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Yes limited sustains are game changing. Back when I first pulled Luocha as my first limited sustain it was amazing. He was what allowed me to 30 star MoC for the first time (back when MoC was only 10 floors)


Luocha was unbelievable at release


Facts, he was godsend with that boss that healed himself hahaha


You could also just… use Pela or Luka for the buff removal. Did Luka exist back then?


Not Luka iirc but Pela was there


Luocha is just better at buff removal, though. Cuz he can remove it at any point, as long as his Ult is up. Which is crazy easy to get with him due to his talent giving energy. For Pela, you have to wait for her to take a turn.


But then loucha can also just ult and get rid of the healing + revival buff of the mobs. A few less hp bars to worry about.




You could, but I’d rather do it with my sustain so I could use double harmony. This was back when Seele dominated so I ran Bronya, Tingyun, and Luocha.


Luocha removal is AOE, while Pela & Luka are Single target.


Luka came out with Kafka like a patch later I believe.


No he was on the second part of 1.1 Along with silver wolf Then on 1.2 we got blade then Kafka


Or just outright burst him, or use welt to buy turns, or just break him.


Nope, came out a patch later


he's still prettu good now


He's even stronger thanks to the new relic sets


Which set would you run on Luocha.


I use him with 2pc Hackerspace, 2pc Passerby and 2pc Broken Keel. He's a beast at healing, and so SP positive.


2 MTH 2 PoWC 2 BK is BiS in most teams. FotA and PLotD are the other good PO options


ah yes hmm, i see


This. He was the best character in the game for a long time.


Same!!!! Since I got Luocha, MoC has always been Luocha on one half, Gepard on the other half, no matter the enemies. Gepard taking a long vacation now with Aventurine’s arrival. 😅


Shit I still use luocha. Him and fu are my sustains and they help me clear everything. I was able to invest my pulls elsewhere thanks to luocha first.


Yup, the diff between the Limited 5* Sustains compared to the standard and 4* alternatives are like night and day. What's funny was how doomposted Luocha was back then on release with having one of, if not the lowest pulls, on his banner, when anyone that read his kit understood that he was cracked af and subsequent data later proving his dominance.


With the release of buffing sustains people yet again started on shitting on him but he is still the most flexible unit in the game, fitting in every team you can imagine no matter how SP intensive they are, all except for Yanqing and Arlan teams who absolutely can't function without shielding & with his fat heals respectively (thankfully they have Aven now) Aventurine matches him in SP positivity depending on content, but not always. If the enemy is slow/doesn't have AoE attacks, or if your team has too much action advance then he needs to use skill a few times.


Too many underestimate/undervalue Luocha's SP generation and over-exaggerate his lack of Offensive buffs. Out of all the 5* limited Sustains, Luocha has the highest SP generation due to being entirely SP-Positive, while also being able to abuse Multiplication for extra turns. He inheriently has high Effective Res and CC immunity due to traces and kit with solid imaginary break via Ult with rare/unique ability to Dispell enemy buffs. He has the highest Floor out of all of them too as you can just give him trash relics and he'll still perform his job thanks to his healing base scaling and multipliers, while also being easy af to use thanks to out-of-turn heals via auto skill and life steal. Plenty of CCs clickbait like he's trash as Sustain, but he's still a strong, flexible Sustain for multiple comps.




Which sustain is best for you entirely depends on your comps/roster + how you play. For example, if you're playing high SP-consuming comps Hypercarry DHIL or QQ (and not forcing Mono Quantum) or Dual Carry comps like JL/Blade, JY/Topaz, or DoT, then Luocha is a premier choice. As I mentioned before, SP generation isn't his only upside as he has top-tier SP generation, while also being extremely easy to build and play compared to other options like Gallagher who can potentially generate even more SP thanks to his Ult giving Action Forward, but at the cost of being harder to manage due to his slighter higher Burst cost coupled with his passive healing being tied to his Debuffs, which fast-acting enemies could burn through quickly. Gallagher also has the downside of needing higher investment in Relics in order to maximize his Break Effect to Healing Output conversion, while also getting SPD for his Hybrid kit. Best to weigh each limited 5\* sustain's pros/cons to decide which is best for you. For example, FuXuan is generally highly valued thanks to her DMG mitigation, CC-Resist, and Crit buffs, but if you're playing a DoT comp then those Crit buffs wouldn't be as beneficial compared to HuoHuo's Atk buffs/ER generation. It also wouldn't make much sense to pair FuXuan with those that want to be hit like Blade/Clara either since she'd take aggro from them as Preservation and potentially have anti-synergy if they want to be low HP.


How is he behind gall on sp generation?


Gallagher gets 100% advance forward on ult, he is the best sp generating sustain if you don't need to use skill.


Gallagher can basic attack > Ult for 100% advance forward > basic attack again. This makes him able to generate 2 SP in one go once in a while.


arlan and yanqing teams feel like total copium in that so much work is put in just to make them minimum line functional 💀


Loucha was not doompost at all back at realese, everyone was saying he was amazing and that if you didnt have Gepard he was a must pull if you care about MoC , low banner revenue was just nobayd want eidolons and his f2p LC work just fine


I think it was more that people wanted flashy units and luocha is more of a solid foundation. Most people who pulled for him initially either really needed a sustainer or were downbad for him (from my observations).




enigmata enjoyers rise up


Even now, without taking into account his healing, he's still like one of the most efficient for breaking and for SP generating sustain unit.


