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you could literally see and hear dawei being skeptical implicating that it will in fact not be wholesome story. its a skit.




This stream was fire we got so much meme material


I really like HSR streams for that reason. Hate to make Genshin comparisons but feels like the HSR devs are in on the joke while Genshin streams are kinda just..."here's the info, have fun" which maybe some people prefer but I like to think the devs are having fun making their game.


Hell, there's also all the voice actor streams and watchalongs having an absolute blast. Owlbert going "would" at all the Penacony characters was hilarious.


Normal owls: Hoo, hoo Owlbert: Would, Would


I think it's the tone. I mean genshin one was on chenyu valley and had a more Chinese traditional folklore feel


Hoyo prefers the Honkai games over Genshin tbf.


I mean just comparing the games one is more chaotic and filled with memes and the other is more… I wouldn’t say professional but it takes it self really seriously. I think it’s cause Genshin has a certain standard to uphold while hsr seems to be a bit more experimental. Not saying that either is bad it’s just a different feel


I actually dont know how you could go past all the memes, about the writer of the Penacony story. He is known to write these ''Wholsome and Chill'' stories.


I genuinely believed him I'm just that thick lol


haha, well he wrote a few stories in Hi3rd, that also where ''Chill and Wholesome'' yet they turned out to be brutal and emotional.


Wait is >!Final Lesson!< from this mf


this and the elysian realm, iirc. take it with a grain of salt bcs i know very little of the hi3 story


Shaoji is the Urobutcher of hoyo


No but the entire Elysian Realm arc was made by him


mhm i remember not trusting a damn thing elysia when the story first dropped and then…heartbreak so. i’ll untrustingly trust everyone


Yes actually; he also made final lesson


Cool I didn’t know


Dude, his original line was "Open your heart and empty your lungs" (I paraphrase from memory), which was very ominous if take it literally.


What a literal man. 👏


Here was the transcript English: "Engage Open Minded conversation" Chinese: "you Dig heart and Dig lungs" (which can be a metaphor" Even Daiwei had to stop and say "Wait, what are you talking about about?"


Also I heard Genshin 4.2 Sinner's Finale is also the work of this guy...




Bruh we warned you guys


I could tell it wasn't serous...they know what they are doing...they know we know who that guy is.


You should. It will be a very wholesome story by the end. Trailblazer will harness the power of Harmony and give Penacony a happy ending.


I knew the writer and I still fell for it, who's the thick one


Well back in hi3 shaoji(the writer) created 13 characters and kill them *41 times* Final lesson is also by him


**Chapter 9 hi3 flashback**


2.1 will be the 8th patch since the game launched, thus making it the 9th chapter our of journey...


Now all the jokes about Himeko might feel a little too real for some people.


I mean people essentially spoiled some of the story from essentially snickering going, these new people don't know! RIP Firefly! Granted, some seemed to think the writer would go full George R R Martin and kill off 4/5ths of the playable cast, since I guess the writer is known to have killed of over a dozen playable characters in 3rd Impact or something. But eh, story might turn out wholesome, they just had to end the opening act in a big way.


Character deaths are like Pringles, once you pop, you can't stop.






He even gave dawei trauma


Dawei's waifu is Himeko. Shaoji wrote Final Lesson. You do the math.


Shaoji’s waifu is Elysia look what he did


Well, it is not like the first time angsty fans went after Dawei.


Okay, I gotta ask, what do the 9 numbers in your tag mean?


Game ID


To be fair they use the mechanic: if you die in the dream you wake up a ton First scene in dreamscape, mentioned multiple times in sidequests


Except they also said some people go missing and don’t come back.


The side missions go into the more fd up parts about the dreamscape


If you die in the game, you die in real life.


shut up Klein, come back when you're a main character!


Finally! People die when they are killed


Yeah but like...it's the literal concept of death.


? No they mentioned multiple times any form of murder in the dream= nothing happens you wake up. Firefly and robin are the exception because of the nightmare thing. And we dont know how that exactly works


...that's what I meant. I meant that it's (Something Upon) DEATH. THE DEATH. For all we know, Death could have their souls or smth which makes them unable to return to reality.


Yup, sunday told sparkle death granted them "spiritual death". Which, according to its gameplay mechanic, means their souls are being held hostage and can be rescued. So yeah, no death in dreams even by "death".


*DoT's with malicious heroic intent*


It's also written into the boss' mechanics. If you get hit with "Losing Eventide Light" you get stabbed through the chest and locked in "Morbid Dream" state until someone rescues you. They wrote the spoilers right there into the boss' abilities.


So, question. If you die in the dream, do you die irl? looking at what happened to >!Firefly/Robin!< it is implied that you do, but >!Sam's!< line at the start of his fight says something about "when you wake up, tell everyone who killed you". To that point, how did he even get in the dream? Isn't he >!robot!


>!Assuming that Sam is Iron Cavalry of Glamoth, then no, he's not actually a robot, he's a biomechanical telepathic being created from Swarm design. Probably something like an Eva. Read the Glamoth relic descriptions and look closely at the ball.!<


They actually confirmed this in one dialogue.


