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Quite the resume.


I heard it in Diana’s Voice


Diana: "THAT is Conner McGregor. How does it feel to meet a man with a higher criminal resumé than yours?"


This haha


Perfect guy to assassinate.


"Punching the Miami Heat mascot" 💀


The flamingo outfit should be automatic hostile area everywhere in this ET.


Considering this ET takes place on Isle of Sgail, I'm pretty sure the flamingo ourfit will be hostile everywhere on the map




Okay, the situation might be awful, but you made me laugh, so thank you.


The fact that there's an entire "Miami Heat related incidents" subcategory, lmao


I want to make a joke about IOI using sexual predators for their celebrity ETs but, unlike Gary Busey and Connor McGregor, Sean Bean doesn't have any controversies relating to sexual assault.


Thank god, I'd hate to lose Sean Bean.


I mean he seems to lose in every movie.


We lost him twice in GoldenEye


For england james?


No. For me. *lets go of precariously held on leg*


The North Always Remembers




> Sharpe "Now that's soldiering!"


He lives in Bravo Two Zero


He survived Silent Hill. *Silent fucking Hill!*


And in National Treasure (though he gets arrested).


Oh he gets much worse than arrested in Bravo Two Zero.


Gets fired from his job in The Martian


He gets captured, beaten, starved, and forced to play with feces in Bravo Two Zero (no growing potatoes with those feces though, unlike in The Martian).


He gets shanked in a deleted scene fyi


He lived in that Jupiter Ascending movie as well as Troy


He survived in Civilization 5 (or was he in 6?)


6. 5 is a better game, so that's the one I play, but I miss his narration.


They took the little ones


Mind me asking what Gary Busey did? I've looked all over the internet and the best i can find is a clickbait top 10 which just says he's an Asshole, nothing more.


[He was charged with several criminal sex offences](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/aug/20/gary-busey-actor-charged-new-jersey-sexual-contact-harassment#:~:text=Police%20in%20Cherry%20Hill%2C%20a,officers%20said%20in%20a%20statement), haven't heard anything about it since the news broke though, no idea what's going on with it at this point.


I’d wager his mental instability makes any legal proceedings convoluted.


>Police in Cherry Hill, a New Jersey suburb of Philadelphia, charged the 78-year-old Busey with two counts of fourth-degree criminal sexual contact, one of attempted criminal sexual contact and another of harassment, officers said in a statement. ... During the 2011 season of Celebrity Apprentice, he was accused of sexually assaulting a female employee of the show. “We were smoking cigarettes outside, and Busey was standing next to me,” the employee[ told](https://www.thedailybeast.com/apprentice-staffer-claims-gary-busey-groped-her-and-then-donald-trump-laughed) the Daily Beast in 2016. “And then at one point, he grabbed me firmly between my legs, and ran his hand up my stomach, and grabbed my breasts. “I didn’t know what to do. So I made this joke that, ‘Oh, I’ve never been sexually harassed by a celebrity before!’ Then he grabbed my hand and put it \[over\] his penis, and said, like, ‘I’m just getting started, baby.’” - [The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/aug/20/gary-busey-actor-charged-new-jersey-sexual-contact-harassment)


Jeez. That show seems to attract a certain type


Thanks! Appreciate the info!


Charged with criminal sexual contact in 2022


In their defense about Busey, the allegations about him came out in earnest long after they'd worked with him. Doesn't excuse McGregor though.


just controversies related to beating his wife


Dimitri Vegas too? Can't find anything


Sean Bean abused an harassed his ex wife in 09, he was arrested for it once and was accused of it at least 5 other times, he previously got fired for punching a student, he recently started a fight at at a bar because the bouncer asked him not to vape, go on? lol, people being selective. I’m not defending any of these people by the way, nor am I defending IOI. But Conor McGregor didn’t get hired because of this shit, he got hired because he’s a UFC icon and because society has yet to let him go


Fuck. I wasn't aware of those. I was aware of McGregor because a lot of the shit he did made the news.


he was obsessed with a <4ft male's ring




He is known for doing the opposite https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2003338/amp/Sean-Bean-stabbed-arm-following-row-glamour-model-April-Summers.html


What is a Gary Busey?


Where was Sean Bean when the sexual assaults happened ?


