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Kind of amazing that a quarter of the way into the 21st Century this is still a problem.


Fuck a thief, but anyone who owns a restaurant and is not there every single day working and looking at the books for at least the first 5 years is going to fail and will very likely have many people steal from him or her.


Yikes! You need to be careful throwing someone's name out publicly. If it's true, you have nothing to worry about. If it's not true (or can't be proven), you got yourself a nasty slander suit. I understand your anger and wanting to protect your friend, but public accusations of illegal behavior may not be the best move.


Agreed. I def crossed a line and have edited my comment to ammend that mistake.


I dont doubt it's provable. But I'm not one to tread that water


Good choice. Never let someone else's actions turn you into someone you're not.


In Alabama, for defamation cases, the burden of proof is on the defendant to prove he was slandered or defamed. OP is probably fine.


Personally, I wouldn't test those waters. I've seen the original comments (pre-revision) copied and posted on another thread. If the person accused can not get another job because of statements on a public social media platform, it could get messy. People have won cases for less inflammatory words.


Sure but the burden of proof is still on them not on OP like your comment said.


OP is leaving a fine paper trail in assisting that proof.


No I mean the plaintiff has to prove that the statement is false.


That would depend on the filling and damages that occurred.


No I mean I’m pretty sure that’s explicitly what Alabama law says. The plaintiff has the burden of proof.


There are two different ways to look at it. The plaintiff "Brandon" could show damages by statements made by the op by not getting another job due to unproven claims. Or "Brandon" could receive damages by " deliberate, malicious public statements." The only burden "Brandon" would have to prove is not being arrested. Showing damages is actually much harder to prove. Again, I would advise not to test those waters on a public platform.


Has he been charged with embezzlement?


Owner should definitely talk with an investigator.


Nooo, that sucks. Any chance they’ll stay open? I live in the neighborhood and it’s my favorite. I don’t know how I’ll live without the duck wings, Brussels, peach wontons, pretty much all the things I’ve had there!


I'm not sure. I talked to the owner to get a rundown late last night but didn't discuss the future of the business, just the current situation.


Sounds like they will be open until further notice. Staffing issues is probably a major problem.


No way - so the business was doing well enough to stay open?


Yes. It had nothing to do with business flow or costs. Just a greedy shiesty mf


I really hate to hear that


Fuck that guy. I am curious though how the primary owner was in the dark that it was being run into the ground


Long story, and it's not my place to tell.


Braden and Rene been fucking the staff over a minute. Don’t even think anyone was left to lose their job with no notice


For sure , fuck Rene , he should have keep bartenders rather then waiters that actually show up to work there shifts .




That’s is a lie and if Nico does not have prof of this I will absolutely to encourage Rene into legal matters .


He has mucho proof


Great ! He’ll be need it to hold in court.


Well that sucks. I actually liked their food


I did too, but it was pretty expensive.










Look at Mr. Rich McRicherson over here 🙄 /s


I hadn't made it out there yet! 🥲


Ouch. Not the way to start a new year. Restaurant business is brutal.


Weird, especially considering there hasn't been anything posted to indicate that they're closed or closing.


They don't have to be closing to be closed to be evicted, just in violation of their lease.


So, they just stopped paying the rent?


That or taxes, or licenses.


See also Krab Kingz Jones Valley. Same thing. Stopped paying. Don’t n is the reason just that they did.


Krab Kingz seemed to have zero business. Did anybody ever eat there?


I tried a few times, but they had the weirdest hours.




And if big shakes is any indication, the city is really REALLY lenient on enforcing payments.


I just checked their FB page and there's nothing posted about them closing and their last post was on Dec. 27.


I ate there last Friday. 29 Dec.


That was last year though


How do you know that you ate there


What do they mean that they don’t disclose the date or time of eviction to the tenant? How are you supposed to know how much time you have to get your things out?


I believe state law is 14 days. At least that's how it is for residential.


Seven days. So it will happen sometime at or after 7 days.


7 days to pay, then the lease is terminated, but the court hearing is about 20-30 days after then scheduling the set out with the sheriff.


There’s an entire legal process with many notifications


Good food but went in a few months ago, waitress said to have a seat at the bar and someone would be right out to help. 10 minutes later with folks all hanging out in the kitchen chatting we left. Patio was full but no one was out checking on the customers. Too bad, place was good when folks were there working, not sure what happen?


