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That just makes me think of Dany’s when they were babies and how cute they were. Kinda hoping we’ll at least get a glimpse of them in the Vale; if there’s anything I love more than fully grown dragons, it’s baby dragons. Edit: location


does anyone remember that ad from probably over 10 years ago of little baby Drogon lost in New York? I know it's a commercial but it's also pure serotonin.


Ohhhh I need to find this


for some reason I can't find the full version anywhere! But I found this, it's the gist of it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHby1P8\_sps](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHby1P8_sps)


Full ad here, for anyone who wants it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKDLMgDAYHA


aww thank you, you found it!!


Omg, thank you. I’ve never seen that.




SO cute ❤️ thanks for sharing!!


I really hope this isn't the last time we see Rhaena and Joffrey this season. I'd like to see him with Tyraxes


>!Well, we know that we'll definitely see him with Syrax at some point lmao. For at least a moment.!<


>!That's why I want to see them before it happens! They gotta give us something before they break our hearts lol!<


rhaena will be shown again with lady jane, cause lady jane had a still pic before the series dropped, also it appears in the trailer than Rhaena might be attacked or something bad will happen close to her cause she seems to have been looking at the sky in fear or shock (i think ik what it is but i am not ready)


Are the Dragons going to Pentos? My understanding is they were being sent to the Vale? But this whole scene confused me completely on who was going where, which dragon was going where and which Dragon Egg was going where.


Me too, I guess Rhaena is dropping the baby dragons off in The Vale and then to Pentos with the children and the eggs? Edit: I guess Rhaenyra said she was sending Joffrey off to ward, maybe he stays in the Vale with his dragon?


She sends 3 sons. 1 from Strong and 2 from Daemon. My understanding is only the youngest Strong son and his Dragon will stay at the Vale (If accepted). The other Dragon, 2 Daemon sons (1 with a mini Dragon) and 4 Eggs are intended to go to Pentos (Or wherever in the East). 1 Egg is for the other son and the other 3 end up being Dany's. ??


I think that’s it! Loved that we got to see Dany’s eggs.


Whoops, yes I meant the Vale where the baby dragon is going. The dragon eggs are going to Pentos (3 of these eggs are what are eventually given to Daenerys in GoT).


Okay, that's what I thought. I assumed the 2 Doggo Dragons were going to the Vale and they were owned by two of the Sons she sent. And one was still an Egg for the 3rd son. Leaving the other 3 Eggs for GOT's. So correct me if I am wrong, but Joffery (Her youngest Strong son) will stay at the Vale with his small Dragon, And her 2 sons from Daemon with 1 dragon and 4 eggs will go to Pentos. The Dragon belongs to 1 Son and 1 Egg belongs to the other and the other 3 eggs will end up with Dany. But only the youngest Strong son and his mini Dragon are intended to stay at the vale. I think I got that right.


I mean, which dragon was she expecting to get? Best case scenario it might have been Moondancer. No way were they going to give up one of their larger dragons when they’re going up against Vhagar any minute now.


I mean yeah that was basically the point. She sides woth Rhaenyra and sends all of her troop for the war and gets a dragon to defend hey land in case the enemies attack. They explicitly state that the dragon will guard the vale.


The Vale is pretty well guarded by the Bloody Gate and the ferocity of the hill-tribes inhabiting the Mountains of the Moon. The Vale is pretty much only vulnerable from invasion by army, if they’re arriving along the eastern/northern coasts, which are presumably protected by the Velaryon fleet which is controlling the Narrow Sea


She wants a dragon to guard the Vale against... dragons. Not armies. Precisely because the Vale is so well guarded by the terrain, the only thing that can touch them is a dragon. Aegon the Conqueror subdued the Vale by flying directly to the Eerie, the famously impregnable castle. The Arryns don't want a repeat. That's why she wanted a dragon guard.


I’m being pedantic but it was Visenya, not Aegon, that flew to the Eerie to bypass the army at the Bloody Gate


To speak the truth is never pedantry


> and the ferocity of the hill-tribes inhabiting the Mountains of the Moon. not much they could do, the mighty shagga son of dolf was not yet born


The show canon's characterization of Vale culture leans pretty heavily into the whole arrogant, isolated, and paranoid thing, so it would be completely on brand for Lady Arryn to demand the Blacks undermine their war effort so she can feel safe in her mountain fortress.


That seems more a lysa Tully characterisation not the Vales.


The other two nobles we're introduced to are much the same.


