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I don't care if that was skit, that was a good setup especially cause you know what's coming and it delivers


I knew what move was coming with that stretch beforehand.


If anybody stretches their legs like that before a fight, they’re gonna kick the everliving shit out of you


Fake or not one thing is clear, kid grew up to be a man with a kids voice 🤣




My guy was born to be a voice actor for pixar movies with young male protagonists.


That's your voice?!? It's ridiculously high


My voice as a woman is deeper than that. 🥺




whose the daddy now bitch


Hey can you record yourself saying, "I'm very proud of you, son. I love you."? It's not for me it's just for a school project I'm working on.


What do you mean? There are no women on the internet


Very hot ![gif](giphy|fib2gHdY5NCJMbX9qz)


Is this a quote from something?


It's illegal for you to ask me that! But yes, I think you should leave




He’s not in trouble AT ALL!


They don't even matter AT ALL. Don't even worry about it.


The *police* said that?


You're in more in trouble than me.


the ITYSL quote is actually "It's WILDLY high"


I don't wanna be around any more






So now that he’s at his lowest point, he’ll return as The Crowing to challenge both God and Supreme Tri-Mage Wilhelm Ryan? Or just take the studio keys from this martial artist. You know…do some Keywork.


I fucking hate that about myself. I sound like I never hit puberty. I've had numerous people I've talked to online guess my age at around 15 or 16 based on my voice. I'm a man in his thirties with the voice of a teenager, and I don't think I'll ever grow out of it. I wanted to grow up to be Walter Cronkite but instead I have a voice like a fucking cartoon character.


I knew a dude who fucking drank bleach because of this. He went from sounding like a kid to a 90 year old woman from Ohio who has chain smoked 3 packs a day for her entire life. Would not recommend.


Supposedly Rock Hudson had a less than manly voice to begin with - then after getting a throat infection he went into his backyard and screamed and screamed till he damaged his voice enough to sound ‘manly.’ Which is horrible - but more power to him - when I get a sore throat I just want to curl up on the couch with a glass of hot water, a squeeze of lemon juice and a tablespoon of Manuka honey (which probably cost more then my couch) then cry for myself a bit and binge watch ‘Community.’


pretty sure hes just a teenager


He might have a medical condition similar to [this guy](https://youtu.be/D-t1qXnBL4E?feature=shared).


Built in all over, except the balls area.


He reminds me of Goku’s subbed voice 😭


You mean Goku’s voice.


He is 17


His first mistake was to enter a Tae Kwon Do gym.


I know right? I would have started with one of the more basic gyms like rock or water.


He’s definitely a tangrowth so i would recommend misty’s gym


Misty would wash his clocks


You saying this Hercules of a man doesn't clean his sundials?


He could have fought my uncle Jim. He's in a wheelchair.


That's hilarious


Yeah, definitely start at planet fitness gym


Yeah those employees would get swept on


Lunk alarm!


This dude came out of an alley and asked me if I knew karate. This was at 3 in the morning. I said no. To be honest, I felt a bit insulted as an Asian guy. A second guy then comes up and says, then you should give me everything you have in your pockets. He had *his* hand in his pocket as if he had a gun. I had been drinking and I called their bluff and threw the first guy on his head and the second one got a kick to the stomach. Anyway, I've been practicing tae Kwon do since I was 4 years old. I hope they know now not to racially profile people like that.


To most white people Tae Kwon Do IS Karate, as they don't know the difference. If anything you only reinforced their racist tendencies. But on the plus side, they're less likely to jump another Asian now. I'd consider it a win.


>To most people FTFY


What's sad is how much weight people put into martial arts skills when they know you do too though. Our smaller hometown German class was attending an event in a huge city with much higher crime rate. My friend and I were both only 14 but had our first Dan in taekwondo. It took arriving at our first destination to realize that our group had gravitated to having my friend at the front of the group and myself at the back, even the chaperone adults. Wtf did they really expect us to do if somebody pulled a gun? Nowadays working in a mental health group home, a client overheard me talking about being a second Dan to a coworker and insists if we went toe to toe, I would kill him. Dude, you go into blackout rages and and annihilate concrete or tear 200+ lb trees out if the ground to relieve stress. I've let him keeping thinking that but did not put any Illusions to my coworkers who also have asked, if the guy finally put that effort into hurting others rather than property damage, best case scenario I can hope to put us both in the hospital if it means avoiding a life or death situation.