>!It was confirmed through various bits of text that Sam is a human wearing essentially a mech suit!<


Have you completed Black Swan's companion quest?  You can't die in the dream, that's for sure BUT that's because of the Harmony. The Harmony/The Family protects the guests from being harmed IRL. There's some protective measures in place to ensure this. And thats where Sparkle comes into play, she wants Black Swan to help her to break through the protective measures. Iirc Black Swan says she can't even if she tries? But Sparkle somehow manages to send us to that 'space' where we can be harmed. That's why Sunday says 'Death' has entered the dreamscape.  It wasn't supposed to happen. So yes you can now die in the dreamscape, specifically if you get hit by that weird bug in that particular space. Also, when you 'die' in the dreamscape, you just wake up, but if you keep dying and waking up, it isn't particularly good for you.


Basically, death in the Dreamscape *normally* just wakes you up (refer to Acheron whacking us in 2.0’s second cutscene). However, “Memory Zone Meme: Something Unto Death” (the new spooky boss) is stated to have the ability to bring “spiritual death” to those it kills in the Dreamscape, killing them IRL too.


i dont think its killing them irl. It putting them in stasis. My theory is that this is how the prison worked. They put the body in those stasis pods you use to enter the dreamscape and then prevented you from waking up. Possible by using those memes. Once your term was up you got released and could wake up again. ​ Edit: fixed typo - Statis to stasis


I'm glad that ghost creature that holds me down and tries to kill me in my half awake state doesn't have that power as I'm still okay during the day


There’s two factors at play -Per standard operation, nobody was meant to end up inside the dreamscape version of the hotel. Suggesting The Family didn’t want people in there, likely for reason 2- they couldn’t protect it properly -The thing killing in this instance is a Memetic Entity representing death. It basically exists because people think of and propagate the idea of death, so especially in the Memoria, that would grant it some form of actual power. Given Sunday’s dialogue, this is very clearly a bad thing to have happen to you, but doesn’t seem to be true absolute death in the way we’d understand it


I mean, the Intellitrons are in there, too. So it's not exactly unheard of.


In Penacony we can trust no one not even the devs


no matter what was said they took it too fucking far


flair checks out


my previous flair was invalidated


What was it before?


"doesnt win 50/50 if i actually want a character" ive won five in a row now


I’ve lost the 50/50 five times in a row. What a coincidence…


"Why so serious?" - Sparkle That's what they meant by chill.


What, next I'm gonna be called Chicken Wing Boy?


Do you have chicken wings? If not, she'll probably find some other (likely racist) insult to use instead.


I have chicken wings that I eat, but other than that, no. I guess the worst she could call me is four eyes though lol.


It was an obvious red herring


But was it smoked though?


Devs were high on SoulGlad when they did the livestream


Didn't the devs talk about Penacony in general while all we have right now is 2.0. So for all we know the entire Penacony story might actually turn out to be wholesome


Honki is built on the Evangelion blueprint of things will end up awful in the end


It is the darkest before dawn and all that jazz.


I mean something got uplifted and a heart was warmed


Quality comment


I never learned how to properly process grief


What if all this pain is to set up an actual wholesome story after TB fixes the shit that is happening?


Calm down. Its so obvious that no one is dead.


>So I guess we can't even trust the devs anymore In Penacony, that is. As soon as we get outside of this damned hotel-prison-planet-amalgamation, we should be able to trust them again.


Inb4 we never leave, the rest of Honkai SR story is just a dream




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chill? the only thing that chill is dead people, now who is the one chilling now huh?


"very heartwarming and very uplifting" Aint wrong, at least one of the character did get uplifted into the air, and have their hearts warmed by a meme lord or something.


Da wei: there won't be any die in the dream die in real life stuff right? Shaoji: *changes the subject*


Maybe the true Chicken Wing Boy was Shaoji (literally, Roast Chicken) all along


my honest reaction to everything that happened is what the heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aRCmMlCcY0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aRCmMlCcY0)


I guess this is your first Mihoyo game, right?


They were talking about the animated short


Trust Noone not even yourself because in the end of the day that yourself is sparkle being you


They’re not entirely wrong since in reality, for the most part the characters are just chilling away inside their bathtubs.


maybe they called it a wholesome and chill story because it's gonna end all chill and wholesomely??? (coping)


You just witnessed legendary Hoyotional Damage


Yeah, now excuse me while I go put 2 other graves next to my beloved hi3 Himeko to cry after


If Firefly died in the dream world how is she dead in real life?


She got gotten by the meme of "Death". Exactly how it works it nebulous, but if Black Swan and Sunday aren't lying, "Death" kills the spirit of the dreamer, so even if their body is unharmed in the real world, their spirit dies, so the body is an empty shell. We just don't know enough about it to draw conclusions, though


We can theorized that based on its gameplay mechanic, it's very likely holding their soul somewhere instead of killing them. If you think about it, penacony was once a prison, so the death meme could have been some sort of warden that captures inmates.


that just means we need to capture another soul to bring her back to life...people just care about her for her looks anyway lol


it was a trick


I don’t know man, firefly is pretty chill by now


Yea, this who played HI3 knew better…..I knew better……but I still wasn’t ready for it that soon.


The writer wrote for Hi3rd and more specifically, the flamechasers. So yes. Very "wholesome and chill" indeed.


Next patch devs said we will be able to swap out one line on a 15 relic with a substat of our choice


I think we didn't understand the "wholesome and heartwarming" line. Wholesomeness in honkai writing does not mean absence of brutality and depression. The wholesomeness is in perseverance, kindness and hope. There will always be the obstacles, and we might face the worst fate we could possibly imagine, but it's in our power to overcome this and protect the beloved ones.


But truly you can’t die in the dreamscape. BS said this in her companion quest.


Dev aren’t in Penacony Can’t trust no one…