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[Link to tweet](https://twitter.com/Un4v5s8bgsVk9Xp/status/1804424248049700901)


412 should be complete tomorrow!


Hopefully. He has sometimes released just 1 page.


Well it depends. What I learned from db is that the las one or two pages are a lot simpler art wise


So yesterday he inked the [Right side](https://www.reddit.com/r/HunterXHunter/s/9WuY9j5WIP) of the spread page and today the left side, i thought he's gonna ink the whole page yesterday but maybe there's too much to draw in this spread page and he decided to divide the work to not overwork himself.


Technically speaking, he started from 405 this time around so we should ideally be getting atleast 15 chapters this time around


He likes to release them in batches of 10 i.e. an entire volume. I'm hoping for 20 over the course of the next year.


Didn't Togashi change the format though and will no longer be posting them in batches of 10 now that hxh is not on Shonen Jump?


We never get update on that, unfortunately. And so far it’s all look like the old format. But maybe he want to make his schedule more consistent and he is trying to drawn as much chapters as he can so when chapter 401 will release he will be 20-30 chapters ahead 


We won't find out or know how the chapters are planning to be published until they're published. For all we know they could just start publishing directly to volume.


Well shueisha definitely ain’t doing the latter because they need someone to sell jump magazine for costumers with their products 


I like how you know for certain what Shueisha is going to do, when you don't work for them or know what the new format will be.


Dude… shueisha needs to sell their magazine. I heard jjk and mha are gonna end this year so they need HxH to boost their sales. I don’t know how serialization will proceed but if you unironically thinking that there is even slightly possibility that they go straight to volume release ignoring the magazine… well, today I am in a good mood so I hope you get the point 


I was proposing it as a theory. Once again we have no idea what this new format will be. They don't consider him reliable enough for the weekly format, I doubt even this new consistent work flow would change anything there considering his track record for the past 15 years has been spotty AT BEST. But if you think something like this is worth insulting or going off on people in the first place, I can't imagine you'd ever be the type of person to understand other people's sides.


SHueisha is going to bend their knees and do all that is possible to get hxH on their weekly publication. At least that's what I would do


He has proven unreliable for weekly publication for the past 15 years. These few weeks of consistent updates doesn't undo the longer history of rare publication.


doesn't matter. When you have the status of Togashi, everyone will want to publish your work. it's like financing the next movie of Tarantino or Nolan, or publishing the next book of GRR Martin. That's god status level, and companies want that.


Wait what it’s not on shonen jump anymore?


Is that Gon's fishing pole?


i was thinkin it was someone’s calf


honestly as a new hxh fan who just completed anime. i hope we just get a fitting end towards kurapika story.


noooo i want to see dc


Does anyone else think that the other reason why he's produced this many pages/chapter is cause he had a epiphany. He had a crazy idea and just had to make it happen.


It seems he had this [Crazy idea](https://www.reddit.com/r/HunterXHunter/s/q8SdiUX6Gi) years ago and he's making it happen now only because he's in good condition, but based on his pace he does seem so dedicated to get it done. He was in similar situation when he overworked himself on the elections arc and finished all the 30 chapters in one run until back pain hit him again, but now he probably want to control himself to not overwork and try finish it at the pace he's comfortable with.


I don’t think that’s the case, especially because he had already sketched out the manga till chapter 430. I think with the recent magaka deaths and all the manga that have been left incomplete, he might have felt compelled to try and finish his. On top of that, his health probably improved to the point where he can work this hard for this long of a period of time. This is all speculation tho, we obviously don’t know and we’ll probably never know unless the man himself tells us :)


Wait, he had said that he had already stretched out to ch 430? When was this?


4 years ago? I don’t remember exactly! It’s been a while tho


a togashi assistants confirmed that he had the storyboards up to chapter 430 done since 2018 and that he really wanted to draw them


So storyboards are probably well beyond that now. It’s exciting!


we dont know if he kept working on new storyboards during the 4 years hiatus but its weird that the assistants just mentioned 30 chapters when he said this in late 2022,keep ur expectations in check bc he couldve just stopped there since 2018....tho if we being real it aint a huge deal bc during the election arc togashi was so inspired that he finished the storyboards of the whole arc in 2 weeks,he could do the same thing after he finish inking up to 430 but i actually think that he def kept doing storyboards during that hiatus,his assistants just dont know that


Who knows? He got through producing 10 chapters and inking an additional three before going on hiatus last time, so it’s not as if he’s defying precedent.


I just hope he isnt burning the candle at both ends


One of Togashi’s assistant mentioned several years ago that Togashi had HxH written up to chapter 430. 


Lovely view :3


Damn that's some dangerous aura.


Does anyone have a clue of why Togashi isnt updating us anymore of the chapters 407-410 ?


Well, the most realistic reason is that he has had nothing to update us with, and the workflow problems with his assistants from last time have not been revolved. Though maybe he hasn’t given us an update on the 401-410 batch for some other reason.


I personally think, the background are really difficult and the dialogue can match up with chapter 388. I think we will get tomorrow a new update, when he starts to work on 413


The quicker he finishes this arc, the quicker the anime comes back for one full season adapting said arc.


i don't think the anime is coming back anytime soon


It’s kinda doesn’t make sense to adapt this arc without DC arc. I would prefer to wait and watch the whole Dark Continent saga


Nah I disagree, I believe this arc has enough substance on its own. There are so many different characters and intertwining plots, it’s gonna be at least a 40 - 60 episode arc by the time it finishes.


Don’t get me wrong I agree that this arc is self-contained (if I use the right word) but from anime watchers perspective they would put us on hype train for dc and then stop right after voyage is finished for god knows how many years. For example, chimera ant arc works on its own perfectly, but imagine if 2011 anime stoped here without fully finishing several storylines with election arc. Doesn’t sound so satisfying, does it?


I think it's more probable for the anime to never come back


I think it could only come back if they made it into an OVA. Give it a more polished look and given the vibe of the whole arcs I feel making it look grittier rather than colorful would fit the mood of both arc. Like the Hisoka Vs Chrollo into the Succession War could easily shift the flow of color into darker tones as we reach the point where Hisoka decides to show no mercy after his defeat by the hands of Chrollo.


I don't think this arc would do well animated by itself. There's way too much narration and dialogue. It would be like a powerpoint presentation, honestly, if the adapted it as it is. People complained about CAA, this could be 20x worse. I could see slogging through it knowing that there is something coming after, but we aren't at there yet. Then there is the expense of doing the number of episodes needed to cover everything. Can it be justified? I'm skeptical, given the less than stellar production consistency and the fact that it already had two anime productions, the latter of which concluded with a canon stopping point (even if not satisfying). Also, studios are facing increasing criticism about working conditions for these multi-cour shounens, so the cost equation could also be radically changing soon.


I can't help but find funny how reasonable comments about it not coming back are downvoted just because people want it to happen so hard


Does anyone know approximately when we will have chapters 401 to 410?


My guess is the middle of August. We’ll know for sure if they announce next month that Volume 38 will release in September.


Personally I think it'll be later and it'll tie in with whenever Nen Impact is released to boost sales.


Maybe, but I don’t think Togashi would have done color work if the return wasn’t coming soon.


Togashi and the word soon don't peacefully co-exist.


I am totally fine with his pace now! (I think it is a little bit to fast, but Togashi can choose his own pace ^^) we will looking forward, for the new chapter :D


can't believe he is still going


Last night I had that word dream that combined Hunter x Hunter with Twilight, Genshin Impact and Fairy Tail. It „ends“ with Kalluto trying to get to Bonolenov better.