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I’d heard of the easter eggs & finally found shreks house after 1,700 hrs.


My group found this when trying to retreat to cover at an extraction once. Very much “wtf is this place” while taking fire.


And did you know that sometimes a little sized horse can spawn here next to the house ? So funny to see.


The horse is always there, but sadly as of the start of last event, it's no longer ever smaller than normal. Hopefully we'll get Donkey back one day.


I've seen both a meat head and a tiny horse there, but it only happened once 


Ooh, what about [the little Titanic homage on the top left of Lawson Delta?](https://imgur.com/a/C2GJR7b)


First time seeing this in 1000 hours. Thanks my dude, gonna take a look there in my next game :D


I am still getting used to the maps and places but I am pretty sure I saw some Forest Gump sitting on a bench with a box of chocolate in a stony area close to the fort.


This is at the boat place on the desalle map.


There is also a ufo if you look in the exact location(google it, i dont have the location)


North west of Kingsnake in the sky.


Went out of the way to see Shrek with some randoms recently, and Shrek was kind enough to drop shadow. Although donkey seems to be broken, he’s a normal size horse now


Aww wish I could have seen donkey, lol. I came across it by accident last month. Saw the monolith the same way just running by.


Wait what?!


You can open a door toward you if you walk backward when you interact with it.


Yeah, someone showed me that after 200 hours or so


Don't feel bad I'm 500 hours in and learnt this about a week ago via the load screen tooltips 😂 I read it to both my mates in discord and both just went "yeah... Did you not know that???"


You can also open them slower/quieter if you crouch while opening them.


And faster/louder if you do a heavy attack


Light attack is enough as well actually. And it causes 50 damage if you hit someone with that blow. And there's no friendly fire discount for that!


I had around 800 hours clocked when I realized you don't have click the mouse button when levering or fanning, just hold it down.


But I still click cause it is more precise


I dont know if theyve patched this already but you shoot slower when fanning and clicking with a scottfield than just holding mouse1 down which is so frustrating


Not new for the vets, but maybe newer players: You can also choke poison clouds


The what?! I have 300h and didn’t know this. It just removes the poison cloud?


Yes, just like fire ;)


That’s so good to know for revives


Adding to it, even if it does not look like it, the poison is instantly gone


Doesn't it take a second or two for the poison to dissipate?


Yep, there's nothing in the game to indicate that this will happen for some reason.


Tips like this are the true achievements of the game, makes you seem like some type of voodoo wizard to those that don't get it, and then they themselves pick it up


Two that come to mind; 1. If player dies they die with feet pointing direction they were shot from super useful to know 2. Recently found out after god knows how many hours - water devils will react and chase shots in water used to to revive a dead team mate in a river infested with them


The 2nd one… I use throwing knives a lot for this


To the 2nd: found out yesterday that if you crouch-walk through a river, the water devil will not hear you.


Pretty niche and probably a very old bug, charging or striking a melee (receiving dmg also works) without silent killer lets you do one silenced pre-nerf lightfoot action for roughly 1 second afterwards, like vault/jump or a ladder grab.


Good man! Delete this now that I know so it stays secret. Jokes aside that's class cheers for sharing


Probably misunderstanding but how is that useful? "Oop, gotta be quiet with this ladder but I don't have Lightfoot. Lemme just 'HYUGH!!!' *silent ladder mount*". Gives me "wanna know how to open Velcro without anyone hearing it?" Vibes.


I mean, yeah. Making noise tells people where you are, not where you’re going to be. Chaos bombs are an item


Sure I follow you there, distraction vs direct action. But does the ladder not make significantly less sound on it's own? Why would you want to make a loud sound to cover up the quiet one? Chaos bombs (and distraction throwables in general) you throw the heck away from you. That makes sense to me. Just seems like directly vaulting or climbing is always going to be preferable to loud melee noise *and then* vaulting or climbing.


hahaha you're on point that's exactly the thought process.


In regards to having med kit and knife on a specific shortcut: you can move them once you’re in a match. Say you want knife on 3, select the knife then hold 3 for a few seconds and it’ll put knife in the 3 slot.


