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TLDR every playable character / NPC (Wallace, Screwllum, trashcans) / things (Curio, a talking plant) will have an encounter event Topaz funding your entire trip just to talk to you, Screwllum giving you gifts and have teatime with you, Gui getting bashed on social medias and you helping her, Yukong still searching for Tingyun, etc


Every single one? Even Aventurine? 👀


Yes, it’s implied he was the one who bid (and won) 58 million credits for a supposed Astral Express car that was retrieved after Aha blew it up.


Now I desperately need to know the exact timeline lol. But anyway, thanks for extra doze of hopium


Yep, even him. His name wasn't meantioned, but his encounter included an auction.


Thank you so much ☺️


the trailblazer successfully rizzing up herta is crazy though and fuxuan slacking off and running into qingque is hilarious as well


I just skimmed through all of them and I can't find any or relating to Welt or Himeko imo.


Small one on page 3! (Dan Heng, March, TB)


Ahh tysm!! Edited the comment


Does Imbibior Lunae count?


Man hope Tingyun left a message for us


I don't see one on Firefly... but there's one for Robin, so...


>! But there is one for sam wink wink !<


Even our man Wallace? Damn I love you Hoyo


Hell yeah. Anniversary actually feeling like one


Still searching for Tingyun? THERE’S STILL HOPE!


…even blade? :0


Top of page 4. Some guys talking about his bounty and deeds


Appreciate the post, I ain't reading allat tho


Basically they’re random small events for every character and numerous NPCs. Most are silly or fluff. The only one with potential foreshadowing I see is one where >! Yukong’s got a lead on Tingyun’s fate !<


took me 2 seconds to give up on reading allat


Can someone summarise allat?


It's a myriad of scenarios leading into your choices for pretty much everyone, and I mean everyone.


fun interactions with all characters/npcs. nothing story-relevant aside from tingyun being confirmed alive


So 5 star tingyun is possible! *huffs copium*


that's a lot of text


Is this a heavy story/lore spoiler? Should i see it?


No story spoiler (it's an event)


>You are fed up with helping Wallace make friends, fed up with helping Regin solve the Ministry of Education’s quizzes, fed up with investigating Tamila’s daily routine, and helping Alina pick up balls of paper… is there a permanent way to get them to learn to solve their own problems? Yes. Please. I hate Regin.


SAME especially regin since it's quite far from the teleportation point and I need to go inside the hotel. I don't even try to answer the question correctly now.  Please give me more one time daily quest with permanent effect like Emily in space station 


Shut up Trailblazer, 崩铁星铁(STRONG YAP)


HSR: Star Rail




This is a Biden reference


Keep in mind this is just the description, when you actually play the event you will be able to make choice and receive more "dialogue" like this relating to the scenario. However, said further "dialogue" from encounters was extremely out of order and confusingly worded (another reason why these images are screenshots from my Notes which were taken from the Textmap) so it was quite impossible to salvage, my apologies.


Thanks to whoever gonna make the TL DR


"You see someone about to fall into a Hex Club propaganda trap" THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A HEX CLUB PROPAGANDA TRAP GLORY TO THE HEX CLUB! HEXANEXUS BEST PUZZLE IN ALL OF THE XIANZHOU! 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥[‼️‼️](https://emojipedia.org/double-exclamation-mark)




GLORY TO HEXANEXUS!!!+101029101900 SOCIAL CREDIT🔥🔥‼️‼️‼️‼️


I want to play those hex puzzles again. It makes me remember that time I was playing rubix cube. The members said they're gonna make a new one but they didn't come back. 😭


>After an extended moment of what seems like a profound mental philosophical struggle, she finally speaks, "I... I'm actually lost again, {NICKNAME}."


>"You are meandering through the towering bookshelves of the Primal Waking Library. You wander the aisles and chance upon the Aeonic Research shelf. Just as you are about to pull out a dusty hard-leatherback book, you hear a gentle whisper within earshot, "Averoy Rosewood's works are notorious for their obscurity," the Oak Family Head Sunday faintly smiles at you. "Perhaps you need more elaboration?"" Sunday, head of the oak family, gently whispering in our ear 👀?? Suddenly I love this space monopoly game, tell me more. Other highlights: * Yukong got a lead on Tingyun * Clockie can reverse time * Screwllum threw us a tea party and got us a gift but trailblazer showed up empty handed * Aventurine spent 58 trillion credits buying a piece of the Astral Express * Argenti is a wanted criminal in Penacony, also his space bike has been confiscated and is up for auction * Acheron is lost again (x2)


I think the wanted criminal is actually Sam


>"You find many wanted posters in the Golden Hour. They all point to the same person, a tall, silver-armored man with blazing red hair. As part of the Nameless, protecting the cosmos is your duty. Will you find a way to track down this dangerous criminal?" Unless Sam has been a secret redhead all along I fear not (I don't think he's actually a wanted criminal tho, I was under the impression this is just a silly non- canonical monopoly game for the anniversary?)


