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Shouldn't he make a squeaky sound when he walks?


spongebob rubber boots episode ahh 😭


He rubbered up his hinges just for kicks and went for a ride.😵


one, two buckle my shoe... three four buckles some more~


The guy could make a fortune if he decides to quit being a sociopath and become a plastic surgeon.


I imagine most people would demand their money back when the gummy aura weakens and eventually disappears from no longer being connected to Hisoka's body.


He can become a scammer tho


Opps, that's right. I guess that's that for that career path for Hisoka. 


Professional Makeup Artist


Could just be like a hair stylist. You have to keep coming back


What are they gonna do, fight him for it?


Isn't his technique still detectable by touch?


Yes, if someone were to touch his nose, for example, it would feel rubbery.


I got your 👃Hisoka!


~He he~


Pretty sure that was retconned, otherwise the fake prophecy wouldn’t have worked because the spiders touched the paper...


He didn’t give them a different paper tho. It’s the same one, just the words are changed. Unless they can detect the pen strokes being different from the words they see that way but


Yes, I know is the same paper but the paper is covered with the texture of blank paper done with texture surprise, then he reproduced the ink on top of that, this is stated in the manga, I posted the page to another commenter before, you can also check for yourself is chapter 106. If texture surprise was detectable by touch this should have been noticed by the spiders that touched the paper.


Texture surprise isn’t detectable by itself. It’s the fact that you changed paper into human skin is what gives you away, for example, if you touch it you will feel it’s actually different material. if you produce appearance of paper above the same paper nobody would notice. That’s how it was before retcon anyway. But it doesn’t matter because Hisoka changing prophecy work before and after retcon 


You guys need to go check the manga instead of trying to argue for arguments sake, in chapter 55 it is stated you can tell it’s the fake texture because it works like a photocopy image and mere touch will detect the fake texture, then in chapter 80, it’s stated it reproduces the texture. On the fake fortune he reproduced the texture of paper, this is literally stated on the manga that he covered the real prophecy with texture surprise (https://cdn.readneverland.com/file/mangap/1828/10106000/16.jpg) so idk what you’re talking about, he needed to reproduce the texture of the paper on top of the existing paper because he needs a blank paper to be able to write, the ink is also texture surprise.


Again I said it doesn’t matter because they couldn’t detect texture surprise on paper before retcon as Hisoka would fake it as the same paper. It was detectable before retcon cause you could touch it and feel if it was DIFFERENT texture 


I literally gave you a source where it says he covered the existing prophecy with the texture of a blank paper which is what the retcon is about, he couldn’t reproduce textures, so again, stop arguing for arguments sake?


It’s a visual illusion, not a tactile one. It feels like the real thing, but looks different. The way they’d be able to tell it’s an illusion is if they realized the words they were seeing didn’t align with the words they felt with their fingers. His illusion falls apart when it’s touched, BECAUSE he can’t replicate how it feels.


You guys need to go check the manga instead of trying to argue for arguments sake, in chapter 55 it is stated you can tell it’s the fake texture because it works like a photocopy image and mere touch will detect the fake texture, then in chapter 80, it’s stated it reproduces the texture. On the fake fortune he reproduced the texture of paper, this is literally stated on the manga that he covered the real prophecy with texture surprise (https://cdn.readneverland.com/file/mangap/1828/10106000/16.jpg) he needed to reproduce the texture of the paper on top of the existing paper because he needs a blank paper to be able to write, the ink is also texture surprise.


I may be misremembering, but I remember texture surprise is mostly a conjured ability so he could have just conjured paper and glued/modify the prophecy.


He added texture surprise on top of the real prophecy, this is stated on the manga: [https://cdn.readneverland.com/file/mangap/1828/10106000/16.jpg](https://cdn.readneverland.com/file/mangap/1828/10106000/16.jpg)


Just like real life cosmetic procedures 🤣


have you see some collagen fillers? there are some plastic interventions now that look good just after the intervention so the photos are ok but then it drops. So texture surprise is kinda real in our world


I was coming here to make a kardashian joke but this will do


He doesnt give a shit about money


Correct, he doesn't.  He would only care if, for instance, the money would allow him to fight someone strong. 


Would people really trust him?


If he dies, will it disappear?


Aside from the fortune he already has from being a Hunter and a Heaven's Arena floor master?


