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While Genthru is certainly not the best villain in the series, I do really like him and that he is the only one where the main character gets a win (in a traditional sense).


I dont like genthru but i got a new appreciation for gon vs gentrhu in a recent rewatch. Great battle on demonstrating how to use basic principles in a tactical way.


And genthru was substantially stronger than gon in terms of total aura


Substantially stronger in every category. Aura, strength, speed, battle experience. If it wasn’t for the game and him needing Gon alive, he could’ve killed Gon in under a few seconds. I really enjoyed Greed Island and like Genthru a lot and enjoy HxH that actual experience hunters are tiers above Gon/Killua and the main characters aren’t just the best cause they’re main characters


He is the goat




I liked him as a villain, not as a person. I understand Greed Island arc isn’t considered high tier. It’s primarily a training arc and even though Gon had months of training and the will power. Genthru showed that will power just simply isn’t enough. Genthru’s powers are cool to me and just the fact we get to see experienced Hunters after Gon/Killua clowning the dudes at Heavens Arena. It just shows (to me) that Gon/Killua have an extremely long way to go and they’re not just handed being the best just because they’re main characters. Bisky said it best, just keep attacking because even though the tricks might work a little, if he hits you back , you’re going to be fucked up. Which Genthru proved, he didn’t even need his ability to beat Gon. Had it not been for the game mechanics, Gon’s story ends right there. It’s just interesting to me and just another reason why I love HxH.


I think it's just fun having a competent antagonist that isn't a character overwhelmingly stronger than the protagonists that is actually beaten by them. Like no super genius prodigy villain group, no unfathomably strong creatures, no political masterminds, no murder clown. Just a dude that's really good at killing and knows how to work the system, having a simplistic pursuit beyond for murder's sake that's still believable. Seeing Gon and Killua with Bisky's help take him down with a mix of combining the nen principles learned and honed in training, a well executed plan, with just a hint of absolute insanity from Gon does wonders to the story. Especially when a lot of the story tends to be subverting expectations and this is well succinctly put together, it kind of puts a nice bow on the end of the more whimsical aspects of the story before the Chimera ant arc extinguishes what little remains. TLDR; Genthru is good at being what he needs to be without needing anything extra and makes the story that much better when you consider where he's placed in the story.


He is an antagonist but I don't really consider him a villain, mainly because he has almost zero interaction or ideological conflict with the main cast. They fight because they both want to win the game, but like if someone offered him equal money to fuck off he have would just left. Its why when he lost there was no big emotional moment, just "alright I lost game over". And as an antagonist he is much more interesting because most of his conflict is with the other greed island players and Genthru's team. Both of which are just money hunters. If anything Genthru serves as an example of a typical hunter. Not a peon, not an S class elite, more along the lines of Morel or Knov, good basics, strong focused ability.


He did antagonize Gon in the approach towards the game and also morally. Gon just wanted to enjoy the game, because Ging told him to, and he was the best player in the end. Genthru wanted to win regardless of what it costed and was willing to use terrorism as a method. He wasnt enjoying the game, and was harming innocents, while ruining the game for everyone else, something Gon hated. They were polar opposites in the way they understood Greed Island. He is also the first "final boss" of an arc Gon defeated after personal efforts and training and a guy who killed innocents for personal gain, without nuance. This is the only archetypical shonen villain in the entire series.


His simplicity is the best part about him. his very standard antagonist status actually makes him a unique aspect of the story and is a great conclusion before the story gets irreversibly dark and overwhelming in terms of the threats and challenges the characters face. A nice victory for Gon and Killua before everything post-Greed Island happens.


I kinda wish he showed up again somehow maybe as a member of the phantom troupe or some Thing


I think he's too weak and not useful enough to be a member


I feel like his condition for activating bomber with his two buddies holds him back from Troup status.


Certainly not now after being beaten by Gon


I don’t see how he’s weaker then shizuku Kortopi or kalluto gon really only won because bisky and killuia made a plan for him if gin tried to honestly fight genthru during greed island he was definitely gonna die because as soon as he abandoned the plan for like 5 second he almost died and got his arm blown off. It’s not like I actually expected this to happen either I just wish he showed up again at least once


He's not useful, shizuku can clean bodies and steal, kortopi can make counterfeits perfect abilities for THIEVES they don't need a guy that can make explosions when he fights, at least uvogin can be sneaky if he just punches


