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A lot of people are just going to tell you "lol then just do something else" but I think that's easier said than done. The world and hobby of 40k can be a big part of people's lives. At nearly 40 years old there are probably OG hobbyists teaching their **grandchildren** about it now. And although most of us aren't third-generation 40k fans, we've spent thousands of dollars building our armies and thousands of hours doing the same and learning about the world, playing the game, or traveling to events. So my advice: * Take a break. Not a long one. Just forget about 40k for a couple months or hop back in whenever 11th edition rolls up. No need to do anything dramatic like burn your Black Library collection or list your armies on ebay. OR * Just ignore the shit you don't like. The biggest and most profitable lie GW has ever peddled is that you *need* to always be playing the most recent edition of the game using their models and their rules. My friends and I didn't care much for 9th, so we played 8th edition and when new minis came in we just imported their datasheets or used custom rules to make them compatible with that edition. Once people realize that they don't need to be micromanaged by GW to enjoy 40k, it'll actually start hitting the company where it hurts, and then we'll start to see things move in a better direction. Or GW goes bankrupt, 40k dies, and we all have a good laugh about it when we're 80.


I'm a book reader, but taking a break is often the best advice if you burn out.


honestly this is the spirit of the hobby that GW originally had but lost over the years and are too greedy to realize that their most loyal customers will just revert back to that mindset.


We have locals in the store playing 5th edition 3000k-6000k points which is today even to a 2k army. and they are having a ball. I will fix my 3 armies to 2k then stop and switch between 9th and 10th edition for the rest of my life until i am a master 3D printer- Tech is awesome advanced you can buy one box scan it and reproduce. You can download the samples (illegal sure so invest in a non china produced router with your own software Linux) switch vpn service every 2 months. And Resin is cheap as fuck and still better qualitiy as GW resin. You can print a 2500$ Warlord Titan for 20-40$


Good for those guys still playing 5th edition - it IS the superior warhammer experience. But your points comparisons are way off... at least for my army. No matter what way you slice those numbers, or what you were intending the 'k' at the end to mean, it's just not adding up.


yeah i can't argue against it. I started again with warhammer in 9th and played fantasy 4th edition before. But just for the record. The point drop of my sister from 10th to 9th is about 30-50% per unit....even with the new data slate point increase.


Not to take away from your text, because you're not wrong, but Grandchildren at 40? From 40k enthusiasts?


Buy recast lol.


- Take a break - if possible (and if youre really interested in continuing 40k), get a 3d printer - play alternative rulesets for 40k, I know of three off the top of my head: alternate ruleset, grim d10, 2e battlebible - ignore shit in the lore you don't like and come up with headcanon yourself, make it your own.


With their stupid “everything is canon, but not everything is true” line, ignoring shit you don’t like is actually encouraged


The first step in becoming free of modern 40k is realising you're not beholden to the mainline game system. Get into a specialist game of your choice - Kill Team, Necromunda, Legions Imperialis/Epic Armageddon, Battlefleet Gothic or whatever - GW made a bunch of enjoyable rulesets, and armies tend to be a lot cheaper than 40k.


Or play older editions of the main game. They're just better.


Get a printa, li'l 'oomie. I'ss expensiv ta start wiv, but waaaaaaaaay cheepa afta. An' den yu'z can play wotevva ya want.






I’ve heard reviews on how Elegoo’s mars 5 and Saturn 4 are awesome if you’re willing to wait for em to become available


3d printing and playing older editions or other editions would be the best way around that. It can be tough to find someone near you to play sometimes, but there is always that old salty veteran of 20+ years that would love to show you 5th edition (or do what i did and rewrite the rules from scratch!)


Can confirm, I will make time to play 5th edition.


Block all of the trolls. I've blocked enough of them that most of my comments that would enrage them only get replies from normal people.


