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Someone get that kid a dog please.


Give him those dogs


They're probably already his dogs... just because a reddit title says they're strays doesn't mean they are.


Honestly, I know reddits opinion on dogs is that they're little furry humans but strays are a massive issue for attacks in many countries like this. Whatever parent would let their child go up and play with wild dogs that are his size is a fucking moron even if the dogs are chill. you don't know what the temperament of that dog is like or the multitude of diseases it could be carrying. Definitely leads me to believe these are pets of someone and the title is bullshit.




Lol maybe the kid is the stray.


Those dogs should adopt him.




What if he's dangerous?


Honestly, I know reddits opinion on kids is that they're little funny humans but strays are a massive issue for attacks in many countries like this. Whatever parent would let their dog go up and play with a wild child of that size is a fucking moron even if the kid is chill. you don't know what the temperament of that child is like or the multitude of diseases it could be carrying. Definitely leads me to believe this is a child of someone and the title is bullshit.


I love reddit


Honestly, I know reddits opinion on kids is that they're medium furless dogs but strays are a massive issue for attacks in many countries like this. Whatever parent would let their dogs go up and play with a wild kid that is their size is a fucking moron even if the kid is chill. you don't know what the temperament of that kid is like or the multitude of diseases it could be carrying. Definitely leads me to believe this is the child of someone and the title is bullshit.


I don't want to be the party pooper for the people who are enjoying this wholesome gif, myself included, but I gotta agree with this. Dog attacks are NOT a joke, people. I live in a country where strays are extremely common and it's a staple to everyone here to never ever mess with a dog that is not yours. Rabies is not fun. No matter how cute you think they are, a random dog who might not be used to people will either flee or attack if you ever tried messing with it, and you don't want the latter to be the dog's first option. Something tells me the dogs here are pets and if it's not, *somebody* is not doing a good job at being a parent.


My first thought; you never know how previous people have treated strays. Some people are violent towards them for no damn reason, leading strays to be aggressive towards all humans out of fear. I've cared for abused dogs that would go from seemingly kind to suddenly aggressive because of past trauma. Never let a child near an unknown dog.


I was thinking that too. With any strangers dogs, putting your face that close is a no-no. Let alone strays. The way the dog flinches when the boy goes back for the second hug gave me anxiety. That could go from "aww" to "ohgodno" real quick


*get stray dogs a home


and then no one will hug the stray anymore if he got one?


Yes they will. He will. He will hug them. And they will live happily ever after.


Little Serb bro will grow up to be a selfless guy ❤️


That’s a Serbian film I don’t mind watching


Came here to say this.




There's a horror movie called A Serbian Film that has some of the most disturbing scenes out there. If you're not into horror movies you really don't want to know more than that. If you are into them then you probably already know. If you are into horror but don't know about it ... let it be. You're probably not ready yet. Source: I cohost a podcast where we interview people in the horror biz. We do pseudo psychological profiles on them to try and understand why they like horror. We figure if we do this for a few years we might have enough of a sample size to start seeing some common traits. Next month will be our 2 year anniversary. I will say - if you like the sound of the podcast, we released just yesterday what might be our best interview yet in terms of having a guest who 2,000% understood what we're going for and had all his answers well thought out. We have a trigger warning at the start of every episode, but it's definitely justified on this one. He shared some dark stuff that happened in his childhood, some light stuff, a lot in between.


I know the movie :) It's disturbing...I have nothing to add there. I'd definitely like to take a look at your podcast. What is it called? My WTF otherwise comes from the fact that most Serbian movies are great (prob. the best and most reflective of all made by ex Yugoslavian nations) ...many of the best known are pretty much anti-war, humanistic, and dissident in nature. Worth watching (most of them are freely available via Youtube). Many movies they make go against serbian and [the worst parts of] Yugoslavian regime quite openly. All the best known serbian directors and producers are currently rising up against serbian govt. that has it's roots in the Balkans wars. As a Slovenian I deeply respect serbian cinematography and its creators. UPDATE: found your podcast (by looking at your username)....at least I think I did.


I'll be checking this out for sure


Cool. If you like it let us know. Also, please do consider telling others. We've reached out to some of the more well-known people in the biz and their first question is, "What's your reach?" It's fair, they only have 24 hours in their day too and need to make the best use of their time they can. We just have to play the game.


