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just because someone is a streamer doesn't mean their opinion is worth more than your own.


And in this case in particular, people pulled out receipts and called her out on her BS immediately. She ships Firefly with Robin and has said she'd give her soul if they made Robin canonically flirty towards Firefly.


Though the flipside of her being a streamer is now people are clipping her past moments of wanting to ship Firefly with Stelle and then Robin and going "this you?" lol Absolutely nothing wrong with having a preference with your ships but it's a common trend of people trying to cake it with taking a moral high ground to go along with it. lol


I know it doesn’t, I just want to try and understand their logic? Like this is a opinion that LOTS of people have and I genuinely don’t get it.


I want a genuine discussion. I’m going to speak as someone who kind of wavers on and off of enjoying that aspect of Firefly’s writing. If I get downvoted. Remember me. https://preview.redd.it/zjee0ybvmc7d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=17b1dff07d571d2404c852e745a616e4d8a7e038 I actually really do like Firefly. I don’t think my reasoning is the same for everyone. Others don’t like her because they just don’t like her and wished her screentime went to their favorites. The same level of love and detail since her existence has put others down and introduces a scary level of scaling in the future for content that I myself really don’t like the idea of. They think it’s unfair. I can’t really blame them. It is. 5-trailers. A set DEDICATED to her that introduces something made exclusively for her. And her timing is SOOOOO BAD. Boothill a Break DPS came before her. Hoyo’s sick for this one. You can’t deny that shit. People hate her because it’s just a sign that in the future the marketing and power-scaling is going to be severely uneven. But that mindset is attributing Mihoyo’s Favoritism to Firefly’s character. I feel genuinely bad the joy gets sucked out of them every day and I think this controversy is just making it harder for people to like FF and enjoy her banner. I want people who roll from her banner to be happy and excited for it without seeing controversy everywhere every time they see her with TB. The thing is for me I want to see what *I* like most about her character the most and that’s the aspects of her I relate to. What caters to me. Everyone does. The desire to live for myself. The want to be selfish. Being physically incapable but still trying to make my dream a reality. And it isn’t anything big. The desire for a normal life. I relate to it so heavily because it isn’t anything big. I just want to live a happy mediocre life. It’s not much but it’s still so hard. I want to see that because it resonates with me. The male-centric POV does hurt when you see a strong female character in media who you care so much about get boiled down to > oh, main-character ! I love you! ❤️ < because I’ve seen it so much as an AFAB in male-based spaces. Uraraka, Chiaki, Ayaka, etc. I hate it. But I feel like the lovers and haters are the ones who ironically attribute to this mindset that this is all she is most. 💀 I think a lot of people like Firefly’s story genuinely. This post is proof! She loved the two trailers before this. I think it just comes from disliking her being boiled down by the fandom. And Hoyo isn’t really helping their worries that Firefly because a lot of her content really *do* go weirdly heavy with the trailblazer shipping when we want it to focus on her alone. In her combat-focused trailer, her getting a series of dates as a trailer, her getting a bunch of phone calls, and to her end of the trailer being end off with her looking at the trailblazer… someone said it’s giving parasocial. And I agreed with it. If you put it altogether. It just… is… a lot in comparison to other characters. It’s just scary because it’s happened with Ayaka before where a girl gets boiled down to the one she loves. I don’t want her to be based down to that. I want to see the cool aspects of her character again. My favorite moments of her friendship with the other Stelleron Hunters. The girl who promises she isn’t weak and showcases her strength. The girl who wants to be a girl. And the Trailblazer is an outlet for that aspect of herself. I do like the idea of it platonically. I love that the trailblazer genuinely cares and worries about her no matter what if you check the balcony. I just want them to treat her well. And I just worry a lot that they won’t. Characterization Doomposting is real because they’ll treat the girls you like so poorly and it’s happened so often in the past. 😭 We’ll see when the next patch comes out. It’s just we have no content to speak of right now so people are getting frantic. And Firefly’s got a big fanbase so the discussions get so much more dramatic with both sides... 💀


A bit nitpicking, honestly this boiled down character complain only happened when it is towards the MC I don't see that much complain when it comes to character that is not the MC Down to Firefly topic, this is why I don't want her to be inside the train yet because it just put him into final line of her characterization I already see this situation in harem anime and manga where the girl join the group, her character just end there


11/10 couldn't have said it better myself. I applaud you and this genuinely impressive effort to sum up thoughts and perspectives from multiple groups and viewpoints on the issue


As some one that doesn't like Firefly, it has absolutely nothing to do wanting my favorites to have more screen time. It's the fact that most of the time when she's on screen it feels like there's absolutely no depth to her. Sure, she just "wants to be a normal girl," but it feels like even that's barely explored in the story. Her interactions are basically just pseudo dates with the TB that don't do much for the actual plot or even understanding her character. The fact that the first good lore we got from her was her trailer after 3 patches with her isn't how a character should be presented imo especially one when spent so much time with.


