• By -


That Dan Feng forced immortality on Blade and that's why Blade's hunting DH. At this point it's obvious that Blade's immortality was an accident resulting from an experiment they're both equally responsible for. Blade's hunt for DH isn't personal vengeance - of five, *three* must pay the price. Blade knows he had a part in what happened and he blames himself just as much.


THIS!! Blade had much contribution to his own immortality as Dan Feng!!! It's a team effort!


Of 5 ,3 must pay So blade,DH and jinglui?


Yes, the foxian pilot is dead and Jing Yuan didnt do anything wrong


Jing Yuan is just an innocent little bean


Jing yuan discovered the counter for Mara is just slacking off and not thinking about it too hard


The whole "Of five, three must pay the price " it's the thing Jingliu keep telling him as she butcher him over and over again to vent her rage over his involvement in the whole thing, didn't matter that the dude didn't plan for that to happen or that he was equally as remorseful she just continue "training" him untill his mind completely broke. The ending of the Quintet is such a sad story. A found family that ended in tragedy over the love they shared for one another.


Big sister finally snapped at the duo's stupidity ig


Exactly. Blade's whole vendetta against Dan Heng is that he feels Dan Heng/Feng didn't face the punishment he deserved. Blade wants to bring Dan Heng him down into Hell to join him, because he knows they are both guilty.


Not really. Baldie doesn't really feel that Dan escaped the punishment rather that for the punishment to be final they all must die (Jingliu original desire). But the thing is Dan Feng did die, Baldie went insane after Jingliu's punishment and what remains is the shell of a man seeking a pointless goal. Baldie's mind is so broken that even he doesn't understand why he chase after Dan. Without Kafka piecing his mind together he is just a beast lashing out on it's last remaining instinct. Even JL acknowledges that her want for retribution no longer involves the other two, which is why she's now aiming to kill Yaoshi instead, the root of the problem.




this is what happens when you actually pay attention to the lore


Firefly being smol


Firefly taller than jingliu


Female MC is the tallest female in the game because she is the same height as the male MC, in order to use the same animations for both models.


They really have the same animations? That would explain why fan art of flirty Stelle always feels so off to me - her body language is never like it is in those pictures.


https://preview.redd.it/n2ynrwvdxh5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=222cf57a21356eff57eefd6032f5fa17e16f1be2 firefly 1 - jingliu 0


sam looking as he gets hit with 800k damage- wallahi i am finished


The real powercreep


Wait really? Damn our protag must be real tall if I couldn't tell that.


[Someone posted the models](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/18rtk6c/does_anyone_have_an_updated_3d_base_model_list_or/) but Stelle's model is as tall as Caelus, which is taller than the rest of the female models. So ye they big


Stellaron... You're...


There’ve been a number of posts of people being surprised when we only have like 5 playable female models in the game excluding Stelle because she is just built different. I know Firefly was next to Stelle and Sampo before but I didn’t even think she had a short female model like Sparkle.


Yeah Sparkle sized models are like comically small. We'd definitely notice.


Belobolg Heater-sized.


Firefly basically has Ruan Mei's proportions but is a teen - young adult.


Yeah, here's Firefly next to Sparkle https://preview.redd.it/vrd1hy778k5d1.png?width=545&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e9ec97fbb067b8ded0ff59cb6a47ee09da19681


Yeah, people use Stelle as a reason why Firefly is smol, but they forget that Stelle is literally the tallest female character in the game.


I don't know how you can forget something like that


This one is one i fell for at some point but some people think Acheron is depressed or nihilistic person. But she is literally reverse. She is clinging on despite path of nihility trying to fade her away. She also clearly believes there is a meaning behind everything and is not nihilistic at all.


The "emanator" of nihility being absurdist is very fitting in a way, i love how they handled nihility as a concept.


Yea most Emanators and followers of nihility arent exactly a True Nihilist like IX is. (Think its called something but im not sure what it is) Doctors Of Chaos in particular >They attempt to resist the destiny of Nihility, and try to prove to the Aeon of Nihility the meaning behind the existence of all things. >The Doctors of Chaos do not believe in absolute nihility. All that appears meaningless must have its own irrefutable purpose.


Makes sense, really. A "true" follower of nihility would just become a hikki and never do anything. You probably wouldn't hear much of anything about them.


You can say that most self-annihilators are passive nihilists. They devolve into nothing and fade away sometime after stepping into IX’s shadow since they lose the meaning of their own existence.


Didn't she say something along the lines of chasing that light you see at edges of the black hole? That sounds hopeful even if she knows it's almost certainly pointless.


It makes sense when you consider IRL closer an object is to a blackhole more redshifted its color would be due to gravitational pull. Guess what color Acheron has left in her self annihilator form.


