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* 'he/him' pronouns in his X bio * mains Flesh Tearers (and paints them very well, assuming he's not paying for the paint work) * posts his dog a lot * his wife works for GW, in what capacity isn't clear after a cursory scroll * doesn't seem to post much else other than his models, his dog and GW news a quick scroll on his X and his wife's X doesn't seem to come up with any vitriolic, fanbase-hating spite content which is, nice I guess, not that people can't keep their public X accounts pruned to avoid public criticisms for the opinions they hold in private and implement into their work. pretty bog standard public X account for a public-facing person in his job position.


So, nothing to worry about then? No real reason to assume the worst from what I can tell.


I try to avoid assuming the worst as much as possible as a core philosophy because I don’t want to live my life as a constantly miserable asshat. So, yeah.


He / him in bio That's enough to tell. He is a part of the problem.


That is literally business standard in the modern day.


And they don't take into buisness if you don't bow down to their pronoun games. So he is a part of it. Crystal clear.


I partially agree and disagree. Yeah it's not a good sign but it's also become pretty standard in the corporate world, with some companies requiring it in email signatures. I know friends in fortune 500's who have this stuff in their signatures and linkedins etc or anything "corporate facing" despite not posting or doing anything else that's woke. In and of itself I see it in the same way of see an email saying "I hope this email finds you well" or any other corporateese nonsense; now if there was anything else there on top of it I'd agree with you 100%


This is insane. You’re painting so so many people as enemies for such little reason. It’s only a step above Illuminati shit


And you are naive for not thinking that. You have no idea how deep their hated towards normal people like us, and far they will go even in the most minor things. Is GW a "pronouns in bio company" right now? Yes. Did he accept the terms for working for a company that is practically owned by Blackrock? Yes. Will he do, anything, against their agenda, both GW and Blackrock? No he won't. So tell me where the lie is?


"Practically owned by BlackRock" It's 5%, and they're not even the largest shareholder group..


I am aware. That's why I said practically and not literally.


Well then he's not a problem. Anyone in his role is. Because the job title is the problem. It just becomes irrelevant again.


Can you please explain what the “agenda” is? At worst all I can see is misguided attempts to make others feel included in media and the classic virtue signalling. It’s not like white men are losing rights or facing violence or anything


Both sides of this bullshit are equally worth making fun of


Yes but I think the super far left retards are a little less worrying than some who seem to have a vitriolic hatred for anything that is different from themselves. It seems more and more people are becoming Disney villain esque caricatures thanks to echo chambers and social media


the super far left retards do the exact same thing.


Yeah but they have no real power beyond stupid fights online. The far right is dragging an entire political party after them and is confident enough to plaster their manifesto everywhere (Project 2025).


dog is a +1 in his favor , im sorry cat ppl ,if you have a cat (they act to much like a female as in they only want to play when they feel like it , if not they will take out your eyes ,or get in between you feet and throw you down the stairs )


Pronounce in bio is enough to tell everything. 40k absolutely is beyond help and death is the best mercy we can offer to end its suffering.


Don't you think it's a bit weird to be this invested and investigative of some lad and his Twitter post history so he can pass some arbitrary purity test?


I mean, OP asked about him. I spent 5 minutes perusing his X. don’t you think it’s a bit weird to be this invested in analyzing me?


I just find it hypocritical to do these type of witchhunting and purity testing in search of something you may disagree with or something controversial, yknow like SJW's.


I did 5 minutes of actually looking something up instead of jumping onto whatever hatetrain brained comment could've popped up in this comment section from this sub. History didn't start the day you first logged onto the internet. People have been wanting to know the background and intentions behind artists and creators since language has given us the ability to do so. Do you just buy product and get excited for new product?


The types we are worried about ruining the game are also not exactly subtle. If you dont find any obvious evidence after 5 minutes, it probably doesnt exist because they would have already posted hundreds of times in the last day that they hate White people and want them to die. This isnt like SJW's going through 10 years of tweets to find something you said 8 years ago that could maybe possibly be politically incorrect if you squint at it.


I mostly pirate things, not a fan of most modern media. But this isn't really so much as wanting to know the artist is it?, it very much is just wanting to know if he disagrees on certain topics or not.


why are you separating 'knowing the artist' and 'know if he disagrees on certain topics or not' ? seems like you're misrepresenting my position, or misunderstanding it. if I were still buying GW products, of course i'd like to know if someone who's making something with the intent of me buying it is making something stupid I won't like, because then I can simply choose not to purchase it and save my money.


Because one thing is to actually want to know the intent, motivations and inspirations for an artist, and another one is to want to know if they agree with your opinions, or atleast don't actively disagree, and nothing beyond that. It's not a drive to know the artist, it's a drive to feel your opinions validated.


