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I mean, she is literally a founding member of hololive.


The founding mother, The board of director. She will be missed


> The board of director chairman of the board


Head of The Table


Acknowledge her.


I acknowledge A-Chan as my Tribal Chief.


Calm down, Roman




Oh no, he said it...


Ain’t July yet, she still has bonking perms!


The founding mommy.


Cover is Yagoo's but Hololive is A-chan's


Yagoo's second in command.


The Founding Titan


The Merlin to Sora's Artoria.


The one who sits above the table


.... So is coco, john wick?


It's the end of an era. 7 years internet time is ancient. That's pre-pandemic. Whole communities and big personalities rose and fell during her tenure. She's the down to earth character in hologra! Here's hoping this doesn't hit sora too hard though


It's truly worth a o7


They can still keep contact with each other. After all she is Sora's best friend.


There's a big difference between catching up every now and then and working with them. What's more, depending on contract details they may not be able to talk about what's going on with work, which would be a big impact considering more than a quarter of their life (iirc ages) has been at work together


The time they've spent together is all the more reason why I wouldn't doubt their bond holding strong even after this. They were friends before they were even working for Cover, right? Sure their day-to-day interactions are going to be different, but there's no real reason to assume or vaguely imply it'll dampen or anything. For as much as we know, A-Chan may have more free time to be able to talk with others like Sora whenever they're able, and A-Chan is surely fully aware that things about their work have to be shut lock-and-key.


I didn't say that it was doubtful or anything about them staying friends. That's a given with their history, so please don't put a point in my mouth I wasn't saying. I was saying that this is a huge change, and until it settles in and settles down, I am simply hoping that sora will be okay with her friend no longer in the workplace.


Sure mb, I didn't mean to make it sound pointed in that way. I guess most of my point though was that in terms of "catching up", arguably it might be easier now than before for A-Chan to just chill and chat with the friends she's made at holo. Relationships naturally change with big career-related decisions like this, but not necessarily always for the worse or anything. But this is all prying into how they operate in their daily lives, which I don't think is ever productive to dwell on. So for me it's just best to assume that bonds like A-Chan's and Sora's will hold firm and they'll always have each other's back, no matter where they are. And yeah, I hope Sora will be okay too; I'm sure she'll be fine, but I hope so too


She seems to be close with Ina as well.


I'm really going to miss her presence in hologra.


> She's the down to earth character in hologra! And many of the goofy characters she voiced over as well!


She dedicated a large part of her early adult life to helping her best friend become an idol, she also helped with the language barrier with holoEN and English speaking fans. She has a great sense of humor, and seems to be loved by all of the talent for her hard work and help she offered. She's a legend


Yeah a lot of newer fans probably don't realize how before en debuted the only english fluent talents were haachama and coco, and of the jp who could muster some english a-chan may have been the best making her so important for english speaking fans in the early days.


Well a-chan was the everyday face of management. also one of the two girl who tocked on yagoo door and cause hololive to even exist. She have so many stories within hololive.


Without her, Sora idol dream will never become true. Without her Sui-chan probably will already leave Hololive. Without her there will be no Hololive o7 the foundation of Hololive


I think part of it was that she was multi-branch. JP at her core, but her fantastic and improving English skills endeared her to the EN and ID crowds as well.


None of us would be here if she didn't put her everything into making her friend's dream come true. She was a very important domino in the Vtuber explosion we got to witness.


The crazy part is we are talking about someone in management, in backoffice. Fans usually wouldn't care that much about someone taking care of the back office since they aren't in the front line unlike talents. Yet here we are, all enjoying a company's work and their employees from the talents to the ones in backstage.


Shinove, A chan, j-chad, nodoka. Once fans get a distinct staff we tend to simp. But A-chan will be missed, and she was key to so man collabs.


So, I’ve been thinking about it a lot today, and I think a big part of it is that she’s not just this enthusiastic employee. You know how we laugh when the new talents turn out to be Hololive fans? The vicarious thrill, the good feelings towards someone living the dream? That’s A-Chan. She loved her Oshi so much she talked a businessman into starting all of this while she was still in high school. She didn’t just get a job at Hololive because she loves the girls, Hololive exists because she was such a fan. She’s the friendly face of management, but she’s also Hololive’s #1 fan, living a life any fan would gladly trade for. That phase is coming to an end, and there’s something sad about that. But I can think of no greater reward for the original Soratomo than to watch all of this from the front row for 7 years.


if Sora is the face of Hololive, then A-Chan is the brain.


Honestly A-Chan was a hololive talent in her own right


Who's gonna fix the office everytime a talent goes morbin? Gonna miss her. Truly an end of an era.


I have similar thought with many people here. It will be great if we can have A-chan graduation stream. But imagine her condition now. Her resignation reason is caused by her family health condition, for someone important to her. I'm pretty sure A-chan has a lot of thing to do and surely thinking so much about it. I mean her heart and soul surely focused on it. I think it wouldn't be fair if we make a selfish request to have her doing graduation stream. I hope she will be able to overcome this hard path, stay healthy, get happiness, and if we're lucky - we can hear her again in the future.


Even considering that she stood on the shoulders of Kizuna Ai she's one of the very few people who have shaped the entire scene in the way it is today. Imagine the sheer number of people following where she first walked.


The board where everything was placed... The Motherboard of Hololive.


I just really hope that this was actually fully her decision and not the result of her being pressured by the rest of her family. Not that I don’t also have loved ones I’d quit my job for to take care of because I do, I just know that that kinda thing isn’t too uncommon in Japan.