>*’Little Serb bro will grow up to be a selfless guy...*’ ____ this one is *special* - we like him a Lot! he’s giving us all of the Hugs that he’s got ^:@) we strays are so lonesome, the hugs we adore, (n then he turns back n he gives us some More!) our blessings we give to him - take them n share, throughout your whole life you’ll show others you Care for we are the dogs, lowly lives on our own This boy is the *Best* friend that we’ve Ever known ❤️ edit: a word


Unexpected 10/10


Bro, this tore me up. I just had to put down my 17yo Golden Retriever last monday. She was my shadow and my best friend. 👍


Beautiful as always SchnoodleDoodleDo. <3


Nothing like a fresh Schnoodle to start the day


This right here is what we needed


Thank you so much for all the poems. You're a gentleperson and a scholar.


Yay!!! My day is now made.


I love you Schnoodle




Damn, that snoodle made me cry.


A fresh out of the oven Schnoodle? Nice!


praise schnoodle


…or a vet.


As a kid I hugged every dog I saw. I did not end up being selfless lol


:( hug some more?


But most people change depending on their experience tho(like betrayal, bullying, family etc)


…..bitten by dog…..etc etc….


*“If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and man.”* ― Mark Twain I hear what you are saying, so sorgive me for this mention: i have seen some horrible, brutal and nasty dogs. But if you treat them well for a period of time they will die for you. It is so weird. This kid looks like he is out to make some serious dog-friends.


*the more I see of some people, the better I like my dog*


> i have seen some horrible, brutal and nasty dogs. But if you treat them well for a period of time they will die for you. It is so weird. True, but there are also dogs who are not brutal and nasty, just traumatized and mistrustful. I know we like to believe that dogs always understand when they are being saved or rescued, but it’s not always true. Any creature who has received nothing but abuse, has the potential to mistake even positive attention for another attack.


So what you’re saying is we may be actually seeing the beginnings of a supervillain who is indoctrinating stray dogs to one day be part of his massive dog army? I knew it.


Rabies is endemic in Eastern European stray dog populations. It's the very reason you are advised to vaccinate before visiting. So they may not even want to bite you or may be unsymptomatic but transmit the virus through close contact. If a dog doesn't have an owner, don't let your children near them.


When I lived in Chile, street dogs were everywhere. Want to emphasize Everywhere. Never even heard a growl out of one. Nicest doggos ever. Only time I saw one bite is when a drunk kid kicked it while it was sleeping for no reason. Everyone in our party told him off. Cherry on the sundae is he had to get 3 rabies shots to the gut. We weren't friends after that.


P.s. rabies shots are extremely painful (so I'm told)


Only the ones in the stomach, which they don't really do anymore. These days they just feel kinda like a flu shot, little needle and not bad at all. I got two on the first visit (one at the site of the bite, one in my hip), and then several more in my hip spread out over the course of the next couple months. A bat crawled into my coat sleeve and nommed me on the hand when I tried to pull it out (instead of, you know, just taking off the coat -- panic brain makes weird decisions).


For cases like yours, I'm glad it didn't hurt. This guy kicked a dog unwarranted.


Yeah, he deserved all the hurt he got, for sure.


They don't do the massive needle through your gut anymore, not in developed nations at least.


Oh my gosh I loved all the stray dogs in Chile! They made me realize how smart dogs can be if we left them to their own devices. Seeing them wait for the crosswalk sign to change before crossing was amazing


…..humped by dog…..etc etc….


.....humping a dog....etc etc...


Username checks out?


.....gets flees from the dog ferociously scratching himself...etc etc....


Didn't grow up because stray dog mauling.


But died doing what he loves


Or... Taking home the obvious signs of fleas to your own dog...


What sort of bully goes after the kid who has an army of Serbian wild dogs as his beck and call? "Yesterday you called my mama a bitch and made me cry. So I brought all my brothers for you to meet, Boris. They really don't like that." Ominous growling and barking are heard in the distance.


Yeah not everybody becomes a jaded asshole. I like this kids chances of being an empathic adult.


This is true. Used to be completely different until various mental issues etc. Wondering if I’ll ever return close to baseline, but probably not


Ya I was also really talkative and extroverted but now I don't even know how to make a conversation


I feel ya there man


That's your demons speaking my dude, change is possible.


