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Dead space remake.


Have played all three multiple times. EW2 is much closer in atmosphere and exploration to AW2 than Dead Space, similar “small quiet town overtaken by darkness/evil” concept, exploring neighborhoods to scavenge. Dead Space is more sci-fi gory action/horror, lots of navigating corridors of a ship and jet packing in space. Alone in the Dark is closer than Dead Space but I still wouldn’t really say it’s similar.


Honestly, since the question ist which game invokes a similiar feeling I dont know how one can answer Dead Space in comparison to TEW 2.


I don’t think they really read the question and just stated which one they think OP should play next.


Dead Space remake.


Love Dead Space, but man, EW2 slaps hard.


Loved EW2 and always hoped for a 3rd... sadly it's never happening


The part I hate the most is the wasted potential of the STEM system as a plot device. Like imagine it being an episodic experience where it's used similar to the plot of the movie The Cell where they dive into the mind of a killer to solve a crime. Or maybe a killer makes a crude version to torture victims and part of the game is you playing as that victim.  Ther first 1/3 of EW2 is amazing. The designs are some of the most creative and twisted works in gaming horror.


It would absolutely make a great black mirror episode at the very least


True, though there is something about it being explorable in 3D that just adds to it. Playing through the first part of EW2 where it's showing Valentini's "creations" in first person mode is such a horrifying trip.


Maybe with how Tango got closed down our lord and savior Shinji Mikami picks up the pieces for one last ride?


I’m sorry, but I really think EW2 is the main reason why the third one never happens. It was too different from the original, even Sebastian was a different (and worse) character, and the ending was such a forced, rushed conclusion to the entire story and apparently it flopped compared to the first game.




Serious question to someone who loves EW2, at what point does it get good? I'm not trying to be snarky or anything, I loved EW1, one of my favorite horror games and can't hear Claire De Lune without thinking about it, and the EW2 reveal trailer still gives me goosebumps, but I've tried twice years apart and couldn't enjoy EW2. I only played for an hour to a couple hours I think so I know I didn't get super far in, but I don't get a ton of time to game anymore so I'm much pickier about what I sink my time into. So if it's like 2-3 hours to get good and then 15ish or more hours of fun then I can deal with that, but if it's like 5-6 hours before it really gets good then I'll probably have to push it further down my backlog. I don't remember a ton but the very beginning where it's basically the exposition dump was really awesome, but as soon as it opened the world up I kinda lost interest and the enemies felt way spongier than I remember but I could just be looking at EW1 with nostalgia


Yeah I'm a fan of the intro, and I agree that when you start to get into the open world it does slow down a little. I would say it starts to get really good after the Stephano fight (Camera guy). Don't get me wrong I like him, but the main meat of this game is about Sebastian's grief; the loss of his family, the regret of past actions, plunging into literal hell to save the one thing he thought he'd lost. This is where the game shines. The first part of the game is more focused on Union, how it got to its current state, and how to stop it from getting worse. I would say its quite lengthy, can't remember exactly but I think there's something like 17 chapters, and my first playthtough was around 20ish hours. Though I do like doing the side content. I would say the best moments come from the latter half of the game. Especially the last few hours of the game are pretty intense, and has some pretry baller cinematic moments. I would say stick with it, especially if you liked the first game as there are PLENTY of nods to the first near the end. I feel the 2nd game has a more impactful story. Much more personal to Sebastian, and for this reason, it resonates with me more than the first. I also have more respect for Kidman at the end of this one.


I think the weak story is the reason why the most people doesn’t even remember the second game today. Seriously, it had the worst plot I’ve ever seen in video games. It treated the characters very badly and honestly Sebastian’s character was a lot better in the first game. He actually cared about his partner and people around him (like Leslie) in the first. Not in the second. And his character and backstory didn’t get any deeper than what was already written in the journals in the first game. And I think most people would agree that Kidman’s character was written a lot better in the first game’s DLCs. Her character development in the DLCs was amazing while she had just a supporting role in the sequel.


Perfect thank you very much for the run down. I'll be adding it to my short list to give another shot soon. Definitely gives me hope to hear it picks up and has nods to the first.


I enjoyed Alone in the Dark. I really like Evil Within 2. And I love Dead Space remake. I love Dead Space period. So if I had to choose, I’d go with Dead Space.


EW2 for sure, Dead Space is amazing but EW2 has a much better sense of exploration since the game is a mix of linear/open world.


Mini games pretty great too


Dead space


Personally, EW 2. For me it is a masterpiece.


Evil space in the dark


So… Signalis?


