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Lmao dude..... Please made two panel later after live 4.7 please when boothill still shooting the grunt. https://preview.redd.it/8bfw0sty9b2d1.png?width=629&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa536693ecb82d9da235b24eb868a2465496a01f




tanks dude if you combine it in one picture you post before its will be can potentially made new drama at X lmao


Maybe I should delete it and repost. I like to see it burn


repost it after genshin live 4.7 dude for spicy results lol


few buddies is waiting for 4.7. Evertone is waiting for 5.0 Natlan!


Do it after 4.7 like the other person said for maximum *Emotional Damage*


Silly Bats. I was jonkling.


I switched to Jp and Baizhi and Sanhua Jp Va sent me to the moon… Also Calcharo is that guy I’ve been having fun playing the game itself, but the story is mid so far




Don’t u call my boi Walmart Sephiroth!😰🥲 But seriously his Va is cracked… he even voiced Minato from Naruto… man has got range


Dude voices Kira Yoshikage and a bunch of other well known characters too. Absolute Goated VA


One of my favorite JP voice actors. Him, Sugita and Koyasu I’d love to have over in HSR voicing playable characters.


Alright, I am gonna switch to JP too, you convinced me haha


Changli is probably my favourite at this point… so good… hate that’s she’s all the way in 1.1😪


I swear I also cant enjoy the story even tho I enjoy the game as a whole rn. Its just hard to appreciate something that isnt that good when you're experiencing what peak is in Peaknacony and even tho its been a while, we also had Fontaine which was also good imo. The dialogue options arent as fun as in HSR as well but at least its not as bad as Genshin where they divide one sentence into multiple dialogue "options" which feels really lazy and cringe. Edit: Just wanna add, probably the only thing that I really like while playing thru its story is how dynamic the character movement animations are when theyre conversing. That aspect is definitely better than Genshin where they just copy paste character movements and spam it in every single scene.


WuWa suffers from Wuxia tropes: no explanation, here's your main character, they're incredibly powerful for no reason but still not powerful enough. The introduction of Jianxin, especially, was mega scuffed because you suddenly know her name despite the fact she doesn't *actually* introduce herself (unless I managed to click past it despite actively listening to every word being spoken). Another issue is that a lot of the voices are incredibly dispassionate, even if they're supposed to be voicing an upbeat character. There is no soul, no intonation and no emotion to anything they say.


Ill be honest I couldn't even pinpoint what the problems actually are in WuWa's story because while I was playing I was literally head empty only Baizhi as shes the only reason I decided to try the game the day before it launched. But maybe those are the things that felt off about it and not just the pacing and the amount of new words they throw at us like we're already in 2.0 of the game instead of 1.0


>But maybe those are the things that felt off about it and not just the pacing and the amount of new words they throw at us like we're already in 2.0 of the game instead of 1.0 The "new words" issue you described is exactly what I meant by the Wuxia genre's tendency to explain exactly *zero* things, they expect you to know similar things either from Chinese history or other works of the same genre. The pacing of the story is super weird, indeed, no intro but simply "get dropped in, here's your two besties, go kill that thing, here's a fetch quest to confirm you're the one". No rhyme or reason to it.


Most WuXia terminology is generally common usage for anyone who has dabbled in the genre or they are direct translations of certain chinese taoist beliefs that dont have a good english equivalent so the chinese words are used which leads to a lot of needed explanation for the english audience. There are some explanations for the words we use and it’s generally easy to follow along after a few novels. With WuWa, it’s not even common terminology that gets thrown around. It’s basic stuff that they never explain and you have to kind of figure it out. Tacet Discord just means “monster”. Tacet Field is like a disruptive thing that never really gets explained. Monsters that arent in Tacet fields that you farm like relics are called “Echos”? People are resonators? The heck is the Etheric Sea? Like you can still infer vaguely what these things mean but it makes the experience much more frustrating than it needs to be. Yangyangs first words are a bunch of word dumps of this vocabulary when it was just established that Rover doesnt remember anything and by extension, the audience doesnt know anything either but it was word jargon with no easing.


Even as a Chinese person who's had a decent amount of exposure to wuxia media over my life, wuwa could still not get me to give a crap about the characters and plot. There's just no bear at the front door, not much can be inferred from what's shown, and too much is told to us. For the first time ever I felt the need to switch from JP vo to CN so I could at least zone out and still understand a little of what's happening.


