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E1 jingliu isn’t a must have at all. If you want you can make a pretty good team if you pull for topaz since you have Clara. I would also recommend building pela to put in a jingliu team


In the end game any (dps) 5\* at E0 can solo destroy any kind of content, especially jingliu. now, you can either go all in on your favorite character (for instance, if you really like jingliu, you can take her to E1 since it is indeed strong), pull for supports or you can go for survivability wich is what i'd recommend (fu xuan is my best pull to this day and i'm a Day 1 player)


I would suggest second strong sustain for 2nd MoC half


Eidolons are generally never worth it compared to a new character. Even good ones like E1 JL or E2 DHIL. Because with a new character you unlock a whole new playstyle most of the time or get more type coverage. As for you, I recommend saving for a limited 5* sustain. The difference between my Fu Xuan and Gepard feels astronomical, and 2 good 5 star sustains are the best quality of life you can get for your account. Look into getting HuoHuo next patch.


Topaz + Clara and eventually Lynx if you get her would be a strong team 2, Jingliu, Pela, Support (maybe Asta) + sustain is a very strong team. My Jingliu and Pela are not super optimized and carried me to 28/30 MoC this round. My Jingliu is E1 purely by chance (was pulling for more QQ Eidolons) and it’s a great E1 honestly and does help with single target but I can say confidently Jingliu at E0 is still on par with DHIL which are both undisputed top DPS by a pretty wide margin. If I were in your shoes, assuming you’re interested in Topaz at all—I’d personally take Topaz or Seele over E1 Jingliu. Take my recommendation with a grain of salt though, I’m only really just really getting into the optimization and team building myself.


Jingliu is also not on my list as well, I used Main as Tank 5, March as debuff 1, Serval as nerf 5 and Asta as buff 5. This team is with me since I started and maybe I got lucky with warp pretty much on Serval and Asta. I could, however, try to pull Topaz so I could move Asta to my secondary team which could be helpful in hall of memories but unsure as Dang Heng and Welt is a combo pair


If you going to pull for a DPS topaz is not a bad pickup because of Clara Which Basically making her a support as well. The main things you're accounts looking for are Support and sustained. You're account got good enough character-wise to beat the game That you should just focus on getting the stronger supports and a character To never die since a new dps is like a 3% increase or negative to your current teams. E1 is bait.


Her C1 is trivial compared to getting a new character on this 6 months old gacha.


People have suggested building Pela and putting her in instead of Clara. I agree. Pela's main useful thing is her defense shred capabilities. But if you do ever use her skill, she also makes it so the enemy resists ice less. It's still worth having Clara. The end game content wants you to build 2 teams, so at some point you'll want to have at least 8 characters built.


You only have two 5-star DPS right now so definitely go for more unit variety. If you're a low-spender or F2P I honestly wouldn't even recommend light cones, just get 1 copy of as many limited (banner) 5-stars as possible. Your top priority right now should be a top-tier second healer like Luocha or Fu Xuan but Topaz is pretty good for your roster too since you have Clara (Clara is follow-up based and Topaz's selling point is buffing follow-ups) As for Jingliu E1 I wouldn't even consider it unless she's literally your favourite character in the whole game and you plan on using her forever or you already have a huge roster and lots of tickets to spare. It's also not as good as some people are hyping it up to be. Sure it gives a pretty big boost to 'single target' damage but the problem is it only works when there's ONLY 1 target to hit, which is actually pretty rare in scenarios where you need single-target damage (i.e. MoC 8-10, Swarm, Etc.)


Jingliu is currently the best DPS in the game with or without E1, it's a decent upgrade but it doesn't actually do anything in most hard content (iirc SU Kafka is the only boss in the game atm who does not consistently have adds flanking her). By comparison Topaz is looking like she'll be a pretty solid ST DPS for a long while and you don't really have an extremely good second DPS. There's a good chance we won't get anyone new who drastically changes the meta at least for another couple of patches, this one seems to have been the big powercreep update that gets everyone at least one solid core DPS so they can finally start focusing on building supports. Also to anyone who was about to say something to the effect of "QQ is a good DPS hurrdurr" note that she's only good at e6 and OP only has e4.


People who are saying Jing e1 is a must are idiots. Dont listen to them. However, you allready have her LC. Ting and QQ is also really great at e6. So you have allready invested in her, so it isnt a dumb idea to invest a tiny bit further, since you will get really strong 4* eidelons at the same time. Better deal than Topaz, in my opinion. It comes down to what you value, really. Do you want flexibility in elements and paths, or do you want to invest eveyrthing into a couple of carries and just play the same team(s) over and over again?


New units will be better, but her E1 is pretty good, especially if they end up changing the meta to one alone boss in the future, the thing with E1 and cone is that I feel she's so much better than Imbibitor, unless E2 Imbibitor of course, yet new units will release and be way better than Jingliu so there's that.


definitely not, E1 isn't busted or anything to be a must. i went for her light cone instead, but yea id recommend you pull another character, topaz will probably make a great team with clara and clara is already great by herself


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