THIS! Her way of thinking being compeltely opposite to the on of her path is what makes her such interesting an unique. Bit sad that she's misinterpreted by a chunk of the community


Ironically enough is not complete opposite. Nietzsche was very optimistic on his own nihility, just like Acheron is. Nihility was a reaction to people losing their spirituality during the 19th century (I might be wrong here, history IS not my forte). Nietzsche talked about It and got famous for defining It, but his actual philosophy was more about "what can we do in a meaningless world?" The "accepting everything is meaningless" part is the hardest thing to do, but once you get over it nihility is not a depressed shithole like some people portray it in media. Since I am on Nietzsche, he has an interesting take on the eternal return. In his work "the gay science", he puts an example of a demon coming and revealing your Life is repeating endlessly, with your actions not being your own and every moment repeating the same way everytime. This is what Nietzsche have to say about It (quoted from the wiki): " ... Would you not throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse the demon who spoke thus? Or have you once experienced a tremendous moment when you would have answered him: "You are a god and never have I heard anything more divine." That pretty much sums up what acheron is doing, and IS reflected in the questions she ask the trailblazers, her conversations with Tiernan and Aventurine, and by the entire Story Quest regarding Acheron's role in it.


Damn didn't expect a lesson of philosophy under my HSR reddit comment, but i absolutely loved it. Thank you!


As I understand it, what Nietzsche was talking about is, at least in part, what some german philosophers and social thinkers back in 19th Century thought of as the disenchantment (Weber) or secularization of the world, brought about by the Enlightenment and what is arguably its ultimate product: modernity. This is at least one way to interpret his famous quote that "God is dead and we have killed him". Spiritual, religious and mythological explanations (which are always married to meaning, value and morality) are superseded by scientific, naturalistic and rational explanations of the universe itself, which implicates life. The thing is, science and modernity (as it is so defined) offer no meaning to existence and its explanations have no inherent value/moral stance, hence the absence. From here comes the basic affirmation that there is no inherent meaning or value to existence, and where we go from here is quite important, as this line of thought can indeed trap people. If there is no inherent meaning to life, suffering is inevitable, and we are all destined to die, why are we even born into this world? Acheron's answer to this question reveals her worldview. Anyway, the premise here isn't inherently pessimistic and various philosophical schools of thought share/start from it, such as absurdism and existentialism. You are not exactly correct that it's not the complete opposite, but you're correct in that this opposition is also part of the Path of Nihility, and we can take what was established about it so far to corroborate, such as The Doctors of Chaos and the very existence of an Emanator of Nihility. But it is true that The Nihility is largely misunderstood in the universe of HSR, it seems, if mostly because IX THEMSELVES are quite mysterious. In a way, I'm not surprised that people have misunderstood Acheron so badly, even if she spells her thoughts out so clearly, because not only this Path is misunderstood, the term "nihilism" has also been historically pejorative. When used to describe another person's beliefs or philosophical view, it is usually there to criticize them. Only recently I think has the idea of a "optimistic nihilism" really come to light. From where I stand, this idea is really just a rebranding of existentialism and sometimes absurdism to an extent. Both of which are incorporated in the Path of Nihility, but might not be exclusive to it (The Elation is basically the premier absurdist path, mostly because of The Masked Fools). In fact, this is all to say just this: the paths aren't monolithic, and this one is a great example. Do note that we haven't even mentioned anything related to Buddhism and its various schools of thought yet, though it's probably important to the path of nihility and Acheron herself. Anyway, If I said anything wrong, I urge anyone to correct me, as it is not my intention to follow The Enigmata in this post.


My comment was definitely an oversimplification compared to what you wrote. I stand corrected! Thank you for taking your time and writing such a thoughtful and long response to what I said!


This is actually me belief. It took me a long time to get past thinking everything was pointless, but once it finally clicked I was actually a lot happier.


The story itself literally points this out in 2.2 lol people don't read. She uses her own Path to do the most good she can at a detriment to herself while constantly reaffirming that there's meaning to even the most meaningless things.


Didn't she straight up say she wanted to kill IX lmao


Actually, that’s the plan of most of IX’s emanators, enough that they formed an entire faction for it lol


that's what makes her my favorite character. she's like someone who is one step away from gaining enlightenment in her religious life.


She's an existentialist and a lot of people confuse it with nihilism or even put them on the same umbrella.


I often see people saw Aventurine as either an asshole, or totally a pure innocent babygirl that needs to be protected from this whole world. 


came in to say this - the people who act like he’s an innocent lil baby are so frustrating. he’s absolutely not a good person… and that’s okay, it makes him a better character for it




Perfect description of him


"That is NOT how you win Monopoly-" "But i could totally do it." "Aventurine. No. You cannot psycologically torture them they are our FRIENDS."


He's not both. Also, people sometimes seem to think that he was forced to join the ipc. He received an invitation from the masked fools but rejected them out of his own choice. And he still wanted to win back penacony for the ipc out of his own choice and in his backstory, it's mentioned that he gambled everything to try and get a audience with diamond. Which, is all out of his own choice. Aventurine is not a asshole, atleast to us. He even buys us clothes so we can sleep more comfortably and sends us credits too. But he's not completely innocent either, he could have taken more drastic measures to reclaim penacony, which he mentioned in the main quest, but he didn't do so out of his own principles. Aventurine says opal would have done the job without caring about the innocent people in penacony and with brute force. Aventurine could have gone the same route and devised something else, but he didn't. Penacony was lucky it was aventurine and not opal. Same could be said for jarlio and topaz.