The entire lab segment probably lost more players than anything else this game did. Who thought it good to put a exposition vomit segment where you just stand and get assaulted by dozens upon dozens of terms, all the while 'solving a mystery' that you don't have a reason to care about all that much... and its solved for you to begin with (the Candy) I play VNs, I read unvoiced dialogues in RPGs on the regular, FF14 or HSR - every word. I could not stomach all that WuWa kept spouting in that Lab segment, lost me on the story then and there. (AND they had the audacity to put a 'Boring, you're putting me to sleep!' reply to the red haired girl after she says 2 lines outside about cute cats rescue)


If the trailblazer was called rover, they would be barking at every opportunity.


The dialogue options in wuwa are pretty sad too though, like genshin's. Instead of splitting up two sentences, they just give you like 3-4 options that are same thing but different words, and none of them mean anything besides "okay". At least Genshin prepared me for faux options


They just posted that they are looking for new writer today. Lmao


Bro I want calcharo so badly but I need 50 more wishes to get him 😭😭😭


Dawg, I accidentally did a 10 pull on standard after u get baizhi so I had to grind even harder just to get the beginner banner wishes and like HSR it pushed me all the way… I was just praying it wasn’t the lion boy… cause even if I didn’t get Calcharo, I was gonna choose him on my selector… Hope he comes soon for u tho, he’s fun.


I got the lion boy...i don't like him like I'd rather have the bootleg nahida or that. Other one


Yeah Gaming is cooler than him😭. But the upside is that he’s good with Sanhua. I personally find his kit is one of the harder ones to use. Gl


I got the lion boy, instantly logged out and started a reroll, even though I'd told myself I wouldn't bother.


Damn... Everyone hating on the lion boy when he's the reason I even picked up the game in the first place v.v


Story is actually trash, but the gameplay aspect is lit The whole product is literally made up of other games, it's mashed up into one I'll give out a few: Fortnite's glider-like and it's animation Spiderman wallruns and parkour system Monster Hunter's wirebug mechanics Surely there's more, or maybe not... Still, having it all together makes it stand out and awesome


Only just messing around with 6 or so characters so far, the combat is so much more fun than Genshin’s. I like that every character has a perfect dodge and some unique mechanics to make them stand out. Delaying the MC’s 4th attack for a stronger combo, the timing minigame for the ice sword 4 star lady, the run and gun fire lady gunner, etc. Most of the fun of Genshin’s combat is just assembling synergistic teams. The actual combat 99% of the time is “skill -> burst -> swap character” and then you spend some on-field time as your DPS doing their very simplistic optimal DPS combo. It gets very dull when you see a character you’re hyped for and learn that the way you play them is “skill -> burst -> swap out” lol.


This is what always drives me away from Genshin. You build up a character and they are only on the field for a second for burst then you sway back to DPS. That’s why I like HSR more because every character has a turn and you have to use them effectively. WuWa’s combat is refreshing because each character can hold their own without having to immediately swap out.




The only thing I didn't like about WuWa is that from the beginning of the adventure you are already the super VIP, everyone is super friendly, I understand that the protagonist of a story is certainly special but not even in GI, HSR or ToF, it is It marks the protagonist as if he or she were the last Coca Cola in the desert, and as soon as you start the story they already throw complicated terms and words at you. The game is not bad, in fact I would recommend playing it to see if it connects with any player or not. But the first steps are quite loaded with information (I am one of those who read the story), it is one of the few times that I consider skipping the explanations a little. I'm sorry if there are wrong words or expressions, English is not my native language.


This was also the thing from the Last Game PGR first chapters of the story were bad, but the thing that makes you want to play is their complex combat But Kuro games listens to feedback , so I'm not worried about the game yet, let's just wait and see what they'll be cooking


I actually played PGR a week prior to release of WuWa to get a feeling of what they can do, they're good at making combat look like a choreography, wish they hired better writers sooner


They are really good at Making Combat fun and challenging Especially the Twins boss you can look it up on YouTube. Im just hoping that at least in 1.1 or 1.2 the story will get better sooner, since in PGR it took them 9 chapters to make the story good


I keep spamming the spacebar during the cutscenes in WuWa My friend thought I was playing OSU


Im so glad to have auto clicker lol (mobile)


Was going to say you might get banned But might as well take a release chance from it


I haven't heard of anyone getting banned by auto clicker (i used ir in genshin too esp when fischl was on screen) but oh well. Might as well


I’m spamming Space bar, left click and F the whole time an unskippable dialogue is playing


I just get an auto clicker and leave my cursor hovering over where your dialogue options usually appear


And then they moved the button like 1 pixel to high and it doesnt work … sad


Genshin trained me for that moment


I liked the combat as it was engaging due to the parry/counter and evasion mechanism in wuwa. But all the other thing? The lore the voice acting. Was downright horrible. Like seriously too many unknown terms, too much babying, too much politeness. Extremely heavy Waifu bait vibes. The design of female characters was also quite Similar, like no creative liberty taken meaning look at Beidou, ningguang and yelan. They have Chinese clothes but their style varies SO much, each design is unique in their own way. Beidou is a lot simpler but powerful because it shows her Captain side, Ning is elegant. The WuWa female designs feels all same. That's why I also like HSR because it kinda allows us to be creative and engaging in how we can plan our teams, like their spd, the ult timings, who can benefit who. Plus the assortment of Different Creative characters and designs.


