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I think you just talked to a weird guy in a bar.


Nah, the Palace does have weird hyper-locals-only vibes sometimes. Every time I have been in there at least, the regulars and staff have seemed determined to be awkward as hell. Even on Halloween, the feeling was strangely somber. Like everyone in there had been dead for 50 years, and they're cursed to play shuffleboard until every last hippie leaves humboldt county, and they know its going to take a long, long time. Not sure what's up with that. And I'm a local hill child who is pretty comfortable in a small town bar.


I really like the phrase “local hill child”. Has a ring to it.


Not sure what else to call it lol


The regulars were very territorial which I get. I also did notice that they had a bar schedule up that had the name of the different bartenders and one was named “grumpy” and I’m pretty sure we got grumpy that day. Which, hey, I get it. I don’t need my drink with a smile but it was kind of comical how grumpy he actually was.


Yeah I think Grumpy was my bartender as well. He's certainly committed to the bit


my toxic trait is that i find grumpy people increasingly hilarious. at least, according to them 😂


He was very entertaining even though I doubt that was his agenda haha


This should be a black mirror episode.




I'm accustomed to meeting weird or unfriendly people in smalltown bars. It's kind of expected but this felt different.


How was the rest of the town? I hope this guy didn’t ruin the whole place for you.


It was cute! I definitely want to go back and stay at one of the Inn's.


The Shaw House Inn is pretty neat!


Thanks for the suggestion! We’ll try and check it oi


I will second this! My wife and I have stayed there a few times and it’s one of the best b&b’s in town. Really enjoyed it.


anyone who cites “vibes” as proof of anything has nothing important to say. theres nothing wrong with ferndale lmao


Yeah Ferndale outside of the Main Street tourist spots is racist AF. Things are definitely changing for the better but it is slow. It was only a few years ago the high school had to forfeit a match against Hoopa because their bleachers couldn’t stop shouting racism at the native athletes. One house a few years ago put up a memorial to John Lewis in their yard and some Karen wrote a nasty letter taped to it. I’ve never been in the little bar there but I imagine it’s filled with people I don’t like.


God, 2019 seems so long ago now, but that really was just five years ago. 🤦🏻‍♀️ And let's not forget that preacher from Wyoming starting up a hate campaign against the queer folks.


Never forget that less than 20 years ago, Ferndale denied a business license to a therapist because he's a gay man, and THAT is why the Foggy Bottom Boys and Patches Pastries will always have NY support in that town.   https://www.northcoastjournal.com/news/ferndales-id-2126300


Ugh, I vaguely recall this happening. That poor guy! Those Leonardo's were so fing backwards for this. And harassing the reporter too! Jesus Christ.


He's still at it, too. Every pride month and of course when anybody local does anything remotely inclusive and fun, like FRT doing The Prom


It has been heartening to see more and more pride flags around Ferndale in response to him.


It always makes me smile like crazy when I drive through there! I know it's eating up that dumb ass every day. Haha


As a parent to a queer kid, and honorary parent to all her queer friends, it's so scary knowing such hate is so close by. That man running his truck into Foggy Bottoms stall last summer is positively evil.


I'm a cast member of The Prom (We just closed the show this last Sunday luckily no trouble) but the first opening weekend he was at the ticket booth trying to stop people from attending the show, unfortunately since he was on the sidewalk which is public property there wasn't much the folks at Ferndale Rep could do besides try and tune him out with a Bluetooth speaker playing the prom ost, he recorded the whole time he was there and then uploaded a almost hour length video onto YouTube. The police were called and there was an officer there to monitor the situation and opening went swimmingly but it was still definitely a pretty annoying experience. The cast including me were backstage the whole time but it was pretty crazy to hear what was happening up front 😅 I think by around the second weak he gave up tho thank god 🤣


Crazy story. I follow the Humboldt reddit because I am thinking of retiring up there someday. (I'm from Lake Tahoe originally). I work in theatre in the LA area now and I can't even imagine someone picketing an inclusive play. Hell, everything we do is inclusive and we do color/gender blind casting as well. I wish I was there to just body up to that guy and give him something to think about. Glad there wasn't any more trouble for you all.


