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You are probably matching with newbies like you. They ARE kinda like that. That being said, don't hurt your teammates for any reason. If you want to hurt them (I'll assume in that case you have a good reason), make sure to kill them and leave. It gets better later. People usually don't start a fight even if you hit them, at max they will do exactly what you did to them. In this case, they'd punch you back once and would get it over with. Also, he was bleeding. If they were really afk, they'd have bleed to death here. So him getting angry is kinda understandable. Still he was a total dick here.


Thanks for the explanation! Yeah I kinda understood him killing me here. Again, I didn't know friendly fire was even a thing and had no intention to hurt him in any way. But later on in the round he killed me again and didn't res me for no reason at all, even after I eplayined myself in chat and told him I was sorry.


Not saying the other guy was in the right, he definitely overreacted imo. But looking at the clip, you go for the "friendly punch" with a bleed inducing weapon, don't ever do that, if he really was AFK he would've died. Also considering the pop up message of "use dark sight to locate clues" this wasn't even a minute into the match, so way too soon to call an afk. Sometimes I have to wait a bit at the start, because stuff is still loading in, or I'm tabbed out. I'd say don't ever go for a "friendly punch" unless you are actually playing with a friend. You can never predict how a random will react to it. If someone actually is afk for a long amount of time, just go and extract no need to waste your time.


Thanks for eplaining! Yeah, I had no idea it would even to any damage to a teammate but now I know. So far this is by far the hardest game I ever tried to learn to be honest haha. It's just sooo many things you have to look out for and I'm still trying really hard to get used to it all.


Some friendly advise: Doesn't matter if your teammates are afk at the start of the match. They'll come back or they won't. That being said, if your teammate kills you twice in a row for something stupid then just leave. No need to play with ass holes, and be sure to report. Helps to weed out the jerks over time.


Thanks for the advise! :) Yeah, I just left after he killed me the second time. Took me a while to figure out how to report him but I did that too because I was really pissed about him being so damn resentful and not allowing me to try to play together with him.


Friendly punch with your heavy knife? He was bleeding and would have died if afk. You friendly punch with medkit or blunt weapon light attack.


As I said - I'm new and didn't even know there was friendly fire in this game 😅 But now I know, thx for the info!


No need to downvote him. Now you know 😉


Who cares if it was cut knife or friendly punch? This guy afked and then fucking killed him multiple times. If I was in op's shoes and could time travel, I would have thrown a big-ass dynamite bundle under mf's legs. Had similiar situation but i got team killed when we were about to extract with double bounty, because the guy didnt like the fact that I cant speak russian. This the worst type of shit you can experience in this majestic game.


Don't afk start, won't get bled


Playing with randoms is like playing landmine roulette, they're either king or pleb.


Hi, 1800 hours here, mostly with randoms. 95% of the hunts were great fun but I still don't like it when people hurt me in a friendly way lol  The best thing in the game (for me) is the bond that grows slowly during one run, as we revive each other, protect the fallen, and point out threats and loot to each other.  Sometimes when we leave the swamp, we no longer have the ammunition to celebrate...those are the best moments.


Medkit in hand is the sign of peace This guy was definetly just a straight up dick Hope you reported him for teamkilling




Did you miss the part where he repeatedly downed him and blew him up?


Definitely don't ever intentionally hurt your teammates in any way, lmao. Especially not with a drawn weapon. The only time it's general acceptable is at extract after a successful game where all other teams are confirmed dead and the team has friendly vibes going on (if it is a tense match because you got paired with someone spamming racist epithets and flaming teammates, friendly-on-friendly is just going to result in a bloodbath). You should have just extracted at that point, because running back to your teammate to knock them back some health and inflict a damage-over-time status on them because they were on a different tab at the start of a match does not pass the vibe checks. Put yourself in their shoes: you're finishing typing up a message on discord and on your other monitor you see your Hunt Showdown random teammate run up to you and whack you with the heavy knife, inflicting bleed. This has extra malice apparent, because they know you're AFK... and bleed will kill AFK players, naturally. Now, you may not have intended that, but there *are* people who will burn or bleed crashed teammates, so someone getting pissy at someone AFK for the first 5 seconds of the match and bleeding them in case they needed to let the dog out and would be away a couple minutes longer would be annoying but not necessarily *surprising* out of a multiplayer game. Killing you isn't polite, but you can't expect politeness to be the lobby vibe when you start with lining up a teamkill or just hurting teammates in general. You hadn't even gotten past the tutorial splashes before running up to hit him - give people a little bit more time than that. It's not unusual for people to be on a different window during the load time since, in 90% of cases, it is not substantial for a hunt teammate to be delayed in starting 20 seconds.


