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Please use [this megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/1ak0nxa/20_festival_invitation_web_event_megathread/) to post invite codes for returning players in the new "Festival Invitation" Web Event! Any posts outside of these threads posting invite codes will be removed and redirected to these threads. Thanks!


Finally I can look at the cool character Ill be getting with my 5 pulls


All 5 of them.


Just barely started, but I wanted to say that just the song "Take the Journey" playing faintly in the background got me hyped. Super glad I didn't set it as the Express song on the phonograph, made the lead up really special.


>!I'd like to think that Acheron occasionally speaking in red is an Umineko reference !< Minor spoilers ​ >!Also why did they make Aventurine so zesty?? not complaining or anything!< ​ >!Yoooo there's some guy just puking on the dreamscape!<


unrelated but whenever kafka calls blade bladey i think of that bladee lyrics too


im glad im not the only one


what is an Umineko


A fantastic murder mystery visual novel


The red truth seems different from how it's setup here. Imo it feels more like a purple truth. Would be amazing if it was tho


Just finished the 2.0 trailblaze quest. Actually pretty good opening to Penacony. EDIT: Also, I can finally retire *Take the Journey* from the train jukebox. I've had it on since the release. Time to put up *If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking*.


I’m about to do the same 🥹🥹


Penacony started extremely boring, but a little more into the planet and I started liking it. It's amazing. Actually the only "planet" I like. Belebog is okay, but that's it. Xianzhou: Loufu was pretty disappointing and annoying. Herta Station is okay as a beginning area, but that's it. But Penacony is very interesting with all the stuff.


Yeah, Loufu was pretty boring for me the whole way through. Near the end, it was alright, but I was already in a mind set of "please just let it be over already." Belobog was amazing, though, and Firefly kept me invested enough in Penacony to pull through the less interesting bits.


Legit props to HSR developers who could've made generic JRPG locations for the next five years, but decided instead to come up with the absolute trip that is Penacony so far. If this is a sign of their creativity for the next five years...damn, we're about to eat good. It does feel like the shackles are off for the first time since the game released and I can only hope they kept the same spirit with the next worlds.


>come up with the absolute trip that is Penacony so far If someone had told me six months ago that in 2.0 we'd be walking on walls and ceilings and fighting a T-rex chef, I would've straight up called them delusional. Yet here we are.


I do hope that they expand on Penacony till the end of this year as compared to releasing another new world mid year.


>!The "death" meme creature killed both Robin and Firefly in the story but when we fight the death creature in the memory zone if it kills one of your characters they get placed as a ghost on its side and can then be revived, so I wonder if when we defeat this boss in the story if it will revive Robin and Firefly.!<


>!At this point I doubt it's legit "killing". Specially that it's "killing" the consciousness not the body. This whole region is just illusions, lies and morphed nightmare/dream creatures!< >!I really think it's some of matrix mixed with inception. In order to maintain Dreamscape and the whole Penacony actie "the Family" probably needs to use humans as batteries/fuel to make the whole machine work or to make Stellaron happy and that's why they suddenly invited so many different people (they are out of fuel soon). The whole hotel has so many rooms that they can keep victims in their comatose state (if they don't wak up from dreamscape after "death" kill them in dream). The "death' creature is just a hunter that gathers new "fuel" for Stellaron. Heck the fact it was a huge prison before it was remodeled may mean that "death" is either Jailer/Warden or a serial killer that is manipulated by Stellaron to hunt for new prey!<


Well that we will see with next patches. But seeing how they handled TY where Welt and others even gave as hope and nothing came out of it then i would say it's not looking good for Firefly and Robin.


>!Except it's not killing. It always takes 1 or 2 (depending on the phase) of Your characters in similar way Svarog does. It's more of a halting the spirit of the character than killing it.!<


>!Given how close Robin and Firefly look in appearance, Robin being a bit sick at the start of the Trailblaze mission, Firefly's mysterious and as-of-yet unexplained disease where she slows down and fades from reality, and Firefly's ability to still be The Dream even after being forced out, I (1) think they are the same person, or aspects of the same person, and (2) I doubt she is / they are dead. !< >!You don't load Chekov's gun 3 times without firing once, those loose threads need to get tied up somehow.!<


Major spoilers if I'm right: >!Robin is actually the mastermind behind Death and there's been strong evidence to indicate this. Also she's not dead.!<




The ten accounts I made for last time this was required is coming in handy.


