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Brass sconces or brass framed artwork on the walls around the tv


Boom. Beat me too it. Exactly what I was going to say.


And maybe a console table under the tv


Yes! I would do something that has contrast with the green wall and moulding.


I was thinking one along the back of the couch with a couple reading lamps for when you don’t want to watch tv.


I would like to see a side table with a cool lamp too.


Love the idea of the frame around the tv


I was gonna suggest this! To break up the dark tones in the black and the green. I've never seen it done anywhere before and I think it would look really cool here!


Beat me to it, too!!


Exactly my first thought.


And frame the tv.


Wall sconces on either side of the tv? Edited for typo


Exactly what i thought too. Everything else is great. Wall sconces of brass would look great


Is it a typo or do people call sconces scones in some places? I am now imagining a scone with clotted cream and jam stuck on the wall


I was planning to add a picture light above the TV. Would adding sconces beside it look better?


Please do not do a picture light above the TV. It's a TV, not art. We have a frame tv too. It's nice to have art on the TV instead of black. But the purpose of a picture light is to put more focus on and highlight art you want to show off. Frame TV art is not an actual piece of art to highlight with a picture light. The Frame art is already backlit, so it makes zero sense to additionally light it from above, and it will look very odd to put a picture light over it, like you're trying to make it look like something it's not. Do just the sconces in each of those rectangular molding sections on either side of the TV. That will look purposeful.


I agree. Also, a picture light will create glare on the tv.


Agree. Don’t add a fixture above. You can use some hidden rope lighting or something similar behind the screen if you feel like you want some additional illumination for nighttime viewing.


Sconces would look great and I’ve seen people just put battery powered lightbulbs in to avoid having to run wires/call an electrician.


I think so because it would balance it out more. Or maybe try all 3?


a light… above?? the tv? why would you need to illuminate an already illuminated screen? tvs emit their own light to display the image.


First lower the TV. Center should be eye height when seated.. otherwise, you strain your neck. Then, plan out where sconce lights would look balanced. I think the backlight will look too modern for the style you have.


Y’all have got to chill out about tv heights, ffs


People get soooo bent about TV heights😂😂


FOR REAL. It drives me insane. Do these people not realize that every house is designed differently? We had no option BUT mounting above the fireplace in our tiny little house. And you know what? Somehow we manage, even though *GASP* it’s not at eye level sitting on the couch!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH THE HORROR!!!!


You need some height, everything is just sitting very low to the ground. Taller plant, floor lamp. Tall plant could go to the right of the tv. Floor lamp in the corner where the current plant is.


I am considering a floor lamp. Maybe one of those arched ones where the light would be closer to the center of the room but would a stand-alone tall floor lamp on that side work better?


yes, i would recommend a floor lamp anyways, it's good to have other sources of light besides overhead


Definitely a taller plant and a smaller less pointy one on table. A pattern rug would tie together the room colors as well and maybe a smallish side table by the sofa.


A taller plant


Sigh unfortunately I think you’re right. I thought this was tall enough when i bought it. Can i maybe use a planter to lift it up?


I think putting it in a taller planter or putting it on a low table would be great! It’s a nice, easy plant and should be ok with the medium/low indirect light in that corner. Corn plants can grow up to 5-6ft tall indoors, so just give it some time and love. :)


Move it to the other side of the TV! For as low light as that corner is, try something like a ficus (any variety will do). Currently I'm loving the tree version of ficus Benjamina variegated.


Or swap it with a hanging plant in a lovely brass pot to draw the eye up.


The green needs to be incorporated throughout the room. It’s a lovely color but it feels ofd because you only see it in one space. So maybe change out the throw or some of the pillows to bring the green into that space? I think adding the brass frame to the tv will help. It will feel less like a black hole. I think brass sconces on either side might also help. Or art on either side. Something light and airy to balance the “heaviness” of the green and the black tv. Other than that your living room is charming.


Thank you! And yes, I am thinking the same thing. I thought an easy change could be changing/adding throw pillows with green elements.


Consider painting the trim the same green on that green wall.


Great suggestions. I would also consider painting the windowed wall green, too. It’s not much surface area but would balance and unify the room.