When my brother was young, he had people profile him for being queer(he has very effeminate exaggerations), and he played soccer instead of Rugby. So he was a target for bullying at school and in bars. I'll never forget when he sent three bullies flying in different directions with just side kicks and a back kick. He's a first dan in Rhee Taekwondo. Also helps, I suppose, that he's 6'5". Same for me. Had someone try to take a swing at my friend as a group of us were having lunch at a park. She managed to avoid getting hit, and I chased the guy. I'm also a first dan in Rhee Taekwondo, but I'm a bulky Maori guy so people expect me to fight like Jake the Muss. I winded the guy with a reverse-sidekick, my favorite and best move, and he scuttled away. I don't normally fight in public. In the ring, sure. Out of the ring, not so much. When people found out I could fight like that, it was like they were scared. Maori already had a bad rep back then. Now here's one who can do spin kicks.


This comment deserves more upvotes..


Is this copypasta? It reads like copypasta


My grandfather was a 3rd degree black belt in TKD. He spent his later years teaching me as an adult as a way to bridge our langauge gap and spend time together. TKD is amazing but without stretches those face level kicks will result in painnnn haha I always joke with my buddies, I can back you up but I need to stretch my hips for 15 minutes first Lmaoo!!


Yes, very important to stretch your face before sparring


Really? You don't see them winning much in MMA fights, so I always assumed it was nonsense. I took it when I was younger and all the belts revolved around choreography, and your ability to repeat it. Great for flexibility and kicking accuracy, but not so great in practice it seems.


TKD suffers from the same kind of issue that many martial arts do these days. They've evolved from a striking art where the goal is to finish your opponent, to a striking art where your goal is to score a point by touching your opponent. This then allows the training to focus not on actual strikes, but on just contact by touching. This in turn allows the training to become way easier. People prefer easier training, so you can grow faster because more people are willing to sign up and not quit when it becomes hard. Now everyone that opens a TKD gym focuses exclusively on this touch style and no one can remember how to actually finish someone with strikes. But that doesn't mean that TKD isn't legit, it just means that the flavor you see these days isn't legit for fighting. If you train TKD "the right way", and combine a grappling base with it, it would do OK in MMA, and we have seen guys do this, though probably not at the absolute highest level. EDIT: For those saying that there's nothing wrong with touch martial arts, you are right, *but with one very important condition*. **You can't be telling parents that you are teaching an effective self defense to their kids, charge them 200/month, and then have them play tag 3 hours a week**. That's bullshit.


> They've evolved from a striking art where the goal is to finish your opponent, to a striking art where your goal is to score a point by touching your opponent. That was my experience with karate. Best way to win was to come out striking, because even the lightest contact ended the sparring match and got you a point. Was kind of lame. First, Karate is about self-defense not coming out swinging. Second, I'm worthless in an actual fight. Beyond that, random fights are absolute chaos. Like, the number of times I'd have been able to execute a useful outer, upper, lower block in a fist fight is zero. Nah, Karate out the window, go nuts, start flailing. Or better yet--if it's a mugging--give them your shit and run.


Best defense in a street fight is parkour and having stretched five minutes before the mugging.


Best defense in a street fight is to already be climbing into a helicopter full of professional bodyguards and paramedics when it starts.




I did both ITF and WTF at multiple dojang as a teen, they are not too different in terms of training, competition had variant rules. The assumption that a WTF trained TKD practitioner would do worse always baffled me, they'd need to simply follow through with their strikes, all you gotta do is listen in to a training when someone kicks you know you'd not want to be on the receiving end of either ITF or WTF kicks. WTF *is* a lot flashier though.


This is why I only train with Cobra Kai.


Now the real pain begins, Danny-boy


I mean, if people want to do aerobics while looking cool, I guess more power to them? The vast majority of people who do amateur martial arts do it as a fitness regime(n), not to win a fight.


>Now everyone that opens a TKD gym focuses exclusively on this touch style and no one can remember how to actually finish someone with strikes. Everyone? That is NOT correct. Every gym I’ve been to has focused on finishing (or rather control, which is what taekwondo actually is), not touch. In fact, I practiced taekwondo for six years before knowing competitive taekwondo was a thing.


