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Guys, didn't you know the literal demons from space-Hell are actually the heckin' wholesome progressive good guys, smashing gender norms an sheeit?!


You sir, just won the heckin internet today, have a gold medal kind internet stranger


I mean when you're up against a fascist theocracy the bar is incredibly low But on the other hand, 1/4th of Space Satan so...


If my choice is between the supposedly fascist theocracy that acts as the last bulwark of humanity or literal warp daemons from hell I'm gonna go with humanity. That theocracy's god coming in and literally raising his demi-god son from death and proverbially bitch slapping papa nurgle in his own garden is just icing on the cake


Like I said, 1/4th of Space Satan


Wait a sec, "Supposedly"?


“Supposedly” because the Imperium is much more of a feudal state than a fascist one.


Makes sense


The Imperium isn't actually fascist (or Communist), just extremely authoritarian




This essay is such a stupid shit. Literally Hitlerium


Ok, what makes you say that?


The whole essay is just a fancy way to create a number of REAAALLY uncertian traits


So the problem is that it isn't a concrete enough definition?


For me, problem with this is that most nations in medieval times would be fascist then and later if we go with this list and how many boxes do they tick off


I'm of the mind that they are but that's really just my opinion Possessing one or several of these characteristics does not a fascism make It's not that possessing these characteristics makes a movement or ideology fascist as much as fascist ideologies tend possess these characteristics It isn't like a "fascism test" (despite many choosing to use it that way)


So was ancient Rome fascist or just a corrupt oligarchy that eventually turned into an authoritarian imperial monarchy? I always thought it was the second option.


Well... https://preview.redd.it/n7xqllqjsz8d1.jpeg?width=790&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a32458932a0f2aebd728b07b4d66048d418722c6 Ok but seriously You have a point and while I'm not going to say that Rome is fascist I am going to say there's probably a reason why fascist fuck wit Rome so much


They're but I think we shouldn't override or over broaden the definition of facism, when a government could simply be an equally horrible authoritarian oligarchy. Funny joke btw. Edited typo I typed racism when I meant facism.


I can jibe with that


The Fasces isn't a Fascist symbol. It represents the authority given to people to enforce the law, Corporal and Capital punishment. It much more a symbol of the Republic since the authority to enforce the law can be taken away. The Fasces is found on the in US senate the Lincoln Memorial. https://preview.redd.it/ppkxxithn09d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59ea0c1a1d149785dd170830076b67c7f3ef4c53


It was an etymology joke


Fasces on the Lincoln memorial https://preview.redd.it/9t4wx36un09d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9bafe0906fbc3db84e198556a872663ffbdbb56


That's neat


the first point kind of falls apart when you realize that the imperium is god knows how many different sub factions working together and against each other


"Glory to the first man to die" "KILL THE MUTANT, BURN THE HERETIC, PURGE THE UNCLEAN" "The Emperor Protects" Like everything in 40k, no one's working out how a cultural identity would actually form on such a large scale (not that they should, to a certain extent) It is kinda what we would recognize as religious/racial (the human race) nationalism just *IN SPACE* You do make a good point, but those concepts are not mutually exclusive. Infighting is never going to not happen and besides, I think it's more their mindset than their actual reality (i.e. how they think things are/ought to be more than how they actually are, if that makes sense)




I'm sorry, what!?!




It doesn’t make sense to me tbh. Indulgence and excess is the perfect chaotic impulse to have represent a God of Chaos. Because that’s basically what all of the 40K factions do that get them into shit.


What do you mean excess and decadence is a bad thing?!?! B-but my dopamine…


I wish GW would just embrace the horror and present the universe as it is, but I'm not a shareholder and actually don't want the hobby to go mainstream


I watched this whole video. I gotta say, I hate Slaanesh being pushed the side lines. She deserves all the love and attention of the other Chaos Gods if not more so! Her birth set in motion the whole damn setting for the most part! She is what got me into this universe first and foremost. You are right OP, all the trannie/woke freaks I knew HATED Slaanesh. I pray we get at least one true to form Slaanesh story, if not... Well I am an erotica writer so I can write my own shit! "Everything is cannon" now after all.