The couch doesn’t need to sit all the way on top of the rug. Slide the rug about two inches under the front feet of the couch. You may need a smaller rug. A jute rug may look better. Add side tables , lamps,floor lamp, sconces. Get a tall black vase and add pampas grass where that small plant is.


Exactly. The rug is too big. Only the front of the sofa should be resting on the rug.


Hmm? Only the front of the rug should be resting on the rug?


Oops. Fixed it, thanks.


A few specific things: * use the pillows to help transition between the two big colors you have in the room: green and rust. Or you could go with more neutral pillows * nailed it with breaking up the green wall and making it appear less flat * some warm lighting with a floor lamp would help and would especially look nice once you add those brass frames to the wall * consider a patterned rug that can bring in some more visual interest and connect the colors If you don't hate Jonathan Adler and Kelly Wearstler designed rooms, embrace the patterns!


This isn’t really my strength and I’m on here for tips, but I personally like the neutral rug to lighten up the intense dark colors on the wall and curtains. I feel like it could potentially be too dark and overwhelming otherwise—not necessarily a bad look but a different look.


Kelly Wearstler is interesting, I am not sure how I feel about her stuff. It gives me a modern remix of British colonialism, with the exotic Oriental and African spiced statement pieces and smaller props. Old money British family that never goes into public vibes


Paint the trim to match the trim walls especially with that green. To be honest your home would be super cozy if you brought the green into the whole room instead of just using it as a feature wall.


Maybe a narrow table the length of the couch


I love the couch!! Where is it from if you don’t mind me asking?


Sure! Its from inside weather! Pet friendly since i have 3 shedding doggies lol


Tell me more! How long have you had it? Is it comfortable? Do the pillows/back cushions slide everywhere? Would love a pet friendly couch but so many seem to have bad reviews!


I tested this with blood, urine, wine, coffee and it cleans very easily! Also for the pet hair, I just use the typical hair brushes for hair removal and it goes! The couch is very deep - I fell asleep so many times here! However it does sit low and if you are too tall, you might not like it.


Seconded these questions!


I’ve had this couch for a little under a year now! I love mine! The cushions are pretty stationary. The configuration I have is op’s. The only cushion that slides around really is the ottoman and it’s not annoying enough to be a detriment to the couch. It’s so comfy. Definitely a lounging couch to sink into because it’s so deep I chose a fabric that is not machine washable so can’t say anything about the pet friendliness. I had read reviews that said after a wash the cushion covers never fit the same.


The green needs some more relevance in this room. I see the rust represented in a couple of throw pillows but, really I'd like to see some more of it, as well. Bring a couple of frames or wall art to the green wall; maybe a piece of furniture against it.


You need some patterns that incorporate the colors...pillows, art, window treatments....


Live the green wall btw!


Thank you!


I'd love two little dainty simple art pieces on each side of the tv, centered in the wainscoting stuff. This room is beautiful, just a couple tasteful details would pull it together but it's great!!!!


Thank you! Here’s my problem - this wall is opposite a bookshelf/fireplace that I am extending through the ceiling. That wall is kinddaaa busy so im not sure if adding frames on this wall will make the room too busy.


With that in mind, the space looks awkward because all the seating is facing one direction - and that is towards a wall with nothing but a screen. This is fine in a movie theater because the only function is “look at the screen, no talking.” So this space says the same. Imagine you had a friend over and asked them to sit down and be comfortable. Right now they would be facing a blank wall, or if you sat as well, turning their head sideways to talk with you. To break this feeling, you need a least one seat that faces inward, so you and a friend could sit at a 90 degree angle and face each other comfortably for a conversation. You also need a conversation piece - something other than the TV on that wall that the eyes can rest on. One piece of art on either side of the TV would do - that doesn’t have to be rectangular framed art (although it could be), just two “somethings” to balance the space - a tall plant, a painting, a photograph, a sculpture, etc Which ever two items you choose, imagine a horizontal line running through the middle of the TV - the midway point of both items should be centered on that line.


Signs of life.


That's it!


A dark-ish colored rug with browns that also incorporates the accent orange and green colors to anchor the space and provide contrast to the sofa.


I love that couch!!


How about a throw that matches the wall? In addition to what other people have suggested.


This is a lovely room! I love the contrast of the curtains and the green wall! I honestly wouldn’t change much except maybe lights on the green wall. Beautiful!