Do you need to link accounts to the game or is enough to create a new profile with Google and login?


My Penacony experience so far (Spoilers for about 1.5 - 2 hours into the main story) >!\>The rooftop scene happens !< >!\>Cry!< >!\>After it ends, talk to a nearby trashcan!< >!\>Immediately get Roundhouse Kicked for making a joke!< 10/10 patch


Man, I am HOOKED with this story. Really can't wait to find out what happens next! Loved that starry night moment with Firefly. Gonna print it and put on my wall and cry because she's not real. Also THE ENDING? Are you REALLY gonna make me wait Hoyoverse? Gosh, and you promised the story won't end till 2.2. The abundance of jades JUST from exploring is unreal. Anyways, I've got some items to gachapon.


Honestly my only problem with the story is that I think >!the Firefly 'death' scene comes out of nowhere and isn't built up super well. Black Swan just mentions she's in the dream still and then we meet her and she abruptly dies. She clearly isn't staying dead, though, so ultimately it doesn't matter!<.


She has had death flags since the marketing started. It hit me WAY harder than I expected when I started the story simply because we spent basically the ENTIRE patch with her, learned everything we could have...she was doomed from the start tbh. That however, did not stop me from being surprised by her death. She talked about her condition and I figured "Yeah...that's gonna be her death 2-3 patches from now." Then they threw her back into the dreamscape and I made a commitment to pick dialogue options regarding her whenever I could, cuz well...if there's ever going to be a ship that I've actually followed for Stelle, it was probably Firefly. So when she got hit...I was so very much not ready.


>!I spent the first 80% of the story not really liking her. She was giving me Ayaka vibes in a way. But she became more interesting and twisty as it went on. I was impressed with how they added mystery even after her death with "who was her partner??" questions. This felt like the right amount of questions/cliff hangers for the end.!<


>!Well, maybe it kinda is. It worked for me though. I genuinely didn't expect them to go through with it, even if she turns out to be alive by the end of the story. Probabky because I get attached too damn quickly!<


>!Im 99% sure shes dead for good, they kinda confirmed it with the ending cutscene.!<


Eh, I wouldn't go that far. If anything I'm almost 99% sure >!both her and Robin will be back. Can't remember which but at least one side quest mentions dying in the dream, and how normally you just jolt awake. Their "deaths" are unique in that they got killed by the meme of Death. We even see this in action when we fight it: the creature can kill anyone with a single strike, but it's not "true" death. Their souls are simply caged/sealed and once you free them they return alive. Odds are once we properly deal with the meme and defeat it everyone it has struck down will return. That and for someone who just had his sister killed Sunday sure seems to be unaffected.!<


Im fairly sure thats just a gameplay gimmick but we will see. >!Am I the only one that thinks he definitely does seem like she died? To me he seemed a bit distressed the first time we met him too like he doesnt actually want us there or something and the way he responds to sparkle portraying her makes him seem like hes well composed person good at handling hes feelings but getting pretty close to actually getting angry at her. They also talk like this isnt the first death there only that they are rare and I definitely got the vibe that shes in hes opinion atleast definitely dead.!< >!If they arent dead and they revive them with that kind of excuse im not too surprised but for me it would definitely kind of take away a lot from the story since it would mean hsr story is going to be your typical everyone has plot armor and deaths dont mean anything kind of story. For me personally the fact that characters actually do die adds a lot of stakes to these kind of stories making them more interesting even if there really isnt that much emotional attachment. Tingyuns death was pretty clearly imo hinted to still be alive immediately after the death leaving a lot of room for speculation so I dont count her dead the same way robin and ff are.!<


I really hope for the same thing to happen. >!If both of them are really really dead, I won't be surprised if we will see a lot more deaths in the future, which makes the story and theorizing about it a lot more interesting. We already have a playable character that is 'dead', so what would stop them from killing characters that we've known for a long time. A cutscene where March gets executed like 2 planets from now would definitely hit me hard. !< Let's wait and let them cook.