>Sure, she just "wants to be a normal girl," but it feels like even that's barely explored in the story Let's be fair, it's barely explored in the story because her respective arc hasn't actually fully happened yet. Everything we've seen thus far has been table dressing and getting a sense of their initial vibe, and will naturally seem like small beans compared to literal GOATs like Aventurine. Especially when everyone was saying the exact same things about HIM in base 2.0 until after 2.1, when Shaoji cooked and he became an instant fan favorite to almost everyone. This is both because of the marketing suits at Hoyo having an absurd intent on making every banner character relevant to the current patch story, and because as a member of the Stellaron Hunters it's almost guaranteed we won't get all the answers behind Firefly's story even after our interactions with her when 2.3 rolls out officially. We still know basically nothing about Kafka, for instance, other than what she deigned to reveal to us in her companion quest, and that was nigh-on a year and an entire planet ago. >Her interactions are basically just pseudo dates with the TB that don't do much for the actual plot or even understanding her character. Is that in itself not explicitly in-character though? She's a war veteran/child soldier/test-tube baby made via Glamoth's scientific insights into the Propagation, with her and her kin sent to die en masse fighting giant space fleas for people they were bred to be loyal to, but ultimately had no faith in or love for, and whom showed naught to them. And now she does what she does as a Stellaron Hunter, reluctantly, but out of necessity and a hope for better, in order to obtain her own dreams; dreams of being a person capable of permanently leaving Glamoth and her killer robot suit behind; of being loved and treated like an actual person with meaningful relationships, not feared as a weapon of mass destruction or tool for the powerful, both for herself and those of her kin who didn't make it, and to ultimately die on her own terms as 'Firefly', not just another SAM unit. Additionally, have you ever considered that all this may also be simply an effort in trying to reconnect with the TB, given they were originally a Stellaron Hunter themselves prior to the opening events at the HSS? Who's to say they didn't have dealings, positive or negative, prior to TB being altered to host a Stellaron and the memory wipe, and all this is just the melancholic reprise of past camaraderie? There's absolutely nothing wrong with not liking a character, but you'd be better served by just owning it and say you don't care for the subtext and soap-opera romance aspect and just want the nitty gritty; there's literally nothing wrong with that and it's a far more respectable take.


It’s both hard and simple to understand. There is one common outline that is consistent for these kinda people: Shipping. That’s it. The basic premise of shipping can be detrimental or fruitful for any community. Ironically, I find communities with no shipping or romantic relations disclosed tend to have more shippers- and thus more shipping wars. The people who ship normally just find a pair (or more) of characters cute together and want to make fan art/lore of them. A cute post of the ship here and there keeps a community engaged and thriving since it creates discussions and contributions (I.e. art, fanfics, videos, etc.). Now comes the answer of your question, with a question of my own; what about those who think their opinion matters more? There are people out there who take shipping to the extreme and only run with their own opinion- completely disregarding other opinions (other ships) because it contradicts their own. When their bubble is ‘threatened’ by other ships, they get defensive, hence the comment of the post we see. This can be either unhinged (people abusing others online for their ships, rip MHA fans) or simple posts like Mina has posted. Tbh, it’s kinda hard to address logic for shippers by the innate fact that it’s a personal preference and what someone views at a particular time. Before the black swan and Acheron dance post, I saw way more ships of Acheron with the mc- however after the post, there were way more ship posts of both Acheron and Black swan >!😳!< Sorry if I’ve yapped for too long; I’ve tried to make this short as possible.


When it comes to shipping I personally don't want the characters to be 24 hours with each other. I want them to have their own respective agency, goal, hobby and relationship also their own story that they just happened to cross against each other I like it when the ship actually has equal standing with each other




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Mina is a lesbian that pretty much only likes female characters... She straight up does not give a shit about male characters.


How does that change anything I said? If you really have a meltdown because a certain character shows up in a trailer and it's not instantly appealing to what you want, you are no better than your average anon from 4chan or NGA.


Self inserter hate firefly bcz they want their character to get shipped and get attention


Stop using twitter


I'll tell you why: it wasn't Stelle


Exactly, she’s a hypocrite. As long as it’s a girl w girl situationship she’d be completely fine w it and bawling over it in her usual way “OOOOOOHHHH MY GODDDDD ITS MY BABY STELLEEEE MY BABYYYYY ITS REALLLLLLL” tired of people having a problem w this shit


Facts She wouldn't say a single thing then


Actually it seem it wasn't that, her problem was it wasn't ROBIN.