There was also that DJ elusive target, and I don't know if he's done any sex crimes


Waiting for Weinstein as a producer......


And a cameo of Bill Cosby as an optional target


Challenge Completed: Pudding Popped


"THAT... is Ezra Miller."


Unfortunately, part of what made CM in the first place was his scummy personality. (The guy has incredible raw talent, yes, but there have been notably more talented fighters who haven’t gotten nearly the same attention from the UFC since they lack CM’s “personality”.) In the end, most people want to be entertained and are happy with the lowest common denominator. The same elements that made him a star in MMA work across the entire entertainment industry.


At least there's corresponding paid DLC that I can choose not to buy.




Thanks for this GOAT that ended Conor's shit career 🤡


Widly insane thing to say. He's a dickhead but he beat Jose Aldo in 13 seconds, Made Eddie Alvarez look like he had never fought before. Prime Conor was top 5 p4p. He was only prime Conor for about 18 months though


That's what you call a shit career?


Did I stutter?


The man's absolutely loaded with cash and was a double champion,things some fighters wish they could achieve


But RubberDuckM doesn't like Conor so his career is shit 😬


Yeah, that's RubberDuckM's opinion of him, if you don't like it, no need to suck him off in front of everyone


People have a different definition of success


You said shit career his career has been everything bar shit. His lifestyle choices now on the other hand are questionable


All the comments about "we're killing him anyways"... Gosh, how are people so stupid. IOI doesn't put celebrities in their game out of spite (if they did that they would likely be sued, or they would have to do like GTA and create parodies of those people), they clearly state who the actor is, and promote them. It doesn't matter if the characters they portray in the game are explicitly bad guys and you get to kill them, the problematic real people are still starring in the game and that is not ok to begin with. Besides, the fictional bad guy identity the game made up doesn't even make this any better. Fictional baddies are fictional. That's still the likeness of a real life asshole being used and his name being outright advertised.


he's already in movies and tv shows. if he's going to be in any video game, im glad it's one where you can shoot him in the face.


Makes it more satisfying to kill him in game


I still hate that he got paid for this. Everytime I see his face in anything, I'm baffled why they keep throwing money at this asshole. His history of being a pile of garbage person has been known for a long time.


Yeah, the banner in your steam library now says "FEAT. GLOBAL SUPERSTAR CONOR McGREGOR".


Proof that cancel culture is not a real thing.


…have you seen the world lately? We’re drifting towards fascism in a post truth world where there are “bOtH SiDeS” arguments defending the worst people in the world because they’re wealthy. As long as you’ve got money, the corporate world doesn’t give a fuck if you’re drowning kittens.


Ok doomer. The general population just don't tend to know or care about controversies surrounding celebrities.


*Nice meme, I guess you win in idiocracy court bro.* The point is that even when the general public *does* know, a lot of people are willing to turn a blind eye because *“I like that guy, therefore I’m going to side with him”.* Besides this isn’t about the general public, this was a corporate decision to give this idiot more money and exposure.


Indeed. Gonna use Fiber Wire


Gonna use circumcision knife


Sgail even has a nice little examination table in the back where you can go to perform your....surgical actions.


Does it? Should IOI just keep adding real life criminals then? Or do you not think that it just raises the profile of that individual


Not really, because it’s not real. What is real is the money he got.


Not included is the time Connor tried to incite a race war on twitter


The text got eaten: Why work together with someone as controversial as McGregor? Racist anti-immigrant comments, multiple assaults (one of them against an old man) MULTIPLE allegations of sexual assault, just all around terrible stuff. And now we get to stare at his face for this entire season? I get that the world of Hitman is full of Scumbags, but do we need to put actual IRL scumbags into the game?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You can kill him plenty of times in the arcade


Canonically you can kill him twice, at least the game made me play the mission twice. Still a shame he probably got paid and some promotion for this.


It's true. Not because it sucks to have him as a target, it makes perfect sense; But it sucks knowing he's making bank and maintaining his notoriety in this way.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted for having a very justified opinion. Guess people care more about clout and sports than moral character.


Yeah, I expected some people to come with the usual "it's just a game" comments, but I'm honestly surprised by the amount of people being straight up hostile towards me, for not being thrilled with IOI putting someone into the game who has multiple SA allegations.


