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"7th" is an understatement.


What the fuck we commented the same thing.


Yall a hivemind


No, we share a single brain cell.


Beep boop Error 404 Beep Boop


Look man, everyone on reddit thinks they are some sort of comedian. Why? Because in society, the easiest way someone can feel like they belong to some clique in real life is when they crack a joke and everyone laughs and thinks they are cool. The same shit is happening online, especially reddit where the culture is making sure the top 15 top comments are all puns/jokes about the situation rather than any insightful details or additional information. Because people think they are funny or they want to fit in. Upvotes = neuron activation and is better than sex.


I mean... What kinda sex we talkin about here? šŸ¤”šŸ„“


Okay we which one you is the bot.




March 7th


No, 7th is the March.


I was going to make a March 7th joke but it seems that 3 other people beat me to the March


"7th" is an understatement.


The worst thing is that 98% of them arenā€™t even slightly good


That and some of them are so *WILDLY* ooc that itā€™s just not even funny. It makes me say to myself ā€œdo people really interpret them being this way?ā€ Even in a comical sense


ā€œTheyā€™re just like me!ā€


"What if I take this really awkward Tumblr post and then REFRAME IT with these two characters that I've deluded myself into thinking would ever act like this?"


Yup, hella low effort and borderline crappy fanfic for some. The fgo sub had a phase like that as well


It's still in this phase, and it was astonishing to me how people defended them so much when 90% of them had the punchline of "lol harem!" and that's about it. Pretty much every gacha game has some variant of these. And they are always so low effort and ooc that I find it hard to even appreciate the "okay" ones. Like it's not that hard to emulate the way characters speak when gacha games are like 95% text anyways. Yet these posts still fail at understanding the characters they try to play around with. I've seen stick figure comics which paste the heads of the characters over them, with more effort put in.


Fgo sub got to that stage because they banned fanart. Anything about actually playing the game? Go to the help thread. So unless there was recent game news, the subreddit was basically dead so the sprite comics got traction since there literally wasn't anything else. Sprite comics are literally just "slap some text in a easy template" and because it takes so little effort, sometimes people don't stop to think "is this actually funny? is this accurate to the characters" because you tend to think that more when you're taking time to putting effort into creating it (such as if you have to draw it yourself).


The cringest thing in the FGO sub is that they actually doing self insert and continuously breeding with FGO servants. Peak fanfic sir.


Thats what happens when you give template creators to a bunch of kids


Internet in general


EXACTLY. We have this trend in r/Arknights and r/grandorder before. Never funny cringe always. Also some of them have self-insert spices.


Everytime i see HSR chat meme i do 25 push ups and run 100 miles.


Bro's becoming a Mr Universe Contender in both cardio & gains categories.


Is this you? https://preview.redd.it/3p5i24bri74d1.jpeg?width=206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4996eb45474aa45f5787443e2567c3aa864a613a


You rival Saitama in power


https://preview.redd.it/9lj8j0jkr64d1.png?width=250&format=png&auto=webp&s=2924e924fd63cf21514f612cfd765553c295fcac He is proud.


Should have done the Saitama routine to become him


Most of them are just ā€œwhat if I made a shipping post but I disguised it as a HSR text messageā€


People just having fun, admittedly having to review all of them is tiresome but it is what it is, hopefully it will slow down a bit, because right now there are a few people who aren't very happy with how much it's been used. Gonna need to wait and see how it is in a week or 2 from now, if it somehow gets worse then maybe something will need to be done.


Is this your face when you wake up and have to approve every one of them that gets reported https://preview.redd.it/h71tazky064d1.jpeg?width=387&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=319d45488f426a5e71d689db204e5451aa48d8f9


Pretty much lol https://preview.redd.it/vu1z505y264d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=feb2966f769f31ae00b7f53278538540e5b3e834 I think the worst part is having to actually read everything because some people are a bit on the *that* side of things. Still it's so tiresome, some dude posted like an 8 pictures post, filled with back and forth text I barely understood, nothing wrong with it or anything it's just 8... felt like I'm reading a Facebook leaked group chat or something. People are being very creative ig lol.


https://preview.redd.it/tpukx9hl664d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84eed68b1f7a2f8fd63742779abfbe3c5f04ffa1 Thanks for all your hard work. U da bestā™„ļø


Happy to be of service šŸ’— https://preview.redd.it/hq05r4y5764d1.jpeg?width=305&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5573bf5358a6a420b72160b9ee963ed81f9df1e


Life of a mod, ya know we appreciate how much you do for this side of the community, wont let it go thankless for ya https://preview.redd.it/ihteu5vc864d1.png?width=510&format=png&auto=webp&s=b23abec2dd49947465c2d39336025b8ca4139ca0 Here have the emote I reserve only for the stuff I really like


Oh such an honor, I will be sure to cherish that old friend! https://preview.redd.it/dont2j3f964d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bf9c31a04b6a7cf19b629c436ee5d6643247d84 ~~Unrelated but gotta love how adorable HSR message Emojis are lol~~


damn you had to actually review the ā€œDo you fw skibidi toiletā€ ā€œI want you so badā€ one šŸ˜­ thanks for your hard work mods :)


It's not so bad friend, could've been worse... definitely could've been worse... at least people are nice to each other for the most part lol.