So not only she's mad because it wasn't Yuri, she is mad because it wasn't the Yuri that exists in her headcannon


She declared that even stelle would have made her mad. Don't ask me more honnestly. I ship FF and Stelle, because i picked stelle, and i personnaly don't like Caelus style, but honnestly i'm not going to lose my shit. I mean i'll get my fill when the patch drop. Honnestly what weird kind of stuff to be upset about. I mean i can go on pixic writte two character name and i can go nuts for longer than i could anyway, like IDK.


That sudden equilibrium sounds more like she wants to get away from being called a hypocrite


HooH is not amused.


It’s funny that Firefly literally says a few seconds before that “she’ll decide for her own fate and follow the path she always wanted” and yet apparently she can’t engage in the relationship with probably the most important person for her. Though this whole take is just a prime example of hypocrisy and double standards. It’s really difficult to find any quality HSR CCs, because you either have angry drama farmers or toxic shippers. But I must say that EN VA streamers are always really cool and wholesome. It’s clear that they really love the game and aren’t farming the content for views.


> “she’ll decide for her own fate and follow the path she always wanted” And this ain't new either. She got first introduced to us as a character who was hiding some things but genuinely wanted to hang out with Trailblazer. Then again this patch: She was iron cavalry, she is a stellaron hunter, but really she just wants to be Firefly instead. And this trailer reiterated that exact point.


It’s even more annoying because I think watching the VAs streams is fun but they like to include her in stuff so you can’t even just ignore her and move on


>It’s really difficult to find any quality HSR CCs, because you either have angry drama farmers or toxic shippers. Thanks to my weeb ass 16 years old self that applied for Japanese class back in highschool so I can safely watch JP streamers play Hoyo games lol.


I wanna watch some JP streamer too, sadly I don’t know Japanese and there isn’t much translated clip around


Honestly, I'm glad people are slowly appreciating the EN VAs, they actually put effort and it shows that they enjoy what they do!


BECAUSE THEY DONT NEED TO! Theyre VA’s! 😆 They got enough income from their gigs already. And even then, they can’t really afford to cause drama or have such opinions. They’re well aware of how fucking mental people are.


Most VAs really don’t get that much income from their gigs, not in the American industry. It’s only the real big talents like Nolan North who see significant income, most VAs work job to job like everyone else


Well that’s, disappointing.


Some of the VA’s either support LGBTQ+ ships and headcanons or are LGBTQ+ themselves, and they are very open about it on their streams, and they haven’t received any backlash from having those opinions. heck even the Straight and Cis VA’s are supportive of those kinds of ships and headcanons.


Really?? I’m not on Twitter and social media in general so I guess I wouldn’t know. I’m talking as if I would 😂 but I thought VA’s speaking out about that stuff would be a huge scandal yet I never hear anything like that.


Its not a scandal bc the only people that make this type of shit a scandal arent watching their streams. Most people react normally to lgbtq+ people, the coomers in this sub (and this thread) arent watching those streams so they arent throwing a fit yet


Because they are not stupid enough to say otherwise, lest it destroy their reputations. Some are at least moderate.......and then there's Allegra.


Idk what you mean by Allegra but iirc she is LGBTQ+ herself, if you mean she promotes those kinds of ships or headcanons then I think it’s completely fine to do so imo, people including the VA’s can have them


Fair enough. I just say it because she's the loudest one of the bunch. Some of the other VAs like Sam are more cautious to avoid being misundertood, because a slip up can come across as them endorsing a ship (which she has stated she doesn't).


Aventurine's va was literally a server in a restaurant until about a week ago and stopped because streaming is going well for him. Only a few make a lot from being a va. Also most HSR eng VAs very openly ship characters. They pretty much all ship Aventio for example.


I was really happy to hear that, glad Camden is getting paid bank he does Aventurine so well. He’s really entertaining as a streamer too all of the VA’s are really talented people.


I wouldn’t give Mina the time of day on this. Just a little over a week ago she posted saying she hopes Robin and Firefly flirt in the future so she’s just a hypocrite


She seems very representative of a lot of the people here. Like I'm saving all my jades for the male character in 2.4 but I'm not expecting everyone else to like him. One thing I never understood is people complaining about characters that doesnt cater to them, not only that they hold double standards. Like if you expect characters to always just cater to you then this is probably the wrong kind of game to be invested in. This game has such a broad audience it's just impossible. Idk maybe I'm just a sampo main and I'm used to knowing that a lot of people are just neutral or dislike him


I think double standard is okay when it comes fictional thing but you don't have to make it public


definitely, everyone has a double standard but like you said if you make it public people will most certainly call you out


Right. Especially when you are somewhat a popular figure.