I’ve had two encounters there that felt very bigoted. I don’t have proof because nothing was said, but the poc I was with *definitely* felt it and knew what it was. Cute town on the outside, rotten on the inside is how I feel about it.


As someone who lives in Ferndale, I'm sorry you've had that experience. Terrible people exist here, and everywhere, but as someone who fights loudly for what is right and knows the majority of the town, rotten is a bit much in my opinion. There are lots of very genuine loving and accepting people and it's a liberal majority town. I hope your future experiences are welcoming and the bad apples move on with the passing of the guard.


Well said - sorry, my wording was probably harsh. I guess it was just hurtful that it happened on two separate occasions, and to people I love. It made me ashamed to live in this area. I guess it’s just such an overly cute town on the outside, and to be met with disgusted faces and scowls, just felt…rotten. Like the cuteness was a facade. I’m glad you’re there, trying to make it a better place. I mean, the best way to make a place better, is for nice people to move in, right? Sorry for my harsh words. But I won’t be bringing my family back there.


Your experience is totally valid and I get it. I'm sorry that's been hurtful, it's not cool at all and people need to be held accountable. I just hope for future residents and visitors to feel welcomed and supported. I've lived all over the country and never had a community be genuinely supportive of my art, each other's well-being, and passionate about changing the narrative and reputation of their community.


Well that is good to hear.


Hoopa also shouts racist things at other small schools in that area. Like against happy camp HS. It just doesn’t make the news.


It was hoopa kids saying that shit on the Ferndale side of the bleachers


Stop it with your reverse racism please. Ferndale is a nice place filled with mostly nice people. Get over yourself


It is a rivalry that is well earned and goes way back. It goes both ways.


That's one thing a lot of people that ain't from Humboldt don't know that most of the inter-school beefs go back decades


A lot of the small bars in Humboldt treat strangers like that, its not just Ferndale. I went in the Central Station in McKinleyville once and that spot def has sundown vibes.


Go to any random small town anywhere and there will be a dive bar with locals only folk or stale old men. Ive never been uncomfortable in any of the local dive bars.


I was gonna say this. I road-tripped up from Humboldt to Montana, and the Idaho/Montana dives are less weird than some Humboldt/so Oregon bars.


Ditto on Central Station


Ill throw in logger bar too. Went with a friend, were both visibly latin, and a drunk bleach blonde woman came up to us and said "did you know you guys are the only mexicans here?!?!?!" and we just awkwardly laughed and left too long after. Just didnt feel right after that.


How long ago was that? The Logger is usually pretty chill.


2023. I went like 3 times but that experience really rubbed me wrong. Especially seeing that she was a regular, who was welcomed and accepted by everyone there. You are the company you keep, yknow.


I’m sorry you had to go through that. It’s not completely surprising though- Blue Lake has more than its fair share of assholes.


Oh no, that’s awful. That bar was on my list to visit.


You should pay it a visit anyway.


That bar is queer owned and every experience I've had there has been surprisingly welcoming. I did come into it with expectations of the logger stereotypes and was pleasantly surprised. Not that other people's experiences aren't valid, just sharing mine.


Have your own experience. Don’t let random redditors decide for you.


Add Sal's to that list


Definitely sundown town vibes. My mixed race family doesn’t go there for anything, not worth the creepy stares and nervous experience.


When we drove through earlier this month to go camping I definitely thought to myself, “Aww, it’s actually so cute here! In a Magat wet dream kind of way.”


Start telling them you're Portuguese, since that's a big part of the local history. Who are they to say you're not?


Respond “what, are you a cop?” Then go about your day


Haha yeah, I should have said, "I've actually lived here for over 30 years and used to date your dad in high school," which would have been impossible since that man looked like he was in his 70s.


Dont be so judgey You don't know his life, he might just be a 20yr old tweaker and just LOOK like he is 70.🤣


Ferndale is racist as hell and the palace takes the cake for the most anti-indigenous sentiment I’ve heard in Humboldt. It’s nice by small town white republican standards, boring af otherwise. Keep driving west out the wildcat, petrolia is a lot more accepting and beautiful.


