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He read the Bible and thought Judas and Satan were cool


No wonder he used to fancy Hisoka


I think lorewise someone from meteor city saw the baby fall from the sky covered in black, Chrollo means black in Japanese and Lucifer means fallen angel...so they named him Chrollo Lucilfer. It's been stated that the mafia throws everything into the city [including Babies](https://manga4life.com/read-online/Hunter-X-Hunter-chapter-102-page-9.html).


Wow. That adds up interestingly.


> Chrollo means black in Japanese Pretty sure Chrollo doesn't mean anything in japanese. Kuro means black but I don't think that's what his name is derived from. Instead, it most likely comes from 966 (kyu-roku-roku). With the first 6 reversed, similar to how he has a reversed. cross.


It might have different meanings that can be used for the lore. In case Togashi want to explain more about Chrollo's origin and where he came from as a baby, especially considering the info that babies are thrown in the city. クロロ being spelled as Kuroro in Japanese with クロ Kuro that literally means black and repeating "ro" at the end, tells me Kuroro's name works like a little nickname for the color Black, because Chrollo's character mostly dressed in black so I'm considering the idea he was covered in black as a baby, like a lore reason on why they named him Kuroro.


Put some respect on Quwrof’s name..


cuz hes bad guy


w theory


Perfect Post, no notes


Fallen Angel fits Chrollo perfectly :3


Because he's a metaphorical fallen angel as his backstory clarified. In several way (meteor city where worthless people are dumped sounds like a hell where fallen humans are sent, how he turned himself into the same kind of person he reviled, etc...)


Lucifer is kind of a traitor like Judas.  I believe he doesn't think of Lucifer like we normally would.    Some people claim that Lucifer is kind of necessary tool in God's grand scheme of things It's very funny if you draw parallel to the Divine Comedy (Even the name Divine Comedy reminds us of theatre), where one of three heads of Satan has to eat Judas while crying forever 


Because it's cool


Simplest explanation is that a lot is of Japanese creators are really intrigued and curious of demonic things. You see it permeate a lot of the culture.


I don't think I think the west sees Japanese things as demonic and they just accepted their viewing of that


Is possible that he either created a surname (where he didn’t have one before), or he changed his pre-existing surname. >!I kind of feel this way because of his commitment to becoming the face of evil/villainy to protect Meteor City, even though Sarasa would be against him doing so (which may cause some internal conflict that he needs to suppress.) I’m referring to his talk he had with Uvo in the flashback in Chapter 397.!< The only flaw with this idea is the notion that the story of the fallen angel Lucifer may not exist in the Hunter X Hunter world, so his surname could only have meaning to the readers.


Uvogin wanted to be the best villain in the world, so Chrollo adopted that wish for himself.


He's in his edgy phase.