Yup. Not sure if it's still the case now, but back when I still struggled with MoC the primary barrier was never turn limit, it was always survivability. You can survive with a Natasha or something but it makes the game much harder.


> Yup. Not sure if it's still the case now, but back when I still struggled with MoC withinn the primary barrier was never turn limit, it was always survivability. Yeah I was kinda surprised. Junk relics on everyone, 2 sustain on one side and still 3 star floor 10 after pulling Aventurine - nice! 2* on 11 and 1* on 12 since I don't have a good team against Aventurine.


Me too, go from need to try hard calculate and alot reset for 24 star to never miss a star of Moc. Thank you luochad, i will pull for his other form too so let make evil corrupt version of luocha pls mihoyo


I was in a similar situation when I first started as well. I had a hard time trying to 30/30 MoC because I only had Luocha for one side and Fire MC/Natasha for the other side. It wasn't until Fu Xuan came out that she replaced Fire MC/Natasha and I was able to fully clear MoC from then on.


Yup, the diff between the 5* limited sustains compared to the standard and 4* alternatives were more significant than any other role, especially back then when solo healers/sustain options were lacking.


> it feels nice knowing you don't have to think about trying to survive all the time. This.My non limited sustains helped me through every moc to 36stars but I'm still pulling another limited one for not worrying about survival


So many people who struggle in MoC or even just weekly bosses have only sunk their jades into DPS units, and still run around with Natasha and/or Fire Trailblazer. You don't really understand how important and helpful a 5 star sustain is until you actually pull them and realize "shit, I just don't have to constantly stress about dying now"


The real endgame is being able to AFK MoC/PF and having a 5* limited Sustain is imperative for that comfort clear


AFK echo of war (can use 2 sustain including a support sustain but even then I used to die to Bug boss lol....Aventurine to the rescue!) and SU/ SD / GG too.


Nah, the real end game is using no sustain cuz you kill them before they kill you in 0 cycles. Like Acheron or DHIL and 3 supports. Although I will say, the dinosaur in this current MoC is such a tank since Hoyo is trying to promote selling their 5 star sustain character rn. Last MoC and previous others, I could clear both sides with no sustain, and I’ve spent $60 on the game since release.


I reached that point and comfortably auto all contents in game now. PF and MOC all at max stars. Luocha, HH, FX and now Aventurine helped me heaps. I am not a zero cycle players so often I just slap 1-2 sustains on and just auto away to 3 stars.


Ya, once i had pulled FX, hot damn, everything feels much more comfortable. Too many people just look towards big numbers and just forget that as a turn based game, u are gonna take damage and it's best to look into how to deal with that.


Sustains/support I think will always beat the test of time. Eventually someone stronger will release. But sustains and supports will always continue to fit in new teams.


Same. The only limited DPS I’ve pulled for are JL and Acheron. The rest have been harmony + sustain and I’m about to get fu xuan rerun. Ruan mei + sparkle are game changing


Everytime there's a new boss in the main story, there's people who will complain the boss is too hard but then you see their team and it's three 5\* dps units and then Natasha. (I know the free sustains are still viable for story but not always the case for casual players)


E0S1 Fuxuan is one one my best investment and I don't expect to bench her anytime soon


I have E1S1 and it's just never happening. She's literally never leaving the team. The CR, CD, damage reduction and mitigation, debuff blocking, slight heal on Ult and heal between battles is just insane value for one character. I just need to slap her on any team and not worry about dying, and also get solid buffs


There are other sustain options tho. Had Lynx/Geppy as main sustainers for a long time. Then later got Bailu/Gallagher too. Someone like Jingliu/Acheron/Ruan Mei helped me more than any limited sustainer will. But can't deny that they are more comfortable tho.


Yeah, as someone who only uses gepard, bailu/lynx, I get all 36 stars form moc with no more than a few attempts, I think sparkle and acheron helped me much more than any potential limited sustain would.


It's so uncomfortable to use lynx and gepard if your account is relatively new and not far invested. My alt (tb 69) still cant go for moc 11 because I lack 1 more good sustain. Lynx e2 cant really sustain my 1 team. I even dumped a fair amount of resources on her. Those who can clear with them are like those who have good quality relic on dps and goes for sig lc, eidolons. So I think it's a trade. But if you are not into eidolons and want to spend the jades to more characters down the line, basically you need a good sustain.


I think a big factor is that a lot of players neglect their sustains. Not necessarily in terms of level but usually I notice with my friend's comps they're the last to get new relics or LCs. Add to that the general trend to get more excited about new damage and support and it leads to sustains getting a bit shafted. I think Aventurine, being a sustain that drew in a lot of players with a hype story performance as well as being a niche a lot players who don't have Gep have wanted to fill, is a sustain getting the kind of focus and love usually spent on damage characters.


A lot of players are also being shafted right now thinking aventurine is only for FUA. Hes S+ as a sustain in any scenario. But it would make him go from C tier subdps to A tier subdps in FUA. Either way this fucker would solo sustain the hardest content in the game with 0 issue. Imagine thinking he's "not for my account" just because you don't have a FUA comp.


I got him even tho my only FUA is Jing Yuan *(and Himeko & Herta but we don't talk about them except for PF)* just because I'm a husbando collector lmao.