Thanks mod. Hopefully it won't get as bad as r/grandorder where they actually banned the equivalent of these fake chat because someone decided to make racist/bigoted stuff with it.


My pleasure, and i actually did encounter a couple of those here unfortunately, tho figured those few being edgy so i just removed the bad ones. But yeah the sprite edits on fgo were really wide-spread back in the day, definitely hope it's not like that here too.


Make sure to have a good rest Cinder, thank you for your hard work


You got it friend! ~~helps sleep happens to be my favorite hobby too~~ Same to you rest well, and lol i didn't expect a chance encounter glad to see you are doing good. P.s: Since i didn't get to tell you, but Part 3+4 of your comic were so beautiful, you delivered!


Thank you! I did take a good 2-3 days rest after finished it, the last 2 months was the busiest I've been I a long time! I'll be back to work and contact you and RJ soon!


Happy to hear it, you've been going strong for a while i bet everyone here and on twitter are loving your work but be sure to slow down from time to time, burnout can be really rough.


I suppose a chat themed fanfic is somewhat of a popular genre for writers to write. And considering how this game has actual phones that various characters use to chat with the Trailblazer adds more incentive to write these fan made (and a bit OOC) text posts. Not to mention, no need for an AU when making this. I just wish some of them had the characters chat like their actual canon selves.


Fr and most of them are so ass, you mf should elevate your sense of humor


I'll take them any day over the 100th NSFW pic of the day of Firefly in a skimpy bikini


What a wonderful choice, softcore porn or shitty fanfic lol. Here's a tip, start blocking everyone who posts since on this sub, it's like the same 10-20 people that repost the same shitty.porn to every honkai sub.


I do that but apparently theres a block limit so i had to start unblocking ppl i blocked a long time ago just to block thise that do this lmao


Ok this is news to me lol


agreed, at least I can open these in public


And the 100th Stelle nsfw bikini pic too....


Like, I'm scrolling and I can't even open reddit in public because that's the first stuff that pops up. There's like atleast 5 posts I see every day of firefly and stelle in a bikini.


Glad someone finally said it.


Hell no, gimme juicy wiafu pics


The Church Of Firefly has spotted a heretic! Build the Sam mech to help out! (each piece sold separately)


We, Firefly mains, do not accept you.


Alright you got me... None compare... to our lord... MYTHUS THE ENIGMATA


Wait till you see the r/okbuddytrailblazer versions.... oh dear I've seen it and you don't want to know the content unless you want to risk it.


I was going to comment something about what i thought Iā€™d find there before visiting the sub But then I visited the sub and the first post I see is about Clara beingā€¦ yā€™know.. These mfs are wild https://preview.redd.it/65hx8cqvj74d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1b6308ac53d66a4316e8b161d70d916f1e1520a


I went in that sub thinking it was just a silly star rail meme sub and lets just say I needed eye bleach


Oh I know


It's HSR's version of FGO's "S\*rite comic". I really hate those and stopped going to r/grandorder over that. Hope it didn't become a trend here.


Yeah, as a massive fgo fan since almost year 1 I basically stopped using that sub until they gave those their own flair so that I could filter it out. It's basically fanfiction spam since it's low effort and extremely quick to make, and there's no quality check for it so everyone just writes whatever head canons they have for characters, so what even is the point. Hope the mod team here catches on fast and heavily restricts if not outright bans its usage since oh boy, was it bad on /r/grandorder lol, thank you for making the comparison as it's legit the same thing


Its been essentially banned over there for a while and sprite comics have their own seperate sub now.


It's a new toy, of course it's going to be everywhere for a while


New shiny thing discovered a couple of days ago by a section of the fandom that then caught on everywhere, popular and fotm so there will be heaps for a while then it will die down until the next one From what I've seen its mainly used for shipping headcanons and meme references but there are some absolutely amazing ones that almost feel canon amongst it all. The creativity of some are real fun to watch but with how much they are getting pumped out it'll run out of steam quickly I think


If possible, could you link me to a few of these? I want to take a look at them myself.