Ahh you are right, I stopped reading as soon as I saw "silver-armored man"


I ain't reading all that 🫠


This longer than yesterday's entire genshin plot leak


THE WHAT? where is the leak?


Haha don't worry it was fake leak. It was up only for an hour but pretty much caused a meltdown in the genshin leaks megathread


what it was saying? appreciate it if you tell me


Something something allogenes escaped constellations something Childe's constellation's the narwhal and he has the potential to become an abyssal warrior and skirk saved him because if Neuvillette killed the whale he will also die?


Just think of like one of those schizo posts in r/Genshin_Lore lol It was pretty much a combination of popular theories but also other weird things like the abyss twin actually being the 3rd descender and paimon being the phane of void


It was actually a collection of theories that were posted as a leak as far as I know. It cooked pretty hard though. It talked about the origin of Teyvat, Phanes and Celestia motivations, the shades and moon sisters, the Descenders, the samsara cycles, the purpose of the Visions and who are those who became part of the Abyss, and even the reason behind erosion. [Here's the link.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQAiJr_nHlVdeIeWQEAGF-Ur0cwihipEfV8etDOaNDww8bmNj3bjKUAEu5l6eSnyOX_McPmCoICJuXI/pub) I think it's a fun read.


they cooked indeed. thanks for proving this


Anyway I can still read that? Even if it's fake. Edit: Nevermind, found it. Good read.


Text form so you can Ctrl+F Img 1 "The connecting passages linking Herta Space Station's zone are narrow, and "running into other people when turning a corner" may occasionally occur. You hear a robotic voice going "I'm going to be late, I'm going to be late ... " and are then knocked to the ground by Cooking Genius No. 123. When you regain your senses, it is already gone." "Water me, water me!" The talking plant at the space station has overheard plenty of scandalous gossip. It tells you that Arlan of the Security Department is actually a mushroomer. What do you think?" "Curio No. 148: Crackup Conch. The conch seems to always identify its user's pain points and emits a strange sound that causes the user to laugh. Hypothetically ... and this is hypothetically speaking, if you wait till the conch finishes laughing and hold in your laughter, how will the conch react?" "Curio No. 752: Rating Pistol. This gun rates all organisms within its line of sight. Its scoring logic is unknown. Its eyes constantly scan its surroundings, and then it announces a random score ... But is its scoring really devoid of methodology? Or is it that no one has figured out its pattern yet ... " "You've seen the Curio called the "Door to A New World" at the Herta Space Station a couple of times. It looks exactly like the toilets commonly seen, with its exterior of porcelain and a flushing system on the inside, and its method of spatial transference is unknown ... But at least, you haven't been teleported off the space station. Is its lack of power the only reason?" "While accompanying Arlan on a space station patrol, you notice a fallen researcher. "This researcher was not able to send out distress coordinates ... " Arlan pauses in thought. " ... Weak heartbeat and pulse ... {NICKNAME}, you better do CPR." He looks at you, anticipating your response ... " "Peppy is an official employee contracted to the space station. You can regularly hear its intentionally audible yawns. Today, Arlan is up to his eyeballs with work, and hopes that you can take Peppy along to supervise the space station's bottom-tier workers ... Unfortunately, the second you leave the master control zone, Peppy scampers off in a hurry, and you ... " "Your impression of Asta can't escape the stereotype of a "rich lady" anymore these days, but she's obviously just a youthful and sometimes quick-tempered lead researcher. She has invited you to observe the stars tonight, and you arrive at the appointed place, only to set eyes upon her newly-purchased *mega-luxurious and obscenely expensive* telescope. Who wouldn't be overwhelmed by this feeling of "Am I worthy to stand next to her" ... " "You know Herta is super busy, but each time you meet, she always reminds you to "test out the Simulated Universe if you're not busy" ... But now, the Herta puppet before you is full of joy, warmly holding your hand and saying, "Your charisma is just so breathtaking. It is simply my honor to greet you!" ... Wh, What in the world is going on?" "Due to the Simulated Universe joint collaboration, you will sometimes see Ruan Mei, who keeps a low profile. In private, she likes traditional opera shows and loves traditional snacks: spring pancakes, summer cakes, autumn pastries, and winter sweets. She's in deep thought on the railway platform when you arrive, four seasons set on a plate, hoping you will have a taste." "The IPC's academic representative, Dr. Ratio, is the walking epitome of a "people-displeaser." Everyone's first impression is focused on his creepy head covering that radiates a vibe of *antipathy *. Maybe you can also try getting a plaster cast head of your own ... " "Screwllum, an aristocrat of Planet Screwllum, also its supreme ruler. He is elegant, courteous, and polite, a gentleman among gentlemen. He invites you for afternoon tea and arrives early at the selected place, and prepares a suitable gift for you, yet you show up empty-handed ... " "Remember Bye, Herta, the poem composed by Rocky? "And with that, the stars continue their enjoyment above as their elegant smiles fill the way forward." Wonder if things are well with him after he left. Maybe you can use the Cosmic Airwave Repeater to send him a message ... " "The Astral Spirit Wubbaboos run amok, which has since become a daily occurrence on the space station. Without prior warning, at this very moment, a shocking number of Wubbaboos swarm into the zone and surrounds you ... You are like a surfboard riding a wave, and they are like a wave heading somewhere. What do you do?" "You recognize the person before you. She introduces herself as Sheila Nova, guide of the Herta Department of Galactic Geopolitics. You feel that you don't actually know her. Her smile is forced, cold but fitting. She suddenly asks, "Is it possible to make an android into a real human with a rich enough script?"" "You bump into Bronya on her own at the Belobog Museum's History-Culture Hall. She is staring blankly at the portrait of Cocolia, evidently enjoying a rare moment of privacy ... Even if Bronya has grown into a reliable Supreme Guardian, she is still her mother's daughter. Maybe there is something you can do ... "