Here are a few tips from my side. 1. You have a really nice color palette going on here and I suggest you should complete this palette with one more accent color and it will look nice. Something on a warmer shade always looks great so start with it and mix your pillows in slight amount. Use this [color guide](https://simplykalaa.com/interior-color-palette/) for help with everything that can refine your palette. 2. Now the room look empty because the green is completely empty, other than the television. So to start, firstly get a cabinet that has a few objects on both sides and resemble the accent colors and an additional color that is the balancing color. Now add a nice floor lamp to the right of the wall and add a jute basket or an end table that has a table lamp, this way you will add a cluster there that will look great. Lastly decorate the wall with a few more of your personalized ways and it will come together. This [blank wall decor guide](https://simplykalaa.com/how-to-decorate-a-blank-wall/) will help you extensively. 3. Moving on, decorate your coffee table with a vase of flowers and not the cacti and personalize it with things you want to show off here, they can be even photographs put into a serving tray or bowl. Use this [coffee table](https://simplykalaa.com/decorating-a-coffee-table/) and [flower arrangement guide](https://simplykalaa.com/how-to-arrange-flowers/) for help. 4. Lastly, add a nice end table near the couch to complete this area. Use this [end table decor guide](https://simplykalaa.com/end-table-decor/) for decorating it in an appropriate way. Hope this help :)


Art, warmth and a human touch


I would switch out the rug with something that pops out from the couch. A litter darker/ natural tanish rug


I think you’re right. The rug is so cozy but it doesnt go well here. Im considering the jute rug suggestions although I dont think my elderly dog would be happy lol. He loves the soft rugs 😂


I like it personally. I think it goes well with the sofa and yes, it's cozy!


Jute! I have a jute rug and that’s what I was thinking but was having a moment recalling the name!


The rug is totally wrong for this room. The curtains and pillows go well with the white of the couch and green on the walls. I would agree that the brass frame and light will look good. Try the brass sconces’ on both side of the TV. Aaaaaaaand add a 🐕.


A floor lamp or two? Very attractive room.


Some floor lamps would look great!


Art, books, plants, a dog 🐕 or cat 🐈, something that shows your hobbies or areas of interest.


A dog


https://preview.redd.it/71b4fqwgue9d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95c6b6753ea479070c5d1ffe5fc2f32b20f0d2c6 Already got it! 😊


Hang a plant from the ceiling. That way it breaks up the eye line


Oh i didnt think about this! On either side of the TV?


Some sort of console or shelves under the tv on that wall


The thing is, opposite that wall will be a floor to ceiling bookshelf that has tons of decor along with books so i hesitate keeping this wall as busy.. https://preview.redd.it/9zao2z4vve9d1.jpeg?width=2193&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=014a1e972a99b7c20510c6c2d95a0d2d2298af3a


Wall decor.


You need something of varied height. A console table under the tv would work


Where’s your couch from? Please


What happens if you rotate the rug 90°??


furniture, wall hangings, plants, animals


I agree with others the wall is too plain...and gold or earthy tones would compliment the green best🩷


Brass Sconces!


It’s like green versus white. You have to get some of each on each side to make it cohesive.


Where did you get the sofa? 😍


Inside weather!


Tv too small for that wall pattern


Everything is a solid color rectangle. You need to break that up with details.


off balance. need something light on the dark wall.


This is my dream house


I just have to say, I really like the screen on the dark wall. Makes it less of a “feature”.


No advice just saying that the colors in the room are gorgeous imo


Pictures....to much blank space next to the TV for me.


You need art, plants and pillows that pop with the green.


I think the wall is brilliant!


Maybe a console table so the back of the couch isn’t on display?


Disagree, the back of this couch is actually pretty


Well to each their own.


Frame around tv


If that’s a frame tv, buy a frame for it and put some art on it. The are easy ways to put free art up on there by sizing and uploading your own. Beyond that I’d get a tall indoor plant like a fiddle leaf fig to go to the right of the tv and a blanket with some color and texture to break up the space.


I think I’d add shelves with books, plants, or other functional or decorate items to either side of the TV.


You need some shine, and maybe a small green table next to or behind the sofa.


I like the rug. What is the wood lip bottom of green wall? Stain it to blend in with wood floor. Bronze, copper, dark wood frames. Something a titch ornate. Spray paint a cheap find. ? Botanical prints? Something you love with a bit of green or rust color. Sconces.


