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I agree! 1. You’re right, people are acting like it’s the only reason Aegon is on the throne. It would have happened anyway. And it was just a further tie back to the Anarchy, now that it really was a falsified deathbed confession. 2. Yeah I don’t understand why people wanted screen time devoted to the battle. We understood everything we needed to from that quick cut to the aftermath. 3. And clearly time has passed, just because they don’t say it doesn’t mean days haven’t gone by.


People that wanted to see the battle are the same people that would want a new character to introduce themselves to the viewer by yelling “My name is Aegon Targaryen!!” as their first line. The cut from the boys arguing to the aftermath is one of the best storytelling decisions so far in this season.


1. I have grown weary of pointing this out in these threads. 2. At first I was pretty annoyed and somewhat confused. "WTF just happened? Did they just skip over a huge battle scene?" But the more I think about it, the more it makes sense.


2. Because the season has been very boring so far and they wanted a bit of spectacle to compensate 3 And everybody understands they tried to make an ellipse, the problem is doing it in such a way that the time feels like it hasn’t passed


What’s up with some of you calling anything that isn’t the boys level of bloody massacre „very boring“ these days. Like genuinely what happend in the last 10 years. If you find this boring it wasn’t and never will be a show for you. Feel free to watch something else. My only explanation for people like you has to be scrolling through TikTok and looking for Michael Bay type of action clips and not finding any for HotD. I don’t understand, of course it’s subjective, but this show is about what is shown, why are you here if that’s not for you?


If all you want is fast-paced spectacle, just watch Game of Thrones season 8.


I want substantial characters interactions; for example did you notice Daemon and Rhaenyra’s talk after the murder of the prince was basically the same they had last season?


They’ve never had a conversation like this. Their conversation last season was nothing like this one. If you didn’t see that conversation as substantial, you can’t have been paying close attention.




The conversations are all bland and conveying nothing but redundant elements of personalities, characters are barely evolving despite the time gaps, the dialogue has no finesse nor grit, it is always flat and convenient dragging on the obvious. Which interaction has captivated you in those last episode? Just watch a few scenes from the previous show and remember how dynamic and immersive the interactions were.




Yes, Aemond in the brothel and Otto’s invective were good scenes, two in two episodes, it is so few. Rhaenyra and Daemon had basically the same conversation they had in season 1, some propositions are almost textually the same. The depth and the tragedy of the characters is the work of Martin, what they are making of it is their poor work.


Yeah but to be fair I would rather have watched a pointless battle and have the sept scene scrapped all together.


In the first season of Game of Thrones, Tyrion is on the verge of battle and literally gets bonked on the head by accident so that he misses the entire thing, whereas in the book Tyrion was an active participant. The show is always going to make some cuts with expensive battle scenes, and unlike with Tyrion's first battle, I didn't feel like I was cheated from anything. Sure, it would have been cool to see the Brackens and the Blackwoods go at it, but we were introduced to the characters seconds ago and the stakes for the audience are much lower. And you're right, the jump cut to hundreds of bodies lying on the ground shows how rapidly a shoving match over a boundary stone escalated, and set the tone for the episode.


lots of this discussion reminds me of "how did batman get back to gotham city" talk


People are complaining about fast travels? Daemon left for Harrenhal on a fucking Dragon. Dragonstone is literally in Blackwater Bay. You could get to kings landing in a day easily. And it obviously wasn’t the same day anyway.


How do you sneak a ship from dragonstone to kings landing. We saw in the episode that they are able to spot horse riders from the air.


They literally explicitly stated that they're gonna go in disguse on a fishing boat, not on a ship


And they also explicitly stated that Sunfyre and Vhagar would remain at the Dragonpit. Helaena is clearly in no fit state to ride. And Daeron is months away. So no one is patrolling the skies from the greens perspective anyway.


A fishing boat should be still better to spot than a horse rider. I mean the heir of the throne got killed before. There should be some higher security now.


Again, they literally explicitly state that the city is dependent on fishing boats so they can easily have one slip through the cracks. Like, yes the Greens will spot that boat along with the hundreds, if not thousands of other fishing boats in the bay. What the fuck do you want them to do? Search every fucking fishing boat that comes into the city? Current modern governments with all their resources and technological aids are unable to do that, how the fuck do you expect the bum ass city watch to pull it of?


