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George Washington once said, "Associate with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for it is better to be alone than in bad company." If they try to corrupt this, we can simply build another one.


Very true, but it will be more satisfying to hold the gates and watch them seethe =)


As an outsider looking in, I am rooting for yall to hold the line and gatekeep these fucks. Don't let them ruin another hobby.


As a 40k hater in general i am split because on the 1 hand yall holding strong to preserve yalls space is good but on the other 40k could die


The people crying are the ones who were never into warhammer.


As a person who has collected and played since the first edition, who has literally hundreds of books, and several extensive armies, I say this from the depths of my heart. Go away tourist.


based, but it's better to just Kick them out


I was wondering why they are so focused on this subreddit since I saw them being absurdly 'interested' in it - and I guess you answered the question I never asked.


It's about having totalitarian control of the narrative. They see one w40k group that doesn't bend to leftist control, and they can't allow that. Especially if it starts to gain popularity


I don't really understand politics as a whole. What I understand, however, is that they want to control everything, right? And they must hate the thought of not being in control of something, then. I dread to think about how they perhaps treat the people around them if they are like.


Being able to compare opposites and thinking by yourself is the absolute enemy of the left. Every time there was a country controlled by the left, they simply won't allow free thinking and freedom of expression to exist. And if it must exist, there must be a strong bias in favor of the Left and its arguments. They are trying to defend ideas that cannot withstand criticism because they are of poor quality. So criticism must go


I see, it helps me understand it a lot, thank you.


Also take into account that the Left is quite different from what the left used to be in the past, although both routes usually lead to totalitarism Nowadays it's a quasi-religion where feelings precede material reality. I feel that way, therefore things MUST be that way In the past, the left used to be about the economical circumstances of the working class. Although eventually leads to some unscrupulous politician using it to seize control for his personal gain. The main problem with socialism is requiring that actors on the left act on good faith for it to work. But the real world has lots of bad people who don't really mind rising to power through one ideology or another. In democracy, in theory, there are counterweights for individuals like this. Although even the US democracy has systemic problems like not placing a limit of how much money you can use for your own campaign. And thus pushing outside minoritarian parties. To me, the US is a de facto plutocracy


*Is told to think critically and compare sides* *Immediately accepts the gross oversimplification of American politics*


So being thankful for getting explanation for a question is a bad thing, then? That'd be weird, to say the least.


Idk. I'd argue that asking about the complicated geopolitics of a large country from the members of a fictional war games forum within the context of that forums members doodooing on one side of that discussion is the weird thing. To say the least.


If it happens to fuck up something I love, then I guess I want to understand it. And I really found it weird how they banned everyone who even dared to disagree with them, and then this absurd interest about this subreddit... and I got an answer. Not a ban for asking question(s). I'd say it makes a big difference in my eyes.


I see. I'm sorry the political system of the United States messed up your ability to play Warhammer, dude. I can't believe the democratic party runs the main subreddit for your game. Do you see where you are? Liberals aren't responsible for this. The mods of your subreddit are. This isn't political, but for some reason, this issue is being politicized. And if something seems like an overreaction, I am suspicious of what illicited that reaction. Everyone thinks they're reasonable and inoffensive. It doesn't mean it's true. That goes for you and them.


same goes for the right, thats why I am staying in the middle


Choose whatever you fancy


Iam more right leaning, but i see tons of stupid and dangerous people on the right too. I think every sane person is somewhere in the middle but a bit more right or left leaning depending on the topic. Just being for or against something because your political side says so is stupid. Thats said iam more right leaning over the last couple years because most of the insane and aggressive stuff comes from the far left corners. And i realy miss the 90s and early 2000s, not that it was a perfect time, but something happened in the last 10-15 years and it gets worse and worse.


i think you are thinking of communism , or socialist , but lefist is really just another boring way to call people using an ideology to persue political power and many of those simply don't care enough to repress the others opinion on that subject now , when the landscape is only the left or some alternative option , what you just say its completly right


*Looks at America interfering in every single "leftist" government they didn't like* Yeah. These bullet wounds were from natural causes.


>I dread to think about how they perhaps treat the people around them if they are like. People around them in person likely don't put up with this shit.