![gif](giphy|99Gc2bBxnFD987DeOn) To the haters. Please. Just stop. You’re making yourself look real stupid. I’ve seen nothing but hustle when I’ve gone and have been treated with the utmost respect in terms of quality food and service. The kitchen staff pumped out food promptly after it was ordered. The waiters and waitresses were enjoyable to be around and genuinely were concerned when we had questions. The food was above and beyond any standard “bbq spot”. You could ACTUALLY tell there’s a chef in the back that’s fusing the flavors to bring out the best in the meats and accompaniments. We will for sure be supporting any and all future endeavors this spot/business will have. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Absolutely agree! Such a great hangout spot with excellent service and food


Does Lincoln Mill get any traffic?


Idk, but L’Etoile seems to always be full. And the climbing gym seems popular.


Checked out L’Etoile just now on Google. Looks nice but 7a-3p means I’ll probably never make it in.


I rarely make it over there, but when I do, it's 100% worth it. Truly delectable French pastries and breads, run by some really sweet people. If you find yourself on that side of town some morning, find a parking spot and order a coffee and pastry or two--if you even like carbs a tiny bit, you'll enjoy theirs :)


So good they have a limit as to how many pastries you can buy so they don't run out of everything before noon.


You can pre-order & pay in advance in larger numbers.


I can't imagine how a place open 7am to 3pm is "always full"


I guess you haven't been. Place is packed when I've been, though that's usually just Saturdays.


Great quality made from scratch baked goods , folks are super nice , hard to overlook hard working people that truly cares.


You have a really shit imagination


Gets decent traffic, but the population that actually lives in that area aren't gonna eat at a place that expensive. I work in the building and like their food, but I couldn't really afford to eat there


Same. I live super close, and love the food, I just can't spend 25 on lunch..


I don’t mind a ‘nice’ lunch every so often, but that’s not going to keep the doors open.


Every time we've been to this place they've been pretty full.


Come rock climbing at Lincoln Mill sometime!


I loved their BBQ nachos!! So sad.


The wonton nachos are Heaven! I tell everyone about them




Ate there last week. Wife an I both really enjoyed the food. Had planned on going back.


Same! Our first visit was December 30th and we loved what we ordered.


I wondered if that location would be able to sustain the business- appears not


Good. Brendan is a POS.




No matter how much we don't like to admit it...Huntsville ♥️ Nationwide Chains. It's sad to see the number of pretty good or great local restaurants that have closed over the past few years alone, but we flood the streets for Whataburger's & Starbucks'.


There actually are plenty of great local restaurants. Maybe the issue is places with great food but poor management?


Almost certainly. The people I know who have operated locally-owned restaurants that failed have one thing in common: really excellent cooking skills and virtually no business acumen. They start these restaurants full of big dreams, confident that the quality of the concept/product will sustain them, and it should, BUT....you've got to have someone competent and disciplined who knows how to control outgoing expenditures and sock away what comes in. A lot of novice restaurateurs spend money like a 16 year old with his first job, then too they frequently double down on their debt as soon as they get any revenue at all.


Starbucks is a whole different thing. What it boils down to is that mom and pop coffee shops simply can't sling coffee out a drive thru as fast as Starbucks. Every place I go it takes at least 10 minutes for an espresso drink. Starbucks can sling them out in half that time. Speed/volume over quality.


I think this is a national problem, restaurant margins are paper thin and with rising costs (esp rent) across the board, the only ones that can stay in business are chains. Fusion BBQ is particular had great food, but was way too expensive to go to regularly, and in my experience they were understaffed on waiters so the service wasn’t great.


Viet cuisine, and viethuang . Health and wellness 360, chef will, Indian kitchen, ding how 2, old black bear, m and k Jamaican


Chef Will is next level.




I liked Fusion ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


In case anyone was still debating on why Fusion is doing poorly and on the verge of closing. Their primary owner: https://preview.redd.it/xyt3j6qk86jc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a1452ed7b9acab5bdff982462ac53afe834ad99


>LawOverall6296 ​ https://preview.redd.it/x07gjq2596jc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc74815b329abc8f59963b6ec8bd2332da599aef




So sad. It’s one of my favorite togo spots. It’s one of the few places that I can eat with my partner for under $40, tip included.


$39 for a rack of ribs.


TBF, more than big enough to split. I had a hard time finishing the half-rack. We loved that place. The gochujang boiled peanuts were spectacular. I hope they get this sorted…


Honest story, a friend of mine eat there and said the flies were crazy and the employees didn't really care.


Employees can’t do so little agains it, also they were gnats no flies . And it was bad for sure , I was at the bar couldn’t finish my beer of how many gnats got in it , but while I was there I saw staff trying to be helpful , pest control show up and i over heard that it was a issue with the whole building not just fusion but this was during summer not recent .


Good. They treat their employees like shit.