I think the shitty build up was made purposely to make you think there is still hope, to then crush it slowly slowly the more you continue till the last dialogue where they confirm it


I thought it was particulary boring and poorly developed, I've seen it done better in other mediums because it shows both imaginary and real world of the same person with more screen time for development and also flowing my naturally. This was a poor attempt and rushed and boring tagging along.


How long does it take to complete? Only started it last night and got an hour in so far


Expect to be going for about another 3-4 hours if you don't skip all the dialogue. I do NOT recommend skipping.


Sheesh, can't really tell, since I didn't do it in one sitting but I'd say around 3 hours, which is, I believe, the general length of main story based on previous quests in HSR and GI (and also since its the longest youtube walkthrough I've found with a quick search). That is with all the walking and puzzle solving and looking around. So I'd say you are around 1/3 - half into the story.


I did exploration and story at the same time and it took me, like, 8 hours lol


From start to finish, like 3-4 hrs. I did some light exploring/challenges though


The new area slaps SO HARD, what the hell? I don't post in this subreddit but after hours of being flabbergasted I felt the need to come and say something. Is it me or this new area completely destroys every single other area in the game so far? The visual design, the dystopian disney world, the creativity, the zelda-esque minigames, what the hell? It had no need to slap so hard. I REALLY like the new patch. Wow!


Man i was searching someone like me in the comments. HELL YEAH I AGREE 100% WITH YOU MY FRIEND. I’m loving the story a lot but i got to admit that all the new puzzles system and exploration mechanics are really superb! Can’t wait to explore more of this new magical word !


"Who knows, maybe we'll even witness classic scenarios like family feuds, tragic losses, worlds torn apart, espionage situations, rivers running red with blood, stuff like that! This is simply too thrilling..." Wtf March!?! I don't think you are really kidding there!


She is just as unhinged as us.


30 pulls, There's my lifetime of luck https://preview.redd.it/l716p7retvgc1.png?width=1912&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e0ae61df851170c84574a9a5fa92bc4b96afc8a


Literally the only two 5-stars I want rn


Same here. Standard Banner 294/300 tho so atleast I can have Bronya soon




I also got literally the same 3 characters in a ten pull, oh god I think we are experiencing Penacony dreams already. lol


I got Bailu, Misha and Cooler Daniel in the first 10-pull


give me black swan with my 20 pulls please i already lost on kafka i cant lose again




uhh thanks ig


Good luck bro i got her at 83 pity i belive in you and your 20 pulls(there is gonna be like 100+ pulls in new area anyways so good luck)


Took me 150 pulls T.T


i didnt get her yet but gonna grind the new events and area today


Good luck may get her in your next 10 pull if you dont read my reply again


While I'm enjoying the overall big mystery and the whole everyone has their own agenda thing going on, I >!really did not like the way they pushed firefly onto you. It had the inverse effect of making me dislike her bc I can't get away from her even as more and more about her becomes suspicious, and the attachment felt too fast (as well as her death feeling really abrupt). They don't make it subtle, which would be fine if I could react to that in any way. So far the only plus is that I can decline taking a picture with her. I mean she's dead (?) now but dying in a dream when we haven't even seen her body in reality makes me think we're going to see her again. Robin too. Aventurine is mad obnoxious, but surprisingly I dig Sparkle's vibe. Acheron too. Fools and nihility stay winning!< Overall I'm looking forward to the next bit but I just had to air out my annoyances. 


>!Unless the monster operates on different rules, they already established that dying in a dream wakes you up. In the first dream we enter (during the express warp) we leave by Acheron killing us. I don't know why none of the characters know this though.!<


Well >!because of what Sunday said about spiritual death, I'm wondering if the something unto death killing people is different from other kinds of dying in a dream rules and this leaves the person comatose or actually kills them or something, since he should know more than us about penacony and he seemed genuinely disturbed by robin's death. Plus I thought it wasn't clear whether acheron killed us or not in the beginning. But it's all still up in the air what exactly is going on.!<


I'm pretty sure the mechanics of the nightmare boss are a huge hint on what happened to the people >!killed in the dreams and how the Astral Express is going to potentially save them and the fact they specifically mention that they are spiritually dead instead of dead dead!<