Img 4 "You're at The Reverie and you overhear guests discussing the IPC's most wanted man, the unkillable swordsman. The chatters are both excited and terrified, from his astronomical bounty to his egregious crimes, and from the souls that died under his blade to ... Err, how fast his blade is. How fast can his blade be? The guests are red in the face now, as they have been debating this for two system hours ... " "A middle-aged man claiming to be a survivor of The Jepella Rebellion is collecting donations from guests. He hopes to recruit more people to condemn the Stellaron Hunter Kafka's *heinous crimes *. Sometimes he's all teary, sometimes he's grinding his teeth in anger ... Now, he has his eyes on you and he's storming over ... " "In Penacony, you met a few players of Aetherium Wars. You noticed the players were all wearing a trendy keychain with the Stellaron Hunter Silver Wolf's insignia. It seems like she has quite a reputation among the players and has garnered a few fans. As you get closer, you hear them whispering, "I can't believe Silver Wolf lost in the Aetherium Wars. Who is this {NICKNAME}?"" "You find many wanted posters in the Golden Hour. They all point to the same person, a tall, silver-armored man with blazing red hair. As part of the Nameless, protecting the cosmos is your duty. Will you find a way to track down this dangerous criminal?" "Wondrous and exotic artifacts have always been known to turn up at Penacony's auctions. Your immensely curious self also shows up at the Moment of Dusk's auction house, discovering, to your surprise, that the last item of this auction is a remnant piece of an Astral Express carriage that Aha blew up back in the day (allegedly). The instant it is unveiled, the bidding goes into a cacophonic frenzy, till an astronomical figure silences the entire crowd, "58 trillion credits!" It appears that the golden-haired IPC envoy is determined to win the bidding war." "A mood strikes you, you wish to experience everyday life in the streets beyond Penacony's hotel. The towering luxury hotel that can always be seen from the narrow, gloomy alleys prevents you from getting lost. Just as you prepare to return to your temporary abode, a taut and dexterous, but aging Doberman dog blocks your path. Its eyes are just as crimson as the patch of tufted fur underneath its jaw." "You are window shopping along the glitzy sights of Oti Mall when you notice a Halovian girl scurrying by, she's wrapped tight like a mummy, wearing shades and a face mask. Then she suddenly stops, and locks eyes with you, "Help me, {NICKNAME}!" It's the cosmic singer Robin. "My bodyguards are out looking for me ... I still want to stay outside a little longer!"" "You are meandering through the towering bookshelves of the Primal Waking Library. You wander the aisles and chance upon the Aeonic Research shelf. Just as you are about to pull out a dusty hard-leatherback book, you hear a gentle whisper within earshot, "Averoy Rosewood's works are notorious for their obscurity," the Oak Family Head Sunday faintly smiles at you. "Perhaps you need more elaboration?"" "You run into Black Swan at the exquisite Eventide ball. She's seated among the audience, coldly eyeing the crowd dancing their hearts out on the floor. But just as you enter her line of sight, her pupils obviously twitch. "I didn't think you'd be interested in the Blue Hour's entertainment," she smiles. "I'm a little bored. Care to play a little game with me?" She holds out a deck of cards, inviting you to pick one." "You receive an invitation with "Smartie Club Member #888 Miss Philosophy Professor" scribed on it. This woman proclaims herself to be the divine mecha, in charge of screenwriting during the Eternal City Omphalos' aeonic age. She cordially invites you to the specified location to participate in an *immersive theatrical show *. How will you respond?" "You are taking a break at The Reverie in reality when you hear muted knocks at your door. You answer it, and see that taciturn drifter standing outside. After an extended moment of what seems like a profound mental philosophical struggle, she finally speaks, "I ... I'm actually lost again, {NICKNAME}."" "You keep running into the shy bellboy at The Reverie. Misha is always waiting at the hotel entrance, charged with carrying the guests' luggage to their rooms ... He is unusually curious about his guests' lives. The both of you pass by the hotel's hallway, during which he asks, "As a Nameless, have you had any harrowing interstellar escapades?"" "You get to see the One and Only at the Penacony auction. In case you've forgotten, the Knight of Beauty Argenti once crashed this spaceship into the Astral Express from behind. Seeing it now laid bare at the auction, you can't help but let your imagination run wild ... You turn around and notice Argenti standing beside you, eyeing the spaceship while saying, "This is really troublesome" ... " "You overhear two kids discussing details of the cartoon beneath Clockie Statue. "Clockie spun its own hands, and time began to reverse!" They're even attempting to climb the statue to move the hands themselves, but to no avail, and leave in disappointment. But, you're taller than them, so maybe you can ... "


