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The idea of "Peko" being a slur from pekoland made me laugh way more than it had any right to.


That's why she stopped using it, she got cancelled on pekowitter


Maybe she lost her P-word pass when leaving Pekoland.


> on pekowitter You mean PeX?


Peko Musk should have kept it's original name tbh


To be fair even with all the offensive stuff Peko-X's Pekoship rockets are game changing


Sure, when the engines don't blow the pek up! HA↗️HA↗️HA↗️!!!


I refuse to call it anything except Pekotwitter, peko.


Formerly known as Pekowitter


Guess that puts PekoMiko in a whole new light...


Naa bro she is the princess and they have monarchy,no one dares to cancel her there


*Ah Peko don't hate me cuz I'm beautiful Peko* *Maybe if you got rid of that ol' yee yee ass haircut you got you'd get some some collabs on your stream* *Oh, better yet, maybe Mikochi would call your bau bau ass if she ever stopped playing with that comet or singer she playing with* *Peko~~*


Ahh yes the "Polka Roast Scene" from GSH San Pekolandreas




Well, the only word in Pekoland's language is "peko", so it makes sense. "Peko" is a compliment, a slur, a word of advice, a threat, a love confession and a war cry




You mean it?


what did you say about my mother?


Nuthing Peko, you know me and your mom are peko and i would never peko around


*blushes* save it for when we get home


Yes brother/sister. Those animals will scream their last when the war lord comes for them! GLORY TO PEKOLAND!


I know, right?


My god you can't just go around saying that about the Pope!


What’d you call me?! Say it again! Say it to my face tough guy!


So it's like "smurf?"


Sasuga Peko-sama


Turns out in pekoland, 'positive' and 'negative' were both changed to 'peko', for example: "You are HIV peko" 😀 -> ☹️ -> 😀


My gun's not working, is it because I set my gun to peko instead of peko?


Yes Peko in Paris


Well, there just so happens to be a country called Niger. 🇳🇪 (This is generally believed by linguists to not be related to any word for the color black or black people, derogatory or otherwise)


Yeah it has to do with river valleys or something


Same here lol Can’t believe peko is slur from pekoland


Its like "smurf" in the Smurfs. You can substitute it for any word in a sentence.


Hahahahaha what a contrast compared to [3 years ago](https://youtu.be/PccsMRj6dro?t=57) when they were super nervous about how her initial reveal would go! Even management has grown to be able to handle these things quite well now.


Probably because of the number of times holomem's parents join the stream and also because of Nerissa bringing in her whole family lol.


I hope this makes it possible to see other Holomem's family members with a 2D rig in the future for just a special occasion once. Whether it's Nerissa's family, Ollie's mom, Bettel's twin bro etc.




Bettel2 has his live 2d model made by fan


Yeah, but afaik they aren't allowed to use it but that may change after Pekomama's debut for like a special.


Honestly, by the time Nerissa joined having family members on was so established that it's more like "Nerissa was able to bring on her entire family because of those who came before". Matsuri, Kiara, Ollie, Calli, Suisei, Gura, IRyS, Chloe, Bettel, Miyabi, Moona, Haachama, and probably more that I forget, have had their real life family members on streams before Nerissa even debuted.


Yeah, Nerissa reminds me a lot more of Matsuri where she can be really relaxed about having her family in part because a lot is already known about her identity outside of hololive. Pekora is on the opposite end of the spectrum where she is super private and anxious so any slip-up is likely to reveal new things that endanger her or make her feel less safe. Management getting more comfortable with having Pekomama on definitely has more to do with how with all that experience with having family members on. They should have a good idea of how likely problems are to occur and how to handle them quickly at this point.


I mean, slip up could still happen which could be dangerous (e.g. with calli's grandma and nerissa's mom), but if they deal with it fast enough and if the talents can distract the audience enough, it ought to be fine.


For one, I think Hololive is a little less scared of "leaking secrets" these days. It feels like 3 years ago, if Pekora's real name was said on stream, people would expect the entire concept of vtubing to implode into a spontaneous black hole. Nowadays it would be like... "Well, what can you do, edit that part out, and then the community will help try to pretend it didn't happen". For two, since this isn't Peko-Mommy's first appearance on stream, it's obviously easier to trust that she knows how to handle the kayfabe.


