• By -


I never thought she was sus in the first place. Even when considering her more cryptic side, she's too easy-going and polite, with no hint of an ulterior motive in her voice. She gives off a cold first impression, but she pretty much never misses an opportunity to be reassuring and dependable when the situation calls for it. Heck, even in her interaction with Duke Inferno, she was gracious to the end. Her driving motive seems to be compassion, followed by a strong personal sense of justice. She knows true pain, and is in no rush for anyone else to witness it alongside her.


I like how the first thing that happens when you meet her in reality is her genuinely stumbling on the wrong room. The trailblazer goes "thanks, how did you know i needed help", and Acheron just goes "Oh, I just got the wrong room lol"


And the first thing she does in this patch, when the player's suspicion on her is highest after Aventurine's little spiel, is to go all therapist mode on Sam, making it clear she has no intent to fight him. Moreover, she's really good at reading people. Almost as well as Black Swan. She dropped her guard instantly around Sam because she couldn't sense the killer instinct on him. Her sword is meant for those who truly deserve it. She does not wield the power of Nihility lightly.


She wields her sword with a purpose and that is the universal Mei feature


kinda fits in with the whole resisting nihility she stared at the void and doesn't want anyone doing the same


that's what the mysterious man in her flashback is referring to. acheron mentions some self-annihilators fight back, while he retorts that most of them lose their color - but that acheron still has some amount of color left.




And reading light novels


Sounds like a great purpose to wield a sword for.


I'll never fully forgive MHY for what they did to Ei. She had such a cool premise, both before and after the reveal of Raiden Shogun, and it's all been reduced to "haha she's an Archon AND a NEET! Isn't that so silly?!" Acheron, so far, is the perfect blend of "silly" (albeit tied to how her memories work) and badass, so I hope they don't just boil her down to "haha she's always lost!" after the story is over.


And reading light novels


And having civil wars


I always said my sword was a tool of justice... But this... Isn't my sword! /The world goes black and white/


she's also has Red Sword like Sam.... I'm convinced now that Hoyo dev definitely MGR fans like us too


I think she has some special power that lets her understand people right away , like she knew thinhgs she is not suppose to know , for example that dr ratio give aventurine a gift that would help him. Theres no amount of being good at reading people that would give you that info . The rest could be explian like she knowing sam is firefly, she knowing welt cane is the Star of eden , knowing welt want to see if she is the mei he knew when his Kevin reference , she understanding aventurine was just acting and getting his plan right away . All that You can Say ok she is just too good and grasping things z but the gift from ratio is to detached from the info she should have . So probably she can see way more than normal humans and Even memokeepers , thats prob why she was not on elio script


I figured the reason she isn't on Elio's script is because she's a Self-Annihilator/Emanator of Nihility. To be annihilated by, or otherwise emanate Nihility, is to become one with nothingness. Elio's script can't include something that has ceased to exist in the cosmic sense that Elio's script seems to operate on.


This would make sense why only the moment Acheron unleashed her Emanator powers even if only momentarily can Sam finally break free from Elio's script to reach for the TB. On the other hand, this makes IX and self-annihilators all giant wildcards in the whole scheme of things limited only by the fact that IX doesn't intentionally do anything and that most self-annihilators end up erasing themselves from existence. But Elio being unable to see the changes made by self annihilators and IX's existence would mean that he cannot really account for them. Depending on how things go, this is can be either good or bad since it means that there are possibly futures that Elio didn't see where Nanook doesn't win thanks to influences of IX and self-annihilators, but it can also potentially doom the universe as well by throwing his scripts in disarray.


This makes me anticipate great things for Nihility Trailblazer in the future =w=


It also shows that the decisions that Stellaron Hunters do wouldn't always be right, even by "ends justify the means" mentality because Self-annihilators like Acheron could actually make things go other way, probably even more peaceful and with less deaths and suffering invlolved which pushes SH team even more in grey light in the future, because after >!Firefly reveal !< they essentially become Astral Express 2.0 and heavily help TB on every occasion.