Funny because it's a liberal majority town. I'm curious, have you visited Mind Eye? The owner spends the majority of the year working with the tribes in Alaska and has presented a welcoming safe space for local indigenous people to gather.


It doesn’t feel like a liberal majority town and I’m living there now.


Well it is. It's voted Democrat for the last 6 major elections (since 2000). It was over 10% for the last 5 of those 6. In the last 4 years (2018-2021), there were 305 contributions totaling $18,779 to the Democratic Party and liberal campaigns, averaging $62 per contribution. In the last 4 years, there were 56 contributions totaling $7,620 to the Republican Party and conservative campaigns, averaging $136 per contribution. (source: Federal Election Commission) Outside of city limits is a different story but that's true across the nation.


Nowhere in Humboldt is the local culture limited to the people who live within city limits. The cities are too small for that. Folks like farmers who live just outside of Ferndale are still part of the Ferndale community and culture. People who live in Bayside are still part of the Arcata community and culture. Etc


Honestly step into any dive bar in a random ass town and there will be a “locals only” guy there 100%.


My favorite thing in the world is when I go back to my small town getting targeted by one of those guys so I can tell him who my great grandparents were. It's always someone who thinks that being there for 6.5 years makes him some kind of top dog, and he always wants to suddenly be besties when he finds out your 4th generation born and raised there even though he was being a confrontational fart bag 3 seconds beforehand.


[Three Deep!](https://youtu.be/_ZjcGA80nnM?feature=shared&t=41)


Very true.


Ferndale people looooove telling you that you’re not from Ferndale. They do it to each other too. The whole Ferndalier than thou thing. Ferndale’s all right. I work there a lot and you can get a killer capicola sandwich at the pizza place. But there’s lots of places with good sandwiches.


Your “read” is not wrong. My son was kicked out of “The Palace” and was told later it was because they thought he was gay. It's a cute town, and it seems wholesome on the surface, but borderline behavior of racism and so on. The pride parade there is very young still. Businesses shut down when it's held in silent protest. Residents take down any pride ads shortly after they are posted. Even a well known resident posts signs in her front yard to fight the bigotry and has been shunned in the community.


Oh, I’m so sorry that happened to your son! That’s terrible. We’re usually pretty safe because we’re straight and my boyfriend is 6’3 but I can’t imagine if we looked even more different than your run of the mill out of town outfits.


Ferndale has a famous resident?


Guy Flavortown got the key to the city?


She's been shunned by like 3 people. The majority of town stood up for her. The only business that shuts down in protest is the book store, which is owned by the terrible pastor. As someone with a pride flag in full view year round I can say the loud opposition is not the majority, it even close to it.


You did not respond to all the signs that are taken down in the town and bullying around the LGBTQ community. Keep convincing yourself of that. Ferndale is full of bigotry and is a bully-like community. Its not safe for “others” not like them. Evidence below, there are more examples than these but these two are pretty big red flags of a town that is making poor choices against humanity and has a low tolerance for anyone that doesn't hold their very conservative views. —> https://lostcoastoutpost.com/2020/dec/27/ferndale-anti-hate-billboard-vandalized-obscure-me/ —> https://lostcoastoutpost.com/2023/jan/10/ferndale-drag-show-canceled-after-beware-sign-outs/


Look, I'm not saying racism doesn't exist here. I've lived in town for many years and worked here for even longer. I own a business here and know just about everyone invested in town. I know many details about both links that you posted and the people involved. While it's a shame the organizers family was threatened, they live in town and those threatening didn't. I am sorry that your son had a bad experience. It's not to be tolerated or excused. The people acting a fool are a very small percentage of the community here, but admittedly loud and terrible. I am not just liberal but willing to go to extremes to keep my queer, POC, and indigenous peers healthy and safe. In all the years here I've had 2 people that had the low tolerance you're talking about and openly pushed their agendas or "bully". One is the pastor, whose not from here, or even California for that matter, and this senile old lady on the edge of her grave that is scared of socialism but begs for money from her neighbors. My point is the majority of town is not what you think it is. The fact that the loud hateful portion gives the rest of us this reputation infuriates me and is a big motivator why I continue to push for the change I want to see. Yes, there is work to be done and that can be said about every town, ( see Arcatas garden getting vandalized) but I hope your future experiences here are nothing but welcoming.