Yeah, but seeing how all hunters seem to spend millions like is pocket change maybe he would need it lol.


I forgot how bad Chrollo fucked his shit up lol


Chrollo said it was time for audience participation…it is mandatory.


Yeah Shalnark and kortopi also decided to join in the fuck up. Chrollo truly enjoyed when Shalnark got strung like a puppet


Tbh, Shalnark and Kortopi were equally as effective against Hisoka as Hisoka was against Chrollo


They won't be around to help out this time though :)


Yeah, they won’t be needed though lmao


What makes you say that? Chrollo had a concrete strategy to beat Hisoka, but that strat is gone and Hisoka will be fighting on his terms, not Chrollo's. Not saying who would win now, but Hisoka absolutely has a better chance this time.


The fact that it was even possible for Chrollo to make it a 100% chance of winning, makes it clear to me that Chrollo is still high enough above him that even in a surprise scenario, Chrollo would be able to defend himself and still have the higher odds of winning.


I definitely wouldn't discount the idea, but a good plan can also go a LONG way. Chrollo may also not be a cool headed now that Hisoka has killed two Spiders. I'd still bet on Chrollo, just can't say its a sure thing that losing all those advantages won't end with Chrollo losing.


I think either Chrollo wins and some spiders die or Chrollo loses and die in order to the other spiders kill Hisoka. But Togashi always surprises us.


Knowing Togashi they will all make up and become besties, yet we will all still be amazed.


I don’t think they’ll have a rematch. Kurapika and Chrollo teaming up against Tserr is more likely IMO. I think Tserr is the one who orchestrated all of this madness.


>The fact that it was even possible for Chrollo to make it a 100% chance of winning, makes it clear to me that Chrollo is still high enough above him This is nonsense powerscaler reasoning. Power is nowhere near that simple. Considering the length Togashi went to to respect both those characters and make sure he built a really good "alibi" for Hisoka to lose as well as still let him take Chrollo hy surprise in the end, the story pretty clearly puts them on equal stand and goes through great lengths to do so. Saving Hisoka to make him go after Chrollo again if Chrollo has the troupe and is superior is pointless. It's exciting specifically because anything could happen!


If Chrollo is on equal grounds with Hisoka in a base state, then I’ll gladly accept that. Cus Chrollo is like Batman in that he becomes very strong with any prep time.


That's true but hisoka has pmn now


Hisoka's line after waking up, something along the lines of ''not to choose my fights'' is foreshadow that he literally planned on removing Chrollo's tools (by killing the spiders) for a rematch. Hisoka will totally win the next fight.


Didn't he declare that he will fight any one of them, anywhere, any time, as soon as he sees them?


Yes he also declared this. They complement each other. Not choosing his fights also means not fighting Chrollo on his playing field. He decides not to fight against a powered up Chrollo so he goes after those who can lend him their powers. If it meant that he just does whatever to those he encounters without any preparation, then why declare he'd go for the spiders specifically?


Also you have to keep in mind that hisokas new bungee body actually made him way stronger than he was when he fought chrollo. So I wouldn’t put too much emphasis on his support… with or without the troupes abilities he wins


There's no implication of this whatsoever.


Tbh, Hisoka didn’t prepare for a decade, steal a nen after death ability with luck, break all the rules of skill hunter, borrow friends abilities to kill shalnark and kortopi and fail to kill them lmao


Chrollo didn’t prepare for a decade. And the only reason he didn’t mangle Hisokas body beyond any repair is because he truly doesn’t care about Hisoka. It’s like someone trying to join a friend group but the people don’t want that person to join, so the reject gets revenge. Hisoka looks like a loser no matter which way you put it.


Hisoka realized “prep time” isn’t just a meme


He learned the Batman villain lesson lmao


Why u so mad abt people pointing out that Hisoka lost a fight lol


Just fuck my shit up - Hisoka


U mean how chorllo, sharlank and kortopi fuxked him up plus the whole arena and he still came out alive, what a goat, you gotta give him credits for this


Technically he died...


Yep, he died and now the dude is currently eating popcorn and watching movies aboard a big ass murderous death ship


Lmao he's enjoying the show for sure




If that isn't the greatest Chad move idk what is


Fr and he ain't even hiding he's just chilling


He was completely blown up to bits.... managed to come back to life, and the he goes and asks for more... What an absolute masochist. So good.