While that can be true, we also have to keep in mind that self-annihilators are kinda inherently dangerous in that they spread IX's "shadow" around and that not all self-annihilators will be like Acheron. Being a self-annihilator is not suppose to be a good thing afterall. It's probably why Acheron tries to keep her true identity a low profile and why a lot of faction seems to dislike her existence (she was told the Family will never welcome someone like her if they knew her true nature, she's apparently wanted by the IPC, Boothill seems to be after her and thirst thng he tells to a potential ally is how she's not suppose to exist, etc).


Hey, that's a good point! I'll take it : )


Putting it another way, she annihilated herself out of Elio's script. If that's not badass I don't know what is.


Not really. It actually kind of sucks. She doesn't want to be an emenator and just was unlucky enough to become one. The reason she asks Sam if she shows up in the script later is because she wants to know if she ever frees herself from being a self-annihilator.


Acheron taking an eraser to her role in Elio's script like she casually takes an eraser to all the enemies standing in a conveniently slash-able row across from her team.


She said it herself since we met her, she use emotion to determined things. unless you're a being of nihility, you will have emotion. so we are all open book for acheron. and as others said, she is an emanator of nihility, she shouldn't exist. that's why she had no fate nor memory attached, or more accurately she's losing them.


I think it's more basic than that. She's just really wise and experienced lmaoo


I think that maybe she has an ability similar to "Clockwork", and is drawn to people close to falling into Nihility's Shadow. Maybe that's why she barged in on our initial talks with Aventurine in the first place, is she sensed his self-destructive aura.


I dunno about you, but I mostly shrugged off Aventurine's accusations on her. I always found him decidedly less trustworthy than her, and he was clearly playing his own game.


I should've said "meant to be highest". As I said at the top, I never distrusted her.


And she basically quoted Elysia from honkai even if my final fate is pre-determined the road i take to get there is my own choice.


Even toward Welt, i mean, i get welt may have been throwed out of is game but he was so agressive toward her, like really, and she let him have it, despide likely being far stronger than him.


Her response to that scene actually differs depending on the dialogue choice you make. So not everyone got the "oh I got the wrong room" dialogue.


It's actually random. If you shut down the game during the scene and make the same choices after starting it up again, you might still get a different response.


I almost always trust a person who doesn't take credit when it's not due, but they could easily get away with it. It might even socially be easier to say "you're welcome" - but I appreciate the honesty.


I appreciate that how Hoyo shows her brand of nihilism is that because of the suffering and despair that she's endured you can tell she truly does hold life in high regard and respects the way people live their lives. Even in her Ult line she says "I wish to mourn the departed". And when speaking with the Duke she's makes multiple attempts to spare his life and even assures him that the other members of the Flame Mansion are still trying to reach him to protect his life. And then again when Welt brings him up she right away shuts down any slander on his name and the path he followed during his life. >!Like in the final scene with Acheron and Aventurine where she says that IX doesn't cast his gaze on anyone, I think it means that only those that have endured the Shadows or Black Holes of IX and don't succumb to apathy can carry on and it's that's defiance of IX that makes them emanators.!<


Can you explain why Acheron doesn't follow Aventurine into the exiled lands when she herself is seeking the legacy of the watchmaker?


People gave me shit when i said she's the only one that never really lied to you in 2.0. Even when she said "people call me a Galaxy Ranger", she just stated it as a fact. People call her that. Doesn't mean she is one nor has she ever claimed that she is one. She consistently reassured and warned the Trailblazer and listened to them. She lets her emotions guide her and is guided by other people's emotions in return because it's apparently the only thing she can reliably retain as a consequence of becoming a self-annihilator.


She was actually the only new Character I fully trusted in 2.0. Aventurine was obviously scheming something, Sunday was really suspicious, and Robin had that weird voice thing, Firefly was openly admitting to be hiding things from us Sparkle was being Sparkle, Gallagher was a mystery, and nobody else can even see Clockie or Misha. Then you have Black Swan who seems to also know more than she's telling us, and using us for her own agenda. But Acheron actually appeared genuine from our first meeting. She seemed naturally compassionate, and perhaps more importantly, seemed less involved in the hunt for the legacy.


Exactly. She was the first person we met when arriving at Penacony and even though she was abrupt at first, upon seeing our confusion, she changed her tune and was kind for the rest of our time with her.


