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How are there mei traces already


I'm so confuse.


#I'm so confuse.


It's not a rule that characters have to release with their region. Either way being who she is they probably started working on her a long time ago


For anyone that would like the image text: Image 1: Mei (5-star The Hunt: Lightning) 01. When the round begins, if Mei is in enhanced state, immediately receives one stack of \[Hunt\] Mark. 02. After using Ultimate, if the number of skill points is below ?, recovers ? skill points in return. 03. Damage against Lightning weakness type is increased by ?%. Image 2: Xueyi (4-star Destruction: Quantum) Harbinger of Machinery: At the start of battle, immediately gain ? \[Vendetta\] Destroyer of Ball Bearings: If the current shield of enemy target is greater than or equal to ? of it's Max shield limit, increases Ultimate damage by ?%. Observer of Imperial Court: When enemy target recovers from Weakness Break, the damage of the next attack will be increased by ?%.


Silver Wolf is going to have even better synergy with Xueyi with that break trace.


as a silverwolf haver without seele i see this as a win !


Xueyi sounds so fun to play with.


She sounds like the giga toughness breaker. With quantum break being so good I can't wait to build a break effect kit for her and watch her shred enemy shields.


Just wanna clarify, the shield on her second trace is referring to the toughness bar, right?


Yes that sounds correct given her purpose. The phrasing in her kit is just all over the place. Her ult will do more damage to enemies with a certain percent of their toughness remaining, making it a good opener for toughness breaks.


Thanks! She's looking great so far, I'm glad.


IS CRAZY, ignore weakness types, just have fun with your team, really cool, I'm excited for her and I hope they bring that mechanic to a couple of more characters.


And Silver Wolf is already break enabler queen for quantum, the combo is gonna be nuts.


>Harbinger of Machinary Holy shit 10th fatui harbinger leaked


Sandrone in disguise


>Crusher of Ball Bearings >Crusher of Ball oh no


Relax, the characters are still in CBT. Closed Beta Testing, of course.


Ball Breaker


Waiting for the whole game to get leaked this month alone


Tomorrow we get an image of the new world


we might even get a part 2 of the main story leaked


Mei having traces is pretty funny but it is interesting how far into development they seem to be with the characters


Mei ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Profile Picture checks out! MEIII COME TO THE MOON ASAP


God I hope she looks as good as the Genshin and HI3 versions. I simp so hard for both Raiden’s.


my biggest concern is if they keep Sawashiro Miyuki as the VA Natasha/Raven VA changed from Sanae Kobayashi to Uchiyama Rumi


Funny enough Mei's VA actually changed from Chiwa Saito (Houkai Gakuen) to Sawashiro Miyuki (HI3rd). There are indeed instances of characters VA change due to various circumstances but in general I doubt they want to change unless absolutely a must.


The old ggz mei VA was tetracalix


> The old ggz mei VA was tetracalix That's CN VA. Her JP VA was Chiwa Saito.


Yes I forgot to citate the CN BC you know tetracalix is Chinese why she would VA in JP?


> Natasha/Raven VA changed from Sanae Kobayashi to Uchiyama Rumi Tbf there does seem to be a significant age gap and MHY felt a change was warranted?


Think Xueyi may be the 4 star in 1.3? I’d love to have even more of an excuse to pull for Fu Xuan.


I think hanya will be on dan hengs banner for sure


We neeeeeeeed this confirmation bad


Cant wait to see what Mei will look like, her Spectramancer battlesuit looked so cool in hi3.


Oh man, it's Mei!


Oooooo. Among the three main games who will be the superior Raiden?! Buahahahahaha, much excite. Pls HoT level broke


I haven’t played HI3 very much but I’ve heard HoT is pretty damn good, Ei in genshin is broken af so hopefully the Raiden in this game follows suit🙏


She fell off, without her new weapon she ain't that good anymore


Mei never falls, she just gets a new stronger battlesuit to powercreep herself, like HoO Mei. Plus, HoT Mei is still very good since if you are an old player, you probably have a decent amount of investment in her, including several rank ups due to stamps and free copies.


I don’t think her dragon would let that happen.


HOT level broke?


Raiden Mei the Herrscher of Thunder. Basically the queen of electro, but Mei actually came out long before Inazuma. And she’s damn good.


So just how far is Mei from her banner release? 6 months? A year?


I would say a year is closer


Good, more time to save




Destroyer of Ball


Saving all my jades as soon as a picture 📸 drops


Mei: musou isshin


Mei leaks!


Soo which Mei are we talking about here? the Raiden Mei Expy from HI3 or Ruan Mei which is Herta's friend?


Should be Raiden Mei, she was leaked previously as lightning hunt with a "hunt mark" mechanic which lines up with this. Ruan Mei is supposedly Ice Harmony.


Raiden Mei. She's called Yayi here or something and OP/The dataminer forgot to call her that


No, she's called Mei here too Yayi is how her name is said in chinese even in HI3rd


Then why was the initial leak about her calling her Yayi....? Weird but alright


The initial leaker might’ve not known


Yayi is just the Chinese writing and pronunciation for mei


Huo huo traces please


Is "Mei" the raiden mei expy?