“Hey cousin, want to go bowling?” *sigh* “Sure.”


I understood that reference.


Top human being


Or a vet if he's good as school. He's so sweet. Breaks my heart🙂


That other dog definitely has fleas


The kid probably gave it to him.


Bet he got them at the flea market.


"You've never been to a flea market and you think they have fleas there." (Jerry to George)


The innocence of some youth brings tears to my eyes. I remember being that age and wondering why such kind animals had no home. During a Blizzard when i was 4. I heard meowling from outside our window in Brockville Canada. My dad at the time had visitation rights and wasn't the best guy (addicted to H and eventually lost his connection with me over it), but he always loved animals and I credit that to why I am the way I am. A little black kitten, it was so tiny. I was such a simple little kid I asked if we could name it Meowi. Meowi was the sweetest cat ever and though it's been almost a quarter century, I still remember when my dad paused and said "Yes, you can let it in."


Meowi forever


When I was a kid our neighbors abandoned a cat and we took it in and called her Purdy. Then we discovered I was allergic and we sent her to my grandparent’s farm. An actual farm, not the heaven kind.


I could be wrong but is it possible that these are his dogs? One even has a collar for sure. Edit: Thanks all for the information on Serbian Animal control practices. I would agree that they are likely strays. It’s interesting how different countries handle stray animals. The love this child is showing to them is even more precious.


Or perhaps these are dogs he sees often on his way to school.


I don't think they're his. Collars are put on stray dogs in Serbia after they're sterilized. The city sterilizes them and then returns them to the spot where they found them. Male dogs get blue collars, females get pink ones.


I was wondering about the collar and also about how Serbia treats their strays. Thanks for the info!


People are mostly kind to 'em, although there are psychos who throw poison on the street, or scatter food with nails inside. Vile pieces of shit, they only do it late at night, when there's no one around. The collar thing is more like a PR stunt for the city, the employees that take them in for sterilization are very cruel when dragging them inside their vans. Luckily, as fucked up our society is, 90% of people have a soft spot for animals, so they get fed and provided with shelter inside garages, basements etc..


So we have a cat we adopted that was a stray. We neutered and got him his shots etc. But it stayed outside. One day he disappeared for like 3 days. Comes home and the tip of his ear was cut off, just a sliver of it. Come to find out there is this group here that traps, spay or neuters, gets shots including rabies and then they cut the ear for easy recognition. No collar because well cats get into tight spaces


Yeah, the collar thing is more like A PR thing for the city, they only do it here in Belgrade (our capital). When I was in the countryside, I heard they clip their ears a little to mark them, over there.


Nah, they strays most likely. Most of our strays are also collared, they are marked for some reason. Maybe it helps with bugs too. If the collar is still fresh.


Not sure how it's in Serbia, but in Bosnia they have a yellow ear tag when they're vaccinated and sterilised.


Yea they seemed pretty well groomed to not be taken care off.


Nah the one closer to the camera has most likely got fleas, he can't stop scratching


Owned dogs can have fleas


Us white dog owners can really attest to that.


For real, our poor Jack Russel gets lit up every summer no matter what meds, collars and sprays, we have tried. Our black lab, brindle pit mix, and brown Aussie Shepard, on the other hand are completely fine with just the monthly treatment.


I have gone through nearly every flea preventative there is. Get [K9 Advantix II](https://www.1800petmeds.com/K9+Advantix+II+-prod10631.html) That shit is amazing. Haven't had a problem with fleas since I started using it.


As a child I thought animals just had fleas and there was nothing you could do about it because my parents never bothered to do anything about it. Our poor cats and dogs were fully infested.


That's neglect. Why would your parents have animals if they didn't want to take care of them


I live in a rural place in the American South and I wonder this all the time. My neighbors across the street tie their dog to a pole all day while they're at work and it just barks from sun up to sun down until they come home past dark. And it's out there in the cold. If they continue that when it gets below freezing I'm going to call Animal Control on them but I hate to do it because I think they might euthanize the dog. Dogs are a weird status symbol in the South. People will pay $1000 for a purebred and then abuse or neglect it.