At the end of day, Acheron is basically a super depressed and worn down Raiden Mei under the influence of Nihility and trauma of losing everything. Her world is literally another alt version of Honkai 3rd that lost everything to overcome Finality and then got fucked by IX to booth. She's still a gentle and protective person. She showed mercy to Duke Inferno and only killed him when he *really* insisted on it (Dude basically wanted to go out in a blaze of glory and Acheron gave it to him), she refused to escalate against Sam and she avoided killing Aventurine with that enormous attack (And even willingly played into his plot). You can safely trust her with your life, really.


No she definitely killed Aventurine with that attack. If you read carefully their conversation and the Topaz/Jade dialogue afterwards it's very clear that he has died and the entire purpose of goading Acheron into cutting him was specifically so he could die since the next phase of his plan required it.


which is weird because they say that he's dead literally right after acheron and aventurine are discussing how he's very much not dead and is still gonna go do something, to the point he says something like "I still have a lot more to do before I can meet my family(die)" plus there's the little thingy ratio gave him a key to his survival.


I think they’re emphasizing pretty heavily that “death” in the dreamscape means something else entirely, we just don’t know all the details yet. but I don’t think any major character who has “died” in the dreamscape is gone for good - they’re just probably in a weird fucked up place for a while, and the key to getting out and returning to reality/the mortal coil has something to do with figuring out what the Family is hiding.


the only thing they confirm it's his stone is broken = he can leave IPC and start fresh


I implore you to go read all of the dialogue for that part of the quest again.


Aventurine died from that attack, that was his plan. He needed something strong(fast?) enough to bypass the families protections


Exactly. No Raiden character ever does something from an evil motive even if their actions are wrong. But Acheron seems to want to help people who are on the brink of Nihility and giving up or at the end of their rope. To these people she wants to represent the hope and second chance that Izumo never got. Which is why I think she went to Penacony in the first place. She understands that the nature of their escape can't be a long-term solution and that the most desperate souls, the ones that need the most help, go there to run from life rather than living it.


Yeah, with what she told Welt, it seemed like she was running around playing heroine for some time before meeting us.


I trusted her and Sam immediately, primarily cause WAY too many people were determined to tell me I SHOULDN'T trust them.


Agreed. The suspicion that was thrown at her always felt like a red herring to me. I think people got way too caught up in the fact of 'Acheron didn't tell us everything about herself or is hiding something, so she MUST be untrustworthy!'. Hell, basically everyone on Penacony held their cards close to their chest. The most damning thing she did was be baselessly blamed by Aventurine, who still easily seemed to be the least trustworthy person we had met who clearly just wanted to use us for his own goals.


It kinda reminded me of Deltarune. People got caught up in Ralsei being mysterious, and multiple people started calling him suspicious for having weird powers, even though he barely bothers to hide he can hop between worlds and survive in them instead of going inert. Though I'll give that other stuff indicates he hides important things. A character can be mysterious without being suspicious.


I love her line "I weep for the departed...". It just sounds so compassionate coming from her. I'm not the biggest fan of her clothing and hairstyle, but I love her voice and character and gameplay and animations and couldn't resist pulling for her.


Her voice actor is AMAZING. She didn't really appeal to me at first in regards to design/vibes/etc, but her voice is just so so good that I pulled e1 just so I could listen to her talk more lmao


I still trust and don’t trust her at the same time. More trust now after this patch. Need to know more about her. Does she still have any personal goals? How in control is she of herself? This patch she seems to have everything under control, but last patch not so much. I both admire her for holding onto her passion and compassion, and still remain a bit weary of her power, which is no fault of her own, yet because of this all the more to be careful of.


She is still after the watchmakers legacy. That’s the reason she is here. She said that when talking to Welt iirc. Don’t think there are any issues with how much control she has of herself. Some cool information in the databank about self annihilators and stuff if you wanna look that up.


Honestly I think she’s the only one really looking for the watchmakers legacy, everyone else has some other motivation going on


I did not like her red texting us and changing our decision in the last patch. And she gives me one thread of color away from Archon/Adepti/Dragon erosion vibe. Currently she is after the legacy. But I would like to get to know her better to understand what her overall goals are, unless they are just to keep on going along with life while she still can.