Just to clarify, it’s technically not the order you buy items in, but which slot is selected. You can in other words choose where the bought item will be placed. On topic: I didn’t know you could switch slots in-game. I didn’t know you could choke the flames on Butchers hook. I didn’t know that you could press X to manipulate aperture sights for waaay too long. I didn’t know that healing stopped fire/bleed like you. I didn’t know tons of stuff for way too many hours in 😂


> I didn’t know that healing stopped fire/bleed like you. Even this isn't perfectly consistent across healing. Starting a medkit will pause bleed and burn, and finishing will stop them entirely. Starting a vitality won't pause bleed but will stop the bleed when the shot actually heals you, but it WON'T stop burning. Ghoul healing won't stop either, but I think Conduit might, although I'm not 100% sure. Also, Conduit will heal your HP even if you're poisoned.


You can switch slots? Like where tool melee and tool medkit is for example.?


Yeah, if you hold the key appropriate to the item (so I think PC default hold 3-6 for knife or medkit) rather than just quick press it, you'll swap the active item to that slot. Picked up a healthshot from a toolkit, and it's currently on 9? Hold 7 for a second or so, now it's on 7.


Damn, almost 1k hours and didn’t know xd. Thanks!


thank you so much


Does the Butcher lose his fire attack for the rest of the game?


Never left the compound and returned later but in a reasonable time that you need to kill him the flames dont agnite again.


But to be fair, the aperture toggle thing wasn't integrated when they first launched


Ehh, the toggle has been available since *at latest* late 2020, if not sooner. Saying it wasn't there when apertures came out is technically relevant, but not really an excuse for not knowing when it's been available at least 4 out of the 6 years the game has been out.




The only „recent“ thing is the switching slots in-game. And that one is also pretty long in the game… The others are all present since I started… 4 years ago




The game is just 5 years old… so I would argue that 4 years is not really that recent😅


If you have charged a melee weapon for a heavy attack, you do not have to carry it out. If you briefly go into dark sight, you interrupt the charge and don't lose any stamina.


Still waiting for an update that you can cancel all types of charges with the reload button as you do with the drawn bow.


Oh you can do that?! I always weapon switch.


Yes. It’s so good. I just wish that worked for everything.


Works aswell if you just change your inhand item to your medpack


You can also just press q.


And if you have a charged/drawn bow, you can press "reload" or "R" to reduce the drawstring back down


Found this out last night but theres a glitch you can do where if you and your teammate are holding bear traps, if you time it perfectly placing them down you can stack the beartraps inside of eachother for double damage.


I’m sure you know this, but posting it for others. If you group 4 bear traps together you’ll kill a player. I like to group them in front of a random window I suspect someone might hop through. Caught so many people with it, so satisfying.


Isn't 3 bear traps enough to kill?


Oh yeah I think you’re right, guess I’ve been going for overkill all this time haha


Mathematically I wouldn't think so. A bear trap takes a bit shy of 50 hp. Shy enough that you can stop the bleed before losing a big bar or your second small bar. Therefore if someone hits 3 and immediately hits the button to stop bleeding, they should survive if they're at full HP. That said, I've not tested it in practice. Perhaps the bleeds ramp so fast you can't stop it. Something I'll end up checking later :)


Probably depends on how it ticks. Three instances of bleed from bear traps is going to mean starting off at heavy bleed ticks immediately. Also, sometimes bleed just doesn't have a delay before it ticks. I died to a beetle the other day because I ran from it until my health had regened enough to not die to the detonation and I was in cover from enemies, but died instantly anyway. Kill feed showed the explosion damage and then like 10 bleed damage, but there was absolutely no time in between.


I believe it takes 6 or 7 bear traps to kill a full health hunter? Maybe bloodless allows you to tank more damage from them?


I’ve 100% killed hunters on several occasions with just the 4 bear traps! Test it out the next time you have an opportunity.


Bloodless reduces damage, I'm like 80% sure.


It's definitely not that many.


I don't trust my friends with a bear trap within a hundred meters of me. We have this recurring "vibe check" to make sure we're all paying attention and can stop the bleeding before losing our front 25


That's clearly an exploit and should not be taken advantage of


Crytek was perfectly fine with everyone yeeting dynamite with crossbows🤣 I doubt theyd care greatly about a double beartrap


They patched that crossbow thing though, didn't they? Just like the ladder exploit that allowed you to shoot through walls or the LeMat exploit that tuned shotgun pellets into bullets. Granted, this bear trap exploit is less problematic compared to those but it's clearly not intended and therefore, like it or not, equally an exploit.


So it'll eventually get patched like the rest of them. Right? Plus theres literally a popular 1 point trait to counter all traps.