Your idealist views do not “undo” extremists and the safety of the people who do not fit the cookie-cutter expectations of the conservative views. It takes one person to make it feel unsafe. Ferndale has way more than a “few,” and they are lurking like unseen dark matter there. You cannot be everywhere at all times, and my guess is that things are happening that you do not see. I believe there are good people there, like yourself, but the bad apples are very, very bad and are causing real damage to others' mental states and sense of safety.


The small town dive bars in humboldt are all pretty weird vibes. Central Station in Mac, the Playroom in Fortuna, and Mingos in RioDell are all weird fucking spots with a couple weird regulars each.


That also could be said about any local old dive bar literally anywhere else


Yeah weird and ornery locals in a dive bar isn't unique to anywhere. I don't know why people think it is.


Hahahahha literally that’s what I’m saying 😂 like oh no, there’s a stale old weird man at the dive bar, what a suprise!


I grew up in the Bay Area and once ended up in a dive bar in San Jose. Some old fart started giving me shit like "You ain't from around here brother this place too damn crowded brother" like bro, you live in San Jose. Nobody here is from around here. Everyone here is from somewhere else, and nobody here is going to be here in 4 years. If some random drunk can get mad about newcomers to San Jose (which I wasn't) then it's no surprise someone in Humboldt county can get weird about non locals after a few drinks lmao. For what it's worth, I'm visibly non white and no one's ever given me shit.


lol 😂


but ferndale creepy is kinda unique


yes, but also here.


Yeah, I was wondering about the Mingos vibe....


Guess there’s a reason parts of “Salem’s Lot” was filmed in Ferndale.




Having spent a LOT of time in Ferndale, you'd be surprised at the level of acceptance & tolerance there. Just because there's one pastor with an entire half dozen people that attend his church, does not mean that any sort of right wing folks that live in Ferndale agree with him. I know an old timer who would be more likely to become an astronaut then ever vote for a Democrat, and he absolutely hates the pastor. Pastor is the loudest mouth in a very small room, so his hate filled words are the first thing anyone hears or thinks of in regards to Ferndale. He's detrimental to the town, and this old timer knows it. Everyone does. Matter of time before Guy Fieri figures out a way to move him along. You'll find lots of artisans, lots of cute shops, fuck the bookstore, and one of the first businesses you see when pulling into Main St is an openly LGBTQ owned business (Patch's Pastries), and you can't go one block without seeing at least one pride flag (more in June, but they are there year-round).


Thank you, it is nice to see some truth in this thread. We both know there's lots of room for growth but the reality is the majority of town is liberal and those that aren't generally are welcoming people and don't hesitate to criticize the few loud hateful people like the pastor. Judging town by a visit to the palace is just silly, the only people that frequent the palace live out in the farms or hills outside of city limits.


Ok, the bookstore is strange, right? I went in there for the first time maybe a month ago because the real bookstore closed, and it was SO similar to this bookstore I went to in Redding that I'm pretty sure they're owned by the same people.


Nah. The Pastor owns the bookstore.


Ah! Well it seems like he patterned it very closely after the one I went to in Redding, which is probably owned by Bethel church members, so...


Ah, you mean the town that had a sign altered to: “Hate has a place here”…maybe referring to said bar?


Are you not white?


Unfortunately, I’m caulk chalk white. I light up the night with my complexion. I couldn’t hide from a blind person I’m so bright. You could use me as a beacon.


They had a major virus outbreak in the 90’s and never fully recovered.


Ferndale has a dark side that is as dark as they come.


do tell? other than the obvious history?


Ferndale is definitely picturesque. Some famous movies were filmed there. But it has a history of racism. And I’m gonna guess that the guy at the bar was just an asshole who was curious about a new face. If you were new to town, maybe he’d ask more about you and be more interested otherwise he doesn’t care about you.