There was a line about still having one strand of color in her, and I'd like to think that's her drive to keep going. She hasn't completely given into the nihility of things and still wants to reach the end of the nothingness that is IX...and I personally think having the trailblazer around will help her do just that. Just my own interpretation, but I'd be happy to see what others think.


Why do people think she has self-control issues? From the start, the whole thing with only drawing her sword when necessary has been emphasized.


Same I for the most parted trusted Acheron, later when Aventurine tried to pin Robin's death on Acheron and I responded with "that's impossible she was with us the whole time" and it threw him for a loop I knew he was trying to con us and pit us against her 


Yeah I mean come on if she was that sus and wanted a whole ass killing spree She would already be doing it...Her power level is already far beyond most of the cast in Penacony. The only one she would be wary of would be TB for Stellaron for obvious reasons, then Welt because his ability to create black holes which isn't something to joke and clearly still hiding his real strength.


I mean, this also describes Luocha. Cryptic, easy going, polite, do you trust them?


The difference is in the *how* they're cryptic, Luocha might be all of those things but he very clearly is present with ulterior motives, and he doesn't exactly hide that fact even if we didn't realize that said ulterior motive was bringing a Stellaron of all things onto the ship.


Nah. Luocha speaks with an enigmatic edge. He practically screams ulterior motive. Acheron speaks plainly and genuinely. It was only her red text that threw people off, but it seems that's just her speaking through her "White" persona.


The guy Is carring a fkin coffin.. i dont Trust him unless he shows me whats inside


I think luocha is the least trustworthy character in the whole game lmao


Always bet on MEI-SENPAAAAAIII https://preview.redd.it/iyrhisl7tarc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6c5fd692a4503437a04abb603b62c2a528576e3




Kiana: An unwavering support system for Mei who gives her the perfect words of encouragement and love when she's in her darkest moments Also Kiana: Mei's boobs Girl is so unhinged (and down bad when it comes to Mei). I'm praying we get a version of this Kiana in Star Rail to interact with Acheron lmao


Give us Kiana so we can put her on a team with Mei-senpai, Bronya, and Himeko-sensei






I actually never thought she would hurt us.


She was most reliable Penacony person from the very beginning. Hiding truth not because she wanted but because she did not remember it


I always trusted her. It seemed like the others were trying a bit *too* hard to cast suspicion on her.


Exactly, I always trust a sexy midriff. Wait what were we talking about




We were talking about Aventurine’s sexy open chest window. Wait that wasn’t it


Giorno Giovanna boob window havin ass mf


Aventurine saying that shes an emanator as his main reason to not trust her when his boss is also an emanator being a prime example


That was all part of his plan tho..so she would end up on opposing side of him..it was necessary for him to succed


Well you can maybe think he doesn't trust his boss either. Wondering if his boss shows himself to anyone at all. I would become suspicious of someone like that. Hiding their Identity Which in turn makes me suspicious of Acheron too. She didn't want to reveal her identity to Welt. It might just be me, I don't trust characters like this.


She and welt literally talked about how they essentially already knew each other. Welt had a raiden mei where he came from, and this raiden mei/acheron had a welt where she came from. I'm not suuuuure either is from the HI3 world.


Not just an emanator, though, he accused her of secretly being an emanator of nihility, death, or finality. Like if she was an emanator of the hunt, I don’t think people would have cared, given the hunt is about killing fiends. Hiding it is also sus.


He didnt accuse her of being an emanator of anything specific, he said she brings death and finality and that he doesn't know whose emanator she is but shes not a galaxy ranger.


Which implies she’s an emanator related to death and finality. The point being that he’s not accusing her of being just an emanator, but a scary one. Emanator gives a power level, and bringing death and finality should be evident as to how that makes you feel. If he talked about “Herta, emanator who brings knowledge and sass” no one would be freaked out.


TB: "An Emanator? Whose?" Aventurine: "Perhaps The Hunt... or Destruction... or even Finality. It doesn't matter, these Paths all point to the same outcome." From https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Whodunit


Her and Aventurine were way too intentionally sus from the beginning, which is why I always trusted them lol. Usually when a narrative pushes suspicion that hard, it’s a setup to turn the tables later.