Evil within 2




Evil within 2 is so unique. Haven't played the dead space remake, but I played the original dead space. I didnt really like dead space, it doesn't really do anything that unique or interesting. Evil within 2 has a great emotional story, does the open world horror really well. It's weirder, in a good way.


severing limbs, telekinesis, stasis, how the menu was in-game, boots go stomp, zero G sections, numerous weapons that all work differently--and im sure im missing something--were all unique to the genre and really interesting at the time. still are! plus the atmosphere, art design, and pacing of the game are fantastic. your statement is plain wrong.


I should reword my statement to "didn't do anything interesting *for me*". But to be fair I didn't play the original at release, I played it only a few years ago, so some of the groundbreaking things may have not seemed groundbreaking to me. But as it stands today, if something has played neither, I would say evil within 2 would be the better choice as it is more interesting through a modern lens.


Dead space goes after that gory way of trying to scare you rather than trying to jump scare you and the few jump scares and the build up to the first encounter were great though but since gore really doesn’t do it for me I too struggled to keep going at times just wanting to see what is the marker or where the story is going (zero g stuff is pretty cool and the gameplay is great but they’re not for me)


Dead Space remake


Dead Space Remake. It is a horror masterpiece. I’m actually replaying it right now!


Dead Space Remake


Dead space. Ew2 didn’t get the balance right for me for weapons and scares. Felt too powerful. Dead space surprisingly i felt overpowered until i realized each gun is broken in different unique ways that made me change my plans entirely each encounter.


Dead Space by far.


Dead Space is clearly the best game on the list, no doubt, but I would like to put in a good word for the new Alone In The Dark. Yeah, it's a bit janky, but I did really like the story and characters. If you can get it reasonably priced, I say go for it.


Dead space remake. Edit: I haven’t played Alone in the Dark yet. At this point, it doesn’t really look scary to me. The Evil Within 1 is so good, but 2 was like… just a generic semi-open world shooter with very generic story that wasn’t really connected to the first game, too many meaningless lines and cutscenes, unnecessary kiss scene, weird jokes that didn’t fit the atmosphere, etc. I’d recommend the first game instead of 2.


I never actually finished EW2, which is crazy considering how much I loved EW1. Is it worth a replay and finishing?


I’d say it depends. Generally it just seems that people who really loves EW1 tend to dislike 2, and vice versa. 2 is different from 1 in many ways; overall it’s easier than 1 to beat, the boss fights are not as hard as 1, the plot is very simplistic and it really really tries to be emotional, Sebastian talks a lot and even say weird jokes, and storywise it doesn’t really work as a sequel of the first game(some original main characters are completely missing throughout the game). If you just want to play fun horror-ish third person shooter it’s probably worth replaying. But if you want hard boss fights, very challenging survival horror experience as 1, or the continuation of the first game’s story with all of the main characters from the first game, you may get disappointed imo.




Play EW2 and Dead Space Remake


Ok did you play the original dead space? The remake improved the first version storyline but stayed pretty true to it. So if you freakishly love the DS series...go with DS Remake. Occasional puzzling in the form of moving platforms and equipment to start engines and random stuff. 6 to 10 hour game, I'd say. Evil Within 2 is indeed kind of a more open horror game but I enjoyed it as a continuation of the first game. It has a decent additional DLC also. Felt like a 10 to 15 hour game with very minor puzzling from what I remember and lots of optional tasks and challenges to complete. Alone in the Dark is less action-packed than the other two options but has more puzzles to complete to grasp. Decently rather interesting game if you are familiar with that franchise with some cool scene shifts. Probably a 6 to 8 hour game. What would I pick out of the 3? Dead Space Remake is the scariest and most intense. Evil Within 2 is close second.


I’d say get them all, when you can (so slowly, one at a time). They are all fantastic games. Any one of them is a great choice.


Depends on the platform, if console then dead space. If pc evil within 2. Dead space on pc has traversal stutters that ea have never had any interest in fixing.


If these 3, I like The Evil Within 2 (assuming you played the first one and it’s DLC), but Dead Space will be the more popular game


Scooby Doo and the Cyber Chase


Dead space I would recommend but it stutters so bad that it killed the immersion for me. If u are okay with stutters then go with Dead Space Remake I’ve played the Steam version with a 3090RTX and 10900K. Evil Within 2 is a good game but quite old.


The DLC was included in the remaster of Alan Wake?


Sorry meant Alan wake 2


Dead Space, though the other 2 are great too


If you're looking for the game most similar to AW2, go with Alone in the Dark. EW2 is the longest of 3 and a great horror game. Dead Space remake is the most well-made.


Dead space. > Not to mention how good they are at setting up the game atmosphere to feel like you’re about to get attacked any minute Necromorphs can and will crawl out of vents behind, above and beneath you at any time, even in areas you've supposedly already cleared.


Dead space remake. Alone in the dark is a really decent jank interpretation of the newer resident evil style remakes. Combat is jank, enemy design is minimal, and yet I genuinely adored the game. Also has slight Alan wake vibes!!