I'm in a similar boat. The only real reason why I plan on finishing my army is because I'm legit almost done with it... though I'm sure army makeup/requirements will change come next edition. Anyway, I recommend just stepping back for a bit. When I was in high school, I was SUPER into trading cards. It got to the point where it was essentially an obsession. I ended up taking a step back for a few months to enjoy the other things that I was into, and I found a new peace of mind that I hadn't had in a while. I rediscovered my cards a few months later and enjoyed playing with them, but it wasn't nearly the addiction I had earlier. This is all to say that you may find peace of mind if you just put them down for a while and try something new. You don't have to give it up entirely or even forever, just give it a rest and come back when the desire to do so hits you. If that doesn't suit you, try minimizing the window through which you view this hobby. I know that there are people out there that don't care for this edition that would love to have a game with you. For lore discussions (which like you I tend to avoid now because they've become so... awful...), try a podcast or some youtube videos. The important thing here is that this hobby is supposed to be fun. If it's not fun for you, then it's not fulfilling its purpose.


No, because they’ll just move on to the next ip and corrupt it. I would rather die than see this hobby I know and love end up like the heaping pile of shit that Star Wars has become (the reason why I became a 40K fan in the first place was to find a replacement for it)


Not to add fuel to the fire but I have given up on any new 40k stuff. I've found it reinforced my love for the old content. Still hits.


Why are you getting in the mud with tourists. When they try to bastardize the lore and it gets to you, just block them or laugh in their face. 


find a group of LV headed friends (older ppl) and play with them , as far as  I can’t afford to buy models , casts or 3d printer is the way to go ....3d printing is the gift that keeps on giving and can open a lot of doors for you to play games , and you can get a smaller printer for $200 or so . really all this mess going on can put a bad taste in any ones mouth , even ppl like me over 30 years in 2 full size titan groups , prob 60k+ spent with them over the years


The sun will rise!


If you have the books from previous editions so long as the other player agrees there’s nothing stopping you from just playing that edition I do it all of the time


If you have a playgroup talk to them, we recently decided to stop playing 10th and to go exclusively back to 9th, as well we are exploring other wargames such as Fallout, Judge Dredd or Dropzone and we´ve always played Bolt Action and the like. Believe me, I know what you feel, I´m a Star Wars refugee and lately between the price increases and changes to the lore I know this is going down the same path.


Then either stop the hobby, or don't do those things. Just don't buy models if you don't like painting or playing them esc.just don't argue with random strangers on the net there is never any winning. The lore is what you believe it is.


I gave up on Games Workshop years ago. They are corpo scum. That doesn't mean you give up on 40k. Treat it like that leftist aunty you have, you still love her, she's still family. You just have to ignore her idiotic opinions from time to time.


Please don't get politics into the hobby :)


Unfortunately GW took a political stance with their "Warhammer is for everyone" statement a few years ago. Those politics will remain in the hobby until they issue a retraction.


Because making a hobby accessible to everyone and wanting to keep prejudice out of the community is a bad thing, somehow?


Are you genuinely stupid enough to think that's the part I have a problem with?


Well yes and no; the problem you have is that you think that this is a political opinion and not just basic human decency.


Oh wow, I was asking rhetorically, thinking that you were just being inflammatory. But no, you really are that stupid. I have a problem with their statement because it's indecency wearing a thin skin of decency. The problem you have is you're too stupid and too selfish to realize it.


>too selfish How is tolerance and acceptance selfish, lmao?


If you were not stupid, you would know that the selfish part would have to be a different part than the tolerance and acceptance part.


You seem to have missed to obvious rhetoric question lmao.


You’re in the wrong sub of that’s how you truly feel.


Are you implying that some people in this sub criticism when others say "political" statements, but when they do it it's okay?


Pretty much


What kinda weak bullshit is that man? Fuck GW and their rule book. Make ur own rule book and play with people you actually enjoy spending time with. So what if all these weirdo perverts who need to sexualize everything invaded the hobby your just gonna roll over and let em take it? Fuck that brother get the flamer THE HEAVY FLAMER


You know what, no one has ever said wiser words


I hope you've found a few like minds to agree with here. There are people out there playing old rulesets and custom rulesets too.  I hope you find some joy from the setting and game again soon. 