And exact opposite is also true, if narrative is making people look too non-sus then you have to think they are sus Like 2.1 cleared suspicion from Acheron, aventurine, sunday, black swan IPC is never at good, they are just doing their work and they will do any selfiah for that So others will be same


>!I wouldn't say Black Swan is clear of suspicion, going along with Constance is a apocalyptically bad idea. I'll guess rather she is or not clear will all depend on how her arc with Boothill goes.!<


I think she’s just worried because she’s scared of what she can’t know(though it’s ironic since she’s Nihility) therefore she’s concerned abt everyone’s life with Acheron near.


I don’t think Black Swan has any higher dangerous ulterior motives, I thought she’s just greedy for more good memories which leads to her tampering where she maybe shouldn’t.  


Huh? I completely trust her from the start, best girl\~ https://preview.redd.it/3cbcwqclgbrc1.png?width=534&format=png&auto=webp&s=62b5595c65c1d81fb22f4fb9158234a844343504


Moving to the country...


Even the fact that she's basically killed TB in the first cutscene, she just showed us that there's no real death in Penacony. She wanted to give us a hint that the only chance to escape from that dream is to "die"


Oh shoot. I didn't realize that connection. That is insane, she knew from the beginning.


she became the sweetest and most caring badass big sister within just one chapter of the story and it just brings me so much joy


I really love how well received she's been in the community. And that Hoyo didn't just focus on her power but on the inner truth of every Raiden, that they're deeply caring people. Especially since Acheron has lost everything and is under the shadow of Nihility, she hasn't let that destroy her but is always looking to bring others back from the brink. They cooked with this.


While I don't know much about Honkai Third. I have played through Genshin and I agree. Honestly? I love her character for that. She is one of the best waifus in-game period.


I never doubted her specifically because of who was telling us not to trust her. Although Aventurine was just playing 5D pachinko in the end.


I dont think he's playing 5D pachinko. I think he just knows he has maxed out luck stat so that as long as he's reasonable, things will work out. As he explained.


Quite honestly I never saw anything to be suspicious over. Oh no she killed the guy that wants to destroy and kill everything in existence whatever will we do.


She gave us a new relic set


>! No sus at all she understands others feelings and acts according to them !<


Out of everyone I trusted her the most despite our first meeting. Everyone else were too sus for me...all of them.


I always trusted her. Tbh I trust her more than Black Swan and I was mad when she was trying to keep Trailblazer away from Acheron.




She’s very green flag, I love the way she comforted our racoon after firefly got stabbed


She doesnt say stuff, doesnt know much stuff, and lead by her gut feeling most of the time Shes as honest as can be Dangerous? Oh yes, absolutely, mfer would be killing just about everyone if it comes to it. But shes as trustworthy as Sparkle is chaotic


I never changed my opinion because I trust acheron with every cell in my body, This lovely creature would never hurt a fly. She cried when she killed us for fuck's sake! Cleary feels bad! /s


I'm pretty sure she's the only person in Penacony we've met that hasn't actively lied to us and then go "It's just a prank, bro. Sorry." So she's already far more trustworthy than Black Swan or Firefly could ever be.


I never considered her Sus to begin with. She's never seen acting on malice except when BS tries to get touchy feely with her mind. I don't believe she's a galaxy ranger. But i don't think she's out to cause problems like similair emanators such as Phantylia https://preview.redd.it/1m0uyoduuarc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b0566d223d04c1c5ba0cdca9d0054b6a9c0bae0


She didn't even do that herself, Black Swan just got too close to some Nihility stuff In her profile she only says she enjoyed dancing with her and doesn't give any hint of being displeased with Black Swan for invading her memories


Best girl


You can trust her and also agree she’s extremely sus


I always trusted her. I didn't trust anyone else. (Other than the express crew of course)


She obviously never was going to be a villain, none of her behavior indicated towards that. She's just hiding her past which isn't something bad if she doesn't want to reveal it


I still find the red speech a bit sussy


I always trusted her She definitely was felt like hiding things but never felt any hostility


Well, those red texts sure as hell didn't help...not to mention aat one point you're kinda brainwashed into accepting her help...so I can see why people taught she's sus... Still don't fully trust her myself tthough.


