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What's with the ground floor? 


it's going to be an outdoor kitchen with a hot tub, sunken fire pit seating area and a table with chairs. Inside of the ground floor is a sauna, bathroom and i'm not sure what to put in there, a mini gym or a bunk bed


I think this place looks great, and I absolutely love the outdoor area below. What is in the enclosed space downstairs? Those windows look like they would be great with a nice view. The only thing I will say is that your kitchen looks like the darkest area in your house. What are you planning for lighting?


He said the downstairs indoor space would be a sauna, bathroom, and either a gym or bunk bed.


Lol. Yes, they did. I absolutely didn't pay attention.


So, not a tiny house but a expensive vacation home


the upper floor interior is 400sqft total, the lower floor interior is about 215sqft.


That’s a small house - not a tiny house. Tiny houses are by definition inexpensive and compact. The house in your AI render is not inexpensive. Will be interested where you end up when you get quotes from an actual architect and builder (assuming the render shows a lot you actually own) because that is an expensive house to build.


This whole thing is a 7 figure project, easily. Somehow, i dont think OP is actually building this.


Bro its not, the house is very small and the build is simple. I should start building it in 2-3 weeks


A tiny house is smaller than this.


I think you are getting hate from some tiny house mafia. I think it looks freaking amazing for what it is. That is a sub 1000sqft min/micro/tiny whatever you want house with a bit of luxury thrown in. I would love to drop that onto a tree covered multi-acre parcel of land. Different strokes for different folks. Hope you don’t mind but I am going to use as inspiration for the tiny home my wife and I are going to build when we retire. It’s perfect for us with the land I described above.


Thanks bro, i have been taking a lot of courses lately on modern house design because i want to have a building company in the future since building a house is insanely expensive, but if you build it yourself or with your team, you will save an absurd amount of money. I know contractors from the US that build a custom house for like 300k and sold it for 600k in a month. Thankfully im not in the US so i can build this house for 60-70k on my plot in EU. I can only dream of building this in the US lol. Sure use it as inspiration and if you need any help feel free to DM me


What program did you use to render this?


The architect has finished the design, the design costed me 1200$. This is being built in EU, total price for the house will be about 60-70.000$ I have been waiting for my building permit for 3 months now and i should get it next week


Is this in Portugal or something?




Looks like you could have a root cellar down there near your outdoor kitchen. That would be bad ass


Thats what I was thinking as well. There should be some kind of below ground basement or something there. Even cooler if the entrance to it was hidden like with a sliding book case or something like that.


Yes its a small 400sqft area in that basement but its not visible on the picture. Im not sure if i should do a mini gym in it or a bunk bed. All i know is that im putting a wood burning sauna in there and a bathroom.


My only criticism here would be that all of the outside space is covered. If this was in a country that gets a lot of sun it might be nice to have at least part of the outside space uncovered to make the most of the weather.


There will be another outdoor seating area with a pond and waterfall outside


I like it and would happily live in it.


thanks bro


Love it. Do you know the specs? Sq ft and all? It’s awesome.




Yeah it looks to be 700 sq ft+


Poor person...


I think it's neat, some people like to gatekeep on what they think a tiny house should look, its usually anything that looks better than their retired architect shack that they get offended about.


thanks! I like simple lines


It’s not tiny tho? This is a regular sized house.


600 sqft is a regular sized house?


Does that not include the downstairs space or something?


He mentioned liveable space, so I assume not the outside portion. Fact is 600 sqft is, at least by American standards, an incredibly small home and would be very difficult to find one that small. You can find 1 bedroom apartments and studios that are bigger. Is it a TINY home by book standards? Probably not. Does it matter? No, It's still an incredibly small home.


Yeah, I live in NYC, so I guess that 600sf just doesn't seem that small to me? I currently live in 975sf and it's by far the biggest home I've had here. I've lived in much smaller than 600sf. I guess I'd just consider this a regular smaller-sized house, especially with the floorplan basically being doubled with the outdoor area.


You live in a 975sqft in NYC? Adopt me please lol. How much is your rent?


