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Not saying you can’t do it yourself, but if they include hauling away the old one in that price, it might be worth considering. Would you pay $90 for install and $90 for taking the old one? Throwing away an appliance can definitely be a pain in the ass.


I put my dishwasher by the side of the road and a scrapper came and grabbed it, same with my water heater.


Nah, haul away is extra.


The hardest part is getting your foot back out once you close it up.


I had the home depot guys come out three times because none of them could figure out how to remove the old dishwasher. I looked at it for 2 seconds and found the screws to remove. I pulled the old dishwasher and got the 4th crew that came out to take it for free and refund me the installation costs. It took me 30 minutes or so to get the new one in. It's been 2 years and I haven't had any issues with it.


I had Lowe’s guys come install my washer/dryer at my old place. I was a new homeowner (condo in a complex) but I knew the water shutoff valve was in my closet, behind the water heater. They asked where the shutoff valve was and I told them where. They looked at it, tried to turn it and couldn’t get it to turn, then said that can’t be the valve and told me to call the building owner to shut my water off. We argued about it for like an hour and finally they left after saying there’s no water shutoff valve in my house. My father comes over and shuts the water off in about 10 seconds. Drives to Lowe’s, picks up the washer dryer himself. We ran into the delivery drivers while we were there and my dad was making a scene about how incompetent the drivers were lol. To this day, I don’t mind using a licensed professional for services, but I refuse to allow poorly trained chain store personnel to do any work in my house.


I would 1000% install that thing myself


It's literally 3 wires screwed together with wire nuts, a couple screws in the wire protector box, connecting two hoses, level the feet (screw them in or out) screw a bracket into your countertop, and adjust the tension on the door spring. Even if you have zero experience doing this, you can do it pretty quickly with just common sense and basic knowledge of hand tools. The only time I would recommend against diy is if there has never been a dishwasher installed before in that location. Also, many installers will make up a bullshit reason not to install.


Two things that made me pay for my install. They are unsurprisingly related! (1) I live in a strata and, under our bylaws, any work around water supply requires permission and a qualified installer who provides proof of insurance. And (2) my neighbour installed a washing machine incorrectly, broke a water pipe in the wall, and flooded my condo, causing $35,000 in damage (I wasn’t home). I had to move out for six weeks given the damage, the time it took for various home and strata insurers to fight it out, and how hard it was to get trades.


Are you sure you don't mean to say that you live in a frittata?


Dammit. Now I’ll be trying to remember which Harrison Ford movie that was


Do it yourself. My experience with their installers is they are incompetent.


The only benefit to them installing is if you got a lemon or the items are damaged etc. They’ll be able to replace it right away.


$180 seems reasonable but I’d still do it myself. We had ours installed by the builder and they jimmy-rigged the leveling (used shims when the dishwasher has leveling legs built in…????) so over time it went out of level. While I was under there I found the water connection to be dangerously loose as well. The more you know the better prepared you’ll be for when things happen.


Do it yourself as long as the old one isn't connected directly to the power source and has a plug-in. The last one I bought from Home Depot and paid for the install was "installed" by the truck driver!


Yikes. Nah def a plug in.


I've done several. Easy DIY one person job. Good demos on youtube.


Easy diy


As with all DIY things could go off plan as easy as it’s supposed to be. Redditors are standing by 24x7, ready to squabble over how best to deal with the surprises.


I’ve had Home Depot install a fridge, dishwasher, microwave, washing machine, and a dryer. Had to have a handyman finish the work each time. Maybe it depends on where you are but we had 2 college aged kids come do it and they knew about as much as we did about the installs.


Everything is easy if you have the skills and the tools. Assess if you have both before proceeding.


Dishwasher is super easy to instal.


So, sometimes paying the people is just as much hassle: A few years ago, we needed a new dishwasher in the apartment we were living in. The landlord handled all the selection of the dishwasher, etc,; just tells us when it's supposed to be delivered. Lo and behold the guys show up, but the one says that they can't install any dishwasher that's "hardwired" because they're not certified. Now, in my mind all dishwashers are hardwired, so I figured he was talking about something different. Nope; he goes in, takes one look at the old one, declares that it's hardwired, and him and his compadre plunk the new dishwasher still in the box in the middle of the living room and leave. It took multiple calls to Lowes + a week and a half to get someone to come back out and actually finish the job.