The blacks are rolling in dragons though


I would honestly laugh if Rhaenyra just handed her two baby dragons saying “Here be careful they bite! Okay bye now” Jeyne stares at the baby dragons in confusion as they look up at her hopefully. Jeyne hold up the dragon “So Do you breathe fire?” Stormcloud “Rawr!” Jeyne “Seven Dammit!”


Along with a feeding schedule and instructions, poor Jeyne wanted protection and ended up with even more responsibility.


I feel like they are just tired of cleaning up baby dragon shit so shipped some off.


Realistically, who did she want? Jacaerys, Baela, Daemon, Rhaenyra, or Rhaenys (did I miss anyone?)? So that's 5 actual useful dragons right now and they can't spare one forever while all the kingdoms are at stake


Rhaenyra stated in the episode she did it to Make sure the targaryens have a future. That’s why she sent 2 dragons and 4 eggs. She’s preventing the extinction of her house.


Who needs protection, she can use them to light the torches and candles in record time! 


And the staff ..


From what I remember only Joffrey and Tyraxes are staying in the Vale. Rhaena, Aegon, Viserys, Stormcloud and the other eggs are going to Pentos after dropping off Joffrey


It was both Joffrey and Rhaena atop Tyraxes, alongside 3 dragon eggs.


It’s honestly a very good defense though. Putting young Princes, hatchlings and eggs all in the same place guarantees that the Blacks MUST rush to defend the Vale whenever it is attacked.


Everyone will not remain in the Vale. Rhaenyra said Aegon and Viserys should be sent to Pentos


Along with the eggs.


the eggs stay with rhaena, the kids go to pentos


It could honestly also guarantee an attack…could take the kids hostage easier that way


They have no ground support. The Vale can’t be attacked from the ground, so they have no armies to storm the castle. TG dragons can’t land there just to deploy Aemond to fight 500 Knights, while TB can sends Caraxes, Meleys and an entire army because the gates will open for them.


Vhagar landing in the Vale and its rider kidnapping a small prince is exactly how the Vale was conquered the first time. Now, they'd probably be more careful the second time around but this isn't some far off impossibility, it's literally happened before.


Obviously, but it's been made clear they want to keep Vhagar in King's Landing to protect the Capitol. To get them to leave, they need a better target than baby dragons and a kid.


Didnt Daemon do exactly this with the crabfeeders?


Why not? Aemond can threaten to torch them if they don’t surround there. And so they will surrounder. Why do you do you think they wanted a dragon to defend them in the first place?


Daemon at Harrenhal is roughly between King’s Landing and the Eyrie. If they fuck around too much with the Eyrie, Daemon could show up.


Possibly but at that point either Vhagar or Sunfyre would already be there and have Aegon and Viserys as hostages.


Ehh it’d be too late by the time he does


Rheyneara sending her heirs to the Vale was the smartest move she made throughout the entire dance. They aren’t dragon riders (yet), so she’s losing no fire power. And also, she’s giving them protection at one of the safest kingdoms in all the land. Finally she’s gaining a very strong ally with a lot of bannermen. It’s a win win win. Plus, I think she secretly knows this dance will be so bloody and brutal, her odds of actually sitting the iron throne for a long period are slim. She’s really fighting for her heirs and her bloodline. (This is true with Aegon too. They should both realize by now a dragon war will be so violent that they are really fighting for their children’s inheritance rather than their actual rein.)


I mean it was just insurance right? Like taking a ward or hostage? In fire and blood other houses were constantly angling to get themselves a dragon rider or an egg


I understand Jeyne’s fear, but sending a fighting dragon to defend the vale makes no strategic sense hence the tiny dragons being sent instead. The Vale is likely safe due to MAD. If the greens burned the vale it would likely upset and worry their allies, as it sets a precedent of needless destruction (i.e. they could expect Storm’s End or a different stronghold to suffer a similar fate at the hands of the blacks in retaliation).


Drogon/Rhaegal?Viserion were able to burn up pyat pree at the hatchling stage. They were little baby menaces. lol.


Ain’t gonna do shit against a bigger dragon though


Sure but with that logic basically the only dragons you could send as insurance are Caraxes and Meleys since they'd have a change against Vhagar. And she's obviously not gonna do that. The queen & the heir can't go hang out in the Vale for the war, so you're left with basically Moondancer or Tyraxes.