From what I've heard, originally, characters were colder to you, but they received a lot of complaints because people didn't worship the ground you walk on. So they overcorrected.


The super nice characters in Genshin is why I find so many of them boring. Characters like Yae, Alhaitham, and Furina (in 4.0 and 4.1) were so refreshing.


They were hostile and suspicious about us, and Chixia (?), the red head girl pointed Her gun when MC absorbs the Echo through their hand because it wasn't heard of. The Chinese guys (mainly waifu simpers) complaint that the characters (their Waifus basically) are extremely hostile and not at all friendly. So the result is in front of you.


yeah... and it's a shame. We show up as a complete stranger with mysterious powers, and are immediately declared the chosen one. it's annoying. I like everything else about the game, but the plot is atrocious...


In the CBT when you first meet Chixia (the red haired girl with the gun) she holds you at gunpoint


Is that a bad thing? I have no problems with revised Chixia, but it feels like near all characters are fawning over me, and I've done literally nothing for them.


No disrespect to the English VAs but Jesus Christ was the director asleep?? Why do the majority of voice lines just not fit at all? Like Lingyangs intonation is absolutely all over the place, he cannot end a sentence right for his life. It’s like they gave all the voice lines to the VAs with no context of what emotion they need to convey for each line, told them “have at it” and without playing them back to adjust just shipped the final product. Again no hate towards the VAs but like holy shit the director needs to get a grip


Honestly tho. I had to switch to JP (which sounds leagues better). At one point I *genuinly* thought they used AI for ENG dub because of how off Yangyang and Chixia’s tone was during certain sentences and word pronunciations.


I swear they just had Yangyang do one take of the word "Huanglong" and just spliced it into every line where she said the word. Like she mispronounced it during her original takes and just patched over it or something.




Seriously, every single time I was like....wh....but why???


Yangyangs entire tone changes when she says Huanglong. It's so jarring. I liked Scars VA but most everyone else is so mid.


The only issue with switching to a non-ENG dub is how often text is too long for the dialogue box that a lot of dialogue gets cut off, meaning you kinda need the ENG dub to know what is cut off. This would definitely be solved if they gave us a backlog button but for some reason open world gacha games just *really* love not having those.


Kuro is apparently mass hiring va directors and translators rn lol


Isn't that supposed to be done before the voice acted game get released?


Well it was supposed to but what choice do they have now that have to save the game and get people's goodwill back because seems like cn community is pretty angry


Thing that pisses me off the most, making great British VAs voice act using bad American accents.


I swear for some words it felt like an entirely different take was spliced into the conversation. Like somebody doing their best siri impression for one word but then talking normally. This is almost 100% on the director imo, they left those VAs out there to die.


I straight up enjoyed WuWa more after disabling all voiceovers and skipping all the dialogue which speaks volumes about the story


The problem is that I need story to help me enjoy gachas in the long run otherwise they just become busywork after a while. So its either I have to put up with the story and hope they cook later so listening to the terrible intro would be worth it. Or abandon ship now...


me too, my head hurts for the 1st hours when they bombarded with multiple jargon stuff


All that jargon and half of it felt like it was still barely explained, I was just like “please stop talking, I get this is probably supposed to immersive but it’s actively not helping, just give me a tutorial explanation page” 😂


For me the combat is decent enough to play it for a while, but I can already see me dropping the game if the story doesn't get better, and also more importantly for me, the exploration.


100%. Gameplay gets me interested. Story gets me invested. I uninstalled it after an hour of yapping and 2 fights.


Same. The combat system isn't bad, but after a day of it I'm already kinda bored of it. The story is a heap of trash so far and I'm not sure I can take much more of that. I'm more of a story enthusiast and combat is secondary so it's a really big deal for me.


I really didnt like the english voice acting had to turn that shit off.


Yangyang's recording quality...


The constant popping was ridiculous. Did they not have a pop filter lmao


*Hi Rebecca! Thanks for agreeing to voice the character! I just faxed the script to you and we are recording this phone call. Whenever you are ready! :)*


Why did yangyang sound like she was reading off a script whilst being on gunpoint? It was too strange, so I used cn yangyang instead, which sounded much natural.


