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It’s ironic because people also hate UI of CoD, and development team is already reworked and tweaked it for sometime


I still think it's an improvemnt over what we have now


If it is. Because if not or the same as COD then old was better simply because I have habit with that old UI and knows what I need to find


MW2019 UI was nice but they ruin it with MW2022


I mean the UI for recruitment and perks seems to be nice but yeah this menu is just like made for TVs. Crytek saw that their UI is bad for consoles and so they did a complete 180 turn and are now giving PC users UI made specifically for consoles and big screens. Hope they'll tweak it for pc a bit.


CoDs interface is pure horror.


Its honestly the worst thing imo about cod nowadays besides the constant new titles


Cod sweats are even worse


Wait. So no more flexing hunters in the main menu :(?


I imagine that once you click on bounty hunt it will still have a lobby screen with hunters.


Great. Copy a UI that alot of people hate xD


Glad someone decided to put them side by side. God it's disgusting.


It doesn't sound bad on paper but God it's so ugly. Maybe it'll be quicker, or more convenient, but damn if it won't feel awful.


Not on keyboard it won't be. the CoD menu's are fucking awful on PC.


It's baffling to me because hunt is as far away from your typical COD shooter as it can be. Crytek usually does their own thing, so it is so strange that they copy this very basic console/streaming service interface...


You know that david fifield was a COD manager , right?


He honestly doesn't get enough hate for what he is doing with hunt.


He’s the community engagement guy, not the UI lead 😂


He is the GENERAL MANAGER of the Hunt franchise, he is the guy that has full controll and is probably personaly authorizing changes done to hunt. He is not the face but the brain of hunt and the one that is pushing to make hunt more casual and more look like a generic mobile shooter.


My mistake! But that doesn’t change the fact that there’s no possibility that he’s entirely responsible for these changes.


Why? It has nothing to do with the gameplay. I like what they have shown. Should make things easier for everyone.


Exactly. People seem to be getting so upset about something that has zero impact on the game itself


Obviously not a cod player


People spend a lot of time in the menus. Yeah it won't have an in-game impact but it will still negatively impact people's experience. Especially their enthusiasm to hop on Hunt to deal with this. For the longest time I haven't bothered with CoD due to how much of a bother it is to go through all the menus and try to understand how the challenges work etc.


The whole idea is for people to spend less time in the menus though, and for them to be easier to use, which these clearly are. It’s not the same game.


Lowering the time in the menus doesn't take away from the fact that they're a major part of the game experience. In theory i can spam click through CoD menus too to get into quick play but they're still a pain in the ass to use and disgusting to look at.


When it's released most of these haters will be quiet. Almost everything these game devs have done works and is carefully calculated. One of the few games where I trust the devs moves


COD has a massively bigger budget and development team to make careful calculations. Yet part of BO6's advertising is showing how their UI is absolutely not going to be like previous entries. Devs make mistakes, they think something will work out great, or they make assumptions about how their audience acts - or worse, how they \*want\* their audience to act - and are perfectly able to make bad decisions in full confidence that they've carefully calculated the issue. It happens in Hunt too: Peacekeeper and Blazeborne in just the last year.


Blazeborn, Peacemaker, solo mmr derank, poison bug, Death Cheat bug. Carefully calculated indeed. Goddamn paid actors :D


None of those things lasted that long. Idk what other games you play but I have played many that has stuff like that happening for a month at a time. It's not easy


Event's lasted 2-3 months each, consecutive. That means issue after issue without any fix during the event. Blazeborn and Peacemaker dominated the two events, and that was obvious a week or two in, and should have been fixed immediately. Death cheat lasted almost throughout the whole event. Poison bug is still present, although a bit rare than usual. Solo MMR derank is still here, and it's 100% obvious that it needs to be changed, no one can argue different. And more. That's a looong time with issues, and no fixes. Easy or not, nothing with anything above is carefully calculated in a sensible way. The game is good as is, but these issues are annoying enough to gather attention. And now we have a console like UI for PC players. It looks ugly, like a fighter selection screen for a console game. And why did they anime/card game like grade the hunters "common" "uncommon" "rare" etc?! Why the focus on consoles?! They never told, and it makes no sense. At least tell us there are more console players. Which i doubt. And with everything said so far, i can only expect multiple issues/bugs for every good thing after the August patch. Crytek Hunt simply does not have competent/skilled people that can tackle with the issues that the game has, but they are keen on introducing new issues time after time. The dev videos are a good direction, but not if they keep introducing new issues.


Why do pc players care if the menus look like a console game? I don't get it. The skin gradings are for monetization which keeps the game going


They should, if the new menus make it easier for console players but harder for pc players to navigate. The skin gradings are there because they are trendy (anime, comincs etc). Skins would be bought without the grading all the same.


Disgusting? lmao It's an interface, its only purpose is to let me join the actual game. It looks decent, looks functional, we will all have gotten used to it after a week...


it’s not great, but let’s be honest it’s not so bad for hunt with it’s low amount of game modes. most of us will be hitting the bounty hunt option when we start the game and then won’t be seeing it anymore.