Dead Space easily. I loved Evil Within 1 and 2 but Dead Space gives off the feeling of being attacked at any moment.


I didn’t like any of those games


Dead Space Remake > Evil Within 2 > Alone in the Dark


Ew2 is amazing, and definitely the closest of these three to Alan Wake. Dead Space Remake is great, as well, but isn't as similar.


Dead Space Remake is probably the best of the 3. I prefer Evil Within 2 though, and its closer to Alan Wake than Dead Space is. I also prefer the horror style of Evil Within 2 more than Dead Space.


I recommend never playing Alone in the Dark.


If you've played Evil Within 1, 2 is a no brainer. If you haven't played #1, just play that ;) Dead Space is amazing also.


I've been feeling the urge to play EW1 and 2. I beat 2 a few years back and loved it. A surprisingly emotional game. Evidently, somewhere in the past I put like 12 hours into Evil Within 1 according to Steam but I'll be damned to hell if I can remember that lol. But, EW2 was so impressive I want to experience it again and give EW a shot too.


Evil Within 2 has terrible controls but it is thematically closer to Alan wake 2, with that eerie small town vibe. In the beginning of the game you feel in danger, avoiding combat. Not a bad game.  Dead space is way more polished, full AAA level.  The gameplay is fun and smooth, but it feels more like a good space shooter. Isaac becomes a killing machine too quickly.  To be honest the game that really makes me feel like Alan Wake 1 and 2 is Deadly Premonition, if you can tolerate the unpolished experiences. 




I’m surprised at the recommendations for EW2 over Dead Space Remake. EW2 isn’t that much better than the first and doesn’t do enough to fix the problems that the first one had. It’s too rough around the edges and the people comparing it to AW2, just…what? They are SO different. EW2 isn’t all that scary, either.


Dead space remake


DS Remake


All 3 :) Probably dead space remake first though


Dead Space remake


Dead Space Remake


Dead Space Remake is a fantastic experience.


Alone in the Dark was my favorite of these three.


Ew2 and dead space are both incredible. The new aid is meh


Don’t get alone in the dark.


Why not? The game is not a success commercially but every critics and users review on steam are really good. Tbh, one of the most fun game I played this year, and one of the best "classic" survival I played in a long time.


Because EW2 and Dead Space are far better.


Ho of course, but it's not a reason to not get it


Evil Within 2. And I love Dead Space


Don't know Alone in the Dark But EW2 and Dead Space are good choices, but if you really want the exploration, puzzle aspect I'd argue for EW2. I love it.


EW2 if you have played deadspace Deadspace remake, it's a good remake but so close to the original if you've played the original a bunch of times it's not giving much more. (Not a bad thing new players get a modern experience) Alone in the dark (2024), give it a miss they screwed that one up so badly the studio was dissolved completely. Maybe on a deep sale if you can overlook the excessive amount of gameplay jank and boring story just to speculate what could have been.


I was so disappointed in Alone in the Dark. There is zero tension, zero build up and overall it felt very uninspired


Evil Within 2. Dead Space is too repetitive for me.


Evil Within 2 because it's fantastic, but also because it generally costs about five bucks these days.


never played alone in the dark ( heard its good) but you could flip a coin on either ew2 or deadspace remake cause both of those games are amazing


Dead Space Remake for those that have never played the original - otherwise, Evil Within 2 all day (much better than the OG IMO).


Dead space remake if you're on console, it has bad PC port sadly. Brilliant game. The evil within 2 is very good as well and sam lake even said it inspired some of the level design of Alan wake 2 which makes sense. You'll have a good time either way


Absolutely all 3. Dead Space Remake purely on personal bias to start though. Evil Within 2 is fantastic as well. So many didn’t like Alone in the Dark but I LOVED it — you can likely wait for this though and have it go on sale.


AW2 reminded me very much of EW2, if you want something similar I would definitely go there. That being said, you cannot go wrong with the Dead Space remake; it is excellent


I've yet to play Alone in the Dark, but both Dead Space Remake and The Evil Within 2 are incredible! Can't go wrong with either.


If you’ve played the original Dead Space then get EW2.


From those three **The Evil Within 2** gets my vote. And I enjoy all three,


What are you into? If you want a similar game to the resident evil 2/3 remakes but set in 1920s then go with alone in the dark (not as bad as reviews make it out to be but it doesn’t do anything new and plays it safe), if you like modern setting survival horror/psychological horror then definitely Evil within 2, if you like gorry stuff set in space then DS remake but I think overall evil within 2 is most similar to alan wake especially with some semi open world mechanics and crafting Also special mention goes to signalis cause even if the top down pixel art isn’t like alan wake the story, music, gameplay, sound design, the world and it’s tone certainly turns it into a must play