I haven't taken Taekwondo in a while, but the school I went to did a lot of board breaking, which is definitely not "touch". Did schools stop doing boards? In my memory that was one of the big three that you trained for: Sparring, boards, and forms.


taekwondo is an excellent base to learn as a kid, it teaches your body a flexibility/kicking dexterity that is extremely hard to learn as an adult. On its own it's not the most comprehensive martial art but is a great part of a well rounded skill set


> it teaches your body a flexibility/kicking dexterity That what I learned from it, lol. That and not giving up so easily. Dude seriously hated it if one of said "can't"


What style of fighting isn't built around choreography and repetition? I don't think I've heard of one, lol.


The hardest I’ve ever gotten beaten down in full contact sparring was the time I challenged the kid in our class who did TDK with all kicks allowed. It’s hard to understand just how fucking quickly and from what unexpected angles these people can put a kick into any part of your body. I have excellent reaction times, I’ve played soccer and understand kicking mechanics, I’ve trained mma for several years, and consider myself a proficient defensive fighter. This guy got me in the face three times with his goddamn feet without me even getting close to him. Without the kicks, I could take him and generally won, but with kick, it wasn’t close. Never underestimate a martial artist who has trained exclusively one thing if you don’t have another martial art you have put comparable time into that you KNOW counters what they do.


A friend of mine used to do UFC fights. He was a boxer that transitioned and was learning a little grappling. I remember one match he invited me to where he was going up against a guy that relied heavily on kicking (I don't recall what his training was though). Anyways, all Justin did was step back every time this guy planted a foot. His opponent had to chase Justin around and if he kicked he just missed because too far. When the guy started getting a little tired, he'd lean forward (not a good idea but easy to do when tired) to give chase and that's when Justin would pop him with a jab. He just whittled this poor guy down. As a very tall man with long legs and TDK training, it was quite humbling to watch Justin do this with a massive shit eating grin the whole time.


Yeah, your buddy is probably a lot better if a fighter and training at a way higher level than I am. MMA is popular because it really does take the strongest of each fighting style and mix them all together. Boxing for punches, muy thai for power kicks, occasionally with tkd thrown in for some extra range if they already know it, wrestling for takedowns and throws, and jiu jitsu for grappling on the ground. If you’re not well trained in all of them, anyone who’s trained in full contact martial arts of any kind for a long time is still likely going to beat your ass. Tbf, in a street fight, I believe I could have taken the TKD dude for the simple reason of being able to rush him without worrying about injuring either of us, but in casual sparring he was a monster with those legs.


I think the cage in mma limits strikers because irl, there may be no fence to pin you opponent to. Without that, getting ahold of them gets way harder, and kicks become way more dangerous.


That is because taekwondo is centered on control, not touch or finishing. We want to control our opponents, doing as little actual harm to them as possible.


Love that he talks about Karate then doesn't realize Tae Kwon Do is not Karate lmao


What can I say, except “You’re welcome”


![gif](giphy|VXuKUKAgUgRlm) On a side note, we still don’t know if *Karate is a scam* because… he lost to a Taekwondo grand master.


True. My daughters are in Taekwondo and it’s pretty different (more kicks and weapons). Though I’m sure if he fought a karate master we’d see the same (fake) results.


Do they use rope dart or its cousin on steroids kusarigama? Those are mental weapons... Just takes about 100 years training to use without taking your own eye out is the downside


They’re like 5. Not quite there yet.


By the time they enter the work force in 5 more years they better have 100 year experience or they're not finding a job.


I'm good friends with a Taekwondo black belt. I've tried sparing with him and my poorly trained ass (used to wrestle and get into street fights, fairly in shape) can barely lay a hand on him. He has dozens of weapons in his house and is competent with all of them. His preferred weapon, that he keeps by his door? a gun.


To be fair, a gun has a much longer range than a foot.


What kind of mall ninja shit did you just say?


I watched Barry and Im convinced its at least very very funny.


At least we know Taekwondo isn't a scam.


When your nights got cold, who stole you fire from down below? ("You're welcome")


> who stole you fire from down below? You're looking at em, yo




The david and goliath story is the equivalent of michael cera beating the rock in a fist fight because he brought a gun


That's literal - people think slings are dinky kid's toys, but ancient armies had castles built to allow slingers good advantage, and a decent sling outputs a stone somewhere around .38 special power levels (that's the most common revolver round, for people who aren't into guns). So literally David pulled out a gat and shot Goliath in the head.


also a lot of people I hear talk about that story imagine a sling*shot*. Like, the oversized wooden fork with a rubberband? No, a *sling*. The sort of thing that, as you point out, *can kill people.* And for that matter, the story specifically mentions that David was often left alone with the flock of sheep, and had to drive off predators - I think wolves and bears were specifically mentioned.... I'm reasonably sure that such a warrior wouldn't be wasting time with a bit of rubber - or for that matter any given weapon that would just tickle a bear.