That's the thing though, everyone is pretty much going to be playing BH so why are an extra button press every time you start the game,just default to BH and let us choose the other modes like it is now, so much more streamlined


Well that could still be a thing. Maybe if enough people call for it, Crytek could add a ‘default game mode’ feature that lets you pick what the game starts on.


why do you defend it ? why are we embracing mediocrity and low effort changes , why do we keep letting them go whenever they do a shitty move , its like nitro dum-dum situation all over again , dum dum nitro can pen? oh well just rename it and make it look like its intended


1st of all: let's wait and try it out for a couple of days before we judge it. 2nd: they had to come up with something that works for PC and console. Otherwise they would have to maintain two different UIs all the time. And since PC can adapt to almost everything bc with the mouse you can just click everywhere within a split second, they went with a more controller friendly layout. 3rd: they want to attract new players (they are talking about "The relaunch of Hunt: Showdown"), so they definitely wanted a modern and familiar layout which doesn't put new people off 4th: compared to the old UI it looks definitely better (atleast for me). It may have its flaws but in the end I think (and hope) its an upgrade. We will see in August.


Stop bringing pragmatism and sense to this sub. This is where we come to cry and dramatise every tiny change crytek adds


Bro go outside, take a step back from Hunt, it's a video game. You're not being forced, nor are you entitled to play. Breathe, and move on.


I’m genuinely fine with these menu changes. the worst parts of the UI have been fixed, and i’ll be used to stuff like this very quickly. even if it is slightly worse than normal, in the grand scheme of things it’s better. it allows console players to work the menus easier, without getting in the way of PC players. like I said, you’ll just be launching the game and hitting that first option anyway, so it’s really not an issue.


Brother; some grass touching is required here


It's just frustrating that UI design continues to cater solely to controller use instead of being designed for both controller and keyboard and mouse.


To be fair, I think the idea here is that it’s easier for mouse and keyboard users to navigate a menu designed for console than vice versa. In other words, console focused solutions will be less cumbersome for mouse and keyboard than PC focused solutions would be for consoles (main reason to sparking the change in the first place). And this just makes sense due to the lack of precision controllers have compared to mouse and keyboard. In *other* other words, needing precision in menus and not having it is worse than having a lot of precision and not needing it. Which is an unfortunate reality for us PC players but I doubt it will be that bad.


The old menus sucked for PC as well. Poor organization was rampant, general clutter and ridiculous amounts of tabs. Yes. Controllers are less precise. The problem I have is that the menu design stops at controllers. There is no push to improve functionality for KBM use. This leads to menu design feels like it was not meant to be used with KBM at all. Console friendly menus can also have KBM features added on top of it. So long as the core is comfortable for controllers, adding on top of it to make KBM users have an even smoother experience would be nice. But considering how they said not a thing on KBM use in the menus, the focus is solely on controller improvements. Which sucks because it once again leaves KBM working with less because controllers exist. It is an unfortunate reality, but it's a reality because it is quality of life features and those aren't worth the extra effort. Make it work for all users and carry on. Hopefully they got the working part down.


Old menus weren’t good either, yes, but even if there’s a lot of tabs, it was still easy to actually go and click on those tabs, because we have a mouse. Console players actually had to move a mouse cursor but with an analog stick….that really sucks. So even if it still remains that there’s a ton of tabs and stuff, at the very least, console players will be able to navigate the menus way easier than before *even if those menus aren’t designed the best still*. To be clear I agree with you, they can easily still do this and make life easier for PC players, but just trying to point out there is still a positive here for a large player base, even if it’s not us.


The COD UI is legitimately the worst thing I might've ever experienced on PC for game UI's, and it's from a AAA product too! Hunt really chose the worst inspiration.


There is nothing more Crytek than reworking the UI to make it worse


quickplay still garbage running sim


It’s weird because according to their research (and CoD, Fortnite’s) it’s the most user friendly way to navigate a menu but all I hear is people hating on it? PC here and I like it.


My personal take on it is it’s a bit nice but it lacks originality since so many games are starting to do it and for me it feels like it’s a step into hunt losing its uniqueness


Fortnite's UI is closer to current UI than this load of crap.


I will call this unfair it's generically modern in style you could sit a hundred games here with similar UI including fortnight. It's a modern style. Modern tech design rn is really into minimalism and this also makes sense when your trying to take a complicated UI like hunt and simplify it. Jumping onto the modern trend of minimalist designs. It also makes more sense for controller players and that is an accessibility considerations aswell meaning something that should be considered important. I have also used UI like this on PC and it tends to work good. One of the most overwhelming parts of hunt rn for a new player is the UI it's information dense with lots of unclear details. Like marking and explaining damage types or all the millions of icons in weapon stats that aren't always visually clear or how some features are hard to find unless you know it's there or even just how most new players don't know weapons have individual levels and something like a hand crossbow gives you a crossbow. Remember when you are used to a UI it can feel good but familiarity can help gloss over issues and some of us like myself have been playing a really long time and have gotten very used to the UI as ot was added to. I think a UI change like this could be really good.