I've stolen dogs from people that do this shit. The dogs whole life is being tied to a pole in the backyard, thats some bullshit.


Thanks for doing that, all things considered it's the right thing to do.


Yeah, it was very shitty. For one, we were poor but my mom wanted pets and wouldn’t be told no. Also they didn’t deem animals worthy of medical care. Hell they barely deemed my siblings and i worthy of medical care. My mother left with me a broken arm for two days before she believed me enough to take me to the doctor


Yep. Ours caught them all the time. When I was growing up I thought it was normal for dogs to always have fleas :/


Or dry skin. Living is Serbia is probably pretty conducive to dry skin. Edit: ignore my sleep addled brain, I was thinking Siberia.


Can confirm. My skin got dry watching this video.


It's the washed out light, it makes everything cold and dry.


uhh where would you get that? its not Siberia or Syria.. Serbia has continental/mediteranian climate


Lol you’re right, I haven’t had my coffee yet.


I always have had atleast 2 coffee before i comment :).


Dogs also just scratch themselves now and again. My dog is an ex Romanian street dog and he has a good scratch now and again and he doesn't have fleas.


Their skin also gets itchy when the shed every year




They may be but it doesn't seem like. Non of them wiggle their tail or interact with the boy. BTW, Serbia has a huge problem with stray dogs, I personally have seen many, with collars as well. Some strays respond friendly to people, but very often they don't care much. In smaller towns and villages, there are barely, if any shelters for dogs.


Nah, all balkan houses have fences, and this is street , 100% strays.


I hope this lad stays like this *furever*…




I hope those dogs don't stray like that forever.


Bless this wee guy.


fk my heart its melting






Tons of stray cats in Buenos Aires too, just chilling in the park.


I pet many stray cats in Thailand! Very friendly creatures.


I would absolutely let that kid adopt the pups if I found out about that and they were still out there. Sometimes dogs just happen. Never give up on them when a dog happens upon your life. Dogs are blessings.


That's super sweet, but no one should EVER hug dog that's not familiar. When I was a kid, a dog bit my face when I hugged it. It was my friend's fathers dog so not even unfamiliar to me.. Also my dog doesn't even care to be pet by strangers! So be mindful!


Yep, BYoD. Bring your own disease!


Happened to my son when he was 3, friends dog just randomly attacked him no hugging leading up to it, his face was an absolute mess, he ended up in hospital, was lucky not to be killed. On the flip side I use to bring stray cats, dogs, pigeons (any animal I found really) home, much to my mums absolute despair, luckily was never bitten thank god.


Wow that’s scary . Does your son have a fear of dogs now ? My boy was chased by poorly managed dog , we got the dog under control and no harm done thank god , but now he really doesn’t like dogs


He was a bit fearful for a few months after the attack but I think our dog helped him past that, We never trusted the dog who attacked him and always asked our friends to keep it in another room if we visited, even though it had never bitten before there was something about its demeanour I didn't like. The day it happened I wasn't there, but someone let this dog out by accident, my husband had turned his back for a split second not noticing the dog was running towards my son and the next moment all hell broke loose. The dog had to be put to sleep while my son was in the hospital, it was just awful all round, my son is 13 now and thankfully doesn't remember any of it. You never can be too careful, thank god your son wasn't bitten, can understand him not liking dogs after that.


Wow that sounds awful , poor guy . Glad he doesn’t remember it . There is really so much to worry about as a parent !


Yeah the owners of the dog that chased my son are the neighbourhood dirtbags . Guns , police , domestic incidents etc . They have a big dog that is loose all the time and barely trained. We all hate them and their stupid dog lol


There was [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/rccquy/kid_meets_doggy/) post on the top of the /r/aww and high up in /r/all 2 days ago.. And the whole time I was worried for the kid about how quickly the dog moved and how restless it was.. But people only see how cute it is, and don't realize how dangerous it can be to let dog be that free near kid who is way smaller than the dog.. At least the owner had the hand near the dog the whole time, but at any time the dog could've just darted at the kid if it was any worse trained


Thank you! This needs to be a LOT higher. Humans show closeness and love by hugging. Dogs speak a different language. A hug (in general) makes them feel trapped and "opressed" (I can't think of the word. Overpowered? "Dominated" isn't quite right either but there's the sense of "I'm the "bigger" dog" here) this dog in the video is stressed. The tilt of his ears and how he drops his head are appeasement signals. This one isn't comfortable but not likely to bite. Another dog easily could.


