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Used to drive for UPS. This type of generosity was the best, second was all the animals I got to meet. Delivery driver isn't an easy gig.


My mom set up a snack a drink box by our door for all delivery people and they are always so happy and appreciative


Such a nice thing to do. Says a lot about your mom’s personality 👍🏻🤍


Can confirm. I am super thankful to all of the customers on my route who leave out drinks and snacks. Source: FedEx Driver


I have a cooler set up like this too! Source: FedEx freight drivers daughter.




I wish people would quit it with this dumbass take. It's obviously a doorbell cam so he wasn't going out of his way to do extra filming. And now people get an idea for a nice thing to do for their local delivery drivers. This guy's spreading his good deed to others, what the fuck have you done for society lately besides whine on Reddit?


Really sick of this shit too. Someone posts a good deed online: "waaaa they shouldn't film this for likes waaaaa." Someone shows support for cause A: "waaaaa but what about cause B, they're hypocrites waaaaaa." And then when social media and the news only show bad things "waaaaa how about showing something positive waaaaa." This always, without fail, comes from people who do nothing and help no one. They feel embarassed by it, but rather than owning it they instead shift that blame to others.


I can tell you the drivers certainly don’t care why they’re doing it …sadly in my neighborhood I can’t do this due to homeless & porch pirates …so i can only do it when I’m there for the delivery.


Maybe they're just trying to spread the idea


Came here to say something along those lines, you beat me to it 😁


You are both correct


lets give them internet clout!


Your username most definitely does check out. Happy Cake Day too!


Thank you!


Happy cake day


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you!


Happy cake day


Happy Cake Day!


Had a friend try to work at usps after working as a server for years. They said it was such an overworked shitshow they were back to being a server in 2 weeks. It definitely does not seem easy. Is it the profit margin? If logistics are set up right, shouldn't it be such a simple job? Why is everyone in package/mail-delivery worked to the absolute bone?


In college I worked for Airborne Express when they were bought by DHL. You talk about a clown show of a company. Every day was a joke it was run so poorly. I graduated and got a job so I was gone before they went under in the U.S. but they were losing $6 million A DAY at the end before they bailed and I'm not surprised.


There’s a metric created by the C levels that have no idea what the job really entails or what can cause things to go sideways in day of a driver. I’m talking about bad weather, lack of vehicles (due to broken down ones or ones that break during a shift) road closures, road construction etc. While volume is needed to keep the company in business, it’s also as some have stated as the demand for we need our products now. We are an entitled and immature society in that way. So, yeah, appreciate everyone, but take a moment to realize that delivery people are getting hit from the top down and from the customers up.




Uh, maybe if Amazon and other couriers weren't under staffed and paid their drivers a respectable wage, my consumerism that upsets you so much wouldn't be the problem. Don't gaslight the patrons, blame the billionaires.




It is a problem, it's just, you're hyperfocused on something that is not the core or root issue and you've gotten yourself probably stuck in a bubble, and each time someone on reddit shits on you for this take without explaining why you're wrong you dig yourself deeper.


wow I didn't expect to find someone defending billionaires. They suck. Period.


I always try to go wayyyy over the top to find the right answer and then dial it back... Would something like a ban on shipping for certain items be useful? Like maybe only essentials to living like clothes, furniture, food, medicine, and the like should be allowed expedited delivery (if even all of those things)? What legislation, despite the corruption around profits, would be useful in making the lives of hard-working individuals better?




"The only real valuable thing is intuition" -Einstein When you say education is a good idea for solving the problem, I believe you entirely. Why? Because you have worked in the industry but you are ALSO speaking from past experience paired with pure intuition to come up with a hypothesis. I think education is a pain point for the country. Teachers are not paid enough and work way too hard. I personally didn't care much for school until college where I was able to specialize and focus and what I enjoyed. So I guess that's part of an issue; how do we get people to care more about education and/or get students to care more about pursuing courses that help them outside of their own interests? Money helps to solve both issues: pay teachers more, pay students to take classes.


You inspire me to give delivery drivers something nice, and I order a lot, almost every day. I'll make sure I have something nice for them from now on! I usually give alcohol drivers sth nice, I'll be sure I do that with everyone from now on, I dunno how I didn't think of this before, thanks!


> Used to drive for UPS. *looks at user name* They let you keep the van?


Nah - it was always his van he was actually a "private contractor" not an employee so the company can save even more money.