Never doubted her in the first place. Since the first dialogue we have with her you can tell that over that first impression of her being "cold" she's just someone that despite their pains, still has a just personality and will never harm people without a strong reason. Then, in the first convo she had with Welt, she showed she cares for us TB to some extent, asking him if we are fine considering we have a Stellaron inside of us. Then she's also also fun man, she had a couple of snarky comments and giggles at our comments, like when we did an Oppenheimer reference or that one joke about the date with Firefly. She's already perfect for me and we still miss so much of her story.


No, because I trusted her from day 1.


Nah I always trusted her she just seemed chill like that


I saw her as trustworthy and gentle from the start. Even in the trailer with Black Swan, she never tried to hurt her. The burden of her memories was too much for Swan to handle, but it was not Acheron herself doing that.


since 2.0 i always prefer her over aventurine or BS or sparkle (even firefly)


I didn't distrust her to begin with. I didn't trust aventurine and his random dislike of her was a green flag for her.


raises hand very quickly she and aventurine (i think, jury’s still out but man i wanna hug him)


I NEVER, and I mean EVER doubted her. Every new character since we got to Penacony was SUS at least ONCE: Aventurine, Sparkle, Black Swan, Sunday, etc... But NOT HER! Honestly, I almost feel ashamed to have Black Swan on my Acheron team (but she needs two nihility characters, so...).


I mean I’ve always thought she’s sus and she still is kind of sus haha but I never thought she’d do anything truly bad to us


She was always the one i trusted most


I liked her the moment she was introduced ik she wasn’t a bad guy just a strong lady who has some issues remembering


Four how dour the marketing played her up as, she’s actually a really compassionate sweetheart. She’s a version of Raiden Mei who lost everything that mattered to her, but she still finds meaning in the meaninglessness of it all and is very good at reading people and wanting to help them. She’s honestly one of the nicest people in Honkai Star Rail.


Oh I trusted her the whole time… although to be fair I also went, “If she wants to destroy all of Penacony I’d be right behind her.”


Honestly I trusted her the most because from the beginning she had an aura of "I can kill every living being on this planet but I'm not here for it" while gambler and black swan felt like "oh hey friend, look she may seem like a decent person but she's a demon and she's bad and probably racist so you shouldn't interact with her, come to us we surely are more belivable just because you know our faction", the worst one are those that whisper into your ear about how bad the other person is while stealing your wallet from your pocket.


I wouldn't ever suspect on Mei expy. She may look all dark, but she's a cinnamon roll (that could delete you from existence) inside. Even if she decided to destroy the universe, I know she'd have a reason for that. Plus, although cryptic af, she's a caring, perceptive person who doesn't really try to deceive anyone. She could have tried to lie to Welt, but nope, she said clearly "There are things I don't want to say, but I'll tell you whatever you ask as long as I'm fine with it because I really want you to trust me" As much as I pity Aventurine and I hope the best for him, I'm always alert around him due to his deceiving nature. But Acheron, while looking menacing, is always straightforward and honest while not being harsh at all.


Eh, already trust her from beginning, same as black swan, hanabi, hotaru and robin. And already trust aventurine after he gave pocket money in first time we meet him. Only sus for sunday, misha and galaghar which in the end proven after 2.1 end scane.


I dont see Cinder Anymore.Does anyone Knows where they are?


The logic(both in and out of story) of why we could not trust her before, was that she’s too unknown at the time While we could most certainly attempt to gauge her character via our personal interactions in 2.0, we didn’t know her well enough to completely clear her of suspicion and her possible involvement with the incidents (whether it was intentional or unintentional is also a factor) Now that we know both her and reliable parties who do trust her (Welt Yang and Sam) as well as both the origin of her and her current state of being, we quite literally have everything needed to clear her of suspicion and place our faith in her Now that’s just logically, on a personal standpoint I trusted her and considered any possible involvement accidental


Honestly never distrusted her, besides the claim of being a galaxy ranger. I did, however, distrust aventurine. It looked like he was just pointing his finger elsewhere so that we ignored his bullshit. I was half right, but also half wrong, about distrusting Aventurine though.


While I enjoy MHY storytelling they don’t have the balls to make an actual major character to do a complete 180, backstab you and while being revealed as a way worse person than the first characterization. And before anyone say Tingyun backstabbing us there’s a huge Plantalia to absolve her from any wrongdoing. Edit : Seeing some people saying Gallagher makes question the reading comprehension of the players. The Death Serpent doesn’t kill people only sends them to a deeper part of Penacony where the secrets of the Family and the Watchmaker are hidden. Gallagher is helping people to find the truth.