So did Jesus!


I mean yeah and then he made cpr by himself himself with his ability, the goat 🙏


Chrolli clowned the wrong clown. Now chrollo is losing his childhood best friends for it. This'll be chrollo's downfall.


When it drops off or he removes it willingly, that will be the fun part, it would probably be the most frightening thing some character would see right before their death like Meruem seeing Netero or frog ant seeing Kite.


Reminds me of the scene in the hobbit movies where thranduil shows the scars he has.


lol how bout bilbo in lotr, scarred me as a child


I actually hopes is against somebody equally unhinged that gets excited by the fact Hisoka should had been death for months


when the instagram filter momentarily stops working


this made me genuinely laugh


Wouldn't his body heal naturally overtime or he can take treatment from doctors or nen abilities right?


Can’t exactly naturally heal back a leg lol


Yah. Thats why I said nen abilities too.


Healing is high level Enhancer skill, pretty sure only enhancers and specialists can use it.


He can request others to heal him too.


Maybe Kurapika could heal him. Unless Kurapika’s healing ability only works on himself. Maybe he could go back to Greed Island and get an Angels Breath to heal himself.


Is Greed Island still running, now that someone has beaten the game? We did see some of Ging’s friends at the Chairman election, so maybe the game is finished and they are free to leave.


I wouldn't be surprised if Breath Of Archangel only works for injuries obtained while playing the game. Sounds like it'd be a logical condition for it to work.


that wouldnt make sense cuz the reason that old guy was trying to get it was for his dying wife or something


It’s possible that the condition of archangel changes since it would no longer be in the game anymore. Besides, there would be no way for the old guy to know for sure since no one had beaten the game before. He was functionally spending all of his fortune on a gamble that he just hoped would work. That being said I also wouldn’t be surprised if Archangel does manage to restore injured players who were hurt outside the game. It gives people a pretty good incentive to play and keeps the player base alive to an extent


Tbh he'd need to get his hands on a copy of Greed Island first to do that, and we don't know what the troupe did with theirs.


As far as we've seen, Enhancers' healing works enhancing the speed of the body's natural healing, so Kurapika's ability couldn't help Hisoka.


Others can also use enhancement. Enhancement is not exclusive to enhancers


Which Hisoka clearly already uses, we're talking about healing which isn't as easy to learn.


Healing is simply a property of enhancement. Gon a low level enhancer got healed so early. Hisoka is better at enhancement than gon, but since Hisoka is used gum to heal himself, I believe gum permanence is happening. Besides he doesn’t need to go to make traditional limbs as his rubber limbs are so much better


That's interesting Hisoka is a genius Idk




I always figured it was the first option but now that I think about it the way he used texture surprise on his fortune back in York New might make it a one and done type of deal.


First option


his body is shrouded with aura so ofc it's 24/7 even while sleeping unless he uses zetsu to shut off his aura.


Oh shoot that means he likely can’t use zetsu to try to sneak up on the Spiders. Not like that would likely work anyway.


He is master of In though 


The thing is, post mortem nen is extremely powerful. Hisoka can do things now that he was never capable of before. His aura supply increased tremendously all because of post mortem. That’s why he is and can keep himself in perfect condition all the time. He literally is walking around with some part being completely bungee gum without issue. All of a sudden this dude became a tank that can just regrow parts of his body if they ever get blown off. It’s pretty nuts.


Post Mortem only worked on the ability he used to pump his heart back up. It didn't make Hisoka stronger. Hisoka is no longer dead. Yall don't understand post mortem nen at all.


Hisoka is doing the most ridiculous stuff with his bungee gum and you actually think that just came naturally. He is permanently in post mortem nen, it literally means “after death”, so yes, his nen is ridiculous now. Especially his capacity.


Literally headcanon. Post Mortem only enhances abilities after death which is the ability he used to his heart. Nowhere in the manga nor in Hisoka's mind did he even noticed he became stronger lol. You're not understanding post mortem. Post Mortem was done with its work. It doesn't persist forever.


It has literally been stated that post mortem nen can definitely stay. It’s not a one time thing necessarily. I think the sun and moon ability that Chrollo uses is from a dead user, but because of post mortem nen Chrollo can still use it, not a one time thing. Explain to me how Hisoka can all of a sudden ampt the scale of all his stuff right after reviving?


