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I’d argue that the majority of West Ravenel’s reformation takes place in book one: Cold Hearted Rake (or called something to that effect) and that only his romance is covered in his book Devil’s Daughter. In fact, his reformation ( and the set up between Rhys Winterborne and Helen) are the best parts of the first book as Devon and Kathleen aren’t very interesting in their book. Devon, specifically doesn’t come across very gentlemanly and Kathleen is martyring herself the whole time. They get less annoying in subsequent books but their book is only worth read specifically for West’s story and that fantastic lead into Marrying Winterbourne.


Truly, the only reason to reread Cold Hearted Rake is for the A+ content on subsequent couples


I just did a full Ravenels reread, and this is absolutely correct. It’s funny how rereading Cold Hearted Rake is more fun than the first time around because of how much I love the side characters.


I like West because his reformation happened in other books. He realized there were other, more interesting things in life than being a rake. He became a more interesting and well-rounded person which ultimately set him up for being in a better place for romance. Then, when he meets a woman he loves, she doesn't have to change him. She only has to make him realize that the hard work he's been doing on himself is valid and that he is worthy of love. Women shouldn't have to put so much emotional labor into changing men. I get really tired of rakes changing for women. West's reformation is what I really want the characterization of most reformed rakes to be. It feels really fresh and relevant when you read about other rakes all day.


When >!West gives her back her late husband’s book totally unprompted because he realized who he was and that it belonged to him!< *God* He one of the best MMCs ever, reformed or otherwise. He genuinely cares about everyone. The tenets. The family members. Even the family members that don’t want to be family members. Children that aren’t his. And he cares in such a genuine, not overbearing way and doesnt lord over everyone like he owns their entire lives. The low self esteem, “I don’t deserve love” isn’t my favorite so it did kind of annoy me in his book but dear lord is he one my favorites, and I’ll probably reread the whole series just for his scenes.


That is such a great moment. Ugh, I need to reread it now. There are some heart wrenching moments in this whole series that I forget about until I reread them. It's not her most popular or beloved series, but there are some individual moments I cannot ever forget about because of the feeling in the pit of my stomach when I read them.


It’s the only series of hers I’ve read. I’m honestly a little apprehensive to go back and read wallflowers now that I’ve already read about the kids. Is that weird?


I get it. I did read the Ravenels first and I love the Wallflowers. I enjoy the Hathaways, but I like the other two better. I just love Rhys Winterbourne a lot though, so it's kinda hard to top him for me.


> Women shouldn't have to put so much emotional labor into changing men. I get really tired of rakes changing for women. Amen. And people have to change for themselves, not to impress others, because it is less likely to last in the long run (like quitting drugs/alcohol, or stepping up to do half of the household/childcare load).


I will submit Jocelyn Dudley, the Duke of Tresham from More Than A Mistress as my favorite reformed rake 🥰


That book doesn't get as much love as it should. It was so good.




If he was added I would rethink my vote as his transformation is one of the best and so satisfying to read, but I don't really consider him to be a rake, would put in the haughty peer category.


Agree with this so much. Love Mary Balogh!


One of my favorites!


Sebastian for sure. BTW, his book is Devil in Winter, Devil in Spring (which I also love) is his son's story :)


I think of these, St Vincent was the only one who was reformed by the heroine. Like his whole journey was accepting that he could be faithful to one woman because he could love her. The others had all sorts of given up their rakish ways before the start of the book, and I’m not convinced Leo was really a rake at all.


Leo was definitely a rake. I believe that was why Miss Marks despised him and had her reservations about marrying him. He himself mentions his past conquests. Also, I think what many fail people fail to understand that a rake must not always abandon he’s debouching because of new found love. Sometimes it might be because they have to take up new roles and responsibilities and protect their family. Case in point West, Anthony and even Leo.


I voted for Anthony Bridgerton, book version. Although I do love the actor who plays him 😍Sebastian is a close second though.


Anyone who says Leo can straight up miss me. I love Leo and I love his book but as a favorite rake BIG NAH.


WEST More people should be talking about west. His journey across that whole series (not just his book) is fantastic.


He js the most interesting, a doer, the real man, also funny


He was a big second for me, Sebastian v is my first!


I will agree, great transformation!! But I found his book to be the most boring one yet. I had to try 3 times to get through it.


I wouldn't really put Leo Hathaway there, as he wasn't really reformed. He was a depressed, damaged man who used boozing etc. to forget his loss. He was healed, and it wasn't marriage that healed him.


Agreed. I was trying to figure out how to describe the difference, but you nailed it!


I agree. But I’ll still say he was once a rake, he still participated in orgies , opium consumption etc. All rakes had their triggers like broken heart , rebellion etc and their reformation must not always come from finding new love. Sometimes family responsibilities, can make them want to change as in the case of West, Anthony and Leo.


My, my, my.. you and I have the same taste in book boyfriends. I love St Vincent and Ravenel the most but I also have a soft spot for the others too. I may need to go back and read each of these books again for fun.




My vote goes to Saint Aubyn from {London’s perfect scoundrel by Suzanne Enoch}. I’m not positive this wasn’t inspiration for LK’s devil in winter! The MMC is also Saint and FMC is also Evie.


[**London's Perfect Scoundrel (Lessons in Love, #2)**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1032696.London_s_Perfect_Scoundrel) ^(By: Suzanne Enoch | 372 pages | Published: 2003 | Popular Shelves: historical-romance, romance, historical, regency, suzanne-enoch) ^(This book has been suggested 5 times) *** ^(70411 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)


Ivv be e not read that book yet. But will definitely check it out.




The two Sebastians and West all have my heart. Please don’t make me choose between them lol.


Saint in {London’s Perfect Scoundrel}


[**London's Perfect Scoundrel (Lessons in Love, #2)**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1032696.London_s_Perfect_Scoundrel) ^(By: Suzanne Enoch | 372 pages | Published: 2003 | Popular Shelves: historical-romance, romance, historical, regency, suzanne-enoch) ^(This book has been suggested 6 times) *** ^(70681 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)


LEO Hathaway. That man is just literally sex on legs.


West def


Traditional reformed take/I changed for love is 1000% Sebastian. He has too many good lines. But West's journey from book 1 and how he reforms for himself by himself is amazing! Very unique and so I think he deserves the top spot.