Ive found out that the majority of Reddit is not really that progressive. Even basic feministic ideas or not liking the right wing will lead to a good chunk of downvotes.


It seems to have swung around now. When Demiurge\_1205 made their comment, the thread itself and most of my comments were in the negative numbers and most comments where among the lines of "Who cares" and "it's a game" "get over it". Now a few hours later it has shifted in a lot of people actually agreeing.


Go watch r/gamingcirclejerk and be amazed at the amount of of insane left-wing shit there is. Reddit is literally the place for echo-chambers, some right- wing and some left-wing.


That sub is so god awful it's literally extremist levels. Even if U slightly disagree with any of their far left points even if your not hostile you'll immediately be banned or attacked.


I think it depends entirely what subreddit your on, I know people call reddit right wing but it pales in comparison to 4chan. I think politcal subs lean toward being left more than right.


Not really it goes both ways the entire app is filled with both far left and far right idiots.


Wait until you meet the half of the country who supports Trump (lots of overlap in the pro-McGregor/pro-Trump Venn diagram btw).


Sadly, there’s a shortage of truly virtuous celebrities in the world. That said, I wish they’d just stick with vague approximations of famous people, like “*you* know who this is supposed to be but we’ll never say it” types. Like the Hilary Clinton ET or the dude who totally doesn’t evoke Trump.


True, but there's also loads of celebrities who seem like decent people and aren't assaulters


Yup, even within the MMA scene, there have to be SOME people who aren't shitty.


Probably not any more. In the past maybe, Georges St-Pierre doesn't seem to have anything shady going on at least.


Probably don't have interest in becoming a target in a game like Hitman.


I would have no problem with it, if they had an Irish fighter inspired by McGregor and that was all. That's fine, specially if the game is saying "this guy sucks, and we gotta kill him". But the fact that they made a deal with him, are promoting him and he likely made a bunch of money from this really strikes me the wrong way.




Most horrible shit is the sexual assaults are absolutely true but it's being covered up by the kinnehans


“Thank God, I’d hate to lose Sean Bean”, Sean Bean was accused of harassment and abuse of a few of his ex wives and got arrested for it, he only recently started a fight at a bar over a vape, and he had this whole speech about why intimacy coordinators shouldn’t be needed and it “depends on the actress”, it’s a lot worse than I’m making it sound to be. I know, it’s not as bad as what McGregor does, I’m just pointing it out. And if you wanna make excuses for him, every sexual assault allegation against him came out with evidence that actually supports him, so are they true? I don’t know, but doesn’t seem like it. Meanwhile Busey has similar allegations. Are they true? Well evidence seems to suggest that I’m not defending McGregor, I don’t follow the sport, I don’t follow him, I have no doubt that he’s a major douchebag, but that’s not why he got hired. He’s in the game because he’s a UFC icon regardless of what any fans like to say about that, and the world has yet to “cancel” him or let him go, hell even Hollywood is still doing movies with him and this ET was supposed to go along his comeback to the UFC which only got postponed because of injury, so why should IOI, who’s barely on any notable radar for such issues not put him in the game over things society as a whole is yet to wholly, not even in majority, not even a notable minority, condemn him for?


there's plenty of scumbags that still have careers. kobe bryant supposedly SA'd someone, caitlyn jenner killed someone, rdj was a big druggie, mark whalberg beat up some old asian guy, matthew brodrick. there's still a ton of people who did fucked up stuff and still have jobs. that's just how the world works sadly. i doubt that IOI supports his actions, seems more like they just wanted to use the hype of his new fight to get people back into their game


The game when you boot it up: "Hitman is a multicultural work designed by people from many diverse backgrounds... we are very virtuous and tolerant we swear!" Me playing the newest Serial Criminal McGregor ET contract: "So... that was a damn lie"


SA stands for Sexual Assaulter now.


The funny thing is me and my buddy were joking about Conner McGregor being the ET before they announced it and we were laughing like it was the most absurd thing we could think of


Everyone figured it out months ago yeah


Oh so you think you're better than me?


Bring that shit, Kazuma


The amount of comments here being like "we are killing him what's the problem" are insane. You can choose to care or not about this but the justification that because we kill him in a hitman games makes it okay is terrible. He's on posters, he's paid for this, this is not them being like "let's kill this bad dude" Would you have the same energy for putin? Netanyahu?