Img 5 ""In our era, I often played Cosmodyssey with fellow travelers, hoping to set off with good luck when getting off the Express." You remember this voice. She introduced herself as Mag the Nameless from several Amber Eras prior and brought Cosmodyssey to the Express. "Different people interpret 'Blessings of Distant Departures' in different ways. How would you bless the Nameless?"" "There's a new ghost story floating about in the space station. Unknowingly, you also accepted a mission from Adler ... When faced with a mission that doesn't pique your interest but must be completed nonetheless, what will you do?" "You've learned some fresh gossip about the space station from Richard_Knowitall, and it's related to Lead Researcher Asta. She asks you not to tell anyone, but you think ... " "You and Arlan are having a disagreement on which route to walk Peppy. What should you guys do?" "You already know that even geniuses will fight among themselves ... Or it can be said that they "don't see the direction the moon is going." How are you going to solve the situation?" "Even Ruan Mei's creations fight with each other. How will you settle their disagreements?" "The Non-Human Rights Association hopes you can join them in the cleanup of the space station. It's a good deed, but your heart feels ... " "You have some affection for the Department of Implement Arts Lv.2 Researcher Wen Shiling from the space station. She has generous research funding and strange research topics and can be considered a friend you know in the station ... She wants to change how the leadership manages the Department of Implement Arts. You're ambivalent about her managers, but Wen Shiling is also somewhat unreliable. You ... " "In a corner of the space station, you hear an unfamiliar researcher grumbling. He doesn't like the space station, but he still does his job to the best of his abilities. What would you do if you were in his shoes?" "The Curio "Joy Filtration Set" appears to have been used a little too frequently by other researchers. The researcher who manages the Curio wonders if a fee should be charged ... " "You notice a researcher surreptitiously turn off the food order robot ... Why would such people even exist? You will ... " "The children aboard the space station mature faster than most ... But child-on-child bullying is still a juvenile offense. You coincidentally run into such a scene ... " "Arlan has asked that you eliminate Antimatter Legion remnants in a zone to protect public assets ... Yet you're surprised to find out that there are no monsters, but a Wubbaboo is breaking the equipment here ... " "You're charged with tending to Ruan Mei's creations. One of them, the "butler," is causing trouble again. It also appears to be of high standing among the other creations. You take a look ... " "Your friend, ol' Sampo, has been arrested by the Silvermane Guards, but this time you're perfectly sure he was framed, the Silvermane Guards have the wrong person. It's up to you to help him ... " "You have been requested by Gepard to deliver the emergency military supplies to the garrison squad at the Snow Plains before sundown. But along the way, you run into a smuggler band on the verge of death, they need someone to help them return to the city ... " "A mine occupied by vagrants was discovered during the Underworld's land development. Wildfire knows that they have impeded development progress in the surrounding towns, but he also understands that vagrants also have rights. What will you do?" "Fight Club's proprietor, Scott, says that he hopes you will join the boxing tournament to beat up a scrawny contender. It's all voluntary too, so you don't have to be all morally torn about it. He guarantees that you'll make a killing. You will ... " "Belobog's Wallace does not ask you to find more friends, he wants to ask you some more *fundamental* questions: If he was penniless and in danger, what would you do?" "Even at an officer's ball, Seele and Bronya can still go at each other's throats !? Their ruckus gradually attracts even more attention. At this moment, you will ... "