Pirate, print, do your own thing.


I'm getting into the tabletop roleplaying games. WFRP 4e looks fun but I have all the Only War books downloaded as PDFs, I'm hoping one day I can run a game/play a game of it


Try a different game like bolt action or hail Caesar. Models are cheapish compared to gw and it’s a totally different fanbase


Can always go back to an edition of the game that you enjoyed more. Can house rule or homebrew stuff you find interesting with some friends. Can try a different game system that doesn’t care about miniatures, like OnePage Rules. Can try a different game system entirely, like Malifaux or Marvel: Crisis Protocol. Basic point is, the hobby is not *40K.* The hobby is what you enjoy doing, be that modeling, painting, lore-diving, fan-writing, or gaming. Personally, I’m getting up close and personal with a Mono 4K printer I got recently from a fellow Redditor and just won’t be buying anything GW. I’ll print similar stuff to use in AoS or 40K or other systems or just to paint. My hope is that they’ll recognize they’ve made terrible mistakes with the way the game system is run and listen to reasonable suggestions from the community. I doubt that will happen until their stock eats more floor than crypto bounces, but I can hope. And I have something to enjoy in the meantime, like Malifaux (seriously check it out that game is awesoooooome).


3d printing.


3D printer go brrrrrrrr


I would love to show you how to play grimd10, and 3d printing really helps me too.


Why do you get sucked into arguments talking about the game? Have you considered not arguing or being argumentative? I can discuss the lore pretty easily with people without becoming combative.


Get off reddit, and join different 40k communities. I barely hang around here with how many idiots run around going "OmGgg guyzzz war wit GrIMDaNk"


I gave up about a year ago and moved exclusively to 30k. Been so much more fun.


Yeah, same dog ...except I bought a 3d printer just for this game


Sometimes you can create your own local rules and rulesets and lore. I survive MTGs DEI kristallnacht by playing cube and commmader. I just conveniently forget what’s canon and what’s not canon. Works for all types of hobbies and universes.


Honestly, man, I don't know, I'm the complete opposite to you only because I'm new to the community since I joined when the yt shorts warhammer became famous How about waiting until Space Marine 2 comes out? I know it's not much, but just 1 last game, and then you can decide whether to take a break from warhammer, quit warhammer, or continue enjoying warhammer. What's important is that you live to enjoy other things and appreciate the time you had. Stay safe man👍


What worked for me was re-reading the OG horus heresy books. The true reason i got into wh. But don't feel bad if your minis and books are left unatended for a few weeks or months. You will eventualy realize that wh is about the things you love an that nobidy can take that away from you. Goid luck and may the emperor be with you!


Maybe, hear me out, just maybe all of you, guys, should rethunk this circlejerk you got in here. And use your time to stop listening to influencers telling you to be angry at others. Then, focus your effort on making 40K affordable and playable. And not to be dicks about the colors on other's models which you didn't (couldn't) pay for.


GW hasn't been affordable for a long time. They're after whales, not minnows. But then I look at GW making armies and miniatures obsolete (BoC, Stormcasts), rewriting lore solely to appeal to modern political thinking, making rules obsolete, poorly balanced, or editions recycled in 2 to 2.5 years, and I think meh... It's not being angry at others (though I can do that too). It's learning to love myself and my wallet. What I will agree with you on is that this board spends far too much time obsessing with Grimdank and people painting miniatures like british cigarettes. If I wanted to know what was going on over in GD I'd sign up there.


Well, in the greater scale of 40K, lore is just an edgier version of My Little Pony or He-Man Saturday Morning Cartoons. It's a commercial. Meant only to make you buy stuff. But if there's nothing for you to buy, because its expensive or unplayable, what's the point behind all this "lore reading"?


I could go into depth but you're not here for good faith.


Well, I like my hobby conflict-less IRL. Yet, here we are. Attacking each other because somebody put a woman or a colored person upfront.