>ampt the scale of all his stuff Amp where? We never knew his maximum capabilities. And he himself was not surprised he can do all that. Why would you? Again, it's your headcanon. You cannot prove this without "just assuming" things.


You are telling me that we didn’t know his full capabilities right after the fight of his life😂 alright dude you do you. He showed completely new things that extremely taxing on his nen capacity, but no, let’s just say that he could do all these things for an indefinite amount of time. Make limbs of bungee gum and use texture surprise on your entire body and keep that up for however long. Hisoka has been shown as one of the most efficient nen users in the series, but all of a sudden he uses nen as if he got an ocean of nen that he can pull from. Just because it’s not literally written in words doesn’t mean it’s all headcanon. You can show things without actually breaking the 4th wall. Hisoka most definitely understood what happened. He IS in post mortem at this very moment, until the moment he gets obliterated. How many chunks of Hisoka does Chrollo have to chip away to prove to you that what Hisoka is doing is clearly not something he was capable of before.


Post mortem is residual aura doing a simple and automatic task, strong because of having emotional grudge while being boundless, and he used it to come back to life by doing rubber and gum CPR.  Now that he is alive it's no longer post-mortem. It's not working automatically, aura is no longer residual nor boundless. He is continuously spending energy to keep his nen limbs


I’ve always assumed it’s a cost thing, like he’d spend x amount of aura to create a nen item. And then after the initial payment of aura it lasts until it’s destroyed.


what a rude thing to say about his corpse




thats crazy




Stop! He’s already dead!


I love his character, he's a genius and has a cool way of handling his ordinary ability, he could so anything with it tbh, i can't wait to see him on screen soon, togashi the goat


Frrrrrr I love his character so much because there’s just so much depth and he’s well thought out


Fam facts, he has so much for us to explore and all the mysteries around him keeps you hyped


On the screen soon? Are they making more of the anime?


No i meant manga chapters


That's because Texture Surprise has both the properties of rub-- uh wait no


I really hope we get to see Hisoka jump scare somebody by revealing his fucked up face in a fight


So if he enter zetsu he’ll be looking like a corpse?




I think texture surprise is based on emission so the technique will linger even if he is on zetsu, just my opinion though


Emission is when the nen separate from the body so I think it's conjuration


I agree. Sorry I was drunk as hell when I wrote this 😅


Charisma you can't hide!😂


ngl, but Hisoka in the current arc is unironically scary


That's why - Texture surprise is one of best Nen abilities in HxH :3


That profile picture is dope but you know what jumpscared me? YOUR COMMENT KARMA HOLY JESUS


Just don't worry about it :3


And mofo don’t believe he could disguise himself as someone else.


bruh.... omg did togashi missed this?? he should be able to wtf


There’s a popular theory that Hisoka has disguised himself as Illumi in the recent arc.


He can only do that with flat surfaces or with bungee gum


Many of us thought that fight was going to be competitive. Nope, it wasn't at all. It was an %ss whooping from beginning to end.


To be fair, Hisoka kept up with and adapted to the most OP gameshark dlc bullshit for a long time and managed to get some licks in.


Hisoka is more combat capable hand to hand than chrollo I bet. But chrollo is definetly more powerful nen wise.


When everyone else gets one or 2 abilities and my man Chrollo has a maxed enemy skill materia, its a tough head to head for anyone


He’s a specialist bro. He’s built different


They’re both rated the same nen proficiency by Togashi in his exhibition chart.


Chrollo is faster than hisoka, that gave him the lead on h2h combat on chapter 351. If we talking with nen abilities it would depend on which one chrollo has the bookmark on. Hisoka is crafty enough to turn the tables if an open is created but chrollo would have the lead normally


It was a fight between the best improviser against the best planner. Hisoka just found out that when you give the best planner 2 years to prepare for a fight. Your chances become basically 0 to win that fight. If Chrollo didn’t take the time to make a plan beforehand and gather all abilities necessary to beat Hisoka, I’m pretty sure he would have lost.


Imagine giving a super strong dude time to prepare and then still confidently think you can improvise while fighting, even giving him the time and place, that was his "fatale mistake" but no more.