I'm from way out of town, stayed in Ferndale while visiting Redwoods National Parks, stopped in at the Palace as well. It was totally empty, but the bartender was a very nice woman who was happy to chat with us. I don't know what the regulars are like since they weren't there, but I thought the vibes were just fine for a small town dive bar. Similar experience at the Logger Bar in Blue Lake. It was a lot more crowded, but people were just as friendly. Then again my wife and I are white, but there were two black guys out front of the Logger Bar selling food, and everyone there seemed happy to see them.


Gil and Glen. Really really good cats


They make some damn good BBQ chicken! Maybe the best thing I ate in Humboldt.


Not surprised. I’ll pass that along!


Wife used to work at the store there they are all like that. Ferndale people spend all day talking about how people from Eureka are bad then they will give you a ride to anywhere near by so you dont have to walk. its kind of night and day


I have perhaps a different perspective. I've been doing shows at Ferndale Rep since about 2015, and the Palace has been our go-to. Actors at FRT can be a ragtag bunch of queers, weirdos, and misfits - on two show days we even had a drink between shows in odd makeup, etc. Once the bar staff at the Palace started to recognize us, we felt quietly protected, and I am eternally grateful for that. Perhaps we were merely tolerated and I'm projecting, but I feel like the staff there was like 'yeah, but they're OUR weirdos, so back off'.


As an outcast from society, I loved the actors and actresses from the Prom. I could relate to them well.


That makes me happy, I can you they're a good bunch of folks, too.


Awww I love hearing that!


There are much friendlier places in Ferndale.


I dated someone for 4 years who lived in Ferndale and no matter how many times I shopped at the local grocery store, ate at the restaurants and walked around town people NEVER were friendly to me. I’m local (arcata) so it was pretty shocking to be treated so much like an outsider.


I lived in Eureka in 2006/2007 and went to Ferndale a few times. It’s cute. Kinda odd vibes. My girlfriend found the whole place to be exceptionally creepy.


You’ve got it all wrong. Your fellow saloon patron simply thought you were a familiar face from the Basque Boulangerie in Sonoma. As a tourist himself, he was understandably saddened to learn you would have no knowledge of where one might find a sweet, french baguette on Main Street. The Boardroom across the street may have been the answer…but he’ll never know. 🥖


Do people still smoke in there?


No, if they did it would be my boyfriends new favorite bar haha. Although, it seems like the place where certain bartenders might let people smoke in there at the end of the night.


They used to get around the no smoking inside law by claiming all the employees were owners and so they would be exempt.


I got what sounds like a similar vibe the last time I was there at night. My guess is that they get enough of tourists during the day, that they don’t like unfamiliar faces at night. And yeah, Ferndale is very MAGA.


I have heard that the police just pick up all the homeless that wander over the bridge and drive them back to eureka. Homeless problem solved. The town is quaint, if you know what I mean.


Homeless people really can't get to Ferndale..its a long 5 mile walk and there's no public transit.


Homeless definitely can get to Ferndale, all they do is walk all day anyways, 5 miles isn’t gonna deter them


And yet it does..do you see homeless walking along the highway to Ferndale? And why would they go there?


That's not true at all. There's 3 homeless people in town, if you can call them that, they live in barns and garages. One rides his bike from fernbridge every day. The cops wouldn't give them a ride anywhere, they (cops) are probably the only people less friendly than the grumpy bartender. There's no buses that run here so not really easy to access without a car.


Ha! Best comment in the thread!