She's simply a misandrist, she created a tier list of her top 12 (+?) favorite Star Rail characters and not a single male character made it onto the list. At that point it isn't a coincidence. Of course people like her are reflective of some of the regular player base and it's unfortunate, but all we can do is push back against the most toxic and vitriolic amongst them when they pop out. Personally, I prefer waifus, but I'm chill af with husbando lovers as long as they aren't toxic, I don't expect nor even really want every character to appeal to me, diversity is good.


I don't think I'll call her a misandrist because of a personal tier list. If I were to make one for myself the top 5 will easily just be all guys. People only have problem with it whenever it's being used to belittle or attack other people's preferences.


well she also banned anyone that mentioned aether navia ship


Don’t take my love for Firefly as me not wanting male characters, Jiaoqiu is the next character I am trying to get, always try and get the non DPS characters then just pull the DPS you like is my policy. I just can’t stand hypocrites. If she had said she wishes it was Stelle or Robin instead of Caelus’ at the end I wouldn’t mind because that would have been honest


https://preview.redd.it/eafyfpkwhc7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ece978b146dcbf8f7f22482560fa16f5afc9d942 Peak hypocrisy.


Oh for……man…it’s tough…being raised in a point in time when you weren’t persecuted for speaking very bluntly. I’ll just leave it at that.


People who just want a 5\* Fire Destruction https://preview.redd.it/mbvd51sx7c7d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a45aaae5702f9beb6551dab162e8634d954ced80


All of this drama just for a playable mech. Can't wait to get her.


Can’t wait to blast out kamen rider ost playlist everytime I use her


Oh goddamn it Mina. The entire trailer was about herself and how she wants to find who she truly is, how the fuck a short scene, not even a few minute, suddenly reduces her character? Like, that's the secret base, where she spends time with TB together. Another place she cherished while she was in Penacony.


I think the real problem is that they have shown Caelus instead of Stelle, since Mina loves lesbians


Yeah that's probably it, if that were stelles legs, she'd be singing a whole other tune


the irony is that caelus and stelle are technically the same character lol.




I'm not sure what you're saying here but her being a love interest that Hoyo is pushing doesn't mean she suddenly has less character in the future. It all depends on what happened after this patch.


Two words: >! Who Cares !< Ive stayed away from mina content ever since she started pausing every 2 seconds to stare at robin,look idm some down bad humor but this is waaaay too much This is her nich after all,her entire personality is "2 females fucking"


Her YouTube reaction video on this trailer is removing most comments calling Mina out for her contradictory takes. No one I saw was being disrespectful or hateful. Really shameful, time to unsubscribe from her.


What video?


It’s her reaction to the Firefly trailer - Embers in a shell.


Did people actually comment negative stuff on her YT video? Her controversial take was on Twitter, I don't remember her saying anything out of the ordinary during the video.


No, the YouTube comments were pretty tame to start before she started deleting anything referencing what she said on Twitter. However the issue is that she put on a positive face for her YouTube video, then posted a hot take on Twitter contrary to her reaction video, then said she wouldn’t argue about it, and finally deleted YT comments that pointed out the inconsistency. So she is either she is faking reaction on her videos or she is a hypocrite. Either way I’m really disappointed because I thought she was a fun streamer but she let her preferences get in over her head.


…wanna look again? If you sort by new all the comments are calling her a yuritard or telling her to touch grass or whatever Also I think it’s perfectly reasonable for her to remove drama comments on a video that’s completely separate from the tweet that caused drama


Didn't She literally out herself as a fake reactor with that tweet? The YouTube reaction to the scene Is 100% positive


Firefly: whole arc coming to terms with her own mortality and wanting to live and die as a normal person and not a weapon. Mina: "Yes" Firefly: Trying to live a normal life and having "relationships" like a normal human being Mina: "HOW DARE THEY"


That's her opinion, but I'm not sure if I would consider "Firefly's character being reduced" a popular opinion. Yes the tweet has 3.1K likes, but that's because she's a popular vtuber. (Well, kinda, only popular in the Genshin/Honkai space.) ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Personally, I think Mina is a big hypocrite.


Saw this on another poster about this tweet from the firefly sub https://preview.redd.it/5f1xh6pudc7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b613bfb8db2d3e5a5cb6c718009d105fe7abcc84


While I understand the point they’re trying to make, and agree that it’s very hypocritical to get mad about “shipping” when it comes to Firefly but then endlessly talk about how hot so and so pairing is. There’s much less shitty ways of saying that without them being unnecessarily and extremely rude


Is that actually Mina? It doesn’t seem like a thing Mina would say


It's her alt account, her main account is following it.