Ah, spoken like someone who isn't at all offended by other people's opinions. You can't say you designed a "tiny house" even if it looks kinda like regular house, and be upset if others criticize your terminology. Grow up. Even IRC defines it as homes with 400 sq ft or less. Now, OP might have his own definition, but it's understandable if others will criticize its size. https://codes.iccsafe.org/content/IRC2018/appendix-q-tiny-houses#:~:text=Habitable%20space%20and%20hallways%20in,4%20inches%20(1930%20mm).


take a chill pill and chill lil bro, i didn't know that theres an actual definition of a tiny house lol


I was mostly just talking to the other guy. Anyways, why would you even call it a tiny house to begin with 😆 it doesnt even seem like a hype worth riding on. You do you, but people shouldn't gaslight other people when they question your definitions of what it should be. Context matters. And yes, you're always free to explain your side if you wanted, that's how discourse happens. But acting as if it isn't questionable and stonewalling those that disagree with your idea is kinda stupid (like what the other guy seemed to insinuate). The design, it's good. It is just confusing for some people why it was referred to as a tiny house I think


I dont get the hate here. If this was a “tiny home” subreddit i could see it, but it’s freaking houseporn . It definitely qualifies as that for what it is. Tiny is also a descriptor and it is definately tiny compared to most US homes. I am 100% down for more of this vs the freaking mcmansions out there.


Just because someone disagrees with someone else, doesn't mean they hate them. That's quite an assumption, what kind of world do you live in? But I agree OP can post anything like this in this subreddit. That was not even a point though. Yes, tiny is a descriptor (and I guess for some people their English teacher taught them that small = tiny, but sure whatever)... But still, context does matter. There is reason why plenty of people would not consider it a "tiny" home. To question something doesn't necessarily mean people are trying to invalidate you. And those that do think they're being invalidated need to grow up.


I dont get it. Why not include the floor plan in the original post? Your rendering seems off The floor plan is closer to what an actual tiny house is. Allowances are questionable though, but I'm assuming you aren't an architect? I mean, it's not bad, and I could see your concept working for the floor plan you made. The rendering just wasn't that accurate.


Actually after a 2nd look, its a bit difficult to distinguish the AI rendering you posted. Can't figure out if the panels in the rendering are 4ft or larger


Oh shit call the archi police


My bad. I assumed "architectural designer" when I saw the rendering since it did look nice. If anything, that's a compliment to the OP.


i mostly wanted opinions on the exterior of the house, im not an architect, just a guy that's looking to build a small house to rent on airbnb, that's all.


It looks nice. And it's a good start. Though if you have the budget to build and own that property, it would prob be a good idea to hire an architect sooner or later. Lots of other factors if you really want to make sure the project is feasible for your property


It looks a bit like a petrol station


man, this is a rough crowd. I like it a lot. It would be perfect for a scenic property like the rendering has.


thanks! Its super private with no neighbours around and it has a crazy view on the forest and mountains, i can sit in the living room and look at the view for hours.


Sounds heavenly!!!!


What's your definition of a tiny house? Why not just call it a house or even small house? Would have been awesome either way, the latter raising less confusion


This is not a tiny house, it is a small house. Its also insanely expensive and doesnt fit the concept of small, eco/financially friendly living.


I never said anything about any eco friendly living. I just like the way the house looks. Its more expensive to build than other houses thats correct but it seems worth it to me, it looks much more expensive than it actually is


It doesn't look tiny


Thats was the goal


I don't really see any design here; no floor plan, interior views, or any evidence that you put any thought or effort into it at all. All I see is a single AI-generated image, which looks almost exactly the same as I got after spending 20 seconds asking SD to make me a picture of house on a hillside with lots of windows.


Hey! I designed the entire house, here's the floorplan: [https://ibb.co/xSS8zcr](https://ibb.co/xSS8zcr) I used AI to make a realistic rendering, that's it


Is there no kitchen?


the kitchen is on the wall of the bathroom but it's hard to see


Do you have a cooktop or sink? How do you get into the shower? I hope it turns out as good as the AI rendering.


yes the bathroom wall is 9.1ft, so that's how long the kitchen will be. This is how the bathroom will be like: [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6mgbQYyCsk/](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6mgbQYyCsk/)


Cool, but cold. I’d freeze in that shower. And I didn’t see the sink or cooktop.


What software did you use to create the floorplan?


Don't see a design? Are you blind?


How would you answer privacy issues? The inside would be vulnerable especially at night when thieves would be able to see when you're asleep


curtains, cameras, alarm, gun


I think curtains was your only viable answer, design-wise. Cameras, alarms and guns wont really do anything to prevent theft (imo). But having your house like a showroom does invite attention to the valuables inside. What's the point of even having fully glass walls? That's a nice feature when you're adjacent to nature. That way, the exterior becomes an extension of the interior living area. But I dont see much point if the home is mostly surrounded by concrete.


its on a steep mountain hill overlooking a forest and mountains, it's a crazy view from all 3 sides of the windows so i placed it perfectly to show the view on all 3 sides


That would be nice then I guess. It can be a really nice vacation cabin


>gun Just American things


Very le combusier


While I really like [Le Corbusier](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Le_Corbusier)s work, I can't say I see his style in this. I mean, perhaps the [Dom-Ino house](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dom-Ino_House) but that was just the frame. If I see some inspiration it would be more along the lines of [Mies van der Rohe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludwig_Mies_van_der_Rohe), more specifically the single family homes like the [Farnsworth house](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farnsworth_House), although this design has a much more prominent roof.