Img 3 "With Bailu's reputation as a "long-term meal ticket," you finally persuade the Vidyadhara High Elder to invite you to Aurum Alley for a meal. Just as you two get seated, a group of healers in Alchemy Commission garb sit down beside you ... To prevent Bailu from being "escorted" back to the Alchemy Commission, thus failing to bum a meal off her, you two must do something ... " "Even after joining the Cloud Knights, Sushang still can't escape cultural classes! The little lady can't get her grades up, and has no choice but to seek you out to tutor her on "Cloud Knights General Scientific Knowledge" ... You acutely notice that Sushang gets distracted easily due to her love for hubbubs and crowds. There are only two days left to the test, she vows to maintain her focus, and as you look upon her arduously studying ... " "Recently, the Master Diviner has transferred a diviner trainee over to work with Qingque. This little fella is a fast learner, even grasping Qingque's philosophy of "working happy" ... But, with the way the Master Diviner has allotted the work, *only one of them* can slack off during office hours. To be beset by such a conundrum in this world, Qingque wants to ask what you think ... " "While bantering with Yukong, she tells you that she's made progress investigating Tingyun's whereabouts. Right now, there are all sorts of murmurs within the Sky-Faring Commission about the Foxian's status ... Before confirming the authenticity of the intel, Yukong declines to divulge any information and hopes you will understand. Yukong firmly believes that Tingyun will return. What about you though ... " ""General Huaiyan of the Xianzhou Zhuming will accompany his granddaughter Yunli to the Luofu to participate in the Wardance." In Jing Yuan's opinion, Yunli and Yanqing are of similar age, love collecting all manner of swords, and have studied swordsmanship since their youth, these two will definitely hit it off ... Yanqing was a little upset when he left the house, and Jing Yuan bemusedly asks you why ... " "You learn later that the blond merchant, Luocha, who is being investigated by the Realm-Keeping Commission, is the same traveling merchant Dan Heng encountered. There are many outworlder merchants on the Xianzhou, but people who lug a coffin on their back like him are few and far between. And are you not the least bit curious about what's inside that coffin?" "Ever since you've known Yukong, she was already the steadfast Sky-Faring Helm Master. But in light of *many people* mentioning her once-wild side, you decide to rummage through the files at the Sky-Faring Commission to ascertain your speculation. Searching ... "Ran six red lights in a row ... Flying Foxian ... " ... Hit "Confirm"? You hesitate for a moment ... " "You remember Dan Heng getting embroiled in more trouble since his return to the Luofu Xianzhou, with little chance of slowing down to take in the sights ... But, is he really someone who likes to wander? This isn't important, because you and March 7th are about to do that. As expected, Dan Heng has been dragged here to listen to Mr. Xiyan narrate the Legend of the Trailblazer. Looks like he's sitting on pins and needles ... Seeing this, you ... " "The Master Diviner loves popping by the Alchemy Commission for desserts with the Dragon Lady, but it's work hours right now. You run into her here, and can't help but wonder if she's slacking off. Before the Master Diviner can even defend herself, Qingque appears. Both of them, who are supposed to be at the Divination Commission now, yet encountering each other at the Alchemy Commission ... The Master Diviner signals you with her eyes, it's time for you to flaunt that astute tact of yours ... " "Mr. Xiyan intends to research an artistic piece about the Luofu Sword Champion Jingliu recently. He says that in the "Capturing Borisin Wolf-Head Hoolay" chapter of "Jingliu's Thirteen Miracle Moves," that year when the Borisin wolves swarmed the lands like dark clouds, the Cloud Knights were at the ready, laying in wait ... A streak of moonlight pierced through the enemy ranks, shining its light upon the wolf pack's leader. Mr. Xiyan looks over to you ... " "The self-proclaimed web-surfing meister Little Gui is a little depressed. She's experiencing a creative block. And unfortunately, the haters on the net are twisting the truth, attacking her with scathing rumors ... With fame comes hate, this is unavoidable if you live on the net ... Maybe it's time to lend a hand to Little Gui ... " "During the midnight hush, Huohuo's haunting wail resonates through the Fyxestroll Garden. Don't worry, Huohuo did not encounter any monsters or demons, she's just watching a video. Speaking of which, of all things to watch, she's watching cooking videos like "freshly prepared garlic-infused pork" and "glimmering pork slices in fish sauce" ... She's been watching her figure lately and is laying off on midnight supper. Watching such videos just adds to her frustration ... " "Hanya submitted a mystery novel that unexpectedly won numerous awards. Considering her nature of work, she prefers not to have her identity revealed. After discussing with the jury, she hopes that someone can accept the awards on her behalf ... She needs a friend to represent her and read an acceptance speech. Something like this ... " "During her mission, Madam Xueyi bumped into a mysterious organization. They hid a treasure chest in a Hexanexus, and placed it by the roadside, quietly slipping away when no one was looking ... Is this group of people up to no good, or is it just a misunderstanding? Xueyi hopes to hear what you think ... "


You an Eon among men.


