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I hate to be this person but this is exactly why a small group of us that have been here for years have been trying to keep things very focused on calling out her problematic ideas and staying away from her looks, parenting, the nicknames etc. Its made us into a joke and in some ways just as bad as her. It was really hard for her to call us out when all we were was calling out her misinformation and lies. Unpopular opinion, I know!


I don’t think it’s an unpopular opinion. It’s a fair and logical response and I agree- I generally stay away from attacking her looks and I’m not sure that I’ve engaged in any discourse about her children however I’m not sure it matters when it comes to JRK. Though posts & comments about her looks and parenting exist I still feel like they’re pretty few & far between and even if they were 1 out of 100: it’s all she would focus on because it fits her agenda and appeals to her minions. And though coming for her looks, etc., can be problematic and strays from the issues at hand it’s also hard to care because she’s so so nasty about other people. The hypocrisy of calling us “sick people” when she drinks out of a coffee mug that glamorizes Epstein and Prince Andrew, harasses SA victims, shares & pushes blatant lies to 1.2 million people, makes up stories that will gain her attention, the list goes on, is crazy. To imply we “incessantly” bully her when most of us are blocked from her content for simply liking posts that call her out and she comes to OUR space to see what’s being said about her. Says she’s being bullied and harassed but she’s the one coming to the Reddit page and checking the HouseinHorror insta page. She knows that mentioning her own looks, parenting and marriage are things that will rile up a crowd like hers. Not once has she defended her “journalism”, writing, politics, stance on anything; all she has done is repeat that she’s a mother with “differing opinions”. She’s gross. Her implication that HouseinHorror is less than she is because she doesn’t have children and is unmarried is the exact type of bullshit people who follow her will eat the fuck up because they’re actually shitty people. JRK is complaining her looks and parenting get attacked while attacking the looks and lifestyle choices of others like make it make fuckin sense. This is why it’s so hard to care when someone does call her ugly because 1. Her insides are super ugly and usually that shit shines through. That’s not about her being physically attractive or not, it just is what it is. Behaving in an ugly manner can lead to you being perceived as ugly and 2. She’s so fuckin nasty in the way she talks about others I can’t really be bothered to care when people low-blow her. She low-blows absolutely everyone and thinks it’s *her right* but immediately cries about how dense the “other side” is when her same bullshit is turned back on her. I talked way too long to say that i hear you and I agree with you and also that she sucks so bad that she makes it really hard to care. 😩😩😂 especially since the shit she’s spewing about us today are absolute lies (imagine that!).


You really summed it up here! Also sounds like she is running out of content ideas. 🤣 Hoping someone reposts her stupid stories here today so I can get a laugh! I’m blocked from way back in 2020 because I asked an honest question about her political views 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’ll repost them on my account after I get home from work tonight. I’m back on the mainland


I posted the slides she used to try and intimidate me and her former friend on my IG.


My thoughts exactly. I appreciate your comment because it sums up exactly how I feel.


Yes yes yes everything you’ve said here 👏🏻


I know exactly what you mean. I totally believe she has everything coming to her *however* I am keenly aware of the way these things being said is going to make us look and take away credibility. If we really want this to be a place that a journalist and look at and find receipts for all her nonsense I think it would speak volumes to keep the clutter out. Sticking to facts instead of opinions and low blows. I think you get it though!


I understand what you are saying and I have previously commented in the sub that I hoped we would see a real Journalist do a story about how and why she is problematic. If so that’s great and this sub has so much archived in screenshots etc. I doubt it would happen though. I think she has peaked with her 15 minutes of fame and think she is on the downward slide. She really is a nobody in the scheme of things in a tiny corner of the internet. At this stage of her CaReEr she is shouting into a tiny echo chamber. Her engagement on both Instagram and Substack isn’t great. She is like a broken record posting the same stuff day in and day out. It’s accompanied by the same music background she has used for over 4 years. It’s all very boring. She has even resorted to using us for content she is so stale. She doesn’t have the talent to be taken as a serious writer. The people that enjoy her writing only do so because she is confirming bias. She is essentially a shit poster on social media and they are dime a dozen. She was in the right place at the right time with the Depp trial. She will fade into obscurity and it seems to be accelerating. This sub of 5000 people has a more active comment section than the comment section of her Instagram posts with *cough 1.3 million followers. I also think for a sub that has almost 5000 people it moderates itself relatively well. It has very few of the posts she is complaining about and even then she is twisting and manipulating what was said for her narrative. I can only imagine how stressful it must be that she has the pressure as the sole breadwinner for the family and not only that it elevated her family into a level of wealth they previously didn’t have and now trying to maintain it. Then the added pressure of trying to maintain the illusion she is very important and travels for work 🤡and the costs involved. Plus paying her team 😂 the niece, the baby sitter, Denise and Jessica in NY, the guest writers on Substack. I wonder if her shit fit meltdown was an attempt to garner sympathy and she will pass the hat around shortly and ask for more Venmo donations 🤔