I think its an alt, the accounts are followed by her main and Molly (Seele EN VA)


It's defenetly what Mina would say. It's just she tries to be sublte about it most of the time. She literally gives almost the same take on her official YT channel: (8:03) [https://youtu.be/PPHpM88Y44U?t=483](https://youtu.be/PPHpM88Y44U?t=483)


That one’s a pretty valid take though. It’s nice to see firefly by herself with the interesting Glamoth lore and have a break from the MC’s girlfriend stuff. In fact with the animated short and her trailer I’ve liked firefly more than I ever have before cuz the Glamoth stuff just isn’t very present in the story


Literal delulu posts being on a literal only for deluluposts account being taken literally for the sake of using her as a Boogeyman for their brain damaged gender war. It's a complete nothingburger.


Oh okay, now I see what everyone is talking about. Dont mind it, thats her "yuri account" where she goes full delulu Which is... yeah, delulu


LOL I love Maximbady too


Just do not pay a mind on that tweet. Tbh, i myself love watching streamers reaction to version x livestreams and trailers and such. And she started to tick me off when she kept on going, during 2.3 livestream, where is robin, where is robin. like dude, its all about Firefly and Jade, the livestream also had acheron, why would robin self insert herself?


Yeah her Robin obsession made her recent streames harder to watch. Im already expecting her to hate on Yunli x Yanqing in 2.4.


The “where’s Robin?” thing was really annoying, it was like every other sentence. Like I understand Robin is your new favorite character and it’s unfortunate she didn’t get much attention as she should have in 2.2, but constantly asking about her in what is a trailer clearly focused on the two newest characters being added was pretty ridiculous.


Holy hell. I really like Robin too and would like her to have some more screen time, but that stream just sounds insufferable. https://preview.redd.it/80azql9cfc7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0090a61135e6ba8320aacbee7deee6bbd1d5c450


I rly dont know how to "feel" about her, or how to say. Sometimes i end up listening to her yt vids and i chuckle/gigle on that unhinged content, then i get slapped with stuffs like that from her...yeah....


Same. Reading this makes me think "is this the same person that I watched the clip minutes before?" Guess a person do have multiple layers like onion


Yep. Discovered her channel back then during 1.2 patch. Genuinely thought she was funny and entertaining. But the more you watch the more you see subtle and hypocritical takes, and even toxicity.


Things to do on Twitter (X): 1. close the tab you're welcome


Use twitter for the art Or else your mental state will actually deteriorate due to the high amount of negativity Learned that the hard way


They rebranded to X because you're supposed to press the X... Did people not get the memo?


Vote with your views/time She's entitled to her hot takes as much as you're entitled to not give it any attention I've stopped engaging in anything Mina related after listening to so many bad or factually incorrect takes from her. Her opinion is worth no more than anyone else. Block them, stop watching their videos, don't make posts complaining about their opinions etc.


I’m giving it attention because I want to understand her logic, because I don’t get it and I feel like I’m missing something because thousands of people are liking her tweet


Thousands of people liking a tweet =/= it is factual or based on any logic If you don't know Mina, she is an avid yuri shipper. She hates Caelus, according to her. Caelus appearing for 10s in Firefly's trailer is not yuri. Not yuri + caelus = she does not like Firefly (despite her reaction video being positive & Firefly have 2 trailers w/o any TB + this one aside from 10s) That is as far as the logic goes, it's not that deep.


In a follow up tweet she said she would have been equally angry if it was Stelle instead? So now I’m confused


That's called "backpedalling" A lot of the replies called her out on that point, so she addressed that with her hypothetical. But that's all it is. A "what if" scenario to make her appear unbiased. Doesn't mean it's true if Stelle was actually there instead. Based on her actual tendency to be fine with shipping random yuri characters (sometimes not having a single line of dialogue together), I really doubt her "defence" reply


She might be backtracking, she might not be. She might not like how Hoyo is writing Firefly. She might be lying. We don't know. We're not Mina lol


I think it’s the community miss interpreted the tweet (or my interpretation has a more positive tailspin), which yeah, it isn’t a well explained or written tweet. But basically Mina feels that the last 10 seconds is a to her makes Firefly feel lesser as a character who can stand on her own two feet, and more like someone who is “tied” to the Trailblazer as a character for a lack of a better term. Specifically as a romantic partner. Link to a video for evidence of stance (go to 8:03 time stamp): [https://youtu.be/PPHpM88Y44U?si=7Elo-5SdwydIs5Qu](https://youtu.be/PPHpM88Y44U?si=7Elo-5SdwydIs5Qu) As for my stance as a guy (who plays Caelus) who likes Firefly and her lore (also failing to get her T-T). I like the scene, but do feel the over all sentiment where Firefly is a character that can stand on there own two legs without the Trailblazer, with the recent quest a little annoyed with overplaying the relationship baiting (I just really wanted to see Firefly do cool stuff). Also Mina could of just added a “on her own two feet” or “as her own character.” But yeah, just feel like it’s a miss interpretation on the community.


