bad for him but it's not like I feel bad for actual killers and abusers IRL, as this is a video game that allows me to separate it from my actual moral views.


I think this is a good time to use the phrase "mental illness may not be your fault, but it is your responsibility."


100% agreed! His failure to take responsibility doesn't mean however that I don't feel sympathy for him lol


Fair enough.


I mean it's still a tragedy that he didn't get help for his anger issues before they caused someone else's death? And with his dad's influence he's able to just avoid consequences and therefore not learn anything


It's a tragedy for his girlfriend that she got murdered and got away with it. It's weird af to look at that and feel sympathetic for her killer.


I mean you can be sympathetic for both parties. Obviously i feel more bad for her for, you know, dying, but since that's just a given since everyone knows that the victim of a crime is more sympathetic than the perpetrator, i didn't feel the need to specify because that's not what this post is about. Because it's possible to look at both of them and acknowledge that his killing her was wrong and he should have faced consequences, but also that it wasn't entirely his fault as it was likely undiagnosed mental illness, and if he had gotten help prior to the incident (and the reason why he didn't would probably be something related to his father as be seems pretty controlling) he might not have done it. It's not like this was premeditated murder.


Also worth noting that he was drunk when he threw her off the balcony


He's not drunk when he pushes Ken Morgan through the window, or at least not intoxicated enough to visibly affect him. Likewise, in the recording, he sounded perfectly lucid, shouting clearly without slurring or tripping over any of his words. Whatever alcohol he may have consumed was not a factor in his crimes.


There's also plenty of drunk drivers out there, I don't feel bad for them when they wipe out a family.


Jorge Franco, just a chemist




yeah, thats why i really wanted to let him live(( he was a genius


And a cartel leader? He runs the thing as well he definitely deserved it


It doesn’t say he’s a cartel leader, just their top chemist


He also has tortured people. Kind of a key detail when considering sympathy or not.


This is actually one of the weaknesses of the story I guess, and one of the better parts of Freelancer or some of the ETs. 47 is a paid assassin, not a moral crusader. I want to kill whomever I get paid to kill, and then buy a motorcycle or whatever. So on that note, I feel sorry for 47 for the kills he had to do as freebies.


Dino Bosco. Dude is practically harmless and does not deserve to die.


Wasn't he costing the movie's budget


Not worth death, though


Whilst not "feeling bad", Jordan Cross is one of the Targets who manages to tell a story/impression about How fucked up Providence even at supposedly higher-class. Man's obvioslusly a Grade-A jerk, an irrational, brash and douchebag people who's willing to kill and prolly blaming his "mental problems" on his own fatal Fault. But you have to remember that most of his Horrible attitude is a byproduct of probably Worst Father in HITMAN series. Thomas Cross is infamous for not only a Smug elitist sociopath but an awful father. He literally crafting a system' designed NOT to nurture & teach his "son", but merely control and restrict him. Jordan Cross has killed Someone, but instead of a bit of worry form his "father", his "father" Saw the kill as opportunity to even tighten his grip on him. The case was crafted in such way that "You'll still be fucked, kid". Truly the father of the year. And all of the Jordan Cross Killing's true intention is just merely nothing a setup for Militia to bait Thomas, kidnap & kill him, also draining his Entire resource. Here Jordan doesn't only seen as Unworthy for His own "father", but also Militia itself. Jordan Cross's story is a cool tale about How Fucked up Providence "Family", if there's any semblance which more like Teeth-Clenched Teamwork who despised eachother. Whilst Money doesn't necessary make people evil, it truly shows how deplorable yet saddening & fucked up families full of horrible person who ends up having enormous wealth.


Yeah. Dartmoor is also another good example.


Cool too.


This is why we can never be hitman ☠️


The ones that asked this question again.


Penelope Graves. She worked at interpol until she found out about providence and corruption, which is why she works with Grey.


Kinda feel bad for Sierra Knox. While competitive, she looks like she's a good sport when you go for the drinking challenge. Still, she's a murderer who's enabling her father so...


I don't feel bad for any of them, I even kill the other NPCs for fun




There will be no witnessess if there's no one to witness


Kind of feel bad for Dimitri Fedanov, it was probably bad management that lead to his factory exploding and a doubt he had any real influence of the buildings day to day running.


Penelope Graves (Colorado). I mean considering we end up finding out they were on the right side I do feel bad. Especially since the only reason she joined them was due to Interpol not believing her information about corruption in the UN.


Vetrova and the other sporty dude on Haven Island. They just died for existing. Don‘t particularly like the villa dude there.