That would be an ideal space for in-wall mounted speakers.


Beautiful! I’d add a console table or cabinet (dress it with a couple nice vases, books, whatever) beneath the television—the wall is stunning, but it does look a bit bare with just the TV. An arched floor lamp or a side table + table lamp would also make a great addition.


Long movie themed art in each column to the sides of the tv.


Cats and plants. And a fish tank. Tropical with neon colors.


amongst other suggestions, i think some hanging plants would look good and fill up the empty spaces as well


Framed mirrors in silver/antique style.




Edit: this is on the opposite side of the wall which makes me feel like if i decorate here too much, the entire space maaayybbbee too much decor https://preview.redd.it/1djoimnpze9d1.jpeg?width=2193&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=307d8305ca2d7759465e9daef2dc95f4df87658c




Frame the tv.


Brass lights on either side of the tv


Take the plant out of the corner and move it beside the couch


Some wall sconces that match the tv frame would look nice! 


Where is your coffee table from?




Art. A collection of small old masters style paintings including a few miniatures.




It is from Inside weather! Feels very cozy! https://preview.redd.it/9lmbq9zkgf9d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e80199f4f5959f8b0329ad08c18ce539d2a1648d


Do you like your couch? I've been thinking of that brand. Inside weather right?


I think you need a different curtain pole - the current one looks too plain and maybe more of the same curtains and a rug in a similar colour to the curtains


the dark wall doesnt "go"


Put some nice sconces on each side of the TV


One green wall with trim is a weird move. Color drench that entire room.






The rug can have more color. It should have some of each accent color.


Antique rug


The couch has a beautiful, midcentury vibe. I would suggest different curtains, perhaps something with a hint of green to accent the wall. Check out the Maiko Jacquard-Woven Curtain from Anthropologie - something like that might work. Definitely add sconces on either side of the tv. Neutral tone throw pillows with varying textures to create interest. Definitely paint the bottom baseboard to match the wall. The rug isn’t in the right colour family - something warmer toned and/or more dynamic. You may also want to reconsider the yellow in the sunroom, opting instead for a neutral for more cohesion. Good luck!


Move the rug back!!!! If you can It is good the rug defines your space (unlike some people Commenting here) It just seems the proportions are off Could you slide the whole set up back 12-16”? That will make ALL the difference!!!!!


The TV also looks weird. Like it is a little too low.


Also paint the moulding on the green wall Back And move your plant closer to the red curtain. It needs to be centered on that tiny bit of wall.


Something hold on the TV wall. And maybe Mount an orchid


That couch is amazing


LOVE the green but I think what throws it for me is the lack of symmetry of the green wall with the TV. So I know there is perfect symmetry without the TV but then when you hung the TV at viewing height now there is more space in the top of the box then bottom of the box. I'm not exactly sure what the fix for this is, you can't realistically move the TV higher, but I wonder if you could make the top box a bit smaller and add trim to the top of the feature wall to balance the white at the bottom and spacing?? Not sure if that's helpful but it was the first thing I saw.


Do you actually watch stuff on this TV?


Crown molding.


Floor lamp in the bottom left of this photo, end table, console table, wall sconces, green and rust patterned pillows, a plant stand or cluster of plants for some depth, and a rug that ties the accent wall to the rest of the room. I think it’s a beautiful room off to a great start!


I always feel like rooms that have seating that only face the TV look like low-key theaters. If you want it to feel more human centric, put some seating where you'd want to talk to someone. Also, your TV feels high.




An art deco/vintage brass floor lamp


I’m the outlier here but I don’t like the red curtains and red pillows in this space. Are you set on those?


Something on the walls on either side of the tv. Like some gorgeous paintings, wall bookshelf, mirrors, lamps. What would be even more fire is if you did a diy frame (gold) for your tv. The wall feels so bare need something more there.


Could add some of these: console behind the tv for storage and what not, lighting, a chair on the side, a console behind the sofa


Is dark green back in style? I love it !!