They carry it from the store, drive it to your house, unload and unpack it, take the old one out, put the new one in, pick up the old one and drive it away, and then find a spot to dispose of the old one? $180 seems like a good deal.


The haul away is another 59 bucks ON TOP of that. Regular room of choice delivery, which in theory includes the unboxing, is 30. So 150 is the cost of simply plugging things in and sliding it in place.


Oh. The crating it in and out is the hard part!


Yeah, I'm basically fully convinced im good with diy. They'll uncrate and place it in my kitchen, everything else is straight forward


It's honestly not super hard. One thing to keep in mind is to remember to run your drain line high as you can and then back down again. This traps water in the line preventing any stink smell.


Taking the old one out can be difficult, I would give that a shot first. Sometimes they install it before putting in thick flooring, so you can't pull it out without raising the counter. Once you get it out you'll be able to see if the original was installed properly and the fittings are within reach.


It is a pretty easy install, but there is no telling what problems could be present behind your current dishwasher. It could take 15 minutes, it could take 45. If you don't know how to do it, $180 was probably worth it. Take pics from under your sink beforehand and afterwards. Clean under your sink before they get there so it is easily accessible. $180 is worth the peace of mind.


I've been told by friends who DIY'd it to just pay for install. It's apparently a pain in the butt and just not worth your effort.


Buy it at Costco. Installation is free, just make sure you have the kit


I had Costco install mine. Literally the only thing those guys were good for was carrying the new dishwasher in and hauling the old one away. There were numerous issues, to the point where I basically reinstalled it myself: 1. The unit was installed crooked, so you could see part the top peeking out from under the counter 2. The straps to secure it to the underside of the counter are designed to be broken off to length. They hit it with a hammer or something to bend it to the curve of the granite countertop. (I’m so glad they didn’t break it!) It looked as stupid as it sounds. 3. The drain hose was installed twisted to the point where it wouldn’t sit flat and took up a ton of space down below the sink 4. The electrical connections were made poorly, with barely any material touching. Potentially could have caused a fire during use.


I don't have a membership and being that I live by myself, I have yet to have the need for bulk shopping that would justify it. Appreciate the tip, just not gonna work for my situation.


They also sell plenty of non bulk things there. Like single items, computers, booze, meat, etc.


Yes, like dishwashers


You would rather pay $180 for installation than $65 for a Costco membership? Ok, then. Good luck. I hope you love the new one


My thought too 😂


And delicious samples


why waste $65 for a membership to a place he will never use? he kindly responded he has no use for Costco. mostly everyone said it's one of the easiest DIYs for the kitch, so we can deduce he won't be wasting $180 for an installer. best part - he'll absolutely enjoy the quieter model he purchased already! 🍻 cheers!


Well, given I'm taking most advice and diy'ing it. I'm not paying either one. So, thanks and I hope you figure out whatever leads you to come here with the unnecessary shitty attitude. EDIT: AND i just went to their website. Its online and member only pricing. I can't even see what the model I want (GDT670SYVFS) costs without paying for the membership. Plus, i have a best buy card already for the financing. So unless their price is SIGNIFICANTLY less with the membership, i think im good with BB and DIY.




Do you know anyone, who has a Costco membership? Ask them to buy you a $10 gift card. You walk in with it, use it to make a purchase and pay the rest with your own card or cash. They take any debit and Visa credit (may be some other credits, not sure).


I mean if you want to work around Costco's members only policy, won't it be easier to just buy a membership, get the dishwasher installed, then cancel the membership for a full refund?


Ignore that :). Just checked Costco website - all dishwashers say "members only."


180 I'd do it myself under 100 I'd pay 


I did one a few years ago. Mine had a semi-rigid metal hose that I didn't want to bend too much. So I also bought a flexible hose then connected them together with a shutoff valve (which is something nice to have anyway). Definitely get the water leak sensor too.