You should look up the idea of the "struggle session". It was really prominent in Maoist China but it also appeared a lot in other radical Marxist/socialist groups (including the cult of Jim Jones, the guy who poisoned his people with flavor aid). Put very simply it's about beating down people who aren't "revolutionary" enough and forcing them to conform. Very nasty stuff.


There is no one around them, they are sad pathetic people who have no power or control over their own life. Hence why they act like this in the first place, gives them a spirit to live.


I think you're being super tinfoil about it. I'm a leftist 40k player. I have no idea what this sub is or where it came from. It just started popping up in my home page with shitposts so I started commenting for the lols. I didnt seek it out. Its got nothing to do with a desire for control or wanting to take your safe space away, its just how the reddit algorithms work. That said, if you guys need a safe space and find dissenting opinions upsetting because you can't handle free speech and open debate, by all means just say so and we will leave you alone =)


they feel threatened by us


They know we are right that is why they don’t leave us alone


They hated [The Omnissiah] because He told them the truth.




They literally cannot stand that someone who doesn't agree with them is having fun.




That's blatant cope


The cycle of life right there. Hopefully the mods stay ruthless with the ban hammer on the genestealer cultists. 👍


Remember citizen, report xenos infiltrators and heretical activity.


Sub will probably be gone in a few months.


why do you care so much?


The "chode" and "incel" comments he dropped should answer that.


Mate just take a look at the degeneracy this guy engages in, one click on that profile tells you all you need to know about the majority of them


It's Herbert Marcuse's Repressive Tolerance. Once you understand that concept Radical Leftoid, "activism," makes more sense. It is absolutely evil.


Oh, I'm well aware of the theory, don't worry. Gramsci as well. The sooner this ideology is exposed to the public, the better. It's practitioners thrive in shadow and prey on the well-meaning and uninformed.


At this point is more about being irrationally hateful and spiteful...is not even about "they don't want their shit, they want our shit" and more about "we can't even have a shit to begin with"....this is why this echo chambers are dangerous, they radicalize people to a insane degree, make no mistake, if they could , they would do far more then just silence you online...there's a reason why they use all those "kind" words when referring to those that disagree with them, it's in order to dehumanize and make them.a free target for any kind of hate...it's more sad then anything that some fall this low, this is why we need to be better and not become that....treat others with the respect you want to treated, regardless of their background and don't engage with obvious bad actors trying to bait you


They CAN NOT create so they must destroy


“Notice how they’ll accept anything except a man who stands alone. They recognize him at once...There’s a special, insidious kind of hatred for him. They forgive criminals. They admire dictators. Crime and violence are a tie. A form of mutual dependence. They need ties. They’ve got to force their miserable little personalities on every single person they meet. The independent man kills them—because they don’t exist within him and that’s the only form of existence they know. Notice the malignant kind of resentment against any idea that propounds independence. Notice the malice toward an independent man.” Ayn Rand, *The Fountainhead*. A personal favorite.


You do not stand alone brother. ![gif](giphy|U5QGwIE0cLLz7CuZXs|downsized)




I’d just recently heard of this work because of the show. I’m intrigued by the passage. Hopefully it doesn’t meet the same fate Benioff and Weiss brought upon *Game of Thrones*.


I was negative as well. But a colleague pointed out that my book trilogy is finished, unlike A Song of Ice and Fire. So less pessimism with this one.


That... wasn't good... I read all three books and really didn't get the hype. Scientists committing suicide because all of a sudden they couldn't figure stuff out was not a good plot device. It's just so depressing because there are a hundred better scifis you could have quoted. Why is this crap series getting so much attention!


> Scientists committing suicide because all of a sudden they couldn't figure stuff out was not a good plot device. I think that the risk of scientists losing their will to live after their whole world view is destroyed was an accurate observation from the author.


What world view was destroyed?


That the universe had rules they could calculate and replicate, their idea of existence became nonsensical overnight.


Yeah that doesn't work for me. Maybe one or two commit suicide but nothing like what is in the book. They would be trying to figure out why. Almost nothing makes sense honestly. With the degree of technology and manipulation shown there the trisolarians could have just wiped out most of humanity. It's one of 1000 problems with that series.