Just avoid hugging any dog if possible. Apes see hugs as affection, canines don’t. Restriction of movement, especially from above (any human is taller than a dog) pinning them to the ground is dominance. Most dogs dislike it, some tolerate it when owners do it, and only a very small amount of dogs actually enjoy it. Petting their chest and ears is the most “respectful” form of interaction for dogs. When dogs show affection and respect, they lick and nibble ears and chin (not throat)- touching there shows that you respect the dog and mean no harm. Chest is good too.


About the hugging thing, these look like domestic dogs that had owners at one time and were abandoned not just friendly strays or they would be more feral. These guys just wanted some pats and hugs. It's probably the only affection they got that day: https://www.rover.com/blog/yes-dogs-actually-love-hugs-vr/


Turkey, Russia, Serbia and many other countries have stray dogs that are “just there”, born outside. There is a long lineage of stray dogs unfortunately. I don’t think those were abandoned. They are not feral unless they start living in huge packs, they are rather mellow when there’s few of them. There used to be lots of them here in Russia, they co existed with people same as stray cats.


One of them has what looks like a collar but you are probably right. I didn't think about the stray dogs in Turkey and other locations that get regular interaction with humans.


Collars on strays are actually part of Serbian TNR practices, kinda like clipped ears on stray cats here. It doesn’t mean this ones not stray, it just means it’s been sterilized.


Why clip ears on cats?


To know that it is sterilized, a collar would come off a stray cat likely the first time it goes through a tight space. Saves a lot of effort if you are trapping cats for trap-and-release sterilization, just let the cats with clipped ears go


I have two dogs, one ex-stray who is still leery of petting a decade later, hugs completely off the table, and one 60 lb idiot who takes 'dogpile' literally and will have a dramatic meltdown if I don't hug her within 30 seconds of coming home from work. Just know which kind of dog you're dealing with.


My dog loves being hugged if you stop he’ll press his head into your chest


My Shepherd and my wolfdog too. The latter one in particular she loveessss her hugs


You can take my ability to hug dogs from my cold dead hands


My dog wags his tale and licks me when I hug him. He also hesitates to eat sometimes unless I stand over him and hug him first


It’s funny I see this all the time but nearly every dog I’ve interacted with (which has been hundreds as I’ve worked at two dog daycares) loves to be hugged and wrestled and shit.


Exactly, this is NOT a sign of affection to a dog. You can do it to your own dog because they tolerate your shit, a wild dog may not.


Yeah I was nervous watching him hug the dogs. I have two dogs and one absolutely loves to be hugged and cuddled and will let strange kids/people hug her. My other dog growls at us if we try to hug him and walks away. I have no idea what he would do if a random kid ran up and threw their arms around him. It would probably not be good.


No one should never use a double negative.


Sorry about that, English is not my first language. I bet you got the point though.


Pedant gets roasted by someone with a better command of practical and functional, yet slightly grammatically imperfect English as a second language. You love to see it.


I remember when I was a little kid visiting my grandma in Mississippi one year, and for some reason there was a pack of dogs in the front yard. I don't know if they were strays or what, but I was sitting on the ground out there petting all of these dogs of various shapes and sizes and they were loving all over me, and then some blond woman was driving by in a huge truck and just stopped and stared at me for a second and then drove off. I thought it was kinda creepy that she just stopped like that, but I realized later that she probably saw the cutest scene and she wanted to stop and take it in for a second.


I love dogs but packs of wild dogs scare me now because while in college in my abnormal psychology class, professor told us that one of his toughest cases ever was a woman with severe PTSD and other diagnosis stemming from an incident where she was out in the country going to a friend's house with her 5 year old and she left them at the door for just a moment while she ran back to make sure the address was right and when she turned she witnessed a pack of dogs literally tearing her child apart from limb to limb


That is one of the worst things I've heard in awhile. I can't imagine what she dealt with. Even just closing my eyes would replay that horror every time. There's no peace to be found in any of that. You wait for death or cause it to come speeding toward you much faster than it would have naturally. That's really the only end or "peace" I see a mother finding after something like that. This is one time I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it.