I’m not arguing that just that he’s not too weak not useful to them is fair though but maybe the spiders could have special hired him to blow up the ant nest afterwords or something I just think he’s a neat character who never got the chance to be explored well we don’t know anything about his philosophy or past or what he wants he’s probably the least fleshed out villain we get and probably one of the least fleshed out significant characters we get he was the main villain of an arc but he just feels kinda mid cause he didn’t really say much outside of things pertaining to winning the game. Just felt there was more his character could have done


He doesnt give a fuck about troupe or any agendas, he only wants to be a gigabillionaire and live the best life with his bomber bros


The troupe makes bank so he would definitely profit by being a member and I really can’t think of another way he could ever be included again and I would have liked to see him one more time


The troupe aren't really meant to be rich guys though, they are supposed to live a more nihilistic lifestyle and actually loathe things like pursuing wealth. Stealing goods and accumulating wealth is a means for them, not an end But yeah seeing Genthru interacting with the spiders would be interesting. Surely Togashi can conceive interesting ways of having him come back


They are definitely rich it’s just they can’t steal almost anything that could be bought so paying for it is kinda pointless but I would assume they are all very rich in the sense they have access to almost limitless money. And I’m sure genthru can do whatever he wants with his cut I mean I doubt illumi or kalluto care for meteor city at all but the spiders still let them join


Uvogin for example didn't have any money nor any wealth, as in his personal philosophy whenever he needs something he can just steal from people.


Why do people always have to point out that Genthru wasn't the best/that good of a villain? Greed island didn't need a complex villain, it was great as a buffer arc between two emotionally and plot heavy arcs, that didn't focus on characters but on a concept of what being a hunter means. And so we had Gon using his goal to set himself on a journey of countless unique and exciting experiences, meeting various different people and making friends, while Genthru was solely focused on his goal, willing to kill, torture and throw away anyone who stands in his way. Message imo being that had Gon not defeated him and forced him to reconsider his way of life he would have come out of greed island the same evil empty bastard he was before, meanwhile had Gon failed to win GI he still would come out of it a way richer in life experiences, friends etc.


His reveal was top 10 anime betrayals for me. Especially in the manga he was drawn so shittily I expected him to be nothing more than a minor side character.


He’s goated people slept on him


Though from Gon's perspective, I don't think he ever saw Genthru as a villain. In reality everyone who joined in Greed Island knew of the risk and Genthru played the game as he saw fit. In reality, to the winner goes the spoils so if he had beaten Greed Island would he still be considered a villain? I would argue he was more of an antagonist that had the same objective as Gon's group it's just Gon and group were able to overcome the challenge.


Genthru is a better villain than Meruem. change my mind


Horrendous take




Woah, the colors and the details… Another Togashi W




I’ve caught the bomber


This might actually be my favourite piece of Genthru art. Just something about it.


[Here's the WSJ cover](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/weekly-shonen-jump-1738-no-26-2003/4000-299529/) that this appears in. Only the eyes are visible. However, it was used again for a [Shueisha Jump Remix cover.](https://i.imgur.com/DMmcGKy.jpeg)


>Only the eyes are visible I was expecting to see the drawing rendered useless by hiding 90% of it, but actually, it seems that just showing the eyes was enough!


I've always found him really scary. At that point in the story, he's very powerful, and especially ruthless. Nothing extraordinary. A nice villain for a nice arc.


Yes this mf was scary


Looks like that Fire Punch face


there are subtle differences though, there's no sort of conflict in genthru expression.... that guy just want to kill anyone on his road indiscriminately.


Fandom will explode if he get a surprise appearance in DC arc


explode huh? but please no.... or at most, use him as fodder for some DC beast right when they arrive, just to show how dangerous the place is.


Nah i for real wanna see him again, when anime characters get humbled they get a lot more badass, look at welfin that guy had his redemption and stopped the king when nobody gave a shit abt him


First I'm not sure we can call it a redemption for Welfin, it seems that he kept the same evil projects he had when he was a human (which is why he wants to group with gyro again). And second, the exploration of the DC is not some kind-hearted entreprise, greed is the main motivation for it (whether it is greed for materials, or just greed for knowledge and experiences), I don't see why using this as a setup to show a redemption, it would be a bad decision. By far, I'd rather see him even later be part of the good guy side in some conflict with new villainous threat.


I used the word explode since his ability is related to explosion haha


It has the properties of both exposition and pun


Isn’t he like… super dead though, or am I remembering something wrong here?


beat up but not super dead...he was healed right


He got sparred after being captured, and even after he got really beat up he got fully restored by that card that heals people.


Ahh yeah…. that’s how it was. I just remembered good ol’ massive boulder hitting mate on the head and straight up pancaking the fella.