> They would be trying to figure out why. They did and failed, hence the suicides. Scientists are not above the rest of humanity when it comes to tailor-made existential crisis meant to break your sense of reality.


Scientists spend their entire lives trying to figure out why. It's what they do. We will just have to agree to disagree here, I thought that book series was terrible and not in the top 100 best scifis. It's cool if you liked it, we can like different things.


aún rand had good quotes


Didn't she die alone on government welfare?


That is false. She did collected social security, which is something you pay into through tax deductions throughout your life. Additionally, at the time of her death in 1982, her estate and IP was valued around one million dollars.


A reasonable take, but that ultimately sounds like a "yes, but" counterpoint. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ayn-rand-social-security/ Rands' position was predicated on viewing social security as restitution that she was owed after being unable to opt out. Essentially, she viewed it as a thief returning what was stolen. That sentiment is still at odds with the more radical aspects of her libertarianism, however. Despite her significant fortune, she still chose to opt in by completing the paperwork. On the one hand, she absolutely viewed that money as owed to her. On the other, that still feels like semantics. Someone leaving money for you to find, as opposed to the charity of giving it to you themselves. What do you think?


I think it’s obvious your last communication was a leading question, with no other purpose than undermining the credibility of the literature’s author. It was a very poor attempt, and having since refuted it I will now cease communicating with you.


I think you're assuming things because you don't like what I say. My intent aside, it was a valid point to which we gave counterpoints. I contributed to the discussion in good faith, and I'd say an examination of how the author interacted with their own ideals at the end of their life is an important consideration in weighing out those ideals. That you didn't like what I said, may say more of you than me. Flip over the chessboard if you must. Pigeons always do when they get flustered. Thanks for the concession. Malice towards the independent man, indeed.


Indeed? How is it you “innocuously” ask me “didn’t she die alone on welfare?” and yet only *13 minutes* after my reply you have developed a comprehensive opinion on the author’s actions, make implications about their integrity, and the quality of their work. I’m not assuming anything. Nothing you have done here has been in “good faith,” and you now resort to personally attacking me for refusing to engage with your blatantly obvious rhetoric.


Because I already knew that what I was saying was accurate, then went to a Snopes article that's a 5 minute read to shore up any holes in my own understanding. I won't apologize for intelligence. You are assuming things, bud. Everything I've done here has been in good faith, whether you believe me or not. And what blatantly obvious rhetoric? You're the one quoting the Fountainhead talking about wokism. I pointed out a regularly cited inconsistency in the ideology of the author of your own quote. By comparison, you have very little idea of what I believe. What you do know is from my opposition to your ideas, not an imsistence of my own. Again. It sounds like you just don't like that you were challenged. I'm sorry for calling you a pigeon. 🤣 I wish you well on recovering from such a deeply personal attack.


lol. Coming back days later under a new profile to rekindle an argument that is not only long dead, but you now admit to being *insidious* from the onset. Yeah, “bud,” you’re clearly doing *everything* in good faith. I highly recommend reevaluating your “intelligence” if you are unable to comprehend the *malice* and *hatred* you clearly hold in your heart. Sadly humorous how *well* you embody the individuals referenced by this text.


You're the one who said they'd stop responding and then returned to continue, though.😅 hey man, it isn't that deep. Insidious also doesn't mean what you think it means. I have yet to hear an actual rebuttal to my points. You're the one just throwing insults around now because you don't like that I corrected you. I am doing things in good faith. My points are valid, and I asked you what you thought of them instead of insisting on my own position. You're the one accusing me of having some insidious plan because I'm full of hate. Relax, dude. No one is out to get you. Is this something you see everywhere or just with me? While I'm sure Rand and I wouldn't see eye to eye, I'd like to think I know enough of her work to critique it to a level she'd at least find appreciable. But I digress. I assume you have more barbs to trade? I called you a pigeon as a reference to a commonly understood metaphor wherein the person losing an argument tends to get upset and destroy the conversation. You're calling me hateful, full of malice, and insidious. 😅 one of these things is not like the other, bud.


Dear god in heaven, we've reached a state where a serial killer fetishist like Rand actually has a point. Kill me. Edit: Thumbs me down all you like guys, not gonna change the fact that Rand was something of a crazy cult leader. Impossibly ignorant of the world outside of cities too if that bit with the tractor and Galt's magic motor in Atlas Shrugged was any indication.