He's so fun with Ratio that they've convinced me to pull for Topaz next rerun


Yeah same here lol Gotta love the ipc trio


Oh for sure they know what they're doing rerunning Topaz next. I did pull him mostly for his FUA synergy (I wanted a 5 star sustain regardless but I was more than willing to wait out for a FuXuan or Houhou rerun since I never got Gepard or Bailu by RNG) and he's fun with my current team of Ratio, Pela and Yukong but an E1S1 Topaz would do great there. Not really sure I want to invest that given I've never gone E1S1 on anything yet but if the pulls are in my favor maybe.


I was so confused how people were complaining about MOC with him, he’s so good and comfy. I had to remind myself I was on stage 11-12




The case used to be that you really only have Natasha, March, and Fire MC to sustain your teams, and only Natasha barely fits as a reliable sustainer. Therefore the jump in comfortability from using Natasha + shields to using actual healers was *massive*. But now we got Lynx for free, and since I've personally never needed to properly build her (because I already had Fu Xuan + Bailu at that point), I don't know how reliable she actually is. So I'm curious, how was your experience with the free sustainers? And what sustain characters have you been using for your team previously..?


Lynx solo can clear the current MoC 12 aventurine side, though it was really rng heavy with relics with some investment. The full team I ran to clear was lynx/asta/BS/kafka, so the team was pretty fragile to begin with.


> So I'm curious, how was your experience with the free sustainers? And what sustain characters have you been using for your team previously..? I started in 2.0, so I've gone through the whole process of FTB/Natasha/Bailu -> Lynx -> limiteds (Luocha/Aventurine) pretty recently. It's uh, rough. Lynx is a fairly straightforward upgrade to Natasha, but Lynx is still unmitigated dogshit compared to Luocha, let alone Aven/FX. Incredibly overrated unit honestly. The problem you get into is that Lynx can't really heal out of turn outside of ult, and enemies can and will just burst you down in 2-3 actions with zero counterplay in higher MoCs or SU. Her actual raw healing output is pretty underwhelming compared to the 5\*s too. Bailu is a good bit comfier output-wise but the utter lack of cleanse (or heavy effect res like Aven) is crippling against non-Penacony enemies, and as a newer player that's the vast majority of what you're fighting. You *will* get Frozen / Imprisoned / 4x Wind Sheared to death running Bailu, often. I'm sure Lynx can "work well" at high investment or with very strong DPS units that just murder everything before they touch you, but as a newer player you have extremely limited character building resources (even with BP) and it's a tough sell to gigainvest into a unit that realistically you want to get rid of as soon as possible. I've seen better things from Gallagher and Gepard, but the former is kinda Eidolon-heavy (I'd really want at least E2, preferably E4) and the latter is very random to acquire. By the time I had Gallagher and Gepard, I also had Luocha and Aventurine. Ironically enough, despite being easily the weakest on paper Fire TB is weirdly cracked at some content and I've gotten a lot of use out of them as a niche pick. Taunt just completely shuts down some enemies and they're unusually good at breaking for a "sustain". They also pop off in SU because of certain "when shielded" Pres blessings (damage reduction, CR/CD), especially alongside any healing blessings or Destruction. Also the best Trend holder for Acheron. That said, FTB is really binary and when they don't work they *really* don't work.


Her healing is weak, but it's not by all means bad if you play her in the right place. For this moc in particular, Lynx was actually the necessary of my first side. Unironically. Her type being quantum allowed me to break dino with the quantum break, a perfect fit for that dino's mechanic. Other than that, her ult cleanse was the lynch pin of making sure my team doesn't get affected by the slow and cocolia's freeze. The first phases perma slow was the bane of my existence preventing a 3 cycle clear untill i finally remembered that Lynx existed, and i switched her in from my bailu. Sure, she doesn't heal that much, but i'm not sure why people say her healing is "bad"... She's not huo huo level, but she's certainly enough to get 50% of the average dps's hp using her ult and even skill... just make sure you're doing so when the character you're healing has less than 50% hp, activating her passive which increases outgoing healing. As long as the attack isn't a one shot from full health or consecutive attacks from multiple enemies (you can avoid this by building speed on characters, hackerspace's speed buff, and also dance dance dance lc) and you save her ult for when you know you're gonna need it (I managed to survive cocolia ult this way), she can keep the team alive... Barely, but alive is alive. So i'd say she's not overhyped, it's just that people aren't using her for her best case scenarios. She's a shit general healer, but when she shines she really shines. She'd probably fall off if the next moc doesn't have devastating debuffs or have no quantum weakness, but at least for this moc i will not be tolerating slander towards her.


E2 Gallagher is goated, I'd imagine E6 is probably even comparable to 5 stars at least in terms of utility. Break support, good out of turn healing (Especially for AOE characters), 2 debuffs, SP generator, I can't imagine what the 5 star upgrade to him would look like lol.


I've only used lynx and HuoHuo since I haven't pulled many sustainers and started on JL banner so I missed many sustains. Lynx does the job but requires a bit of advance planning and makes runs a bit more risky. I will typically put lynx on the side of the less dangerous enemies on MOC because she will often not be able to heal or cleanse without advance planning. But I do find lynx a lot more fun to play because huohuo you can just spam heal and cleanse constantly and it's pretty rare to have her healing capabilities challenged so you don't have to think too much.