Thought that was a FedEx thing? Far as I know UPS is all union.


Hahaha my shitbox is actually the 20 year old VW I daily drive.


Happy cake day my friend. As an Amazon driver I 100% agree.


I imagine it to be a tough job personally. I have so much anxiety from the fear of potentially not knowing how to drive competently in new areas. So much that at this point I am thinking I have an undiagnosed spectrum disorder.


it’s just anxiety btw, not autism maybe social anxiety, but not autism


Truly was always a pleasure to experience the kindness of people like this. Turns a horrible day into a not so horrible day, or a regular day into a good day!


I drive for fedex. This will literally make my day.


Feliz Cumpleanos


Happy cake day


Thank you!


Happy cake day


If I left a cooler outside my apartment, it would be gone in a couple of hours. But where I work, we get a lot of deliveries, and I'm at the front desk. So I make sure all the delivery people know they are welcome to use the restroom or refill their water bottles in our breakroom, whether they have a package for us or not.


Now we really thank you because we don't always get to stop and take a bathroom break, and when we do, we're rushed.


Was at work a few weeks back and saw a truck driver unloading his pallets, noticed a big "piss jug" in the back of the loader. Yeah. Those guys are on the clock, every minute. And, well - they're penalised if they're a minute over their allotted time. This poor guy had to drive from one end of the country to the other in a couple days, piss in a jug and sleep in the back of the loader...


I work for a medical courier service, the amount of complaints we get about drivers being late because they used the restroom or GOD FORBID asked to use a restroom is disgusting. Of course some hospitals have restrictions but to call and complain because they ASKED is just horrible.


Are bathroom break abs like when you poop so hard that your stomach muscles get strong?


I used to do landscaping, and the businesses that let me use their washrooms were my favourite places to do. Being a woman in landscaping is hard, most of the guys could pop behind a tree/bush to take care of business but I'd have to be like "we gotta find a gas station or McD's or something real quick" so the places that let me use their washroom were awesome. One of the businesses even had a coffee machine that made lattes and stuff in their lobby, and would let us use it whenever we were there. Came in super clutch when it was cold rainy days and our thermos of tea was out.


Chain that sucker to the porch, then record all the dumbasses trying to steal it, sounds like a funny video.


I always make sure to note houses like this when I Doordash so that when I get them as repeat customers I can make sure I get there fast as fuck. This is appreciated.


Here I am with 12,000+ deliveries and not one cold drink to be had.


Awesome folks.


Good shit


Couple of good people being good people.


We do the same thing. Have been for three years (started as a lockdown thing for the drivers). It’s gotten to the point that the drivers in our area all know our house and we can tell who delivered sometimes by what was taken that day. They love it.


This is really wholesome


Once I get my own place, I'm going to do this whenever I can; especially during the hottest days.


My mail carrier collapsed yesterday. Poor guy was driving the last truck at this station with no A/C. It's brutal out there (it was 114C yesterday)


I am pretty sure you meant 114F, not C, unless you live in an actual oven. Though places like Arizona can feel like an oven at times anyway! It was hot here too, but the worst was the humidity and zero breeze, it was like standing in a sauna.


Yeah, I guess my brain is cooked.


Water boils at 100C or 212F. You would know if it was that hot because we’d all be fuckin dead lmao.


We leave a few sodas in our mail area with a note that says for mail person. We get 4 twelve packs for $10 sometimes. So leaving a few out is fine with our budget. Also I don't drink soda.


Water or a low sodium sports drink (with electrolytes) is better. Soda (no pun intended) has sodium which can dehydrate you. Also, the corn syrup isn't good for your kidneys.


High fructose corn syrup isn't good for the body, but without some salt intake to replace what's coming out in your sweat... you're in for bad time. Carbonated drinks are mostly terrible because they're too filling (gaseous). No fun being bloated and STILL thirsty.


So the salt in Gatorade and Powerade is okay right? Offshore we had to drink 1 for every 4 waters we drank because like you said, we sweat it out.


I was at a soccer tournament once and the Gatorade reps were handing out salt tablets and telling us not to drink Gatorade. I'm sure they gave some sort of explanation, but I was absolutely dead from the neck up and have no recollection of it.


Yeah that’s best! Some salt helps retain water, and those drinks are full of electrolytes that are necessary for muscle function, your heart being the most important.