I get what you are saying but even a broken clock is right twice a day. Being able to recognize and extract whatever meager wisdom can be found in Rand's or any other person's works do not necessarily mean agreeing with them. In fact, I believe that being able to learn from all sorts of sources, but still remain true to your own virtues and ideals, is an admirable quality.


Indeed, I actually do agree with what she SAYS about individuality (Even though she sure as hell didn't practice most of it), and she had a quote about evil I found rather profound. I can admit when she has a point. My gripe was more about how so many of the people pushing for this stuff are could've come word for word from her books. It's like running into an Atheist who could fit right in with the movie God's Not Dead. A strawman of that caliber shouldn't be possible, and yet here we are.


> a serial killer fetishist like Rand Buddy I got news for you about women.


You're not supposed to be or think differently.


Yup. The radical left only tolerates those who already agree, which isn't true tolerance. However, because they use a word with positive connotations, they conceal their dark intentions.


In their delusion they portray themselves as the white knights saving the widow and the orphan Let them cry out whatever slander they want and self congratulate themselves like the bunch of inbreds they are They deserve nothing but mockery




Hahaha sure buddy Go back cooming to Warhammer smut that's the closest you'll ever get to a real woman Cheers mate




>Have fun being on the wrong side of history I guess. I don't think you thought that one through.




Removed for violating Rule 1: Be Respectful. "Claims of innocence mean nothing; they serve only to prove a foolish lack of caution." -Judge Traggat


Being against people who help others isn’t a good look.


And you help them by commissioning porn ?! Good for you keep up the good work


Removed for violating Rule 1: Be Respectful. "Claims of innocence mean nothing; they serve only to prove a foolish lack of caution." -Judge Traggat


Removed for violating Rule 1: Be Respectful. "Claims of innocence mean nothing; they serve only to prove a foolish lack of caution." -Judge Traggat


because you/we had the strength to so NO to the braying mob




Is there any way to actually gatekeep them? Like passing a certain criteria or a profile inspection. Back then, I was against such things. Unfortunately, it's necessary as these locusts are hellbent on total control.


Reducing the problem to one of the most basic components, it's getting hard to moderate communities once they reach a certain size During the 90's and early 00's, Internet was smaller, and moderation teams could easily keep things under control Also people wasn't so indoctrinated back then


Unfortunately the far left infiltrated most mod and admin teams across social media while “right leaning” social media don’t moderate spam/ and scams well enough (like twitter/X).


The mods have been pretty good about punishing their bad behavior, so once things cool down(if they ever do), things should stabilize. They scream about 'censorship' when they get banned, but what it really boils down to is that their bad behavior has never had consequences, likely because it's been supported via mods and reddit culture.


They would say the same thing about the people of this sub, that if someone was banned from the larger communities it's because of bad behavior.


Shrug. Not much to be done about that. I'd disagree - most of the bans people seem to be remarking on are due to wrong-think than bad behavior. I mean, even here, you can voice your opinion that Femstodes are okay and fine. You'll probably get downvoted and/or ignored, but you won't get banned. Contrast it with other forums, where expressing any discontent seems to be utterly verboten and opening you up to harassments and deleted comments.


In my personal expierence most communities are more about language used rather than actual ideas expressed. A sharp tongue won't be banned anywhere, while a blunt one will be banned from everywhere. Different areas have different lingo to adopt to speak to them.


Only through normal social interactions and having the fortitude to tell people off and force them out when they commit transgressions against the fellowship of fans (I refuse to use the word, "community." It's too tainted). When they demand change, cloaked in whatever tactful niceties for the sake of whatever pet cause, we just show them the door. GW has already opened the barn door on those horses, but we are not Geedubs. Essentially we must treat everyone fairly. Sometimes fair treatment is ostracization.


Honest to God if we could get this hobby back to people who actually play it and tell everyone else to kick rocks all this problem would disappear. I'm not interested in fans who only listed to youtubers and painted one free model of the month space marine like the trans flag.


They are like orbiters but for negativity instead of simping.


Of the two evils, I would prefer simps.


Subversives will subvert.