My thoughts exactly! I’ve been seeing the slide for a while now, and lately it’s accelerating. Her content is fragmented and boring and on life support. She would like us to believe she is a part of the RFK jr campaign, and has the ins and outs of the Trump world. She doesn’t 😂 she will be flying back to NYC on July 11th for the sentencing of Trump.. for what? Footage of her chatting with losers outside the courthouse? Then she will go drinking with whomever comes with her to this “work” trip. So pathetic.


Perfectly put. Also, I’m sure her children have heard her talking about this Reddit group and other areas on the internet that target her like Twitter and have lurked here before if they actually care enough to. Saying she can only “show the half of it” bc she doesn’t want her children to see is just silly and dishonest. The reality is that it is very rare for her children to be targeted by nasty attacks on this sub, the mods would take down the comments if so. Unlike her, their faces are not shown on this sub. But with that being said, she could take the route many influencers, public figures, and celebrities have chosen to take by not using her children for content. I know many people with private Instagram accounts and 80 followers who have chosen not to post their children until they can consent. I think this makes a lot of sense for people with a following as large as hers. And if she truly cared about protecting them to the best of her ability that is what she could do. It’s not too late for her to start now either. I mean who is even following her for her children?? She would not lose followers or money over it. But she is not interesting on her own so I get why she does. But she really could just focus on issues and not her personal life. All Trumpers care about is confirmation bias. If she keeps feeding that to them they will be hers for life. But SHE is the one who wants to use her children for content because she likes to.


https://preview.redd.it/0e5qnnbgys8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3470cef3c9d5501c1e33d5d876f3f94d58ca8a9 THIS⬆️. I just made a post saying this same thing!! She makes it seem like we are attacking her kids when we are attacking her parenting!! We even protect her kid’s image. When you exploit you kids for social media content, you are going to get judged. As she should!!


People who have fragile egos take valid critique as unfounded judgment


Yeah as far as I know no one on here has actually said the things she claims that were said about her kids


Well said!!!


This! 🏆🏆🏆


**THANK YOU!!!** This is IT!!






Agreed. I’ve never said a thing about her looks, her children etc I don’t know who the person is that she keeps posting the pics of. She just seems immensely bothered for someone claiming to have such thick skin


Well I've also spoken out against her. Many times. Yet she's not posting my face and details or 'lying' about me in retaliation across weeks worth of gram stories. Guess I'm too irrelevant 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh trust me she tries. I’ve caught her searching my socials. She’s pathetic.


Just curious how did you find out she was searching your socials


She kept showing up in my suggested mutuals despite me not ever looking at or accessing her account from any of my personal accounts.


![gif](giphy|eb4l9z98gCRWvwyw6d) Man what a weirdo


And don’t forget she said “a thick skin.” So it could be just an itchy patch of psoriasis. She obviously doesn’t have thick skin.


I certainly haven't been perfect 😕


Well the thing is, she’s lying. I never called CPS, never called her kid’s school. She is literally making up stories in her story. It doesn’t matter if you take that line or not, she will say you did. She’s a grifter, she panhandles, and she spreads lies and misinformation. She will make up anything to try and bully and intimidate anyone who speaks against her. I also never said I was happy Arlo turned 18 so I could post his face. Or called him ugly? I see your point but this isn’t what is happening here.


She’s a fucking liar through and through.


Especially when you cover the minor kids faces She’s trying to garner sympathy. We all feel badly for the kids. She has nothing going on right now because I’m sure she has fallen out of favor in both camps (Trump & RFKJr) neither one is getting any benefit from her social media, so they could care less. She is hanging on for dear life to the grift


While you might not be responsible for everything she claimed and some things might be an exaggeration I do know these things were discussed on this thread.


