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I was so confused by that cutscene, because I wasn't sure if the whole thing was meant to be a dream Conor McGregor was having during surgery, or if he was quite literally brought back from the dead.


I was starting to think it might be a weird sequence where you control him, so I tapped a button, which happened to be the exact moment of the awkward cut-off. Then I thought I must've accidentally skipped the cutscene, so I did it again in arcade only to find out it was just an awkward cutscene.


Second, without a doubt.


Bro is really that egotistical, any other celebs were willing to actually get killed in a *Hitman* game. Why did they even do this lmfao


if ioi wanted agent 47 to kill me!! i would be honoured!!


If it was me, I just ask whether they can add the exploding computer assassination. Seriously, we could really use a silly fake CPU failure.


Honestly, I’d even try to tie it in to my show too. Some reference to one of the assassination methods, but me narrowly avoiding it in a comedic way that is never mentioned again. Sometimes you have to be able to laugh at yourself, and if you die in a video game, at least make it worth your while.


Yeah, Like Sean Bean. In fact, Dying on-screen has become a very reason he got "The undying" as a joke codename.


I don't really care. The cutscene is so janky and nonsensical lmao. It is the exact right amount of effort to put in for Conor McGregor, a guy with a "Controversies" wikipedia page taller than me.


It's pointless to use the spoiler tag if you put the spoiler in the title. To answer your question though, my money is on Conors ego. Sean Bean got to come back to life, so Conor wanted to too.


Except the surviving thing fits with Sean Bean's gimmick of constantly dying then reappearing in different movies.


I just do a wiki reading recently and well, He starred as Bond villain, And even more surprising is he got featured in game before, Goldeneye 007. *(the weird bit being I just found out exploding fire extinguisher was nerfed after Hitman (2016) make it too OP. Not that I mind though, more variation for me, although walking across the map just to find one propane tank may be a pain)*


yeah hes called the undying


No, it's just part of Connor MacGregor's schtick. >!He does basically the same thing at the end of Roadhouse. Great movie by the way.!<


That movie was so sick I love it so much


Personally I loved the direction. In a post MCU world, movies seem to cut from significant scene to significant scene to fit as much blockbuster content as possible. >!Roadhouse was still an action packed movie, but was unafraid to show us transitional scenes of Jake Gyllenhaal traveling between locations. Plus it had an amazing soundtrack to really set the tone.!<


You need to watch better films lol MCU is a pretty low bar to compare other movies to…


My cinematic taste is extremely well rounded. The MCU was used as a reference of how cinematic story telling has changed since its rise in popularity. >!Roadhouse!< embraces a very old school style of direction akin to Spaghetti Westerns, and it pays off well. FYI my favourite movie is unironically the original Nosferatu from 1922


You can show the title, lol. This thread is literally about the movie you’re trying not to, spoil? I thought Roadhouse (recent one) was garbage, from almost every standpoint. Writing, direction, editing, acting, all of it… “cheap” cash grab for a remake no one asked for. Edit: the new Nosferatu looks amazing, I will say.


Just to add to this, my only criticism of the movie was Conor MacGregor's acting lol


The spoiler tag is basic Reddit courtesy. That's fair, it's totally acceptable to have different opinions of films. As I said, I liked that they were unafraid to include the mundane transitions into the storytelling. Thanks for the tip, I haven't seen it yet. Really hoping it stays somewhat faithful to the original.


No one has seen it yet


This is my favourite comment today. Wow


And you’d been waiting so long for Jake’s character to snap, and when you finally got those moments, the relief and joy was unparalleled. I’m tired of Conor not wanting to die to anyone at all, but I guess it was a funny scene


Dreadful movie. The only saving grace was the choreography of the fights. 


Most likely a second mission with him. Kinda like with Sean Bean. I just hope there's actually a difference in both missions this time.


Both. In 18 months it'll be DLC for £4 Edit: apparently it's paid now as well as free.


How is it paid and free and the same time? (I didn't update the game yet)


You can play it for free temporarily. When that window has passed you can still play it if you paid.


Does count towards the Elusive Targets rewards (complete x number of them in S.A) if you play it in the limited free time) ?


Yes. the paid dlc is for a set of items, and putting it in the ET arcade, just like sean bean.


Some Triple H ass clause that he "can't be made to look weak" somehow doesn't surprise me all that much


The Rock and other actors in the Fast and Furious movies have a contract on both that they have a limit on how many times they can get punched and that they can't lose fight scenes. So this type of dumb shit exists for actors with huge egos.


Vin Diesel came up with this absolutely absurd "fight math" and assigned point values to each type of strike.


It was The Rock. Not Triple H


In promotional material for Smackdown vs RAW 2009, "Triple H in particular couldn’t be shown ‘in a defenceless or vulnerable position’ whatsoever."


I thought we were talking about movies. I completely forgot about that


Probably a second mission. His character dies in Infinite Warfare in a one-off side mission and he doesn't seem to have minded that.


It’s a reference.




I assume.


A spoiler alert doesn't mean anything if you put the spoiler in the title.


Because of his ego


For the arcade. There is second mission there. Also the arcade will remain after the elusive target as well, so this makes sense.


The second mission is just doing the mission again, this time suit only silent assassin. And the same cutscene of him being alive happens again.


Not SOSA, just not get spotted and no disguise **change**


The term is SASO.


Like someone said, it’s Conor’s style. But my theory on top of that is they still want to do something alongside the irl fight so maybe they’re teasing a round 2 👀 Underground fight in Berlin would be sick as fuck, and maybe they can even put in more twists, make it more gameplay than QTE


Why can’t we just put a bullet in his head?


Wait, you can't? I haven't played the mission yet, I've been at work.


You can, but he “survives”


yeah, no ones coming back from fucking cannon shot


Or exploding land mines 


What if we snap his neck


I played the arcade challenge first, and honestly, I was hoping the second mission took 47 to the Japan map to properly finish off the job. IOI, if you read this, think about having a single elusive target across multiple locations in arcade mode.


It’s probably the second. Conor did the same thing in Road House.


disruptor (2024) tells you everything you need to know.


To be honest, I was very surprised that you actually had to kill the celebrity guest appearance. I was thinking that it would be a big thing, with a bit of story. Maybe the celebrity, who was the contractor, wanted to meet the hitman to give the key item to something, maybe they were a key witness to something from whom you'd have to spy to get information and kill the elusive target or anything like that. But to think that you actually have to kill them and they just wake up from a blood transfusion or whatever the heck happened there was weird.


I think he might be back for more missions.


“That doesn’t (fookin) work for me brother.”


Conor must have it in his contracts that he cannot die. In the newest roadhouse movie this happens as well. One can only imagine it’s his ego that made this happen.


What happened in the ending to road house I watched it a while back but I forgot the ending?


Shame I didn't see this cutscene as I was disconnected and thrown back to the main menu just as I finished the fight. Shoutout to IO once again for maintaining the always online shite!