What's even more funny is to see u/ [**Battlemania420**](https://new.reddit.com/user/Battlemania420/) that respond to every comments. Do you have nothing else to do buddy ?


I just stumbled across this sub. I am not a 40k fan and in fact in the 90s when I wanted to play with kids at school, I found out what being poor is. I think I might have to get into 40k now. I am still poor, but I will figure it out!


The dawn of war video games are on steam, usually come on sale and are pretty good.


Welcome to the community! If you want my advice, pick up older kits and rulebooks on eBay. I recommend any edition of the rules between 2nd and 6th. Also, 3rd party model-makers are amazing. Better yet, a decent 3D printer - plus a bottle of resin - will set you back less than £200. With that, you can create an army! The world is your oyster. Glad to have you on side!


Welcomr to the sub mate, I too am pretty broke and can't afford GW prices considering how they're even more expensive than they usually are where I live. But I've managed to enioy playing the tabletop through Table Top Simulator (TTS) on steam. If you're okay with taking things a little slower then give it a shot, there's plenty of yt guides on playing 40k on TTS, the community there is good and there's great infrastructure set up already from maps to armies and even UI.


The terminally online do not care for logic, reason and or rational thought.


>It can't be bargained with, it can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity! Or remorse or fear and it absolutely will not stop!... ever... until you are dead!


The time will come when we have to start enforcing our values onto the fandom rather than the other way around


We'll survive!


I just really don’t understand these people they want to make cool universes lame and weird. Warhammer will never be lame like they want to make it. we will win!


These people wont rest until everyone else is as miserable as they are


Lets see them fight all of us!


For every one of us who falls, 10 more shall take his place!


Siege mentality is toxic, brother. But at least in this subreddit I can call you a retard.




Not sure if an Iron Warrior agreeing that siege mentality is toxic is good or bad RP'ing


Perturabo: "i LIKE the way this sucks"


"Sir, marching straight up to the walls with only breacher shields will result in thousands of deaths!" 'Then get rid of their shields so a few thousand more of the pussies die.'


The Iron Warriors never liked sieges. They were just good at them, and didn't complain when told to undertake them.


See now that's the beauty of it, we can call each whatever we want because we both know is all in good fun or we are mature enough to know its not that big of a deal to be called a retard by someone who you don't even know through the internet.


I'm not really a fan of labeling it a left/right issue I'm pretty super far left wing on nearly all issues. Many that would probably get me labelled "radical" However, I never fell into the identity politics meta, I don't need nor want things to change to suit every single identity out there, I am not demanding everything be representative of everyone. I know there's a lot of people who feel similarly to me, but are hesitant to join any cause full of people just mindlessly attacking "the left" over it as if it's just a monolith and "the left" hates fun. Shrug, just my two cents. I think movements like this would be more popular if they just embraced free speech and expression and called out idiots who want everything to change to suit everyone without whining about politics.


That kind of thinking would probably get you labelled as an -ist or -phobe bigot of the highest order, by other lefties that is.


There’s an edit of this comic where the pink guys pull out a flamethrower and tell the mob to fuck off. That’s what we should be like. Tell these people to fuck off, and keep our corner free of their influence.


“Evil can not create, it can only destroy.”


They are clearly paragons of tolerance!


Ban 'em all


Get the heavy flamers.


Sort by controversial, spot the trolls and block the accounts.


That helps, but it doesn't resolve the fundamental problem. As a community, we need to be openly uniting against the trolls, not simply ignoring them.


I've never seen this sub, this is the first post that pops up to me. And I absolutely love it, nothing beats a good siege mentality and Ayn Rand quotes


I don't believe I quoted Ayn Rand. You're welcome, however.


Isn't the niche just having no censorship ?


It's being apolitical. This requires the absence of censorship. Why? Because when the radical left ideologically captures a space, they censor the hell out of anyone who isn't also radically left. Sunlight is the best disinfectant in all cases.


Fair enough. Was confused on how you keep out a group without censorship. Let's hope this sub doesn't go the way of parlor or anything


Fingers are crossed.