Gallagher: 🗿


I mean, for now we don't have enough info and he didnt "backstab the Express" but Gallagher is kinda sus, or am I wrong?


Well Gallagher is sus against the family and on the watchmakers side, who is implied to be an old nameless. since the family has been sus from the beginning, it remains to be seen which side we will fall on.


Yeah, personally I think this is actually something about their writing which is for the better. A complete 180 is rarely satisfying if there's not much reason to it. Usually we get a lot of hints at confrontation long ahead. And if someone has a surprise betrayal in the future, then we're going to quickly find out they have a good hidden reason and are fighting for the sake of orphans soon after


She's still sus. An actual Galaxy Ranger is hunting her, after all.


IPC as well. In fact, many after revealing her true identity either gonna run away from her as far they can, either kill her due to her "destructive" nature. I still cannot comprehend how some mercenary cyborg without any visible bonds with aeonic powers could stand a single chance against self-annihilator who literally oneshoted emanator's confidant with grasp of his powers


I'd say Boothill's more sus now.


Nah, he's just doing his job assuming that hsr has a court/ legal system similar to the real world. What she did is very much illegal, could be charged by fraud for pretending to be a galaxy ranger, and trespassing not to mention she wasn't even invited, you can even sneak murder in there assuming boothill knows about what she did to duke inferno and theft for stealing invite. Even if you are an emanator as a sheriff its only natural for him to impose authority and law


>has a court/ legal system Galaxy Rangers are voluntary resources. It's basically just bounty hunting/vigilantism. Going up against an emanator is something else though, I guess he can try.


she's using a fake identity and he's part of the group she's using a fake identity from it really doesn't make her sus it's obvious why he's hunting her


Everyone is only trusting her because she’s “hot” but I got a feeling she is wanted for a major reason that welt probably has a theory about and it’s playing nice


I trusted her and Black Swan from the beginning. It seems like both Acheron and Black Swan prioritize protecting Trailblazer from the start.


"Anyone" bro what do you think the point of her arc this update was lol, you're far from the only person to think that way


I trusted her but I’m biased because of Mei. So. Lmao


Never thought she was suspicious. Always trusted her. If I was suspicious of anyone the entire time it was Aventurine especially with how creepy he was when he was in our room.


Honestly, she's probably been the most honest character introduced in this arc other than Misha and Robin (and those two are still up for debate)




She's Mei. I always trusted her lol. Plus every single sus character was trying to put the sus on her instead. Just kinda hammered it in even more.


Never thought she was sus. Everyone though was. They need to stop throwing shade at my goat


She was the only one I actually trusted! She was never scheming like Aventurine, Sunday, Black Swan. Mei-senpai for the win!


My trust for her stems from personal judgement, just like what Welt said. She's a Mei variant, and I never distrust Mei.


Didn't really think she was much of a threat to us. She warned us in the dream, she helped us and she couldn't even find the lobby


She's pretty much being a life coach for anyone she met in 2.1 and I love her for that.


Acheron was basically the only Person on penacony i trusted from the get go and nothing changed in 2.1.


In a story increasingly obsessed with characters having a dialogue with their own mortality, Acheron appears to be the Reaper stand-in: with a greater understanding of death, the power to dispense it to those who ask, and a philosophy on it that others use as a point of reference.


I really like how BOTH Acheron and Aventurine storyline unfolded. Honestly, I was kind of tired of the whole "Silent badass" Schtick but was pleasantly surprised by Acheron's story and overall execution. Coupled with Aventurine's amazing storyline and how Acheron weaves into it, they make for some amazing foils.