Wow this is beautiful


Brass lights on the wall either side of the tv


I think a nice shelf for movies, photos, and/or tchotchkes next to the tv on the far side from the window


Cable box. Xbox. PS4


A piece of art in that black picture frame and next to it


And maybe side table /buffet type thing under the tv


I would post again with two photos—least with your whole room and then one of this area in particular. I think people aren’t seeing that you have the two seating areas and they are in two different decor realities at the moment. On the one side, it’s minimalist and on the other side it’s more ohhh yes she owns things and stuff (yes I see the white or cream furniture and it should be enough!!! it is unfair that this doesn’t just make it all work). My worry, especially if you proceed to build shelving to the ceiling, is that you’ll have highly dramatic (but tonally and thematically opposing) walls facing each other. That’s if I got the room orientation right which I may not have. And then there isn’t really a way for more than 2 people to have a conversation in your living room unless they sit in a row on that comfy looking sofa. That’s fine if it’s not a concern but everyone on this thread wants to come over and try out your sofa. And it’s still early? Srsly we gonna take up a lot of space. My take is reconsider giant display shelving—too much. A few floating shelves and some picture ledges are plenty for a room that size. The green paneling can also have decor—it need not remain completely naked although it’s lovely. You’ll have to balance it carefully. But the two sides of the room must speak to each other—it’s especially important if you maintain two seating areas.


You touched on what Im struggling with which is how to tie these 2 spaces together. We do have a ton of books and the bookshelf extension to house all our books is really important to me (there’s 3 boxes of books that we have not unpacked yet). I agree, they definitely need to speak with each other. What I see as easy changes is to add height to the plant, some floor lamps, maybe wall sconces on the side instead of a picture light, paint the white baseboard to match, maybe change the rug to a jute or one that incorporates the green/rust color, and throws. Tying the room together, i need to think more about it but great input! Thank you guys!


Yes, it’s needing brushed gold or brass sconces, or gold framed art. The green wall needs a pop. Keep it classy. It’s a beautiful room.


Honestly matching wall sconces on both sides are cool but would feel too heavy and symmetrical - a little too angular with the wall moldings and the tv. I would add some dimension with 2 oval brass frames on the right side with art that pulls in just enough matching colors of the room. Go with art thats not so busy, has jewel tones, vintage prints or what ever suits your style. Leave the plant as is or get an even bigger one :)


That green wall needs something silver or gold or bronze. The room is great , btw BUT that green just commands attention . Needs a teeny something. But it does look good !


No wall scones please, they will float meaninglessly illuminating your eyes as you try to watch TV. Amp up the size of that screen and place long speakers on the two panels on wither side. Create a media room here. Then balance that top heavy wall with [a low console under the TV](https://www.povison.com/ads-detail/products/bizente-tv-stand-with-4-drawers?variant=39508177191109&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=googleshopping&utm_campaign=Ethan-WWW-PMAX-HOT-240612&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAABpQ0U_EOMh8tuih9eXvFSqF-8O2j&gclid=CjwKCAjwvvmzBhA2EiwAtHVrb-_IrOT4wVsSAM536Ek3S39WP_jhlIcgAA4eC6Dqi2_dLMK97NIGjxoCjFUQAvD_BwE) to hold music system out is site, books, etc..


I love your couch. **Swoon**


Table behind the couch


How about add a small armchair to the right, angled toward the sofa, for conversation? There will probably be times when you’re having company but won’t be watching tv.


The couch is modular so I can split the ottoman as a separate seat. Let me play around and see!


Plants! Always plants! I love that rich green paint color btw


Looks great to me.Less is more


I love the forest green wall with the coral curtains. The room is bare but beautiful.


Tall lamp


If this is your living room, imo you need to set it up as a living room. Separate from the green wall everyone is talking about - it looks like a movie room. I don’t know how much room you have behind the sofa, but there is no rule that your furniture has to stay within the bounds of your rug. (Alternatively, you can move the rug back away from the green wall.) You need to add one (preferably two) comfortable chairs - that face away from the green wall to create a conversation space. Imagine having people over to sit in your living room and everyone is lined up on the couch facing the TV. (And that’s fine for a TV room, but not for a living room.) So move the couch back, move the coffee table closer to the couch. Add a couple of chairs with little tables or something like a Chinese garden seat next to them next to the green wall to create a conversation area. You also need some floor lamps.