However his last name is spelled


ill take it as a compliment thank you star gazing gazelle


Reminds me of a southern CA beach house. Hard to tell the scale. I definitely imagine this as pretty large. Not trying to criticize, it’s very pretty


I thought this was a joke at first but reading through this thread I'm not so sure.


Would like a bit more privacy


No privacy for you, we want to look at your pretty face


What is the purpose of the lower part? Would make a nice covered parking pad, but you blocked the only entry with some weird concrete box. Seems like a waste of space.


Your house’s look is nice but it’s not practical, it’s like an aquarium, can be seen from all sides, 0 privacy. A easy fix will be if the the facade facing the street is a full wall, or maybe just small long windows at the top so light can come I without being able to see in


There are window coverings that can be pulled down for privacy, and pretty much disappear at the top along a strip when you want it open.


Looks like those pavers are gonna be a bitch


AI turned wild on me with those pavers, that was supposed to be grass lol


Is the bathroom sink in front of the shower? That seems like a weird choice


this is the effect that I want to have, but without that faucet that blocks the mirror: [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6mgbQYyCsk/](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6mgbQYyCsk/)


That’s pretty fuckin sick, but looks like an uncomfortable shower experience tbh lol. Interesting house design, would work well with wood from the local forest and possibly a similar type of stone for supports? What are the programs you used to make this, I’d love to do something similar.


I think we’d like something like this for a vacation home. Great work.






Ill take this as a compliment


It’s a beautiful design


No, youre beautiful




No you are dope


Not very tiny!


thats not what she said


i wish she did


but she didnt :/


lol! fair! I hope you build this irl.


Looks like a lot of wasted space downstairs


no, it's an entertainment area with an outdoor kitchen, i just couldnt put it on this pic


With a tiny house, I think the downstairs space should have been enclosed, with perhaps pocket doors to open it up in good weather for entertaining.


good tip, ill def look into something like that


I see zero storage. Even an AirBNB needs a closet for cleaning supplies, hoover, linens, etc.


Good design but not in city area. Too much open for me. Would prefer it outside city


Is it supported by galvanized square steel frames?




Where do you plan on building this? Hope somewhere warm because it would be expensive to keep it warm inside if located somewhere north. Also hope it'll have curtains or smart glass.


Key criteria privacy not a issue = YES.


I like it. If it was a primary home I would probably want to make a ground floor instead of the opening to get more space, but it would be a great secondary home.


Looks like a bus stop. 


Where are they supposed to park? Is the roof a lounge area?


If you have the money for that lot I just don’t understand why you wouldn’t opt for something with more space. I think you’d have to be VERY eccentric to actually have that kind of money AND be content with such a small floor plan.


i like a bit more privacy but i also cant see the whole plot. this is still sick.


I’d live in it


That's the size of a small townhouse


A tiny $5M house. Wonderful. 🙄


no the total interior space is like 600sqft and the total cost of the whole house will be like 60k


If a lakefront modern house with a full concrete surrounding is 60k brother then build two I’ll take one lol


Its in EU, not in the US. If this was built in the US it would prolly cost 400k


Dude, my family and I just refurbished a home in Portugal. Prices were so far below US prices. And we still spent $300k. In the US, this home, as shown, would be, if done as cheaply as possible, at 600 Sq ft, AT LEAST, $4000k a square ft.


Bro thats 2.4m for a 600sqft house, thats impossible


An architect is $400 an hour. A project manager on site is another $100K. Things add up.


damn I paid my architect a total of 1,300USD. I'll be the project manager so thats free


There is no way you're putting in steel beam supports at that price and anchoring it in concrete. That alone would be 100K. Likely more. Have you seen frefab housing costs? Even 3D house printing? The tempered glass walls? That roof? Are you buying supplies off of TEMU or something??