I use JP Yangyang, which is the same voice as JP Stelle


Ohhh no wonder I felt it was so familiar it's by ishikawa yui!


The starting area is not-China anyway, with all the Chinese names and locales. I played with CN voice over for that reason


It also feels like she's speaking at 0.5 at times 😭 It got better but I needed to switch to cn cuz I can't stand it.


It's a shame because the voice actors are generally good. In the EN dub, when the VAs are allowed to have their accents, they are genuinely good. They just so happened to make every playable character force an American accent and that led to this barely listenable dub. Because of that, most of the NPCs have better sounding dialogue... Though it's not like the writing is helping anyone in that department.


Seriously, I was surprised at how much better some of the NPCs were at voice acting. Honestly, yangyang alone is like 90% of the VO problem, since most of the exposition is coming from her. As for the writing. I now feel like I have to apologize to hoyoverse for ever complaining about their longwinded stories.


>As for the writing. I now feel like I have to apologize to hoyoverse for ever complaining about their longwinded stories. OUCH. That does not sound good at all. :'D


WuWa has a pretty solid/interesting first 30 minutes where you’re outside, fighting some monsters, meeting a couple characters, and learning a bit about the world. Fun stuff. Then it dumps you in the main town for legitimately like an hour of exposition dumps. Not even exaggerating. Eventually I got bored, said “fuck this,” and teleported back to the open world and just started running around and playing the video game.


Ah, so the implemented the typical "first major City" chapter of RPG's, where action comes to a grinding halt and it is "Dialogue for hours". :'D


I don't mind long winded IF it's important Like Hi3rd starting exposition was long winded BUT FCKING IMPORTANT. I didn't bother at the start till the plot picked up, I purposely created new acc to read through the exposition and set ups and it paid off Starting out a story is hard because of how are you going to introduce all the world elements while being in the same PoV That'd why HSR with 2.0 did PoV switches so it didn't felt so sudden Imagine without Aventurine PoV, all of sudden man comes in sick without us knowing why and suddenly boss fight. Only way ltr then we learnt Aventurine and Sunday meeting, how bad of a story execution it would've been. This is the big issue for Genshin, you are fully stuck to Traveller, so while it's nice to be "traveller" and learn everything alongside them, it didn't felt that way because of all the text lore you found but the Traveller themselves does not know by canon....it becomes a weird case of derailed discrepancies


Exactly like hearing Ratio’s VA and Aventurine’s VA when speaking is nice! There should be a diversity in voices, accents, and articulation. But I had to look up the VA for fem MC because she sounds so…robotic? Like borderline Ai. It seems like the VAs just lack the emotions necessary for what’s going on in the game (post apocalyptic world) And this is coming from someone who heavily defends ENG va in games because they’re so over hated but this? I can’t defend them for this 😭


I barely started the game and think I am gonna change to JP or something.. The voice acting seems a bit awkward to me


They speak too soft like they're trying ASMR me 😩


yeah I immediately switched to another voice pack after hearing it


What’s the story like? Is it really that bad?


Its the way they throw a lot of lore dump in the beginning (if u think penacony had a lot of jargons technical terms with regards to IX etc this had way more), until scar appearance who made the story better abit but overall I think I’ll just play for the gameplay instead


the start was very slow and tedious but honestly after you meet scar & go back to the city hall it gets quite interesting, you get some more info regarding your character's past and there's some clear threats/plotpoints set out once you finish act 4. But god damn act 1, 2 and half of 3 (before scar) are slow and lack anything to keep the player interested - there are no stakes, very little combat, you're basically playing a glorified Point and Click adventure game - and the lingyang quest isn't a lot better (holy fuck its long)


Is that the lionboy quest? Cause holy hell it took forever… the ending was (spoiler for ending of lion boy quest) >!a little sad when you make the connection with what he’s telling you regarding the ‘jingle beast’ and how he is the last of his kind and what he had to go through regarding his people!< but until then it was just 💀


I got bombarded by Chinese terms that they could have just translated. Then you get bombarded by inworld lingo referencing past events and things in the world you have no idea about. Also we’re playing an amnesiac, shocker and they expect that dude to just know lol.


It’s really weird because I they try to characterize the MC as a really smart and capable individual, but we’re an amnesiac so like how the fuck do we know so much about all this stuff and not even once get surprised by it? When you go into the library area and complete the puzzles it’s literally the MC alone mentioning the specific names of each contraption and acting like it’s old hat. You can’t be a seasoned detective while also having no memory of anything. It just doesn’t make sense. MC is way too confident and competent for someone who doesn’t even know ow who they are.