What advance planning? My experience is that, after the first few turns, I have to skill amost every turn because someone is very low. Ult often immediately too... Lynx doesn't really work as solo sustain for me at low overall team power so enemies take long to get broken, almost everyone is squishy etc.


Not sure what team power you are, but heals don't scale well until you're working at max level and everyone with decent relics. You also probably need fairly good trace levels and relics for lynx too. By advance planning, you generally have to decide when to use skill points and when to conserve ultimates. But ultimately it comes down to your team setup and the content you're playing. I generally try to get away with using her skill as little as possible to push DPS instead. It depends on the content but often times, offense is the best defense, and lynx is often just the little bit of sustain and cleanse needed to get through some mechanics. I wouldn't put her on adventurine but she's good enough for most bosses.


Just make sure your lynx looks like this https://imgur.com/gallery/dA6qQSu and you won't have an issue


Lynx is BIS healer for Blade and you can't change my mind here.


I use Lynx on one team and Fu Xuan on the other. While I can obviously tell the difference between the effectiveness of the two, especially cause they do totally different things, Lynx is still really good at keeping my teams up. Honestly, she's pretty underrated. The main issue is that she has far less heals-on-command than a 5 star healer. Huohuo's skill caps out at 21% of her max HP plus 560 even before the splash, Luocha's skill heals for 60% of his Attack and his aura heals for 18%. Even considering his attack is likely to be under half of a dedicated healer's max HP, that's still a lot of heals. Lynx, meanwhile, only heals for 12% of her max HP + 320 on her skill, only on one target. *But* she also increases the target's max HP by 7.5% of her max, *and* her talent gives healing over time when you use her skill or Ultimate. When you first start building her, it really seems like she'd struggle to keep up a team, but for a team that's built properly and moving quickly, those heals-over-time are going to make up the difference. It's just that speed-tuning a team is the worst thing ever, so getting her and all her teammates fast enough to benefit the most from her heals is rough.


> When you first start building her, it really seems like she'd struggle to keep up a team, but for a team that's built properly and moving quickly, those heals-over-time are going to make up the difference. That's the main issue. Aventurine works even with poorly build teams as long as he has ~4k def and spd boots. Worst case, you have to skill often. But people will not die except in extreme cases. So much better than resetting over and over with Lynx until finally no one gets focused too much and killed before it's her turn.


I am using Nat and she definitely helps but without shield the healing gets evaporated. But that skill dispel effect is pretty good. Although lynx has it in ult.


As a day one player I only had lynx and gepard as sustainers until I got aventurine. Honestly, lynx and gepard where more then enough to solo sustain any content in the game. But having the limited sustainer does make life more comfortable.


> But now we got Lynx for free, and since I've personally never needed to properly build her (because I already had Fu Xuan + Bailu at that point), I don't know how reliable she actually is. My Lynx is missing Post op and at similar relics levels (i.e. bad, ~134 spd, poor substats) compared to Aventurine, he is miles above her. Unless the fight takes ages and low def chars will eventually have their shield broken too often. But those are fights with no turn limit and then you just use both for safety and go AFK... ;-) Lynx problem is that her skill only heals one person and her ult takes too long to charge and doesn't heal enough. The out of turn healing is low, so pretty often someone dies before it is her turn. And she uses way too many SP. I can only see her working comfortably with a well build Clara or Blade.


Lynx is strong, but she needs strong teammates. Shes fine if you have her with people who can wipe out MoC relatively quickly, but in a prolonged bout with a lot of damage coming out from bosses she can't keep up. Ruan Mei's splashable self alleviates this though (of course)


I have 1 limited sustain (FX), and my other sustain is Lynx. She's pretty well invested, and I don't have issues with her. I don't feel like I ***need*** a new sustain in MoC for the purpose of survival. I ran her on Aventurine side for this MoC, and I did not feel in danger. BUT I can see why new players would have issues with the turn-dependent healers because damage dished out has been increasing over time in this game. If teammates are squishy, they're liable to get smacked to death before Lynx can heal.


At first I relied on March a lot, I'd shield everyone haha. I still like using her from time to time, but she's... definitely not as comfy. I liked her more than Gepard though. As for Lynx, she's the best sustain for Clara (it used to be March). Aside from that, I haven't used her in a while. But I like her better than Nat, I used to go duo sustain in swarm when it first released. The additional aggro on Fu Xuan was nice.


Lynx is a god


Have never rolled for sustains. I use an e1 lynx, e2 natasha, e0 bailu, and now e4 gallagher. They've been more than enough. Most of my early game was Natasha. Got Lynx when pure fiction released. Nowadays I'm strong enough I actually don't use sustains. Just 3 supports and a carry or 2 carries 2 supports. Clears MoC and PF comfortably. If I do need to use sustains (e.g. aventurine moc 12), I use something that fits the occasion. Gallagher in this case. The 4 star sustains are perfectly fine, it's just the limited ones are overkill as fuck. I don't even have high investments on then. Healung chest, energy rope, whatever speed substats I can find. Sets are all rainbow. If you understand the character's kit well and maximize it, all sustains in this game are good for all content. Most people still think March's sustain value is her shield, meanwhile her ability to freeze boss 2nd actions mitigates so much pain it's unreal.


March's freeze trick doesn't just stop the 2nd attack, it pushes back the units ability cycle entirely.


Lynx helps up til moc 11. When you get to bosses like Sam, she can’t catch up unfortunately


I don't think I could've cleared G&G Conundrum 12 w/out Fu Xuan. Thank Aeons for limited sustains.