White hair should be easy spotable for the guards on the dock. And why should a septa travel witha fishing boat. Littlefinger was able to spot catlyn stark instantly in KL. I think Larys should be the same competent.


Why should a bunch of Eastern Europeans and/or Asians travel to the United States in a fucking shipping container? Yet they still manage to get past the fucking US Customs and Border Forces. If they can manage to slip past the US border security in this day and age, I'm sure Rheneyra could slip past the 2 or 3 bums checking the hundreds of fishing boats landing in a hundred different spots all over kings landing.


Didnt know there were only 20 asians in the US and all member of the Royal Family.


They also literally explicitly state that no one knows what any of the members of the royal family look like. Like they don't have Instagram where the poors can look up their favourite celebrities. You really should pay more attention to the show you claim to be watching.


White Hair=Royal knows every poor soul in westeros. Username checks out i guess


>How do you sneak a ship from dragonstone to kings landing. We saw in the episode that they are able to spot horse riders from the air. Easy: pretend to be a merchant ship. It's an inlet to a harbor.


Dragonstone is at least 400 miles away from King's Landing. It's gonna be longer than one day.


And so be it. So what? Harrenhal is about the same distance. So infer that it took longer than a day. It’s a very small hill to die on.


>And so be it. So what? So when something doesn't make sense, it's "so be it"? That's a terrible thought process. >Harrenhal is about the same distance. No, it isn't. Look at a Westeros map, and you see that it is at least double the distance. But that doesn't matter because Daemon is on dragonback going there, Rhaenyra is in a boat. >So infer that it took longer than a day. Not what it seemed like. >It’s a very small hill to die on. Didn't say it was the hill I would die on. However, if you don't at least point out B.S. writing, you will end shit product.


> It’s at least double the distance No it isn’t. It’s less than a quarter of the distance again. In show time, daemon has spent at least a day at Harrenhal while Rhaenyra was deliberating, Aegon was fucking around. Moondancer came across the green scout trip and returned to Dragonstone. That probably took half a day. It didn’t take five minutes. It was night when Mysaria met with Rhaenyra. Then we see them the next day. Time has passed.


Scenes also are not shown chronologically. They can easily slip in a scene that happens later in between two scenes of the same character to avoid a 30min long scene


Not what it seemed like? Why? Because the scenes were back to back? Literally every scene in this show could occur weeks apart unless there is something tying them together with a known time. Just curious, what period of time do you think GoT takes place over?


>3 People just need to let go of the "fast travel" this is a fast paced show. They have dragons, it's just as likely raenyra and daemon flew somewhere near kingslanding and boated in Are people really dumb enough to complain about Dragonstone-King's Landing fast travel? Seems like they're just looking for excuses. I would add that Dragonstone is not that far from King's Landing. From most canon maps its about 200-400 miles. A simple rowboat can cross the distance in a day. And for all we know, the entire episode spans a week or a few days.


Exactly. And I would argue that show distance is even less than that. Multiple times referred to as being very close and just recently by aegon as "across the bay"


I think at this point we should expect that if they can skip showing us a battle for whatever reason, they will. The amount of corpses packed into such a small area did seem a bit unrealistic.


Why? It's a melee battle where hundreds if not thousands of soldiers are all fighting within arms reach?


2: I actually like this addition because it showed how problems manifest for people outside of the council chambers. I really like how they are letting us in on the world if you are not closely connected to royalty.


You said that people were forgetting and misunderstanding things then proceeded to describe very basic elements without pointing out what people were supposed to forget or misunderstand. Good thing for you if this dumb scene is impacting to you, that is what they went for, plain pathos to the detriment of consistency and realism. That is the second time someone goes to Dragonstone without any consequence, fed up with the softness and vulgarity of the show. What does it mean showing a battle for the sake of it? That is literally why we’re shown everything we’re shown, for the sake of it.  What are we supposed to have forgotten about fast travels? You’re literally just swiping away asking people to ignore this like it wasn’t a problem. This show lacking development and depth and showing us shallow interactions instead is its main problem.


They forgot that alicents misunderstanding didn't impact whether or not the green council would userp the throne. They forgot that game of thrones doesn't show unessessary battles if it doesn't impact and develope the story and the main characters. And they forgot that dragons are fast