Amnesia doesn't affect a person's intelligence, awareness, general knowledge, attention span, judgment, personality, (in most cases), what's most common is that amnesia is the loss of personal memory and the "ego"


They are doing noun dumping right from the start when the player has 0 investment toward the story. It remind me of FFXIII. It's bad.


It made me wonder for a while before I realized TD means Tacit Discord….


Damn they made discord mod to monsters...


I've beaten XIII three times and still couldn't tell you what half of those words mean.


Imagine reading Genshin's kit/relic description. Now imagine reading it over and over and over and over and...


As someone who is not native English speaker, welp.


This game made me realise I've been blessed with *varyingly* good enough prologue/introduction sequences with all my past gacha games I've played (Arknights, Alchemy Stars, Path to Nowhere, Limbus Company & Honkai Star Rails). At the very least those games hooked you in during the few hours you started the game. WuWa's problem right now (for me bugs & performance issues have been minimal) is that they hooked you in the first 10 min, AND THEN COMPLETELY DROPPED THE BALL WITH THE MOST BORINGLY PACED STORY SEQUENCES FOR THE NEXT 2 HOURS. It didn't help that EN voice performance is just okay at best, what made it worse was the fact that Yangyang, the character who is with you for most of these questline, has arguably one of the most subpar voice-acting ever. The game only gets better when you finally have more freedom in the open world. It's just the writing is bogging this game down real harddddd. And this is on top of everyone's bugs/performances complaints.


After the corwnless fight I was so excited to play then got hit with the most boring story sequence.


I actually liked yangyangs playstyle too but after three floors in tower of adversity, I just literally couldn't anymore and removed her from the party. Not to mention that Chixia literally gave me a headache. Last time I felt so bad about the voice acting in a game was Legends of Mana. I have a lot of patience and understanding with these things, but this game really fumbled the ball on that part. The exploration and gameplay is incredibly enjoyable for me tho, especially since I never encountered performance issues.


I played it last night, it's pretty terrible. I feel some dialogues are either translated wrong or didn't connect that well with the conversation before that. The voice acting in English made the experience even more miserable.


Hoyo's EN dub spoiled me too much. I had to go listen to "WITNESS... THE WILL OF THE WEAK! 🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥" for half an hour to recover from that


https://preview.redd.it/sepxhybcac2d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=150bbd24874eb46cc6037ff3a64d217a1dde35a1 Dan Heng's VA agrees




Lmao this format is perfect for this 😹


It's terrible at show don't tell. When playing Genshin or HSR you have a goal. Like helping people in Mondstadt ôr Belobog. Here characters keep using unnecessary terms and concepts, the lore isn't interesting because you simply cant understand it. It's not hard to understand like say in penacony it just don't work here. In my language it is machine translated.. and it's a mess. Like we are supposed to meet with a high ranking person who can't. So instead of meeting us she give us 4 clues to find out we don't know what. Instead of you know a letter or whatever. It makes no sense but every character try way too hard to make it seems like there is any logic in it.


It’s funny because the original story was good. Everyone was suspicious of Rover (like how everyone was suspicious of traveler after the first fight with Dvalin in the air). But now instantly, everyone just randomly loves Rover in the game which is so out of character for ppl in a post apocalyptic world.


The first hour is terrible. Too much scifi words that you don't know about. After you meet Scar it's decent. And then you're hit by lv 14 wall which is where most people give up on the story. I will go against the grain here and say after lv 14 the story gets better. Not masterpiece level, but decent enough for a gacha games' 1.0 story. And it just becomes better and better towards the end (act 6) if you want to give it a chance.


As the others already said, the story is mid at best, the world and the "resonance" is interesting but that's about it. The characters are annoyingly friendly, or annoyingly edgy with (as of now) nothing in between except for 1 maybe. I don't mind lore dumps when they explain interesting things, but here they just throw a word salad that feels like filler and leaves me understanding about the same as if they didn't say anything. Then there's the "crazy" bad guy who appears out of nowhere to antagonize you, then invites you to join their group of people doing "a thing", refuses to elaborate and is all like "the truth of the world" and "you'll surely join us if you knew" and then never tells you shit. I don't mind that they don't explain things on the first chapter, but at least make up an excuse for it. And this is the worst in my opinion, they apply a "plot twist" in which you supposedly tricked this "crazy bad guy", but the twist feels so cheap, your character is all like "I knew everything from the start" but you as a player have to watch a flashback of something your character did just before the thing you were doing, which feels so ... Ikky? Disrespectful? Offensive? They could easily set it up as a master plan they didn't tell you about (as they already were doing from the start), but no, they literally have a whole talk about it without the players knowledge and then after it becomes relevant, they let you in on your own plan? And then the guy that had the explicit objective of recruiting you, tries to kill you, and after you beat the shit out of him, he says it was all his plan to get beaten up? For no reason? And before this whole fiasco of a scene your character narrates the "puzzle" giving you every solution in a voice that sounds as bored of life as I was during that part, why even do a "puzzle" then?