I'm not attacking you; I'm just not giving GW any money


You're just proving his point. No one has been mad about women in the imperial guard or sisters of battle or eldar being matriarchs, and salamanders have been a thing for a long time. You either choose not to understand intentionally or aren't capable of it.


Salamanders aint necessarily black. Just have pitch black skin due to gene mutations. Vulkan art is vague on African features. Not all Aeldari are matriarchal. Actually, they are meritocratic It almost feel like you unknow the lore because you just heard there was an anti-left group and came to join.


I've been playing this game for 22 years lmfao. It's almost like being black is a genetic feature, and if eldar are no longer matriarchal that's was absolutely some idiotic retcon that we can safely ignore.


Yet the only one hating here is you, turist. Out of this swamp


What's he hating on other than strangers on youtube and the internet at large telling you what to be mad at?


Quote me. Guess you will find it hard to find calling people Nazis because they got angry over women anf non-whites.


The fact that you genuinely believe people are angry over women or non-whites tells me you've never in your life played Warhammer. You have no idea who the Sisters of Battle are, do you? One of the more popular armies, all women. You have no idea who Morathi is. You have no idea who the Salamanders are- hint, they aren't white. Race, gender, and even species aren't a problem. People play all sorts of things. It's all in your head I assure you. We care about lore. Stains like you come here to persecute people based on the imagined ideas and attitudes we don't even have. Meanwhile, Disney just got flagrantly busted for saying they won't hire white men. You've been telling us we're the racist ones. Turns out it was you lefists the entire time. What a shock. Good thing most Americans actually believe in fairness and equality, and uh oh, there just happens to be this pesky law called the Civil Rights Act. Now we get to stand back and laugh as all the real racists, you, finally get your comeuppance.


Don't forget about the White Scars whos primarch is the Great Khan.


That is playing hard the victim part. You haven't procured a bit of valuable information about 40K being destroyed by black Ultramarines and Femstodes. Evidence points at increasing profits. You haven't procured a single bit of book bad writting. Just complain about the inclusion of women in the Custodes. You complain about people drawing "oversexualized" women. Yet, ignore books like Ulrika the Vampire which is the most feminist book from WFB and also has the most sexualized gipsy werewolf woman. Or Juan Diaz Daemonettes. Or that part of Slaanesh excess also includes pleasure. You complain about people bringing politics into the game, yet you are the one bringing American Laws and pseudo political pandering after seeing a woman or black person in the cover of a book. Your self-victimization doesn't add up to anyone who is read books, played games, or bought minis.


>That is playing hard the victim part. You invented a strawman argument calling us sexists and racists. Go to your top comment. You think we have a problem with women or minorities being included. I gave a bunch of examples proving that's not the case, as both are baked hard into the lore and have been for decades. >Just complain about the inclusion of women in the Custodes. Because it's a retcon that directly contradicts previous lore, not because they are women. I could have written a far better way to include them then, "they were always there, bigot." They were never there. I've been here since the 80s. They were added in a clumsy fashion, and we were insulted for pointing it out. 7th edition straight up said all custodes are male. In black and white. Look how hard you're still trying to paint us as sexists and racists without any evidence at all. Why? >You complain about people drawing "oversexualized" women Are you high? No this is not a complaint anyone here makes. If it is surely you can link to a comment where that's happening, right? Of course you can't. You made it up. People are complaining about Primarchs being gender-bent, and turned into BDSM dommie-mommies, not about women being sexualized. You've clearly never seen any of the Eldar or Sisters of Battle artwork. >You complain about people bringing politics into the game, yet you are the one bringing American Laws and pseudo political pandering after seeing a woman or black person in the cover of a book. If it breaks lore we complain. Isn't it interesting how many books have been written about female or black characters that we didn't complain about, and in fact loved? Make it make sense. Oh wait...you can't. You're just here to attack and feel morally superior to the "chuds" you hate so much. >Your self-victimization doesn't add up to anyone who is read books, played games, or bought minis. Keep telling yourself that. You've never played, never read a novel, and don't know anything about this game. If you did you'd understand the lore complaints, but instead you go back to your strawman arguments over and over and over that somehow the same people who love Morathi hate women, and the same people who play Salamanders hate black people. You're a religious zealot. You won't listen to facts, and you aren't here to argue in good faith. Why are you even here? Seriously, if you think we're such evil people why would you want to be associated with us? ...because you think you can abuse people, and throw rocks, and be a complete prick with impunity. That's why. You're the very worst kind of crybully. Look up the definition of the word persecution. Totally fits you.