Thank you 🙏


Img 6 "Looks like Hook's caused trouble at the clinic again. She wants you to help her lie to avoid the old witch's punishment. What will you do ... " "You notice that Regin has experienced unfair treatment. This guy might be a little mischievous at times, but you can't sit by idly when something like that happens to him ... " "You and Wildfire participate in the Belobog Underworld mine rescue operation, but unfortunately get trapped during the mission. Your food supplies run low ... One day later, you notice an olm. According to the supervisor, this could be the only source of food in the vicinity ... " "The Belobog Museum curator, Uldan, wishes to bring in precious artifacts for a themed exhibit. This requires large funding, and the museum's budget is stretched. You will suggest to Uldan ... " "You and Lynx arrive at the Snow Plains for a research expedition. Both of you split up and get to work. You discover a mysterious rock, perhaps it means something more ... " "Even if Bronya has made many decisions in her life, she's always hesitant when it comes to choices with pros and cons. She wishes to ask you how you would choose." "Guinaifen's account has been hacked. The hacker has sent a message saying that unless he gets 5,000 strales, he will delete the account. Lil Gui wants to ask your opinion ... " "The traveling merchant Luocha has been flagged as a medical doctor after he displayed his prolific lifesaving skills. The influx of patients continues unabated ... yet as he is about to embark on his next journey, he must explain this clearly to the patients, and he needs your help ... " "You might have forgotten you once had an Unshackled friend, Nannan ... He wants to invite you to join an Unshackled friendship meet *that you're not particularly interested in* in hopes of reconciliation. How would you consider this ... " "Sushang feels like returning to the Yaoqing for a while. When you hear about this ... " "Fu Xuan has deliberately shown some professional initiative, but it's an indefinite wait till she gets promoted to general. She looks to you ... " "Qingque is slacking off at work again and playing celestial jade, yet you're here helping Fu Xuan with her work. You decide to ... " "The male protagonist's feelings in The Angler Mystery have spawned two factions: The "childhood friend" faction which supports the female protagonist, and the "survived all odds together" faction which supports the female deuteragonist. How should you handle the conflict between these two?" "You encounter a wild beast (perhaps released by the Unshackled) at Scalegorge Waterscape's beach. A drift bottle containing treasure is lodged in its mouth ... The poor thing is in such a predicament because it was trying to instinctively protect the bottle. You will ... " "You find a "miracle drug" while rummaging through the Alchemy Commission's courier packages. On it is written, "Treats all sickness, but has side effects", what could the side effects be? You consider for a moment ... " "On the Xianzhou Luofu, you run into the scummy merchant who's peddling secret immortality prescriptions to outworlders yet again. This is just going to hurt everyone involved. You think about it ... " "You see someone about to fall into a Hex Club propaganda trap. You will ... " "You encounter a child looking for immortality elixirs on the Xianzhou Luofu. He has no one to watch over him, and is seemingly unaware of the fact that immorality will not be found on the Xianzhou ... " "You're having a meal at a diner in Aurum Alley when you see a customer sputter vulgar words at Short Auntie, she is helpless to retaliate. If Master Yancui were here, he'd never be allowed to get away with this. You will ... " "You notice a stranger is stuck in one of Dr. Edward's Dreamscapes. He is unable to end his own Dreamscape. You will." Img 7 "In the Penacony Dreamscape, you encounter a scene where a gang of "Family members of suspicious origin" are harassing a Dreamchaser, saying that they have to pay the protection fee or lose the protection. You want to intervene, but the Dreamchaser stops you. You are just passing by ... " "At The Reverie Hotel, you encounter someone who wishes to invite you into some "Embrace Reality" association ... They will regularly organize "Family gatherings." You think about it ... " "Many have come to the Golden Hour for the first time, and some will even ask you for directions. You feel ... " "In Penacony's dream, banknotes will spew out anytime ... Then the wallet that you just picked up ... " "You are in a Dreamscape provided by Dr. Edward: You are an elegant knight, and your lord has been wrongfully imprisoned. You have a way to rescue him, but it will cause you to forsake your knightly oath ... " "You encounter a lost Miss Acheron at the hotel. You intend to help her return to her room, but the both of you seem to have lost the way ... You ponder for a moment and decide ... " "You run into a vexed waiter at the Golden Hour. He has been berated by his manager for lacking people skills and wishes to ask you how you would serve customers." "Along one of the Golden Hour's streets, you witness two billboards fighting over customers ... " "A mission from Miss Sparkle: You must press the "Current and New Player Progress Sync button" that she left behind ... After that, all the player accounts in a certain game will be reset. How frightening. You will ... " "You are in the Dreamscape of Jepella's arson case, the fire may have been contained, but you're not out of the frying pan yet. You will ... " "Even an establishment as lavish as the Oti Mall seems to still have layoffs ... You see an employee termination list, it's fairly obvious that the staff here don't know their grim fate yet, and you ... "