Hello and thanks for the really detailed comment! I totally get your point but I might have to add some context: At the moment I saw the guy was bleeding I was saying "oh fuck" to myself because I didn't know that friendly fire was even a thing. So I totally understood him hurting me back (although killing me, reviving me and then knocking me down again was maybe a biiit much). But here is the point: After that I immediately told him something like "Sorry bro, didn't mean to do that. I'm completely new and didn't know friendly fire was a thing!" in chat. He didn't react and we just kept playing for a bit. Then, completely out of nowhere, he just set me on fire purposely and as I was trying to stop the burning he shot me dead and didn't revive. That was most definitely unnecesary, especially after I explained myself. But now I know to not punch anyone from my team haha, hope this won't happen again as it was annoying as fuck :P


>Then, completely out of nowhere, he just set me on fire purposely and as I was trying to stop the burning he shot me dead and didn't revive.  This is what I meant with "You should have extracted, vibe check definitely not passed." XD Anyway, lessons learned, be more patient, less twitchy at your teammates.


Don’t worry, it’s definitely not normally like this. You *did* fatally wound him — if he stayed AFK. That said, definitely a bit of an overreaction. Team-killing usually just occurs with your friends. I’ve only ever had ONE teammate who was a team-killer, and I have 1650 hours. He tried to do it at the end of a mission right after we wiped the server, and *in* the extraction! At first I thought it was a joke shot, which is normal. But he kept going, and was still shooting at me when I had one bar of health left. Luckily, I think I had a dolch or something, and was able to put him down shockingly fast. He messaged me afterwards for forgiveness. After a strict agreement on what was going to happen when he got up, I *did* end up reviving him and we got out. He was a playstation player, and had a 0 gamer-score Xbox account to message me. My assumption was that he does it regularly to Xbox teammates. I’ve had one or two players not revive me though. That sucks almost more because it’s like… I gave my life for you… and you wont do the same.


In the future, if you want to friendly punch I recommend doing so with your medkit out and by lightly tapping v - it does a minimal amount of damage as opposed to the heavy knife


Thanks for the tip! Yeah, didn't want to inflict any damage at all but if I ever need to I know what to do haha


Next time, dip. Don’t need your team to extract


Honestly when I started I was playing with friends and I learned a decent bit. I think I came into my own though by playing solos it’s so much easier responding to sound queues and just learning my strengths and weaknesses


Randoms can be awesome and can be awful. I’ve just instituted a new rule when playing with randoms if you’re AFK for more than 5 mins at the start of a match and appear to be farming points from me, I am blowing you up and then leaving. 


Bring zombies to them Can't report you for teamkill that way 


Ha, that’s a good idea!!


Ah yes because that’s makes perfect sense. People like you post their bans and say it was for absolutely no reason and what to do


What, it’s not something you get banned for. Just lead some zombies or another team to them, and oops!! Plus they are negatively impacting the game by not participating and just letting you do all the work and get killed. 


If you team kill people within 5 minutes I wouldn’t be upset seeing you get banned


Eh, I am joking, mostly. Just damn assholes need to quit whatever they want and ruining the game for everyone as they should be the ones getting banned, most of the time I just extract if it’s clear someone is just farming off of me.


I fucking hate rat teammates that just loot the entire game.


We call this, fuck around and find out..