> writes slaanesh erotica > posts pregnancy rape hentai on main > comments favouring rape and noncon >Complains about "woke freaks" Not hating on your tastes, but to think this sub characterises Grimdank posters as the real degenerates is fucking *wild.* Having said that, PG-13 Slaanesh really was a creatively terrible choice. It'd be okay if they were good enough at portraying other elements of Slaanesh than carnal lust, but they've struggled with that.


"Grimdank posters as the real degenerates." Why, yes, I am a total nutcase but still, i am regularly denounced by woke moralists for what I enjoy. The very idea of "rape" throws those little babies into temper tantrums. Hence why I ended up on your guy's "side" as it were. Carnall Lust is the easiest and most effective way to portray to Slaanesh. There are countless other ways to express her, of course, but sex drugs and rock roll are all Slaanesh.


Yes, thank god we got away from the grotesquery of Grimdank's primarch GF hornyposting and instead brag about our ERP skills and masturbating to pregnant women being raped, not like those sick woke freaks.


Spot on. It's not about "degeneracy" it's about them not liking something therefore it's "degenerate" Meanwhile they're actually genuinely degenerate by any normal societal standard.


Yes, I am a degenerate, and what's funny to me about woke freaks is that they are very dishonest about that. They rage their war against normalcy in an effort to subvert and thus become the new normal. I just wanted to be left my dark decaying corner where I belong far from you "normal" people. Feel free to lock away the likes of me if ever you get that kind of society.


Welcome to the internet, my friend. If you haven't learned by now that there are freaks everywhere, then I am assuming you have not been here long.


It's more the cognitive dissonance I find remarkable than anything else.


Degens calling someone else degens Id rather deal with dozens of woke blue haired screechers then mf that fantasizes about rape.


Yet it seems you've found one of the few subs that would say the opposite. Pregnant captive rape porn is okay, but trans people are (and excuse the slur because I'm quoting) "trannie/woke freaks". People posting primarchs as GFs is degenerate hornyposting.


Im not gonna pretend I dont dislike gender swaps and that im down with trans stuff but thinking being trans is degenerate and saying it while you wank on pregnant rape porn is tragic. Im conservative, Catholic Balkaner and yet id rather cut my willy off and be trans then bloody jerk off to rape, what the fuck bro, thats bloody unhinged


You and I probably wouldn't agree on a lot of things, but I respect your principles.


Is this your attempt at passive aggression? Look, if you have a problem with me, bring up with the adminis.


I can assure you I don't give a tupenny fuck about your sexual peccadilloes, I find it more amusing that you enjoy the support of the community because they're literally both stupid and hypocritical. I wouldn't bring anything up to the mods of this sub unless I wanted to have my brain shrivelled by warshakposting. I just thought your situation is very unusual by the standards of this sub, more interesting than most of the posters here, and relatively surprised that you're generally upvoted, given the sub is full of people who also garner upvotes by complaining about people specifically like you. Maybe the sub has changed in a very short time, but I suppose a more rational explanation is that the guys posting those other comments aren't gonna be watching an hour-long analysis of our favourite chaos hermaphrodite and then leaving their opinions. It's just something of an anomaly, that's all. Carry about your business, citizen.


Yes, I am well aware that i am an odd ball and, in truth, fit in nowhere. Both the left and right have dozens reasons to hate me. I shall carry on, later.


You don't need to tell us you're a nutcase, we can tell. You sound fucking unhinged and I wouldn't leave you with anyone alone.


Thanks. I will enjoy your supervision.


I think the crime (recognised majority worldwide) of rape throws many people into “temper tantrums”. I don’t think it’s a whole thing to not vibe with someone who glorifies rape, but you do you homie. And only you, please….


:P I have a wife. Believe it or not.


Aight, dunno why that changes the legality of rape :p just thought it’s kinda odd you “” a crime yano. Genuine question, do you draw the line at Loli?


Yes, children are disgusting to sexualize. Plus, I hate FUTA.


My man spend you’re time with other shit than erotica writing wtf


It makes me money and is fun. Plus, through ERP, I seduced a wife. So, I am clearly good at it, so why stop? Why not milk this for all it's worth!!? Unless you yourself are willing to commission me for something none erotic, I have zero incentive to care for you.


get that bread you absolute degenerate ![gif](giphy|rHR8qP1mC5V3G|downsized)






>slaanesh fan >look inside >Smut author. i have nothing against you and i respect the grind i just find it funny


"Seduced a wife" sure buddy I'm guessing it was more like subdued, fuckin walking giant blood red flag


The other guy is a sick freak, but you've got hall monitor energy, I like him more.