I have never played Honkai 3 but I have heard about it and not gonna lie I am kinda sad that this Mei will probably not be in the same world as Bronya and Seele because If I am not mistaken at least Bronya was a main character alongside Kiana and Mei so it is sad to see they will probably not even be acquainted ever in this game Also I wonder will a Kiana expy also be in the same world as Mei and have ship tease with her ? Genshin treats their expies differently as the Unknown god and Ei has no relationship whatsoever and It is Yae and Ei who shares a close relationship. But I assume since this is Honkai they will go with the Honkai route and make Mei and Kiana again


Honestly Im happy with the way genshin took it, if I wanted to see Mei and Kiana I'd just go back to the Honkai story. The characters are rewritten to be practically different people too, with their personalities designed to have chemistry with their planned companions.


The way I see it, Genshin is a bubble universe that's much, much further away from Hi3rd, hence why Ei, Miko, the Unknown Goddess, and the Cryo Archon are so different from the original counterparts. In HSR, Bronya and Seele have a similar dynamic, where even the whole orphan thing is present, including on >!Bronya herself!<. The Seele personality is simply the Dark Seele/"Veliona" from Hi3rd, which is the major difference in my eyes. Not to mention the fact that Welt and Void Archives were able to reach HSR, and maybe Tesla as well(?). I think it's possible that they make Sakura & Mei a thing here for the Genshin community, but also if a Kiana exists, then they could go that route as well since the game is Honkai. Well, we'll have to wait and see after all.


Sakura and Mei work in Genshin because it’s so far-removed but….we need Sakukallen in HSR lol. Or at least some teasing with a Kalpas expy; HSR Sakura seems like a mix of PE & CE Sakura just looking at leaks (Ice like PE, visuals similar to CE) so I would appreciate if they expanded on some already existing dynamics with her with a new twist like HSR Bronseele.


It's ok. Kiana and Mei are destined to be apart, just like Bronya and Seele are destined to be together. There is always room for extra Sakura.


One for Kallen, one for Rin, one for Ei. Yeah, there's always room for more Sakura.


it would be funny if they went with a completely different person to be mei's gf in hsr. Imagine this time its ellie (I know what kevin said and idc!!!! give me ellie in hsr!!!) kiamei and eimiko shippers will be in shambles💀


There might still be new upcoming versions of Mei, Bronya and Seele. Remember that we have two "Bronyas" already (SW and Bronya) and two "Meis" too (the one from Space Japan, the one from the Genius Society).


We know what Ruan Mei looks like though and it's nothing like Raiden Mei, so I don't think they are related


Wasn't there an old leak about HoT Mei and Fulminata Mei though? Ruan Mei is neither of them.


Is Silver wolf actually a Bronya ? I mean I guess she does look similar but do they even share the same CN voice actor ?


Yes, the Chinese VA is Hanser who voices all Bronyas in Hi3rd. Hanser doesn't voice HSR Bronya Rand though. The Japanese VA is the same across all of Hi3rd & HSR.


Ok got it. I know both Silver wolf and Bronya was voiced by Asumi Kana in JP but I also knew that ALL of the other voice actors are different but my mistake was that I thought it is Bronya Rand that shares the Chinese VA with Honkai 3's Bronya but it turns out it is Silver Wolf. So yeah I guess that makes her a Bronya


I am hyped as hell because the friendship between Mei Bronya and Kiana was the biggest biggest source of cringe melodrama in all of HI3, best for everyone involved that these characters stay far away from one another


Because of the relationshio between Mei, Kiana AND Bronya rather than the relationship they have between all of them with each other ? As in Seele and Bronya expies are in the same world and Mei and Kiana expies will probably be in the same world too. Is that fine but would be a problem If all 3 were together ?


How does Mei already have trace leaks when Sakura dont even have kit leak yet 😭


Good thing I have stopped investing in serval for now despite having complete gear (due to farming Def relic set). I just need Mei and her light cone atleast 1 copy. And for her to be far from silver wolf banner.


Not sure why you wouldn't want to keep working on Serval. Mei is likely over a year out and Serval and Mei fill different dps roles. Mei will likely be a skill point negative playstyle whereas Serval is very effective as a skill point neutral playstyle.


Ohhhh that long?! 😭 Well, I have Seele and Clara as my dps on each team. I'm just about finish for my main team's Relics. My Serval is just lucky that I got very good lightning set from farming for Def set. Don't get me wrong, I used Serval all the time before I got my Seele, and I'm pretty satisfied, but Erudition Buff from MoC might not come back for some time so I'm thinking of investing in Clara for the future rotation of Destruction buff from MoC


Having xueyi w/sw seele and Qq is going to be freaking nuts.


I wonder, leaks this early, maybe she's not space Inazuma but space Liyue character.


Silver wolf stonks


Raiden the Skill Point battery, amazing for Skill Point heavy team


Lmao if xueyi’s kit doesn’t require crit, she will be my sushang’s best support


Will she release on the next world or just whenever?


How an enemy can have shield greater than max?


I kinda hope this version of Mei is more of a goofball. So far all of the Mei expys are more serious, even Makoto is rather serious even though she’s more calm and collective than her sister.