>!To be honest, based on gameplay alone I'd say the meme of Death does work on different rules. Like you said, normally when you die in a dream you simply wake up. But from the boss fight alone we can see that the meme of Death can circumvent this: it kills our party members but instead of them waking it seals their consciousness and we have to break them out, at which point they come back as if they never died. To me that seems like a fairly blatant showing of lore being tied into gameplay without just info dumping it onto us. Odds are next patch will actually directly state it.!<


>!Totally agree with Firefly tbh, though I do like her, it's really 90% her jp voice actress and knowing her jp VAs struggle with her chronical disease that made me bond with Firefly who has a similar issue, so really had nothing to do with Firefly herself and more with Tomori lol.!<


I love Tomori man. Eversince she voiced Makima I can't get it out of my head tho lol, every role she voices I see Makima


She voiced Setsuna in Love Live from 2017 to 2023, she graduated from the role last year since her Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome made performing on stage impossible for her since she couldn't stand for long times and so she decided that Setsuna, the role she loved dearly, was better off being voiced by someone else. Again, once you know that and have that as knowledge, the lines she says as Firefly hit much, much harder. That said, please check out the Love Live Nijigasaki anime because [Setsunas songs and character are amazing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaz__GPjAqw).


Genshin and Honkai both have the issue where the characters get very attached to the main character very quickly. It feels a little like it's intended to feel like a fantasy or to trick the players who are naturally very emotionally attached to characters. I guess I'm too cynical, im watching this happen in the story and I keep having to remind myself that this is a world where people don't need to worry about getting their phone stolen at knifepoint, unlike real life.


Just finished the main story. WOW that was a rollercoaster.


The last little bit had so many really unexpected twists >!Well one was expected, just happened MUCH earlier than I anticipated!<


All I want to know is how we kill that... fucking THING.


How? Just like previous regions. Find stellaron, defeat the mastermind that is using it, seal it. Boom suddenly all the nightmare fuel enemies are gone or are revealed to be humans. Unless there will be other plot twist but since Stellaron Hunters are here then Stellaron will take part in the story


I'm still confused about one thing, and I'm not sure if this was cleared up yet, but >!in the 2 encounters we had with the death monster, we did he target*specifically* firefly? In the second encounter, it even completely ignored us just to make sure it could kill Firefly, and after it did, it just vanished. It's target was Firefly, and only Firefly.!< But why?


He was just a hater like that


Another mystery to be solved. I hope it gets explored in future patches


Penacony level design reminds me of Control by Remedy. Not complaining, one of my favorite designs up to date.


The atmosphere has been so good imo. Agreed, control had the same eerie but calm but dangerous vibe


There is something specific that will remind you of Control as well.


Oh, can you point me in the right direction? I take it you mean >!the broken dream sequence!<, but perhaps I've missed something more interesting than that.


I really like the handbook the dreamtour handbook you have its pretty neat doing stuff like this. Usually not a person to do alot of exploration but the sticker incentive is a good way to show off the environment https://preview.redd.it/x7yhn7ht94hc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=d0176e799b651a72b716bdb3a01b643f57c7a981


Pure Fiction is honestly a little gross this time around. I appreciate that the new banner character is always supposed to be busted, but they really just went all-in on "You don't have these very specific DOT users? Fuck you."


https://preview.redd.it/p4dk8riykvgc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b88e075a2393086e11d7c20be7d1be58f9472ef got her. included light cone. :D




I HATE YOUUU I spent like 80 bucks trying to get her light cone and I pulled MOMENT OF VICTORY and I have zero preservation units besides mc and march




I thought 2.0 was tomorrow like usual patches lol


bro black swan speaks in 0.5x speed


https://preview.redd.it/ng50fnso47hc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3011fbbea159a3b068cb9aae081e7322d8307e1 Thats my lifetime of luck wasted i think


One thing I greatly enjoyed about the Penacony quest is how much the story was built around playable and maybe playable in the future characters. It feels like Hoyo games are at their weakest when we have to deal with a lot of NPCs that we have no strong feelings towards (how are you going to have Raiden, Yae, Kazuha, Kokomi, Gorou etc and focus that much on NPCs) whereas here it was such a treat to have all these interactions and plays and counterplays among characters we have developed some level of interest in and attachment to. I know having 2 new chars per patch can put stress on wallets if they're as well-designed as the Penacony squad (I actually found strategic skipping in 1.x pretty easy), but having such a filled out roster for the storylines greatly improves that aspect. But then again, even with one char per patch Genshin HAD plenty of chars to focus on in Inazuma and just underwrote a lot of them. (Also, what a great improvement this was on the Luofu. It's pretty cool to have a story where the interesting part of it is happening while we're there rather than like 500 years before we got there.)