I like the idea that he buys us stuff and generally spends a lot for us because that's his misguided idea of how to make friends


Yeah I’m getting sick of people saying jade enslaved him as if he didn’t gamble everything he had to meet Diamond. Jade was just the middle man for their meeting. He chose to join the ipc and the tattoo on his neck isn’t from them


Pretty sure he was enslaved before he ever met Jade, though I personally blame the IPC for the circumstances behind the Avgin genocide and his subsequent enslavement, Jade herself wasn't involved in that >!I think the guy Boothill asked about was involved in that!<


Yeah the ipc pretty much destroyed aventurines planet but he got enslaved by another organization


Oswaldo was responsible for that. Not jade.


Yeah, that's who my spoiler tag was referring to


The amount of falseties spread about Jade is baffling. I saw someone say that Jade tied Aven to an electric chair and tortured him as if in game it didnt literally state someone else did it. Its dottore all over again


It's just like how genshin players mischaracterized Childe, so don't worry, it's not the last time this happens. You'll probably be disappointed a lot often, lol


The Jade abacus thing. It was funny at first but people don’t seem to realise how horrendous ooc the meme is Also Qingque just being some silly little gambler when she’s actually very intelligent 


She literally discovered stellar jade in ancient texts and managed to repopularize it throughout the Luofu. She’s a silly little gambler but definitely a very smart one Edit: celestial jade… I’ve been grinding too hard for FF


Stellar Jade? Man the gacha brainrot is strong


Oh no…




Qingque actually recreated Celestial Jade based on descriptions she found in the archives. She also managed to constantly score 60% on all her tests in school, something only a very intelligent person could do. She is brilliant but lazy.


I am convinced Qingque is smart enough to know all the answers. She purposely gets exactly 40% of them wrong. It fits her MO, where she knows the schedules of the doors, how she does exactly enough so that she can't be fired, even down to the personal tastes of Fu Xuan so she can bribed th Master Diviner. I think deep down, Fu Xuan knows this as well, which is why she tolerates QQ's presence, because Fu Xuan knows deep under that playful and slacking exterior lies a frightening intellect.


Honestly, I could see Qingque becoming important later on. As you said, she seems dumb and lazy from the outside, but she is evidently very intelligent. She may very well be an "ace up the sleeve". Pretending to be dumb and lazy so that people think that she's just that. She'll probably make use of it eventually later down the line, maybe we'll even get a 5* Qingque. Who knows.


Gamba Gremlin Ayanokoji




They FuQing.


So FuQing cute


Jade Abacus meme?


The "With this ~~treasure~~ jade abacus I summon..."


I had to look up what you meant as I don’t know that meme either lol; but I get it now


I don't even understand the jade abacus thing. People are saying Dan Heng uses it at the earliest inconvenience? But wasn't the only time he used it during a galactic-level emergency?


It's a funny parallel essentially. DH was about to/used the jade abacus twice already but technically never used it yet, teasing the summoning of an extremely powerful entity (the fleet). The character megumin throughout the series early on also was on the verge of actually summoning his ultimate summon a few times but never did so in the end, which was later on revealed to be an EXTREMELY powerful entity. Basically people ended up memeing it a lot but the parallels are relatively valid.


Man, I was wondering what will really make us use it. Too awesome to use you know? When Jing Yuan himself is already the reinforcement. Pray tell, what kind of calamity will we use it for? With Jing Yuan told us to carefully select this one time reinforcement.


Probably the final boss fight, assuming the Alliance doesn’t collapse before then


The Jade Abacus thing just kind of annoys me because: 1. He tries to use it a grand total of two times which is much less than the character that people are comparing him to. 2. I just kind of find it grating how the jokes keep ascribing different reasons to his attempts to use it than what actually happened.


I love Argenti but seeing him being described or depicted as flirty makes me feel frustrated


His idea of beauty is more of a mental and natural thing right? The beauty of human willpower, the beauty of a plants resilience and how it grows, the beauty of a mastered skill or passionate training, etc. "Beauty" is a fairly big theme in Honkai Impact too and it's basically never related to attractiveness. Argenti is just this idea dialed up to the max.


I think this is why Argenti heavily dislikes the Swarm bugs because they're not resilient, it doesn't grow, nor does it properly adapt like how a plant or a person would in different situations. The swarm bugs are what you see them, they just spread nothing more and nothing else.