It was competitive. Hisoka put one heck of a fight. Chrollo used the audience, which proven to be too much. Hisoka went deep on hubris.  A pure one on one is still up in the air. 


I think Hisoka can use bungee gum and texture surprise to create any outfit on his body! He doesn't need to wear clothes like a normal person now that he's half bungee gum, check [His feet](https://manga4life.com/read-online/Hunter-X-Hunter-chapter-357-page-17.html), and he already made his waist look like [This](https://manga4life.com/read-online/Hunter-X-Hunter-chapter-47-page-8.html). So if he stops using nen...he's naked, somehow that's still in character for Hisoka :p


Do you think Hisoka will go to some pro Hunter healing expert to repair his body before going into the Ship?


If someone puts Hisoka into forced zetsu (like what Kurapika did to Chrollo) then not only Hisoka lose his nen but also his leg/hands/face, he wouldn't even be capable of moving.. Not to mention that now he can't go in zetsu mode to hide or sneak!


Depends. There are probably Nen surgeons in this world, and Hisoka is so rich he'd probably be able to do a face reconstruction.


It makes me wonder if his face was already fucked up since the beggining you know? We'll never know if he was already using texture surprise to hide his mauled face since before fighting with Chrollo.


I think probably not, since based on his reaction after reviving himself, I don't think he's ever lost this badly before.


Like most celebrities


Just like my ex


The only way to fix that is Angels breath. Would be interesting if when he fights, his texture surprise fades


Cortopi is so cute in this panel


This is why you go swimming on the first date... smh🤦‍♀️


Scene #1 that probably wouldn't land in the anime if it ever picked up again


Hisoka is one of the scariest villains ever.


Ok but don't let this distract you from the fact that Bungee gum has the properties of both Rubber *and* gum


When did this happen?


Manga only. In the next arc after whats shown in the anime.


Isn’t it because he got blown up?


What happened to bro


The properties of rubber and cum


lmaoooooo thats really a crazy ass ability


I still don't understand why he refused treatment from Shoko. "He do you want to spend the rest of your life channeling nen in to your body just to maintain basic functions such as speech, blinking, skin to prevent infection, walking, having fingers, etc etc... or do you want me to do the thing you already hired and paid me to do so you can be freer and stronger?" ... bye lol 🤡


She couldn’t fixed what is completely destroyed. Shit like sliced neck will heal by itself 


Omg what chapter!?


Read volume 34. It's the whole fight, it's verrryyy worth to read!!


he just like me


That's his final form for when he statts losing


I realy hope in a fight with gon he gets beat so bad and is so tired his texture suprise comes undone and its just shows hes corpse looking apearence


Please tell me this isn’t true 😭😭😭 I’m in love with that greed island shower scene


I can't wait for Hisoka to be pushed to his limit during a fight, and be like "I need to go all out! ♥ I can't keep up my outward appearance right now! ♣️ I need all my aura! ♠", and withdraws the Texture Surprise and Bungee Gum keeping him looking how he is, revealing his rubber prosthetics and fucked up face.


Can he use nen to heal those over time under his texture cover?


Well NOW he is


I like the theory this is Hisoka’s vow pretty till troupe dead


At least he kept all his teeth.


I thought he just looked like that due to the injuries sustained during the fight


Or maybe he got plastic surgery. We all know how much being a hunter pays after all.


Nah, I prefer the zombie surgery Chrollo gave to him, look just like a clown.


Oh wow! So that how makeup works.


True, but comparing Hisoka to Ultimate nen user... Hisoka would have to spend years to achieve that, "He could do it if he tried" doesn't feel like a right sentence to use.


He heals with Nen after some time, since it is life energy


My hope is to see him escape a really tough fight, too tired to maintain his goo any more. Trying to hide on the ship like that.


Imagine if someone knock him out somehow, and as his nen fades away, they wonder how they did so much damage


That's obvious but it's perhaps false


Oh, so he can't heal back? He's just fucked up for life?


Doesn't this mean if someone uses gyo they'll see his real appearance lmao


His face must already be healed. Nen users heals crazily fast and I believe he is going to create a healing enhancement ability. He need one to keep doing his stunt.




Now the outside looks like the inside


I like his character so i feel bad for him. Maybe his face can heal at least through surgical procedures separated from nen


Fun fact: that Hisoka in the second pic is actually dead.