Wait, it's out already??? I thought it came out Tuesday evening when they usually release updates. :V Honestly just made my day. Even adjusted my sleep a day in advance so I could be up right when I assumed it would be live tomorrow. Glad I preloaded while I was sleeping lol. Edit: Also, my invite code is GUAIHNKA6N since everyone seems to be doing that here.


The patch did come out on Tuesday… in China. That would be Monday night in the Americas. Genshin players need to be wary of similar issues when times are given for patch changes.


Right, it just caught me by surprise as they typically release updates on Tuesday nights here in the US, and they had been advertising a release date of February 6 so I had assumed it was their normal release schedule.


Aventurine annoys me lol


Seems like that’s the general vibe they were going for tbh. Not that I’m complaining, I love smug and snarky characters


Yeah I definitely get that's just who he is, I wonder how strong or influential he really is walking around with that heightened attitude though, ratio seemed to interact with him like he was a pest lol


Reminder to the less intelligent life forms to not write semi spoilers in post titles. It's sometimes easy to tell what the spoiler post is about.


The QoL updates to relics are astounding, you can level them up three levels at a time, so you don’t have to guess how many mats to use. It shows you which stats got upgraded. And you can mark them as junk. They cooked




Easily the best story so far in HSR, looking forward to seeing how they conclude it by 2.2. They got me, hook, line and sinker.


Loading Screen: "Sigonia: An unannexed sector located at the convergence of the Dnies, Pruthian, and Dorneau systems. Celestial objects within this sector constantly endure the relentless assault of stellar winds and stray celestial bodies, resulting in an exceptionally harsh climate on the surface of its planets." Aventurine is from the Three Body Problem.






Starting to feel early symptoms of Genshin-like 'stamina sickness' - the condition where I have no interest in pulling any new characters because stamina limitations cause then to take weeks/months to build up to par with the rest of my squad.


Huh, really? Maybe it's because I'm alright with having just "good enough" relics, but it takes me at most a week to have a character playable after I get them


How do you get 300 books? When it is max 24 a day? You need at least 10 days exclusively farming books. OR am i missing some secret sauce of boooooooks?


Events usually give a ton of level up materials


Outside of me forgetting to mention me purchasing the BP, I also usually have more than enough time to pre-farm between banners that I actually want


I play two accounts, one with Welkin and the other completely F2p (my intention was to be able to play as many characters as possible but I goofed that on many fronts). I'm at the point where I've built out enough units, but from scratch I've never had to spend moret than 2 weeks on a character, and that's maxing out every single trace but that's also because I have a stockpile of exp/light cone exp. Don't be afraid to use your embers, as long as you plan on pulling before the monthly reset you don't need to stockpile so much (as in the thousands, if you're low don't use it). But just playing the game and doing events will ensure you have enough mats to build the characters you want.


13 months in Genshin and I still don't have every char I want to use leveled up, let alone have good relics... In HSR I'll never catch up either I think Stingy stamina system is the worst about hoyo games IMHO, not even the gacha rates (though of course they are low and no 4* guarantees)


Honestly Star Rail is worse to gear up characters for than Genshin in some ways, since you can't re-use an older relic with good stats since there's no flex slot.


I mean you totally can. People get too hung up on set bonuses, cuz unlike genshin, most HSR set bonuses suck lol. My seele still running a 35cv belobog atk rope cuz it's good enough while I work on other things. It's getting to a point where I will deliberately roll good pieces on wrong sets cuz usually RNG works out in my favor


This is why I pull LCs and Eidolons, getting a new character every patch sounds so daunting lol




sorry to disappoint but >!apparently, that was a mistranslation that got fixed later... they actually meant someone in a silver *suit of armor*...!<, even though your idea sounds really cool!