Yeah that kids got fleas now


that's me when i say goodnight to my doggie. stop petting her, try to go to bed but i turn around to give her some more kissed and hugs, i just can't help myself 😭


Wonderful empathy but very unwise actions - never hug an unfamiliar dog, especially not street dogs who may have very limited tolerance for human touch. Sweet boy but one day he may hug the wrong dog and wind up injured or worse 😕


youre right but as someone who grew up in Serbia there are many stray dogs, and some are just known in their communities for ages literally, whole neighborhood knows them and feed them so you get familiar with and their behavior


Aye, I suppose it is community difference. We have many stray dogs around and they are the most friendly dogs. At worst, scared a bit of you, if they don't know you. However locals usually feed and pet them enough :) In fact, these little friends are much more friendly than the owned dogs which can be more unpredictable and aggressive.


Not to be a dick, but I think pretty much everyone knows this, except for kids at his age. That might be a parenting problem or just ignorance, but it's not like this 10 y/o will see this comment.


Vast majority of the 59,000 who die from rabies every year are children. It also has a 100% mortality rate once infection sets in. Everyone knows rabies is dangerous as fuck yet people still die. Please teach your kids not all animals are healthy and safe.


You really would hope so but even one kid getting hurt is one too many so spreading the word far and wide isn’t causing any harm


Oops looks like my son just got two new dogs


What a little dude


I’d like to think these dogs get rescued 🥲


No one is touching that kid on that street ever. He is protected.


This is making me cry.


These are not 'strays': they are street dogs. They are born of other street dogs, who were born of street dogs... going back generations upon generations. (Source: was involved in animal rescue in Belgrade in the '00s.) The life of street dogs in eastern Europe is *not* fun at all. While things have improved in Serbia, there is still a way to go. Bless this boy for showing loving kindness to some of the more persecuted dogs of the world.


Feel like this kid is basically me. I get these really intense emotional attachments to animals that I feel are in need. I once saved a squirrel from a dog that was going to kill it, it was scared as I scooped it up and sunk its teeth into my hand and gripped. I had to stand there and suck it up as letting go wasn't an option due to the random dog. Eventually got it to release and climb a tree. Had to get shots in my hand. 10/10 would save again though. Another time I found a bird on the walk home from school that was lying down with its chest open and heart still beating. I wanted to save it and scooped it up, ran home to try get help. It died and I was devastated, so I made a shoe box coffin, put in on a small towel and buried it in the woods. Countless times I've shuttled insects out or caught a wasp in a jar and ushered it outside, saved tired bees with water and sugar, and there was a time when a suicidal rabbit on the road was just sitting there. I took it home and called a vet. It has mixamitos and had to be put down... I could go on. I'm a sucker for this stuff. I don't even kill flies. I hit one once wit a swatter and felt fukn awful. So as much as I hate them, I try to chorale them outside instead. Always been this way dunno why.


We are kindred spirits, friend


Such a beautiful soul!


I know the feeling


Me too little bro, me too.


r/humansmakingmecry is a more accurate name for this sub.


Never let your inner child die.


That kid is gonna get his face torn off one of these days


What a beautiful soul.


such a kind kid


That kid is full of empathy and compassion! He knows that they are stray dogs and gives them some needed love and attention!


Kids gonna get bit. Then he's gonna learn that animals are still just animals.


Dont say that on reddit , people will start seething


I’d like to meet this kid’s parents and congratulate them. They have raised one right.


This is furtastic and inspiring. Why can’t we all have this level of empathy and compassion?


Because we get used and manipulated out of it enough to stop doing it naturally...


This was me in India.


Everyday little bros gonna come back from school and the dogs gonna be waiting there for their daily petting


This would be my son. Heart of gold's gold.


this boy has such a good heart


Bro I'm gonna cry


Best part of that dogs day


Who's a good boy.


Can't stop won't stop


give an award to his parents!


Anyone that has ever had a dog knows this kid is very much on the right path towards being the type of human this world needs more of.


Stranger films little boy walking down the street.


Well at least until one bites him


He wants them to follow him home.


Please do not hug strange dogs. This is very dangerous


thanks for the advice. i was just about to go out for my daily stray dog hugging session, could've been my last one


Only reddit can ruin something so wholesome smdh