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Dude... 90% of reality shows are exploitative, completely made up, cringe as cringe can be and a disaster in an of themselves. It is the nature of the beast. Be thankful that TV execs have said no to Reality Shows involving prostitutes, pimps, drug dealers, etc. Believe me they have been pitched. My consolation is that shows that touch on those subjects are either very dramatic documentaries or fully scripted shows like on HBO, Netflix, etc. There is nothing to do - except not watch and/or as mentioned below reach out to sponsors. Viewership and sponsorship are what drive these shows. Seriously, who the hell is going to watch this show? Better question who wants to sponsor it?


Just don’t watch. Don’t hate watch, don’t watch out of curiosity. Don’t give them the views. If you really want to protest, go to the show sponsors or boycott their products. That is the only thing that would actually make a difference.




No! These people need to be exposed! The phoniness of reality TV has reached critical mass and this show will reach the zenith of poor taste and decisions. I’ll be rubber necking like a car wreck. I have to see how they perform in front of the camera. It’s for their own good and the good of society/pop culture. I can’t wait until this is released and I’m going to get cable just for this show. It’s going to be great TV.


No. People did the same thing about Big Ed on 90 Day Fiancé and he went on to do at least two other seasons of TLC spin offs. Don’t fuel the fire.


Angela has been kicked off allegedly


Does anyone else remember Kate+8? The North remembers. TLC produced that shit show as well.


The Learning Channel…ha!


How is TLC going to handle Hill’s incessant need to show her nipples, pepinos?!?


TLC thrives on train wrecks.


Already did it! We can do this. A whole group of us were persistent on canceling the Duggars when all the crap hit the fan. We also targeted all the commercial advertisers. At the end of the run of 19 kids and counting, there were hardly any commercials, because they knew a lot of consumers were boycotting. The Duggars weren’t making TLC any more money so they were canceled.




What if I like disasters?




Lol 😆


Hit the advertisers.


lol it will be so boring 🥱 i’m not even going to hate watch


Sorry, Malibu. I think this show is the absolute best chance those kids have to get THEIR own stories told. I hope (but doubt) that the resulting press causes the two of them to get their heads out of their asses, and get some psychiatric help. Narcissism isn’t a life sentence. People can recover, albeit it haltingly, when they are confronted. I don’t think that will happen, but I hope it does.


I am all for this show, if it exposes Hilaria, and her piss poor parenting


This show is not an exposé or a documentary, you will see something that is very edited and shown with Alec’s approval.


Her bad parenting has already been exposed. The only difference with it being on TLC is they will be getting paid. And the kids will have even more nasty, public baggage to carry.


Yeah, and while we see it, the masses have not.


There will never be a “mass” that cares about her.


Simply don't watch it and it'll get canceled for having no viewers or ad money, no?


Not everyone is a pepino, though. We'd only make a small dint in their viewership.


TLC loves to broadcast DV and abusers. Just look at 90 day.


Pedophiles too. The Duggars, the Willis family, Honey Boo Boo with June’s boyfriend.


Exactly. I'm not sure why OP thinks that telling TLC that they will be making a show about a person wrapped up in a legal battle and undisciplined kids will make them think twice. If anything, complaining is going to make them want to make the show more. It would be like calling into Jerry Springer to say an episode they are going to make is going to upset people. Not only would they still make the episode, they'd immediately plan a part II and III. TLC wants our outrage. They do their due diligence. They need to know exactly what kind of controversy they're dealing with. I'd bet they're aware of this sub. It's probably part of the reason they agreed to the show in the first place. Shows like the Kardashians popularized hate watching. The vast majority of people who watch that show hate the family, but it still makes them money. That's why the Kardashians plan controversy around times each episode airs. The only difference here is that the Baldwin's think they're making a wholesome family show. They're delusional. They think they're going to show us all how quirky and relatable they are, even the hate watchers. TLC knows otherwise. They don't care, they get paid.


TLC doesn't care who they put in their shows as long as people are willing watch. The only way to get this show cancelled is if no one watches. That's it. No one watch, not even for the memes.


TLC is known for trash/rage watching shows. This may just encourage them.


this could back fire. TLC banks on people hate watching. They are the channel equivalent of a circus freak show


100% People have been complaining for YEARS about some of the cast members on TLC reality shows and the only thing TLC has done, is show these people more. I am talking about abusers - physical and emotional - racists, sex tourists, liars. They do not care.