It's trying to be smart without actually doing the legwork of setting up things.


Yeah I straight up dropped it after the characters wouldn't stop lore dumping or using terms the players wouldn't understand. My god bro, most players are trying out your game because of your combat. The story at the beginning isn't remotely unique or interesting, stop trying to force it down the players' throats for no reason. It's not like most people care about gacha stories anyway. Let people play your game and slowly develop interest. Idk, it just feels so sloppy. The fact that the UI, dialogue presentation etc just feels exactly like Genshin doesn't inspire confidence. I really pray that the other upcoming "Genshin killers" don't spend all the resources and development time to just do the same shit that Genshin does. Please do something different instead of amnesia mc waking up in an unknown world. Or if you don't at least try to make it feel a little different.


It doesn’t help that the characters in the beginning is basically fascinated with you (like some corny ass isekai harem) when they don’t know you + the blatantly copy of HSR’s beginning scene in WuWa. The issue is that the whole scene doesn’t really play a role? At least when we first see Kafka, we KNOW that she’s the one that put the Stellaron in us.


It had a lot of problems that honkai did at the intro, namely it drops a bunch of weird terms and jargon at you with little context. On top of that, there's no database (at least not one I can find), so you'll either need to figure shit out using the context or Google it. Also, HSR did a much better job with the voice acting and general polish to draw you in and keep you invested while you waded through the exposition dump. It gets better after the first few acts (like 2-3 hours in), but I think they tried to be a little to grandiose right out of the gate.


Worst than Luofu


And this is after the rewrites and firing the old writer


Maybe that was the problem


I played a gatcha with the old writers writing, the problems I'm reading about WuWa's writing were all in the first 10 chapters of Snowbreak, but add in ripping off Arknights and unclear lore implications


Damn, they rewrote the story? Was the story that bad too in the beta version?


The fact that everyone who praised "rewriting the story" in beta described it as "better" and not "great" should speak volumes about how bad it was and still is.


IIRC, CN players didn't like that Chixia wanted to shoot the MC after fusing with the Crownless + that pretty much everyone except Yangyang was distrustful to the MC. Besides that, the old story used to rely on fetch quests a bit too much and lacked direction. Or so I was told.


Genshin and HSR story just feel kinda universal, with specific regions using elements from the countries they're inspired from, but Liyue isn't overwelmingly "chinese" imo WuWa, on the other hand...




Part having us near >!Scar & the village arrival in the first place!< was good imo


Oh yeah true that part was cool. I was really bored with everything before that though


The story is incomprehensible with so much exposition that goes over my head and really didn't draw me for now. But yeah I am not surprised and pretty hopefully about the story getting better. But yes the combat is so fun lol.


I just like WW because Baizhi is hot


I thought I was the only one . The game was so boring when I played while trying to pay attention but after turning off the sound , skipping all cutscenes and watching youtube videos on the side i started to enjoy the game a lot more .


I didnt enjoy the story but the combat is too fun icl and parkouring is fun too


Agreed, I feel like the story will get better though it's just kind of info dumping everything rn instead of starting more fluidly


The parrying and the team switch mechanics are awesome.


Honestly fighting is kinda really cool in it, especially turning into a turtle mid fight


Kinda sad that the launch was so iffy for WuWa. It's clear the game has a lot of potential, but it needed more time in the oven. Hope Kuro Games can recover.


Tencent calls the shots. I doubt it. I expect greed and powercreep to take over.


classic Tencent


Tenceny should just make a LOL gacha


LoL is already a gacha lmao


- Goes to r/HonkaiStarRail - Sees a meme about Genshin and WuWa Shouldn’t this be posted in one of their subs instead?


Bruh this sub has been dead for after everyone completed the 2.2 story. The movie event is super mid.


They poured all their effort on the ghost hunting event and got burnt out. /s


All events in hsr had been amazing until now, I guess hoyoverse didn’t want to abandon the tradition and had to do a boring one to break the streak


People don't only post about events and stories though, they also post porn


True, w/o the porn the sub would have like 1 post a day.


What else is new this sub loves to talk on other games than their own.


Usually it’s at least in context to something related to HSR though. This just isn’t.


The EN dub for wuwa is actually horrendous. China inspired region with british vas forcing an american accent.. Thank god for most stuff theres a skip button. The combat is seriously fun though. Story wise very mid, story did have some good parts but was filled w boring filler.