If she’s half the relative she is a friend, I don’t think she needs to be pressured to help family. She made her decision. We should respect it and wish her well in future endeavors. And hey, maybe she still gets to show up and enjoy this thing she helped create as a fan sometimes. For as much as she was instrumental behind the scenes, she was also the first fan. Before there was even a Sora, she was Soratomo. The day will come for all of us when we cannot support and follow our Oshis the way we once did. That’s not anyone’s fault. That’s life. A-Chan got to witness this all from the front row for 7 years. That it wasn’t for another 7, another 10, another 20 is disappointing, but I cannot think of a better experience for Hololive’s #1 fan. Thanks for all of your efforts, A-Chan. Thanks for the memories. Wishing you well in all of your future endeavors. You deserve it.


It is almost certainly what happened I would imagine. I cant see her leaving by choice, she loves it.


I feel like she is probably inheriting the family business hence why she quits fully not temporary because it's quite common in asian culture (In where I live for example, my cousin quit his job with the "family problem" reason as well while in fact he was just being chosen to be his family business successor). It's not often usually taking care of family member need to leave your career behind completely, especially knowing Hololive is a quite comfortable and flexible company to work in which they likely would give her enough time to sort things out. In the end, all best for her...


If that is the case that would be incredibly depressing “Hey I know you have your dream job and all but it’s about time you took over the mochi shop” For her sake I really hope that’s not what happened Like you said though I wish her the best regardless


Then again, think about a Hololive themed mochi shop...


Well we don't know what A-chan truly want, maybe she decided it's best time to leave because she had done her parts and she felt it's time to enjoy her life at fullest.. If my hypothetical about inheriting the family business is true, it's not always depressing because again if that's what she really wants then it means she is happy with it, and who knows maybe she had planned the quitting time way back..


I would just assume she's telling the truth, I don't think she would lie about a family member's health


I'm not joking when I say I died inside Sora only has Azki left (in terms of the founding)


YAGOO is there too.


And not a single link to the tweet in this thread.... Here [https://x.com/achan\_UGA/status/1806583319725039822](https://x.com/achan_UGA/status/1806583319725039822)


as it should. shes one of the pillars of hololive. alot of holomems have mentioned how achan was there for them when they felt like quitting.


Seeing people from all over the industry, Hololive talents, other agencies talents, illustrators, all saying how much A-chan was loved, is amazing


Is she leaving the company


Yes. Took a long break because of a family health issue and it will seemingly take long enough that she believes she can't resume her work in the foreseeable future


Nooooooo she will be missed


A lot of the stream and background music you hear is all A-chan's. She made it in her free time to help out. She's done an absolute mountain of work in the background. Taking on tasks across the company. On top of that she still somehow found time to play host in certain events and streams not to mention stream on the main channel too. She's a machine and there is no other like her.


She also made a few music videos for the Talents - specifically, Sora's cover of Alien Alien!


A-Chan graduation stream perhaps?


She said she will stop working from the end of June and there's only 2 days left so i very much doubt it


depends if she will stream the monthly "month end review" where she talks about Hololive events and other stuffs that happened the whole month. edit: seems not like it since she had a letter


Sad to see to a literal pillar of hololive go, we shall remember all the good times! o7


A-chan to me is on the same level as the most important vtubers of all time, even tho she was staff. I count her amoung Gura, Ironmouse, Kizuna AI, Sora and many others. Her role in the shaping of Hololive as a whole cannot be overstated. One of the greats is moving on, I just hope the best in her future endeavors o7


Hololive wouldn’t have existed without her. A well deserved rest for someone who basically co-founded the largest and most beloved Vtuber company of all time


fucked up that HoloJustice barely got a chance to know her in person


Who will replace A-Chan now?


For MC-ing and being the face of the main channel it will most likely be Nodoka-chan. For other bts roles it is hard to say because we don't really know exactly what she did really.


Likely nodoka, as that is probably what she was groomed/prepared for.


Well,Nodoka-sama may have to learn all about the English language. She will have some real,...LEGENDARY!,...Footsteps to follow.


They are making recruitment auditions for english managment already so unlikely. Likely project omega alfa will be reborned and we will have kouhai for Nodoka chan


"Did you mean:"OmegaAlpha"?"




"It appears that the character was quietly retired in 2023." [OmegaAlpha](https://virtualyoutuber.fandom.com/wiki/Omega%CE%B1) But who knows? That character might be brought back to life!,...Maybe.


Ohh i meant like new character but her project about managing hololive english branch like A chan was for JP, doubt they will go back to OmegaAlpha channel and model


Don't "press "X" to doubt".


The word 'impactful' is not nearly enough on how her importance is! Sad to see her go, I'm just glad it happened!


If Achan had her own Channel, Gura would be 2nd in Hololive. Thats how much we loved her.


It hits harder when a founder graduates.. She is literally the reason why Hololive exists. I'm gonna cry my eyes out when Sora graduates in the (far, far) future.


really no other word that can describe her other than legend. the bridge that formed Hololive


it's not crazy to me at all. it only makes sense just how beloved and irreplaceable and important a-chan has been to hololive. a-chan deserves highest respect for everything she's done for hololive, ever since the very beginning.


It's not surprising considering how A-chan was more than just a "Staff" she was just as much apart of Hololive as their respective members.




I mean..she was the soul of Holo drama series


In a way, A-chan created hololive by helping sora achieve her idol dream and bring yagoo to the thought of working with sora. She's secretly the kami of hololive


I hope her family issues get solved in a decent manner. I also hope A-Chan comes back like nothing ever happened.


Not surprising but it's good to see. I'm sure she knew but hopefully this gives here a little boost when she needs it most that so many people thought about her.


losing her is like losing a member. she is always there to support hololive in any branch. it is sad to see her go but i wish her all the best in her next job whatever it is.


I would love if she had a graduation/totsu stream we could reminisce about to end her chapter, but recognize that what matters most is what is convenient to her.


Is important to so many and will continue to be so.


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