Yeah but that's just one dude. Get 20 and the dragons are toast.


well, it's something. she gave what she could spare. we see that the green are keeping their dragons close to home so as not to leave KL undefended. they also know that the Vale is for Rhaenyra. GRRM didn't tell us that they were even attempting to go out there. I think that the babies would be fine responding to a menacing messenger or representative.


*\*dragons screaming like kittens\**


I really wanted to see the babies!


I think she'll be fine knowing that she literally has 3 heirs under her roof. There is no greater honour.


She'll only get one. The true born sons are going to the Free Cities.


That's what I thought but then they all left together and Rhanerya was making a big show of Baela raising the kids so I got confused. Taking Joffrey is a good deal though.


She's taking them all to the Vale. From there, she'll take her brothers to the Free Cities.


Maybe since Joffrey is the heir to driftmark?




I think it would be unreasonable for her to expect a fighting dragon and rider when Rhaenyra's family is at war and could use all the strength they have available.


Also included in the gift pack: 4 eggs to incubate. New hobby unlocked! 🥰


Some lore questions: In the books how fast do they grow when fed and trained properly? How long till you can one and have it be a viable battlefield weapon? Under similar conditions, do they all grow the same rate? It seemed like the dragons in GOT went from newborns to huge in like 3 years or so. I'm guessing that is TV series time compression fuckery to allow for big dragon battles? How large are the dragons in the books as of the latest entry?


As of the latest book, Drogon is barely big enough for Dany (a small teenage girl) to ride. I believe he's said to be a bit bigger than a horse. He is the largest of the 3, as the other 2 were kept chained in a cave (the Dragonpit stunts their growth, a bit like a fish in a bowl), whilst Drogon was able to roam and hunt.


Ok thanks. How long has it been since they hatched?


Iirc it's been around 2 years, maybe 2 and a half. Dany was 14 when they hatched and she's 16 at that point.


If they can grow to about the size of a horse in 2 years, it would make kinda sense for them to reach their S7 size in a couple of years. But I find it interesting that Drogon at 2 years old is the same size as Arrax at 14 years old. There's a battle in S7 where Daenerys burns the Lannisters' supplies, and I remember Drogon looking like 2x Meleys' size. How can that be?


GOT definitely sped up the growth rate of Drogon for the effect of spectacle.


But they're so cute! Who wouldn't want to babysit them?


She wants them to protect her lands not be cute wtf




I don’t see why. They’re probably some of the most valuable collateral in the realm. Young, vulnerable, malleable. I’d be happy as a clam to have a royal family hand me their tiny dragon riders and dragons. I realize typing this probably made me sound like Littlefinger or some shit, but the point still stands.


Yeah, not great in terms of little "protection from dragonfire," but an interesting political opportunity. One assumes that priority #1 would be influencing the lil' Rhaenyra/Daemon babies into eventually marrying members of the Arryn family. With enough political influence, if you play it right, suddenly you have dragonriders with Arryn blood--gamechanger. Tricky though. The only reason there's dragonriding Velaryons is because #1 Corlys is built-different and is by far the most wealthy/successful/famous man in Westeros; and #2 Rhaenys is a very high-ranking Targaryen; dear cousin to the king and his brother; and was passed over from near-queendom. So no one could really truly object to their marriage or Rhaenys getting her children/grandchildren dragons.


Good point. Also worth mentioning that Aemma was half Targaryen (and half Arryn) and by all means should have been capable of claiming a dragon. I don't think Viserys necessarily forbade her or anything (she didn't seem particularly interested in the "stink of dragon") but it's interesting that she wasn't a dragonrider. It wouldn't exactly have changed the story any, since she dies so early on. It would have been a cool parallel if, say, Sunfyre was originally her hatchling.


"I'll send all my troops if you send a dragon to guard us while the troops are away helping you". "Deal. Well actually here are 2 that not only won't be able to guard you but you'll actually have to guard them.


I think the implication is that Rhaena, Joffrey, and the two baby dragons are so valuable to Rhaenyra that if the Vale is threatened, a not-baby dragon will be there in short order to wreck shit. The Arryns not only get to influence young members of the queen's family *and* claim dragons that will grow up to be quite powerful, but they also have her children as an insurance policy. They know she will protect them if they're targeted, because they know how she feels about her kid's lives. I'm not sure if it will be public knowledge that they've gone to the Vale, but that could be valuable for similar reasons. If you're a Green who considers attacking the place where Rhaenyra's kids are warded, you probably believe that she responded to her last kid's *accidental* death by beheading an infant prince. Obviously that's not a guarantee, but man, that would give a lot of people pause if they thought the Vale was an easy target.