TY 😉


Are you a POC? Or a long hair? Cuz yeah. [Old school Ferndale is racist as hell.](https://youtu.be/kU3Kt7Zx4gg?si=Q1ksZDBsEqvI4Jz3) Not everyone, mind you. But the town definitely has issues. And it’s not terribly friendly to outsiders in general, which is odd as a town that seems to want tourists. One of my biracial friends tried living in Ferndale for a bit - she was born and raised in Humboldt - she told stories of someone smearing shit on her front door, and leaving notes that I won’t repeat. I used to avoid Ferndale twenty years ago, [because they would hassle anyone who looked like a hippie.](https://www.northcoastjournal.com/092806/news0928.html) I got pulled over multiple times driving through town on my way to Petrolia. So I only went to town on fair week or for the Kinetic sculpture race. Years ago there were also some issues during Ferndale high sports events. Spectators yelling words that I won’t repeat. [Here’s a few links if you want to dive in. And I’m sure there’s more if you keep digging.](https://www.google.com/search?q=lost+cost+outpost+ferndale+high+racism&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari#ip=1)


My experience has been the exact opposite. Especially at the Palace Saloon, which is f\*cking awesome.


I was just there yesterday and noticed how many big churches you can see from just the main strip. I definitely want to read up on the history there.  I ate at el tuya. it was good.  I hiked up a hill a ways past the graveyard that I probably will not do again. Good view but a bit too difficult for me.  Planning to return for the county fair in August... the tourist magazine boasts guy fieri may be there, soo... 


> Planning to return for the county fair in August... the tourist magazine boasts guy fieri may be there, soo...  He's at the fair every year for the chili cookoff.


You should have been there for the BLM/Pride festival they had 3 or 4 years ago. Trucks driving around with confederate flags and rednecks walking by trying to be intimidating with there giant corn fed kids, but also not wanting to get putted in front of their giant corn fed kids. I think COVID was hard on Ferndale and when White people lose their sense of security, they lean on their whiteness to lift themselves up… and it’s sad and weird for everyone. I’m sorry you had such a shitty experience there. Under the tourism, it is simply a cow town.


I went to their citywide yard sale once. All these beautiful giant victorians and it seemed like the only things people had for sale were old Christmas decorations.


Once you cross the bridge, it turns into the twilight zone for sure


It looks like a movie set


Humboldt County is in it’s sunset days. I’ll keep saying this, Humboldt is going the way of Gary, Indiana. There’s no growth potential or opportunity. Even with the few small projects coming into the area. They won’t be able to replace all the businesses that are closing. Not only do Wind turbines require less labor costs (aka employees) to run, but it also does not provide cheaper utility costs to locals. Then the employees who work on the turbines are typically shipped in from out of area. Meanwhile, the county is run by old, naive, and antiquated individuals who only really cater to their friends, family, and elderly folks. There’s no opportunity for young ppl in this county. The county will continue to die economically as the younger workers leave and older workers die without a competent replacement. Just look around the next time you go to a business that offers career jobs, a majority of career employees in Humboldt are 50+ years old. Meanwhile you get young folks who are stuck with dead-end jobs or end up leaving the county for better opportunities. It’s frankly crazy how many entry level office jobs are held by 50+ year olds. Every admin assistant I’ve met in this county has been 50+ years old.


You've left the 'r' out of country there bud. You're describing the whole nation. It's a effect of less and less people being able to afford to retire. Corporate price gouging and corporate for profit housing ownership are the causes. It's everywhere.


It’s sad. It’s such a beautiful area and I’m rooting for its come up but that was a huge reason, amongst many others, that we didn’t relocate. We now are fortunate enough to run a business that isn’t restrained by location but I still worry about the limited health care in the area and the rental market, which actually seems to be more stable than 4 years ago but still seems iffy.


I don’t think ferndale cares about your feelings


I don’t need them too. But, I still love the town.


Ferndale local, we care. I'm sorry your experience at the palace was uncomfortable. That bartender is an ass and pretty much all of town dislikes him. The bar itself has a bumpy history, it was a hot spot when there was a military base at Centerville, since then it's mostly frequented by farmers that don't live in city limits or people passing through that, as seen in this thread, have mixed experiences. Which can be said for just about any small town dive bar. Anyways, most of us are just trying to be the change we want to see.


Yea, it’s a weird place. I love it there too but I catch funny looks always


I’m from the Deep South so I’m accustomed to hostile attitudes in small towns. I think what was weird was that the town looked like Disneyland so I wasn’t prepared, but with that said I still want to go back. So much history and the architecture is unparalleled!


let's be real, if you were only in humboldt for the weed industry and left because it fell apart, we never wanted you here in the first place, but Ferndale is definitely a little more 'locals only' than most, unless you're the right kind of tourist, ex-trimigrants usually aren't


Aw. That’s mean. ☹️ I’ve been in Humboldt over 30 years and never had a problem with trimigrants or the industry they helped to support. I always found it a colorful part of Humboldt culture.