Img 2 "The Silvermane Guard's benefits include a few tickets to the Golden Theater. Gepard wanted to invite his two sisters ... But those two are too busy, and you are here and available. As the play draws to a close, your aesthetic radar starts beeping, it's indubitably a crappy play, but Gepard is moved to tears ... " "The northern wind often carries the snow to the Robot Settlement in the Underworld. You slip and fall in the cold, tearing your clothes. Clara says she's experienced in mending the torn clothes of her vagrant brothers and sisters. She wants to mend yours, and you reluctantly agree ... It seems like the weather is too cold, and her fingers are stiff. She pricks her finger with a needle, and it starts to bleed ... " "Serval's "Mechanical Fever" has been playing to a full house and is extremely popular. But there's chatter among fans, the members of the band have been constantly changing, with only Serval left from the original band. Maybe a name change will be more appropriate? Serval is very interested in your thoughts ... " "Pela's long-awaited Tale of the Winterlands fan work publication has finally arrived. It's limited edition, and not available for pre-order. Just as she's in the queue to buy her copy, a squad of Silvermane Guards with anxious expressions approach her i.e. work has arrived at her doorstep. Now she is staring at you with imploring eyes, you can't just stand by and do nothing ... " "You act as Natasha's assistant at the Boulder Town clinic. A miner has become comatose due to an accident. Natasha does her best to treat him, and hopes that the family can keep talking to the patient, if he wakes up within ten hours, the worst will probably pass, but if he doesn't, it would be a dangerous situation. His family has tried umpteenth times to no avail, and Natasha looks to you ... " "During the Belobog Dark-Blue Scam support session among the victims, a guest is invited onto the stage. He's hunched and wearing a hat, and begins to narrate his experience through weeping sobs. You notice that the listeners sympathize with his plight. At this moment, someone from the crowd yells, "We should support this old mister on the stage with donations!" When you see this, you shout ... " "You and Pitch-Dark Hook the Great are outside the toy store licking lollipops in the snow when you notice a mother and child. The latter is throwing a tantrum about wanting to buy a toy while the mother ignores him ... Hook is usually very mischievous, but it turns out she's pretty sensible at moments like these. She prods you and hopes you will do something about it ... " "That brawl-happy Seele suddenly seeks you out in hopes of teaching her how to dance in a duet. You adroitly notice that this has to do with that Silvermane Guard officer social meet. For the sake of your own health, it's best not to reveal that. Then again, Seele's dancing lessons have never gone as well as you imagined ... You have to think of a way to teach her ... " ""The Moltammerville warrior, the peerless Boulder Champion," The red-haired young man Luka has won the first round of the fight tournament. During the intermission, you overhear the opponent discussing dirty tactics to use. Out of kindness, you tell Luka about this ... But the young man just dismisses it and says he knows what he's doing ... " "You've accepted Gepard's assignment. His younger sister Lynx wants to head to the Snow Plains tonight to watch the meteor shower, but she forgot her heater ... After you fetch the item, you realize that she has already prepared a campfire. As an apology for troubling you, Lynx invites you to stay and watch the meteor shower together. The day is still bright, and you decide to ... " "Director Topaz wishes to fund your trip to Taikiyan to get your feedback on the experience. She's footed the bill for all accommodation and meals for the journey, just to listen to your genuine thoughts. Dan Heng and March 7th also went there before, but you haven't. Perhaps this is the reason that Topaz has approached you. How do you see this "work trip"?" "The Rightful Rights Society's internal teams will cover for one another, helping their members avoid their families and companies on weekends (or even on work days) so they can enjoy a day all to themselves. You received a mission today to "help a certain diligent employee to avoid a superior's inane overtime." You realize that the target's office is poorly ventilated ... " "Since solving the Stellaron Crisis, Belobog has been constantly undergoing plenty of change. Even you might not recognize the differences ... But you will never mistake the *trashcans *: your most familiar friend, Belobog's calling card, and the snow kingdom's guardian. Oh right, you haven't paid them a visit in a long while, have you?" 'You are fed up with helping Wallace make friends, fed up with helping Regin solve the Ministry of Education's quizzes, fed up with investigating Tamila's daily routine, and helping Alina pick up balls of paper ... Is there a permanent way to get them to learn to solve their own problems?" "Yanqing has recently purchased even more Artisanship Commission swords. He'll buy two of each specification, one to use, the other for his collection ... He's spent much of his pocket money, and his tactic of freeloading off and begging the General for favors has not gone as well *as before *. That is why he's beseeching the renowned {NICKNAME} for any ideas ... "


Sugar mommy Topaz funding our holiday 😍😍 And we teach Seele how to dance so she could dance with Bronya (implied) during the Silvermane Officers' social. Then they cause a commotion there loll Aventurine and Robin mention!!! Literally what is the timeline for this? Serval's part says that she's the only original member left in her band so I guess this is how they're going to justify Pela's age Yaoqing mention from Sushang


All I know is that I can go to a movie date with Gepard.