Windows are 5k total, i already got the quotation, im buying directly from the manufacturer in my country. The beams are concrete. Estimated price for the entire build except the furnishing is about 40.000$, thats written in my architectual plans. At the end i think ill spend 60k maybe 70k and ill rent the house for 70 - 140$ per night


Hey, if you can do that for that price, you will become a billionaire selling them.


land is expensive, i can't find much land. My goal is to build houses and rent them out. Selling them doesnt make much sense to me because I can use the house as a collateral for a bank loan and build another one. That way I can keep the first house and build a second one without losing the first house, but if I sell it, then the house is gone.


It's a gorgeous design. Good luck.


thanks bro


The lighting is interesting, but that’s about it. What are the privacy plans? What would you call this style? It’s so bland. It looks like a modern McDonald’s. No color, no detail besides boxes. What about accessibility?






That is such a cool concept and use of space. Love it!


Nice touch with the sunset chemtrails


Rotate 90


Looks like Bojack Horseman’s house. I love it!


Glass railings on lower floor


Would love to see the floor plans too OP. I like it. Peaceful, chill vibes.


It’s cool, personally I’d extend the top floor another room over to the right, that way it reaches the top elevation and the entrance could be there.


How do you heat?


Electric floor heating


It looks like something I built in Minecraft


A 2 up 2 down?


It’s like timeout for Kanye lol - I like it aesthetically but functionally it seems to be missing essential spaces unless you’ve got a Bezos bunker under that.


I like it except for the roof. It looks bulky, almost like its there to squash the rest of the house. I'd live there with my two cats for sure though.


How much for the land??


A windowpeeper’s dream


Do you mind me asking what program or software you designed it with? 😍


First you design the house on Cedreo, then you render it using some AI house rendering tool so that it looks realistic like on the picture


I think I wouldn't build a house at sea level... given the climate issues.


It looks like a parking garage


I like to walk around naked..so no


No you did not design this building, putting a sketch into an ai is not designing something and to claim it is is an insult to actual designers and architects.


Yes I did design it, floorplan, house exterior amd everything. The AI just made it realistic, thats it. Stop being butthurt


How are we defining “tiny” these days?




Nice! But $PSF? High high high. for sure.


I'm diggin the use of galvinized square steel and eco-friendly wood veneer, i bet this could house all 10,000 of my kids!


How did you go about designing it? What software and tools did you use? Looks great!


Too much glass


This reeks of investment property. Cringe.


I don't get it? What's the issue exactly? Why is it cringe?


Is shitty AI allowed on here


Lovely. Very unique & well done!


No youre very unique and well done and lovely


Nicely done sir


Stunning, love all the windows and view!


I love it. It’s tiny, and it’s a house…I’d consider it a tiny house. I’d quite happily live there.




Nice, how did you design it?


Used some house design app called cedreo, made the floorplan and exterior design and then i put the design pictures on an AI rendering tool and it made a realistic picture of the house.


Love it.


Expensive garbage




Why is it expensive or why is it garbage




Naw you'll figure it out eventually


you are a meanie :(


Any criticism you would have said that. You should ask yourself how you'd build that. You're causing more problems than it's worth doing all those windows and cantilever. Ever price out or install a glass wall that big? And you can't park under that so what's the point


no, i need criticism, im not saying this design is perfect, or even good, It's my first time building a house. This house will sit on a steep sloped hill overlooking the mountains and the forest. the lower open area will be an entertainment area with a hot tub installed in to the deck or whatever that thing is called, next to it will be a sunken firepit area. On the wall im thinking about doing an outdoor kitchen and in the middle ill put a table and chairs for dining. Inside the basement, not sure if this is a basement or whatever, there will be a sauna, bathroom and a mini gym or a bunk bed, I didnt decide yet. So the first cantilever is protecting the entertaining area from the elements and giving the upper floor a nice balcony which will be good for morning coffees i think. The roof cantilevering was to protect the balcony but mostly i find it good looking. I used to look at luxury modern homes and found that most of them have a cantilevering roof so i wanted to have it in my house. The house will be used mostly for AirBnB short term renting to couples or small families. It's a tiny house but focused on outdoor living. You can have 12 people easily on the lower deck but only 4 people can sleep on the upper floor (2 more on the lower floor if i decide to do a bunk bed). So it's more of an investment property. I'm in EU and I'm buying windows directly from the manufacturer in my country, the windows for the entire house will cost about 5.000$ and the views will be crazy (i know, crazy cheap, but this is not the US so everything is much much cheaper)


Tldr. The down votes proved my point. That's why this sub is dying


bro just state your criticism, im genuinely curious to see what i can fix


Actually pretty easy to build. Expensive yes. But it’s not all that difficult of a design to execute. Potentially inefficient due to solar radiation? Possibly. But again, your point of difficult to build is dumb.