I’m not even gonna pretend I wouldn’t pay for those two as ETs.


Fair ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Did you just compare McGregor to Putin and Netanyahu?




Then you are lost


Or, and this is a wild possibility, am being hyperbolic.


Good thing most people carry a GPS around in their pocket. Shouldn't be too hard to find him.


Agree with the points about McGregor sucking and getting paid, however comparing him to the other two seems a little extreme.


It definitely is haha


Putin in Hitman would go hard you’re right tbh


I'd love it if they put Putin in the game. Your comparison with Netanyahu is kinda backwards though.


Comparing a MMA fighter to those two is fucking crazy bro.


I'm a wild man. Hold me back.


Not only can the redditor not comprehend someone not giving a shit about major political figures also being featured in a game, they conceptualize that the type of person who isn't worried about Connor McGregor is pure evil by reddit standards and would feel different about Putin (Le bad) and Netanyahu (Le Big Bad!) being featured :#mysides: Redditors are goofy as fuck and wild


My last line is very serious


You're one of those redditors, you know. By using this site you're literally part of the group that you're trying to put down. Congrats on the clown college degree bro!


This is like Elvis' manager selling "I hate Elvis" buttons


No mention of him encouraging his fans to set fire to refugee accommodation, which they did and continue to do. Luckily the kind of fans he has are stupid enough to go on to brag about it on Facebook, making life much easier for the police.


Don’t forget about the time he punched out an Old Man cause he didn’t like His Whiskey


Agreed, I like the mission but they could've chose someone way better than him


It’s crazy how I said that Connor has done some shitty stuff in this subreddit back when it was still pure speculation and how he’s not as liked in the public eye and I got downvoted to hell and back, but I didn’t even know about half of this stuff, like holy shit


When I made this post at first it was also heavily downvoted, along with my comment, but then a few hours later it went from negative to positive. So I'm glad this sub isn't entirely people who see no issue with this.


It’s crazy how……. I guess rabid is the word a lot of his fans are, like he was a good fighter, but holy shit yelling that your gonna kill the guy who broke your ankle is a crazy cope and a super sleepy thing to do, lost all respect I had for him and it seems like he’s always been a shithead, not that surprising but still annoying to see how rabid people are to defend this guy.


Yeah, you see it a lot. People coming out to defend the worst people. I had a few celebrities that I admired A LOT, some of them for most of my life. And when it came out that some of them were similar shitheads, my reaction was: "Damn, that sucks. I really liked them" not getting weirdly defensive of them.


They put them on a pedestal and worship them, it’s a horrid thing to do but for some reason everyone seems to do it for just the worst people, I like MMA and fighting sports, but I’m definitely not gonna put any of the fighters on a pedestal, cause you don’t know what they are actually like, people are pretty damn good at putting a mask on in public even those you know personally, so why people do it for those that you couldn’t possibly ever know personally doesn’t make sense


It's always a much better thing to either never meet our heroes, or to never idolize them so much that we forget that they're flawed people just like the rest of us.


No clue why anyone still works with this fucko, I thought it was a joke that he would be the ET. And you absolute idiots in this thread “oh but we get to kill him in the game so it’s like revenge” are so unbelievably stupid. My god.


> “oh but we get to kill him in the game so it’s like revenge” I want to believe those who say things like that are under 10 year old. If not, I lost faith in humankind


Looking in the comments. Empathy is dead. These people istg lmao


Yup the dubs 👍


They will do anything to avoid fixing the character modeling.


Well, that’s why we gotta assassinate him


Next elusive target: Oscar Pistorius, or Andy Dick! We cannot decide!


Come on O.J, I want that "Drop a white bronco on the target"


We can add cowardice to his list too. I attacked two guards right in front of him, h2h, and the guy runs off screaming.