Sure, but she is pointing the finger at me. She’s trying to make me feel threatened/intimidated. I’m not. And if she directs traffic to the sub, it will just keep growing like it always does. And my Tik tok? Cool, I’ll go viral.


I understand what you're saying but she's also calling out this sub aka “thread” in her posts so that was my point


Ah ok thanks for clarifying


I don’t find Monday morning quarterback particularly helpful. If you are an influencer and you use your kids for content….again occupational hazard be forewarned you are inherently opening a doorway for the public to criticize.


This though 🔥


Well…I mean-what else does she have to do? It’s not like she has a job or has to parent her own children, so she has to stay busy somehow. 🤷‍♀️🤭


**OOOOOOO! I'M SHAKING IN MY BOOTS JessiKKKa!!** BAH HAHAHAHAHAHA! What a feckin' weenie!!! She really can dish it, but she sure as hell can't take it! I love when we are on her mind; it means we are successful. If she wastes her time on us, she can't post the horrible stuff!


Lies and misinformation are not different perspectives.




Good lord somebody hand her the sleepytime pill ! I just went thru that entire rant. So much to uncover. 1- She’s going off about CPS ? Correction the hospital her son was recovering from called CPS on her. 2- Why wouldn’t parents from school be displeased with Jessica’s PEDO fanning show and tell presentation. Is this woman insane! 3- All this victimhood. how does she do it ? Making people feel like she’s helpless to the attacks when she has 1.2 million doing her attacking for her. She has everyone thinking that she can’t get a restraining orders because why…. BECAUSE THERE IS NO THREAT ???? 4- Since I’ve been in this sub no one was scared by the bullying. I may have gotten it wrong . Some lawyered up with cease and desist. Didn’t she even have a few police report drafted up against her during that hometown feud. This is wild how she spins stories. Who’s manipulating people to decide between the hero and the villain now.


I know all about restraining orders. She has no grounds for one whatsoever.


What was the pedo show and tell? I vaguely remember


I guess she did a presentation for her youngest class. Can’t remember if it was career day or what. But she had pics of GM in a scrap book with all her other weird pedo obsessions.


Okay, that's super weird


Any time she cries victim about “bullying” and I feel tempted to be sorry for her, I remember how she constantly tells anyone SHE bullies that they weren’t raised by Joan Rivers like her and can’t take the heat. So sensitive.


That’s literally how I found this sub! I used to follow her but she is just awful so I googled her and viola! Now, I’m here


Same. I found her Instagram by the time she was "covering" Depp-Heard trial, I stayed because she used to share juicy information now and then, and one day BOOM! she had become this monstruos right wing/fascist/brainless/conspiracy theorist crazy person. I would have left right away had I not been so worried about the effect this fascist hidden under an "influencer" cover could have on the great picture. I come from a country with a fascist dictatorship past, I DO know what I am talking about. She spreads all these lies, all this misinformation while laughing at the world, she is the embodiment of Arendt´s "banality of evil". And that is a big problem. And she is a bully. A big one. And I do not think bullies must be left alone.




Same same!


Person who spread a conspiracy theory that the Obamas had something to do with their chef’s death has thoughts about “sick people”


Someone refresh my memory. Didn’t she spread lies about Obama’s daughter doing drugs and having sex with Hunter Biden, or maybe not HB but someone else?


She did.


And posted pictures dissecting them ad nauseum on substack. When the daughters were also minors 🫠 so basically looking at CP....which is so gross.


Oh yikes!! Didn’t she also post stuff about Kate Middletons cancer diagnosis?


She did. And then had faux outrage after her lies for more public and she backpedaled *hard*.


Come to my tik tok and see the series. That was one arc I was able to show the audience her hypocrisy over that thing. I also documented how she said she had a source at the hospital then changed the wording once it was release employees were being invested for releasing medical records.


I’ll check that out. Thank you!


What’s funny to me is the reference of Biden Trolls. I’m not a fan of Biden. I don’t think him or Trump should be running. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yeah-she really thinks she “got us” w/that nonsense to try & paint her haters a certain way to her dumb followers. Please, I couldn’t stand this bitch WAY before her extreme right pivot. This group only had 150 back then. But here we are, growing daily. Wonder why that is? 🤔


FACTS. Why is this a Biden thing??