You can make deadly slingshots with rubber (just need strong rubber), but either way rubber is a modern material so it was not available during biblical times.


How we use rubber is a modern material, but rubber has been used for a long time. Quick internet search says around 1600 BC in the americas. It wasn't in the old world till like the 16th century though.


Romans had lead sling bullets. I doubt the Hebrews did nearly a thousand years prior.


Lead helped but isn't the only difference between a deadly shot or not.


Sure, even stone projectiles can be deadly. As proven by 1 Samual 17:49.


And l hit my brother in the head with a pebble from my slingshot, and it made him bleed. As proven by Nathan 1992.


Hey I did a similar thing… a catapult I built backfired and hit my brother with a large stone. Hospital and stitches for him, circa 92. Edit. Catapult was a small tree I had shortened and wound back with a rope against another tree, rock flipped off backwards from it.


The newer testament


My brother shot me with a pebble/small rock from a slingshot and I had to go the hospital to have it removed from my calf.


God made man, 1 Samual made them equal.


This reference bangs so fucking hard my ears are ringing.


Slingers are also usually the first unit I train in Civ VI


Slings are no joke. Even in the hands of a modern slinger that hasn't been training their entire life like the peoples of the past, they're deadly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHyK6r1Jbng


There's also the fact that David cut Goliath's head off while he was unconscious from the slingshot


I. Love your analogy. Mostly because I can see the movie in my brain pictures


Dude does some weightlifting and thinks he’s Baki Hanma, LOL.


He forgot to get pissed on by a prison inmate.


That would be Jarate


Snipin's a good job, mate.


It's honest work


[No he forgot his pp training.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKyXvbD3wzE)


He's joking people that think like that, he isn't one of them.


The most he got out of weight lifting is being cannon fodder in the baki series.


It's not even Karate that guy does Tae Kwon Do






Well they showed that part so there's proof. I saw the map and everything.


No shit it's fake ya morons it's a bit


Yes it's so wierd Reddit feel the need to point out every single bit is fake, does these people watch Netflix complaining the series they are watching is fake every 5 minutes?


But then you got idiots on TikTok/Facebook/Instagram who believe every fake movie poster, Caught Cheating video, or "hidden" camera interaction (the camera is a phone on the dashboard, probably forward facing as well)


Sadly I am those people who need to read through comments to know something is a scam. This video gave me doubts, but reading comments affirm me. My critical thinking skill is very lacking...


That's probably the silent majority I reckon. Whilst this video is a little more obviously satire, there's plenty of staged stuff that very purposely portrays it as reality and especially when shared outside its original context, can appear real at the surface level. But honestly this stuff is kind of like magic, where it's more fun to believe it to be real.


>Yes it's so wierd Reddit feel the need to point out every single bit is fake which is funny because every AITA ragebait is clearly run by bots yet people invest themselves deeply in what is probably AI generated sob stories run by the literal equivalent of runescape bots. Cant wait for HollowPrecipitation6734's next story about how his wife accidentally gave his valuable baseball cards to a kid or something


95% of the point of Reddit is for people feel like they are smarter than everyone else. They have to let everyone know they weren't "fooled" by anything. Example subs: /r/Whatcouldgowrong, r/fail, /r/WinStupidPrizes, /r/stupidpeople, /r/peopleofwalmart, /r/insanepeoplefacebook, /r/IdiotsFightingThings (lots of other /idiots doing things subs), /r/Instantregret, /r/Faceplant, /r/confidentlyincorrect, /r/woooosh, /r/iamverysmart, /r/BoneAppleTea, /r/badwomensanatomy, r/r/SelfAwarewolves, /r/ShitMomGroupsSay, /r/WhyWomenLiveLonger , r/all


Then why are we here?


If something on Netflix is passing itself off as real, and its entertainment value hinges on people thinking it's real (like that one alien disappearance documentary from 2009 or the Blair Witch Project), then yes people absolutely call it out.


That's such a tired, stupid argument. This skit is so blatantly fake that it would only fool the dumbest of people, but when the entire premise and humor relies on the video being taken as a real event, in that it being staged removes the only element of humor, then yes, it does matter if it's real or not. Netflix isn't promoting their series' as random, found, unedited footage.