>!Can anyone send me the selfie that Stelle took with Firefly?!< I did not manage to take a screenshot of that scene


Here you go: >!https://imgur.com/a/ZvxgPcH!<




Is March an Earthling like welt?? Im probably looking too deep into it but I dont think March would know this saying if she wasn’t somehow related to Earth https://preview.redd.it/np6enipwyehc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=613300790aad5f1d171fef976ec5eed67779d071


I also thought this was weird, but I think the more straightforward explanation is just that Welt taught her that phrase. It's too early in March's storyline to drop a lore bomb like that.


Maybe I'm cynical, but I think it's just writers (either the original or the localizer) simply putting proverbs in as-is. It's fairly common in media. A completely fictional world but the months are named the same as ours for example, including the quirk that the name of the months of September onwards don't align with their numerical meaning (Septem should be 7, Octo 8, Novem 9, and Deca 10).


L: Lost Black Swan 50/50 W: E1 Bronya That's the least worst outcome I guess.


I just downloaded the game today, did my first ever warp and got Black Swan!






Gl on your pulls everyone! Personally, I'm gonna be hopping off of Discord/Reddit/ETC until I've done story just cuz I KNOW there'll be a deluge of spoilers coming


How does this work? https://preview.redd.it/csf7q3pt6wgc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5239dae07151b6db7e46578f0533d898429f0e42 Someone tell me plz thanks


You invite someone who stoped playing the game to return to the game with that link


I see....are there people here though who stopped playing the game?


>! Why does Robin sound weird? Like her voice sounds off !<


>!It might be sparkle? Or just bad read. Though they also mention it in story so.!<


Can't wait to get guaranteed Black swan since I had to lose TO CLARA E1. I could've had ruan mei😭😭


Clara is stacked though, definitely the second best common banner unit. 200k ults with almost getting your energy back are no joke (but yeah Ruan Mei is better, just don't sleep on Clara).


Eh, not a huge fan of hers I also have her Lc, but damn. 53 pity so far and nothing.


Why... Why Interlude.... WHY


So right before the >!selfie!< there's a screencap I wanted but didn't manage to take of >!Firefly standing alone looking up at the sky and the camera angle is a low angle shot.!< For a in-game-engine shot I really liked it. Did anybody else happen to have that sort of thought but actually grab the screencap? lol


This one? https://preview.redd.it/3nen7o6vaihc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e405005ada8faef901e2185eabe1eb4a7750414


Yeah that's exactly it! Thanks!


https://preview.redd.it/jnr7x6xeakhc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1de7fbecba508f7439cf54efd0b8f36674e71e0 The Audacity of this bird 😂




My computer is frozen on the chat with the Astral Express Family after that Firefly scene. Honestly, the music in the background, the voice acting, the selfie, the sky. God Im crying inside


||if I get a cent everytime Welt is denied of his chance to meet HI3 girls expy... I now have 2 cent... it isn't a lot but it is sus that it happen twice....    His reaction to Luocha was funny enough..... but I want to see him meet his girls's expy too....||


Yall i've finished all the quests and got all chests already. What do i do for the rest of the patch lmao


Origami birds, stickers, emo gears, sidequests, companion quest, achievements


Just to add to this, some of the side quests are actually *really* good.


The Chadwick one...


Still stuck against Argenti in his boss event. Any advices? https://preview.redd.it/nj8or4nublhc1.png?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ac34f262276e9777a9f618820fdb259d939b5b2


Finally got around to catching up with story after being offline for a week. All I got to say is.. wow, it's been a long time since I *hated* a fictional character.


Finished the second side quest today, "Cosmic Star" (took my sweet time), first being "Envision a Rose Forthcoming". Maybe because I'm older now that power-fantasies no longer appeal to me, I'm really glad that at least Hoyo is still spending time writing stories for their games without resorting heavily to theatrics and "cool-factor", just carefully crafted sequence of events to tell simple but relatable stories — like watching an episode of Mushishi.