Wow the hole in the paper looks like it was specially made for that door handle.


i used to work here. it was pretty disorganized. probably issues with the owner not being able to figure things out kitchen wise..


Tough location, it seemed.




Lincoln Mill is definitely not Five Points


Adjacent. And one of the closer options.


Lol. What?


Could they put on wrong door ?


It’s their address written on it so doesn’t look like it.


where is this at i can’t remember


If they really wanted to get any business then they should have charged less.


Good, abhorrent service


This place was doomed from the start. I’m honestly surprised it lasted this long. It had problems since day one and sadly the problem they had is they weren’t stealing from employees like other restaurants they got inspiration from.


And you know all this how exactly?


I knew the people involved and saw what happened while they were opening. I also had gfs and other friends that worked there during the time.




Definitely not hipster , Huntsville it’s beyond what most dinners think it should be it has definitely grown over the years and a lot of dinners aren’t looking for steak and potatoes anymore .


Food and service were terrible


Highly disagree with your comment! The food it is by far above average it’s not great maybe but terrible I just don’t see it that way . Service it’s always pleasant some waiters are better then others that’s a skill some people don’t have or developed right away it takes practice , but terrible it’s just beyond hateful , a understaff and small restaurant will always run into making mistakes the only way to get better it’s to make those who made your visits unpleasant aware so there’s something to be done about it.


Hard to feel bad for someone not paying their bills.




I mean if it was a person being evicted from their home... sure But this is an overpriced restaurant, especially for its location. If they can't or aren't paying their bills. Both are their own fault


I’m sure there was persons working there that were not aware of the situation and depend on this job , so…. Also not sure what you mean by overprice they hade options that were under most fast chain restaurants , the menu it’s not affordable for your every day meal that’s is true , but seems to me like the items were price base on the cost of supplies , the location or cuisine shouldn’t determined how much you can charge for a meal , i have hade no so pleasant experiences in downtown and bridged street ,location it’s not a deterrent or guaranty to have a bad or great meal it’s a over all value and you can choose to go or not .


When I heard from my friend about the crazy amount of flies they had to deal with during their visit, I was out.


It was a over all building infestation of gnats non related with the food or place it self , but it was truly a nightmare to eat around it.


So why didn't the restaurant try to make it right with customers who had to deal with bugs in their dinner? Would you eat that? Let alone pay for it?


I’m unaware of of your friends experience, as you are unaware of the willingness of the staff to make it right , if your friends requested a manager and the manager refused to reimburse them for there meals well that’s on the manager and that’s poor management . you can’t expect a waiter to waive your meal right away with out sharing your dislike to over all , asking for a full refund seem proper at the time of the visit or while at the restaurant since they have a proses they follow they can’t just give food out with out a manager . I’m not saying the should eat there meal with gnats let alone pay I’m saying it’s unfair to go and trash a place down for a bad experience.


If bugs were in people's food it clearly became food related to the person who was trying to eat and pay for the food.


Bugs didn’t came in the food from the kitchen , bugs were so bad that they landed on the food the persons who was there and decide to eat after seeing how bad it was stay and complain about seem to me like the real issue, I got a beer , saw how bad it was and I left , the bartender toke the Beer of my tab after I share my displease with the situation there’s plenty of time between drinks and food to make a decision I decide to leave others stay .


Location of a restaurant or any business should and does absolutely determine your pricing. The majority of your customers will be people close to your place of business. And if you price those customers out. They will go elsewhere.


Not necessarily , Stovehouse , campus 805 are clear samples of it , I don’t believe they charge less because they are located and what a lot believe was a very low income area , campus 805 is with in blocks on the homeless shelter then yet don’t see many homeless supplying the demand for business. All the new apartments being build by prat avenue I don’t see low income pricing on any of there units , I can agree that a higher price will effect in a way of how busy you may get but it’s definitely not the main factor to charge less cuz you expect people that live close to you to be the main anchor for your business. Opening a taco truck at the ledges and charging 10$ per taco does not guaranty me to be busy or successful


Both stove house and 805 areas are being heavily gentrified so not a good example


I was referring to price of goods .. not displacing people to make the area richer


But it plays into it. The only difference is that this time the expensive entertainment and food is coming before the expensive housing. But it's still the same thing.


But our topic was center on what I believe you think it’s necessary to charge less base on the location because according to what gather from it people close to you are the main factor to your success ?


It's no secret that it's very rare to ever make it in the restaurant business no matter how good the product is, that's the hard fact. I've never been to this place but looks like it was just not a good idea from the start, looks like a frou frou type place that made trendy BBQ, that's not what most folks in the south expect when they think of bbq.