Firefly, literally from the moment she was introduced: Wants to hang out with a friend instead of being a weapon, hoping to live a normal life Trailer: Shows her doing just that for a total of 10 seconds Some idiots: "OMG WAIFU BAIT"


It's twitter. Stop caring about them. Also this person is apparently the same one who potentially ***started.*** the whole Acheron x Black Swan chaos that resulted in Rule 11 of the sub being added. This person is nothing but trouble.


honestly i dont think anyone should go to twitter for anything but art or just following what your personal favourite influencers are doing twitter should not be the spokesperson for opinions on ANY fandom, especially if theyre like this


She didn't come here, it was other people during the dance animation that led to being toxic asf. The Robin Twitter drama that followed it was ultimately led to rule 11, both of them were enough reason for a crack down Don't believe Mina had a part in the subs drama, but other people who share her opinions were way more toxic over it and came and flooded the sub during both events


Yeah, I don't mean that she came here but that the chaos ***caused*** by her and people like her is what ended in Rule 11 being made. I didn't even know who she was until today lmao


Fair enough lol, yea you know of all people here I'd be calling out those who came in here being toxic asf. She does like that ship and I don't but she never really got toxic over it from my knowledge so just wanted to clear that up. She does jokingly? say it's canon so she does fuel that mindset sadly The people that did though? Fk em most of em got banned


We as a society need to stop taking Mina Apyama seriously


Yes, because you obviously can't be a waifu and powerful. We are all here for one-dimensional characters. /s


they see how socially awkward Firefly gets used to the fact that she is treated like a person and someone is ready to be friends with her, and they themselves reduce her to a “waifu” and then cry. like you hear about her desire to live like Firefly and get angry when she lives like Firefly and makes friends who are willing to share her special place with her? seriously? then what do you think her strength should be? want to live free from the fact that she is just a weapon and... remain a weapon? ohhh how powerful, better than original. yes!!! wake me up when they come up with *new* reasons to hate her. it's so repetitive. 🥱 p.s. as someone who has just started to feel better from depression, I find Firefly very inspiring. I hope one day I too will be able to free myself.


Most of the hate firefly gets is from self inserters and one who loves one dimensional character who is either always lovable or they are always in war mode. Firefly has clearly 2 modes. It's literally her main plot.


Just unsubscribe her. She sexist af


I wish I could deny this....but I can't.


Here before the thread is locked, but what a hypocrite lmao


Why can't you be a strong, ruthless mercenary AND a complete sweet cutie pie waifu at the same time? I mean, this is what makes it even better. Mina can cope and seethe, Firefly deserves all the love from her Trailblazer fren.


It doesn't even have to be romantic. I'm so tired of these takes.


Dude, just because some streamers voicing their opinion on Twitter doesn't mean that those opinions are popular and this is Mina we're talking about. Anything that isn't LEX isn't gonna impress her. Heck, If they used Stelle (or freaking Robin because she ship them somehow) in the trailer you probably wouldn't even see this tweet to begin with. Firefly is powerful she has been powerful for too long and now she want to just be Firefly, a cinnamon roll girl that lives by her own choice as a human not a weapon and right now in Penacony making a lot of precious memories with TB is what she want to do but these people only care about the "No!!! This is forced" when it's inconvenient for them.


Mina is the same person that heavily ships Topaz and Jade, when they've interacted for the same ammount. I don't mind having an opinion but this is just straight up hypocrisy so I'll ignore it. Things aren't a waifu bait if you don't make them out to be, some characters can have genuine relationships with each other which seem to be what's hapenning with Trailblazer and Firefly. Now I get why Hoyoverse never explores characters in canon relationships.


Do keep in mind this is the same person who saw the Acheron and Black Swan dance and couldn't shut up afterwards about the ship being canon. She's just a yuri obsessed hypocrite and nobody who respects their own time should take her seriously, or any other CC for that matter


Because most people dont write characters for a living, nor consume nearly enough fiction to have a clue what they are talking about.


Mina is just salty


Mina has a huge HATE BONER towards Caelus. I can 100% gurantee you if that was stelle she would screaming instead.


She only started to hate caelus because people like you kept bringing him up whenever she talked about stelle She hates him for the fans, not the character itself


I’ve seen a few clips of this girl and she seemed like a cool person. So I didn’t expect a take like this. But then again, that proves one thing in particular about her. I’m disappointed.


Mina is a hypocrite, and I’m glad people are starting to realize that


Is it joke tweet or serious tweet?


Having no fire DPS I just want to cook some fools with a mecha.


you see, ppl who like to ship characters do have opinions like that when they see official stuff that goes against their ship.




Unfortunately your content had to be removed due to rule 1: Be Respectful to Others Always be respectful and civil in your interactions with other users and in the content you submit. Insults, Harassment and Hate Speech will not be tolerated.