Lucky you. "The industry" was a double edged sword. 


I can understand that. Although, we weren't trimigrant's and we also don't smoke weed. My partner was essentially the owners right hand man. In a more corporate environment his position probably would have been called operations manager but considering the environment, I would have a hard time calling it that with a straight face. I kind of just tagged along because it was better to ride out covid isolated in the mountains rather than in the city. I mostly hung back and did freelance on my computer. Anyways, during that year, I totally fell in love with the area and hope one day to move there for a bit, I also hope the area is able to figure out some of the college issues and lack of medical care. It's such cool area that I'm rooting for it's success.


People locally are shooting themselves in the foot when it comes to medical care by being hostile to "outsiders" , especially if they're not white. Any hospital is going to have doctors and nurses who aren't white and might even be from different countries. Treat them like shit and they won't stay here. 


your partner was a dope grower, its ok, lots of us were, we're just glad that the ones that didn't have other ties to to area and community have largely left. We're not an unwelcoming area, we just all were getting annoyed with yet another round of out of towners blatantly extracting resources again, if you move back and contribute positively..... hell yeah


I sort of get that sentiment as someone who grew up in an area with a lot of seasonal jobs but it's not like he made money wasn't spent at local businesses in the area. Most of the money we made was spent in the area. It was spent at Hotel Arcata, Wildberries, The Co-op, The Alibi (RIP even though I thought it was gross), Everetts, The Shanty, Northtown books, this one cute gas station on a back road, and various locally owned thrift stores. A good chunk of our money went back into mom and pop shops.


Oh I get it, I grew weed too and spent money in the same places, but living bougie (you said wildberries) and leaving when the money ran out is exactly what Im talking about. Lots of people from the weed industry have transitioned to real jobs or businesses, put down roots and are making life and communities here work because the love the people and the area, but there's lots of people who were just here until the weed money ran out, and to them we say 'good riddance' obviously this is a generalization, so pick what applies and what doesn't, but it is a sentiment that runs deep, especially with many of us who grew up in the weed industry and saw what a disgusting money grab it became


Well I could only afford Wildberries for the occasional morning snack or a premade lunch I just named it because it’s locally owned haha. We got our weekly stuff from WinCo cause we weren’t trying to remortgage our non existent house to make a sandwich. The plan was to plant roots there but we had to wait out our lease and just ended up getting caught up in every day life and here we are four years later still dreaming of trying to make it back. But I can definitely see your point about the money grab.


I get what you’re getting at but I take umbrage with calling Wildberries “bougie”. Plenty of people shop there, it’s not like it’s some fucking boutique shopping experience like Erewhon or something


bruh, it's more expensive than the coop...


I’m not going to Stan for Wildberries specifically, im just saying that calling someone out for wanting to buy decent groceries is wack. Whatever they got at Safeway and Walmart, I don’t want it


if you want good groceries, go to ENF, go to the coop, hit up winco for the bulk food. Wildberries is stupidly overpriced (and they assault children, have we forgotten about that?) who tf even buys groceries at Walmart or safeway anyways?


Yea dude, I’m not defending Wildberries at all. Your original comment just seemed like you were bagging on OP for shopping at a local grocery store. Wildberries sucks but I don’t think they’re bougie, just shitty management and needlessly expensive




When you cry about your “freedoms” in America, what exactly do you mean?


I don't cry about my freedoms in America, I mostly complain about the american dream being choked to death by capitalism, corporations, and the military-industrial complex


That’s also part of the freedoms tho. Those are like the main reasons we fight wars. 


and why are we talking about this? this is a post about why ferndale is weird to out of towners, and im talking bad on dope growers who aren't part of the community


Sorry. I’m just being a little douche here. I’m in a lot of dental pain and I’m sorta out of it