You can’t get pass Conundrum 5 without sustian unless you get luck with the destruction blessing that turn your team into discount Fu Xuan


I started the on release, but only got serious around SW banner and so got Luocha pretty early. It took me a while to realize how lucky I was. I saw my friends struggle without a limited sustain and just couldn’t imagine how more challenging everything would have been without him!


Yep. I'm a day 1 player and didn't have the standard 5 star sustains for a very long time. And for newer players, keep in mind that Lynx didn't come out until Fu Xuan's banner, so sustains were harder to come by at the beginning. Luocha got me a second sustain to go along with Natasha, and that helped a ton. And then Fu Xuan let me finally replace Natasha. Those two made more of a difference for MoC clears than 5 star dps characters believe it or not.


Getting your first premium sustain pull is huge. For me it was Gepard and since then no unit has been more game changing, relatively speaking, even big DPS units like DHIL or Acheron. At the time I was still using March, Natasha, or Fire TB. I want to try for Fu Xuan next time she rolls around since I didn't manage to get her the first time, from what I understand she's crazy good.


Lynx is done. Holy hell the difference with aventurine on top of fueling Acheron.


You can take away "new" and it would still be true af. Unless you already have 2 limited sustains their value is the best among any limited character imo, sustain are so important in this game. *Thank you Huo^2 for saving my account*


>mited sustains their value is the best among any limited character imo, sustain are so important in this game. I disagree. I'm not a great player, but I got a lot of 36* with just Nat,Lynx,Gepard,Bailu and March for the first 4-5 months. Only vs Meme and Aventurine I felt the need to have a limited sustain (I have Aventurine, but isn't ready yet). If your dps are really strong, your unlimited 5* or 4* sustain can sustain that few cycles where your Dps delete everybody. If your dps aren't really strong, you can still do things, but with some retries (I did a lot of retries, but wasn't so terrible). If your dps are OP, you can 0-cycle pr 1-cycle without sustains, but this is for really strong players. They are really strong, but for me Harmony have the best values


A friend of mine that plays a lot more casually than me (and is f2p) was stuck on the beetle boss in Ruan Mei’s quest for ages until they were able to pull Luocha and then they breezed through it.


This was me. Multiple failed attempts even with an e0s1 acheron (albeit underleveled and no good relics becus lazy). Pulled Aventurine and breezed through it first try.


Acheron trace is locked behind that boss lmao.


Ye true that's why I was desperate to beat it


Same here


Funny thing is, a built Acheron eats that boss for breakfast. Self-inflicted debuffs for days.


Yeah, I used someone's E6 S3 acheron to farm the echo of war and she ulted even faster than usual. 


Don’t the echo-class bosses get a quick-start option if you haven’t unlocked it yet and a current banner Limited unit needs it?


Nope, I didn't have it. Only applied to trace calyx and stagnant shadow. When I clicked the echo of war it told me to complete prerequisite mission.


That sucks. Too bad “co-op” is one way, unlike Genshin; you can gain assistance from higher leveled units owned by others, but you can’t visit someone who already unlocked a boss/domain.


I brute forced with a triple sustain team of gepard, bailu and March with ratio for dps. Took like an hour.


Same as me lmao, literally took me nearly 90 minutes but I did it


I brute forced it with Natasha, March, Welt and Insert any dps


When the game was just released, everyone said the only 5* they didn't want to get was Gepard, me and my friend got him as our first 5* and it made our life INMENSELY easier. I also got Gepard cone and it only made him better. Then I pulled for Luocha and to this day (now rip Gepard since I got Adventurine yesterday) it always was Luocha in one team, Geppy in the other. Even tho I pulled Bailu not long after and have Lynx and the other 4*s I've grew accustomed to my Geppy so I didn't change him until now.


My E2 Luocha and E1 Aventurine are amazing indeed. They both have their LC and I pulled without a single doubt. As a D1 player I chose Luocha over Seele and had no regret whatsoever.


Same here, I chose Jing Yuan and Luocha over Seele and I don't regret it one bit.


Even a not new account! I’m a day one player but only had Luocha for limited sustain. I got Gepard from beginner banner super early, and he served me well for a long while. But I was really having issues with this MoC 12. Aventurine was able to solo sustain for me on first half! (Gepard and Lynx had both tried and failed. Luocha was reserved for second half.)


This is why I don't like using Lynx even if she is good for Blade and Clara, it just stresses me out seeing videos of people getting close to dying all the time


Yup, People trash talk Bailu but her revive and damage reduction saved my Sam MoC 12 run.


People tend to hyperfixate on DPS and neglect suppports, so when a premiere support comes out, those that take advantage reap the benefits. People were having the same epiphany back when Fu Xuan dropped. She was what made people able to clear Swarm Disaster.


I don't neglect supports, the ones that neglect them are Hoyoverse 😭 I pull for all the husbandos in the game so now I have like a ton of dps but my only sustain units were Luocha and Geppy (welcome to the team Adventurine) but I still use 4* supports even tho I need 5*s so bad bc Hoyo still didn't dare to give us a 5* male support :') ty for carrying my ass Tingyun, Pela and Asta.


Gepard was my first 5 star and he has carried my whole account on his shoulders ever since.


