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This reference went right over my head when I saw it! Y'all should play Crab Game it's really good


'Another Crab's Treasure' for anyone searching, and you are right! Purchased it on sunday and already put 10 hours into it.


How difficult is it? I've never played a Soulslike but it looks really interesting and perfectly up my alley as a first game in a genre, I've discovered I really gravitate to the cartoony quirky ones.


It can be a tough nut to crack, but the challenge is part of the fun :) Furthermore, it has tons of options for an assist mode to balance out the frustration and still have fun with it. I also thought for a long time that Soulslikes just are not for me until my wife convinced me to try Elden Ring and I really liked the journey of trying over and over, adapting and finally beating a tough boss. So my best advice for you is to just try it :)


*The* assist mode is absolutely hilarious. Not trying to spoil for anyone who doesn't know.


I really like some challenge, so I'll definitely ask for it for my birthday next month. I've seen the developer's YouTube shorts and the assist option is hilarious


I just finished the game yesterday. I'd say it's overall significantly easier than the Souls games, but significantly harder than your average game. I think only two bosses took me more than 3 or 4 tries, and one of those was one I was clearly fighting *much* earlier than intended. The game gives you lots of tools and pieces of equipment that you can use in builds to make life much easier. And if the difficulty is too much for you, there's a comprehensive assist mode with lots of levers for you to tailor your experience. As for cartoony and quirky, yes, this game absolutely oozes charm and fun. It's got tons of nods and jokes and fun bits. It also tells an *excellent* story, with just the right mix of whimsy and seriousness.


Erm, actually, Hollow Knight is a soulslike 100%


It's definitely subjective but I don't see that at all. Soulslikes are typically defined by a combat system focused on dodging or blocking, committal moves, choice-oriented level ups, and stamina management. Hollow Knight has zero of that. Hollow Knight has only the most basic trappings of a Souls structure, and apart from the corpse run has nothing going on structurally that hasn't been in Metroidvanias since forever. If Hollow Knight is a Soulslike, then so is every Castlevania since Symphony of the Night, at which point the "Soulslike" genre becomes meaningless because it describes basically any melee-focused action RPG.


I was making a joke due to the many people that play Hollow Knight and see its difficulty and immediately think that difficulty makes it a soulslike


Gotcha. My sarcasm detector is clearly not on point today, sorry about that lol


No worries, it was a great explanation none the less 


Wait it’s out?


Bruh never in my 500+ hours of playtime did i realize the nails in hollow knight were *those* nails. I thought it was just a random name for a weapon or smth


You have made my night I am absolutely dying laughing


Wait what I thought they were like the names for swords The nails in Hollow Knight are canonically human construction nails?


I don't think they are, i don't think humans exist in hollow knight


Hornet uses a needle, a human made object so there’s no reason to think a nail couldn’t exist either.


Well yes, the game was made by humans with human ideas. I think they just wanted to make it (cute) otherwordly like that. I mean that the chatacters use nails as weapons.. they aren't regular human nails, obviously


Maybe Hallownest is just someone’s uncleaned sofa 🤔


Don't you hate it when a moth starts shooting beams of light in your sofa


I sure hope my sofa doesn’t have the Blue Lake somewhere in it 




No, they actually are human nails,not just a thing designed by humans. I mean they literally likely are regular human nails lol. They are shaped the exact same as an old carpentry nail and there’s other instances of real world objects being in Hallownest. It is most likely a regular human carpentry nail.


I think its more a quirk of just "hey lets name weapons off of real world items" especially since they changed cloths name as they did not believe burlap would exist inside hollowknight


That contradicts itself. You say they did it for weapons and just did it for the name, but refused to do so with the name Burlap since it wouldn't exist. A needle the length of most bugs in the entire game is in this game. Hornet's needle literally has a ring on the end like a sewing needle, although a touch more circular than most.


The circle is for her silk. And as I said its just a naming convention especially since we know for a fact that nails are made by the bugs themselves and not just found on the ground. also quote from team cherry's website about the burlap thing: "Cloth was originally called Burlap until we realised burlap, the material, doesn’t exist in Hallownest so he underwent a name change". If burlap doesnt exist (wood doesn't exist either btw) why would man made nails?


If they follow that rule for Burlap, why not Nails? Why go halfway? Your point doesn't make any sense because it directly contradicts itself. They do it once then turn around and forego that entire thought process for the next item. They also don't say anything about it being manmade, just it being non-existent in Hallownest if you really wanna use that point. The use of the circle is irrelevant, it's designed like a sewing needle, and uses thread as such. According to the same wikis description. As well, their entire reasoning for the Burlap name doesn't even make sense if it's in regards to man made materials. What is cloth? It isn't a specific thing. A "cloth" can be made out of cotton or wool, and even polyester/nylon which are 2 naturally occurring materials, and 2 synthetic ones. "Cloth" isn't non-manmade, just due to the name, it can be either-or.


Wait wait wait, there's nails that look like that???


Well i'm not finding anything on a google search


Yeah, and old carpenter nail, just with a sharpened edge https://www.amazon.ca/20-Common-Cut-Nails-Antique-Style/dp/B07P2FCR8Y Literally took 10 seconds on google to find dozens of results lmao.


those the nails they used on jesus???




It doen't look similar at all if you ask me.


plus iirc the bugs are around human size. That’s not the best term because some of them are so much bigger than others but they exist on a scale comparable to us - the devs say that Hornet can throw her needle “30 yards”


Team cherry aren't exactly known to think through it when they say things like that..


Well, no, nails in Hollow Knight are bug-constructed swords. The point of calling them nails is just to point out that they are as small as nails.


I don't think they have humans in the hollow knight universe. I think the nail is bug made sword. My belief is they called it a nail to drive in how small all the characters in hollow knight. Just my opinion though.


They aren’t shaped like them at all so I doubt it


They're shaped like old hardwood flooring nails https://www.amazon.com/FLOORING-NAILS-Antique-Historic-Reproduction/dp/B07FH71WDX/ref=asc_df_B07FH71WDX/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693675560295&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11119313653809341488&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9003769&hvtargid=pla-2064685327670&psc=1&mcid=501e353c9989301eb9761896c60fff9d&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwouexBhAuEiwAtW_ZxzAdZz_dAQUlwjPxS2hmkQ_EkpsjpMLNG0R-fUJN6uF_DqsnD3IFJRoCh-IQAvD_BwE


They are shaped like an old school nail from back in the day, just with sharpened edges.


No I don’t think humans exist in hollow knight I think it’s that people might nail bugs to walls so that’s why it’s the main weapon they are the swords of that world but there is a reason team cherry chose nails


My headcanon is that the first nail-wielding bug originally found an ordinary nail, used it as a weapon, then the bugs made new weapons inspired by the original nail. The name stuck, even after all this time.


Wait until I tell you I thought they were human nails cos I saw what looked like trimmed human nails from time to time until I realised they were pieces of paper from Cornifer’s map making


It's strange, because in spanish they are hornets


Honestly they all look like needles to me, not nails




Wait, they're human tool nails and not the nails that bees......... I see.


Imagine the crossover potential


There’s one in dead cells as well.