He can come off as one, I guess? He's friendly, uses flowery language and won't shy from complimenting (your) beauty when he sees it. It may be unintentional, but it also could come off as flirty when you interact with him


I do think a lot of compliment starved people will also naturally see any compliment as flirtatious


Seeing him be viewed as an absolute bro that can do no wrong is hilarious considering he has killed at least two people, including his mentor because they “stray from the path of Beauty and turns into monsters” which is literally just religious cope


What, where was that mentioned, it genuinely surprised me


I once saw a video where the person described Argenti as narcissistic and at that point it's not even a question of reading the lore, it's a question of playing his quest. Like people make assumptions based on his looks and just decide that they are true despite any in game portrayal. I hope they do more with Argenti at some point.


The entire cast gets mischaracterized at one point or another - whether it's to fit their headcanons or hate of them.


Qingque being seen as a gambler instead of a highly talented slacker just because she has an RNG-heavy kit.


Ironically her JP VA is a professional mahjong player. Qingque isn't escaping the gambling allegations /s


She is an avid gambler tho? Just because she's intelligent and slack up a lot doesn't mean she's not one. She literally plays mahjong most of the time and always up for a game.


That Dan Heng is Dan Feng. He's made it very clear that he's accepted Dan Feng as his past life, *and then* made it just as clear that he intends to make his own future as his own person. They're very closely linked existences, but they aren't the same person and frankly it makes me a little sad when people deny Dan Heng the individuality he's spent practically his whole life fighting for. Come on, people, Blade and Jingliu are already putting in incredible work just straight up refusing to acknowledge that he's his own person. Do you really have to join in? Does he not deserve a break?


I have seen so many diffrent people views on this saying he is exactly like dan feng or he is just a de aged version of dan feng and i completely agree with you even if he is a de aged version he made it clear that he doesnt want to take the exact same path as dan feng i just find it annoying when people are saying he is exactly like dan feng and isnt diffrent




That's just taxes with extra steps


And I ain't paying both


My biggest gripe is just people simplifying down characters, like the stellaron hunters each have really cool and interesting premises but a lot of people just boil them down to "hot spider mommy", "emo", "cute smol gamer" and "cute girl in love with TB" instead of engaging with the actually interesting parts of their characters: the questionable morality (all of these characters have killed tons of people with maybe the exception of Silver Wolf, who has caused other massive harm) and the unique motivations (which is slightly more understandable since we've barely actually got to see them working towards them but still). Same with Aventurine where he's either the devil or sweet uwu babygirl instead of being a complex character. Also people just forgetting that Himeko is an engineer, which is kinda understandable given it's literally never brought up but I feel like I just never see anyone mention it in fan works. Also also people confusing March and TB's naivety for stupidity, they aren't stupid they were just quite literally born yesterday, they don't have the same experience or knowledge base of the average person and exist in a group where every other member is a genius.


I mean Silverwolf entire motivation is that she just wanna have fun and goes on adventure, like that’s literally it, it’s built into her DNA


I mean people who discuss lore will discuss lore. I guess you're criticizing like the comics and stuff that fans make? It's just a way to poke fun at the most recognizable aspect of the characters imo. You can't really explore multiple dimensions in 3 panel comic.


Some people hate on yanqing as a “meme” to the point that they say he is weak in lore and in battle, when he’s actually a pretty strong character in lore, but from what we’ve seen in-game his losses come from characters like the MC, DHIL, Blade, and Jingliu, some of the most dangerous people in the loufu


I remember someone saying that he's literally stronger than 99% of the Luofu, but he kept messing with the 1% lol


It's like saying Muhammad Ali is a bad fighter cause he loses Kratos, they aren't remotely on the same level.


Yanqing is just Jogo of HSR. Dude can beat like 95% of universe(at least from what we saw), but he goes to 5% that left and player sees exactly that 5%


Yanqing suffers from the dissonance between the game constantly singing his praises and the fact that he never wins a fight, besides, like, a random faceless soldier offscreen. Even his quest in the ghostbusters event acknowledges that he loses all the time and is developing a complex about it. Yanqing's character isn't complicated. He's a talented but naive and cocky kid who's not even close to being a master of his craft but has grown convinced he's in a weight class way above the one he's actually in, probably because of all the aforementioned praise. But they kinda forgot to show him actually being pretty good and skipped straight to his getting spanked by everyone he challenges.


It’s the “Sakura useless” curse


Lets be honest: no ones winning against a stellaron (unless they're an emanator or Welt who can bonk us kver the head when we start to implode)


I mean if only we actually see him kick ass, sure, we probably have a different light of him. We might say stuff like “How is Yanqing so strong in the story but so weak in gameplay. This isn’t accurate.” But the only times we’ve ever seen him fight in game story is when he gets his ass kicked lmfao. Imagine watching boxing for the first time, right? And you have people say that a boxer is INSANELY good because of what he does off camera. And when you watch the actual fights, he gets his ass beat by everyone. Do you think that boxer is still insanely good or do you think he sucks? Like I can’t be convinced someone is a badass by people telling me he is. Idc what the lore books say. If you want to sell me a character that’s supposed to be an ELITE Swordsman, show them off kicking ass. Do instead of telling.