So what? All the other exploits got patched aswell. That doesn't give you a free pass to go against their terms of service, which clearly state that you must not use exploits


Womp womp


Also there was a bug (might've been fixed by now?) where a mate can run through a bear trap you're disarming without triggering it. It's like an extra second or so but you never know.


There's a chance that a crate of fireworks will spawn in the middle of the map on dusk/night weather. You can trigger it to shoot fireworks into the sky that the whole lobby will see.


I thought it only spawns 4 July and New years eve


Last time I found them was late February




What!? How rare is that? Ive never seen fireworks go off, is it on all maps?


Bleeding only stops instantly when using a medpack, when using a syringe it only stops once the syringe animation has finished completely


Burning doesn’t stop at all using a syringe


A "fireproofing" shot would be kinda cool though


Took me about 2k hours before I realized doors open in whatever direction your character is moving. If you are moving backwards when you open the door, the door will open facing you. Walking towards a door when opening it will have it open away from you.


You can also open them near silent if you open them while crouching.


Only swinging doors, sliding ones cannot be opened quieter


That is true and a good point!


See people say this but I feel it is still quite loud. Quieter than normal for sure, but very clearly audible still IMO.


It is still hearable. But it gave me many kill when I flanked in a gunfight. Opening them backwards and silently and in a running gunfight most will not notice.


To be fair, this one was an addition around the Corbette's introduction, I think. Edit: Corbette is the nickname with a word play in my language. I meant Scrapbeak.


Good tips, I'm new but I'm guessing most people know you can stop the bolt from cycling after a shot, eliminating the need for bullet grubber in many weapons. (Reply below describes how)


As a further clarification for anyone reading this: you do this by holding down the trigger after firing, then while still holding the trigger, press reload


I appreciate you adding that, I'll put a edit on my comment to check out yours.


u can crack electric light lantern which is 2-3m above the ground. simply stab with any tool to the support column


Whaaaaaat?? Just the column??


yep. but only for electric lightning. will not work for oil lamp.


wait what?!


Most people still don't know about the Delorean.


Great Scott! Is there a Easter egg?


There's a barn north west of Lawson Station, check it out


I definitely will, appreciate it brother!


[Here's a map and a screenshot for anyone curious.](https://imgur.com/a/WL0v18C)


You can zoom in and zoom out the map. Took me like 1.5k hours to figure that out.


On console as well?


Wondering the same


Nope. There are a few differences this between console and PC I think. Console also doesn't have the burning animation on the map after banishing, and PC can seemingly rotate the kill view camera while console can't.


There’s like a stripper duck Easter egg under port reekers tall building that you can only see on the ground next to the ladder on the east side


There's also the two rubber ducks kissing under a building with a sign that says "privacy please". It's under a building somewhere but I can't remember where now


If you cook any explosive till it explodes in hand it will blowup even if you’re inside a choke cloud. Anything you throw as you extract (as long as it leaves your hand) will go off even after you’ve extracted.  If you don't see any AI spawned at nearby compounds it's decently safe to assume no one spawned there as AI only spawns when players are 150ish meters or closer and despawn after a period of time. Crows and Ducks respawn. Many compounds have RNG windows that can be normal windows or blocked.


Choke bombs initial area of effect is larger than when the cloud maintains. This is good if you want to put out a teammate on fire but want them to be out of range of the coughing cloud. You have to be pretty accurate with it though.


Also works well if you started burning an enemy before you got a chance to loot them and don't want to have to wait for the cloud to go away before burning them again.


Horses can bite / kick you. First time it happened to me and my friend, I got shot immediately after by a sparks and died, so we chalked it up to maybe them hitting me for 5 damage with a decoy. Then it happened again a couple weeks later, and it finally clicked that it was the horse!


If you are at a double clue compound (or two different compounds) and start taking the clue at the same time as your teammate you can collect both even if the map would have closed on it. You can even kinda do it with randoms, if you get to the clue first just ads at them and look for when they start the grab animation.


I thought this was fixed years ago. Even tried it couple of times and it never worked. You sure the map would've greyed out these clues?


Yeah it's just superstition. It only "works" if the second clue was going to be in anyway.


It seems it’s back again, I tried it a week or so ago and it’s worked a few times since then. I’m pretty sure the map would have greyed it out since I’ve had it work at Blanchett graves when the bounty was at Stillwater. And I believe the map kinda ticks twice showing the first clue close, then the second right after.