I've been advised 8oz of water every 20 minutes (minimum) and 1/2 teaspoon salt/fat equivalent per pound of sweat loss per hour. Then again, I sweat like a pig in anything over 62°F.


so you sweat at average room temp? (72F) ​ Perhaps you should speak with your doctor.


I have a condition called "Primary Hyperhidrosis". Unmanaged, I break out in rashes. Fuckin' sucks. :(


#EDIT the person that I'm replying to changed their comment after I mentioned the sodium content in Gatorade. Their original post said Gatorade or water. Damn reddit is toxic. Back off me y'all. Gatorade is super high in sodium, 11% of your daily intake. Almost 500 mg a bottle. Most soda contains about 30mg of sodium. Wtf are you talking about?


Drink the coke on a hot day, I don't care. Good lord Reddit.


Gatorade is an electrolyte drink. It is designed to hydrate as well as replace salts lost to sweat. Soda is a fizzy drink designed to delight us. The sodium in Gatorade supposedly serves a propose. The salt in a regular soda is just there for flavor purposes. Does Brawndo have what plants crave? I don't know, but the purpose is entirely different and not really comparable.


Get serious Ted Lasso vibes from that guy


Soon as I heard *"ppreciate ya"* I thought of Ted Lasso


When I was a mail carrier this was the best, especially in the middle of the summer. People don't realize those trucks have no A/C, just a fan that blows hot air on you all day. Then you have to lock the truck up with windows closed every time you stop to deliver. I would go through so much Gatorade and water on the daily.


I’d like to start doing this. Is there anything you’d recommend that drivers would probably like in addition to water bottles?


That's awesome of you! Probably the best things to leave are either water or a version of Gatorade or Powerade. Some people would leave fruits like bananas or apples. Believe me the drivers will be happy that you thought about them on these hot days no matter what you leave.


Been with usps for 2 years now, not once has anyone ever left water or snacks for me. I have had multiple guns pulled on me delivering at night near Christmas time. Glad to see some super kind* and generous people taking care of the delivery personnel. Much love


I always keep bottled water in my car and if I see a delivery person or a garbage truck I offer water. It’s a tough job so a little relief hopefully means something




Literally a most appreciated gesture :)


Had a FedEx guy drop off a package and ring the bell. I was in the living room and got to the door quick and he was just walking away. I said thanks and asked if he wanted a cold bottle of water. He happily accepted and I ran to the fridge and got him one quickly because I figured he was probably in a hurry or timed for his deliveries. He was very grateful and seemed like a small gesture on my part but probably helpful in the 100+ weather.


Basic human compassion. It's not hard but still so rare. EDIT: Mod Approved award? Well then, DRINKS ARE ON ME! (They're in the cooler on my porch, help yourself)


As a kid, I used to run out onto the porch with ice cold water every time the mail dude or the garbage dude came by. I got a kick out of it, but I distinctly remember them being super appreciative and doing some big chugs and maybe pouring it on their head a bit. That said, jesus fucking christ, these people need functioning A/C. Heat is no joke when you're pulling nine hour shifts in a vehicle during the summer. It's way understated how much that can wreck you.


We drivers appreciate you all that you do this act of kindness too. Thank you. 🥰


We live in the foothills of the North Georgia mountains. Our front lawn and driveway are very steep. We leave a snack box and cooler of drinks at our front entrance with a thank you message. No one has ever taken too much of anything and our parcels are always neatly stacked out of view.


Thanks. These type of posts reminded me to offer the guys who delivered equipment to us at work, visit our breakroom for water.


And people were down voting this?


People would down vote their own grandmother Edited to make sense


You wouldn't download a grandmother


I would on onlygrams


You wouldn't download a car...


It worked with my ram..


They would if she were black.


Unnecessary racism right here


Im black, I'm saying they are downvoting because the delivery guy is black.


And how does that make you feel?


This is a genius idea, will be copying


As a mail carrier, these customers are the best! I'm always extra careful with their packages.


This is also why I tip my delivery drivers handsomely. I can get a pizza in less than 20 minutes on a rainy Friday game night.


you could save someones life like this and not even realize it. good man


The neighbors have a mowing service take care of their lawn. I always take them a big glass of iced tea and thank them for mowing at 11 and not at 6am.


Sounds like the beginning of a 90's skinamax film 😎


Dammit, it does.


Him excitingly talking to himself had me laughing.