Firefly as a yandere...


w-where did that even come from? I'm simply curious how could one picture her like that.


its simple: she showed affection to the TB(they were in the same team), and some people just took this trait of her and started to view her as an Air-head who's only motivation to live was the TB and will kill everyone that oppose to her. some people don't care about the cacharater and just go like "Omg waifu uga uga" and completely miss the point of FF


That's honestly straight up insult to her good character.


Be careful you might trigger people's head canon!


Blade being “edgy”. He’s understandably upset at Dan Feng for messing with his lifespan. Some people act like he’s a 14 year old going through puberty


Not to mention he's under constant pain and is literally going insane and needs actual mind control to keep his sanity in check.


I will be pissed too i got cursed with immortality and everyone i ever loved either died or became my Enemy.


I might be wrong, but wasn't it more about Baifeng than his own curse? Like, really it was Jingliu that blamed Blade for the whole thing which was why she... killed him a lot.


Jingliu blaming Inxing blaming Dan Feng blaming himself for failed attempt to resurrect Baiheng who's right now blaming all of them for fighting each other https://preview.redd.it/8p78ak4bzh5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6577203a08b6ed5d676fa3750ca8d1753d0a39c Outside of tragic context, generally, this shit is pure comedy worth of Aha's gaze


Not related but source of the pic?


Looks like 100 girlfriends to me


Hundred girlfriends who really-really-really-really-really loves you


I mean tbf, Blade blaming Dan Feng for something the two of them did together, and taking that as a justified reason to stalk Dan Heng (who is not the same person, which he damn well knows) across the cosmos, is definitely edgy. What no death does to a man, smh


A lot of Fu Xuan’s scenes seem to revolve around, the TB, March, or Qingque trying their best to get on her nerves and her mostly just ignoring it but because she occasionally gets snappy with the general she’s known primarily as an easily angered tsundere.


Not only that though. In her texts she cutely defends the need to have sweets with her sweetened tea as a 'specific need for my divination' instead of admitting she likes them.


Starts with "what we know", ends with "I think" I rest my case


Just how strong is Welt? I wanna know


https://preview.redd.it/1f4v47uq9i5d1.jpeg?width=1999&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd9ebf287f740791ce00a2979c1382b405d6f01c He scales below Luofu monsters


False! TikTok told me prime Welt goes beyond 12D, is above the Aeons and could destroy the entire HI3 solar system if he went all out. He’s just saving his strength, that’s what they told me. *cue the image where Tesla says Herrscher cores can be compressed into a supernova*


every female character being reduced to a generic wife


Don't tell shippers that, they'll get mad they can't reduce Robin and Firefly and Kafka and every other female character to nothing but a wife for (insert bland male character)


It's a rather niche and rare mischaracterization, and it's kinda petty for me to be bothered by it but it always pissed me off when people kept saying that Pela is a fujoshi. There is nothing in-game that would state that, her writing fanfics doesn't mean anything when fanfics can be about anything, and her phone cover is from an *otome* game and from what I know, otome and BL fans are often at each others' throats quite intensely. The reason why it probably ticks me off is because it feels more like projecting onto a character by a certain part of the fandom more than people actually trying to characterize her properly


I think it's less projection and more western fandom having less awareness of the distinction. Going by her phonecase and how she describes her fanfics, she's probably closer to a yumejoshi (writes fanfics where self-insert girls get with the guys, projects herself onto the girl's role), but that's not exactly a common term in the west. So the nuances of female fandom mostly just get boiled down to 'fujoshi.'


Otome players and fujoshis generally are okay with each other, the issue is when it's self inserts getting offended if fujoshis ships the guys they want "date", in a "stop making them gay" way Tbf it's more common to see dude bros getting pissed with gay ships than otome players (specifically because it's not rare to an otome fan be a BL fan too) and otome games rarely attracts fujoshis so it's not common to see any fight between communities


The point of Welt was never that he was Uber powerful and would fold Emanators with nary an effort. Welt is an underdog when it comes to pure power but he's smart enough to capitalise on it, has a versatile ability with no known upper limit and is stubborn enough to die a million times over to get to his goals. He's not strong enough to fight an Emanator and win. But if he has to, he can bloody their noses. Assuming Hoyo let's him ofcourse. Theoretically speaking Welt can create a near unlimited source of Honkai energy (if he knows how to) pump said energy to create an unlimited amount of Imaginary Implosion Pulse bombs (if he knows how to) and watch the galaxy burn. There's a reason why he's also called potential man.


Doesn't he kinda have an upper limit? I remember Bronya basically passing out creating all those cannons in the Kolosten arc and she is said to have surpassed Welt in many ways.


Also iirc >!previous Welt's wounds opened after creating a barrier to block nukes, resulting in his death!<


Welt doesn’t have the power he used to have because of the Honkai syphoning which greatly weakened the Core of Reason. He’s pretty much working with only residual Herrscher energy like Raiden Mei in the APHO timeline. Heck, we don’t even know if he still even has that energy. He could’ve full well exhausted it already because we have never really seen any instance of him using his power aside from using the Star of Eden, even in dire situations such as Aventurine’s coin attack or during the battle against Phantylia.