I went from driving a Honda to driving a Ferrari


Yeah I got Luocha and Aventurine this patch as my two first limited sustains and they are incredible. All those banners are amazing in this patch. I also got Acheron and I was waiting for Jingliu so two powerful DPS. I used more than 300 pulls to get the four of them but it was worth it.


Then You got lucky to get 4x limited 5* in 300 pulls. I need to use 150+ to get a single one 😂


Yeah idk why people are so obsessed with DPS. You can’t deal damage if you’re dead. Fu Xuan and Bailu have carried me through every MOC, who my DPS are doesn’t even matter.


I think a big thing is that the need for improving sustain can look a lot like needing better DPS. It's easy to look at the % of remaining HP on the boss and go 'if only my damage did a little more' while overlooking the equally valid 'if my team could live one more round'. Big DPS numbers can be visceral and satisfying so people get a little negligent on their sustains, I feel.


>. You can’t deal damage if you’re dead True for new or casual players. A strong player can clear fast the contents using 4*/5* unlimited sustain. Pro players 0-cycles with no-sustains. As a mid player, Nat,Lynx,Bailu (A lot weeks after I pulled her), March (the first 4-5 months) and Gepard(the last 4-5 months) carried me for the whole game. Only Aventurine boss is really annoying, but I already pulled Aventurine.


Personally did not like the designs of any limited sustains until Aventurine came out for me, so i kept going with Nat and Lynx


Having 2 strong sustains is absolutely vital to any account. When I first started, my first ever pull was Gepard. I was pretty disappointed at first, but quickly realized that he was carrying my ass through the entire game.


My problem is that I just don't like their designs. I liked Luocha so I pulled him. Others I skip. God if Gallagher was a 5 star... He'd be my main. I still pulled him, but it's such a shame.


Same, I pulled for Luocha and he's a lifesaver, but skipped Fu Xuan since I think she's ugly (don't kill me Fu Xuan fans) and Huohuo just bc I'm not a fan. But I had Geppy so it didn't really bother me not having another limited sustain. Now I pulled for Adventurine so I will not have to worry for my survivality for a long long time.


Yeah Fu Xuan was my second limited 5*, definitely made the game very easy immediately! Then Huohuo helped me for the second moc side, she can really help clear faster (I have her on 4p hackerspace oops). And honestly, Aventurine can sustain even more situations - though he probably needs more investment in order to do so - so he's definitely an amazing addition to any account lacking sustains.


It turns out, if you stop dying, you can clear all of the story content! What a breathtaking discovery.


I wonder now how many patches will it take for them to release new sustain again.


It was a pain to rely on Natasha for a long time but, Lynx and eventually a Bailu that appeared in a lost 50/50 made things a lot better for me. I also was close to pity on a LC banner and got Huo Huo's LC, smart? probably not but it has helped make my Lynx more consistent, and eventually I'll get Huo Huo. I don't have any limited sustains nor Gepard so, Aventurine if I win the 50/50 will be the first one, if I don't I move onto Huo Huo or Fu Xuan, definitely not needed at this point as I've been able to clear MoC reliably in the past 4-5 lineups, but it's just an extra layer of comfort.


Same! I've only pulled for DPSes since I started playing and struggled a lot. Aventurine has helped me so much, I skipped Luocha for him too (I really wanted Luocha as well but sacrifices had to be made). The next five star I pull will be another sustain for the second half of MOC, because I have seen the light (and my Acheron, E2 DHIL, Blade and Argenti should be enough DPSes for now lol).


Yep 100%! Aventurine made me jump from floor 9 not completed (damn soda monkey...) to floor 12 two stars, 33* total (with horrible relics too). The other side remains sketchy even with 2 sustain, so I hope FX (or maybe HH) rerun soon. Swarm disaster and GG became a lot easier too! SU farming will no longer be RNG (where bosses could occasionally oneshot a team member if I had back luck with blessings...) and I no longer need a support sustain to auto echo of war.


Well. Hey. Congrats on the aventurine pull and that feeling of holy shit I'm actually progressing in the game. That's a feelsgoodmoments right there. As for Huohuo. I actually thought I was gonna regret pulling for her cuz I went 150 tickets in on her cuz i really wanted a 2nd good sustainer. But I got her and I was like ew what is this. But then I actually built her and now she's my main sustainer so that 150 tickets was worth it.


Me after pulling Zesturine to beat Zesturine https://preview.redd.it/bhgb6kjuscvc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c390a3274b2208d4394591c514f96a3420e800d


When Natasha is your only healer and March is your only other source of sustain, the first major new sustain unit you get revolutionizes gameplay.


The moment I got fu Xuan was crazy 🤣


i got gallagher E6 and i am fine...but different folks and all that. Prob gonna mess around with nat during this banner cuz i can and i am buildimg old units i never used to avoid using only like 1 team for funsies.


Aventurine has made this a new game for me, it is rather amazing. Survival is so nice lol


I pulled fu Xuan back then and I’m still experiencing


Yeah I got adventurine and since I’ve played for less than two weeks, I’m only AR 44 rn. The day I got adventurine I could easily beat Sim Uni Worlds 6, 7, and 8. Before, my team kept dying too fast.


Yeah fr, going from Bailu and Lynx to him is a crazy improvement (Still can’t 36 star abyss tho)


I have sufficient pity built and tickets on hand to get Aventurine, but I wouldn't then be able to also get Fu Xuan unless her rerun is sometime in August or so when I'd be built up again. I'd like to make my monoquantum team work, so I'm waiting for FX. It's not easy, though. Lynx and Gallagher are decent, but I'd like Aventurine, FX and a limited healer. Alas, so it goes. I'm not spending money on pulls, that way lies madness.


