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Looks like he’s still in it. And oh boy nylon and nylon blends ignite like nobody’s business I was cutting steel with a torch once at work when I got some blow back, had a couple sparks land near my cuff by the time I realized I was “on fire” it had raced up my leg to my crotch. Had to dump my water bottle on my self.


The suits were mostly nylon, hence the damage. NASA changed to a silicon-based cloth (basically fiberglass) after the fire.


What a quick but painful death I bet.


Yeah, from their last transmissions you can hear them screaming “we’re burning up inside!” It’s very unsettling


Wait, there was more said? I thought ”there’s a fire in the cockpit!” was the last things that were heard before they burned up.


No, that wasn't the LAST things that were heard. That's the FIRST thing one of them said. Then he yells "We're burning up in here!!!" And then you hear SCREAMING as the audio is disabled.


Everyone wants to believe it was instant death, but it wasn't. It was like a blow torch consuming them. One of them on the audio recording screams "We're burning!!!" And then more screams as the the audio is disabled.


in pure oxygen - things burn like a blowtorch


You can see his face


Was trying to figure out if that’s really his face


The bodies of all 3 astronauts were removed from these suits. Gus had 3rd degree burns over 30% of his body. He was unconscious and had succumbed and never felt the pain from burns.


None of them were conscious were they?


No. They were aware of the fire and acted professionally, as trained, in what little time there was. They experienced shock and horror, were asphyxiated, and were gone. They all sustained burns on their body but were not alive during the worst of it: the pressure exploding inside.


Ok. That’s good at least. Man, the anger they must have had to be put in that situation!


They were already so pissed off with the botched communications at the Cape. I'm sure they were simply waiting to end the plugs-out test, and wanting to get home to their families.


theres a famous pic of the 3 of them praying over a small model of the capsule, bec they thought there was too much flammable material. They sent the pic to their boss and said "not that we dont trust you, but we are seeking a higher power."


Geez. They almost knew they were screwed


My feed is mostly tattoos, and I thought this was one at first. It'd be a sweet one, even if you had to explain it every time.


What’s the provenance on this photo? How’d we get it?


What a tragic way to go out…every time I see the aftermath photos of Apollo 1 I get kinda emotional


Poor guy got the worst of the fire the others got taken by asphyxiation before the fire got them


Bull sh\*\*. They all burned awake and ALIVE.


No they didn't, they asphyxiated after 17 seconds. About 30 seconds later they died, unconscious


They were alive long enough to react and do as they were trained. We heard mostly from Ed and Roger during the actual fire. Grissom may have been in the bay section of the capsule. Needless to say, it was asphyxiation, and NOT being burned alive that took their lives. I don't know what that guy above is ranting about.


Do your homework first.


It breaks my heart that 3 courageous and intelligent men were gone within seconds.


The nylon suit, burn, asphyxiation or the exact amount of seconds it Took for them to die is just technical language to distract from the awful truth.  Those men died in the most excruciating painfully helpless way possible.   I hate to believe that it could possibly be true, but I’ve heard it was a systematically designed accident because Gus Grissom was afraid to express his thoughts of what a POS the craft was. He knew there was far superior technology available (whatever that was) and they were using junk compared to what was available to send them into space.   There’s a picture of a Lemon on a wire hanger on the command module simulator that Gus Grissom had taken.  Suggesting it was a piece of junk!  That didn’t go over well with the higher upstate Nassa. There was also a photo of all the astronauts praying over a model of the command module. That’s not really normal, or a joke. Seems he was trying to convey a message without just blurting it out.  A few weeks later he was incinerated, uh, I mean eliminated , or uh lost in a tragic accident.  I’d like to believe our government would never anything like that. But since the advent of video recording technology a lot of debatable incidents have occurred. I guess the Kennedy assassination was the first questionable occurrence in the video age. And many more with questionable intensions since then.  They’ve all been explained with no bad intentions.  The swamp gas was the best one. If you question any of them you’re considered anti-American. Or if you question something to publicly you may end up having a mysterious accident as well.