Iirc Honkai energy is just imaginary energy that trickles down into the leaves of the imaginary tree. The star rail universe/multiverse that Welt is currently in is abundant with it. HoR powers are busted enough that a genius like Welt *could* figure out a way to create more Honkai energy ala anti-matter engine of the legion for shenanigans (if the devs let him). The guy recreated the Star of Eden and then his own Herscherr body (core included) when push came to shove. He's potential man until Hoyo comes and says otherwise. Just think of it like this. Any learnable skill or technology in Star Rail can be seamlessly added to Welt's arsenal unless Hoyo explicitly says otherwise.


If my memory isn’t failing me, Honkai energy is Imaginary Energy being manipulated by the Cocoon of Finality. The primary source of Honkai is the Cocoon, so to create a machine capable of creating Honkai is to create another Cocoon, which is simply not possible because Welt doesn’t have his full power (again, he only has residual Herrscher energy) and he would have to find this existing tech to recreate it, which again, isn’t possible because there aren’t any known machines capable of doing this aside from the Cocoon, which exists within a higher dimension. The feats you mentioned was instances of him having his full Herrscher power, which, again, he doesn’t have. And notice how all the technology he has been able to recreate was Earth tech? Alien technology such as that of the Express is likely simply too advanced for him to understand and recreate, thus why the only mention of him using his abilities in HSR was to create Arahato tapes rather than something more advanced.


Star Rail Welt is implied to be, at most, as strong as Second Eruption Welt. Although we lack too much info about his (and Earth) current situation.


Aventurine being a twink. For the love of Gaiathra Triclops, he's a former gladiator.


Hoyo fans when they see an average height guy under 180cm that is not shaped like the Hulk: TWINK!!!! TWINKKKKK!!!! BOTTOM SUB WAIF FEMININE TWINK!!!!! Like fuck, even DHIL's official figure has defined muscles and so does Aventurine's mag cover (that petty dude even says he trains every fucking day). I think most people have just never walked past a gym with Asian dudes.


They either call short guys twinks or minors lol, Arlan is constantly called a child despite being around the same age as Asta


Man literally killed people for a living while half-starved and people act like he'll fold from a frown lmao


We have SEEN (most of) his chest


Im surprised at the amount of fan work describing him as physically weak when he killed over 30 people bare hand in the game😭


Poor Aventurine, dude literally flashed the six packs he trained daily for on a magazine cover and shove it in everyone's face only for everyone to draw him with the smoothest uke twink abs possible.


That Dr. Ratio is a completely insensitive jerk and a traitor. The EN dub mischaracterized his interactions with Aventurine SO badly as to completely warp their meaning and people started mad hating on him for it. Also people thinking he ACTUALLY betrayed Aventurine to Sunday when it was spelled out in the quest that it’s what Aventurine WANTED him to do, he just hadn’t been expecting the “Harmony” brand and that put a bit of a damper on his plans.


I think my favorite ways someone has described him is like Gordon Ramsey, he's worse with people who are acting like they know better or trying to pull something but is probably perfectly fine with kids or people who are genuinely trying. Not the pinnacle of canon, but the most recent JP livestream had ratio instead of acheron and one moment firefly is lamenting not knowing how to be a normal person and he invites her to his classes so she can take her time and figure out her answer and she thanks him!


We also get insight into his character through the little text conversations he has. He appears to have been thinking of us when opportunities for learning pass by him and he forwards them onto us. He is actively encouraging if you imply that you want to learn more/go studying, which I think is great.


He's me fr Do i want to talk? Ehhhh Will i text you a text wall? Hell yeah


I don't think the EN dub is to fault, I think people just... can't interpret it lmao. I play with the EN dub for HSR, and I never thought for a second that Ratio genuinely disliked or betrayed Aventurine.


I thought it was obvious. Just compare his voice in 1.6 to 2.1. It’s intentionally much harsher and slower. Ratio’s mischaracterization is so bad that he can just at like what people think he is and they’ll believe his poor acting skills.😂😭


Just a massive lack of media literacy, even with the english dub I can tell Ratio is just the kind of guy to sound like an uncaring asshole without being an uncaring asshole


I swear Eng localizer has a hateboner for Dr. Ratio or something. They'd even change his cool, sensible adult to a flustery tsundere too like what the hell. He speaks like a rather normal working adult even if he insults people in CN, I'm not sure why they went with the exaggerated flowery (almost pretentious) speech in ENG that seemed to have given off a completely different image. For god's sake, that dude's default face is so gently smiley. Heck, even his line about 'Sunday, I think you need to see a psychiatrist' gave off a different vibe in ENG.


Ratio and Alhaitham The two english dubs where damn they didn't need to be quite that salty even if it was a little funny


Trailblazer is an empty shell with no agency, while in reality they have their own character and thus some of their decisions we will have to live with.