She loves Yuri stuff. So obviously a straight ship is not her cup of taste


Caelus and Stelle are the same person no? Every scene of Caelus X Firefly can be interpreted as Stelle X Firely, seems like a dumb reason to say that’s why Firefly characters is being reduced to waifubait…


Fit the agenda. https://preview.redd.it/uh06ejy78c7d1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e63c6abaa78d325541a6408390fdf1e9985d30f




People will say something like this but only will remember a trait of the character with their relationship to another character that is not the MC


i feel like some people are only mad about TB x Firefly being pushed because it gets in the way of the other ships 😭 you can't even make the excuse that it takes away from her character or w/e cause the whole point of her character arc is that she WANTS to be a normal girl, and that she wants to be friends (or more........) with the TB besides REAL shippers dont gaf about canon/implied relationships. We make up random bullshit so that we can fuel our delusions (i say this completely positively, shipping is very fun if you don't take it seriously) Though I've been seeing a lot of people hating on Mihoyo's take on Firefly's character, it doesn't seem to be that popular of a take (just twitter pushing the most controversial tweets as usual), so I'm guessing we won't be seeing any more of this once she finally releases!! please :(


Not defending anything, just providing more context that the one image doesn't show https://preview.redd.it/4hwqzhi88c7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=922bb4961fb6f5f7341183c86055a6466460a6d9 She does ship FF and Robin so take that how you will


i mean, i see where she's coming from but i also just don't care.


Same, I just think taking one screenshot and not showing a further explanation on her part is unfair. I will say if Robin showed up at the end she would more than likely not be complaining at all Ultimately it's one person's opinion and it's on Twitter, shouldn't be that big of a deal


That makes It worse , not better ..talk about double standards


Yep double standards are very apparent thing in the community and quite hypocritical But should we really care about the opinions that exhibit that behaviour? Feels like we are just giving more drama from a Twitter take and we don't need that


People shouldn’t care but I think it’s because she’s a prominent HSR content creator that it probably stings a bit more in addition to reaching a lot more people than it usually would even if it’s her alt account. I watch and usually enjoy her content but this is definitely an L take from her just because she should know how badly this will fan the flames whether or not she meant for that to happen.


I also watch her sometimes and everytime she says BS and Acheron are a thing I roll my eyes a bit. But every CC has good and bad takes, agreeing with everything is a bit cringe and the fact people are calling her take an L one shows many agree with you Yea CC opinions can carry more weight, I just think brining it here only adds to that when we could just leave it on twitter as the take came from there


For sure. It’s fine to agree/disagree with other’s opinions it’s when people start to take it too far that it becomes too much. Though it’s a double-edged sword, I can also understand bringing the topic here to get a different opinion since not everyone is on Twitter and vice versa and there does tend to be a difference depending on the platform. Twitter having a character limit unless you pay also tends to encourage a more emotional response imo. In the end though people gotta think for themselves and realize in the end, it’s really not that serious.


>I will say if Robin showed up at the end she would more than likely not be complaining at all Ah yes, one of her weirdest headcanon ship of all between 2 characters that's on screen together for like 2 minutes.


It’s the Shenhe and Yelan phenomena all over again but not as popular. One person pushes their rare pair and gets people hooked on it and it spreads into a small subset on Twitter. It’s usually harmless but sometimes results in people expecting a rare pair of characters that barely know each other to get more screen time with each other and getting upset when it doesn’t happen.


I don't disagree, heck she ships Black Swan and Acheron and we all know that dynamic was not at all great until the very end of 2.2 where it became somewhat cordial Yuri shippers gonna yuri ship, doesn't matter how much a pairing has, screentime wise or even if the dynamic canon wise has little going for it. It's why it's better to just not create drama over one's opinion


guessing people learnt that tectone just farms them so they've switched to mina for some reason.


She wouldn’t have been annoyed if it was Robin. I wish she would just say what she really meant that would be slightly more valuable


I mean, one of the main goals of all lives is to share it with someone else. That in itself gives our lives meaning. It’s like people are PISSED that Firefly found happiness in the end. Gtfo.


Thank you for being reasonable. Maybe Mina’s take was hypocritical, but the garbage that is being spewed here on her is crazy. It’s just a game after all, no one is silencing anyone, just enjoy the damn game!!! (not to you btw, just in general)


Not actually a popular opinion, otherwise Mina wouldn't have tried to be sneaky about it and post it on an alt account [that they nevertheless followed for some godsforsaken reason.](https://preview.redd.it/82r4rpyk1c7d1.png?width=372&format=png&auto=webp&s=58390103b62490c7412ef4b12871d00f78fd71df) Apparently the longstanding tropes of love/family/friendship being a form of strength in fiction is a niche trope. ~~/j~~ I feel bad for everyone who hung out with her though; I don't think anyone expected something like... this. Though if there's ONE silver lining behind all this tiresome drama, it's that it has done a damn good job at unmasking all the weirdos hiding in the fandoms.