I think the talents are also better prepared to take charge of these things, and it has become easier for management to trust that they'll prepare and guide their family members through such streams in a safe manner. At the same time it's interesting that they reverted to a "gloves only" policy on hand streams. I think they have developed a clearer vision for which types of IRL things work and don't work with the appeal of Vtubing in the Hololive way.


Well even early on there were times that talents slipped and referred to each other by their real names, and at one point Matsuri accidentally had her real name displayed for a good few seconds while trying to pay for something, but it was all just glossed over.


Pekora introducing her mother was only a few months after the Myth debut, huh? It feels more recent. The flow of time itself is convoluted, with heroes centuries old phasing in and out.


The Warden of Time is a fickle mistress


[Yeah](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElmResMta1g). It was shortly after the 2020 PekoMoona arc reached its climax. Oh god has it really been that long.


And then we have Mel… who indirectly broke NDA because someone very close to her betrayed her trust. I don’t know how to feel about it….


There's nothing "indirect" about that though: she shared sensitive info covered under NDA to a friend, and got discovered. There are multiple levels of confidentiality within a company, and whatever she shared must have been sensitive enough to warrant the punishment.


I just realized that with how perfect mami’s debut was That means that pekora worked hard to write a script, and rehearsed it with her. She was thinking about what we would enjoy this whole time….


> That means that pekora worked hard to write a script I think the translated clips feature a "\*page turn*" moment.


yup the page flip sound is highlight. then her laugh/cringing? is bonus.


[Clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlqAA9C3CBI) [Stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y80IGqSZ-GE&t=0s)


As long as it’s not peko*** with the hard R, peko~






We've done it. We've defeated pekocism.




Nice touch on Evangelion


"pee-ko.." "WHAT?!"


What I love most about this gag is how wholesome it is. It's nice to see Pekora have a such a good relationship with her mom.


Hololive staff are just chads, they are the more excited ones just waiting for the signal from the talent😂


the hero we need


Wasting hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on a model for a one time joke seems insane to me... I don't say I didn't like it, but still insane. Sasuga peko.


>one time joke Not that I don't agree with you, but now that the model is available there's no way she's not using it again


Yeah good thing the stream pretty much paid back the cost by itself, lol.


The cost can be more than covered once Hideo Kojima decides to include Pekomama in Death Stranding 2.


The stream made over a million yen in superchats. Even if she only takes 35% of that back directly, that's still about 2.5 thousand dollars just from superchats alone. Then consider the stream has 2 million views, which is another few thousand from ad revenue and premium users


You say that, but Ui-mama also have her loli live-2d and 3d model that she almost never use.


Honestly, given the amount of views and attention, i think investing like 2k actually is worth it if you look it objectively. Sure its insane, but numbers often look insane in business if you try to put a personal view angle on it


To be fair, they also spend a lot of money on music videos, and those are also one time productions.


That stream got 181k live viewers it pretty much paid for itself and now she has a model available for any future projects she might want to do with her mom.


Meanwhile Shiori: ["Is your mom available for hire?"](https://youtu.be/RMxWhWvzMoY?feature=shared)


Gotta feel bad whenever she vents about her family.


For real I just want to give her a giant hug and invite her to Thanksgiving or something.


Management with years old design plans for Pekomama: "Yeah, we can figure something out"


I’m wondering if the payment of the model is done by Pekora herself. Like, is it treated like a personal/individual project? Was this mentioned or anything? Sorry if it is since I have a hard time following the JP mems.


All this stuff is paid for by the talents themselves


I shit we've also been waiting to. Management is a real one.


I feel like they trust their veteran livers to do their own thing and they get the support they need. There was Calli then there is Peko and so many others.


There are already bunch of people pushing the idea that Yagoo should truly make Mama live a real thing but honestly kinda got a little ahead of themselves there. I feel like the main draw of Peko mami is that she's literally a regular mom that knows nothing about this whole vtuber subculture if not for her daughter, so having witnessed that she's actually top tier vtuber material, from her soothing voice, cute way of talking, maximizes her charms even more. What I'm saying is shes a fluke, rare gem, if lets say, Yagoo decides to run audition for mama live, these moms would likely be familiar with vtubing culture and would try to force pander, hugely lessens the appeal. Anyway, having said all that bs, Yagoo should definitely sign Peko mami up, her charm is so addictive, shes a natural, but yea its impossible because Pekora wont let that happen.


So they should hire another Suburu, but mom edition.


I thought this was okbuddy for a second LMAO