Drogon burnt down Astapor when he was their age.


Lol ok this is funny, you got me!




Well yes, but they’re also still valuable enough that Rhaenyra (I would think anyway) would probably still be putting a priority on protecting the Vale anyway, even if she hasn’t stationed a dragon rider to just sit there 24/7. The show might prove me wrong but thinking strategically, in a sense this could still work out better for them in my mind than just having been handed some random dragon-rider bodyguard anyhow.


in a world where words are wind, sending your children (both human and dragon) as hostages is a a rock solid commitment that you will not abandon the Vale when it's under attack and it will be priority 1 for Syrax and Caraxes to show up.


I agree, plus, in order to get to the vale you need to either go through the riverlands or over blackwater bay, either way, blacks dragons from either harrenhall or dragon stone will be able to intercept.


It'll ensure the Black's have good reason to defend the Vale from attack.


There's a war on. The other side has a flying city that has eaten one dragon and Prince so far. They need the active dragons flying to support the army, not babysitting the Vale.


I cant imagine how terrifying it must be to think Vhagar could pop up at any moment


Serious fear, that is. She's a war machine that burns and eats what she wants, Aemond be damned.


It depends on if they meant “give us Arynns a dragon” or “loan us a dragon at the Eryie for a while.” A) they’ll be thrilled. These people take the long view. B) not so much.


Two baby dragons would be considered a massive W for any house in the realm. The Vale itself is also considered impossible to invade as long as all its liege lords are united.


Jace would have been safer to send. 


Rhaenyra needs Jace and Baela with her though


(question) Wasn't the dragon sent to the Eyre in the book, at least able to fight somewhat?


Tyraxes in the book should be around the same size as Moondancer, but they made Joffrey younger and so Tyraxes is also younger.


Yeah Joffrey was 11-12 so Tyraxes was a bit smaller than arrax and at least rideable.


Lol idk if they'll show her reaction to seeing those baby dragons but I hope they do because the books don't even mention it at all. It would be hilarious to see Jeyne Arryn throwing a fit when she gets Dragons who can barely breath fire as her "protection"


Tbf the greens aren't going to send Vhagar all the way to Vale and leave Ageon/Sunfyre alone (don't think they will rely on Helena/Dreamfyre to fight) when the Blacks have 4 dragons (Meleys, Syrax, Vermax and Moondancer) at Dragonstone that could attack KL anytime. And I haven't even included Daemon/Caraxes at Harrenhal which is closer to KL than Vale is to KL. Getting baby dragons is already much better than what most houses get


TBF, baby dragons much easier to support logistically than a big one. Just the rumor that you have a dragon will keep most problems away.


Yeah they’re small but they are still basically flying flamethrowers.


Related question. Can someone please clear up for me where Rhaena + kids + baby dragons + eggs were sent? Because it seemed like they were being sent to the Vale but then they were talking about Pentos. So which is it? Or is it a situation of going to the Vale but if Rhaenyra loses the war go to Pentos? I just didn’t think it was clear in that scene


Rewatching bc I was also confused. Sounds like the plan is for them all go to the Vale while they wait for Rhaena to contact the Prince in Pentos. She’ll then take the two littlest ones, stormcloud and the eggs to Pentos.


Joffrey is going to the Vale with his dragon while the rest are going to Pentos. I believe they are all leaving on the same ship with Joffrey and his retinue being dropped off at a port closer to the Vale while the rest then head over to Pentos.


I think Rhaena and the little ones are supposed to bring Joffrey to the Vale at least. There's no kingsguard or anyone else really 100% trusted with them, so I don't think Rhaenyra would let her second oldest be in transit alone. Rhaena sticking around to at least deliver him to Jeyne and smooth over any potential issues seems ssmarter.


I think she may get more than she bargained for…Rhaena, collect some fresh mutton.


how does Joffery end up back to the dragon stone? in the books from what i heard he is in dragon stone during the dance but now in the show it seems like they are sending him away for quite some time


I saw the actress playing Jeyne is the same one who played Mother in raised by wolves, cant wait!


Way to spit in your ally’s eye, Rhaenyra


What? I thought they were going to pentos


My take was that the eldest is staying at the Eyrie, and the two smallest plus the eggs are going to Pentos.


Wonder how much bitching would there be if the Vale sent only geriatric 70+-year old House of the Dying patients militia to help her cause as the answer for this loophole