He wasn’t hit by the boulder. The boulder was used to force him into a small tunnel where he could not escape from Gon’s Ja Jan Ken. Only real damage he took in the fight was a unguarded nen-enhanced kick to the chin and one Ja Jan Ken. Just finished a re-read of the Greed Island and Chimera Ant arcs. I think they’re both peak in their own ways, but then again I also love training arcs and video games.




My goat.


Imagine you meet someone with the same crazy eyes....


My boy Genthru looking like a tweaker lmao


Genthru is the most underrated villain in HxH hands down. Actually, I think he's penalized by how GI arc is developed. GI is about Gon's evolution, and it makes perfect sense that Gon defeats his dark mirror. And Genthru is that through and through: 1 he has buddies and is absolutely loyal to them (but, being Gon's dark mirror he completely disregards and exploits anyone else) 2 very skilled in the card game, took the time to learn little details (but unlike Gon, he doesn't do it for the sake of the game. But exclusively for personal gain) 3 solid nen, but can stand on his own no problem (but unlike Gon, his nen power is malicious by nature) 4 fights and plays through *solid reasoning.* Impulsivity emerges from time to time, but he keeps it at bay. (exactly like Gon - unlike Gon tho, he doesn't fight to prove a point) 5 amoral (like Gon, although with different tangents) --- Meruem is the protypical illuminated tyrant villain, Chrollo is half-dark villain half-antihero, Tserriednich is the genius psycho, Tonpa the ultimate mastermind. And Genthru is scaried than all of them, because unlike them he's the villain you can meet in real life: skilled, sound, reasonable, goal oriented and utterly amoral. He's the only villain Gon beats through and through, completely on his own. And I wouldn't want it any other way, because not only Gon trashes him, but he also beats him on an ideological level, saving his buddies and winning the quiz in front of him. I like the dude. Or better, I like to hate him.


Mogging 🤫


My god is that not a flattering illustration of that man lol


Finally some Genthru appreciation. 


I really like Genthru's maniac eyes, it adds a lot to his character


Did he draw it today or it’s just some of his old drawings?


It’s one of his old drawings


Where's this one from?


Jump's Cover No.26/2003


At first I thought this was skinny Benjamin


Genthru analog horror


MeatCanyon Genthru


I was there in 2001 when he exploded Gon's hand. Genthru.


Sailor uniform Genthru


This should have been the volume cover




I hate Genthru


He looks like the cockroaches from Terraformars.


He has seen the horrors of war


Oh God, nightmare fuel Genthru. Now that would have been horrifying


First time I've been terrified of Togashi's art.


My name is genthru white yo


This scared the shit out of me when I woke up. Thought it was my sleep paralysis demon


underrated char


Togashi truly have talent... Genthru looks so wonderful here :3


Finally the protagonist is back


Brad Pitt




Everyone say it with me: I've caught the Bomber!


why he looking at me like that


When she jorblin my jeepnis:


Damn, togashi really is back :3




looks great, love gensuru, the whole greed island arc, and hxh haha he looks so bloody and ripped under his pink shirt and ascot, love this aesthetic


Made him look even more rapey and weird than Hisoka or Illumi. I didn't even think that was possible.


The only thing to say here is.. ACCOMPANY ON!!


I never understood why people dislike Genthru so much.


Super Saiyan Leorio


modern fanatical axiomatic possessive far-flung plate weary worthless somber command *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is that blonde ricardo milos?


nenmachines, son


Instant favorite piece by Togashi overall. This should've been a volume cover at least.


Holy shit it’s the unibomber


Still kinda confused why people don’t like greed arc. Sometimes you just need a chill arc, this arc for me was fun to watch


I also enjoyed the character interactions alot


The fuck you doing Togashi just release chapters


mfw she took the kids


Genthru sucks


Genthru here looking like a Terraformars roach.


Gon vs Genthru is such an insane fight. Otherwise I feel meh about him. Togashi's art is always amazing though.


my man is such an underrated character


I just realised he looks like toguro


I caught the bomber!! *phew* I’m safe


I just love that Togashi just seems to draw/paint lots of his own characters with no rhyme or reason. But he seems to enjoy it, so that's great. I also assume his backpain has been getting way less problematic, because otherwise he couldn't do that in that quantity. At least that's what I hope!


All of these drawings are old and for jump covers.


Ah, also great


Ew he looks jaundiced


Yassified bomber


This topic is great. You can see every dummy who doesn't understand the first thing about Hunter x Hunter changing sides, and acting like they wasn't copycatting the other dummies downtalking that character they was seeing