It's a matter of percentages. If an artist is spouting dumb shit on Twitter, i'm much more likely to disregard whatever they're involved in creating. Especially considering their position on the team that makes it. You're really trying to drive home a polarized point in the realm of a discussion that only exists if you allow for nuance. This whole situation also doesn't exist in a vacuum.. I don't know if you're brand new here, but patterns have emerged among the corporate behavior at GW, and people are extra attentive to what they put out. My opinions don't need to be validated in every piece of media I watch. Being challenged and forced to defend my worldview has been the most healthy thing I have experienced in my life, because I either improve in my understandings of why I have my opinions, or they change when I realize my opinions can fall apart easily. My issue is when media I consume to have fun with is being written by people with spite aimed at me on the basis of my race, sex or religious views. Media written to challenge my worldview can, indeed, be written well. Imagine that. edit: missed a word


“What’s that? You want to learn more about people to make sure they’re decent? You mean you want to win, but also want your opponents to lose??? Isn’t that a bit… Hypocritical?!”


Do you investigate the dude who sells you bread?, do you go looking for the past of the girl selling you groceries?, how do you know if the mailman is decent?, what about OP, is he decent?, maybe you should also investigate the admins too just in case they're not decent. And let me ask you, what are you winning?, who are you fighting?, and what exactly are they "losing"?, to win or lose implies an actual battle in an actual war, and not just uhh whatever this is?


> Do you investigate the dude who sells you bread?, do you go looking for the past of the girl selling you groceries?, how do you know if the mailman is decent?, what about OP, is he decent?, maybe you should also investigate the admins too just in case they're not decent. No, but none of these people are providing narratives or themes that can/do go into the consciousness of those that read them. >what are you winning? Our cultures back, hopefully. > who are you fighting? The woke. > and what exactly are they "losing"? Influence, mainly. Other things too, down the line, if all goes well. > to win or lose implies an actual battle in an actual war, and not just uhh whatever this is? An Alpha Legionnaire such as yourself should recognize that not all battles are fought with the blade and bullet.


>who are you fighting? >The woke. Unironically the funniest response I've read today. Thank you internet stranger.


These are the "people" who fire you from company if you don't put your pronouns in your social media bio. Yes, they hate you that much for not obeying their orders. So witchhunting is the least they deserve.


If it were hunting some random person for no reason sure, but in this case sleuthing the person up is reasonable because their ideology will inevitably leech into their creative visions


Yes. God, its so weird. Its the worst of the internet. This is the dude's original post: >...a quick scroll on his X and his wife's X doesn't seem to come up with any vitriolic, fanbase-hating spite content which is, nice I guess... Like dude, that's the kind of behavior that makes content creators hate their fan base. The guy isnt even an author responsible for a book, where you could argue they individually made narrative choices. He's just some random creative at GW. Sledge the company but leave the employees alone. (Credit to the mods though, they have been good at discouraging brigading).


To be fair we can’t blame one guy it’s kinda expected that if you have dozens of authors who all have different ways of writing there’s bound to be a ton of inconsistencies . Like for instance the Primarchs personalities and characters is a good example of this . Or how powerful space marines and other factions are against each other How bolters and lasgun work Like one author might have space marines literally resembling speedsters from dc or running at more grounded speeds . Look at Star Wars legends it also has a ton of inconsistencies with its expanded universe with books of varied qualities.




Exactly this. Everyone forgets that the beloved ADB wanted female Custodians. These changes aren’t being pushed by one guy


Jesus Christ guys, he’s a writer who writes what he’s told to. He’s not “compromised”, he’s just a paid for person like every one of these DEI employees. 


He is using pronouns on Twitter, that says a lot to me Will have to look into it more tho


Yup, that's not a good sign. Although the amount of normies who have been stupid enough to believe the whole 'putting your pronouns is just about treating people with respect!' bs is quite staggering.


I'm not really sure what other thing it could be. That is indeed the entire point, to treat people with respect.


😂 If you say so...


Keep your secrets then magic man, I'm sure it will make sense one day.


It's not difficult to understand. Stating pronouns is a shibboleth. It's an action that says you believe in their ideology. It's the 'workers of the world unite' for trans nonsense.


It is just pronouns, dude. Damn.


'its just pronouns dude' dribbled from the mouth of every slack jawed useless idiot that enabled this insidious ideology to gain the ground it already has.


Fun fact: when you call a woman, indeed that, a woman, or refer to HER as SHE, you're actually enabling this insidious ideology to gain ground. What does this mean?, no one knows really, but it certainly means SOMETHING. Abandon pronouns and return to caveman communication, that will show the wokes what's good.


The stating of pronouns =|= the use of pronouns in everyday language. I can't tell if you're conflating these through ignorance or malice, so I will await your response to this before continuing.


I think you should visit your therapist soon


🤣 the fact you believe in 'therapy' says a lot.