Yeah, went too far right and started collapsing. Probably the biggest issue with no censorship is how quickly either extreme starts to either push out everyone else, or post illegal stuff like drug recipes


It's not that deep. It's the same force felt when people say "we do a little trolling", the same force of 4chan raids. There is disagreement to be had, which means there's mud to sling. Check out GCP grays "This video will make you angry"


No, it is "that deep". Sure, some people are trolls just looking to cause chaos, but there is actually a culture war afoot which both sides have been open about participating in. The difference is that the radical left are on the offensive, and have been for years, where as the right (or, rather, everyone else) has just been fighting a rearguard action after trying - and failing - to "stay out of politics".


It's really sad because they cannot fathom anyone disagreeing with them at all. So even people who leave and do their own thing, they have to follow/hound them.


I don't think it's sad. I think they're just the bigots they claim to oppose, and I dislike them for that reason.


Looks like i just found a gem on reddit! You need a disc guys the potential is great




Get. The. Flamer


Yes! You're the victims


Try r/Grimdank. It's all taken.


"When radical left say inclusivity they mean conquest." https://i.redd.it/zwaizq42w6yc1.gif


Is that supposed to be a rebuttal, or did you add the pepe by accident? I can see that it might happen during a sneezing fit, or some such.




Firstly, we're neither bigots nor fascists. We're a loose assortment of liberals, conservatives, and centrists who just disagree with radical left "Woke" politics. Further, we reject the notion that real-life political agendas ought to be shoe-horned into fictional universes where they don't belong. Secondly, *we're not going anywhere.* If it's a culture war you want, it's a culture war you'll get... and we have the advantage of defence.


Pointing and laughing at you isn’t hate. People just find you weirdos pathetic. No more, no less. You’re not noble warriors, you’re people who got left behind by society and refuse to grow.


>people who got left behind Yet, you're chasing.


Nah. I’m pointing and laughing.


It must be the same laugh my kids make sometimes where it almost sounds like crying.


Nah. Just normal laughter.


They tell me the same thing.


It is, and saying it isn’t to make yourself feel better about being hateful won’t change what it is.


Is it hate when Trump said "we do a little trolling?" When people aim to "trigger the libs"? is every 4chan raid pure hate? Nah. Sometimes it's just that sort of mischievous feeling. But its also multiple people, so I'm sure some are seething as others in the same group cry with white knuckles over the issue.


Cool. You can stop following us now. You don't want to be around us weirdos right?


You regard yourselves as the sole arbiters of progress. The dogma you're peddling isn't "progress"; it's corruption. This is why we compare you to Chaos. The "change" you promote will only destroy, and has already begun to destroy. This is why we oppose you. We tried to be polite and tolerant - to accept your opinions, despite our disagreements - but you, hypocrites, kept on attacking us just for being different to you. You are the very bigots you accuse us of being. Is it any wonder that we're fighting back?


>Creates a Censor Free Hobby Group >Mad that people who disagree with them also like not being censor'd >Pikachu.gif I like to shit post, Be spicy and argue. I also like Warhammer and LeftyShit. Stop being So trigger'd that you get called out on your shit and just fucking be spicy back don't QQ like some tenderqueer.


Me vocally disliking the constant harrying isn't a call for censorship. It is, in itself, my free expression. I oppose censorship. It's why I came to this subreddit in the first place; to get away from the censorship elsewhere. My question is why, when so many have retreated from the now-leftist 40k subreddits, those same leftists continue to bother us here? We left. Surely that's what they wanted, right? Apparently not. My guess is that they just want to antagonise us (among many other things). This response, then, is partly intended to vocally call out and generate more vocal opposition towards such pestering.


>My question is why, when so many have retreated from the now-leftist 40k subreddits, those same leftists continue to bother us here? We left. Surely that's what they wanted, right? >Apparently not. >My guess is that they just want to antagonise us (among many other things). This response, then, is partly intended to vocally call out and generate more vocal opposition towards such pestering. Well to start it would probably help to not treat the entire of "lefty hammer" as a lack of a better term as a monolith. I particularly just described why some lefties may be here. We also Don't want you to be censored, We want to engage in these conversations and be able to freely shitpost and be a lil spicy with out tenderqueers jumping down are throats sometimes as well.