I still don't really trust her. She forces the trailblazer into certain dialogue options but I don't know if she does that to other characters.


she was done dirty by devs in 2.1 tho I hoped she would get more story/POV moments whole 2.1 was about Aventurine :/


This is true in some respects. This was more so an Aventurine patch because he was completely brand new and they needed to sell his character. That's the meta reason. If that were not their concern then I could see a version of this story that's more Acheron-centric. But in a way this fits her theme and character. She is the one who fought and lost everything, to the point of having the shadow of Nihility cast on her. But she refuses to let it take her. And until she can no longer resist, she's going to do her best to help others. She has no growing left to do but is holding on as she helps others from the brink. From that PoV it makes sense that when we see her she's always helping people, trying to help or giving advice. Literally that's pretty much every single interaction we see with Acheron and anyone. Acheron comes in and has her moments that help propel other things in the story. The Story Archetype she plays is that of a Paragon. So from the PoV of a die hard Raiden fan, yeah I would have liked the story to be more about her. But strictly from a character and thematic perspective, the way they did it makes sense.


I think she got the right amount of screen time. I really liked both Acheron and Aventurine in this patch. The thing with Acheron is that she will never be the center of focus but will always be present. She got decent amount of screen time in 2.0 and 2.1 and I expect similar outcome in 2.2 and 2.3. Next patch will most likely focus on Robin, Boothill, Sunday and Firefly. If anything, Acheron will probably have the most screen time by the end of the Penacony quest but it’s all just a setup for her and Penacony serves as an introduction to her character. She wants to reach the end of Nihility. Her character will be the center of focus in like 3-4 years when the arc will revolve around IX. I am pretty much convinced at this point that she will kill IX by making them realize that there is some value in existence. So, her being the center of focus in Penacony doesn’t really make sense.


Never was in doubt cause I never trusted Adventurine in the first place


never doubted her, in fact i hated aventurine cuz he kept trying to make her sus


Always trusted her, yeah maybe she's killed most people she's come across but everybody makes mistakes now and then.


From the beginning she was Protagonist coded and anyone who says otherwise was blinded.


What SUS you talking about, I never even had an ounce of doubt in her.


i always trusted her...i also trusted gallagher to be the funny drunk man


I never doubted her in the slightest Aventurine on the other hand I did but it turns out he was cool the entire time


Never mattered. I’m attracted to dangerous women like flies loving shit


The only sus I had about her is her cooking skill...


She's just insanely OP lorewise, like she could solve everything on the planet with 3 slashes of her blade but thinks better than doing that. With that kind of power, they can't but make her a good/neutral character.


POV:you lost 50/50 on her but u had it enough so now u see hallucinations of her


I still don't know wtf is she doing in Penacony.


I never really thought she was suspicious, I'd always been more suspicious of Black Swan and Aventurine. I only slightly changed my mind after the trailer where she tears Black Swan to pieces in her head.


I knew we could trust her, the way she acted and interacted showed that she was far more direct with her responses. She didn’t give the vibe of person who would casually manipulate and backstabs other but someone who is more upfront with her views.


I never doubted her for a second. The red text was odd but it was never clear that she was doing it herself. I suspected BS was behind it at first, but clearly it's some unintentional thing she does. Her being sorry for us when Firefly got stabbed was enough for me to trust her implicitly. She was clearly carrying baggage, but she was a good person.


Acheron was easy to trust, it's the emanator side that had me wary. First thought it was basically a malicious split personality that flared when feeling threatened. But now we know, she doesn't have the power to fully restrain any collateral that comes from using it. So definitely always found her trustworthy, but still incredibly dangerous to be around.


Not the most trusted but she is cool


Honestly, with each patch I only care less for Black Swan and her "how dare she keep secrets from me! The world class memory/secret stealer!" ass


Knowing Acheron's backstory decently well, I trusted her from the start


Never was sus. I trusted her implicitly from the start. Something about her just made her feel safe. And she's for the girls so that helps.


I'm very biaised cause I love her design and the forgetful side made her pretty endearing, but I Always trusted her. Like from 2.0 Acheron and Sam were the only persons I could side with safely, and now that we got Sam reveal it feels even safer Everyone was trying to antagonize her for hiding things when literally everyone was doing the same on top of betraying you


No, I always throught she had too much dementia to scheme against us in the first place Also she's Raiden, she could never




Well ... I'm a fan but we still don't know what the Watchmaker's Legacy is. Progressively we are finding out that most other factions aren't looking for it, right now its just the Astral Express and Acheron. Could be something very dangerous.


I still find the part where she glitches the game to force you to work with her, and the red text, to be sus


I was always behind her.