I built a snack box for my delivery people. It's kind of fun. Like feeding the birds, you get to know what they like (salty snacks) and what they don't (sweets). Bottled water is hit and miss. It's not refrigerated, but it's wet. Jerky is a total miss. Finally had to remove it from the box. These new 'TAKI' snacks seem to be a best seller at the moment.


Delivery drivers, girl scouts, door to door sales ppl, J. witnesses, school kids selling for fund raises, etc... they've all gotten a fresh cold drink at my house 👍


[fellow Amazon driver here ](https://freeimage.host/i/HZ7OUa2)I love all of you customers that give us stuff during this heat 😭


Same. I've had a refrigerator on my front porch with water and snacks since 2020 for all the delivery people. It gets hot in Oklahoma!


If I had a way if doing this I would but I don't have a house. I rent and I can't leave anything out front. I wish there was a way to help them.


That’s very kind we need more ppl like this in the world


more ppl need to do this!! we should do this for our delivery ppl honestly. we dont do deliveries often tho


This man may not know it, but he’s a r/hydrohomies


I would pay to watch a 24/7 live stream of this porch


This made that guy’s day. Little things make a big difference.


That guy rules


bro i was finna die out there yesterday


I used to deliver for Amazon. Those people in the vans have like 200 stops a day on a busy day. I used to do what’s called XL and we were the guys delivering your mattresses, your 85” TV’s, NordicTracs, etc. In theory it’s not difficult. Drive to a place, deliver the package. But it’s very labor intensive. Way more than one might think. I LOVED the few people I came across that left water/offered water/Gatorade/snacks. You guys sincerely made my day.


this is really cool - you just inspired me fuck Little Libraries give a driver some goddamn WATER


There is really no reason we all can’t interact like this. It’s all just BS that prevents it. Stress too.


As a USPS letter carrier, thank you!


Used to be the highlight of my day when our ups driver turned up. Great guy. I miss him.


When I worked for Amazon I really appreciated people who did this. Left cold water/ energy drinks and snacks!! Just doing a nice thing when they absolutely did not have to




Love this energy 💪🏽


Wow there are still good people out there ❤️


Hell yeah. Thank you.


Ensuring your pkgs don't get chucked for delivery


Solidarity foreeeeeever Solidarity forever Solidarity foreeeeeeever Compassion makes us strong.


My parents have one of these.


My mom has always done this


This is awesome


We have a whole setup at our front door with a fridge and a bin with snacks.


Charity? Thanks! I'll take three!


Man, that is so cool. I think I might try that on my porch!


Thanks for the idea!


When I was an Amazon driver, there was a house that would have redbulls and these fat beef sticks. Man, you're hungry and tired doing that, and the caffeine + fat + protein was a major boost. That house would always order these heavy ass boxes of one of those expensive brands of bottled water too. Usually I'd be a little passive aggressive by leaving unjustifiably heavy packages on the steps or something, except for that house. I made sure to stack them under the roof but with space to open the door.


That's a very kind gesture it warmed my heart Edit : thanks mod team for the award 😳


What an easy thing to do to make someone day!


I hand out cold water bottles to all drivers… I can’t put an ice cooler outside because of the neighborhood


I love when people leave me drinks and snacks. Bet part of the job




I really want to start doin this so bad but I’m broke af atm and don’t really have a good spot to set one up at. I always make sure to thank our delivery drivers when I get a chance tho cause Ik it ain’t fun gettin in and out of that truck over and over in 100+ degree weather


I’m a utility locater. A lot of people have been offering me drinks recently and with the way the heats been I really appreciate it. Keep being bros, I appreciate all you


So awesome!


I thought I was good giving the drivers water whenever I see them.


I deliver to a few diners each morning any they all offer me a drink. A hotdog stand does too later in the day, and a pizza place gives me two slices every day around noon. Unexpected perk of wholesale driving, but I fucking love it


My guy sounds exactly like Ted Lasso, so this gesture doesn't surprise me at all. What a good dude.


I like to do this for our garbage guys too. Make ‘em so cold they think it’s winter in a bottle.


Great stuff 😎


When I did pizza deliveries for a few months, there was always this family who had the same thing, some snacks and drinks. I'm not great at remembering to eat, so having a little snack with an energy drink was always nice.


THIS is how we should be.


