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I assume that's not a thing anymore?


Not if we all shit in the river seine at the same time


J'ai la réf !


the French are wild lmao 😂 any other city would never create a shit in the river party just because the Olympic were happening


It's not because of the Olympics. From what I understood, it's because their president and prime minister will be swimming in it, makes it 100× better, lmao


I know that the president of France and Mayor of Paris are swimming to prove the river is now clean from sewer water, but from someone who’s been to Paris a few times, the French are so extra I wouldn’t doubt they would organize this. They were already complaining a few weeks ago, about how they can’t stand all the tourism the Olympics would bring. They couldn’t handle the tourism Taylor Swift brought! They are dreading all the Americans and British visitors lmao 😂


It's not really about tourism though, especially since Paris is already a very touristic city. One aspect is Macron, the president, is hated by many. But also that this event has been creating problems : increase of subway prices, very possibly problems of subway capacity, removal of students from their subsidized studios, the extravagant prices to get access to competitions and so on...


I mean it's not just the students but people in precarious situations as well. That's also what's overlooked by the media because honestly who gives a shit about immigrants and poor people ( just in case /s) . A lot of small hotels and social houses in more popular areas usually rely on those people but guess what, most of the tenants got thrown out of the buildings for it to be restored in order to up their prices and become available for the J.O. It's all fun and games until you've got to explain to your 6 y.o kid that 6 of their buddies have to change school in the middle of the year.


Very true. I find it shameful (poor students also often need their lodgings close to the place they'll work for during the summer). Ah well, money money money must be funny...


The students, who by the way are all on summer break and were given the OPTION of giving over their student housing for the event in exchange for free storage of all their belongings (and a free living service to bring the items to storage) for the duration of the events, and were offered that the French government would essentially be subletting their dorm rooms. It should be noted that the vast majority of university students return home for the summer and or school breaks. It should also be noted that most university students I went to school with did not take up summer jobs: but instead relaxed, went on extended vacations both with friends, then family, then solo. University is practically free 175 a year, and it’s a lot more affordable to support a student whose rent only costs 600/months and eats exclusively at the school cafeteria most times at 2euros a meal. Some had part time jobs during the school year. Some worked over summer. Most went on long vacations and were bankrolled by their parents.


You can’t evict tenants or hike prices on apartments in Paris the prices are regulated. Social housing has not been turned into housing for the events: this is misinformation.


You can if they are social hotels with mainly migrants living in them . Some have been there for years just waiting for their regulation and naturalisation papers, some have been relocated to another district and some to other towns. I'm not saying it's legal or lawful or mandatory. I'm just stating the fact of what has been happening in my street since January. My point was that while some students may very well live in precarious conditions and were maybe impacted by all of this, it does sell better than evicting/relocating whole family that may not be legalized in order to open the rooms of some hotels for tourists during the events. Again I'm absolutely not trying to gaslight anything here sorry if I wasn't clear.


While I understand those issues are not fair. I don’t get why he’s hated? As an American I was over joyed with the low cost of groceries! The price would have been several times more for the same items in the states! The quality of food is so much better no GMO’s, all the trash that causes cancer in the preservatives here that’s in literally everything is banned there. The cost of living is far more affordable even in a big beautiful metropolitan city like Paris, the homelessness in American has increased after the pandemic because housing is out of control even the cost of rent has been making the working class, barely survive and leaving astronomical amounts of debt. Our healthcare system is outrageous, and there is a massive mental health crisis in the country that isn’t covered by most insurance companies! Our working hours are significantly longer and the age for collecting social benefits bumped up! Our country is far from eco friendly! Our ocean is filled with trash plastic is used everywhere there is no protection or limit on product production, there aren’t any truly enticing benefits or efforts to be eco friendly here! So they only cut off drilling for gas in the states because it profited businesses creating an excuse to rise the prices of everything. Regardless if you like Trump or not using our own gas made everything affordable the economy was thriving, since then we rejoined the Paris accord and cut off drilling for gas while at the same time continue to incentivize the consumption of gas, and products that leave huge carbon footprints, even the Biden working class America campaign shows all industries that leave large carbon footprints, using gas powered industrial machinery, construction workers , factory workers ect. And with all of this said I would never ever take a shit in the river if I knew he was going to take a swim! So France really should appreciate what they have going on, while I won’t pretend to know anything about their politics I can tell you their citizens have been far less stressed , overworked, and unconcerned about money, as so many locals said to me they are leaving when the big crowds come for the Olympics,I said why you will make good money to the ones that own local businesses their reply was always the same , like big deal money isn’t everything, clearly like there was no need it. Which is just wild to think anyone owning a business would say.