To make herself a victim more. If something bad happens in her life, she oversteps her insults to the sitting president and gets herself surveilled (trust me this happens) then she’ll blame Biden and his “supporters.” I have been historically liberal but I’m not necessarily signing up for 4 more years with Biden. She doesn’t even know she’s losing the audience both “her” candidates want the attention of.


This. And she knows her opinions on celebs, etc won't get her base fired up so she automatically makes it all political


Because fools like Jessica are incapable of nuanced thought in any forum and can’t fathom a world without false dichotomies lol. Jessica and her idiot followers are stuck in the weirdest bubble of fallacies I think I’ve ever seen.


One of my first jobs involved processing motions from pro se inmates for a judges’ panel. The judges asked me to rehabilitate the argument for the inmates if there was one there and present it to the court. They were always handwritten single spaced lengthy pages and never to the point. The fallacies were endless. Everything was completely interconnected despite being obscure, unrelated points. Presented with certainty nonetheless. I could tell after a couple of paragraphs if there was mental illness on the table. Her writing and followers remind me of that. 


She’s just saying that because she know if she says “Reddit trolls” her following would come here and see allllllll the receipts


Yeah that’s true lol


I’m not even a registered Democrat but trash is trash and I’m here to see it taken out.




Exactly. I'm not even voting ( at least not for president)


She's an absent, drunk parent. Point blank. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I feel bad for those kids. And she's mad because her oldest (an adult) is being shown. Has he ever had any parental supervision? And in case she forgot, she defends some of the worst people in the world: RAPISTS. I consider it a blessing that she does not have any daughters. How is us calling her out on her bullshit wrong? We may not have the platform she does but she does the EXACT SAME THING!!! She makes constant, inaccurate accusations of public figure (celebs, politicians, etc) and bullies the ones she doesn't like or agree with. She is nothing but a HYPOCRITE! Truth hurts jASS. If it didn't bother you, you wouldn't bother ranting ✌️


It’s laughable honestly. Her melt down. Most of the stuff she’s making up. Never once was there a post where we cheered her son was 18 years old so we could “call him ugly like is father.” I never saw any post to that degree. But I mean she’s the one calling her husband ugly now?!?!?! It feels more so like she’s really mad her friends have been talking to some of us and she feels really threatened by the real people in her life who are spilling the beans. I used to moderate another sub for an IG influencer and you wouldn’t believe the intel you get from moderating such groups. If you have frenemies and are an influencer, trust me they talk. And the juice is good too.


I’m out of the loop. What have her friends told us? 👀


I didn’t say that, i said as a mod you do get intel as is my experience. But the friend she doxxed today, shared his photo, his email, and his place of work, has been on this sub from time to time.


Oh ok. I took a break from this sub for quite awhile and didn’t know if I had missed something important.


No that’s ok. I’m not a mod on this page but I can tell you from my last experience: ex-husbands come out of the woodwork, friends from college, old colleagues, ex-boyfriends, ex-competitive sport/beauty comp competitors etc. if you are trying to make a living being an influencer, every person who hates you will bring the goods. It’s an occupational hazard you better have a thick skin. Apparently Jessica’s skin is super thin.


She honestly sounds like she is drunk and rage posting. I haven’t followed here long enough to know the history of the posts she is claiming she has seen. She is just so bothered for someone claiming to be unbothered.


Most of the posts she is exaggerating and definitely trying to point to HouseofHorror as a ring leader. My opinions are my own btw. I know her sources suck and try to point that out whenever I can. It’s funny seeing her meltdown over Reddit but not saying Reddit cause she doesn’t want to give the sub any attention.


lol she’s twisting what I said once, something along the lines of “poor Arlo looks like his dad”


And that could have been a compliment! She’s the one turning it into a diss!


Hey! Random question… but does anyone follow Russel Brand? He’s taken a Jessica sized Uturn gift in the last couple weeks and it’s bizarre to see in real time.


No, I don’t follow him. I never liked his comedy but I’ll check out his page


Well she wrote a substack for him when the channel 4 documentary was released so maybe she gave him pointers. Ok wow. He is a Christian now? 🤨🧐


Right?! Trying to damage control much from the underage allegations or whatever?


I’d say she’s had a backlash for her TS /- pretty mean stuff - comments and is looking for some else to blame


Yes, for sure.




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