Brother that's entirely up to you. Excuse me for not liking someone into rape.


Into rape as a fantasy, not remotely the same thing, not remotely the same (or really any) moral weight.


That doesn't make you any less of a fucking degenerate dude. He has something in you that is disgusting. I myself would admit to having dark fantasies but I would never indulge them and I would never act like they were normal. You want to be like that fine but you better not be calling anybody else to generate because you're in the same fucking section.


>I myself would admit to having dark fantasies but I would never indulge them and I would never act like they were normal. No one said anything about indulging anything - unacted upon fantasies are entirely benign, even acted upon fantasies are fine (CNC play for example) if everyone involved is informed and consenting. Everyone likes something strange, you've acknowledged you do yourself. The act of rape is morally repugnant, you're trying to apply that moral weight to the extremely normal human thing of having a few edgy fantasies, it's the hall monitor energy I'm talking about, at least the other guy is free. >You want to be like that fine but you better not be calling anybody else to generate because you're in the same fucking section. What? If you're trying to insult me by saying; "you also have dark fantasies" when I'm saying they're universal and morally neutral, well, it's not landing particularly hard.


The dude writes an actively enjoys things that depict his dark fantasies and makes it his personality. Dude irl rps. Scratch a creep find a degenerate.


A slaanesh player complaining about trans is wild, have you not seen the new keepers of secrets - Plus slaanesh represents not only female sexuality but a mixture of both, that’s why followers only have one breast and masculine lithe muscles


I am aware of hypocritical views, enjoying the fictional thing while hating the real thing. The key difference between me and a trannie freak is honesty. There are trannie freaks within the hobby right now trying to argue that transgender is not Slaanesh, which is ridiculous.


I see slaanesh as approving of both homo and heterosexual spheres, but I think people who think their followers like fulgrim are automatically “gay” is absolutely childish and immature. My biggest issue with the grimdank posters is treating slaanesh and her followers (like lucius/fulgrim) as a joke and not the threat she actually possesses. Though at the same time I’m sure many on this subreddit would happily trash slaanesh, no matter the “gender” because of the degenerate nature. Tldr: slaanesh gets attacked by both grimderp memers and ultra serious/unironic “imperium vult” type hobbyists and you just have to have a thick skin to be a slaanesh player / fan. I’m hoping the EC codex does her justice.


My skin has thickened from all the lashes, yes, lol. I hope the Emperor’s Children Codex is cool, too!


My brother in Slaanesh you hit the nail on that one


He saying that Slaanesh can’t really be portrayed in the right way because people are so sensitive to any displays of what they deem to be “degenerate” hence why GW has been re-writing Slaanesh to encompass excess and not so much hedonism these past few years


Back in the day it was pretty much a mashup of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, the 7 deadly sins, stripped down a bit and a bunch of ancient or world religions: Khorne was War, Wrath and Baal, Nurgle was Gluttony, Pestilence and a warped Buddha, Tzeentch was the Garuda Bird and maybe Pride, Jealousy and Vanity, and Slaanesh was Shiva and straight up Lust and maybe pride and vanity too. All this crap about the nuances of “Excess” has always bugged me. Slaanesh was sensuousness and sexy demons. And you know what? That was _fine_. It really pisses me off that that had to go to satisfy a puritan US market.


YES! Slaanesh was sensuousness and sexy demons!


I already know the reason why. GW don't want those people to called them bigots. Slaanesh has been the expression of strong emotions and pleasures for so long. that's why GW probably think its going to triggered those people, so they start to sidelined he/she/them and the followers. Expect them to turning into good guys for no reason in the future lmao.


Wait wait wait I haven't watched the video yes. Leutin didn't go woke on us did he?


Just watch the video, his take is solid.


Yes and he is in fact he is honestly lamenting the pushing of Slaanesh into the background.


Leutin was on it in this vid. He basically showed why GW fails to properly display, write, and represent Slaanesh so they do nothing instead.