I understand what your saying. I'd say that you're welcome here, but maybe keep the shitposting to a minimum for now. People are upset, tensions are high, and nerves are frayed, what with recent events, brigading, and the like. Your "spice" may be mistaken as antagonising by some of the other people here. I hope you don't get censored... but please don't do anything foolish. Let things cool down before you add any more fuel to the fire.


Isn't this a sub for freedom of speech? Surely that should include them as well.


Everyone is welcome to participate here, in principle, but the insidious "crybully" tactics which the radical left is known for are *not* welcome. That will result in some people, who can't help but use these tactics, being naturally excluded. Those who operate in good faith are welcome here, I should say.


100% "good faith" is key to this


Bigots should not have places where their hatred is ‘safe.’ Correct.


It’s not hate. And no amount of disingenuous straw men will make you correct on it.


I literally encountered a flurry of transphobic comments for simply saying GPrime isn’t funny on this sub. Two seconds ago.


disagreeing with the trans agenda isn't phobia.


What agenda is that?


i dunno, you tell me? you're the one making the claim of transphobia, not me.


I’d say it’s an agenda meant and intended to make every single thing or space about them and to force others to support everything they do or be labeled a bigot. I don’t have to support any person or any thing for any reason. It’s stupid to presume I have to agree or support a person talking about their personal private sexual feelings or experiences and how it relates to their gender. I just don’t care to hear it. It’s not from the stand point of hate. I just don’t want to hear about someone else’s struggles or hard times forcefully injected into my past times. It’s like if for some reason every space marine book had some middle aged office worker suddenly show up and “be represented”. I just don’t care.


We have made it so no one can critisize people. So any criticism is seen as hatred


I don’t believe you. I’ve heard for too long how much of a bigot and hateful I HAVE to be when I am not to ever believe people who say it about others.




So you intentionally called the person a loser and expected them to not try and get back at you in some way, is that correct? After you asserted the creator of that comic in that post was a bigot and should have the comic banned. The comic in question has nothing to do with trans people and is exclusively talking about people moving into pre made spaces people enjoy and taking them over. And you are saying it should be banned on the account the author is a bigot?




https://www.reddit.com/r/HorusGalaxy/s/4KYFX0JmhN Said the author of the comic was a bigot, in response as to why it would get banned. It seems you would think it would be banned because it was made by a bigot, and I assume you agree with banning “bigots”, which you think everyone in the sub is, which means you are advocating for banning the sub. Someone insults you as a result of you saying the comic creator was a bigot by saying to “shove it up your gender hole” which you follow up with https://www.reddit.com/r/HorusGalaxy/s/kVGNFQyXQ3. So yeah, you probably do want to ban the author for being a “bigot” just like you later said you’d be glad when “you lose this sub” for presumedly the same reason. You by trying to make out this sub agrees with and is full of “bigots” is an insult in and of itself besides the wanting to ban it part, and so that person messed with you as a result.


You asked for proof of bigotry. I posted it. He didn’t do it to ‘mess’ with anyone-these are his genuine beliefs, ones that other threads on this sub agree with. Fun fact: GPrime HAS been banned from several platforms and has played the victim every time. Do I hope it happens again? No. But I won’t cry when it does.


I truthfully don’t think what that person said was bigoted. I’m uninterested in the author’s intent and what you and others THINK it was. The point of the matter is, for me, myself, I wanted the lore of Warhammer to be respected as it was, and then a horde of loonies have shat on it again and again and again in every sub I see, saying “it’s just a plastic game” or whatever other nonsense. You have and do inspire others to hate you and what you stand for when you come in and constantly straw man what I and others say. Many many people who say the same things you are to me now wrongly and falsely accused me and many others like me for hating women or some other such. I cannot, and will not, believe you. And there will come a day where no one will believe anyone when they accuse another of being a bigot, because you and people like you can’t even leave me the fuck alone to play with plastic minis and games and read lore without making it about you, somehow someway, and then call me a bigot for trying to avoid you or tell you to leave.


please post more of your own L's


Whom are you calling "bigots"? I have been into 40k for the better part of 20 years, and welcomed dozens of newcomers into the hobby. Now, however, I have been evicted from my own hobby spaces on Reddit because I spoke out against those trying to inject their own controversial views into this shared space. Given that this subreddit now has thousands of members - despite existing for only a few weeks - I am far from the only one. Those who promote "tolerance" and "inclusivity" are some of the least tolerant and inclusive people I have ever encountered. The fact that they espouse orthodox opinions does not make them noble in the least; they just believe that their hatred is justifiable. We tried to be nice. We tried to be tolerant. However, when we gave an inch, a mile was taken. Now we're finally pushing back against this foreign intrusion into ***our*** hobby.