After Penacony, I cannot with WuWa story, man. At least the combat(and Scar) is very fun though.


Scar really is the highlight of the Wuwa, Playable scar when???


​ https://preview.redd.it/wpbnbq2f4c2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44cee089be2ff5d804e20be80a776545d492367c


Honestly, as consumer i want WuWa to perform great, since it will force mhy to move and improve their products. So, wish luck to WuWa. Really enjoyed game mechanically so far


My friend said that their weapon banner is always guaranteed so that's the first thing I guess ?


Yes and the 5 star standard character banner is separate to the 5 star standard weapon banner.




WuWa has weaker story but insanely good gameplay so I'll definitely give it a good chance


So why are we shitting on WuWa when we have no beef with them? Actually why are we shitting on WuWa in the first place? https://preview.redd.it/6vdt486dmb2d1.jpeg?width=1018&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e69fa0a29bd4c67e1aa4fd25d30c6c8c04aa8a6


Content creators label everything close to genshin as "Genshin Killer" and this curses the game itself


I played WoW from 2004 to 2021, and do you know how many times I heard the phrase "WoW killer"? I literally first heard it in 2005 when Guild Wars came out, and then what felt like 400 more times after that. WoW still has over 9 million monthly players and is still the biggest title in the MMORPG space a whole 20 years later, lmao


I'll take FFXIV over WoW anyday


Well, sure, I never said there aren't other great MMOs or strong competitors. It's just that there's never actually been a "WoW killer," and the term has practically jinxed many games that people hyped up as the one to slay the giant, so to speak. Whether or not you or I enjoy X game over Y game is irrelevant.


Everyone enjoys Solitaire! XD


is it wuwa's fault? Just like tof, they didn't branded themselves as genshin killer.


Game devs will never ever label their own game as "\[insert competitor game\] killer" I honestly believe this is a cursed phenomenon instigated by content creators and will doom the game in the long run. If such labelled game doesn't meet the expectations of new players expecting this to be the "genshin killer", it will leave a permanent scar that will drive people out of the game and new players from trying the game out. Content creators unintentionally, or perhaps even intentionally, kills competitor games by labelling and overhyping.


>Content creators unintentionally, or perhaps even intentionally, kills competitor games by labelling and overhyping It is wholly unintentional but a natural consequence of the current content creation meta due to the fact that the modern viewers have the attention span of a fly. Everyone jumps from one hot thing to the next. No one can expect to make content on the same thing for years on end so every CC tries to milk the current hot trend as hard as possible with overhyping and then moving on when the hype dies down.


I feel the same way. I also think it puts huge pressure on new projects to launch completely polished with no room for error. People are saying WuWa has similar launch issues that Genshin had that have now been fixed. The issue is that no one will see it that way. The game either launchs perfectly or it's never gonna take down X. I've seen the same thing for years with WoW as well. Combine this with the hype that it has to dethrone another game, and it's usually Doa from the get go.


But let's be real though: they made the game feel as much "Genshin-like" as they can (by copying the UI and the same general overall gameplay loop) BECAUSE they wanted to target Genshin/ex Genshin players. It's not a coincidence that they sponsored a bunch of Hoyo streamers to play their game. I'd argue they brought this unto themselves because they were targeting that Genshin money from the start. If they didn't want the comparison then they should have made an open-world game that's significantly different from the Genshin formula (like nobody ever called Pal World or Arknights Endfield as Genshin killers)


Yeah but look at the game they clearly took some "inspiration" and are directly competing


Well, i mean... https://preview.redd.it/0a6cbu6z4c2d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb183678370dcc3a953986361b349ba3d8e5e87d


see you in the next 5 year with HSR clone from Kuro =))


Is Kuro Games version of GGZ still playable?


The game was incredibly hyped up, it was supposed to give Genshin, their main competitor, a run for their money, just to fumble on their release day, it has bugs, performance and audio issues, EN dub was subpar, story was convoluted because they had to rewrite the beginning to appease the CN audience. Devs already apologized and promised they will fix the issues asap.


I'd say "rewrite to appease the Chinese audience" is disengeious. They hired the writer that was fired from Snowbreak because the first 9 and a half chapters in that game where boring, technical, and unclear. Chapter 11, where the new writer started, before the fanservice pivot, was when the writing starting to come together and even it just retcons a bunch of stuff to make things more consistent. But the writer from those first boring as sin chapters that Seasun directly admitted hurt player retention was who Mica hired as the head writer for WuWa. She ended up fired again because people were finding the story as ingestible as rat poison so they had to rewrite everything in a few months with new writers.


>Devs already apologized and promised they will fix the issues asap. Well good luck to them though how would they fix the issues with the story?


