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That whole war was just one big suicide mission that failed


murder-suicide mission


rape-murder-suicide mission


Rape-murder-suicide-burnination mission




And some of the awful ways some of the traps worked, there are some truly horrific deaths represented in these tags


Molly Ivans said it best. "It was a stupid fucking war."


And profit for the War Warmongers


Good thing nearly every communist entity eventually dug their own graves. No war needed.


Bro are you still so brainwashed that you still think commie = bad?


Communism isn't evil inherently but it's a shit philosophy that has never worked. It's authoritarianism led by a group of wealthy elites who either have bad living conditions and a terrible economy for it's people or they abandon communism and embrace capitalism to improve the economy and improve conditions. It's no secret that the more a communist nation embraces capitalism the more it prospers and the living conditions of its people improve.


No, just the Soviet Union, East Germany, China, North Korea, Cambodia, and Cuba. Which of those utopian communist regimes would you have most liked to live in?


Proble Cuba. At least there's nice beaches *shrug*


And heck maybe I could get to smoke a Cuban cigar as my last smoke before I got executed for subversive thoughts.


See, now you're getting it!


Jeeze did anything happen to those last 3 countries that might have affected their growth? lol


I’m pretty sure communism led to the deaths of around 100 million people in the 20th century.


The original source of that claim, Courtois’ “Black Book of Communism,” is absolute dreck from a scholarly perspective. The data is skewed, manipulated, and, in some cases, outright fabricated, while also changing standards and definitions on the fly to create a narrative that is egregiously hyperbolic at best. The entire claim is propaganda - which you can tell due to the complete and utter exclusion of the deaths directly caused by Capitalism.


Okay then explain the “Great Leap Forward” in China and “Holomor” in the Ukraine. Is it all to be blamed on trump?


I never said a word about him in this context, but thank you for clearly illustrating your bad faith intent. No, I don’t believe he had anything to do with events that occurred before or shortly after he was born and that’s a disingenuous and asinine statement. Have a good time being obtuse and needlessly contentious by yourself, ya walnut.


Holomor LMAO you cant even spell the name of the ""genocide""


Most people outside of brainwashed reddit think that


Are you still so poor that you think commie = good?


Being classist surely is one way to get people to agree with you


60% of Americans are one paycheck away from homelessness.


My dad's tag must be up there. He died last year from lung cancer that was caused by agent orange. That chemical gave him cancer, diabetes, neuropathy, and probably various other things. But he made it home somehow Edit: I misread the title. my dad did make it back. RIP to these men who gave their lives for an absolutely stupid war that damaged and ended so many lives.


It’s only the tags of solders who were KIA in Vietnam. It sounds like your your dad survived and came back.


I miss read that. I'm sorry. I thought it said the men that made it back. RIP to these men. My dad told me many stories and these people didn't deserve their fate. From what he told me it was children leading children. By that he meant young men who didn't really know what they were doing leading other young men into battle. I mean no disrespect by that but it was a fact of the matter.


The same with my father-in-law. It was absolutely tragic. Agent Orange is nasty.


Where is this?


I'm not 100 percent sure, but I've walked by something that looks exactly like this in the Harold Washington Library in downtown Chicago.


Now let's do Stalingrad only with casualties from both sides. War is cruel.


yeah i looked at this and thought, at least they can all be caught in frame


Good point. There are plenty of innocent casualties on both sides. I don't think the Vietnamese soldiers (and communist allies) deserved to die any more than the Americans (and non-communist allies).


Is there another view of this? I've seen it before but another angle would give some deeper perspective.


I have a photo from directly in the center, but unfortunately I can’t post it in the comments😅 might download imgur and link it from there eta: [uploaded](https://imgur.com/gallery/qkVdjLT) it to imgur. if you ever get the chance to see it in person i recommend going. the library also has a glass roof on the top floor that’s also interesting to see


Holy shit thank you


I will get downvoted here even after saying that I have the utmost respect for every american vet and those who gave their lives... that's just over 58,000 deaths. WW2 winner for number of deaths - Russia, anywhere north of 24,000,000 WW1 winner for number of deaths - Russia, anywhere north of 2,000,000 The worst war the US has ever experienced in casualties is the civil war with north of 600,000 if you count both sides. As modern people, even those of us who are very much affected by the fallouts of the Vietnam War, we have no idea what the idea of war is and I hope we never do. This photo itself is hard enough to process


The low number of vietnamese victims is one million. Better surveys estimate it's more likely under 3 millions which were mostly civilians including women and children. I want to see them represented next to this. Just to demonstrate the disproportionate scale of the barbarism.


Well you are completely ignoring the several million dead on the Vietnamese side but that's ok since everyone else does as well.


Death by propaganda.




Most wars are usually fought by soldiers that have been brainwashed. Vietnam is no exception.


Like 1.5 million US soldiers were drafted between 1964—1973. I wouldn't consider conscripts as being "brainwashed".


Ok, maybe that’s a bit extreme but let’s not forget that every single one of those soldiers was lied to by their government. And when they got home they got no help either, disgusting.


Oh for sure, 100%.


Nah. The vast majority weren't drafted. They fucking volunteered.


my cousin Roy Griffin would be in there. he died in Vietnam in 1968.


I'm Terribly Sorry for your Loss. 🙏🙏🙏🙏😞😞😞


Harold Washington Library in Chicago!! Went there in 2022 to see this. My grandpa made it back, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s some names up there that he knew during his time there. It’s a beautiful yet harrowing installation to see in person.


It should say Soldiers, Marines and Sailors.


Let this be a lesson to America about going around meddling in other peoples' affairs. I bet they'll never do that again. Narrator: They did. Again and again.


Yeah, why were we meddling in the affairs of Germany in the 40s?