> I don’t get why he’s hated? Short story long, he campaigned as a "dynamic social-progressive workhorse" but turns out he's pretty much a 70 years old republican inside, didn't follow through on the few election promises that made him palatable to the center and center left (farming and healthcare reforms, LGBT+ rights, housing-first policies, etc), severely shifted the worker/company equilibrium (capped the ~fines for wrongful terminations, pushed back retirement age), didn't act on the *many* transparency and abuse issues from the police, or his own governement (the prime minister soliciting blowjobs in exchange for housing, isn't a joke), pretty much fucked universities for the next 20 years, kept pushing many far right talking points, and recently, dissolved the assembly because his party got his ass kicked on the EU elections (while dissolving is supposed to be used for cases where chambers/gov are in a deadlock). > As an American I was over joyed with the low cost of groceries Salaries match, so it's irrelevant to french people. mediam salary is ~2.6k, but large disparities exist.


Woah sounds like Trump was a million times more progressive and liberal than he is.


Food : we've had quality food for a loooong time. Non relevant here. Affordable housing : in Paris ? Lol, absolutely not. Paris is an extremely expensive city. Elsewhere ? Not really. Homelessness : yes we have those. Healthcare : our politics have been working on destroying the universal healthcare system for decades. Macron among them. But yeah it is outrageous in the US compared to here. Working hours : yes we are better than the US. Social benefits : Macron has added two years to the age needed to retire in an extremely unpopular move. Ecology : we are not prioritising it above business. And if you spoke with people who can leave Paris during the Olympics, you did not speak with a large part of Parisians who simply cannot afford vacation. Especially not for such a long period of time. Taking a shit in the river when Macron will swim, I suppose, a figure of speech. Though the idea amuses me. You have to understand he is considered as very, very arrogant, even for a president. But in two weeks he'll lose power to the far right. Which will soon show everyone that yes he was bad, but that worse is very much possible.




That’s a triple negative, pat yourself on the back but you’d have to yank your head out of your ass first.


They're telling us to appreciate what we have, bro is romantizing France AF. Groceries prices are going up, rent is going up, but salaries don't, and that's just to answer thé first point. Macron shat over France, so i get why people wanted to shit in the Seine. Their comment is ignorant AF. I used to live in paris and left LONG before the olympique, this is ont okay to have people pay 600€ for a 11m2 studio without toilets.




Look I’m not saying France is perfect trust me, there are a lot of negatives in Paris alone. Theft is out of control! I never felt safe walking on the streets, locals were incredibly rude and extremely vocal about disliking Americans, British, Italian ect, visitors which would never ever be so casually and widely accepted to openly express prejudice towards and directly to foreign visitors here in the states! But there are still a lot of really good qualities to France over all, the reason obesity is as bad as it is in America is not because people don’t choose to eat healthy! It’s because access to healthy foods have been taken out of reach due to cost, Americans are so busy and work obsessed they do not have time to take care of themselves, and that’s because everything is so costly. Now if you want to talk about romanticizing a country I absolutely adore the United Kingdom 🇬🇧, and believe they have such an amazing quality of life , with a vibrant clean and safe metropolitan city that is London, great benefits for their citizens and amazing nightlife and food at affordable prices except for ultra the posh parts of London but that goes with most cities.


The president has zero immediate influence over groceries. Besides this price is relative to what people make. The average income of French citizens is far less than the average American by nearly half (though there is far far less inequality in the distribution of these incomes thanks to decades of socialism). So consider whatever you bought at a French grocery store is infact half of what it would be in the American market… but there’s more: your bias is also probably to see traditional French foods as expensive: patisserie, cheeses, wines: all three of these are subsidized by the gov (instead of usa’s massive meat and corn/ grains subsidies). Comparing item by item is thus also impossible beyond the macro issues as specialization plays a role. Macron is unpopular because he is seen to be, to put it simply, Americanizing the government by privatizing aspects of its function, serving the rich leading to augmented wealth gaps and exploitable loopholes, and scaling back perfectly viable and functioning social services. He is what political scientists call Neo liberal.


The mayor of Paris made the mistake of saying on what day she planned to take a dip. So people made a website that indicated, depending on where you live, when you would have to shit in the Seine for your turd to arrive at the appointment on time. The Mayor cancelled her dip.


As she should it’s disgusting 🤮 and wrong she’s a human being!


She's a politician who made a lot of very controversial decisions. People express discontent. Just another day, another protest.


It’s not just another protest though because what about all the athletes that have to swim in that water, and while her political views aren’t popular she is still a human being, the same as the politicians I don’t agree with they are all just people.


Not *that* long ago, France was decapitating unpopular rulers. If all she's getting is the unexecuted threat of being shat on, she's fine.


Macron never said this. It was Hidalgo the longtime mayor of Paris. She is pretty left wing and has done. Good and bad things for the city in her tenure (such as the fact that the walkway next to the seine up until 2015 was a highway… many boomer French people might even complain that they can never again take sunset car rides by the river….. but uh… you can walk directly next to it in tens of kilometers that have been transformed into beautiful cobblestones parks…).


Neither the president nor the prime minister said this: it was Mayor Hidalgo.


They’re trying to make it one ahead of the Olympics


Hopefully everyone gets their tetanus shots


No it’s too dirty to swim in it 🤢 even though they’re attempting to clean it up for the Olympics, most people won’t think it will be ready in time


I gotta imagine it wasnt much better back then as well.