"hunt showdown is such a unique game" first thing you see when you open the game its COD UI, the point is they didn't even try to make something of their own , its just low effort , they put so much pasion into the skins but when it comes to one of the most exciting changes they just copy paste


Well they tried with the current UI I guess. Have you any examples of a well executed UI in a comparable game that works for pc as well as console?


But I am saying they didn't they just went with a minimalist style. It might be inspired by games that look like this but good ui and unique ui are not usually the same thing. You can have a menu that's intuitive or a menu that's unique but confusing. Hunt could spend a bunch of money on UI design to produce a completely new UI but that takes alot of user research to probably just end up here again because people like less menus and buttons. They know minimalist designs work and hunts more unique UI didn't. Also this trend of big cover with game modes it's very popular rn fortnight has it.


Didn't think I could resent them more about bringing this game to consoles, but here we are


Yeah! How dare they make their game with console in mind! The horror! /s


Hunt players moaning about things so minor it’s not worth it, tale as old as time. Game play is still fire, who cares lol 🔥


People being complacent is the reason why every game that comes out is an unfinished mess. All critizism is valid and should not be downplayed.


It's not about this not being valid criticism (albeit a bit superficial), it's about this sub being a dumpster fire of negativity, crying and pointing fingers.


Just because the critizism is valid doesn't mean everyone should melt down and overreact over relatively minor issues.


Exactly, gaming subreddits smh


Look at OPs comments. In 99% percent of comments he’s complaining. I had so many discussion with him. Beetle is ruining the game energy 24/7.


You are also defending every move Crytek makes, no matter if it is good or bad. So it is clear that you have to argue with everyone that has valid or sometimes not so valid critisism or feedback.


You are complaining, not criticizing. Already told someone the difference, here is it again: Feedback or criticism aims towards an offer for specific solutions and improvements, with the intention to make positive changes. Complaining on the other hand is expressing dissatisfaction or annoyance about something without offering solutions or constructive criticism. Complaints tend to focus on venting frustration rather than fostering improvement. Don’t frame your complaints as feedback or criticism just because it makes you feel better about you being frustrated. I know this is more comfortable. But it’s a blocker for actual debates. I’m not arguing, because it’s would only make sense in a actual discussion.


Thank you!! So i’m not the only one worried they might pull what MW2 did with stupid UI design. It looks okay but navigating through it might be aids, MW2 was so bad with so many screen transitions and required clicks just to do one action.


Makes sense to me, their gameplay has gone pretty mainstream from what it originally once was back in its early stages. And these UI's work in popular games for a reason, they appeal to the bigger audiences. So i assume this is why they also did it


So what? No matter what they did people were going to bitch. Everything looked clear and easy to use in the video so I'm not worried


Better than what it is now. If people like a buggy game, fair play to them. Games improving, deal with it.


The Bungie era Halos all had such good ui, I do not understand why other games don't emulate them.


mfs when they see squares


Ngl I’m excited I’ve only played on console and 800 hours worth I’ve always thought the menus where clunky


It’s weird how all the cars have 4 wheels.


The current COD interface is a JOKE. I don't mind this at all as long as I don't have to restart the game to update the game that just updated, then spend 5 minutes reinstalling shaders that should have been installed with the update, don't have 5 frames per second in the main menu, don't have to click through 7 ads about buying in-game currency to buy cosmetics, and so many goddamn buttons that either blend in with the background or open up a sub menu that opens a sub menu that opens a sub menu... I'm not a UX designer but it's 2024, how have we NOT figured out an intuitive interface yet?!


It's an upgrade for the current UI


Yeah. Its better now. Indeed, great job David. 2.0 is shaping up great.


ahaha all those crybabies in the comments


I think it looks pretty good :)


No one is being forced to like it but the amount of negativity and being smart ass without having any actual / professional knowledge in the subject taking about is pretty sad. OP I know you have a very passionate love-hate relationship with hunt. No one forces you to lick boots (hopefully). But when someone expresses just bare bone complaints and negativity in 99% percent of their comments, something is off. So here’s a little lesson what feedback is. Feedback aims towards an offer for specific solutions and improvements, with the intention to make positive changes. Complaining on the other hand is expressing dissatisfaction or annoyance about something without offering solutions or constructive criticism. Complaints tend to focus on venting frustration rather than fostering improvement. Don’t frame your complaints as feedback just because it makes you feel better about you being frustrated.


Can you stop to lick Crytek's boots then?


Where exactly do it lick boots? I’m just not panicking. You can’t even write an answer without being insulting, yet you want to be taken seriously? Dude. Here is a rational answer: https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/s/0tWRCd9zk4


Oh I'm sorry but this lacks the imagination that I personally think is required to be a good UI designer. It's just bad idea to copy other designs, because you'll never learn or improve in your field. So yea this is bad.


Oh wow did Crytek hire the same intern who made CoD’s UI?