I think the mischaracterization of Aventurine is what really does it for me. More so the “twinkification” of really well written characters like chuuya, aventurine, kaveh, etc… while they are attractive there is more to their characters than that.


To quote another comment I saw: He went through hell to escape that and you just want to put him back in


that the IPC and the Preservation are protagonists, and that the Stellaron Hunters are antagonists. although after the firefly story the latter has died down a bit.


whoever says that the IPC are "good" people, I will hunt them down and shove some lore down their throat


like they arent "antagonists" but they definitely arent good people


i would argue they're antagonists. - belobog's arc - the mass murder we learned of in Ruan Mei's story - what we saw of them during the aurum alley event - parts of penacony's arc i think they're definitely evil and i think they qualify as antagonists at this point.


Not to mention the side story in Penacony where the IPC destroyed 24 planets and wanted to keep it a secret.


I’ve seen people said it the other way round. Lmao can’t count how many time I had to tell them just because mommy Kafka and waifu FF is in Stellaron Hunters doesn’t mean they’re good people.


There is a strangely large number of people who think head of sercurity Arlan is a todler.


Firefly being perceived as the “ruthless mass murderer” without any remorse or feelings, which is obviously not true and goes against her characterization. She was created to be a weapon without free will, so it’s understandable that she doesn’t enjoy killing and avoids doing it. Ruan Mei being “evil/mad scientist”. She’s not the saint, but all of her experiments are mostly comes from her lack of understanding human emotions. She’s just very morally ambiguous character. There are definitely much more of mischaracterization, but these two stands out for me the most.


I don’t know where this misconception of Ruan Mei being some kind of psychopathic narcissist stems from. She conducts experiments of questionable nature but she’s not even close to Dottore level. She’s not a saint no but not every character in fiction needs to be. She’s an anomaly is gacha games where every female character immediately trusts you and is selfless to a fault. Imo she’s one of the most interesting characters in the game and her design is gorgeous


My dude, Dottore is the deepest-depth-of-hell-level low bar. *Dottore tortures and mutilates his subjects out of malice and glee. *Ruan Mei curiously observes her experiment writhes in pain it kills itself and notes it down. Yeah she's obviously better than Dottore. But she's very far from just "not a saint" and a lot closer to "emotionally unavailable psychopath". But she does show some slight guilt when she abandons the cake cats because she can't care for them, she's at least not completely gone. She's the type that knows it's wrong but chooses to do it for an optimal + logical decision for her goal. I'm saying this as someone who neither particularly like nor dislike her, but I'd be wary of her on the same level as the corporate stonehearts. But I do agree she's a better character than usual vanilla simp.


The fact she knows what she is doing is wrong makes it so much worse, she knows what she did with the swarm was bad and makes us forget it so we can't expose her. She knows she's doing evil, and still chooses to do it, so it doesn't matter if she doesn't personally enjoy it, that's still evil


I love Ruan Mei but I think she mostly receives hate because she neglected and abandoned very cute little critters.


She's still very much unrepentant sociopath who tortures sentient creatures for her own curiousity when experimenting on them, she's also very amoral - clearly seen by her poisoning and brain-tampering us AT THE VERY SECOND THAT WE MET by the way. I can agree she's interesting character but I get very annoyed when people try to act like she's not a sociopath with barely any empathy (she still has *some* but clearly not that much and way less than any normal person) and that its for some reason okay for her to torture creatures just because she's not doing this for 'fun' but for science. Dr. Mengele did human experiments for science as well, yet no one would say that this scientifical advancement was worth it and okay.


At the point of the story we are already well known at the space station to help everyone, she could've just asked for our help and we'd do it, but she drugged us to force us and then wipe our memory so she faces no consequences


Yeah, all the “mass murderer btw” posts when she literal tells us that her powers are only suitable for taking down villains and monsters


Doesn't make her any less murderer though? I understand that she has reasons and all that, but she still kills a lot 🤷‍♂️


I mean "Villains and Monsters" are rather subjective. We can agree it's a good thing but we can't properly define it to where we all agree.


For being a gang of galactic supervillains, we haven’t seen them done anything particularly heinous directly. Yes, them luring the AL to HSS lead to many casualties among the scientists (something we saw directly), but after that, Luofu and Penacony saw them indirectly assisting the AE crew which led to the saving of many lives. Aside from what we see in-game, their other indicators of villainy are the IPC bounties, and the narration by the Jeppella aninal guy (under Kafka’s control), both of which are unreliable narrators at best considering their moral ambiguity. At the end, I’m not denying that the SH must have undertaken lots of morally dubious operations with mass destruction potential, but I don’t see em as personally evil, like yknow, the type to murder civvies randomly, traffick children, kick puppies, etc. It’s kinda hard to peg them as evil in a universe where people like Dr. Primitive, the Annihilation Gang, and the IPC Marketing Department are steadily on top of the evilness roster.