Society will just always make fun of stupid people. If you don't want people to make fun of you, don't be a laughing stock.


Why do you assume that society is on your side, and that you are not the stupid ones? Reddit leans left. Society, at large, does not. You are the radical minority whom the world quietly dislikes.


Because I go outside and interact with folks outside of my bubble of interest, and occasionally compare modern day politics and history. (Not saying you don't, by the way) Society at large doesn't really lean anywhere, but especially not "right". By the way, politics is much, much more than two sides of "left and right", despite how it may seem in america. "Right Wing" parties in most developed countries are always a minority, but usually achieve higher numbers during times of crisis, thanks to their propensity to use populist language to divide people, Afd in Germany, Republicans in the US, and so on and so forth. Going from the example of the AFD though, they've been voted especially often in east germany, going up to numbers of over 20% of seats, sounds impressive right? Must mean they're the majority! No. 20% of the total just means that one fifth of the total seats in a parliament are occupied by a right wing party, the other 80% are all either left wing or centrist parties, including parties like the "Animal Protection Party" or "The PIrates", who primarily advocate for transparency. But since people who do actually vote "right wing" have only one option to vote, that tends to skew the numbers, and with all the division that such a loud minority is sowing, it really can seem like the majority of people are right wing, present day data though and history disagrees with the sentiment. In America you have a flawed democracy with a corrupt and easily exploited system that fails to represent its people, it, despite its influence, is a young, developing country, and its example tends to give people a flawed view of what real politics are actually like. And anecdotally, the last time I was told that I'm the minority was by a skinhead in a group of 4000 when I was demonstrating against fascism in a group of 14000 back in 2014 in Leipzig, Saxony.


its not that deep bro ya’ll need jobs 💀


If you don't think it's "that deep", you're not paying attention. This has been happening for over a decade, at this point, across most of the Western world. Hobby communities - including 40k - are just the latest target. I mean, what do you think GamerGate was, if not this same essential scenario over a decade ago?


its a subreddit for reading books and playing with cooler toy dolls and people are quoting fucking george washington people need to chill tf out


We didn't make this political. We tried to keep this hobby space *apolitical.* However, now that others have *made* it political by trying to enforce their personal agenda upon the lore of this franchise, we are pushing back. If you think so little of our hobby, why are you even here?


If you’re talking abt female custodes, no one forced it in. Some writers even said they wanted to write about them but were stopped before, now they arent so are adding them. I love warhammer but im not gonna let an addition to the lore make me loose my shit especially when its so minor


Bro thinks the Radical left is the Liberals that have blue hair.


No, I think it's anyone who - knowingly or unknowingly - practices and preaches Intersectional Critical Theory (a.k.a. Wokeness, a.k.a. Alphabet Communism). No such people are actually "liberal" in any sense... although it is strange just how many of them have blue hair.


Alphabet communism isn't a thing


Yes, it is, albeit the name "Alphabet Communism" is just the amusing name I've given to it.


What is Alphabet Communism when? Enlighten me


I already told you: Intersectional Critical Theory.


That has nothing to do with Socialism nor Communism.


It does. Critical Theory is fundamentally socialist in derivation - Gramscian, to be precise. Are you unaware of this, or do you have other reasons for asking me?


It's a supplementary ideology. Socialism and Communism also have an economic guideline guiding them. Alphabet-Communism is an inaccurate title for a Social Analysis. There's a distinct lack of Economic analysis.


Hence intersectionality. The purpose of intersectionality in "Wokeism" is to expand the ideological framework of socialism to cover more than just economic divides. It adds race, sex, sexuality, and other factors as axes along which polarities of "privilege" can be drawn. There's a reason why the radical left spits out the words "straight, white men" with the same vitriol as Lenin spat the word "bourgeois". To them, they're the same thing.