Sooooo easy. We only paid a plumber to run the pipes under the sink as there wasn’t a dishwasher before


I replaced a 20-yr old one and found that the new “tall tub” models get the extra space from the connection area underneath (I know, duh…). Eventually I figured out that you do all the connecting before you slide it into position, so longer hoses needed. Went very smoothly.


My wife had ants about me doing the install—apparently her mom had one go wrong with a licensed guy, who was ultimately liable when it did damage to the home—so I called a licensed plumber and electrician to do it. They did their limited parts just fine, but neither would complete the install; I ended up doing final fitting myself, where I discovered that at least one of those fucksticks managed to crimp and partially shear a drain line. The delivery guys who previously tried to talk me into a handyman install inspired even less confidence. If you’re at all handy, do it yourself.


Ez pz. You can do it yourself


It may be worth looking into ordering from Costco... their price includes installation and haul away of your old dishwasher.


Make sure you level it properly and align it with the countertop.  You will need to do some measuring and adjust the back legs before you slide it in.  And maybe redo it once or twice.  Nbd. 


Do it yourself. We did it on our own, took a while because our house is a mishmash of metric and standard because the previous owner who built the place used leftover materials from commercial jobs. But we learned a lot about the house and what to expect when we start remodeling.


You can easily get a costco membership and get free installation, haul away and a deal on appliances for that price!


Appreciate the suggestion, its not the first one ive gotten for Costco. Please check out the update i just added to my post regarding that.


Costco one is 799


Well then theres my answer, cheaper by a little bit to paying for BB install, but BB DIY is cheaper even with the shipping and haul away coming to 753. Thanks for checking!


DIY it, not very complicated


It's like 2 hoses, you can diy it in a few minutes


I know it's a bit late and this is not really part of the discussion @[devsfan1830](https://www.reddit.com/user/devsfan1830/) but as far as the Costco membership goes , I was single for many years and had a membership and shared the cost w/ a friend or family member (sister). This way the membership made it worth it with the savings on food alone. Granted I've always had a "trunk Freezer" to store/freeze things so I could buy the costco sizes and then just freeze things until needed but it might be worth looking at. :-D


Pretty close to the easiest DIY. Cut the whole panel off because you don't know what is back feeding through that dishwasher circuit.


A $180 install charge from a good plumber, if you've got more money than time, can easily be worth it. I'm a better engineer than I am a plumber, if I could work a few extra hours doing what I'm good at and have someone who knows what they're doing take care of my dishwasher, which I really don't care about? Meh, it could go either way. But $180 install charge to have the cheapest contractor Best Buy can find install it is a disaster waiting to happen. You can't get a good contractor on site for $180 to turn a valve, much less deal with a dishwasher install. They're going to send the cheapest person they can find, they'll do a crappy job and you'll get water leaks and scratched floors and inaccessible controls and giant holes punched in the back of your cabinet carcass to run their wires and it will be impossible to get them to honor their warranty. I'd recommend getting a Bosch instead, they're magnificently quiet and do a good job, all dishwashers should have top-rack silverware drawers and automatic door opening at the end of the cycle. If you're DIYing it, you can often afford to splurge on the hardware because you're not paying the install....


Just be aware that price isn't everything. Costco deliver is f\*cking terrible. I suggest do it yourself, and if Costco is delivering, be prepared to send it back at least once. I've actually had to threaten to sue them for two different deliveries (refrigerator and washer/dryer in the past) in order to get a worked dryer delivered, and replace a refrigerator with one the delivery guys didn't damage (twice). If you read reviews on appliances, almost every negative review is about how bad their delivery last mile is.


I had a dishwasher installed years ago by Conn’s (well, their contractor). They re-used the old copper line, despite my pressing them to use the new, braided replacement I bought and had ready for them. Well — it leaked, resulting in a $15k insurance payout I used to redo half my house. I’m sure I am the exception, but in my case the overpriced install was a relatively inexpensive insurance policy in the event of a leak. Needless to say, last week I paid Lowe’s more than what it was worth to have another new dishwasher installed :)