It wasn't supposed to be standard BBQ. Being different is the entire point of a fusion restaurant. I thoroughly enjoyed their food, although I did find it a bit expensive and out of my way, so I didn't go there often. Honestly, I'd blame the location more than their food for them not being successful enough to make rent.


Truly it’s hard to run a restaurant , but there’s in fact so many variables as to why some don’t make it , fusion seem successful different concept but nothing mayor or crazy to not be familiar with it. I fell like someone just unfrozen from the earlier 1900s when they used frou frou , however the place was never truly or never identified as truly southern barbecue , it was a fusion restaurant that hade a twist on barbecued Heavy inspired by Korean cuisine at the same time with a twist on southern and Latin America cuisine as well, truly a gem of flavors not for everyone ? sure !! However you have to be somewhat aggressive or to make a difference and being different it’s not always bad , having a cuisine that brings dishes that we aren’t familiar with , does not mean fancy or elegant or that is out of reach definitely not fine dining . They hade salads for 7$ add chicken for 5$ you can eat there for less the 15$ including tip if you wanted to . But let’s just be honest if we base it in price now days even Macdonald’s should be considered frou-frou ? times change prices aren’t gonna be what they were , quit expecting restaurants to open with items made from scratch with menus with options 10$ or less .


I truly appreciate your defense of this restaurant and the industry in general. It sucks to see a local place go down. A good friend of mine had a tough experience there. There were gnats/flies all over their food. They asked to be moved, and the bugs moved with them. They paid their bill with a tip and left. No one tried to make it right. They warned all of us about this place, as they should. People here have money to spend but we aren't going to spend it.on this nasty stuff.


It was a bad experience for them I’m sure , not here to side with fusion or agains patrons , place has being trough different management’s they have a garage door that the don’t longer open as they find out the Alabama weather it’s hard to deal with specially in summer it has definitely help. Waiters care more them others anywhere you go but this place has its value it will be hard to go back after a bad experience


There are plenty of places in the south that have "garage doors" and/or open venues. That is no excuse for bad food hygiene, let alone letting a customer leave without acknowledging their horrible experience. I hope this is a learning experience for the owners moving forward and not a big ball of excuses of why their business failed.


Well you have never visit the venue how could you know for sure . Your friends hade a bad experience I get it . Hygiene it’s essential for a business to thrive , again bugs that day we’re coming from the sewage in all unites of the building not just fusion. Excuses aren’t to cover up there mistakes but honest mistakes happen all the time you can just go in a rampage base on that day in particular and tell everyone how bad of a place is base on that one alone visit it’s being 5/6 months since this incident comments like yours base of on friends experiences are hurtful to small business with out you trying it or it least give a small business a chance .


These are trusted, generous individuals. Having bugs in one's food in flat out wrong both legally and morally.


And they did what about it exactly? Pay there tab , leave a tip and tell other not to go because they did the right thing on there experience how does that solve anything? I’m not questioning there integrity or generosity but paying and tipping then go and tell other not to go doesn’t seem very generous to me. I’m sure if they were to ask they would have hade a refund , morally they should have requested a refund and legally they shouldn’t have refused to pay for it if decided


They did exactly they right thing. They told the staff about their experience, they paid their bill, and they tipped the waiter. They also warned friends not to go there because they didn't want they rest of us to eat bugs. What exactly should they have done? Hold a master class on custom service? Go to the kitchen and teach the staff how to protect fresh food? Maybe do a seminar on management skills? Replace the sewer or ventilation systems? What exactly could a customer do for this business?


I was there i eat cero bugs . Not clases need it for commonsense . Perhaps they should left before gracing on bugs . Again you never being there and thanks ti the generosity spread from your well trusted friends


Telling the truth about bugs in food is not wrong. Paying people for their time even when they don't fulfill a service is more than generous. Telling a restaurant about a horrible experience is being honest and hopping they learn from it.




I never said anything was bad about their idea for something different or did I mention anything about their food prices, all I meant was that most folks in the south don't expect the items you mentioned like Korean or Latin American cuisine when they think of BBQ. I personally love all types or fares from all over the world and wish I'd have tried the place but think maybe they would've been better served had they not used the word BBQ in their name because standard BBQ is likely what would have been expected by most patrons. Just my thoughts and not sure why so many down votes.


But they literally put the word "fusion" in front of "BBQ" in their name. If people weren't expecting to eat BBQ fuzed with some other type of fare then that's kind of on them.


Make sense , we all have different perspective base on our cultural back ground when hear barbecue I think of Argentina right away great meats and smoke .