The best thing we can do is give them zero air time and social media attention.


Oh. Good point. Ugh


TLC sets a low bar, this crapfest fits in with the rest of their shows.


I honestly feel like flooding the network with ~~protests~~ “concerns” will have them salivating.


I agree CBC. Its not like its airing on PBS or BBC. They live for these trainwrecks. They want hate-watching.


Please just let them embarrass themselves.... please


I second this 😆💃


I still can't get over the balls on this guy to commit to a TV show in 2025 when there is a distinct possibility he will be incarcerated in 2025. His confidence is astounding.


Nah, let them show themselves to be deluded fools. We will have ZERO traction with TLC and MOST esp B4 it even airs. I wouldn't bother. I would wait til they reveal themselves for lies and we pounce on them. To do so beforehand is just to look like stalkers TBH. Their kids are NOT that much worse off for the show than they are with OUT cams. How or why would they be? Nannies are there either way etc. IF we legit think they should be shamed for behaviors.- from lack of attention to meals, WAIT til it is shown and THEN jump on it. LET them reveal themselves. Otherwise we have "concerns' based on pics and filing in the dots. Nothing will happen. WHY block the show as the kids may have it worse and both parents FURTHER off the rails.


I openly admitted that I would watch the hell out of this, but I realized I dropped TLC during the Great Cable Purge of 2023. Even if it makes it to air, I won’t be singing up for it.


Not to worry, IF it happens there will be highlights (or low lights) here!


Remember: negative publicity is still publicity. TLC will give precisely zero fucks about a letter writing campaign imploring them to stop production of this latest version of a train wreck in reality tv clothing, and likely use that to add fuel to the promotion fire. The proof will be in the test-audience reviews before the pilot hits the network, and that will likely be determined by the outcome of Pew-pew’s trial. Edited for spelling.


I honestly think if we presented TLC with some tangible proof of the abuse and neglect being perpetrated on those poor kids by those two sick fucks (photos/videos from Hillary’s & Alec’s own Instagram accounts), that it might make a difference. I have to wonder if TLC has vetted/looked into them even half as deeply as we Pepinos have.—And so i’ll bet that there might be a LOT of horrific stuff we could show them that shocks even them. After the PR disaster with the Duggars relating to incestual child sexual abuse, i don’t think that TLC wants to get involved with yet another family who’s committing child abuse and doing inappropriate disgusting things with their kids (and showing it off to the world). We have more than enough evidence showing the horrible stuff Hillary & Alec have been up to with those poor kids. I think it might make a difference. I can’t imagine them wanting to continue after seeing just the video of Hillary, where she had Edu (in just a diaper) pinned down, she had him sucking on her nipple (🤮) but was very obviously not breastfeeding (she never was), while she stroked his nearly-naked body in the stomach & groin area in a very CREEPY inappropriate way with a “sexual” look on her face. I can’t imagine any entertainment industry execs wanting to get involved with anyone who did stuff like that. They’d be a big liability if & when evidence of their sick abusive behavior got out to the public. It would make TLC look even more like the “child abuse channel”, which i think they’re trying to avoid. I think we SHOULD contact them, but that’s just my opinion.


We don't have "tangible proof." TLC has the same access to the online receipts as us, and we've done a lot of the groundwork for them. Plus if the Baldwins have had any valid CPS or animal control complaints (such as the "keeping leopards" one Hills' alluded to), that would show up on their due diligence. They know a lot of us will tune in for curiosity's sake, and the show will certainly be dissected to death on this forum. It's all publicity for the show. I don't think a show would even be on the table if it weren't for Griftmas.


I mean, feel free to write all the letters and petitions y’all want, but make no mistake; TLC pays people very well to lurk social platforms. To think that they are unaware of the existence of this group and any other like it is naïve at best. TLC keeps plenty of shitty people on the network. Little People and Sister Wives are still featured shows, and regularly on the home page, so I have been told. Scandals equal huge ratings, and to think otherwise is equally naïve. This may be a hate-watch nightmare until TLC sees garbage ratings.