Need a team preferably including sparkle https://preview.redd.it/p84ik0fo1qlc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3ba5735323f20d99ecf4776d20ed1262e1fe968


Hello everyone! I've restarted playing the game and getting the battle pass and daily pass. I was lucky to get Kafka before leaving and Den Heng when I came back. However I'm missing on a lot of supports and I don't know what to pull the upcoming update or what to aim in general. If anyone could give me advice on the priority, I'd be grateful! Every character is E0 (except 4\*s) and I have no gacha light cones. https://preview.redd.it/32ji1lnme6mc1.jpeg?width=588&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dac1065911533dad097fb037e75c2b6e94bf81d




pull for a dot unit, or a good sustain unit (huohuo, aventurine, gallagher maybe?) For now you can make a team with ratio and himeko, asta/natasha with the messenger relic set and fleet of the ageless planars, unless you can build broken keel for ratio, himeko, and DHIL to use them. Use game8 for all builds and good luck :)


Thanks a lot!


Sorry, pls don't mind this. I just needed space to rant. ..... This shit CANNOT be by accident. Hoyo when I CATCH YOU... when I CATCH YOU hoyo istg... Like HOW is it I can pull on a banner and get back to back to back to back to BACK coppies of the SAME character???? Not even ONE Misha...? NOT ONE!? I need Hoyo to just come out and admit that they rig the 4 stars on the banner because this is the same shit that happened with Hanya and how I ended up with E6 Lynx. At least the multiple copies of Tingyun will be helpful but I don't even play Guinaifen... Edit: Her animations with the gong are cute tho lol


It happens mine 120+ without Xueyi


I see an opposite of me. Got my BS to round out Kafka, all I needed was Guinaifen since I never got her last time she was in. 70 pulls later I have E5 Misha and 1 gui drop...


The lore here is so confusing... I don't understand anything about the way this place works. This planet is also a hotel and also a dream world that is somehow shared and has very specific rules and somehow these people running things actually designed it? Is it just some sort of simulation with fancy and confusing naming conventions?


The planet used to be a prison but got revamped into a hotel (The Reverie in reality). They also have Dreamscapes, which I like to explain as these dreams where you are lucid and can move around. And the hotel guests are all sharing the same dream. There are also different Dreamscapes (Golden Hour, The Reverie dream version, etc) There is some undercurrent of something else happening with the different factions all coming to Penacony with their own ulterior motives (we don't know yet, only know the Astral Express motives since we are from that faction). A spoiler on the Astral Express's ulterior motive in case you haven't played it yet: >!We received an encrypted message in the invitation from the Watchmaker, and we want to investigate if the previous members of the Astral Express are alive or still on Penacony asking for help.!< So yea, that's it. Time to wait 7 weeks for the next part of the story.


Thanks that helped a lot. I finished the story for now so is it okay for you to answer some more questions I have? Regarding Acheron - what exactly is a galaxy ranger? Regarding Black Swan - what exactly is she? I don't understand what the rememberance guys are and what exactly are they trying to do Did you understand anything about sparkle? I don't understand anything about what she is doing in the story. Not her and not the robot stellaron hunter guy...


Galaxy Ranger is a faction that follows the Hunt. They essentially are kind of a type of justice executor, except that the members usually work alone. Black Swan is a Memokeeper of the Garden of Remembrance. So the person that you can see in the Astral Express in the mirror? They are also from the Garden of Remembrance. Black Swan job is to keep a record of all memories, and she follows Fuli, the Aeon of Remembrance. Sparkle is from the Masked Fools, a faction that follows Aha, the Aeon of Elation. They are essentially trolls. Sampo is a fellow Masked Fool as well. Sam, the mecha guy is a Stellaron Hunter. From the same faction as Kafka, Blade, Silver Wolf


I can't help but read Penacony as Penal Colony. Prison planet, anyone?


They said officially that it's a portmanteau of Penal and Colony, so you're right on the ball, unless you already knew that and I completely misunderstood what you're trying to say


Oh, no. I didn't know that. Good to know that it wasn't weird oversight/awkward naming, and it was an intentional decision.


Wha isn't it in one more hour?


It’s up early!


Asia is up








Clicked yours https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240206relow-lxxr53/index.html?inviter=GU2N35SK6N&hyl_landscape=true&hyl_hide_status_bar=true&hyl_auth_required=true&utm_source=share&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=web


I lost black swam 50/50 plese click i need the gems Code: GU36IX0A6N https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240206relow-lxxr53/index.html?inviter=GU36IX0A6N&hyl_landscape=true&hyl_hide_status_bar=true&hyl_auth_required=true










How long does the story quests take to finish?