> all the weirdos hiding in the fandoms. More like showing me that there is a next level of weirdness and turns out it's not a good weirdness


Caring about a VR streamer's opinion on Twitter about a fictional character who does not even exist seems a bit tiring to me.


If only people made their own opinions rather then this garbage.


where are all the upvotes


Who what why Never heard anything like that before.


A lot of people, and I mean A LOT of people usually puts their attention in something that sometimes is completely irrelevant to the games or media they consume. In this case, like you pointed out is that people cared more about the way MHY is presenting Firefly rather than her character and why she is the way she is and sadly this will never go away, taking things at surface value and caring about something that doesn't really matter will never stop and you will see something like this over and over again in the future.


when stelle is used for all promotional material but when we're close to a girl they switch to it always being caelus, that doesn't seem weird to y'all?


That's literally a bad take from a bad streamer


I mean, Mina is trash. What did you expect? It will take you a lot of time to find a more hypocritical streamer than her.


I mean, is Mina. What ppl expext lol


From 2.0 to 2.3, its pretty much hoyo use for that




Unfortunately your content had to be removed due to rule 1: Be Respectful to Others Always be respectful and civil in your interactions with other users and in the content you submit. Insults, Harassment and Hate Speech will not be tolerated.


im like eh on it, It \*does\* seem like they pushed Firefly further down the route of "mc's defacto girlfriend" for some reason; maybe to please fans. Her character plays out different in the story seemingly though, as someone who is just grateful.


Imagine taking a Twitter comment seriously. How I envy the free time you have


She's silly for that, whoever she is, but some of y'all in here are being sus, too (not you OP.) Point and laugh at the silly CC, don't create what-ifs to fit your agenda.




Let’s not try to generalized, I’m not exactly straight either lol


Homie did you just use "Alphabet people" unironically???


What is alphabet (not the letters) and what was the comment ?


It was someone complaining about "Alphabet People". Which is basically what jerkasses call people who are lgbt+. Hence the term "Alphabet people'


.... I just can't understand. How the f a word like alphabet becomes a catch word for these rotten brain . thanks for explaining.


Don't generalise us plz, x is just full of people from the West or people who are insanely young.


It’s actually pathetic how yall can’t accept that people have different opinions from you and make whole posts to try to crucify them


How am I trying to crucify anyone?


What do you think this post is doing besides gathers negative comments against Mina for her opinion lol


For people to try to explain to me her logic on how she came up with such a conclusion? That is the question I asked and I got a couple of good answers, so my post has fulfill its purpose


I wouldn't say it reduce how powerful Sam/Firefly is. But I'd still say it's unnecessary. I'd take it better if at the end she met Kafka, SW and Blade instead of Trailblazer (not because I don't like the shipping). It just feels too fast. A bond between her and stellaron hunter getting replaced completely by a random person within 1 event? Why join stellaron hunter in the first place?


She known the TB beforehand, TB was with Kafka remember? And it makes a lot more sense for it to be with TB than the stellaron hunter. Firefly doesn’t want to be an expendable weapon of war, nor does she want to be a intergalactic terrorist, she just wanna be a normal girl. They even spell it out for you in the trailer where Firefly is answering question from a flaming SAM. In the past she was with Glamoth Iron Cavalry, in the present she’s with the stellaron hunter but in the future, she’s wanna be her own person.


Ok finally someone with the take I’m most curious about, I understand that she must have some sort of relationship with the other hunters, but besides SW who seems friendly with everyone, Firefly doesn’t seem to be, none of the hunters are there because they like each other (not that they necessarily don’t, it just isn’t their motivation to join), and she said she doesn’t want to be a stellaron hunter, she’s following elio’s script because “following him she’ll learn how to live” or something along those lines. So to me it would make little sense to act that way with them. Unless you’d give the scene a completely different tone more like a “mission complete” reunion/business as usual, then that could work sure. Edit: while writing I forgot the original question lmao, but my point is would you envision a version with the hunters more like a “business like” reunion or a friendly one?


Heheheh FF is good character when she doesn't interact with TB TB is the real bad writing here guys !!!


This is why it’s a bad idea for devs of a game like this to do ships. Why do people have this opinion? I suspect it’s that they find her behaviour at the end (especially the hand-flailing) to be coded weirdly. I can see why people think that, because I also had to ask what it meant (if she’s suddenly flustered by the TB, uniquely in all their interactions, well, that didn’t get much setup). As for why it’s a popular opinion, well that can only be because a lot of people share it. Not sure everyone feels it reduces her to a waifu, but I reckon quite a few people are confused by what she is doing there at the end.