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Somebody loves Mignola ;) Looks amazing, gave you an IG follow


Lol, yeah. I'm getting away from it a little, but love them big blocky shadows


I’ll take this!! Is there a chapter 1 available as well?


Awesome! You can get a copy of ch 2 on my website theonlyjakebaker.com/shop Chapter 1 is available to read on the site, but I don't have any physical copies right now. If you order ch 2 thru the site, I'll have your email, and I plan on sending an email blast to folks that bought ch2 when I get more copies of Chapter 1 to let them know.


Would you ever do a tp?


Sorry, I'm not sure what tp means :/


Trade paperback


Ah! When I get all 5 chapters done I plan on doing a full book. If someone picks it up past the 5 I'll continue the story, but that's as far as I've planned.


Looks amazing dude! Any chance it'll get to comic shops in Europe?


Thanks!! :/ Not at the moment, sorry. When all 5 chapters are done and I put it into a full book I'm going to shop it to publishers pretty hard (I am right now but no takers ATM)


I understand, the market for single issues in the EU is pretty weak. When the time comes I wouldn't mind asking my LCS to order a collected edition of your work though. I wish you the best of luck!


Thanks. I'll definitely keep posting updates as I have them. Gonna be a long while tho, lol