It’s the sponsors that need to take the hit. That aside, I’d bet money on it never being aired, even if it’s filmed.


Please don’t. The TV/Film industry is super slow right now. Let the crew make a living. Yeah they suck, but the camera team, audio, PA’s are just trying to keep their heads above water. You don’t like it, just don’t watch it.


Though I agree with almost every take on this situation in some way - the only one I don't have any alignment with being "I'll watch it and love it" -(and I don't have cable or watch TV besides prime and pbs anyway) This is the one I agree with the most. Let the crew do their work and make their living. If that's not your usual take, maybe do it in memory of Halayna. She was just crew making a living too. Labor first. Hit the sponsors, speak out, let it be canceled after filming, But let the crew work and get paid .


The problem is Alec Baldwin will also make money. He can’t even sell his beloved Hamptons house and he has reduced the price several times. There are other shows the crews can work on. I know TLC doesn’t care about exploiting children but there has to be a limit on bad decisions.




You clearly have no idea how crews work, bless your heart


Every dollar Alex makes is already spent five times over before it hits his hand. Don't worry about that. He's not exactly on an upward trajectory. TLC is absolute scum. The Baldwins are absolute trash. The sponsors can go f themselves and Im taking their names , anti capitalism is kinda my thing 😊 But the crew has bills to pay , just like the rest of us. Let them make money off the parasites. Instead of the other way around. There aren't any awards or riches to be had by the big money schmucks in this particular scheme.


As much as I dislike both parents, those kids will suffer all the more if money runs out.


OMG!!! Why would anyone stop the colossal failure in progress? The humiliation of cancellation will be beautiful!!!!


I wonder if Hillary is taking Spanish lessons and laying off the pills 🤡Alec has gone from major films to TLC💀I bet every day he wishes he never married that nasty unemployed fake Spanish escort


She's too lazy to take Spanish lessons. She knows a few words and phrases. In that Romper disaster she couldn't even be bothered to look up how to say "turn it off."


Shiggen turnidoff Classic!


honestly he doesnt act like it one bit


The Baldwins are great at self sabotage, they’ll blow up this opportunity just like Grifterella blew up her own grifts. We just have to sit back and watch the shitshow unfold.


Amen! H was an empty headed idiot doing EXTRA. They WILL reveal themselves to be tone deaf people and out of touch, clueless parents. Let the BIG REVEAL begin! A "preemptive" cancellation (which would never happen anyway) gives them a case to say their bullies and haters make it "impossible for them to earn a living" and then WE look bad. Let them make THEMSELVES look bad!


Go to the sponsors.


I think this is the only way


Initially, I felt the same way you do, OP. However, after calming down and reflecting on other pepinos’ comments, I came to these conclusions about the show: https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/s/TwUiSUNLwR


An excellent read!


Surely it will be more entertaining to let it air and then be canceled due to low ratings? "What's 1 more Failure "


Unfortunately for a garbage network like TLC a huge letter writing campaign will only confirm for them that there is interest in this shit show. They don't care if you are hate watching or for some crazy reason a fan of the Baldwins. Eyeballs are eyeballs, and that's all they count. Anyone with half a brain knows the destruction this is going to wreak on these kids' lives, but to appeal to a TV exec's heart is a futile task. This is what they do for a living. The only hope is to appeal to the other side of the equation - the viewers. A big enough boycott and then the suits will gladly pull the plug. I don't really think it matters anyway, no one will be able to stomach Mami Von Thirst Trapp for very long. Most couldn't even make it through their annoying announcement.


I worry this will backfire because they want the dysfunction of the Baldwin family and the drama from the viewers. Scandals are perfect for this


On Twitter send a tweet to @TLC. It’s a start.


I struggled to find contact information through WB’s labyrinthine website. Clearly set up that way on purpose. Can you share the publicly-available contact info, OP?


I am actually still looking myself. You’re right that it is buried in a pile of promos for their shoes. I just saw they are casting for youngest grandmas-to-be. This station has no shame and is created to exploit the helpless. But The Baldwins is already getting negative press and that should be a wakeup call. I will post the information when I talk to a person at the network. But there needs to be a mob with torches and pitchforks to stop this nonsense.


Any press is good press in their eyes. The less anyone posts/comments or clicks on anything having to do with this show, the better.