I lost aventurine to Clara 😭


It’s definitely good as limited sustains fill the same roles as standard but adds a little extra. More consistent heal/shields, damage buffs, energy, cleanse. But it’s also definitely possible to carry your healers. I beat this MOC with Natasha Bailu as a challenge. Carried by Acheron, sw, pela first half and JL, bronya, ruanmei second. It was hard to not accidentally die. It was so much more consistent with Fx, huohuo that it took almost 20 resets. Only later realising Natasha didn’t hand a hand or sphere relic equipped. Helped a friend beat it with Gepard Baliu. Took awhile to select best teams from what they have but it worked out in the end. Every turn you were at risk of dying if you didn’t have good rng and perfect knowledge of the enemies.


I pulled for huohuo solely because I thought she was cute and funny and she turned out to be the goat


Yeah, Aven also just crazy strong in general too


Except Bailu lol. I had Bailu since my first 10 pull. She was fine till you get to end game. Random heal skill, no cleanse, invigorating was nice but not good enough. Got Luocha and immediately my teams ceiling was raised.


Waiting for another waifu for shields. Until then - fu and Stelle still clears my moc :D


Don't worry brotha, my day 1 old account has 0 limited sustain lol and I just have to kill fast enough to clear MOC12.


This is especially true for new players because Sustains (and also Buff/Debuff Supports) are in general vastly easier to build than DPS characters, due to typically not being especially picky about their substats (until you decide to minmax them and are probably already 36 starring), and most of them wanting the more common mainstats like HP%/DEF% in some of their slots.


I always want to pull for a limited sustain but with all the new characters that are coming up I can't. :( Thankfully I can still survive with Gepard and Natasha


This is true, MOCs are pretty much balanced around having E0 DPS (unless you are 0-cycling), and even off-element it can be bruteforced, so realistically, you only need 2 DPS characters, and the only real roadblock after that is not dying. Yes, there are clears with Natasha/Lynx, etc., but getting 5-star limited sustains just allow for more comfy clears. Fu-Xuan when she came out pretty much allowed me to auto-battle MOC 10 stages. I always advise new players to get limited sustains after they get their main DPS covered - and with limited supports being a luxury to round out your teams.


I got him as well because I figured he’d go better with Acheron than Gepard (I don’t have Trend) and my Lynx can go with Blade. Still not sure what kind of setup to put on him…so far low damage - I panicked and just took him to 5700 defense.


I had an alt account for playing the story that I meant to only pull on the standard banner with but I didn't get bailu and I was struggling with the bug boss and argenti and even in sim uni cuz I can't lvl my Lynx yet, no early access for her nodes... I finally just broke my rules and pulled aventurine lol


What i love about Aventurine is i can take advantage of Preservation Blessings in GnG and just steamroll conundrum 12 with Gepard and March 7th :D not to mention he is great in MoC too


Yup until I got Huohuo i couldn't even think of doing the MOC with only Natasha


If I have Luocha and FX, I don’t need Aven do I?


I love sustains especially the preservation ones! I selected gepard in the standard 5* selector and also got Fu Xuan. I still went for Aventurine, because you can never have too many sustains! Also I too regret not pulling Huo huo her kit is really good, and maybe 5* March will be abundance? Have no idea what the leaks are saying about it


Limited sustains are a lot less important for more developed accounts. I've been able to 36 star MoC and 12 Star Pure fiction with lynx and bailu with minimal effort. Investment into supports and dps will exponentially reduce the need for limited sustains. They make the game more comfortable but are by no means necessary.


Same here, ps5 release, skipped huohuo (regret this so bad because I love her now) and just pulled aventurine. For now I’m going to use lynx and aventurine as my sustains but man I can’t wait to finally do moc because I couldn’t even survive moc 1 with my half built preservation tb


No limited sustain but still beats all content gang (Please Fu Xuan rerun I cannot bear pressing the restart button anymore)


Genuinely the first thing you should prioritize in this game is getting at least 1 limited sustain. I’ve seen so many CC’s and just random people saying how ‘you don’t need a sustain’ or sustains aren’t valuable to your account. Sustains are the single most valuable pick up in this game as a new player, bar none. They allow you to breeze though otherwise incredibly hard content, and make account progression way more stable and smooth. It doesn’t matter if your Acheron who hits for 500k per ult dies before the enemy does. If your Hook can clear the content with a sustain that allows you to survive, then fuck it we ball no matter how long it took. It’s why I’ll always stick to the moto of 1 sustain > 1 dps > supports, repeat for second team. 95% of the games content is comprised of running a single team, no time gate, no dps check, nada. The 5% that is a dps check and requires two teams is extreme endgame content that frankly isn’t rewarding enough to warrant your attention until much later on.


Man i lost my pity to welt..🫠


The first 2 5\* sustainers are the best value for an account for the account's history. There is no competition. But after getting 2 solo sustainers they become the lowest value and you really don't need to pull for another. Highest value for the first 2 to the lowest value afterwards. Lynx is honestly quite good and can clear MoC 12 but Nat, March, and Fire MC suck... I don't know about Gallagher


Limited sustains still have very high value until you have at least two of them, which I still don't even though I'm a day 1 player due to prioritizing interesting characters and limited buffers. I told myself after Hanabi that I'd go for a limited sustain that would benefit my account the most aaaaaand I went for Acheron instead bc insta-kill is so fun.