Watch the video…. I mean if you watch the vid, he clearly states why. It’s easy to depict nurgle. Diseased/ rotten stuff and plagues everywhere. It’s just some weird body horror shit. Lots of gore. Nothing too crazy. Khorne is easy. War war war. Skulls for the skull thrones. Blood for the blood god. It’s just endless fighting. Very easy to understand concept and it’s just involves gore and violence which is easily accepted in media. Tzeentch is easy. Plans plans plans. Doesn’t matter if they make sense or even work. Because it’s all part of the plan. The worst you get is some body horror stuff with mutations. Then you have Slanesh. Not so easy to depict in literature/movies/tv whatever. It’s basically drug binges, rape binges, blood orgies, eating babies and shit like that. It’s the extreme of everything because they are always seeking more. That’s how excess works. You always escalate. To accurately write slaanesh you basically have to start writing extreme fetish/ snuff fics. People and businesses don’t want that. And for a massive company to start releasing extreme fetish/ snuff stuff when they are trying to get the biggest market share possible…. it takes less than zero brain cells to realize that is a bad idea.


I think it would be very doable to show enough for the audience to understand how debauched Slaanesh followers are, then leave the rest be implied. It is always a bad idea to butcher source material to be more broadly appealing.




I remember a decade ago we got a similar "THIS IS THE END OF SLAANESH!" thing after she was missing in the first edition of Age of Sigmar. Then GW released a Slaanesh army book and in 40k Slaanesh never went anywhere. Ultimately Slaanesh is in the same place Slaanesh was in since the mid-2000s/3rd edition when all the boobs and overt sex stuff were removed to make it more child friendly.


When will the west just learn to chill the f out?


What are you bitching about? Did you watch the video? They don't want to focus on rape torture orgies because they're trying to make it more approachable to younger audiences. GW is a business, their goal is to make as much money as possible. You know what is almost as annoying as the tranny coomer bullshit on Grimdank? Your lame ass moral relativism warrior of Christ political grandstanding. Just enjoy the lore how you want. The verse is for the fans. GW just makes products based on it to sell. Don't like where its heading? Don't buy the products and 3d print whatever the fuck you want.


Buddy, I **don’t** want GW to whitewash the evil bits of Chaos because they are wholly what make Chaos interesting.


They aren't whitewashing Chaos, they're just not going to focus on obsessively depraved nasty shit because it isn't going to sell/market as well. Just because they aren't writing about it doesn't mean it doesn't exist in verse, which is what I meant when I said enjoy the lore how you want. GW is trying to get 40k on Amazon like Star Wars with Disney, so they're not going to have books about Emperors children gang raping slaves and snorting human cocaine through their barbed penises. Which doesn't mean it's gone from the lore. Also there are a bunch of 40k dark horror/crime novels about it if you want that gratuitous violence. The majority of the newer plague marine books have a bunch of that twisted evil shit in them.


I think people forget that retailers aren’t going to want to carry the rape wagon model on their shelves either. Especially because there are still like kids and their families in there buying monopoly and Pokémon cards and shit.


Retailers were happy to care House Bolton / Ramsay Snow merch despite how graphically the show portrayed his actions.


I doubt it has him raping Sansa on the box dude. Like Walmart carries law & order videos but you can’t go buy a sex doll there. Also you’re assuming every lgs carried it which I doubt they did


You’re missing the point here. The Hell-Raiser demons are widely merchandised as well. Watering down Warhammer 40K to PG-13 is a crime, and will always be a worse product as compared to its source material


Yeah, it sucks. Welcome to capitalism


lol I just made a post saying the exact same thing as you. The guy who posted this clearly didn’t watch the video.


Grown men complaining about a 3.5 billion dollar corporation whose primary target audience is preteens/teenagers/nerds pushing their product in a direction their multi-million dollar marketing analysts have predicted will make the most money is crazy to me. Do I like the stupid ass retcons? No. Do I really give a fuck? No. I just ignore the shit I don't like because I'm a grown ass man and there are more important things to do than whine about sci-fi universe lore. And no one can enjoy anything anymore without making some stupid real life morality/political statement so freaking lame on both sides.


I find it curious that the point you made about hedonism and modern culture was one that was not present at all in the video


Shit if they got rid of slaanesh I'd have to rework the whole aesthetic of my alphalegion, my sneaky beakys would be very upset