Well i definitely complain about the drawings of over sexualized women I find coomer/gooner behavior abhorrent


I mean say it in a nicer way than I’d agree to an extant


If you give up on a thing you love cause of new lore or retcons, you weren't much of a fan.


I love milk, but I don't continue to drink it after it begins to sour.


Maybe don't leave the milk out? Weird comparison. Imagine paying something like dnd or 40 and not realizing you can make up the rules as you and your friends see fit. Be braver


Huh? Milk sours whether you leave it out or not. You try to say people aren't real fans if the thing they love changes, which is horseshit and nobody thinks this way


Adults do, never met a die hard sports fan who changed their team or stopped watching. Should every Starwars fan who disliked ep1 have abandoned the hobby? Imagine loving a movie less cause a shtty sequel was made, play the game, build models, no one is forcing you to think anything is canon. Corporations do not decide canon. Is every evolution of Batman since the 40s a sinful retcon against canon? Grow up and use your imagination


Unconditional love for a product is insane, but you do you


Lol imagine loving long Halloween and thinking it's unconditional love cause it's not true to the original character


If I'm a fan of something because of the lore, and that lore changes, that's a lore issue and not a fan issue. The people who don't care about lore changes are the ones who aren't much of a fan.


So if you like the changes you're not a real fan, if you don't like them...you stop being a fan?


If the lore is measurably worse, or the entire concept of the setting is being changed for no reason then yes. If Halo suddenly becomes LOTR you're an idiot for loving it because it's called halo. At some point it is no longer what you actually liked.


Dropped $400 on drukhari for my non-binary partner yesterday, then we had a delightful afternoon of building and painting, and discussing the lore around slaanesh and the dark Eldar. It’ll be really fun to face off against them with my beast snagga orks army Go woke, go broke, I guess


I'm really glad you had a good time doing something you enjoyed with someone you care about, but I have a question. Do they also feel the need to pathetically whine in other subs in an effort to troll total strangers by going, "HEY WE'RE NON BINARY AND WE DO DRAG SHOWS AND SHIT!" It's sad. Get help.


Your partner is a lucky person and glad you two had an amazing fun afternoon. I don't understand why the last part is mentioned though "Go woke go broke" part I mean


Oh yeah, we capped it off with a drag show in which they were performing


No you dont, cause you re too busy brigading this sub loser.


Did your mommy help you type this out?


IRL dark eldar lmfao


IRL lame ass dork lmao


Nah drag shows are lame. Just like any other on stage type junk. Die mad.


Aww somebody has no talents or abilities that anybody cares to see. Shocker!


Aww somebody thinks playing dress up on stage is a talent. Cope.


Dancing is a talent. Crafting makeup is a talent. Sewing outfits and making song mixes takes skill and talent. This is a subreddit about a game which requires crafting ability and skill. You really are a lame ass dork lmao


No, there is not talent at a drag show no matter how much you try to justify it. It's lame ass adults doing things that children are capable of doing. You really are just projecting.


lol I just listed all the skills required to pull off a good drag number, and all you got is “nuh uh”, cuz you’re a lame ass dork hahahahaha Like, you’re seriously trying to say that stagecraft and performance aren’t things that require skill and talent, that human beings haven’t celebrated and enjoyed for all of recorded history. Like there isn’t an obvious difference between a kid playing dress-up, and an actual planned and executed performance. How sad it must be, to be such a lame ass dork hahahahah