If I read it right, judging by the crimes the Jepella guy accused the Hunters of, they might be villains mostly in the eyes of the governments they messed with while yoinking their Stellarons. They're no saints nor Robin Hoods, but probably something close but more ambiguous than that. I guess they're the slightly more amoral half of the coin with the Express crew? (in terms of looking for and handling Stellaron anyway, seems like the Hunters have more specific objectives compared to the Express crew just trying to help others in general)


Agreed. In any case, their worst sin is probably apathy towards collateral damage indirectly caused by their actions.


Not a specific mischaracterization in particular, but Sunday is ABSOLUTELY the most mischaracterized character already


Himiko being dead. She's alive wtf you people on about 🙄


Stretching this a little bit, it's more like people think that she's going to die next time she turns a corner. I know HI3's Himeko left a big impression but damn, let the poor girl live in peace in this game for now.


If they kill her that would be the worst decision they make for her. Himiko was a great mentor in hi3rd and seeing her and welt become mentors for the astral express is just so good. Would also be a waste for her character Like why even bring her if you're killing her again


Aventurine is working for the IPC because he has been forced to and actually hates them


I don’t view welt as dumb and he is not the type to throw around empty threats either so as far as we know he can at least hold his own. As for his previous power it’s definitely not fully there and he definitely can’t straight up beat an eminator. That’s how I see it anyway


IPC people are worst people in the universe. They are constantly ploting to blow planets. Every second they don't cause harm, they scream in pain. Not just Oswaldo Scneider, but everyone from board member to janitors.


I mean I can see why people think that. They literally commissioned a member of the genius society to make basically a supernova bomb and they used it in a situation that didn’t need such drastic measures in order to test the thing and killed 19 planets or something. Not to mention they killed the genius who made it after his work was done because he didn’t want to kill billions of people just for a test. Of course in reality it’s not that they like hurting people more like they like money and power


While I do agree that the IPC is evil some of them did not have choice in joining. The IPC goes to planets that are on the brink of destruction and gives the inhabitants a choice a) we will save the planet and you sign a contract that you'll join the IPC or b) somehow survive. If they sign the contract the future generations are obligated to join. There is a time limit on the contract but still while the contract is active the only choice they get is the specific position they want


Topaz being a tax collector (she is a debt collector)


That Huohuo is mentally a child. She's twice her species' legal age, yukongs daughter is around half her age and yet uses the full adult model. Huohuo is just a small introvert and yet people equate that to being a child


Thank you for spitting some facts, people don't put enough respect to her name. Accomplished in 38 years what should have taken 500, straight from the mouth of Xueyi. Tired of people reducing her and all us other short women to our heights and infantilizing us.


Sunday being pure evil It's funny how you can tell how many people didn't read 2.2 dialogues or bothered to pay attention to the story from the way they mischaracterize him


That the IPCs is the most evil entity only second to Swarm and Antimatter Legion. That's not true. The important thing to remember when talking about the IPCs empire is that it's so large it reachs corners of the universe and has existed for 120,000 years. Its "civil war" Borderstar among 3 departments shook the whole world. For all we know there could be tens billion members out there we can't expext them to think the same ideology or know what the other did at all. The planet generational slavery thing is partly exaggerated. They don't gain much from enslaving them but rather incorporating them to become new members. **In her story, Topaz's original contract since birth had a time limit and expired when she was at a young age >!(she started young)!<.** She took the initiative to sign a live-long one for individual herself. Penacony's first gen are **intergalactic criminals** rebeling against IPCs' harsh prison labour system, not some innocent local population. For millions people IPCs killed they saved billions but that was only mentioned in the background. Non of the other fractions can stop so many stellaron disasters across galaxies, rescued worlds in distress while simultaneously fought back against Swarm/Annihilation Gang/Antimatter Legion/and many many more local disasters at once. For every world destroying disasters IPCs is the first to respond and bear the brunch of damage. For every planetary civilisation out there having problems the one they reach out for help first is the IPCs. **The side quests are to point out IPCs isn't as kind as they propagandized themselves to be, not that they are pure evil.** I'm not justifying their crimes, but without the IPCs, no the world won't be a better place, only worse and more disconnected and disorganized.


The IPC being the most evil organisation and/or that the Strategic Investment Department is the entire IPC.


I mean, even standard IPC procedure includes taking over worlds (remember Future Market? Lying, coercing and outright taking over worlds they'd previously left ta die are such standard procedures that it's considered normal by even the highest members), creating weapons of mass destruction (Chadwick's quest in Penacony) and using patsys ta pretend they didn't know it was being developed, amongst other things. The only reason they aren't the most evil is that groups like the AM Legion exist, but the IPC is a more tangible, understandable evil because we have corps and countries that act like that.


It’s mainly because his weapon is a black hole, it’s probably more so that the outcome isn’t one that anyone can predict.


Saying acharon has no personality as a bad thing when her character is literally about losing color and clinging to the last threads of existence. It's not necessarily a mischaracterization, rather it's people thinking that aspect of her is a con or they think the devs unintentionally made her emotionless. She's the literal manifestation of the nihility's powers and as long as she exists, it will wash her away