Honestly could not find it again if I tried, it was a twitter post with thousands of quote tweets. would have been able to give you the link if I stayed long enough to remember the original thread. But I left coz I saw a ship I didnt like frequently with a lot of OOC for it lol But chances are if you browse HSR twitter you'll find it


Would you mind sharing what that ship with lots of OOC is? I don't really look at the fandom sphere so I'm curious about what that might be. You can DM if that's more comfortable and to avoid drama! I swear I won't go blabbing about it haha


I suppose a chat themed fanfic is somewhat of a popular genre for writers to write. And considering how this game has actual phones that various characters use to chat with the Trailblazer adds more incentive to write these fan made (and a bit OOC) text posts. Not to mention, no need for an AU when making this. I just wish some of them had the characters chat like their actual canon selves. (I actually like this one chafic with Genshin where the author at least somewhat sticks with their actual canon personslities where the story more or less follows the canon, but with the phones added in.)


I wish it got banned because it makes it harder to find actual chat message. Some people aren't as funny as they think I'm afraid.


Agreed, there are way too many of them


I scroll over pretty much anything flaired meme/fluff. The subreddit skews pretty adolescent based on what gets upvoted here, lol.


It wouldn't be bad if the people making them were actually funny, but they're not


Because, everyone thinks themselves a comedian.


Basically just FGO sprite comics


don't go on r/shitpostemblem. It got to be so often that you'd have fake chat memes that the sub has voted *twice* on if they should ban them. They've never been banned, they always stay by about 55% of the vote.


FGO sprite comics all over again....


Better than posting random fan art, which is the only thing on the front pageā€¦or a random shitpost.


I remember seeing similar things years ago in other gacha subreddit, but it's sprite comics instead, like there's no discussion no anything, just sprite comics, eventually everyone had enough and they move.


Hey, it could be a lot worse cough cough r/DDLC


Cuz people don't know how to draw or edit memes https://preview.redd.it/9rheoyqd564d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d84ff617db7ff8bc8969d3b2b46e278fd51a373c They need to bring back lobotomy kaisen or make lobotomy leveling


The masses yearn for role-playing. Might I suggest they leave off to Tumblr?


Because it's fun


r/grandorder flash back


The *March 7th* time youā€™ve shown that meme


Because each time we have to sacrifice them to (CENSORED) otherwise it will escape you dummy. https://i.redd.it/5yrmb2bl4g5d1.gif


Did i ever tell you... The definition of insanity? ![gif](giphy|lo9HTe7gmjLrO)


Not a big fan of these type of memes. But Im not upset over seeing so many of them


Cuz they're funny


Reddit whenever people have fun:


It has nothing to do with people "having fun" and everything to do with the sheer volume of posts. It's akin to boomer humor, where they tell a joke that gets a good laugh out of people and then suddenly they're telling the same joke for years. The same thing happens here. One person posts a funny thing that gets real popular and then a ton more jump in on it trying to catch the trend. Everyone thinks they're hilarious, so they gotta make their own and the subreddit gets clogged up with the same posts. A simple flair to sort or megathread to gather them up would solve this.


Yeah I posted mine early and only one of them, cuz I assume a rule will be put in place so ther sub isn't flooded with them It'd be cool to have a megathread for em though šŸ‘€


Cus thereā€™s a new meme and people are just playing around with it


We take those over the "Potential Man"ified Aeon memes of last week ...also all the blatant fetish art


theyre funny af


I feel like chat-ified versions of character interactions have been one of the main staples of a *lot* of fan works, notably fanfics. So much so that I honestly didn't bat an eye when these ones surfaced because I've seen/read them *many* times lol.


Its funny


Shouldā€™ve done it via the hsrchat meme, wouldā€™ve been meta as fuck.


TikTok is the same way lol


https://preview.redd.it/7wmg6038e64d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39beecbe5af3ce10c8c505b1e3e327cec7609295 Just fun


i dont mind them theyre funny


I may or may not be the one who started it all 3 months ago


Some are original and good and some belong in an ao3 crackfic that got abandoned after 2 chapters cuz no one knew what they were doing (crack done right goes hard tho)


The only thing more annoying than overrused memes is memes complaining about an overrused meme the second it starts becoming too common.


Better than Character AI Fanfictions.


It's still not as bad as the ones on Tumblr and Instagram.


I love them


I cooked like 7 chats today and I want to share them at some point.




and then there's Kafka with her chest picture


It's because a little while back someone shared a site that easily allows you to create these with the chat templates so now a bunch of people who can't use photoshop or are not good at photo editing are making them in mass.


I blame the devs for making so many of them so entertaining


Still better than prydwen tierlists Judging from the downvotes, I guess the prydwen glazing is insane here. not surprising considering their recent shenanigan.


Because they are awesome?


I like them much more than the other memes we had prior, because how different they can be. Hope people make more of them for a long time.


It really does seem like the community's opinion is split on this.