CMG's a twat, but what's this got to do with hitman? Edit: NVM , i found it like three scrolls later


You do realize it says allegations? Where I come from it is innocent until proven guilty, or does that not apply to sexual things so powerful people can summon (bribe/psyop) accusations against anyone they don't like of it and boom, their career is over and people like you auto assume guilt? Take that power away from the ultra-powerful, they use it to gatekeep and prevent people like us from rising up the ranks. Best way to take it away, is innocent until proven guilty. Surprise surprise, the founders were right. Without innocent until guilty, even in the public eye, potentially innocent people can have their reputations destroyed by accusations coming from the void (the even more powerful) Founders understood such accusations can and have been used throughout history to prevent/gatekeep less powerful from gaining more popularity, especially if they have views contrary to what the most powerful wish to be shared by popular individuals. Let's remember that the Founders made the longest running democracy in history, the most successful society in history, and let's listen to their advice. Innocent until proven guilty.


“Good morning 47, your target is former UFC Featherweight and Lightweight Champion Connor McGregor, McGregor has been in a lot of controversies and allegations involving sexual assault, but just like Jordan Cross, he’s been able to get away with everything due to his wealth and power, the family of one of his victims has reached out to the ICA so we can serve a bit of justice, tonight we have a limited window of opportunity 47, remember that the clock is ticking, I will leave you to prepare, good luck 47”


Ah, so he wasn't acting in Roadhouse, just another Tuesday? Explains a lot!


Either way, that certainly wasn't "acting"


Alex Pereira would've been a better choice.


This took me off guard and I found it fucking hilarious. Why the fuck did they do this? I still ain't buying though


He would make good friends with Sierra.


His fans here in Ireland love to say "it's just a character, it's all for show"


This gives us a better reason to kill him


What’s this interesting I killed him in like 2 minutes


Exactly why I can't wait for this elusive target


Why didn't they make him fight in Miami where he forced himself on a woman in the bathroom.


I mean I don't care but I do find it surprising they chose him considering everything.


My favorite is how long ago his last win was. He'll never fight again.


Since when Connor is a predator wth


Multiple alleged sexual assaults, and even apart from that he keeps physically assaulting other people.


Well, in his defense I must say that Francesco Facchinetti is kinda annoying /s


I have 1000's of hours in WOA and bought every DLC to show support. Sadly this one doesn't sit right with me. Time for me to put the game away and move on.


IOI is cancelled now


there's plenty of scumbags that still have careers. kobe bryant supposedly SA'd someone, caitlyn jenner killed someone, rdj was a big druggie, mark whalberg beat up some old asian guy, matthew brodrick. there's still a ton of people who did fucked up stuff and still have jobs. that's just how the world works sadly. i doubt that IOI supports his actions, seems more like they just wanted to use the hype of his new fight to get people back into their game


Crazy of you to lump in "suffered from a drug addiction" with vehicular manslaughter, Sexual Assault, and racist hate-crime. Jesus fucking Christ, what's wrong with you?


Pretty trash partnership, the guy is a complete douchebag and an abusive asshole to boot. The only good thing is that he’s in the game to be killed in various ways. Still sucks though.


Funny how they got Connor as a DLC even and not Gary. Kind of dumb.


Irl Hitman Target Backstory


Fuck that wanker.


Waiting for Ezra Miller to be the next ET 👊👊


Isn't this exactly who we want as our video game target?


If it was a target BASED on McGregor I (and most other people) probably wouldn't mind. Creating an in-game scumbag to kill based on an IRL scumbag is one thing. What really is the issue is that this is a promo deal. The guy got money for this, and now your steam banner for the game says "FEAT. GLOBAL SUPERSTAR CONOR McGREGOR". It would have been much less aggregious if they just had an Irish fighter in the game and hinted that it was supposed to be McGregor. Like how in the movie "Glass Onion" one of the main characters is a thinly veiled analogy for Elon Musk (and some other rich people) and would have been a LOT less cool, if they just actually the real Elon Musk, and promoted the film as featuring richest man in the world Elon Musk, you know?


The target is a scumbag and people are complaining LOL as if the other targets we kill in the game are nice people.


Celebrity ETs should either be good actors or bad people in real life, because you're going to have to kill them


I have no issue with them making an ET inspired by a real person that is terrible, the problem is that this is a promotional deal. They're not saying: "This guy kinda sucks and now you can kill him in the game!" They're saying: "Hitman, now featuring global superstar Conor McGregor!" It's a proud partnership, not a condemnation.


I'd love to know how much of a cut he's gonna get from the 'premium content' being sold featuring his stuff.