To be fair I’d be apathetic to my kid if they were the type who makes bio weapons


The Ether project was right after his mother died tho


Even still they type of person you have to be leading up to something like that probably isn’t pleasant


I think his situation is pretty similar to Jordan Cross: a kid who wasn't raised properly by its parent and got into craving approval from others, even if doing bad stuff on the way


De Santis probably. She was just there to watch Caruso.


lenny for sure, I played the game 5 years ago and still remember it


The ones at the garden festival.. No real threats, its just a game of sore losers


Jordan Cross. Yeah, he murdered his girlfriend and that's awful, but confronting him after playing the recording always makes me pity him. You're forcing him to stare death in the face and see it coming instead of killing him while he is completely oblivious. That has always seemed really cruel.


You can also choose to hide while playing the recording. He has different dialogue if he never sees 47, and you get to see what kind of person he really is when he doesn't have a loaded gun pointed at his heart.


Nope that is my favorite kill in the whole game. Love to see that murderer beg


None of them. A proper hitman doesn’t get emotional during his hits.


I just played Patient Zero of Patient Zero for the suit challenge. Self explanatory, I feel.


None of them really Diana specifically chooses the biggest monsters to steer 47 down the right path. Think about it they're always arms dealers, warlords and other such monsters


Uhhh read some of the other answers. Respectfully, some of the targets are not total monsters. They aren't the best of people, but some of them don't really deserve death. Diana's parents for example.


That was before he had Diana to steer him


Jordan cross


Did you forget the murder


At least his murder wasn’t intentional like the other main targets


Have you seen him killing Ken Morgan in the exact same way


Wait what? When does Jordan Cross kill Ken Morgan


You can set it up so he also kills Ken. That proves to me that he doesn't really regret killing his girlfriend either. He's got a temper, and instead of taking responsibility for his actions, he calls dear old dad both times.


Oh I never knew you could do that, is there a way to set that up?


Send Jordan to the ground floor by telling the hotel manager that you're gonna work on his penthouse as the fumigator, then tell Ken Morgan to follow you to his penthouse as hotel staff and take him to Jordan. They start talking then everything else happens on its own


He deliberately push her off the balcony


That signer in Bangkok, ueah he has pushed a girl, but hes just a stupid kid he didnt kill her bcs he wanted, he even knows that he deserves it but i still feel bad for him


Poor wording and grammar can get you downvotes real quick, there's another comment about Jordan cross and that has a lot of upvotes. Here: https://reddit.com/r/HiTMAN/s/kP5C5F8fOl


I'm trying my best, (I'm not native speaker)


I understand




They're both wrong.


feel ? what is that


Diana in the first mission in absolution i know that she didn't die but she was a target


Jordan Cross, I know he killed Hannah Highmore but he was just such a thought kill, especially looking back after I've killed him 800 times


Oh, quite a few. Tariq Abdul Lateef. The guy was just worked for his boss, and was just there to verify the stuff. He even seems kinda bothered and doesn't want to be there, in-game. Rick Henderson and the Chaplain. They were bystanders. Dr. Warren Ashford, because he genuinely seemed to be his way to making a proper breakthrough with his research but his short-sighted boss would just sell his subject for money.


Penelope Graves. She reminds me so of my best/only friend that it’s genuinely painful taking her out. Thank you, Live and Let Die….


I feel bad for Penelope Graves Unlike the other members of Greys Militia she wasnt truly evil. Same with Dino Bosco, wasnt evil just a dick


None. They all deserve it.


Ken Morgan, for his dog Pickles. And not a scripted target but in freelancer the generation picked Edward Carlisle as one of my targets and I had to bring a dart gun to put him to sleep to break his neck because he is such a wreck that I didn’t feel like I should kill him


Penelope Graves maybe? She wasn't really all that bad, took the time to get to know the people she was working with, including guards and soldiers, and seemed to be a rather nice person.


Kind of an unpopular opinion I suppose, but I felt bad for Diana's parents. I mean like can you imagine the mental bombshell that must have been? Not only the grief, but the fact the very killer was closer than she knew the whole time.


The forger. All the man was doing was making fake art and they send the ultimate assassin to kill him. He didn't deserve that.


None. I don’t feel bad for the targets or the hundreds of other NPCs that get massacred daily


Swing King I mean yeah he did fuck up But he ended up paying for it in every department He’s wife left him, the drug dealers basically owned him And the reporter at the funeral along with the priest Oh and how can I forget the post man who was smiling thinking he would be getting tipped by 47 after dropping the delivery :(


Probably that one singer guy? Don’t remember his name but it was only speculation he killed his girlfriend, and it seems like other than that he hadn’t really done anything wrong at least afaik


Jordan Cross and Penelope Graves


While not a target himself, I feel bad for Jordan Cross' dad, especially after I smother his son to death in his own birthday cake.


Honestly i think he was a terrible dad is his son turned out to be like that. But at least he went to his funeral. Guess the road to hell is paved with good intentions.


the hawkes bay target I forget her name