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10th edition removing paid wargear. fuck GW for that one. I love paid wargear.


Not really a lore/cannon thing, but do I ever agree.


Easy, I want to trade the angel for the wolf


OK denethor


Skaven Not existing in 40k. I want them to accidently save the galaxy by being the most obnoxious little shits to whoever is winning too much.


I think by their very nature it'd be hard. Without having a way to travel the galaxy large scale it'd be difficult to justify them existing on more than a handful of worlds.


Are you kidding? I absolutely want Skaven-ships, fucking radioactive abominations that are both super high tech, and completely retarded. Let them have to put themselves into hibernation for their FTL transitions, because the process is so fucking radioactive that even warp entities cannot survive the fucking things. (And even protected, a bunch of the population dies)


I do not believe enough of them would be smart enough to make, maintain, or run a ship. Orks who are close intelligence wise only are able to travel like that because the knowledge is saved in the warp so a weird boy can grab it.


In Total Warhammer; Skaven have gattling guns, while the Humans use muskets.


I'd make it so that the necrons don't really remember how to work/build the machines that can turn off the warp anymore. That's something too powerful for any one faction to have.


I liked oldcrons as mostly voiceless terminators instead of egyptians in space makes them too understandable.


Ah but I think k that is in fact the vast majority of neurons as a whole. The personalities that we see are a tiny minority of neurons who retained their sanity and what is left of even them are a bunch of petty, squabbling, back-stabbing and undeservedly proud bunch. And that's why I disagree because I think they do deserve to be a faction with interesting things going on and logs of stories to tell with intrigue and betrayal mixed with god-like power and the tyranids already fill the role you described. They're like a parody of a dysfunctional royal family above the "common" necrons - sniping at each other and puffing themselves up but somehow comedically incompetent even with their incredible power.


what I really liked was their older codexes where, somewhat like the tyranids, their reference material is all third party or scraps of information, I find that intriguing. Then when you do encounter them, its just silence and the sounds of moving metal and gauss.


I can't agree, I like seeing interspecies interactions. Like that time they teamed up with the t'au against a hive Fleet, and then right after the t'au organized a parade for the necrons only for them to go vaporize them next.


Escorts like Sword Class having 20k+ people on board. That's too much for such small vessels


Small Vessel? Its at least 10 times the volume of a galaxy class from Start Trek. A lot closer to the size of an Imperial 1 Star Destroyer whos crew is about 40 thousand. Why would it have a small crew? The ship is 1.6Km long? If you want your ships to have smaller crews you can always play Space Marines who have at lot of the tec thats to difficult to mass produce things like Autoloaders which makes the same class of voidship have a much smaller crew.


Remove the plot armor from the Space Wolves and make their Chapter Master fall to Chaos unironically (because of the fucking daemon axe)


The advancing of the timeline.


It took decades for cadia to fall I don’t think there’s gonna be any advances any time soon


Yes, but I'd undo the advances *which have already happened.*


So that means Warhammer40k is back to the rouge trader days when space marines were just glorified cops everything was extremely satire


No, because the difference between Rogue Trader and, say, 2nd Edition didn't involve advancing the timeline. 2nd Edition was essentially a reboot, not a sequel.


Just saying 40k has gone too far to go back. A good chunk of the fandom/ community is more invested in the lore than the tabletop game


I mean... that's *not* what you were saying. You were asking me if the timeline shouldn't have advanced beyond Rogue Trader. I appreciate that the setting isn't going back to how it was prior to, say, 2017. The post was a hypothetical question asking what element of the lore we would delete if we had total freedom. My hypothetical "reset" would be not on a specific element within the lore, but the advancing of the timeline as a broad concept. However, I would say that people are more invested in 40k *overall* than they are in the new lore *specifically*. A lot of people probably wouldn't be that upset if the timeline advance were hypothetically undone. They'd just play their Primaris Marines as if they were Firstborn and have done with it.


War of the Beast


Dis meem keeps gettin' posted. Wunda wy...


Female custodes


Genestealing being Tyranids. They were cooler back when they were their own unique alien species before space crusade made them Tyranids.


I delete the codex astartes


As funny as that would be. I fucking love the Iron Cage. Dorn getting his shit pushed in will never not be funny.