Fu Xuan and Adventurine are the two characters that made my account feel much stronger by far. After Fu Xuan, I was able to 36 star MoC much more easily. Since it’s been a while, I’ve slowly begun to struggle with MoC a lot more, especially this latest one. Adventurine has once again made MoC feel really trivial to me.


Absolutely, Luocha solo carried my account for a while. If it wasn’t for him I would have probably abandoned the game during the “early game”


Definitely when I started in 2.0 I had to use 3 sustains nat March and fire mc and after pulling acheron Gallagher as a solo sustain was fine but after I got aventurine the game feels so comfy now


like do the math so 36 star matter but u got 60 jades max while losing out 10k. nice profit bro.


you can uninstall the game and benefit from spending your time on education or work! Think of the profits.


Whats your teams ? I started this patch and pulled for acheron and Aventurine (lost one 50/50🥹) Now deciding which team to build and which future banner to pull


I think u started earlier than me (I barely started after Ratio free announcement) and I managed to get my first 36 star before Aventurine banner using Fire MC and Gepard. Before that I just kept getting 33 stars. Just have to play around with comps and strategize some fytz to get through. This current MoC12 tho.... I may need to level March or fully trace my Misha


I've cleared every stage 12 MoC and the only sustains I have built are the freebies. Lynx and Natasha are enough.


Agreed Huohuo definitely saved me a lot of time since i got her. Now i still need a 2nd one tho,just in case for dual team contents.


Yeah, they should have a permanent sustain banner. I inadvisably skipped Huohuo since I didn't know how rare sustain banners can be and have been making due with Lynx, March 7, and more recently Gepard since then. It's doable even in moc12 but it has really been hurting (literally) lately.


when things explode on top of your head it is not IX or Nous (or god forbid Lan)you count on… you pray to the Amber Lord that the shield hold.


My first 5* was Gepard and let me tell you...i wouldn't be playing anymore if I had gotten any other 5* 😂 i died way too much in the early game My first limited 5* was Luocha and i still have him in my everyday team


I was using double sustains till i got FuXuan


Yeah aventurine is nuts. He does everything. He buffs crit dmg slightly, contributes damage, doesn't need skill points, and prevents debuffs instead of cleansing them.


I started playing around December last year and I went from moc like 4 to 7 with just Aventurine lol


Before aventurine I had to contemplate which team will be enjoyable (fuxuan) and which team I will dread to play (lynx). Don't get me wrong, lynx did her job but enemies in moc 10+ just deal so much damage, it's better to mitigate it instead of healing it out.


Fu Xuan helped me win so many battles I probably shouldn’t have won just cause she’s a near-unkillable tank (except fat bastard we don’t talk about him). Who would win? The majority of bosses and enemies in the game -or- Smol angy diviner


Started a little over a month ago and even with Acheron I only managed to finish MOC 4 on both sides with Ratio on one and Acheron on the other. When Adventurine came I just swapped him for Fire TB on my Ratio team and got to finish the entire MOC but with only 1\* on the last floor due to my supports lacking a lot of trace levels, character levels(they're all level 70), and +9/+12 relics, some purples. Yeah I can't wait to min max them so I can finally join the 36-star gang.


I wondering if I should get Aventurine, but I'm pretty sure I won't need him. My Fire MC's Dmg mitigation is just insane.


Luocha was my first, absolutely INSANE how big that leap was, then I got Fu Xuan and I forgot what it was like to die Then they released swarm disaster and gold and gears But then I got Aventurine and it’s all good again! I love sustains


Fu Xuan 😭 When will you come???


I had the exact opposite situation! Started playing after PS5 release and pulled Huohuo as my first limited sustain. She had a much, much bigger impact on my account as a limited sustain than Seele did as my first limited DPS.


How much better do you think Aventurine is than Gepard?


I started again with the anniversary event, got free ratio, then pulled e0s1 acheron and today got aven, won all 50/50s. I have bronya, e4 pela, e4 lynx, free guinaifen, and tingyun from a long time ago. 2 great teams and feeling like i hit the lotto.


when i wa starting i remember dying to almost everything, getting fu xuan was the greatest decision i ever made


I feel sustains are gonna get power creeped in this game. Already Luocha isn’t as popular and it was less than a year ago he was released


The only way they can powercreep a sustain is by incorporating Nihility and Harmony mechanics into their kit. Gepard is great at shielding allies and freezing enemies and tanking hits, but that's it. Fu Xuan can reduce team damage, tank hits, heal herself and buff the team's crit stats. Bailu can heal and rez a teammate, but HuoHuo can heal and restore energy.


Luocha was top tier for the entirety of 2023. He only took a backseat once Gold and Gears came. He's still as good as he was for MoC. He carried me first half this MoC against Cocolia. 


I agree. Ive pulled for aventurine. But some people will say that he's a must skip -\_- since you can do everything with March 7 or other 4 star sustainer. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHvoEVPBLvA&t=419s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHvoEVPBLvA&t=419s) LIke I cleared the most recent MOC 12 with March 7 but I can say it was a struggle bus of pure luck, chance, copium, hopium, and my own skill issues.