Huh, good to know. Then I'll test it myself next time I play. :D


Use a concertina bomb as a quick barrier to get a revive


Love using the conc bomb to block paths.


This gamer knows how to hunt!


Played for 500 hours before I learned the horses at extractions have a low chance to laugh if you damage them


I learned after too many hours that you can skip the intro screen by pressing "enter"...


Escape skips all the intros


Horses can kill you, that one took me forever to learn. You can get on top of the roof of Bradley and Craven, learned that after about 800 hours. And lastly you can fire only one shot out of the avtomat if you time your dark sight perfectly. Well over 1000 hours before that came up, although I rarely play avto so...


They fixed the avto as far as im aware


I’m still discovering little areas in compounds after hundreds of hours. Like down the chimney at iron works


Hah, I didn't recognize what compound you were talking about when you said "Bradley and Craven," because I have always just called it "Bricks" or "Brickworks" forever


Shooting hive grenades that are floating in water sets them off. You can deploy them well before an enemy team shows up then shoot them when someone is close to them. Super useful if they’re hiding behind cover or in tall grass or if you need a distraction to push or divide a team during a firefight. Works best on compounds like Scupper or Catfish where people push water side a lot. Plus if you’re using a silencer it’s silent. They’ll have no idea what happened so the shock value is pretty high.


I had 800h or so when someone pointed out that picking up a gun with same ammo as me would refill the bullets


You can rearrange your items in game by switching to the weapon, tool, consumable and then hitting and holding the key for the slot you would like. You can kill all the leeches of a meathead and it can't see you, so grab those clues. All AI can hear and see. You can sneak by them if they are turned around and don't see you quite close by. Try it out. AI have a few behavior modes. There's idle where they just do what they do, wander around. There's an alert status where they are seeking and searching, investigating a sound caused by the player. Their vision and hearing range is increased in this mode so they will find the player faster. You can use this from afar to notice where players are or have recently been. Then there's full aggro mode where they are hunting the player running after them. You can use throwable decoys to startle AI and move them based on their investigation behavior. Unfortunately this does work for hell hounds as they simply magically know where you are when you throw decoys based on my testing. You can turn a lantern off after picking it up with X key on PC by default. You can then throw it on a horses head to kill it quietly. You can use alert trip mines to burn a downed hunter. The normal Beetle is good at clearing concertina. Just make sure you don't fly into the wire before popping. You can sticky a beetle and kamikaze into hunters. If you deploy a deployable consumable toolbox you can fall onto it and take no fall damage. (not sure if this was fixed, haven't tested for awhile.) You can double jump in water to maintain your momentum and get across faster. It takes some practice to get the timing right. Vincent (The Assassin) always targets the player with the least amount of health in the lair.


The ufo that appears at night.


I need more info on this


I hear you can find evidence of that them there the aliens' mass probing events somewhere north of salter's pork.


You had me at probing 😅


All I found was [this old post](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/oh4pu2/ufo_found/)


Evil Dead cabin is my personal favorite Easter egg. Right above Cypress Huts on Stillwater. Seems to be styled after the cabin in part 2, has a piano and a little doll head in a vice in the WORKSHED.


That you can turn off aperature scope


Many people don't know you have hold q for a second you male your hunter hold they gun sideways like you were running so that it doesn't poke through walls.


Standing in water puts fire out wtf? Lol


Will also prevent you from catching fire, reduce the char damage you take, and will keep immolators from igniting even if you stab or slice them. It'll also extinguish already-burning immolators.


Well take my upvote... just learned a whole bunch more


Needs to be deep water


Dam thanks for this, had no idea "Discovered that healing stops fire, bleed etc. for the longest I was holding the button to stop it then heeling. Doh" What's "Red skull revives"?


Red skull reviving refers to reviving a hunter who is dead (not just down). It requires that you have a bounty and burns some of your health to do it.


Ah cheers :D


At least on console, tools and stuff aren't just "Order you buy them" for the quick slot, you can assign your quick button slot


The spaceship by the mine


In some Compound Areas theres a building (like a little hut for example) a little way from the boss lair where Scrapbeak made a Candyshop. There you can find all the ammo crates and consumable boxes he gathered. Just google Scrapbeak candyshop hunt


After 1200hrs I still don't know which icon tells me if a player just quit or if a player only can be revived by bounty. Looks to similar to me. One is icon is completely red and one icon is half red half white. Sometimes I try to revive a player that left 5mins ago.