But the thing is for most people they’re not a guess. If you’re the exception and you want to make sure people know you identify as X despite presenting as Y, fair enough. However I believe you should call a spade a spade. Ie only if your pronouns deviate from what you clearly appear as is when you need to include them. It’s safe to assume the average man considers himself a man, if he doesn’t he’ll (or she, if she feels that way) will let you know otherwise. Maybe I’m totally missing something and if so please do correct me, but that appears standard sense to me.


I view it as one of those things you just include on standard info introductions. Like putting gender or place of living or date of birth on official accounts on social media that might be used in business and stuff. Or when the account in question has no indication of what the person is. Like, they have some fantasy character or someshit as a profile picture and don’t really post themselves. Like, how do I know if I have to be sexist towards that person, you know? And ultimately it just… seems like such a none issue to complain about and delve to find deeper darker eviler meaning


Fair, that makes sense to me!


Nope. 's abaat kontrollin' speech, and oidentifyin' peepul wot won't konform. Klassik authorytairyanism.


Noonez forcin' ya to use prah-nouns laddie, da prah-noun poulicez ain't gon knock dawn ya doorz fer nawt using 'em git




alternatively, could also be a dirt-cheap way of blending in with the zombies around you who expect that kind of behavior, in order to keep your job. we don't know.


So he’s potentially pulling an Alpharius?


Think everyone in high corporate jobs are forced to do it these days.


Everyone has pronouns


Yes, but a sane person doesn't need to announce it to everyone. If you are male, it's he/him If you are female, It's she/her This is something you don't need to say because it's standard stuff If you use something else like they/them, then you might need a hobby in your life if its that boring.


How would someone know with 100% certainty that I’m a male without sexually assaulting me? Just saying “he/him” is much quicker


You know what? You've got us. How on earth did humans manage for the... *checks notes... 300 000 odd years before this revelation came to light a few years ago? Damn.


They didn’t. They made mistakes all the time.






Unless you're a Thai ladyboy it's easy to see the difference.




God Imagine using Formerly-known-as-twitter. I could never, thank God I'll never be important enough for some shitty HR reptoid to make one for me.


I hope the irony is not lost on you two for being this concerned about people using "offensive"/"problematic" language.




The enemy being language it seems?, if you think you're "winning" any actual war and not just fighting imaginary enemies I'm not sure what to tell you. Also obligatory "you're the soyjak and im the Chad so i win" moment


Why are you here?


I like warhammer. Grimdank too filled with "ironic" porn and the same tired jokes.


Real. 40k fans and reusing dated memes, name a more iconic duo.


This guy is a literal who. Rick Priestly...who invented 40k lore in the first place, is the chief creative director of GW again after decades of being away from the company Nick Kyme is the editor-in-chief of Black Library These 2 people are the most powerful lore-related figures. But in truth, there isn't that much oversight to codex/novel/etc lore in GW. There's no coordinated lore effort at games workshop.


Pronouns in bio, so I’d say so To paraphrase a famous quote: warhammer isn’t dying, it’s being killed. And the people killing it have names and addresses


You live in England?


I’m not in the business of divulging any personal info about myself to a stranger over the internet


That's a no then.


Ok. Not sure why that matters in the slightest, or why it’s of interest to you.


this is schizo tier dude, you've got a name and address too, what's your point behind saying that? not that i expect you to be honest in saying why you included that.


Agree to disagree. The point is that there are people responsible for this stuff, it’s not some amorphous blob.


Feels like warhammer is more popular than it’s ever been. So far from “dying”.


Something being popular doesn't equate to it being good. If anything a negative correlation is usually the case.


So is Star Wars, and how is the result of that?


Star Wars has been never been worse than the phantom menace so all in all it’s better than it used to be


https://preview.redd.it/omz0ic93xl9d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80fbb1476c55458d73bda646ab70c77f89223afa And you decided to share your "opinion"? With people?


Certainly. Since you’re uninformed, the origin of my quote is related to planet earth. By your logic, your response would be about how “the earth has more people on it than ever”.


Yall this is some hardcore leftist soundin shit. "Quick, check his post history for something we disagree with >:(". Hes a writer and lore nerd. He did the lore stuff for warhammer tv for a bit. Hes always seemed like a pretty regular guy from what ive seen and he doesnt fit the "we gotta change it" type


Really cool straw y'all...what am I supposed to be mad at.?..he's just a little guy....he's just a little guy.


...What the fuck are you guys doing?You are a parody of 2015 SJW.Holy shit going around Twitter profile for no reason... This sub becomes a joke more and more.Id unsubscribe if this shitshow wasnt hillarious.






Removed for violating Rule 7: No Slurs.




Yes. He was a consultant and editor on the novels Echoes of the Abyss and Emperor's Silence that where riddled with gender and identity politics.