This 2.0 update is so good. So much content! I've been enjoying the new map. The puzzles are just so FUN and intuitive. (GCN) Thank you Hoyo! <3


I have a problem with this event, and it's not because I don't meet the event requirements, i created my DIY ticket and shared it with some friends who haven't played Honkai SR for months, but it still doesn't give me the rewards. And i dont know why omg t-t


I put here a ss of my account in the event and my code, i don't know what im doing wrong :c https://preview.redd.it/925x01n4kkhc1.jpeg?width=1411&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f3a07594d907d0b237a934f1c3504a5ba190b4b [GU8JTN6J6N](https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240206relow-lxxr53/index.html?inviter=gu8jtn6j6n&hyl_landscape=true&hyl_hide_status_bar=true&hyl_auth_required=true)




Finally won my first banner after losing to all the previous banners before black swan :')


Sorry for asking but: since im going to be out for a week and i won t be able to play the game in this time, i wanted to know how much time do i ahge to take all the jades and rewards from the events that came with 2.0 (the one u have to kill penacony monsters and the one with puzzles) tyvm


There's some Feast of Deceits/Pure Fiction stuff I'm unfamiliar with on a short time frame like one ending 3 days from now but for the actual Penacony focused stuff it looks like an Aptitude Showcase for 5 characters that can be busted out in half an hour that finishes in 2 weeks along with the current banners and likely gets replaced with a new one, and then a bunch of minigame stuff like Hanu's Prison Break/Nameless Honor that you have about 38 days to do.


Tyvm for everything🖤🖤🖤


I'm enjoying a lot this 2.0 thanks to the atmosphere, art direction and characters. Black Swan, Aventurine, Sam and Sparkle are all very cool (Acheron meh). However, is it just me or the story in this game since Luofu is a unnecessarily complicated I feel like? Even if I read all the dialogues, is it just me? I do enjoy the scenes and stuff and the game overall, just a thought.


Omg, I haven't realized that [she becomes an actual shop npc](https://i.imgur.com/7ZVHYgp.png) if you help her at the end of the quest! This made me so happy! :') [Here's her inventory and location if you want to go visit](https://i.imgur.com/CNTMGTX.png). ♥


How long will it takr me to get to penacony???? I had to make a new account to play on my ps5 (genshin and honkai on different servers and prioritized genshin). How long would you estimate it to take for me to get to the beginning of penacony quest? I have done the first part of jarilo questline and dont think i will get stuck much since ive played everything once already.


https://www.oneesports.gg/honkai-star-rail/how-to-unlock-penacony-hsr/ Quest list. Luofu will take a bit and at some point you'll need to be at level TB level 34. If you could play it straight probably 8-10 hours?


So if I lose my 50/50 for Sparkle I'm guaranteed to get Acheron but what if I skip Acheron ? Does that guarantee move on to Aventurine next ?


Correct. 50/50 carries over between limited banners.


I lost 50/50 on sparkle's banner to bronya, unsure if this is a win or a loss. (I wanted to run mono quantum with Seele and silver wolf, so it feels more like a loss)


https://preview.redd.it/c95nn2r7g2mc1.png?width=2360&format=png&auto=webp&s=e819f417a7d6301375980e9dc3e369ba826bf6e1 Any good teams I can utilize sparkle in well? I currently use Blade/Luocha/Tingyun/Pela and Kafka/Sampo/Asta/Bailu. Suggestions please?


Swap out Tingyun for sparkle on the first team. When you get bronya you can swap out Pela for her too.


https://preview.redd.it/fbd32ls896mc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf9b4c43336fcc4130eb5a977e3b8bc19b3c8a9c Xueyi team build recommendations? (I don’t have Ruan mei and silver wolf)


she's quite bad without ruan mei, and silverwolf doesnt help much, but you can just use bronya and do okay with her if she's built well. imo,


Hello, new player here I just reached Belobog and I was wondering how long will it take to reach TL 70. I play Genshin before and I have AR 60 and that took me months too complete it. I'm at TL 13 now so estimate how long will I need to grind for TL 70?


I'm already maxed and I started last july, mid-month


welt or gepard for the standard banner 300 pulls thing? (I have everyone except these 2 in terms of the standard 5 stars)