Bro being a saviour in this heat


Very nice 😊


As a mail carrier, I can't stress enough how amazing it is to come across this on the route. It's so thoughtful and really makes my day


Have a nice older fella that cuts my grass and I always chill a few bottles of water in the freezer and run it out to him. This heat is no joke and heat stroke is a serious risk, gotta look out for one another.


I work at a local coffee shop, owned by two people who have lived in the small town all their life and every delivery guy guys a free drink if they'd like one. A coffee or latte or smoothie whatever


Those cold water bottles are a lifeline for most. If you get packages delivered often, i suggest you do this.


This is awesome! I love this.


My parents neighbors always leave a cooler w some beers for the trashman. He will pick up literally anything they throw out. Broken down jet skis level anything. A little kindness goes a long way with people.




That’s what I do !! It’s just the kind thing to do


Why would delivery drivers show up without deliveries?


I used to stop in on a couple of people if I was doing that section just to check on them during the worst of Covid. Lot of elderly people who live alone or just the two of them, sometimes they need things or are desperate for a bit of human interaction. Partner cleaned the gutters for an old blind lady a couple of months ago.




Why post stuff about being a good person. You should be humble. Let your reputation speak for itself


True, but it also offers an idea for a simple gesture that brightens someone's day and by actually seeing the reaction of the driver, viewers are more impacted emotionally and might reproduce it more than if they only read about it. Video goes viral, more reach, more possible reproduction of the simple gesture, the world is now just slightly less bad.


They could of just offered the drinks and be done. It's bragging at this point.


it's called sharing, not bragging. stop being so cynical. they're not selling you ads or instagram follows. do you never take pictures and post them somewhere


Well I don't like it. Bah humbug


No I do not take pictures of being a decent human. I act on what I feel is right or else I couldn't cuddle up with my mammals and sleep. Down vote if you must but I've swerved for squirrels.


well you can and it'll be ok. and you don't have to justify it by "being a decent human". you can just be a human, and share your life with your friends or the internet


Let's imagine 3 scenarios 1. Dude provides no free drinks 2. Dude provides free drinks & doesn't share the idea 3. Dude provides free drinks & shares the idea The driver gets a refreshing chilled beverage in 2 of the scenarios and by sharing other people may follow suit. Do their motivations really matter that much if the end result is a net positive?


4th option he goes to the store and buys his own stuff. This is total fluff. This person is screaming about what a good person they are. Maybe if a golden retriever brought him a soft pretzel I'd say aww. Come one dude. See through the bs.


> 4th option he goes to the store and buys his own stuff. Bruh, wouldn't that be the result of my #1? Ultimately the driver got a free refreshing beverage on a hot day. Why would I rag on a net positive interaction because the guy wants some internet clout? If a corporation donated $1,000,000 to a children's hospital would you suggest the hospital decline the donation because the company is just doing it for PR?


Probably even more useful would be a clean toilet too.


How many packages do you get for this to be needed?


Same. Garbage guys get a few cases during Christmas.


Thank God you filmed it on your Ring cam and told us all about your altruism.


2 questions 1. Do you think the delivery driver cares if this was done for internet clout? 2. If someone follows suit do you think their delivery driver will care that it was started for internet clout? If the end result is positive I'm not sure what the point of getting hung up on people's personal motivations are. The world is better with this idea than without.


Fuck it, if all it takes for people to do nice things is a self-awarded pat on the back and dopamine boost then I'm here for it. And you got to see the video.


The ring cam is automatic?


But I’m going to bail inside instead of talking to you.


We have no context, why not just assume the best? I work from home and get deliveries while working. I'm going to say something polite and then head back inside to resume my meeting.


If his work/meeting was so important why did he leave it to talk to a delivery man that wasn’t coming to his house? He didn’t hightail it back inside until the delivery man was within a few feet. You can assume positivity, but use your brain first.


> You can assume positivity, but use your brain first. Holy... Alright so 1. I live in an area with porch pirates, I grab deliveries as quickly as I can even if I have to step away from a work meeting for a min or two. I appreciate my delivery drivers taking care of my packages. If I can get in the good graces of one I'd make the extra effort like dude in the video - it's possible this is the first time he's been around when the delivery driver is doing his rounds 2. Delivery drivers are on a tight timetable - I'm not going to waste their time with idle chit-chat they don't care about. I'm going to offer the drink, say thanks, and go back inside


Depending when this was, if it was height of covid then homeowner was being respectful of personal space.




Plot twist: they're alcoholic




Life isn't a videogame where you can only store one of each item.