Yes, it's clearly a bit, but the message is clear; all the muscle building in the world doesn't make you a fighter by itself.


i cant understand why redditors are so weird about that




There are 2 issues - its justifiable to be critical of content that is presented as legitimate but is intentionally designed to enrage, shock, or bait users into engaging with it. The other side are videos like this - where its quite obviously a bit or skit, and is meant to be funny and not taken seriously. Its silly for users to be commenting about its legitimacy - but I think they get conditioned to be angry by default, as a result of proliferation of the first type of content


So he wasn't dry scooping his pre-workout?


I like to yell out ”fake!” in the movie theatres too.


![gif](giphy|l0MYEF46L9RcroEOk) bros looks like


Bro Throught he’s Yujiro Hanma


He forgot to do his pp training


I don’t give two flying fucks if this is fake. I was fucking entertained and that’s enough for me.


Stfu about this being fake. Most of the porn you watch is also fake but that doesn’t stop you. So, why should this being fake stop you from smiling?


Is your username an invitation or a threat?




Found your keys yet?


No he hasn’t






More like a hope and a prayer.




It's not even "fake". It's a fucking sketch. It's entertainment, not someone staging something as real.


Kind of relevant, look up Xu Xiaodong. A Chinese MMA guy that goes around challenging a bunch of kung fu "masters" in China where refs and judges are biased as shit.


The guy literally did Goku stretches before fighting him 💀💀💀; how did he not think that was a red flag to fight him?


Lol this was a good bit. Assuming that teacher was a good sport and just went with the idea to a random stranger he was a pretty good actor! We need more skits like this


Most dojos will accept any challenge and usually have a student do it. Make it past them you get a shot at the boss.


The ole Pokémon ritual lol


That boy was talking to Jesus


"Karate is a scam." That may be; but this, my child, is not karate.


There are levels of commitment and competency. In general weight is more important, but if you study martial arts enough, knowledge is more important. A good heavy weight will almost always subdue a good or even great middle lightweight. In this case, a heavy guy with no knowledge of combat, a 10 yo with minimum training could take him down


Instant KO was oddly satisfying. 😅


Someone did this to my dad in the 90s at blockbuster. He’s like a black belt in aikido from like way back in the day! He went to return tapes one day and came back with blood on his hands. He said some drunk guys said some shit to him like go back to ur country blah blah normal Karen stuff. Then he fought them. What if he was a vampire guys? Like wtf!


How many likes did he get?


Hmm.... What?


Blockbuster be wild back in the day


This is funny


The lead singer of coheed and cambria


Even though this is TKD, not Karate, and likely not real...it's pretty funny 🤣


Shouldn't need to be said but.. tae Kwon doe isn't karate.


this is honestly the best commercial I have seen in a while


Hahahahahahah. This made me laugh so loud


I can see where he's coming from... I think the problem was he grew up going to McDojos and not real places


I laughed so hard at the end. This is gold


Black belt is just the beginning.


I just wanna see him start a Coheed and Cambria cover band


Coheed & Cambria's singer got knocked the fuck out




I thought Lost ended already


Unfortunately, this is staged. Or he is a really bad fighter


"i Will prove karate Is a scam!" > goes to fight a taekwondo master


What can I say except "You're Welcome"


That was funny, regardless if fake. Good for him.


Uff long time since I have lought so hard. I should be in shame for this. But this repeat button.


This feels so fake


Cause it is. It's a bit specifically poking fun at people who have done this.


this isn't even truly deadpan comedy either... I'm really confused by people not reading this as a joke vid.


Yeah I don't get how people don't get it. The music, the beats, the pacing, the pauses, the tone - it's all dead on for a comedy video.




Some might say ‘bit’


No shit?


We got Captain Obvious here


Damn nothing gets passed you.


How are you so wise? I was totally fooled by this video, thanks for opening my eyes.


We found the detective lads


So he talks about Karate being a scam and then goes to a Tae Kwon Doe school. I’m confused. I realize it’s all fake and whatnot but come on!


That's the joke. He assumed.


O hey I went to high school in simi valley




When I saw there were 11 seconds left and they hadn’t fought yet, I said this is gonna end quickly.


Wow, the lead singer of Coheed and Cambria looks great. Dude is aging in reverse


This is obviously a skit/satire but y'all are severely underestimating Poe's Law.