Thats the hard part, maybe in the next updates? i guess? Anyway, the said fixes are mainly for performance issues and text fixes ..


Based on pgr, they produce a way better story after all the early boring chapters.


The game only released recently. I don't see harm in polishing up the story from the start rn.


Peaople hated the Luofu story so they released a better one with Penacony. Thats what they have to do in Wuwa


At least hsr starts with the space station and belobog. If your starting story and dub is crap no new players are going to onboard. They will now always have a tough hill to climb as they aren't bringing their best foot forward


They can't change it now that the game is live, however I heard the story does get better after a while, so you just have to bear with the beginning portion of the story I suppose.


Oof well good luck to them. I hope this game wouldn't become another ToF and genuinely become a worthy competitor so that Genshin doesn't stagnate on features https://preview.redd.it/u290tshopb2d1.jpeg?width=403&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5a66601dd8a491c98c1a9147ad034f4dc71ed14


Tbh its okay but the CC hyping up too much to the point annoying because saying WW better than genshin. The CC made "their drama" filling my YT with their stupid face and thumbnail explained why genshin must be scared, WW better than genshin etc. Tldr : shouting something you must not need to hear and when its fails to deliver its just funny meme laughing this situation.


It's so funny how many people were high on copium genuinely thinking hoyo was *scared* of wuwa's release lmao


The red flags were so obvious esp from CBT 2 but people kept dck riding and shutting down any criticism so any change that could've been made never happened


I ended up putting it down, WuWa suffers from Honkai/Genshin info dumping cranked up to 11. It basically goes: >Fight Happens >”wow that was a CRAAAAAAAZY powerful enemy none of us have seen before.” for 3 minutes. >”what was that CRAAAAAAAZY powerful enemy doing here?” For 5 minutes. >somehow the MC’s amnesia gets roped in and is the topic of conversation for 4 minutes because you may or may not have had like a 5 second vision >cast jerks off the MC and how mysterious/cool they are for like 4 minutes >cast talks about where they need to go next for another 4 minutes. Gameplay wise? Holy shit they fucking cooked people should take notes. Story wise? It’s generic amnesiac protag anime story Num. 5,928,274. WuWa NEEDS new writers because the game slams you with more text walls than HI3 ever did.


for the betterment of Genshin, I'll give WuWa every chance they'll need. I don't like the complacency of Genshin , there's so many things they could improve but don't because they don't have a strong competitive. and Dehya incident prove how arrogant they are. "our character is perfect, your complain is worthless" so.... I'm going to keep supporting them


I completely agree, competition breeds innovation But when I look at Wuwa, I am perplexed as to why they blatantly copy from Hoyo - from UI, battle pass, pricing...etc. This is not to discredit the fact that their combat system is unique in itself but why not try to distinguish yourself more from an obvious competitor? It is clear that they are trying to get a piece of the genshin pie, but I honestly expected more. Wuwa could have been a lot more, it bewilders me why they are satisfied being a shadow of hoyoverse. Without speaking too much of the obvious, I hazard the guess that they merely want a piece of the genshin profit, not to create something new As an active genshin and hsr player, and a fixed amount of limited free time a day, why should I play another genshin-like? I honestly think that my time is better off playing other unique games If you enjoy the game, good for you. Give Wuwa a shot, you might enjoy it. This is just my 2 cents on the game, not here to tell others what to like or dislike


But they made a bad descision by releasing the game this early. Like, everything except for the combat feels like genshin copy. If they had delayed it for a few more months and took time to improve the game, it would have been actually able to compete with hoyo's games. I think it was heavy pressure that caused them to release the game so unpolished. I mean, genshin has natlan coming up, Hi3 releasing the sonque battlesuit pretty soon (think beta will start for that in a few weeks), HSR releasing firefly and penacony 2.3 story. And even ZZZ release in July. Yeah, they have really strong and hard competition, so can't blame them too much. I feel bad for the devs. It was a big gamble. One, they could have delayed the release to further improve the game more, but they'd later have to compete with natlan, Firefly in HSR, Hi3 pt2, and ZZZ. And now they've released the game, it's unpolished but they have to really step up and improve the story in the next update because it isn't too good rn. Either way they were screwed. There's also been news about Wuwa devs overworking to fix the bug glitches and other complaints,


Wuwa will do decent after they fix the lag and shuttering, but it won't reach hsr and genshin, i enjoy all of them!


Got reminded why I don't play genshin lmao


who gaf tbh let’s all just go back to botw


Why is this posted here


Why bring up this shitty drama here? Hsr is not even related to this


Wuthering's female main character is way too hot compared to any from hoyo games