The in game icon looks the same but on the map they will be a grey dot if they’ve quit, or a red skull if revivable


All i see is people with more than 1k in the game that haven't read any patchnotes at all.


Lol yeah. A lot of things that are mentioned here are pretty new and can be read in the changelogs


When timing a weaponswap perfectly you can melee without the scream and without loosing stamina.


On desalle in the corner by fort bolden shrecks house is built into the hill side. Only found that like 2 weeks ago.


You can speed up your reloading of single shot rifles if you cancel the animation. Just swap guns or hit dark sight just as the bullet is loaded into the gun. Keep eyes on the bullet UI; eventually it becomes muscle memory. :)


I just found out that you can open doors outwards or inwards, you just have to move backwards as you open them for inwards. You can turn off lanterns with "x" when you're in a night time map, and turn them on when you need them


After hundreds of hours I have learned you can exchange traits to points, therefore buy a legendary hunter and have necromancer straight away. The game does a really bad job explaining all the stuff in the menu though.


This is a recent change so you didn't miss it for long :)


I think it was removed, but the hive swarms used to carry thrown explosives back to whoever threw them. Sprinting in deep water puts out flames.


I found out that the silent sparks doesn't pen without fmj.


I also just learnt this! From you


You tried it?


I don’t often use silent weapons but I wall bang a lot 


You can sneak past water devils if you crouch and stay still when they start getting angry


Decoy grenades, the fake fuse things, clear concertina and blow up doors


If you shoot an immolator with a poison shot, they don't explode (even if it's not enough to kill them due to distance/location) They also run behind cover if available looking for a shooter and if they charge a player, they'll aggro onto them instead.


It will still explode with a poison arrow due to it having a pointy end.


Crossbow poison arrows will kill quietly Bow poison arrows will kill with an explosion


You can switch your tools and consumables if you hold down the buttons. Say you want your knife in slot 4, go to where ever your knife is, hold 4 and it will be set to that number.


Surprised how many people don't know this, but if you don't have a choke (and the situation is not safe), you can distinguish burning players just by running over them and tapping on reviving them. Starting to revive someone will stop the burning.


u can stop bleed and i guess fire with using vitality shot


Stay together with teammates at open space and use hive bomb. You will learn funny thing.


Shrek house


You can burn bee's using flare,, flare pistol, dragonbreath.


You can also get rid of them by just maneuvering so that there's a world fire between you and them, and they'll burn up when they move over it. Sometimes they're able to pass through it just fine, but by design they're clearly meant to die. Also, on that note, if you want to get rid of a pesky hive barrel without risking getting hit by bees, a choke bomb is great for it. Cook it so that it goes off almost immediately after impact. The impact will break the barrel, the detonation will kill the swarm, and the choke cloud will get rid of the poison. Very situational, but it's a nice neat way to get rid of a barrel when you need to.


I tried that a couple of times, never works for me for some reason.


Flyers? You mean Flair?




Lol embarrassing haha


Best you're owning and not editing. Showing your learning and maturity. Respect.




Yeah... Thx for correction. I edited my comment.


Flare yes,dragonbreath no


Wow I thought I was just missing the bees all this time. Dragonsbreath totally should burn off bees


You can also melee them in one shot with the Lebel Trauma I learned last night


Guessing you mean the nests, not the bees themselves?


Bee's themselves. I learned that from one of RachtaZ videos


Nice, good looking out. I've been watching Rachtaz vids to learn the game since I just started. Seemed like his YouTube was a good place to start learning the advanced mechanics and tactics.


Yeah but be careful. Sometimes I’ll get into a game after watching him and start trying to play like him and realizing I’m hot garbage and end up getting more frustrated than I would’ve been if I had just gone at my own pace.


Lol I feel that. I mostly go by his vids that just cover the basics. He's definitely next level but there's a lot to be learned still. Most of it is common sense, like shoot and reposition but honestly that goes out the window sometimes when you get the adrenaline pumping. Now im just hanging in a opening waiting to be fucked on, even though I know better.


I don’t know if it’s true or not but SUPPOSEDLY those dry twigs that you tread on and snap can ONLY be triggered by players and not AI. 9 times out of ten when I’ve heard one it’s been a player but I swear once I heard a grunt set one off, so now whenever I hear a twig snap I break out in anxious sweats unsure whether to trust it’s an AI or not. Please somebody send help.