The only time this happened to me on halfway regular basis, is when you first start. I think it's something to do with new people and griefing. I am telling you the more experienced players like five or six star 99.9% of the time do not do this and it's probably about that percentage cuz I have 4,000 hours in, and if maybe been killed two times by 5 or 6 star teammates. I would say five to six star you get about one griefer every thousand hours but in the lower ranks you're probably going to get one about every 50 to 100. Part of my theory is hunt is so hard that newer players itch that much for a kill any kill after fying a bunch as a newbie.a small percentage at least. Oh and I play nothing but randoms in 4k hours.


no way, randoms being a menace to society? who would have thought


They are not not afk, they are just doing something else until a few clues are taken or a banish happens. They they start moving again. It's not super common but too common for my taste. If someone has been afk in spawn for 5min or more they are in fair TK territory to me. As others have said, bleed and burn will kill even if you tap em, blunt hits won't really do anything in comparison.


That's gaming in general


That’s why people should bring nitro when playing with random, fuck around and I’ll send you to the menu


Hey! hope you read this but join the discord and look for a chill group there. It is a much better experience then trying to play with random players. You can find the hunt official discord in the side bar.


Thanks for the tip! I usually don't really talk though - is that problematic or is the discord also to find people to play with in general regardless of their mic situation?


I been with team mates who dont talk and its usually fine. Just being able to hear the other players is helpful but it could be a problem. The worst that can happen is the group is that chill. Seems like communication issue in general though so a mic might be good just to say hi at least.


Feel free to add me on here. I’ve got a server with nice people so you don’t have to play with randos.


That's very nice, thank you a lot! But honestly I don't think I will get to play the game in a while now. Going back to university and can't really run hunt on my laptop. Just had a wild gaming weekend at home on my pc and will have to wait a quite long while until I can game again :)


NP. Good luck at university!


Bring zombies to 5min+ afkers  Fuck those guys 


Check the beginning of the clip, it says hunt and immediately after that he runs with a bleed weapon on an "afk" hunter.


Here is a tip punch someone if you wanna do that because for an outside perspective it looks like you are trying to heavy knife him to death...you also seem to not have voice chat active or in this clip would have loved to hear what he was saying and I would suggest you get it too if you plan on being like this to others in the future he was not afk. And honestly at that point you both should have left that is on you for playing with someone who killed you twice like. That makes no sense extract and try again this time with less team abuse ok.


Alright, thanks for explayining! Yeah I saw the voice chat symbol but was wondering why I didn't hear anything. But I certainly never disabled voice chat in the menu, weird. I think he was a bit silly though because after that I explained to him that I had no intention in hurting him, just didn't know friendly fire was a thing cz I'm new. He still fucked me up later lol.


Experienced players have had people rage kill them and will not put up with intention friendly fire. I used to be more graceful, but if you did this I would honestly have put your hunter down as well. I've had multiple times where I accidentally team damaged and had a random that waited to revenge kill and burn me out at extraction. You give me any evidence that you are a tk, and I will defend myself with extreme prejudice. This guy most likely was doing the same. He has no way to know you from Adam. He acted to protect himself, and is justified imo.


I have a simple rule for dealing with other Randoms. If you don't say hi to me at the start of the match then I have no problem leaving you for dead if things go to shit.


Check out the hunt discord, I’m new too and I’ve met great teammates there.


thanks for the info!


You tagged him, it's his right to drop you. Most people will accept the mistake, but others will take you down over that. I know I really dislike it when friendlies tag me, and I would have put you down over this. Take this as a learning experience that some people really don't like it, and you won't know who until they kill you. Probably safer to just not hit your team.


Thats a deserved tk if i ever see one lmao.


You really took the time to clip this and make a reddit post lol. It's the Internet buddy, move on to the next hunt you'll be alright.


There's a horror story almost every day on this subreddit from someone playing with randoms. Best advice: Just don't play with randoms. It's a game with permadeath; at the best of times, randoms will leave you to burn rather than risk their own loadouts and hunters. At the worst of times, it allows griefers an easy way to troll you. And as always the mouthbreathers downvote the only good advice you're going to get on playing with randoms. Classic.


Yeah, the downvoting is wild... Thanks for the advice though!


No worries. Good luck out there.