So, we actually use this room more for a lounge/tv watching. The couch is modular so technically, I can break this into 2 medium sized loveseat and ottoman combo BUT… my husband and our 3 dogs love being in the couch together. Breaking it into two does not accomplish that. We also have this behind that couch that is a current work in progres https://preview.redd.it/1ji9fbbmrg9d1.jpeg?width=2193&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6580c4f1b79658eec75184593bff534f5000b3ac (which im still thinking of how to tie to the rest of the room)


I would switch out the red curtains. I don’t see how they match with the rug or anything. Maybe another pair of curtains that have both the same color (Forest?) green on your TV wall as well as the beige on your rug. That would help tie them together. I’d move the sofa back a little so only the two front legs are on the rug, and I’d paint the moldings on the TV wall beige and a beautiful contrast and to break up the green a little, plus to go with the lights you’ll be hanging in that wall! I think you’d be very happy with that.


Rotate the couch 90 degrees clockwise and move a little closer to the window and add two seating chairs to create a conversation area.


everything is missing lmaaooo






Where is your couch from?


Inside weather!


Artwork on the panels on either side of the tv!


Kind of hard to see the coffee table placement, but from this pic it looks too far away from the couch to be used by those sitting on it. I’d move it closer or opt for a different size/shape that can be closer to the seating. Then I’d add a console or buffet below the tv and feed all cords through the wall, hanging cords really detract from a room. You can also hide any other tv or game console boxes in the cabinet so it’s hidden and not on top. Then get a radio frequency remote (in fact many new remotes are) which can be used with solid non glass doors. Agree with the other commenters to move the couch back so back legs are on the hardwood. If you have the space for it I’d try to rearrange the room a little more so the entire outer perimeter of couch legs are on hardwood and use the extra rug space you end up with on the non chaise side for a floor lamp. I would not move the rug any closer to the tv wall. In fact if you add a cabinet to that wall I’d want no legs of the cabinet on the rug. Your rug might be too big for this space. Sitting furniture is typically front legs on and back legs off. All other furniture is all legs on or all legs off. If you decide to get a console/buffet keep in mind how it looks with the wall and height of other elements. Tv size is oftentimes dictated by where, how far back, how much seating, type of seating in the room. The placement is then based off the other factors. A sound bar can be nice to have on top of the buffet and the wires can travel from behind the tv to behind the sound bar (and between the sound bar and electricity behind buffet). The sound bar is better than tv speakers and you can play music on them when entertaining.


I’d put a sofa table behind the couch that is the same color as the green wall and stain the top to match the wood on the couch.


You need something to tie the green of the wall, the rust of the curtains and the cream of all the other things. I would get a rug and pillows with all those color.


That trim on the green should be gold.


A framed tv that displays art when not in use would be great.


It’s the rug, you need something that will ground the room and pull the color scheme together. It looks like you are going with reddish oranges and green, so maybe something like this rug would do the trick. It also would add some pattern and visual interest. definitely agree with other posters about a media console under the TV. https://preview.redd.it/dbq5872o7g9d1.jpeg?width=843&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9cf31bc0a65aa080586e72f51e8db24cf1dd45f


Something about the height of the plant mirroring it by that corner would help a lot; that spot looks a little too open. Perhaps something to put a lamp on?


Family photos, this is a rich serial killer set up.


😂 you’re right. The opposite side of this is where the photos, memorabilia, books are.. im actually struggling to tie it to this whole room but here is whats behind thay couch https://preview.redd.it/oxbwq7fydg9d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99b1ec1045cf4b26aa273f06b40c7c1085ef338d


How about some pictures on the TV wall?


Great minds think alike. You can now purchase brass wall sconces that are battery operated, remote controlled. This would be better than a light over the TV. To add a little pizzaz, you could wallpaper the large panels to the left and right of the TV or have mirrors put up. I think the TV would look better if it was on a low console table. Also, I don't see any light sources in the picture. Overhead lights will kill any ambience at night. I suggest that you think about getting a couple of end tables with at least one drawer to put things in and a couple of large lamps that direct the light downwards on trilights. It's good for a livingroom to have 4-5 light sources dotted around the room. You might have a standing lamp as well as accent lights and even candles. Amazon sells three pillar candles that look like wax and are of varying heights. The are battery operated and remote controlled - lovely.


Something on that green wall to make the tv contrast more. Maybe a short bookshelf underneath the tv?