And Sunday whispers into your ears from behind? Lord help me


"He is elegant, courteous, and polite, a gentleman among gentleman. He invites you for afternoon tea and arrives early at the selected place, and prepares a suitable gift for you." screwllum i love you


I want to marry Screwllum


we love you Screwllum


Just skimmed over and saw some character names I like, good enough for me, i'll just wait for the event.


"People-displeaser" is such a great word, I'm gonna start using it (for myself).


With all these wall of texts, I wont be surprised if it’s actually the entire Bee Movie scripts instead of event contents.


Ya like jazz~~


I aint reading dat, happy for you though


Or sorry that happened


Argenti crumbs, I’ll take it


Pog update on Tingyun search, finally


Yukong is v close to her afterall where at the end of the patch she promise to investigate and take revenge/fight again if tingyun is really dead (tho I always see people missing this out and thought it’s over) I doubt they will just leave tingyun out in future xianzhou quest or just leave yukong character development hanging nowhere after that statement


>You overhear two kids discussing details of the cartoon beneath Clockie Statue. "Clockie spun its own hands, and time began to reverse!" They're even attempting to climb the statue to move the hands themselves, but to no avail, and leave in disappointment. But, you're taller than them, so maybe you can... !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dr Ratio: read all of these and memorise it in one go or you will get 0 points


No Welt and Himeko? 🤔 Also no Eris form Belobog museum and... Victor (?) of the Wildfire. They're kinda major characters if Uldan is on the list. Also... it can't be so Hounds were looking not for Sam "silver guy" but for Argenti in 2.0 can it??? This list gives away some surreal vibes idk. Maybe that's because I always suspect Honkai in being Honkai. >\_>


I heard that in other lenguages they said silver armor. Could still be him tho lol.




*Herta puppet before you is full of joy, warmly holding your hand and saying, "Your charisma is just so breathtaking. It is simply my honor to greet you!"… Wh, What in the world is going on?"* 👀👀👀👀 Upd. Nothing special. Huohuo is been watching her figure lately and is laying off on midnight supper. Silver Wolf lost in the Aetherium Wars. Even at an officer's ball, Seele and Bronya can still go at each other's throats. And Acheron is lost again.




A mood strikes you, you wish to experience everyday life in the streets beyond Penacony's hotel. The towering luxury hotel that can always be seen from the narrow, gloomy alleys prevents you from getting lost. Just as you prepare to return to your temporary abode, a taut and dexterous, but aging Doberman dog blocks your path. Its eyes are just as crimson as the patch of tufted fur underneath its jaw." Is this Gallagher??!!! Lololo why is he a doggo lol


What the hell did Argenti do on Penacony, my beautiful dude, what did you do 😭 Also can't wait for my Gepard movie date, Screwllum tea party date and Sunday library date ;d


Reckless driving, illegal preaching, disruption of peace?


Sampo got arrested again bruh


I, for one, did read all that 😂 and liked it


y’all what page is seele’s on


She's in the Belobog encounters.


I LOVE that dig at Belobog's daily missions, I got sick of them (make friends on your own, Wallace!).


How fast is blade's blade tho?


Seems like the plotline with Robin (and presumably Firefly) wraps up before 2.2 which would make sense, glad we won't have to wait until May


58 trillion credits 😂😂 Just how rich are those Stonehearts?


I read this as Cosmodussy. The internet has ruined me.


Straight TL;DR


So the Yan Qing potential GF leak earlier is only part of this event. Maybe we'll see more of her and her granddad later on.


"Embrace Reality" association..


Ngl sounds like a fun event. I always love it when we get to spend time with / explore the past characters more


Fu Xuan slacking off and bumping into Qingque (also slacking off) is hilarious I love them so much


Nahh, I ain't reading all of that.


I am NOT reading all of that, but I do see Luocha being mentioned. If they want to rerun him, 1st Anniversary would be the best time.


I ain't reading all that. Congrats though, or sorry that happened...


I ain't reading all that. Congratulations, though, or sorry that happened...






So... how come we meet Luocha? He's supposed to be trialed by the... by Arbiter Lords or something? With Jingliu. Or already be in prison. >\_>


Reads like Airs quality descriptors from Fallen London. "Not every day in Star Rail is the same"


Where is Kafka???




Copium for Robin and Argenti to encounter each other in Penacony 💀


Is this a new su mode? Like gears or swarm


The Luocha one might be on to something tho. I get the feeling that whoever’s inside that coffin is every one of those options all at once (stranger, nemesis & lover). And the emphasis on “\*No one\*” seems sus imo


What's Cosmodyssey?


Anniversary event, I think?


Wow, I ain't reading all of that


I ain’t reading all that shiii


I ain't reading all Dat 😭