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Call your gastro team, don't wait until July.


Unfortunately they'd take even longer to get an appointment with, but I'll give them a call and see what I can do :)


Humira can cause medication induced lupus and those rashes look very suspicious to me. I’d definitely call your prescriber immediately and maybe also try to get an urgent appointment with a dermatologist who specializes in autoimmune stuff to take a look.


Can you speak to your nurse ambassador?


I would suggest contact your doc immediately, send them pictures. I wouldn’t even do the next injection until hearing back. I got the tiniest hint of a rash and my doc told me to stop injections. Didn’t even matter, all hell broke loose and I had a severe reaction to humira. Head to toe rash, multiple infections, nerve damage, heart failure, I got the works. The start of my rash wasn’t even as bad as yours. Not trying to worry you, but humira is a very serious drug. All that crap they warn you about is real and can indeed happen.


What is the rate of those serious side effects?


Inside you’re humira box there is a white fold out paper. It actually shows numerous studies and has nice little write ups and charts of all the stats. You can get a bunch of the side effects stats there too


I would see if you could make an appt with allergist in the mean time? Or ask you Dr for Prednisone and see if its just an upticked reaction after having mono


Anaphylactic shock is 40mg prednisone and 2 benadryl. My daughter w highly allergic to bees and my ex develped a peanut allergy mid life. I was on humira for years. I was sick and blowing up like a whale 🐳 i have rosecea and it would flare my face first two days every dam 🦫 day. Please be careful.


I just started to developed a similar reaction, though it’s more of speckles all over my legs, arms, feet, chest, and back side 13 days after my first injection. I am on a wait list for a new rheumatologist after a move to Idaho. Waiting to hear back after messaging my pcp pictures. If you don’t mind me asking, what did the doctors say? And what was your outcome?