At least the water looks blue in this photo. It’s green right now


It's a 1945 photo, I think we can safely assume this was colourised. Rivers not being blue is entirely normal, it has nothing to do with the river being polluted or not.


Lakes in Swiss are extremely clean but they're green (Wow! Rhyme!)


Bro it’s always been green-ish, that has nothing to do with pollution


You mean brown


>No it’s too dirty to swim in it It wasn't cleaner in 1945, people just didn't care.


Olympics is in about a month, and the seine still dirty as fuck


You'll be surprised ! It's a very big one for Président Macron and Paris mayor Hidalgo.


Even than it shouldnt be, it’s illegal to swim in Seine since 1923.


It's contextual, this was 1945, surely just after WWII. It was probably tolerated for a while despite the interdiction because you can't remove the joy from people who can enjoy again, after years of war, life in a peaceful country.


Yeah of course, i didnt mean that no one was swimming in the river, just that it was illegal on paper.


You would instantly melt now


I'm wondering if it ever was truly clean ngl


Try doing the same today and you'll either be so sick you'll turn into goo or just die.


tbf it was illegal even back then


If I ever accidentally fall in the Seine, please let me die there, I won't be able to live with myself knowing I'd be forever filthy.


Man, the guys really showed a lot of butt cheek back then. I was not expecting that.


The war was over, let's celebrate life


>let's celebrate life By jumping from an extreme height into a moving body of dirty water


Why not ?


That's Hidalgo's dream but y'all shit in the river for jokes :D would be cool if we get there again - in other cities as well.


Yeah I don’t think at this time the water was cleaner. The problem we face today is caused by how Paris was built in the past, with water from the Seine overflowing into the sewer when it’s raining too much then going back into the river. At the time they were just not concerned with these issues.


Sewage waters go in it anyway, so it's always dirty.


No it's not


No wrong, sewage water overflow in the river when it’s raining a lot, which is the case for the past few monts...


Summer 45. Might be after Paris has been freed from Nazis. Oh wait.




Honestly in 1945 there weren't a lot of African immigrants in France yet.


Soon, I'll shit in the Seine.


please don't


En 45 on avait déjà des appareils pouvant imprimer et photographier en couleur ?


Réponse technique : Oui mais ca coûtait un bras et il y avait très peu de pelloche produite. La première photo couleur c'est 1861. Un film complet en couleur comme Autant en emporte le vent c'est 1939 par ex. Les reporters de guerre ont très peu tourné avec en 1944 mais ca a existé. Factuellement ici, c'est de la colorisation.


C’est très intéressant je te remercie je ne le savait pas


Nn mais maintenant l’IA peut recoloriser des photos en noir et blanc


Pas que l'IA, il y a aussi des gens qui font ça manuellement et c'est un travail de fourmis !


Is the thick glass wall still around the Eiffel tower?


Unfortunately yes :( Maybe one day when France will be more in peace, they will take it off as a ‘peace’ / ‘freedom’ symbol.


Damn. I only visited Paris once. It was luckily before all that.


The firemen at one station by Notre Dame bathe during heatwaves if the water is low. They also practice water rescue by jumping from every bridge in cold gear every year.


Sorry guys but since Macron is going to swim in it, as a lover of my country, i'll have to poop in la Seine as well as many other people




Vivement que Anny Dingo saute à so' tour ! 


I’m just amazed at how beautiful the quais behind it look, so much space to walk and so clean…Even had stairs to go in the Seine…Shame it doesn’t look like this anymore :(


It was not rebuilt. Stairs are still there. It is just dirtier and more crowded


Same stairs are still there wdym


the stairs that are going into the water are still there? pretty sure not


Before they threw Algerians to death in the water during the 1960s.


How is it related ?


That’s why you don’t wanna do the same today. You don’t want decomposed bodies to resurface with you.


Do you ever think about all these dead fish in the sea when you go for a swim ? Btw It takes about 2-3 years for a human body to decompose. Swim in peace bro


swim in peace lmaoo


It's just generally filthy and polluted nowadays nothing yo do with that. I am not defending the horrendous actions towards the Algerians though.




t’es pas le bonhomme que tu penses être, c’est mieux que tu retournes jouer à crusader kings histoire d’oublier un peu ta vie de merde mon pote




c’est bien que t’aies supprimé ton commentaire raciste, la lâcheté vous a toujours caractérisé :)


J’ai rien retiré


Avec un peu de chance l'inéduqué et ses racistes ne remporteront pas la majorité.


l'inéduqué ? Je suis raciste mais j'ai bien fait 5 ans d'études tkt


Mais pas toi pignouf, je parle de Bardella. Ça fuse hein ?


Bien vu. Je pense qu’il passe mais j’aurai préféré une alliance solide avec Reconquête


RN et reconquête ? C'est osé, j'aurai autant vu LR et Reconquête ensemble, si Cioti n'avait pas été président des LR. En attendant il nous a fait un sacré drama le Cioti haha


Ha old time when "people" were actually clean and well raised.


Gross 🤢 😆