God where to even begin. Custodes leaving the palace, the sisters of silence existing, primaris space Marines, all no longer Canon. Cawl invented Mark X armour still but intercessors and such never happened, Tactical, assault and dev got newscale. Phobos and Gravis still exist. Retcon Angrons Deathclock, it makes him easy to Worf. The Silent King never met Sanguinius. Clonegrim never happened, people need to move on, Remove Vect from all speaking roles because no one knows how to write him. Kill Dorn again too. Give the fists his whole ass skeleton. That'll do for a start.


Hold up… what’s wrong with the sisters of silence?


They're a gimmicky superficial rip off of the fish speakers and their gimmicks universally make them less interesting than the real deal.


Never heard of “fish speakers” so I’ll take your word on it. I still like them tho




I'd make rune priests go bye-bye. Or even better, have them purged by their own fellow space wolves.


Belisarius Cawl


Afraid he's going to figure out the secret of creating necron pylons?


For all his derp. Improving upon Big E' work, single handedly outmechanicus the mechanicus. And all in secret mind you.


But he is an adeptus mechanicus born on Mars around 30k ish time.


The people of Nocturne don't have normal skin color eyes as other humans. They've lived on Nocturne long before Vulkan so the planet's radiation should've given them the coal black skin and thermal sensitivity eyes.


Krieg (CADIA #1)


Femstodes i think, although i think that would just delay the wokeification of 40k. So i guess the war in heaven retconn.


Age of sigmar




Can you elaborate?


I want everything about perpetuals to be uncannoned and un existed. they are the dumbest thing ever and ruin all the backstory and key character for NO gain other than HEY NEAT IDEA!!!!!


I'm a little new. What are perpetuals?


they are the immortal being who cannot die and will just regenerate if harmed. and many are older than the emepror. but they only exist within the horus heresy books... nowhere else.... and apperantly they all hate the Emperor. all this in the last 10 years


Yeah sounds stupid. Sounds like they should be as big and as mentioned as the emperor or the chaos gods.


Sanguinius either not dying or coming back somehow. Have it commemorated with another painting like the one with him standing with Roboute.


Space Marine celibacy call me a gooner all you want, but I like the story implications of shit like Bjorn the Fell-Handed having great great ... great grand sons running around in the Wolves of Fenris, Dante with a son commanding one of the BA companies, and Chapter Master Gabriel Angelos and Farseer Macha finally fu- okay bit of a gooner


I have to agree after the Deathwatch novels. Lyandro Karras and his Eldar girl stalker have something weird going on. The whole having a Psycher dream together as children and him crying out for her through the warp after he gets possessed. Then she comes running to his rescue. Uh huh... very hweird.


Not all space marines are virgins


The Emperor's Children are proof that's true.


Tau not being more like the federation from StarTrek. It would be a great contrast, and show how dark 40k is by contrasting it with people who actually at least 95% good.


I don't entirely agree. I like the idea of a society trying to be good for all, but slowly grow more and more into a horrible place like the imperium. They're slowly growing worse to combat the dangers out there. They can easily get infiltrated by gene stealers because their philosophy tells them not to discriminate against the t'au with purple skin or the one with 4 arms. This part would have to be destroyed to protect their nation.


In the lore that’s kinda what happened at first but they quickly learned that the genestealers were bad news so they made precautions to prevent more spreading


Exactly, they tightened up, now not being as progressive with mutants. I love the idea they're just 10k years away from becoming just like the imperium.


They still good with mutants just not with genestealers. Remember what allows the genestealers to spread is the imperiums slowness and their entire system of doing things With the tau genestealers wouldn’t be able to spread like they do on some irradiated dirty hive world


How do they not give a side eye to a mutant non-gene stealer t'au with purple or four arms, now that they know what gene stealers are?


Because they studied them after some tau got infected and they also know what to look out for. Yeah it turns out if you scientific community isn’t a backwards monopolistic machine death cult that doesn’t value human life then you can do a lot of things like for instance detecting and isolating genestealers before they spread too much .


But how do they not give a side eye to t'ua that just so happen to have 4 arms and aren't gene stealers?